#benefits of chiropractic treatment
mckimchiropractic · 7 months
Many people don’t know the benefits of chiropractic treatment until they have tried it. The chiropractic office staff at McKim Chiropractic will be happy to answer your questions.
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For expectant mothers, evaluating the safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy is paramount. This guide explores the safety considerations, benefits, and exceptions associated with chiropractic treatment. It advises on seeking specialized care, addressing common discomforts, and consulting chiropractors to ensure a holistic and safe approach to prenatal wellness.
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thechiroguy · 2 months
Unlocking the Benefits of Chiropractic Care: A Comprehensive Guide
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, many of us find ourselves grappling with various forms of stress, discomfort, and even chronic pain. Seeking effective solutions beyond traditional medicine has led many individuals to explore alternative therapies like chiropractic care. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the myriad benefits that chiropractic care offers and explore how a skilled Chiropractor in Beverly Hills can be a game-changer in your quest for optimal well-being.
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Understanding Chiropractic Care:
Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to health that centers on the spine and its impact on the nervous system. Chiropractors use hands-on techniques to manipulate the spine, aiming to improve alignment and alleviate pain. This drug-free and non-invasive form of treatment has gained popularity for its ability to address various health issues, from back pain and headaches to enhancing overall wellness.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care:
1. Pain Relief:
One of the major reasons individuals seek chiropractic care is for pain relief. Chiropractors use adjustments to realign the spine, which can alleviate pain in various areas of the body, including the neck, back, and joints. This non-invasive approach is particularly beneficial for those who prefer drug-free pain management.
2. Improved Posture:
Modern lifestyles often contribute to poor posture, which can lead to musculoskeletal problems over time. A chiropractor can assess and address posture issues, helping patients achieve better spinal alignment. Improved posture not only reduces discomfort but also enhances overall well-being.
3. Enhanced Mobility:
Chiropractic adjustments can enhance joint mobility, enabling individuals to move more freely. This is especially beneficial for those suffering from conditions like arthritis, where maintaining joint function is crucial for daily activities.
4. Stress Reduction:
The spine and nervous system are closely linked to the body's stress response. By addressing spinal misalignments, chiropractic care can help reduce stress levels. Many patients report feeling more relaxed and at ease after chiropractic sessions.
5. Boosted Immune System:
A properly functioning nervous system is essential for a robust immune system. Chiropractic care aims to optimize nervous system function, potentially contributing to a stronger immune response. Regular adjustments may help the body better defend itself against illnesses.
Unlocking the benefits of chiropractic care involves recognizing its holistic approach to health and well-being. The benefits of chiropractic care encompass a range of advantages, including alleviation of pain, better posture, increased mobility, and reduced stress. If you're seeking a chiropractor in Beverly Hills, it's essential to find a skilled professional who can tailor their approach to your unique needs. Embrace the transformative power of chiropractic care and take a proactive step toward a healthier, more vibrant life.
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infoblr · 6 months
Chiropractic Adjustment Care, Treatment + Benefits
Chiropractic care involves the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Chiropractors use manual manipulation or adjustments to address issues such as misalignments, joint restrictions, and pain. Here are some key aspects of chiropractic adjustment care, along with potential benefits:
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1. Chiropractic Adjustment:
Manual Manipulation: Chiropractors use their hands or specialized tools to apply controlled force to joints, particularly those of the spine, to restore or enhance joint function.
Adjustment Techniques: Various techniques are employed, such as diversified technique, activator technique, and flexion-distraction, depending on the patient's condition.
2. Conditions Treated:
Back Pain: Chiropractic care is often sought for lower back pain, upper back pain, and neck pain.
Headaches: Some patients report relief from tension headaches and migraines through chiropractic adjustments.
Joint Issues: Chiropractors may address issues related to joints, including shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles.
3. Benefits of Chiropractic Care:
Pain Relief: Chiropractic adjustments may provide relief from acute or chronic pain.
Improved Functionality: By restoring joint mobility, chiropractic care can enhance the range of motion and overall function.
Drug-Free Approach: Chiropractic care often emphasizes a drug-free approach to healthcare, focusing on natural methods to promote healing.
Complementary Care: It can be used in conjunction with other healthcare approaches for a comprehensive treatment plan.
4. Patient Education:
Posture and Lifestyle: Chiropractors often educate patients on maintaining good posture and making lifestyle changes to prevent future issues.
Exercise and Rehabilitation: They may recommend specific exercises to improve strength and flexibility, supporting the effectiveness of adjustments.
5. Preventive Care:
Wellness and Maintenance: Chiropractic care is not only for those experiencing pain; some people seek regular adjustments for overall wellness and preventive purposes.
Identifying Subclinical Issues: Chiropractors may identify and address minor issues before they become major problems.
6. Considerations:
Individual Responses: Responses to chiropractic care vary among individuals, and it may not be suitable for everyone.
Safety: Chiropractic adjustments are generally considered safe when performed by qualified professionals. However, it's essential to communicate any concerns or pre-existing conditions with the chiropractor.
7. Research and Evidence:
Limited Evidence: While many patients report positive experiences, the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of chiropractic care is still evolving, and more research is needed.
Before seeking chiropractic care, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that it's a suitable option for your specific condition. Always choose a qualified and licensed chiropractor for any adjustments or treatments.
Note: This is NOT Medical Advice but general information about the Topic to understand. If you have a problem or want to know what is the best treatment for you, consult your doctor First. Thank You!
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black-lake · 1 year
astro observations 7
hey everyone, got some new observations and random astro thoughts 👽 🔭
🧊 The strongest aspects to the nodes in terms how obvious their effect can be, are squares then trines esp with tight orbs. They strongly activate the planet involved and the effect becomes very clear in how things unfold or manifest. e.g sun square or tine nn is more obvious to others, their personality is much more vibrant and noticeable. The conj/opp aspects are stronger but tricky to see, because they can mean something personal to the native, something karmic or unpredictable, like two people can have that aspect but have it manifest completely differently.
🧊 Saturn 11th could mean having to learn many of your life lessons through the internet or social media. Could be by observing people online and learning new things. These natives have felt alone majority of their lives and social media kept their company. May go through difficult experiences, like online bullying or feel rejected online. They eventually learn the sweet nonchalance and the importance of self love, that they don't care when people leave them or dislike them, because the ones that are meant to stay will stay. (This may apply to ppl w a stellium in the 11th, or chiron 11th).
🧊 Those who have saturn-nn aspects may have been involved with the law/governments or have fought for something that has to do with legal matters and order. Especially for or against their family. They aren't afraid to take it to court if it means regaining their rights. They tend to win cases because they have a strong sense of justice. If negatively aspected or dealt with, they may need to watch out for that, or for their need to put someone down using the law.
🧊 Venus in aries woman also like the friends before lovers dynamic, just like aqua. They prefer to be friends with guys first and can flirt with them until it evolves into a relationship. They’re also comfortable with masculine energy way more than feminine so they tend to make friends with boys a lot. Also they're not impulsive in love as they're said to be, if they choose someone it's because they found that physical chemistry, passion, youthfulness, independence, and loyalty in them, which they rarely do and they'd rather stay solo.
🧊 Thinking about how astrology signs and houses have a connection to our body, like from aries or 1st being the head, taurus or 2nd being the neck, gemini or 3rd being arms hands, cancer or 4th being the chest area, leo or 5th being the heart space, virgo or 6th being the stomach area, libra or 7th being the kidneys and lower back, scorpio or 8th being the the genitals, sagittarius or 9th being the thighs, capricorn or 10th being the knees and other bones, aquarius or 11th being the calves and ankles, and all the way down to pisces or 12th being the feet. I just find it fascinating. I know there are other body parts ruled by these signs, but I'm particularly pointing at the way it goes in order, from head to feet which is really interesting to think about, like how coincidental could that be? it makes it real.
🧊 Through learning more about astrology and how it relates to body parts, you can use that to heal and soothe your body. If you have pisces in your chart you may benefit from soaking your feet in water with salt or soap for stress relief, and grounding, being in water in general, music and rhythms could be healing too. If you have capricorn you may like to run a lot, exercise a better posture, chiropractic treatment, spend money on skincare and your dental care. If you have Leo placements, take care of your generous heart, your hair, go outside and get you vitamin d, massage your shoulders and upper back. I can do a whole post about that.
🧊 Speaking of that — I think there is so much more undiscovered in astrology. Way more info that is waiting to be discovered. We haven't been discovering much lately. I mean uranus was discovered in the 700s, neptune 800s, pluto 900s, and these were the official discoveries. The more we discover planets, galaxies or other yet to name objects, the more we discover things about our lives, and how everything in the universe is connected and affects our experience on earth. I just wanna reincarnate 700 years later and see to what extent things evolved, or maybe that's a short period. 
🧊 What if aliens are studying earth as an outer planet which may mean something particular to them just like we study say Jupiter and Saturn as planets with certain themes. Who knows what’s going on up there. But yeah this page is getting weirder by the day... I- sry 👀
🧊 I’m one of those that would skip the big three and jump right at north node aspects fr (all including minor aspects). I want to know a person’s life journey and potential before their personality traits. It can tell a lot about destiny, what comes naturally to us and where we need growth and even about our past lives. 
🧊 Consider meghan stallion whose chart I recently saw. The moment I saw it, I thought it couldn't be more fitting and clear. With mercury square nn, she had a urge to use her voice early on, her mercury is something that should be utilized, she raps and writes music. Mercury conjunct uranus, it's the unique ability to sing, rap and make music, a creative mind. Pallas opposite nn, she got a lot of natural charisma with her talents, she radiates confidence and strength which makes her liked. (also pallas-nn aspects can make someone influential). Venus sextile nn, she is well liked and has a lot of charm, she may do smth related to beauty. 
🧊 I don’t usually consider cusps in astrology when it comes to signs, it depends on whether I see the influence or not, I rarely do. But I def look at house cusps (especially asc, dsc, mc and ic). That axis, the end of a house and the beginning of the next is so important to look at, not just degrees but planets there. When planets are at the cusp of a house (up to 7°), it influences both houses i noticed. e.g. If saturn is on the cusp of the 8th and 9th then both houses are significant to look at, it could mean lessons related to studies, resources, travel, inner transformation, connections.. etc. Same with saturn on the cusp of the 11th and 12th, lessons related to friendships, hopes and dreams, the collective, loneliness, spirituality... etc. 
🧊 Planets conj/opp your asc or mc are a big part of how you appear to the world. They can overpower your asc or mc signs at times especially before you introduce yourself and have a proper talk with someone. Once they know you personally they'll pick up on the ascendant sign traits. Strangers or the ones that don’t know you will pick up on the planet's energy before the sign. e.g. if you have uranus conjunct asc or mc, no matter the ascendant your uranus qualities will be more visible to others. If you have more than one planet conj/opp then you could give off different impressions to different people. I have uranus conjunct mc and pluto opposite ascendant, I've had some see me as eccentric, detached and some others as mysterious, powerful. This applies to planets in 1st and 10th.
🧊 The most difficult moon signs are capricorn, scorpio, aquarius and virgo. They know what it feels like to be emotionally drained, yet empty. They'd rather not show emotion, even scorpios don't show a fraction of the range of emotions they experience. They deal with it differently, but they all put on a cold front, even with themselves, seeming unemotional, especially the saturians. They sometimes don’t know how to show the depth, wisdom and caring heart they have, but they damn sure know how to work hard and be that special person. They add so much to the world but they don’t feel like they fairly get any back. Each of these signs have distinct traits of their own but I applaud y’all. The most interesting to observe truly. 
🧊 Also with these moon signs, their mother may have been a challenging figure in their lives, she may have been either critical, controlling, egoistical, cold or just absent in some way. They likely didn't have an easy childhood to say the least.
🧊 The moon is what we inherit from the mother and it's exactly how we develop those traits, and how we essentially... treat her back. So if the mommy of a cap moon child thought she could be overbearing, cold and expect the unexpected from her child, she can be met with an advanced level of coldness and authority from her grown child, thanks to her. Same with a virgo moon child's mother, if she thought she could be critical and compare them to literally anything and judge the hell out of their existence, they would give her a neat taste of her medicine, sharper criticism backed with better facts. The mother also learns a lot from her children through their moon sign. This applies to all moons.
🧊 I noticed that scorpio placements don't find it easy to change or let go of things (unless they have many pluto aspects). I met many scorpio ppl and they tend to hold on to the past, tightly. Many of them told me they hate moving out. It depends on other placements tho, if mixed with capricorn or earth, they are sooo traditional and stubborn my god. If mixed with air, they're less to hold on. Pluto placements and aspects are the actual phoenixes, they embrace every part of their transformation process, they burn things to ashes and emerge stronger, I love seeing it.
🧊 Every time I meet a pisces moon person, they have some unusual quirks to them. They can have this awkward yet charismatic behavior, like wtf was that, but you stare at their watery eyes. Pisces moon men esp, the weirdest sense of humor 🤚s down, but you can't help it cuz it's cute. Which is why they can trick and manipulate you cuz you thought they were innocent *pleading emoji*.  
🧊 Quintiles and bi-quintiles give me an aquarius vibe, they hold such a unique energy to them, a different connection between the planets. Quintiles to the nodes or mc, it's so refreshing and special whatever that quality you got, it may even be addictive to others (sun, venus, neptune quintile nn). Check if you have asteroids quintile the nodes, you may benefit from tapping in to the potential they hold and utilizing it.
🧊 Whatever house pluto is in it’s where you got power that you needed to learn to take back. It was gained eventually through being taken away from you or not seen by you. The power of realizing the effect you have over the themes of a certain house which activates it.
🧊 Some examples, pluto 10th, how people see you publicly may not be who you are at home. The accusations or assumptions, the jealousy and maybe even manipulations about your career choices made you feel powerless at times but it’s where your power lies. As soon as they discover that it's up to them to decide who they are publicly, they take back that power and show up in the public as an unstoppable force, changing the world. Pluto 7th, the constant mirroring of people’s shadows, the projections, the lies or manipulations that happened in their relationships made the native feel powerless in connections and over the way they see or present themselves. Once they embrace the way they appear and connect with others, a new sense of strength and power is awakened in them and they radiate that even more strongly, this time unapologetically. 
bonus - asteroids obs ⚛︎
🧊 People that have charisma (627) in a fire sign stand out when they're taking action, they naturally radiate that leadership vibe, others expect them to take imitative with things especially if it's in aries, they have that youthful go getter vibe. If it's in leo they're seen as very influential and others follow their lead. If in sag they're seen as funny and joyous to be around, everyone wants to be with them. 
🧊 Asteroid aura (1488) can show you what colors and styles look good on you, check the sign, degree and house. If it's in an earth sign, those earthy colors, greens, browns, formal, vintage. dark academia styles. If in a fire sign, those fiery vibrant colors, colorful sparkly makeup, casual yet bold looks. In an air sign, classy or street looks, patterns and accessories, youthful styles. If in a water sign, dreamy flowy fabrics, neutral colors, blues and purples, jewels.
🧊 Also check the planets it aspects, say aura is in pisces conj saturn then you can incorporate those dreamy looks in a saturnian typa way, e.g. I imagine a man in a bright silk shirt with brown vintage pants, a matching jacket, and a pearl choker, something ethereal but earthy at the same time. 
🧊 Asteroid sirene (1009) in scorpio, aspecting pluto or in the 8th could make someone have an extremely alluring presence like you would want to stare for long to understand their vibes but you won't. I also find it alluring if it's in capricorn, aquarius or pisces. 
🧊 Asteroid meesters (10647) and talent (33154) in aquarius or the 11th could mean creating or inventing something new in your field, having or mastering a unique or rare skill. This can also mean recognition for a unique talent. Aspecting nn can mean you mastered some talents in a past life or will in this life.
-- I had these for so long in my notes, but I just felt inspired to post, forgive me. 🐯🫶
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
I don’t duck with predatory schools or cheap unaccredited courses/ capitalism/white washed alternative medicines… but does you beef with alternative practitioners extend to Eastern/ traditional medicinal practices as a whole? Like you don’t think herbalism or acupuncture have healing capabilities?
I am deeply, deeply skeptical of nearly all alternative medicine, but you are unlikely to find anyone who says there are no benefits to most types of alternative medicine. (I'll say it about chiropractic and homeopathy though - there's nothing that a chiropracter can do for you that a physical therapist or massage therapist can't do better and more safely, and homeopathy won't do anything except possibly poison more infants)
However, here's the problem with that:
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Acupuncture appears to have fairly reliable effects that are not explained by the placebo effect for things like pain relief, anxiety, and depression, and may also help with disorders relating to those things (insomnia and asthma, for instance). But you should not stop taking your asthma medications because you are being treated for asthma with acupuncture because if you are asthmatic, deciding "oh, my asthma [which treatable, but not curable] is cured!]" and throwing away your rescue inhaler can kill you.
Herbal remedies may be comforting for some people, and may have some effects, but it is dangerous to use, for instance, St. John's Wort to treat depression because it is impossible to standardize a dose of St. John's Wort in something like a tea or an extract, and supplements are not regulated in the US so it is impossible to know *what* dose you're getting in a St. John's Wort supplement.
Many people find chiropractic to be a reasonable means of pain relief, and I'm not going to pretend that their pain isn't reduced from chiropractic treatment, but literally hundreds of studies suggest that for the things that chiropractic has any reliable measurable effect on (musculoskeletal pain) you are going to get better treatment from a massage therapist or a physical therapist.
Ayurvedic medicine has a long history of things like surgeries including cataract surgyery and cauterization to treat bleeding, which do actually work! However ayurvedic medicine also often includes consumption of harmful materials like heavy metals alongside herbs that may have actual medical benefits, or practices like oil pulling, which do absolutely nothing.
Chinese Traditional Medicine may have some useful treatments, but is also associated with things like lead poisoning.
Use of Kava as an herbal alternative pain treatment was linked to a spate of people having liver failure. Kava does work to treat pain, it just also causes liver failure at completely unacceptable rates and at completely unknown doses.
So I don't think that alternative medicines are uniformly awful. Some stuff seems to work okay, and there is some stuff that is very unlikely to cause harm even if it doesn't actually heal.
But, hoo boy, herbalism has *immense* capacity to harm (because it is difficult to ensure accurate dosing, because herbal medications may interfere with allopathic medications, because it is difficult to avoid contaminants and easy to make mistakes with preparations in herbal medicine), which is made worse when people choose herbalism in place of other treatments. There are a thousand horror stories of people using black salve (a caustic substance that is used to treat tumors by chemically burning them off) to treat breast cancer, which is only marginally more horrifying than people who chose to forego cancer treatment in favor of herbalism.
And I'm not particularly in the business of telling people what to do, but I am someone with chronic illnesses who has had alternative treatments proposed to me in place of recognized best practices and I understand that for people with a new or frightening diagnosis it is easy to fall victim to a confident person who is offering 'treatment' at a lower cost and with more hands-on care than an overworked specialist who doesn't take your shitty insurance. Because of that I think that it is often safer to assume that alternative treatments are at best unproven and to start treating medical conditions with allopathic medicine and to use alternative treatments alongside of allopathic medicine (with the full knowledge of your medical team - a lot of "detoxifying" alternative medicines work by making all of your medications ineffective!)
And even if you're going to be using herbalism or acupuncture to treat someone and doing so in conjunction with proven treatments, I still think it's important for the practitioner of alternative medicine to be intellectually curious and scientifically educated enough to recognize when their treatments aren't working; if you have cheerfully taken a course in chiropractic and homeopathy as part of your alternative medicine degree, that does not suggest that you are being given a rigorous, evidence-based education in herbalism or acupuncture by the school that provided the homeopathy class!
It's like if you were getting a degree in engineering and had to take a class on the physics of the time cube in order to graduate. Time Cube Theory 204 cancels out Advanced Fluid Dynamics! Time Cube Theory 204 calls into question the validity of all your other classes! Time Cube Theory 204 is a major alarm bell, and if that didn't chase you out of the building you shouldn't be trusted to build a dam!
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realmofthefaesubs · 3 days
Most recent Subliminal from Realm Of The Fae Subs , Epic Life Elixir, You can have it all! Brain Sync, Manifest in 10 seconds or less! Energetically Enhanced with Rainbow Diamond Aura Light Reiki and the Assistance of the Arch Angels Miracle Formula to Hemisync your brain, heal any trauma in you brain, subconscious or conscious mind. Heal any and all past present and prevent traumatic future events from happening.
Rife frequency, scalar waves and affirmations used. Headphones required.
Benefits and Affirmations:
*Brain Sync of the left and right hemisphere. helps to increase flowstate and creativity and facilitates brain hemisphere synchronization through the use of binaural and isochronic frequencies/tones primarily in the theta to alpha range allowing for more fluid to flow through the brain.
*Rife Frequency for Brain sync and healing any damage caused by substances or other harmful toxins or traumas.
The problem with society worldwide is that we are all taught from the time we are children to utilize chemicals to treat disease. From the time we are conscious, we are told to “see your doctor”. We are told this thousands of times every year and that gets repeated for every year of one’s life until they die. Same goes with “take this medication or pill” for this condition or that condition. Get yourself a blue pill, get this immunization and so on.
It never ends: one cannot read a magazine, turn on a TV or a radio and not be subjected to this constant form of message reinforcement. The propaganda persists from cradle to grave.
So that being said, such programming is what someone new brings to the discussion when they are inquiring about frequency alternatives. They will often filter what is being said through prior experience and the subconscious meme of “health comes from chemicals”. There are many other methods such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and many different forms of body energy therapies.
The use of frequency instruments has been around for well over a century. We just don’t tend to think of these instruments as frequency devices. Devices like electro-cauterization units and electric scalpels are frequency instruments. Pulsed short wave diathermy used for deep tissue heating, TENS units, ultra sound units, Bio Feedback devices, Micro Current devices, Bone Growth Stimulators and Lasers, are all frequency devices.
There are many other devices in common usage that depend upon the use of frequencies. Those frequencies often are specific to the production of a desired physiological effect. So the use of frequencies is nothing new, and are in use every minute of every day worldwide helping people.”
Rife machines use low-energy electrical impulses to kill or disable diseased cells by targeting the electromagnetic frequency of a medical condition. The pads on the machine are attached to the patient's hands or feet, and treatment is often done at a health clinic, but can also be used in meditations and subliminal treatments.
*Scalar waves to purify any and all negative energy from the body and atmosphere
*Ultimate Beauty enhancement, all of your features will be enhanced and modified very quickly, perfect small narrow sloped nose, get rid of nose bridge
*Have Angelic ethereal beauty, Bright eyes, angel skull, perfectly proportioned ideal face in seconds
*You are the ultimate beauty, when you walk in a room everyone stares in awe of your beauty
*You have perfect lashes, hair and lips, perfect body
*You are able to manifest your ideal wardrobe to enhance your glow up even further
*You literally glow from the inside out, your cells are healed and in turn causes your skin to shine naturally, it's like you have on natural makeup all the time
*You are perfect in every photo that you take and every video you record. Removes any spells cast against your beauty from shining through
*You literally have your dream life. Everything every second goes completely perfect for you.
*You live where you want, have your ideal friend group and the money and car you want
*You have a perfect social life
*wattpad life is your reality
*You are confident , you will feel an extreme confidence boost, everyone will want to be you
*You are extremely lucky and win things and get gifts all the time
*Every day you wake up in your dream reality
*Birds and animals sing to you , want to be close to you because your aura is so radiant and beautiful
*You are a star and very popular
*You succeed in everything that you do, and get perfect results
*You are able to manifest within seconds
*You have magical manifestation powers, you get what you want all the time.
*You literally feel like you are living in a dream everyday because it's so perfect, you are so perfect and your life is so perfect!
Drink water, dna upgrade, light activation, deep healing, unisex, use headphones! I love you all to infinity and beyond!
*Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/realmofthefaesubs
___Paid Request (Open)
*I do not take requests or suggestions unless they're paid requests
Contact me:
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
I read the first chapter or two of the unofficial translation and the acupuncture stuff just kinda put me off, that's too close to quackery for me to take it seriously, so I was wondering about your thoughts on it
oh. oh buddy. listen if you care about medical accuracy like,, at all,, this is definitely not the novel for you lmao
personally acupuncture is not for me, i have a strong fear of needles so the thought of anyone sticking needles into my body is terrifying, but i also feel that way about any kind of shot so i am probably not the best person to ask. as for whether it is quackery,,, maybe it's just that i'm not a native english speaker but that sounds like a loaded word lmao. i think it has to have some benefits, but definitely not to the level some attribute it. i would group it along with chiropractic (which by the way rakiel also does). useful for some people if done correctly but only if accompanied by actual medical advice lol.
plus. i think most people forget how recent most modern medicine is. for a long ass time herbal remedies, acupuncture, moxibustion, things we now consider as outdated or primitive or outright barbaric,,, well they were all that were available at the time. it was the best they could do. it wasn't that doctors and healers of that time didn't want to do better, they literally couldn't. and some of this stuff is still deeply tied to some cultures, is still respected as traditional methods of treatment. to call it quackery feels just,,,, a little icky.
now rakiel is from the modern era, but still, he's not someone who tries to scam people by offering fake miracle treatments with acupuncture or whatever. he's just offering whatever help he can with what he knows to do.
and really this is a fantasy novel. massive spoilers ahead but like. rakiel talks with his goddamn organs. he can get a diagnosis by taking people's pulse. he cured fucking covid with the help of a dragon. his own bone dragon takes x-rays by sneezing. damian uses his excess glucose to make mana blasts. medical accuracy is well behind us.
so like. i get why you could be put off by the treatments he uses, they're not very accurate and are definitely being exaggerated for the sake of the plot, but. they're not much more outlandish that everything lloyd is doing in tged lol. i think it's just that most of us are less familiar with civil engineering that we are with medicine and, uh, basic human anatomy, so we can more easily call bullshit on some of the wild plot devices ajksdka
i am very interested in your thoughts tho! please tell me if you read further and what you think of it!
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I fucking hate medical professionals here's an excerpt from the Penn State website about CFS treatment with my comments added in brackets:
Exercise is essential for everyone, including CFS and fibromyalgia patients [wrong for CFS at least]. It might seem counterintuitive to ask someone experiencing fatigue to exercise [because it is, it's also incredibly cruel], but a gentle and gradually progressive exercise program prevents deconditioning from lack of activity and begins to restore tolerance of exertion [literally medically proven incorrect years ago]. Exercise helps improve mood [not if it makes you miserable] and encourages restful sleep [yeah because it makes you crash]. Physical therapy [yikes, physical therapists are known for ignoring their patients], massage, hypnosis [the fuck?], acupuncture [I guess maybe for fibro?], yoga [any excess activity, even mild can cause severe worsening of symptoms], chiropractic and aquatic exercises [tried it and was so crashed I nearly got lost on my way out of the facility] have shown benefits in many cases [which cases? What evidence do you have? What CFS specialist did you consult when writing this?].
Anyway basically every medical professional, including ones at high-ranking medical facilities, have horribly outdated and ableist information about CFS and I feel like no one really talks about it. The only resources I've seen with correct, up to date information are resources specifically for CFS patients by orgs that specialize in CFS treatment.
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kristoff-2024 · 5 months
The Role of Chiropractic Care in Sports Injury Rehabilitation
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Sports injuries are an unfortunate but common occurrence among athletes of all levels. Whether you're a professional athlete or someone who enjoys recreational sports, injuries can happen, and they can be debilitating. Traditional methods like physical therapy and rest are essential when rehabilitating sports injuries. However, chiropractic care is an often overlooked but highly effective approach to sports injury recovery. In this article, we will explore the vital role of chiropractic care in sports injury rehabilitation.
Understanding Sports Injuries
Before delving into the role of chiropractic care, let's first understand sports injuries. These injuries can encompass a wide range of issues, including sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, and more. They often result from the physical demands and strains that sports and physical activities place on the body. Common injuries in sports include ankle sprains, torn ligaments, muscle strains, and even spinal misalignments.
These injuries can be painful, limit mobility, and adversely affect an athlete's performance. Effective rehabilitation is crucial not only for relieving pain but also for restoring the body to its optimal state of health and function.
The Basics of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a holistic and non-invasive treatment focusing on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system. Chiropractors believe the spine plays a vital role in overall health and well-being. They use hands-on techniques, primarily spinal adjustments, to correct misalignments (subluxations) in the spine. By doing so, they aim to restore proper nervous system function, which can positively impact various aspects of health.
Chiropractic Care for Sports Injury Rehabilitation
So, how does chiropractic care fit into sports injury rehabilitation? Chiropractic care can complement traditional methods like physical therapy and rest by addressing the musculoskeletal aspects of the injury. Here's how it plays a crucial role:
1. Pain Relief: Many sports injuries involve pain, and chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate pain by reducing pressure on nerves, releasing muscle tension, and promoting the body's natural healing processes. Leading to faster and more comfortable recovery.
2. Improved Mobility: Restricted joint mobility is a common issue in sports injuries. Chiropractors can restore proper joint function through adjustments, helping athletes regain their range of motion and flexibility.
3. Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is a natural response to injury, but excessive inflammation can prolong the healing process. Chiropractic care can help reduce inflammation by addressing the underlying issues that contribute to it.
4. Enhanced Healing: Chiropractic adjustments can stimulate blood flow to the injured area, accelerating the healing process. This can be particularly beneficial for soft tissue injuries like muscle strains.
5. Non-Invasive Approach: Chiropractic care is non-invasive and doesn't involve surgery or prescription medications. This makes it a safe and conservative option for athletes seeking rehabilitation.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Sports Injury Rehabilitation
The benefits of incorporating chiropractic care into sports injury rehabilitation are numerous:
1. Holistic Approach: Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to healing, addressing the symptoms and root causes of injuries.
2. Speedier Recovery: By promoting the body's natural healing mechanisms, chiropractic care can lead to faster recovery times, allowing athletes to return to their sport sooner.
3. Enhanced Performance: Regular chiropractic care can improve overall physical function, potentially enhancing an athlete's performance and reducing the risk of future injuries.
4. Drug-Free Pain Management: Chiropractic care offers a drug-free alternative for pain management, reducing the need for painkillers with potential side effects.
5. Customized Care: Chiropractors tailor their treatments to each patient's specific needs, ensuring that the rehabilitation plan is personalized and effective.
Common Sports Injuries Treated with Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care effectively addresses a wide range of sports injuries, including but not limited to:
Back Injuries: Chiropractors can treat issues like herniated discs, lower back pain, and spinal misalignments commonly experienced by athletes.
Shoulder Injuries: Chiropractic adjustments can help with rotator cuff injuries and shoulder pain, common in sports like baseball and swimming.
Knee Injuries: Chiropractic care can benefit athletes with knee sprains, strains, or patellar tracking issues.
Ankle Injuries: Chiropractors can help with ankle sprains and other foot and ankle issues frequently occurring in sports.
Muscle Strains: Soft tissue injuries, including muscle strains and tears, can be treated and rehabilitated through chiropractic care.
The Chiropractor's Role in the Rehabilitation Team
Chiropractors are an integral part of a comprehensive rehabilitation team. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists and orthopedic specialists, to ensure that the athlete receives the best possible care.
In this team-based approach, chiropractors focus on the musculoskeletal aspects of the injury. 
At the same time, other specialists address different facets of rehabilitation, such as strengthening exercises and surgical interventions if necessary. This collaborative effort ensures a well-rounded and effective approach to sports injury rehabilitation.
What to Expect During Chiropractic Treatment
If you're considering chiropractic care for sports injury rehabilitation, knowing what to expect during your chiropractic sessions is essential. Typically, a chiropractic session involves:
Patient Assessment: The chiropractor will assess your condition, considering your medical history, symptoms, and any diagnostic imaging.
Chiropractic Adjustment: Based on the assessment, the chiropractor will perform specific adjustments to address misalignments and restore joint function.
Treatment Plan: A personalized treatment plan will be developed to guide your rehabilitation journey, including the frequency and duration of sessions.
Reevaluation: Regular reevaluations will track your progress, allowing adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.
In sports injury rehabilitation, chiropractic care offers a holistic and effective approach. By addressing the musculoskeletal aspects of injuries, chiropractors play a crucial role in relieving pain, restoring mobility, and enhancing the overall well-being of athletes. If you've experienced a sports injury, consider adding chiropractic care to your rehabilitation plan to expedite your recovery and return to your favorite activities in top form.
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mckimchiropractic · 8 months
Wondering why is chiropractic treatment necessary? Call McKim Chiropractic to find out more about chiropractor treatment and to schedule a consultation.
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Mom’s Guide: Assessing The Safety of Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy
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The majority of women suffer from some form of discomfort during their pregnancy and look for ways to relieve themselves from the pain and aches. That is why of late, chiropractic care for pregnant women is in huge demand because it is seen that pregnant women opting for chiropractic care get relief immediately.
There is a constant debate regarding the safety of chiropractic care for pregnant mothers and the benefits associated with it. Here in this article, we will discuss in detail about chiropractic care for pregnant women.
Is It Safe?
The first thing that needs to be addressed is whether pregnant women should opt for chiropractic care or not. Chiropractic treatment refers to the maintenance of the spinal column and bringing to alignment any misaligned joints that might be the cause behind your discomfort.
It is a form of physical treatment where a chiropractor is going to perform a few physical therapies to reduce the build-up of stress in your spinal cord. Opting for chiropractic care during pregnancy is largely considered safe except for a few situations where you shouldn’t go for the treatment.
If you are experiencing moderate to severe toxemia, ectopic pregnancy, placenta previa or placenta abruption, and vaginal bleeding then you mustn’t opt for chiropractic treatment. Besides that, most chiropractic practitioners are trained in giving therapy to pregnant women while some chiropractors specialize in pregnancy care.
There are certain benefits associated with chiropractic care that pregnant women can definitely avail of if they are not suffering from any of the above-discussed complications related to pregnancy.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Comfort from Back Pain
A common problem the majority of pregnant women face during their pregnancy is related to back pain. There are several factors that cause back pain and prominent among them is the loosening of the joints and ligaments when you are going through your pregnancy.
The best way to deal with the pain is through routine adjustments that can be achieved through chiropractic treatment. The various forms of physical therapies administered by the chiropractor help bring the bones in your spinal cord back to alignment and also relieve stress.
Fight Nausea
There are women who encounter “morning sickness” and nausea problems during their pregnancy which makes it difficult for them to carry out their chores. Often it is found that chiropractic care goes a long way in helping pregnant women fight nausea and “morning sickness”.
There are certain medications and diet plans recommended during pregnancy to beat nausea but when you combine that with chiropractic care then the results would be definitely encouraging. The chiropractors apply their therapy to your spinal cord which holds the key to solving your nausea and “morning sickness” problem.
Most of the time it is observed that these kind of problems is caused due to hormonal disturbances and indigestion that can be dealt with effectively with a spinal realignment which can be achieved through chiropractic care.
Improves Pelvic Balance
A majority of women during their pregnancy get tensed regarding the baby getting stuck in the breach position before they go into labor. There are several instances where it is seen women opting for chiropractic care during their pregnancy don’t encounter this type of situation and have a smooth delivery process.
The chiropractic therapy helps in maintaining the right pelvic balance which assists the baby in moving effortlessly into the perfect pre-birth posture. Besides that, it would also help you recover faster post your delivery which would be a much-needed relief for you.
Avoid Injury & Smooth Delivery
Most of the time it is observed that women who have regularly availed chiropractic treatment during their pregnancy have often reported a very smooth birthing process without any difficulties and complexities. A major scare for most pregnant women is the complications that they might face during the child delivery process.
There are several instances of women sustaining injuries during their pregnancy and also during the child delivery process. However, when you are undergoing chiropractic treatment regularly then you will minimize the risk of injury and also the child delivery process will be without any hiccups.
Finally The above-discussed factors are some of the benefits associated with chiropractic treatment for pregnant women. If you still have a lot of queries that remain answered then you must get in touch with a chiropractic practitioner to get all your doubts cleared.
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infoblr · 8 months
What is Chiropractic Adjustment Care ( Treatment and Benefits ) Know Everything
Chiropractic Adjustment Care, also known as chiropractic treatment or spinal manipulation, is a form of alternative medicine focused on diagnosing and treating mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine.
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Remember that this information is for educational purposes and not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you’re considering chiropractic care, consult a qualified healthcare provider or chiropractor to determine the best approach for your specific needs.
Note: If you are curious and interested in watching and knowing how chiropractic care works, then watch this channel on YouTube. Thank You!
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dushyantverma · 1 year
Dushyant Verma Shillong - Spinal Stenosis – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
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Dushyant Verma Maharani Bagh - Spinal stenosis is a condition that affects the spine and can cause pain, numbness, and difficulty in movement. It is important to be aware of its symptoms and causes as well as its different treatment options. In this Blog, Dushyant Verma Southern Avenue, explains what is spinal stenosis - what causes and symptoms are spinal stenosis, and which treatments are available. 
What is Spinal Stenosis?
Dushyant Verma Shillong says, Spinal stenosis is a condition that occurs when the spaces in the spine narrow, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots.This can result in leg and arm pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. Spinal stenosis is most common in the elderly.
There are two types of spinal stenosis: central and foraminal. Central stenosis occurs when the central canal, which contains the spinal cord, narrows. Foraminal stenosis happens when the foramina, which are openings where nerves exit the spine, become narrower. Both types of stenosis can occur in any part of the spine.
Causes of Spinal Stenosis
Dushyant Verma Maharani Bagh says, The most common cause of spinal stenosis is aging. As we get older, the spinal column can narrow and the discs between the vertebrae can deteriorate. This can result in the growth of bony spurs, which can further narrow the spinal canal. Other causes of spinal stenosis include:
Herniated discs
Degenerative disc disease
Spinal injuries
Bone diseases
Aging and wear and tear on the spine
Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis
The symptoms of spinal stenosis vary depending on the location of the stenosis and the severity of the condition. According to Dushyant Verma Southern Avenue, Some common symptoms include:
Back pain
Leg pain or cramping
Numbness or tingling sensations in the legs or arms
Weakness in the legs or arms
Difficulty standing or walking for extended periods of time
Weakness in the limbs
Bowel or bladder incontinence (in severe cases).
You should see a doctor if you have any of these symptoms.
How is spinal stenosis diagnosed?
Spinal stenosis is typically diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, imaging tests (such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scan), and possibly nerve function tests (such as electromyography (EMG) or nerve conduction studies). The doctor will review the symptoms, evaluate the range of motion, and feel for any tenderness in the affected area. Imaging tests can help to confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent and location of the stenosis.
Treatments for Spinal Stenosis
There are a number of treatments that can be effective in managing the symptoms of spinal stenosis. Depending on the severity of your condition, your age, and other factors, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following:
Physical therapy to benefit improve flexibility and strength
Anti-inflammatory medications to help reduce swelling 
Corticosteroid injections to help reduce inflammation 
Surgery to remove the bone or tissue causing the stenosis
Alternative Treatments for Spinal Stenosis:
There are many alternative treatments for spinal stenosis. Some of these include:
Chiropractic care: This is a form of manual therapy that can help to relieve pain and improve mobility in people with spinal stenosis.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the skin. It is said to help with pain relief and circulation.
Massage: Massage can help to relax muscles and relieve tension in the back and neck. It can also improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.
Exercise: Regular exercise is important for overall health, but it can also be helpful in managing symptoms of spinal stenosis. Low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, and yoga can all be beneficial.
Dushyant Verma Maharani Bagh says, Spinal stenosis is a common condition that can cause significant impairment and pain if left untreated. Fortunately, this condition can be managed with the help of medications, physical therapy and/or surgery. It is important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of spinal stenosis so that you can take steps to prevent it or seek treatment as soon as possible. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most people are able to find relief from their symptoms and return to their normal lives.
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acmephysiotherapy1 · 9 months
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes: Improving Performance and Preventing Injuries
Top performance and injury prevention goals in the world of sports and athletics. As athletes continually push their bodies to the limit, the role of chiropractic care has emerged as a crucial element in enhancing performance and safeguarding against injuries. Chiropractic Doctor bring their expertise in musculoskeletal health to the forefront, offering athletes a holistic approach to achieving their best while minimizing the risk of injuries.
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Some of the Advantages of Chiropractic Care for Athletes:
Improved performance
Prevention of injuries
Reduced recovery time from injuries
Improved sleep
Reduced stress
Chiropractic Care: A Holistic Approach to Athletic Well-being
Chiropractic care is founded on the principle that the body's structure, particularly the spine, plays a vital role in overall health. Chiropractic doctors, through manual adjustments and manipulations, work to align the spine and correct any misalignments or imbalances. This approach not only aids in relieving pain but also supports the body's innate ability to heal itself and function optimally.
Improving Athletic Performance
Athletes often seek that extra edge to enhance their performance. Chiropractic care can contribute significantly to achieving peak performance by optimizing the body's biomechanics. When the spine is properly aligned, nerve communication flows unimpeded, leading to improved coordination, balance, and overall bodily function. This can translate into enhanced agility, speed, and precision attributes critical for success in various sports.
Enhancing Range of Motion
Flexibility and range of motion are vital for athletes to excel in their chosen disciplines. Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate restrictions in joints and soft tissues, enabling athletes to achieve a wider range of motion. This not only improves their performance but also reduces the risk of muscle strains and joint injuries that can occur due to restricted movement.
Injury Prevention
Preventing injuries is a priority for athletes, as injuries can lead to setbacks and time away from training and competition. Chiropractic doctors take a proactive approach by identifying and addressing areas of the body that are prone to strain or imbalance. Through adjustments and personalized treatment plans, chiropractic care helps athletes maintain optimal musculoskeletal health, reducing the likelihood of injuries.
Managing and Alleviating Pain
Sports-related activities can sometimes lead to pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care is renowned for its non-invasive approach to pain management. Chiropractic doctors identify the root causes of pain, whether it's from a misaligned spine or muscular imbalances, and use targeted adjustments to alleviate discomfort. This allows athletes to continue their training regimens with reduced pain and improved focus.
Faster Recovery
In the event of an injury, chiropractic care can play a pivotal role in the recovery process. Chiropractic doctors work in conjunction with other medical professionals to develop comprehensive rehabilitation plans that facilitate faster healing. By addressing the musculoskeletal aspects of injuries, chiropractic care can help athletes return to their sports sooner and with a reduced risk of re-injury.
Customized Care for Athletes
Chiropractic care recognizes that every athlete is unique, with distinct physical demands and challenges. Chiropractic doctors tailor their treatments to the individual needs of each athlete, ensuring that they receive personalized care that aligns with their goals and aspirations.
Chiropractic care has emerged as a valuable asset for athletes seeking to improve their performance, prevent injuries, and maintain overall well-being. By working with a chiropractic doctor, athletes can unlock the benefits of proper spinal alignment, enhanced range of motion, injury prevention, pain management, and faster recovery. In the dynamic world of sports, chiropractic care stands as a holistic approach that empowers athletes to achieve their best while promoting long-term health and vitality.
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ayurvedantam · 1 year
Discover the Advantages of Ayurveda, Panchkarma, and Naturopathy in Gurgaon with Sri Sri Tattva's Experts
Gurgaon, a thriving metropolis in the northern state of Haryana, is renowned for its fast-paced lifestyle and high stress levels. As a result, many people in Gurgaon are turning to alternative forms of medicine to improve their overall health and well-being. That's where Ayurveda, Panchkarma, and Naturopathy come into play.
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Let's start with Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine that believes good health is achieved by balancing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Ayurvedic treatments in Gurgaon rely on natural remedies like herbal treatments, dietary changes, and yoga to help you achieve this balance. The city has a plethora of Ayurvedic medicine options, from herbal supplements to massages, to keep you healthy and happy.
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Panchkarma, another significant aspect of Ayurveda, is a series of cleansing processes that aim to purify the body and boost physical and mental well-being. The most popular Panchkarma treatments include Abhyanga (oil massage), Shirodhara (oil treatment for the head), and Nasya (nasal therapy). Gurgaon boasts many Panchkarma experts who can guide you towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.
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Finally, Naturopathy is a well-known alternative medicine in Gurgaon that focuses on using natural remedies, such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, to achieve good health. In addition to these remedies, Naturopathy also incorporates complementary therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractic for a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.
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Sri Sri Tattva is a leading player in the world of Ayurveda, Panchkarma, and Naturopathy in Gurgaon. The center is staffed by a team of experienced and knowledgeable doctors who offer a wide range of treatments and services to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Whether you're seeking Ayurvedic medicine, Panchkarma, or Naturopathy, Sri Sri Tattva's doctors in Gurgaon have everything you need to lead a healthy and balanced life.
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So why wait? If you're looking to enhance your health and well-being in Gurgaon, consider the benefits of Ayurveda, Panchkarma, and Naturopathy. With the assistance of Sri Sri Tattva's experts, you'll be well on your way to attaining optimal health and happiness. Book your appointment today and embark on your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life!
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