#best doctors in delhi
rawahealth · 22 days
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madhubancare · 8 months
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drtaru · 8 months
Discover Excellence in Hernia Care with Dr. Tarun Mittal in Delhi
Are you in search of the Best Hernia Doctor in Delhi? Look no further than Dr. Tarun Mittal, a distinguished name in the field of surgical gastroenterology and hernia treatment. With his expertise and commitment to patient well-being, Dr. Mittal ensures top-quality care for individuals dealing with hernia-related concerns.
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Understanding Hernias
Hernias are common medical conditions that occur when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot or tear in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. They can cause discomfort, pain, and sometimes serious complications. Prompt and expert medical attention is crucial for hernia management.
Meet Dr. Tarun Mittal
Dr. Tarun Mittal is a highly respected surgical gastroenterologist renowned for his proficiency in hernia treatment. His extensive experience and dedication to patient care have earned him a prominent place in the medical community.
Why Choose Dr. Tarun Mittal for Hernia Treatment?
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1. Expertise: Dr. Mittal specializes in surgical gastroenterology, making him exceptionally skilled in diagnosing and treating hernias. He remains at the forefront of hernia care, utilizing the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best possible outcomes.
2. Patient-Centered Approach: Dr. Mittal believes in personalized healthcare. He takes the time to listen to your concerns, thoroughly explains treatment options, and creates a tailored plan that suits your specific needs.
3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dr. Mittal's clinic boasts modern surgical facilities, guaranteeing a safe and comfortable environment for hernia treatment.
4. Compassionate Care: Hernias can be physically and emotionally challenging. Dr. Mittal and his team provide compassionate support throughout your treatment journey, ensuring you feel confident and cared for.
Hernia Treatment Options
Dr. Tarun Mittal offers a range of treatment options for hernias, including:
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: Dr. Mittal specializes in minimally invasive laparoscopic hernia repair, which typically involves smaller incisions, less post-operative pain, shorter recovery times, and excellent results.
Open Hernia Repair: In some cases, open surgery may be necessary. Dr. Mittal is skilled in performing open hernia repairs with precision and care.
Choose Excellence in Hernia Care
If you're dealing with a hernia and are in search of the best hernia doctor in Delhi, Dr. Tarun Mittal is your trusted partner in regaining your health and comfort. Don't let a hernia control your life. Take the first step toward a hernia-free future by scheduling a consultation today.
Contact Dr. Tarun Mittal's clinic to book an appointment and entrust your hernia treatment to one of Delhi's leading surgical gastroenterologists. Your well-being is Dr. Mittal's utmost priority, and he is dedicated to providing you with the best possible care.
Please note that this content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Individuals seeking hernia treatment should consult with a qualified healthcare provider like Dr. Tarun Mittal for a proper evaluation and treatment plan.
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dermasureclinic · 9 months
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When it comes to seeking top-notch skin specialists and dermatologists in Delhi, look no further than Dr. Shirin Bakshi, renowned as one of the best skin specialists and dermatologists at DermaSure Skin & Hair Clinic in Delhi. With her holistic approach and evidence-based medicine to skincare and hair specialist, she has earned the reputation of being among the top dermatologists in Delhi. Dr. Shirin Bakshi's dedication, experience, and commitment to excellence make her stand out in the field.
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sexologist8787 · 11 months
Explore the causes, treatment options, and solutions for erectile dysfunction. Gain a comprehensive understanding of this common condition and discover ways to improve sexual health and well-being.
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perfect-clinic · 1 year
Perfect Clinic is one of the oldest & most authentic Sex Clinic located in New Delhi. We are dedicated to bring you the best of life-changing treatments and provide you the help and support you need to start your own family.
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अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन कैसे होता है - पूरी जानकारी
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अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन करवाने से पहले जानें इस प्रक्रिया के बारे में सभी जानकारी। यहाँ पढ़ें पूरी जानकारी।
अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन करवाने से पहले आपको इस प्रक्रिया के बारे में सभी जानकारी होनी चाहिए। यहाँ आप पूरी जानकारी पा सकते हैं, जैसे कि ऑपरेशन की विधि, उपचार के बाद की देखभाल और इससे जुड़ी अन्य महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी।
आँखों के ऑपरेशन का मतलब क्या होता है?
आँखों के ऑपरेशन का मतलब होता है कि आपकी आँखों में कोई समस्या हो जिसे ऑपरेशन के द्वारा ठीक किया जा सकता है। इस प्रक्रिया में एक चिकित्सक आपकी आँखों की समस्या को देखता है और उसे ठीक करने के लिए एक ऑपरेशन करता है। यह आमतौर पर एक साधारण प्रक��रिया होती है जो आपकी आँखों के लिए बहुत उपयोगी होती है।
अंबिकापुर में भी आँखों के ऑपरेशन की सुविधा उपलब्ध है। यहाँ आपको एक अनुभवी चिकित्सक द्वारा आपकी आँखों की समस्या को देखा जाता है और उसके अनुसार एक ऑपरेशन किया जाता है। आँखों के ऑपरेशन के लिए कुछ विशेष उपकरण भी इस्तेमाल किए जाते हैं जैसे कि लेजर या एक्सरे आदि। इस प्रक्रिया के दौरान आपको अनेस्थेजिया दी जाती है ताकि आपको कोई दर्द न हो। इस प्रक्रिया के बाद आपको थोड़ी सी आराम करने की आवश्यकता होती है और आपको अपने चिकित्सक के द्वारा दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करना चाहिए।
आँखों के ऑपरेशन के लिए तैयारी कैसे करें?
अगर आप अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन करवाने जा रहे हैं, तो आपको इसके लिए तैयारी करनी होगी। आपको अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना चाहिए और उनसे ऑपरेशन से संबंधित सभी जानकारी प्राप्त करनी चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों की समस्या के बारे में भी अच्छी तरह से जानना चाहिए ताकि आप अपने डॉक्टर को सही जानकारी दे सकें। आपको ऑपरेशन से पहले भोजन की तैयारी करनी चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए।
आँखों का ऑपरेशन करवाने से पहले, आपको अपने डॉक्टर से सलाह लेनी चाहिए कि आपको कौन सी तैयारी करनी चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों की समस्या के बारे में अच्छी तरह से जानना चाहिए ताकि आप अपने डॉक्टर को सही जानकारी दे सकें। आपको ऑपरेशन से पहले भोजन की तैयारी करनी चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए। आपको ऑपरेशन के दौरान शांत रहना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार आगे की देखभाल करनी चाहिए। आपको ऑपरेशन के बाद भी अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए और अपनी आँखों की संरक्षण के लिए उनकी सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए।
ऑपरेशन के दौरान क्या होता है?
अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन के दौरान आपको एक निश्चित समय के लिए अस्थायी अंधापन महसूस हो सकता है। आपको ऑपरेशन के दौरान चिकित्सक द्वारा बताए गए सभी निर्देशों का पालन करना चाहिए। आपको ऑपरेशन के बाद भी कुछ समय तक अपनी आँखों की देखभाल करनी होगी और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना होगा।
आँखों का ऑपरेशन एक चिकित्सा प्रक्रिया होती है जिसमें आपकी आँखों की समस्या को दूर करने के लिए एक छोटी सी कटाव की जाती है। इस प्रक्रिया के दौरान आपको एक निश्चित समय के लिए अस्थायी अंधापन महसूस हो सकता है। इसलिए, आपको ऑपरेशन के दौरान चिकित्सक द्वारा बताए गए सभी निर्देशों का पालन करना चाहिए। आपको ऑपरेशन के बाद भी कुछ समय तक अपनी आँखों की देखभाल करनी होगी और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना होगा। इस प्रक्रिया के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए, आप अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श कर सकते हैं।
ऑपरेशन के बाद की देखभाल कैसे करें?
अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन के बाद, आपको अपनी आँखों की देखभाल करनी होगी। आपको अपने डॉक्टर द्वारा बताए गए सभी निर्देशों का पालन करना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को साफ रखना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर द्वारा बताए गए दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को धूप से बचाना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए।
ऑपरेशन के बाद, आपको अपनी आँखों की देखभाल करने के लिए कुछ बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को साफ रखना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर द्वारा बताए गए दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को धूप से बचाना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को ठंडे पानी से साफ करना चाहिए और अपनी आँखों को रखरखाव के लिए नियमित अंतराल पर अपने डॉक्टर के पास जाना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को अधिक से अधिक आराम देना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए।
ऑपरेशन के बाद सावधानियां और समस्याएं।
अंबिकापुर में आँखों का ऑपरेशन के बाद, आपको कुछ सावधानियों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को धूप से बचाना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए। आपको अपनी आँखों को साफ रखना चाहिए और अपने डॉक्टर द्वारा बताए गए दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए। अगर आपको ऑपरेशन के बाद कोई समस्या होती है, तो तुरंत अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना चाहिए।
ऑपरेशन के बाद, आपको अपनी आँखों को धूप से बचाना चाहिए। आपको अपने डॉक्टर की सलाह का पालन करना चाहिए और अपनी आँखों को साफ रखना चाहिए। आपको अपने डॉक्टर द्वारा बताए गए दवाओं का सेवन करना चाहिए। ऑपरेशन के बाद कुछ समस्याएं हो सकती हैं, जैसे कि आँखों में जलन, सूखापन, या आँखों का लाल हो जाना। अगर आपको ऑपरेशन के बाद कोई समस्या होती है, तो तुरंत अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करना चाहिए। आपके डॉक्टर आपको आँखों की देखभाल के बारे में अधिक जानकारी देंगे और आपको बताएंगे कि आपको कैसे अपनी आँखों की सेवा करनी चाहिए।
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Child Kidney Specialist in Delhi
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Kidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation.
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He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals.
Call Now: 0124-4141414 Visit: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
You can also search for: Child Kidney Specialist in India Child Kidney Doctor in IndiaBest Pediatric Nephrologist in India Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in Delhi
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bharti5 · 1 year
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If you are looking for the best eye surgeon for cornea transplant in Delhi, you may want to consider Bharti Eye Foundation.
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dermaartsclinic1 · 1 year
Best Dermatologist in GK1 Delhi - Dr. Mitra Amiri
Best Dermatologist in GK1 Delhi
Finding the perfect dermatologist near you to help you with your skin problems and other skin care needs can be a really difficult task. You might know nothing about the doctor and be skeptical to go for a consultation.
With your skin being so sensitive, it’s essential that you do proper research and find the best dermatologist for your skin care requirements. Well, if you’re in GK1 Delhi, then you’re in luck. We have done all the research for this area and found the best dermatologist in GK1 Delhi. We’re talking about Dr. Mitra Amiri, an aesthetic dermatologist with 11 years of experience and high-level expertise in conducting various cosmetic procedures and other treatments for skin and hair restoration.
Let us help you with more details on why we think she is the best dermatologist in GK1 Delhi.
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Why is Dr. Mitra Amiri the Best Dermatologist in GK1 Delhi?
As difficult as it is to find the best dermatologist for your skin care needs, with thorough research, it’s possible. One of the dermatologists who we suggest for GK1 Delhi is Dr. Mitra Amiri. She is an aesthetic dermatologist with 11 years of experience in performing multiple cosmetic procedures and surgeries. She is an expert at different cosmetic surgery treatments such as Botox, fillers, face lift, thread lift, etc., with master training in Botulinum toxin.
With her experience and expertise, she is also an active trainer and strives to build her team of dermatologists, paramedics, and other support staff for Derma Arts. With hands-on training from Dr. Mitra Amiri, every person working as staff in the clinic is well-trained and knows their job well.
With Derma Arts you can get all kinds of skin treatments including cosmetic treatments, permanent makeup, facials, etc.
Moreover, the clinic is also equipped with treatments for hair restoration. Such treatments include hair transplants and other oral hair treatments.
Every procedure is done under the expertise of Dr. Mitra Amiri and she takes care that her patients feel comfortable with the treatments both during the treatment and after seeing the results of the treatment.
It’s this thorough dedication itself to her work that Dr. Mitra Amiri has won the award of best young dermatologist. There are many more awards and recognition that she has received.
Besides that, she is also an active member of multiple dermatology website.
So, she is a highly qualified dermatologist with years of experience and practice and ensures giving the best treatments to her patients. Her existing patients have seen fantastic results with her treatments and they’re able to stay more comfortable under their skin after the treatment.
She has also founded Derma Arts and even practices as an associate doctor in the GK1 Delhi region. So, whether you want to visit Derma Arts or any other clinic in GK1 Delhi for your skin treatments, you have Dr. Mitra Amiri available.
These factors are a direct indicator that Dr. Mitra Amiri is indeed the best dermatologist in GK 1 Delhi. So, what are you waiting for? Have skin problems? Go ahead and consult doctor Mitra Amiri.
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vinod12raina · 1 year
Best HIV Treatment In India
His advantageous and energetic method toward his career has stored extra than lots of humans. He conducts CMEs (keep scientific education) and meetings on reasons for HIV / AIDS, Pep Treatment and Sexual Dysfunction remedy, and meal eating regimen nourishment often to educate & replace scientific specialists approximately the challenge and amplify his knowledge.
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a systemic remedy wherein we will shop lifestyles of a affected person and assist him to save you from turning into HIV positive. Any feasible publicity if you want to cause HIV contamination along with sexual sex with intercourse employee and at some stage in that condom receives burst or having intimate rub down at rub down parlor; the man or woman is uncovered to direct touch which can cause the feasible publicity to HIV. And, any medical examiner who receives uncovered to any device prick like needle, cannula or some other sharp device at some stage in any surgical or dental methods or in case of drug abuse sufferers the publicity to needle pricks or kids gambling in playground uncovered to any mucus membrane wound publicity or at some stage in any bus, teach accident, the probabilities of infection can take place. This is feasible in case of sexual attack also.
In a majority of these cases, we will placed affected person on PEP remedy that is a gadget of drug treatments wherein we use minimal four anti-viral tablets for the remedy of HIV upto 28-30 days inside seventy two hours of feasible publicity. By the use of those tablets we will save you transmission of HIV as much as 98%. So you're advocated to begin PEP remedy as early as feasible with a view to shop yourself from getting HIV.
HIV is a completely risky disease. It ends in feasible disintegrate of the body`s immune gadget wherein CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells are decreased and viral load of HIV is elevated withinside the blood gadget with the aid of using which the gadget receives collapsed and affected person isn't capable of preserve his/her lifestyles for longer time period and it will become hard to survive.
Why do you need PEP TREATMENT ?
PEP(publish publicity prophylaxis) remedy is the handiest remedy to get prevention from HIV contamination because of viable publicity to HIV.
When should PEP Treatment be started ?
PEP TREATMENT must be began out inside the seventy two hours of viable publicity to HIV. The golden duration to save you you self from turning into HIV positive.
How a lot time required for crowning glory of the drug path of PEP ?
The time required for the whole route of drug remedy in PEP remedy is 28-30 days.
What all is blanketed in PEP TREATMENT ?
PEP TREATMENT consists of counseling, first useful resource care, testing, drug regime and ordinary follow-ups.
What is the achievement fee of PEP TREATMENT ?
The fulfillment fee of PEP TREATMENT is 98%,if began out as early as feasible (inside seventy two hours) after the feasible publicity to HIV infection.
PEP (put up publicity prophylaxis) is a remedy to save you, someone, from turning into HIV tremendously because of feasible publicity of HIV.
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a systemic remedy wherein we will shop the lifestyles of an affected person and assist him to save him from turning HIV positive. Any feasible publicity if you want to cause HIV contamination along with sexual sex with intercourse employee and at some stage in that condom receives burst or having an intimate rub down at rub-down parlor; the man or woman is uncovered to direct touch which can cause the feasible publicity to HIV. And, any medical examiner who receives uncovered any device prick like a needle, cannula, or some other sharp device at some stage in any surgical or dental methods or in case of drug abuse sufferers the publicity to needle pricks or kids gambling in playground uncovered to any mucus membrane wound publicity or at some stage in any bus, teach accident, the probabilities of infection can take place. This is feasible in case of sexual attack also.
In a majority of these cases, we will place the affected person on a PEP remedy which is a gadget of drug treatments wherein we use a minimum of four anti-viral tablets for the remedy of HIV upto 28-30 days within seventy-two hours of feasible publicity. By the use of those tablets, we will save you transmission of HIV as much as 98%. So you're advocating to begin PEP remedy as early as feasible with a view to stopping yourself from getting HIV.
HIV is a completely risky disease. It ends in the feasible disintegration of the body`s immune gadget wherein CD3, CD4, and CD8 cells are decreased and viral load of HIV is elevated withinside the blood gadget with the aid of using which the gadget receives collapsed and the affected person isn't capable of preserving his/her lifestyles for the longer time period and it will become hard to survive.
Why do you need PEP TREATMENT?
PEP(publish publicity prophylaxis) remedy is the handiest remedy to get prevention from HIV contamination because of the viable publicity of HIV.
2. When should PEP Treatment be started?
PEP TREATMENT must be begun within seventy-two hours of viable publicity of HIV. The golden duration to save yourself from turning HIV positive.
3. How a lot of time is required for the crowning glory of the drug path of PEP?
The time required for the whole route of drug remedy in PEP remedy is 28-30 days.
4. What all is blanketed in PEP TREATMENT?
PEP TREATMENT consists of counseling, first useful resource care, testing, drug regime, and ordinary follow-ups.
5. What is the achievement fee for PEP TREATMENT?
The fulfillment fee of PEP TREATMENT is 98% if began out as early as feasible (inside seventy-two hours) after the feasible publicity of HIV infection.
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drarorasclinic · 2 years
Best sexologist near me and my location. If you are looking for online sexologist then visit Dr. Arora's clinic for online consultation. You can book your appointment from your comfort zone.
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drnareshkumar · 2 years
What exactly is coronary artery disease?
Coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease, occurs when the coronary arteries become too narrow or when cholesterol deposits form in the walls. The coronary arteries are the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen and blood.
CAD develops when cholesterol deposits on the artery walls, forming plaques. These plaques narrow the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart, or they can cause inflammation and hardening of the blood vessel walls. A clot can occasionally obstruct blood flow, causing serious health issues.
Coronary arteries are a network of blood vessels on the surface of the heart that supply oxygen to the organ. If these arteries narrow, the heart may not receive enough oxygen and nutrients.
Particularly during physical activity, oxygen-rich blood is required.
Symptoms Coronary artery disease
Angina can be caused by CAD. This is a type of chest pain that is associated with heart disease. Angina can cause the following sensations in the chest:
squeezing pressure
Angina may also result in the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath can also be caused by CAD. Any form of exertion can become very tiring if the heart and other organs do not receive enough oxygen, which may cause a person to pant for air. At rest, a ruptured plaque can cause shortness of breath.
Complications Coronary artery disease
A heart attack occurs when the heart muscle is deprived of blood or oxygen, as when a blood clot forms in one of the coronary arteries.
Coronary thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot. If the clot is large enough, it can completely block the supply of blood to the heart through that blood vessel.
Heart attack symptoms include:
Discomfort in the chest
Coughing dizziness mild to severe chest pain
Breathing difficulties, a grey pallor in the face, and general discomfort
Vomiting and nausea
Clammy sweating skin
Dr. Naresh Kumar Goyal
MBBS, MD, DM (AIIMS) Sr. Cardiologist and heart failure specialist Dr. Naresh Kumar Goyal has an experience of more than 20+ years in treating cardiac patients and as an incharge of heart failure programme at MAX BLKsuper speciality hospital Delhi, is involved in many projects related to heart failure. He has got his DM expertise in Cardiology from the most prestigious institute of India AIIMS which makes him the best Physician in Cardiac Care.
Address :- BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital Pusa Rd, Radha Soami Satsang, Rajendra Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110005
For booking your appointment :- Call on :- 9717173309 Mail id :- [email protected] Or you can visit our website :- https://drnareshkumargoyal.in/
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enhanceclinics001 · 2 years
Can Diabetes Affect Your Hair?
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Diabetes is a growing challenge in India, with more than 77 million men and women affected by the disease. Living with diabetes can be immensely stressful. Living with diabetes can be immensely stressful. And as if that weren’t enough, it also leads to a host of other health issues, including hair loss.
Here, we will discuss how diabetes causes hair loss, your treatment options, and when you should visit a best hair transplant doctor in Delhi.
How Diabetes Leads to Hair Loss
People with diabetes are at a higher risk of suffering from hair issues. Diabetes can affect your hair in many ways, such as impairment of growth, thinning, and hair loss.
Your blood vessels carry oxygen and other nutrients throughout your body, including to your hair. High blood sugar levels for a prolonged duration can cause severe health complications and damage these blood vessels, leading to poor oxygen flow to the scalp. It can interrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to the weakening of hair follicles and hair loss. It can also cause harm to your kidneys, eyes, nerves, and other organs.
People with type-1 diabetes are also at risk of Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease characterized by patchy hair loss and baldness. In this condition, the immune system mistakenly starts attacking healthy cells such as hair follicles, resulting in bald patches. Diabetes is also associated with thyroid, which is yet another reason behind hair loss.
Diabetes also puts immense physical and mental stress on your body. Hair loss is also a side effect of excessive stress. It can also cause further hormonal imbalances, which affect hair growth. Certain medicines used to treat diabetes may also cause hair loss.
Treatments for Hair Loss Caused by Diabetes
Getting your blood sugar levels under control is key to reversing the effects of hair loss caused by diabetes. That can happen only with thorough care, stress management, regular monitoring of blood sugar, proper diet, and medication.
Try to exercise regularly to keep your body fit and improve blood circulation. A few lifestyle changes can go a long way in getting your diabetes and hair loss in control. Talk to your diabetologist if you are facing symptoms like hair loss due to diabetes.
If your blood sugar and stress are under control and there is still significant hair loss, you should visit a qualified dermatologist or hair transplant doctor in Delhi. They will help you find out the underlying cause of your condition and recommend suitable treatment.
I am Diabetic. Can I Get a Hair Transplant in Delhi?
If your hair loss is permanent or caused by androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness), the best way to regain your lost hair is through a hair transplant in India. And if you’re wondering whether people with diabetes can undergo the procedure, the answer is yes!
Hair transplantation procedures can be successfully done for people who have type-2 diabetes. It’s a safe and minimally invasive procedure that can help restore your hair. The only catch is that recovery and healing might be slightly slower, and you will need to take extra care since your immunity is low. However, the procedure is not recommended for those with type-1 diabetes.
Final Words Diabetic is a chronic condition that can cause many problems in a person’s body and may lead to thinning and loss of hair. Medicines and lifestyle changes can bring your diabetes under control and reverse hair loss. However, if you are facing permanent hair loss and pattern baldness, you should visit a best hair transplant clinic in Delhi, like Enhance Clinics, for consultation.
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sexologist8787 · 11 months
Effective Early Discharge Treatment in Delhi: Consult the Best Sexologist
Premature ejaculation, commonly known as early discharge, can be a distressing condition that affects many men. If you're in search of effective treatment options for early discharge in Delhi, it is crucial to seek the expertise of a reputed and experienced sexologist. By consulting a knowledgeable sexologist, you can receive personalized care and guidance to overcome this concern. In this article, we will delve into the significance of consulting a sexologist, the benefits it offers, and the various treatment options available in Delhi to effectively address early discharge.
The Importance of Consulting a Sexologist for Early Discharge Consulting a sexologist for early discharge provides several advantages, including:
Specialized Expertise: Sexologists possess specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of sexual health. They understand the complexities of early discharge and its underlying causes. By consulting a sexologist, you can benefit from their comprehensive understanding and receive accurate information, guidance, and customized treatment options tailored to your specific needs.
Confidentiality and Comfort: Early discharge is a sensitive issue that can cause embarrassment and affect one's self-esteem. A sexologist creates a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental environment for patients to openly discuss their concerns. This ensures that you can share your symptoms, experiences, and concerns without fear of stigma or judgment.
Personalized Treatment Approach: Sexologists adopt a personalized approach to treatment. They evaluate various factors contributing to early discharge, including physical, psychological, and interpersonal aspects. By identifying the root causes, a sexologist can develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific needs, helping you achieve long-lasting results and improved sexual satisfaction.
Premier Treatment Options for Early Discharge in Delhi Delhi offers a range of premier treatment options for early discharge. When consulting a sexologist, they may recommend one or a combination of the following treatments based on your individual circumstances:
Behavioral Techniques: Behavioral techniques aim to enhance ejaculatory control and increase sexual satisfaction. These techniques involve exercises such as the start-stop technique and the squeeze technique, which help individuals develop better control over their arousal and delay ejaculation. A sexologist can guide you through these techniques and provide ongoing support.
Medications: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to manage early discharge. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and topical anesthetics are commonly used to delay ejaculation and prolong sexual encounters. It is crucial to take medications under the supervision of a qualified sexologist to ensure their safe and effective use.
Counseling and Therapy: Psychological factors, such as performance anxiety or relationship issues, can contribute to early discharge. Sexologists may recommend counseling or therapy sessions to address these underlying concerns. Through counseling, you can gain insights into your thoughts and emotions, develop coping strategies, and improve communication, ultimately enhancing your sexual well-being.
Lifestyle Modifications: Certain lifestyle modifications can have a positive impact on early discharge. A sexologist may advise changes in diet, exercise, stress management techniques, and overall health improvement. These modifications complement other treatment approaches and contribute to long-term enhancement of sexual experiences.
Take the First Step Towards Overcoming Early Discharge
If you are dealing with early discharge and seeking effective Early Discharge treatment in Delhi, consulting a reputable sexologist is a crucial first step towards regaining control and enjoying a fulfilling sexual life. With their expertise, personalized care, and access to various treatment options, sexologists can guide you on the path to overcoming early discharge and achieving improved sexual satisfaction.
Remember, early discharge is a common issue that can be successfully addressed with the right professional assistance. Take the initiative to consult a best sexologist in Delhi and embark on a journey towards a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual experience.
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amsdigitalokhla · 2 years
How SEO for plastic surgeons can generate more qualified leads by ranking in search engine
SEO for plastic surgeons is the tactic using which the website is optimized to generate top search results. SEO is an essential aspect of today’s digital scenario. When it comes to plastic surgeons, customers must know of your business.
The focus these days is more on maintaining good looks. A plastic surgeon helps the customers by eliminating any defects or blemishes on the face. With so much competition already in this industry, it is essential that surgeons use SEO tactics carefully.
Here we will share with you how SEO Services for plastic surgeons could help get more qualified leads.
Why is plastic surgery SEO so important today?
Maybe as a plastic surgeon, you have not given much importance to SEO. However, optimizing your website for SEO benefits you in the following manner:
It makes your website easy for the search engines to track, thus improving visibility
Provides value to the customers, so they read content that solves their doubts
Here are some reasons why you should not ignore SEO for plastic surgeons:
Google provides you with almost 94% of the organic search traffic. If Google cannot find you, your customers won’t find you either.
People read almost 3-5 pieces of content before they make a purchase
72% of searchers are looking for local results
Customers wait only 2 seconds for the website to load. Post that, they move to some other similar website
Customers have a habit of trusting online reviews more than any personal recommendations. For more details click here... https://www.amsdigital.in/blog/seo-for-plastic-surgeons-can-generate-more-qualified-leads-by-ranking-in-search-engine.php
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