#skin doctor in delhi
dermasureclinic · 9 months
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When it comes to seeking top-notch skin specialists and dermatologists in Delhi, look no further than Dr. Shirin Bakshi, renowned as one of the best skin specialists and dermatologists at DermaSure Skin & Hair Clinic in Delhi. With her holistic approach and evidence-based medicine to skincare and hair specialist, she has earned the reputation of being among the top dermatologists in Delhi. Dr. Shirin Bakshi's dedication, experience, and commitment to excellence make her stand out in the field.
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skinara · 2 months
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Delhi's Premier Skin Transformation Clinic. Experience science-backed treatments, personalized care, and expert dermatologists, all under one roof. Discover healthier, happier skin you'll love!
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rakshaa-clinic · 2 months
5 SkinCare Tips During Holi
Celebrate Holi worry-free with our top five skincare recommendations! Our dermatologists at Rakshaa Clinic, a leading "skin clinic in Delhi," provide important tips for keeping your skin safe during the festivities. Learn how to protect your skin from harsh colors before and after the holiday season, from skincare preparation to post-holiday care. Discover the benefits of organic colors, hair care recommendations, and hydration for radiant skin this holiday season.
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Who is the best skin doctor in Delhi NCR | Dr. CB Singh
In the busy world of East Delhi, where many people live and work, Dr. CB Singh stands out as a Best Skin doctor in Delhi NCR . People say he's one of the best, known for making people's skin healthy and beautiful. Let's find out why Dr. CB Singh is so well-loved as a skin expert in East Delhi.
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Taking Care of Your Skin:
Dr. CB Singh knows a lot about skin health. He's been helping people for a long time, and he stays updated with the latest skin science. he uses a mix of old and new ways to help with all kinds of skin problems.
All-Around Care:
What makes Dr. CB Singh special is that he takes care of everything. Whether it's acne, dry skin, dark spots, or other skin issues, he looks at the whole picture. He doesn't just treat the problems on the surface but also works on the reasons behind them. this way, people get long-lasting solutions for healthy skin.
Personalized Plans:
Dr. CB Singh understands that everyone's skin is different. So, he makes special plans just for you. After talking to you and checking your skin, he creates a plan that might include medicines, lifestyle changes, and things to put on your skin.
Fancy Facilities:
Dr. Singh's clinic has really good facilities. they have the latest machines and tools for skin treatments. You can get laser treatments and other things that help without needing surgery. This means you can get better without taking a lot of time off from your normal life.
Caring for You:
Dr. CB Singh cares a lot about his patients. He wants you to feel comfortable and happy. By talking to you and listening, he makes sure you understand what's going on. This makes the treatments work better, and it feels good to have someone on your side.
Happy People:
People who have gone to Dr. CB Singh are really happy with him. They say good things about how their skin changed for the better. These stories show that Dr. Singh is good at what he does and that people trust him.
In Conclusion:
In East Delhi, Dr. CB Singh is a great choice if you want your skin to be healthy and look good. He takes the time to understand you, has good facilities, and makes sure you're happy. If you're looking for the Best Skin Doctor in East Delhi, Dr. CB Singh is the one people trust.
Reference - https://qr.ae/pKmT36
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aclmartsjaipur · 7 months
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skinologyclinic · 11 months
Before getting earlobe surgery, the pain associated with it is a common thing that triggers one’s mind. The information is shared by Dr. Nivedita Dadu, who is known for providing the best Earlobe Repair Treatment in Delhi. Continue reading to learn about it.
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dermaartsclinic1 · 1 year
Best Dermatologist in GK1 Delhi - Dr. Mitra Amiri
Best Dermatologist in GK1 Delhi
Finding the perfect dermatologist near you to help you with your skin problems and other skin care needs can be a really difficult task. You might know nothing about the doctor and be skeptical to go for a consultation.
With your skin being so sensitive, it’s essential that you do proper research and find the best dermatologist for your skin care requirements. Well, if you’re in GK1 Delhi, then you’re in luck. We have done all the research for this area and found the best dermatologist in GK1 Delhi. We’re talking about Dr. Mitra Amiri, an aesthetic dermatologist with 11 years of experience and high-level expertise in conducting various cosmetic procedures and other treatments for skin and hair restoration.
Let us help you with more details on why we think she is the best dermatologist in GK1 Delhi.
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Why is Dr. Mitra Amiri the Best Dermatologist in GK1 Delhi?
As difficult as it is to find the best dermatologist for your skin care needs, with thorough research, it’s possible. One of the dermatologists who we suggest for GK1 Delhi is Dr. Mitra Amiri. She is an aesthetic dermatologist with 11 years of experience in performing multiple cosmetic procedures and surgeries. She is an expert at different cosmetic surgery treatments such as Botox, fillers, face lift, thread lift, etc., with master training in Botulinum toxin.
With her experience and expertise, she is also an active trainer and strives to build her team of dermatologists, paramedics, and other support staff for Derma Arts. With hands-on training from Dr. Mitra Amiri, every person working as staff in the clinic is well-trained and knows their job well.
With Derma Arts you can get all kinds of skin treatments including cosmetic treatments, permanent makeup, facials, etc.
Moreover, the clinic is also equipped with treatments for hair restoration. Such treatments include hair transplants and other oral hair treatments.
Every procedure is done under the expertise of Dr. Mitra Amiri and she takes care that her patients feel comfortable with the treatments both during the treatment and after seeing the results of the treatment.
It’s this thorough dedication itself to her work that Dr. Mitra Amiri has won the award of best young dermatologist. There are many more awards and recognition that she has received.
Besides that, she is also an active member of multiple dermatology website.
So, she is a highly qualified dermatologist with years of experience and practice and ensures giving the best treatments to her patients. Her existing patients have seen fantastic results with her treatments and they’re able to stay more comfortable under their skin after the treatment.
She has also founded Derma Arts and even practices as an associate doctor in the GK1 Delhi region. So, whether you want to visit Derma Arts or any other clinic in GK1 Delhi for your skin treatments, you have Dr. Mitra Amiri available.
These factors are a direct indicator that Dr. Mitra Amiri is indeed the best dermatologist in GK 1 Delhi. So, what are you waiting for? Have skin problems? Go ahead and consult doctor Mitra Amiri.
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Laser Hair Removal is one of the most popular aesthetic treatments worldwide. “What was once a novel idea now seems to be a sensible convenience.” This statement holds particularly true in Delhi, where the demand for effective and long-lasting hair removal solutions has skyrocketed. Among the numerous providers, Dr. Rashmi Sharma stands out as the best laser hair removal doctor in Delhi, offering best hair removal treatment in Delhi at her clinic.
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unique-hospital · 20 days
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Early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer. Alongside regular screenings and check-ups, paying attention to changes in your body can aid in catching cancer at its earliest stages. Recognizing warning signs and symptoms can prompt timely medical intervention, potentially improving treatment outcomes. Here are 10 symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer and warrant a consultation with your healthcare provider, as emphasized by Dr. Ashish Gupta, USA trained, American board-certified medical oncologist, Chief of Medical Oncology at Unique Hospital Cancer Centre in Dwarka, India
Abnormal Periods or Pelvic Pain: While irregular periods and occasional pelvic discomfort are common, persistent changes in your menstrual cycle or chronic pelvic pain could signal underlying gynecological cancers such as cervical, uterine, or ovarian cancer.
Changes in Bathroom Habits: Significant alterations in bowel or bladder habits, including persistent constipation or diarrhea, blood in stool or urine, and increased frequency of urination, may indicate colorectal, prostate, or bladder cancer.
Bloating: Chronic bloating lasting more than two weeks can be a red flag for ovarian cancer and various gastrointestinal malignancies. Monitoring and reporting persistent bloating to your doctor is crucial for timely evaluation.
Breast Changes: New breast lumps, skin dimpling, nipple changes, or unusual discharge should be promptly evaluated, as they may signify breast cancer. It’s important to note that breast cancer can affect men as well.
Chronic Coughing: A persistent cough, especially if dry, lasting more than two weeks could be a warning sign of lung cancer. Early detection through medical assessment is essential for timely intervention.
Chronic Headache: Headaches persisting for more than two weeks and unresponsive to typical treatments may be associated with brain tumors. Seeking medical attention for prolonged headaches is paramount for accurate diagnosis and management.
Difficulty Swallowing: Persistent difficulty in swallowing, sensation of food sticking in the throat, or throat pain lasting more than two weeks may indicate throat, lung, or stomach cancer and warrants medical evaluation.
Excessive Bruising: Sudden onset of unexplained bruises in unusual locations, not attributable to injury, may indicate underlying blood cancers. Prompt medical assessment is necessary for proper diagnosis and management.
Frequent Fevers or Infections: Recurrent fevers or frequent infections may suggest compromised immunity, possibly due to conditions such as lymphoma or leukemia. Timely medical evaluation is essential for appropriate management.
Oral Changes: Persistent oral sores, lesions, or painful areas, particularly in individuals with a history of smoking or heavy alcohol consumption, should be evaluated for potential oral cancers.
Skin Changes: Changes in the appearance of moles or birthmarks should be monitored closely. Utilizing the ABCDE mnemonic-Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter increase, and Evolution-can aid in identifying concerning skin changes that warrant medical attention.
Persistent Pain: Unexplained and persistent pain lasting beyond standard treatment duration requires medical assessment to rule out underlying malignancies.
Persistent Fatigue: Sudden and persistent fatigue unrelated to changes in activity level or sleep patterns may indicate underlying hematological cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma and necessitates medical evaluation.
Postmenopausal Bleeding: While postmenopausal bleeding may have various causes, persistent occurrences should prompt evaluation for cervical or uterine cancer.
Stomach Pain or Nausea: Unexplained stomach discomfort or persistent nausea lasting more than two weeks should be investigated, as they may indicate gastrointestinal or abdominal cancers.
Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant unintentional weight loss or loss of appetite without apparent cause could be indicative of various cancers, particularly those that have metastasized.
Unusual Lumps: Any new or persistent lumps or masses should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out potential malignancies, especially if accompanied by other concerning symptoms.
Recognizing early warning signs of cancer and promptly consulting a healthcare provider for evaluation is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. By being vigilant and proactive about changes in your body, you can play an active role in safeguarding your health and well-being. If you are searching for the best dr in dwarka contact Dr. Ashish Gupta
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royallush-blog · 25 days
Revitalize Your Locks: Innovative Hair Care Solutions from Delhi's Top Dermatologist
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Healthy hair is not just a sign of beauty but also an indicator of overall well-being. However, maintaining vibrant and healthy hair can be a challenge due to factors such as pollution, stress, and genetic predispositions. In such scenarios, seeking advice from the Best Hair Doctor in Delhi becomes not only advisable but essential. Dr. Syed, a leading figure at Dermatrico Clinic, stands out as a beacon of expertise in dermatology, offering innovative solutions for all your hair woes.
Common Hair Conditions and Their Causes
Many individuals face hair issues without understanding their root causes, which can vary widely from environmental factors to internal health issues:
Genetic Factors: Conditions like male and female pattern baldness are often inherited.
Environmental Stressors: Pollution and sun exposure can significantly damage hair.
Nutritional Deficiencies: Lack of vital nutrients can lead to thinning and weak hair.
Lifestyle Factors: Stress, smoking, and poor sleep habits also contribute to poor hair health.
Identifying these factors is crucial, and under the guidance of the Best Dermatologist in Delhi NCR, patients can receive personalized treatment plans that address these underlying causes effectively.
Breakthrough Treatments Offered by Dr. Syed
Dr. Syed at Dermatrico Clinic employs a range of advanced treatments that push the boundaries of traditional hair care:
Advanced Biotin Therapies: These involve using biotin supplements and topical agents to enhance hair strength and texture.
Scalp Micropigmentation: A revolutionary technique that helps simulate the appearance of fuller hair, especially beneficial for those with significant hair thinning.
These innovative approaches are part of why Dr. Syed is recognized as the Best Hair Doctor in Delhi. His expertise and use of cutting-edge technology ensure that patients not only treat their symptoms but also address the core of their hair issues.
Success Stories from Dermatrico Clinic
The real impact of Dr. Syed’s work can be seen in the numerous success stories of his patients. Testimonials from individuals who have regained not only their hair but also their confidence speak volumes about the effectiveness of the treatments at Dermatrico Clinic. Before-and-after photographs showcase remarkable transformations, attributing their newfound hair health to Dr. Syed’s personalized care and innovative treatment methodologies.
How to Choose the Right Hair Care Professional
Choosing the right dermatologist is pivotal for effective hair treatment. Here are a few tips for selecting a specialist:
Look for Credentials: Ensure that the dermatologist is certified and has good standing in medical communities.
Check Reviews and Testimonials: Patient testimonials can provide insights into a doctor’s expertise and success rates.
Consider Technology and Treatment Options: Advanced clinics like Dermatrico offer the latest in hair care technology and treatments.
Dr. Syed meets all these criteria and goes beyond, making him the Best Hair Doctor in Delhi for anyone seeking expert hair care.
Effective hair care requires more than just occasional treatments; it demands ongoing commitment and expert guidance. By choosing a qualified professional like Dr. Syed, you ensure that your hair receives the best possible care with tailored, state-of-the-art treatments. Don’t wait for your hair issues to worsen. Take action today by scheduling a consultation at Dermatrico Clinic, where your hair health is prioritized by the Best Dermatologist in Delhi NCR.
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skinara · 2 months
Skinara offer advanced treatments and personalized care to help you achieve healthy, radiant skin Schedule your consultation today!
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rakshaa-clinic · 4 months
What are the 5 Key benefits of Laser Toning?
Discover the transforming benefits of Laser Toning at Rakshaa Clinic by reading our informative blog post, "What are the 5 Key Benefits of Laser Toning?" Our skin specialist, "dermatologists in Pitampura" highlight the extraordinary benefits of Laser Toning, such as improved skin texture, less acne scars, and a brighter overall skin tone. Experience the rejuvenating effects of Laser Toning, which successfully targets numerous skin issues and promotes a glowing complexion. Rakshaa Clinic provides outstanding dermatological knowledge and sophisticated skincare treatments targeted to your specific needs.
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aclmartsjaipur · 7 months
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skinologyclinic · 11 months
The colour of keloids can range from pink to flesh-colored or red to dark brown. Although a keloid scar is benign and not contagious, it may occasionally be accompanied by intense itching, pain, and texture changes. At Skinology Clinic, one may get the Best Keloid Treatment in Delhi. The skilled dermatologist Dr. Nivedita Dadu provides surgical therapy, intralesional steroid injections, laser therapy, radiotherapy, and other forms of treatment for keloid.
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rasadermdelhi · 1 year
Skin Specialist in Delhi: Dr. Veenu Jindal is the best Skin Doctor in Delhi, who has experience in treating skin, hair, and nail-related conditions. Consult now.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
It is a common form of headache where there is episodic,paroxysmal headache usually but not necessarily affecting one side of the head.It may or may not be associated with giddiness, nausea, vomiting or visual impairment.
Pain is usually intense and lasting for half an hour to over a couple of days. The attack of migraine is usually preceded by constriction (narrowing) of the cranial vessels (blood vessels supplying the brain and skull) and the headache commences with dilatation of these blood vessels. The attacks of migraine tend to be recurrent and the severity of attacks usually decreases as the patient ages.
Causes of Migraine
Migraine is a vascular headache that is caused due to vasodilatation and abnormalities in the levels of certain chemicals in the brain.
It also tend to be hereditary in nature.
Triggering factors are;
Certain foods and Beverages such as alcoholic drinks,chocolates,red wine.
Skipping meals,lack of sleep,changes in sleeping pattern
Strong odors,perfumes
Menstrual periods
Change in weather
Excessive fatigue
Bright light
Symptoms of Migraine
It often begins in childhood,adolescence or early adulthood.
4 stages are there-
1)Prodrome-One or two days before migraine there may be;
Food cravings
Neck stiffness
Uncontrolable yawning
2)Aura-It occurs before and during headache.These include;
Visual phenomenon
Vision loss
Pins and needle sensation in arms or legs
Speech or language problem
3)Attack-When untreated it usually lasts from four to 72 hours.Following symptoms;
Pain on both side or one side of head
Pain-pulsating or throbbing type
Sensitivity to lights and sounds
Nausea and vomiting
Blurred vision
4)Postdrome-Occurs after a migraine attack.Patient may feel drained and washed out.
Types of Migraine
1) Migraine with Aura (Classic Migraine):
This type of headache is characterized by neurological phenomenon (aura) that is experienced 10 to 30 minutes before the headache begins. Auras may be experienced as visual disturbances, hallucinations or even temporary loss of vision before the headache. . Some other common expressions of the aura may be in
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