#ben taking turns with someone back flipping off of a cliff and landing in the water.
benbraeden-a · 1 year
a thought: tfw3.0 all packing themselves in a car, or two, and they go to a lake and spend the day just being in the sun, relaxing, swimming, and simply existing.
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hvlfwygod · 4 years
tw: violence, blood, descriptions of extensive injuries
She kept telling him, he had another option. As Ben worked up the strength and nerve to drag himself back across the ground, his mother kept reminding him, calmly, that he could use her power.
Leave me alone, he kept replying.
His body hurt so much, simply breathing while sprawled on the ground was an excruciating ordeal. The rocks underneath his back were almost a relief. Small, sharp divots digging into his skin that kept Ben alert. It was just enough to distract him, to morph everything else into vague, unfocused pain.
He was trying not to think about it. The aching familiarity of hands against his flesh, of curling up in the darkness, trying not to be seen, of silently assessing the damage. He was trying not to think about it.
All his injuries came into agonizing focus as soon as he started to move. He had one leg and one arm to pull himself from under the RV, and every motion was almost shocking with how badly it hurt. Never mind moving five feet to the door, never mind crawling up the two impossible steps that led inside. Ben nearly passed out hauling himself to the bathroom, and once he finally made it to standing, he was so dizzy he threw up bile in the sink.
You have another option, Ben.
The adrenaline from the fight was draining out of him, and in its place was an awful, painful ache. His knee was swelling, his face numb, his head throbbing. The worst was his ribcage, so dented he could barely move his left arm and it felt like weights were pressed into one of his lungs.
Chase was missing, Chase had been kidnapped, taken who knows where, and all Ben could cycle on was how terrible it was to be in his body.
He was shaking as he wiped the dried blood from his face. The lightest touch of his fingers made the bruising skin burn. Ben’s throat burned, too, as he stared at himself in the mirror. The awful familiarity of this was creeping back in, hiding just around the corner. Ben tore his gaze away.
Everything felt like a trap. The darkness was a threat, but turning on the lights might be a beacon. Ben fumbled through the RV and told himself he was alone, he was alone, no one was coming out of the shadows to end him. He found a dagger and held it close to him all the same.
He was on the bed, scraping together the ruined pieces of the pedant. All the sparkling golden light had dulled to nothing. He left it in a pile on the nightstand, a glassy reminder of their failure.
He ate ambrosia until he felt too, too warm.
You have another option, Ben.
Go away.
Ben found himself shivering on top of the covers, mind blank but racing, all the same. The knife was pressed into him, held close, a failsafe.
The panic he’d been holding back since waking up finally spilled out of him.
He was screwed, so screwed, so unbelievably screwed. Chase was gone and he could hardly walk. He was going to die, he’d known it coming up here, hadn’t he? He shouldn’t be so surprised.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”
Ben’s eyes blurred with tears but thirty seconds of sobbing and he had to stop. It hurt too much.
Sleep tugged at him. Ben lifted his head off the pillow until the feeling passed. He kept trying to think of what to do, but his head was swimming with fever and the whole RV seemed to be tilting back, back, back. He was so stiff, shifting even a little set off small fires.
Hours passed with his thoughts sliding away from him. Ben was in a haze, and through the layers of numb he could remember that he shouldn’t be wasting so much time.
Finally, his mind started to return to him. Ben focused on the one thing he could do right now. He had to find Chase.
He had to sleep.
Ben hadn’t wanted to admit it but he’d known, right away, what needed to happen. He had to find a crack in the nightmares that would surely come, and he had to find Chase.
Once he decided, he let himself imagine saying goodbye. It was the best he could manage short of making it back home.
Ben scooped up the shards of the pendant and held them over his heart. He felt his pulse, frantic beneath his hand. He took in the waking world for maybe the last time, then shut his eyes.
Waves crashed against the rocky shoreline, and the sky was filled with constellations Ben didn’t recognize. Black stars, a negative world, Ben so faded he almost blended in with the cliffs around him. An old woman’s laughter gliding over the wind.
He felt alert where awake he’d been disoriented. He felt steady, clear-headed. Maybe it was the dream wiping him clean, or maybe it was a survival instinct kicking in.
He felt stupid for not suspecting the lighthouse right away. Of course, Chase was there, of course. Ben glanced up at the towering building and started to climb up the cliffside. When he made it to the doorway it was already ajar for him. He found Chase sprawled out on the floor, eyes closed.
Ben faltered, then approached slowly. The floorboards were rotted— had they always been like this? They groaned underfoot, and the sound traveled up the walls. The whole building seemed to protest his being there.
Outside, a storm brewed over the ocean. He felt a cold stare on his back.
No response. He was cold, unresponsive.
Then he wasn’t there anymore, but sinking into the floor. Ben saw a hand on his arm, gripping like a vice, and a pair of terrified eyes looking up at him through the dark. Then, nothing. 
“No!” Ben banged at the floor, and it shifted like dirt under his hands, he dug, trying to get underneath, but he found nothing. He kept digging, digging, digging, and still nothing. Someone called his name at the surface, so Ben kept digging.
He was in the underworld, which just looked like a big, dark room filled with corpses. The dirt sealed up above his head. Ben scratched at the ceiling but it only bloodied his fingertips. The room was impossibly small, now, and he was pleading with someone to let him out, let him out, please at least just let him have some water.
Ben stopped, and looked at his hand. No cast. He forced the dream to change.
He was in the middle of Manhattan.
“No,” he said aloud. Not this again.
There were hands around his throat. “Looks like someone has a death wish.”
Ben forced the dream to change. It didn’t change. “Stop,” he choked out. “Stop, stop, stop.”
He was hunched over, bleeding out, a sword in his hand, walking toward Danny, who was trying not to show on his face how terrified he was. “Stop,” Ben pleaded with himself. “Stop, please, please, please, stop stop stop stop stop stop stop.”
He closed his eyes, dug his heels into the ground. Take me to Chase.
The sword felt lighter in his hands, and the air around him changed. Chase was in front of him, chained to a wall and bleeding. Ben’s stomach flipped as his arm almost shot out to bury the blade into his neck. He grabbed his arm and forced it down.
“Ben,” Chase choked out, blood pouring from his mouth. “I'm sorry. I thought I could hide you. Can you just make it quick? I think it needs to get to ten. Just... sorry. Fuck.”
Ben, with effort, dropped the knife. He knew, somehow, that this was actually him. “Chase. Fuck. Where are you?” He tried to pull the chains off of him, to no avail. "I'm trying to find you, Chase."
Chase looked stricken. He licked his lips. "Um, I dunno. I don't know. I'm tied to a chair.” He seemed to be struggling to speak, and more blood surged past his lips. Ben’s chest constricted with concern. “Where are you, Ben? Are you alive?"
Ben frowned, then looked down at his hand. He was dreaming, which meant he had to be alive, unless the hag had already killed him and this was the final gasps of his dying mind. “I am,” he decided, looking back to Chase. “Focus on another dream. I’ll find you.”
"Wait, don't go.” Chase struggled in his chains, and Ben’s hands reached out tentatively, trying to still him so he wouldn’t hurt himself. He had no idea if Chase’s body, in the waking world, was also bleeding this badly. 
“Focus on the dream with me,” Chase pleaded. “I don't know if I can change it without you. Please. Think of the place we'd go. The pendant.”
“It’s—” But Chase was already shaking his head, crying.
“You know the bonfire? Let's go to the bonfire.”
Ben’s heart hurt, seeing Chase so distressed and he being so useless, even standing in front of him like this. He wished he could release him but something about this dream was stubborn, hard to change. Ben refused to accept this, the pangs of empathy shaping his determination. He nodded, putting his hands gently on Chase’s face. “I’m not leaving without you,” he promised. He closed his eyes and focused on the bonfire, on their friends sitting around them, on a warm summer night filled with peace. Take us to the bonfire.
They were sitting in camp, and Ben could hear the crickets singing, the fire in front of him crackling, and Chase release a shaky sigh of relief beside him. He relaxed but kept an eye on the darkness looming in the trees.
"I'm... that guy has me. Fox,” Chase said. “He was talking to me. He has.... a thing. It's like our pendant, but different. I think they're going to kill me. Ben." Chase's eyes flashed as he looked to him. "You have to get me my sword. You have to."
Ben frowned at the shadows stretching toward his foot. “You’re not at the lighthouse?” Then how come every time he fell asleep in this town, he ended up there? 
He heard his mother's voice even while asleep. Something she warned him about, what felt like years ago. You must heed misdirection. He pressed his lips together. "You're not," he answered himself. He looked at Chase, brow creased. "I think I know where you are but I don't— I don’t know how to get there."
Ben lifted his head, staring at the sky, at a pair of cold eyes, at an ancient smile. Despite her grin, Ben could see that the hag was furious. Her fingers dug into his arms, and he was dragged into darkness.
He couldn’t tell if his eyes were open or closed. A rain of fists landed on his body, and all he could taste was blood. His ears rang, rang, rang.
When he opened his eyes, Vernon Fox was standing over him, holding a gun to his head.
“Get up.”
His body protested the movement, but Ben did what he was told. Fox shoved him out of the RV and he stumbled, swallowing his pain. It was dark; he’d slept the entire day. They were on a quiet road at the outskirts of town, in an open field. Nowhere to hide. Not like Ben could make a run for it, anyway. The frigid ground against his bare feet made him shiver.
Fox pushed him to a car and opened the passenger door. “In.” Ben checked to make sure there was still a gun pointed at him. There was, of course, so he got in.
They drove. Ben watched the RV get smaller and smaller behind him.
“You could leave right now.” Veron was driving with one hand, the other crossed over his stomach, holding the gun steady.
Ben didn’t say anything.
“I won’t tell anyone to come after you if you leave all this alone. Your friend is as good as dead. She’s too strong, and he made his decision. Just go. No more nightmares, I swear.”
“Fuck you.”
Vernon hummed jovially. “Alright.”
He brought Ben to the lighthouse. Once the car stopped, the gun switched hands and was pressed into his temple. “Out.”
Ben didn’t move. He stared up at the striped tower, extending into the night sky. “This is not your style,” he said. “You manipulate people, you convince them to trust you.”
“Come on, Ben, out of the car.”
“Don’t want to get my brains all over the nice leather?” Ben glanced sideways at the man, swallowing down his fear. “Will it be easier to pretend you didn’t do it, if you can just drop my body in the ocean? Because it doesn’t work that way. You’ll remember it, no matter what.”
Vernon got out of the car. He opened Ben’s door and forcibly dragged him out. Ben cursed through the agony in his ribcage, but he fought back. He ripped himself free and tackled Veron to the ground. They both crashed into the rocky surface and it made Ben’s vision swim.
You have another option, Ben.
He fumbled for the gun. He didn’t find it, but his hand wrapped around a knife. Vernon’s elbow cracked into Ben’s jaw, knocking him aside. Somehow, he kept his grip firm as he scrambled to his feet. He was so angry, it overtook him. He hated this man more than he’d ever hated anyone else. Vernon grabbed at him and Ben dodged easily, then moved closer and dug the blade into the man’s side.
His side was bleeding, too. He pressed his hand to the wound, taking a few labored breaths. It was like muscle memory.
Vernon fell over himself and landed on the ground. Ben stalked forward, and the man started laughing, as if welcoming what was coming.
Ben realized what he was doing. He dug his heels into the dirt. “I’m not going to kill you,” he said.
Vernon rolled his eyes. “One was enough?”
Ben frowned. “What?” He looked down at the knife. It was in his left hand, which was bare. He was asleep.
The dream changed. Lifeless hands gripped Ben’s arms, his legs, his torso, his head, and pulled down, down, down. Every time he pried himself free, something else emerged to grab him again. He stopped fighting it, eventually, too exhausted to continue.
He shot up on Danny’s couch, Caine by his side, trying to calm him down. “I killed him,” Ben sobbed.
He was being wheeled into the hospital and there was a sheet over the dead body in the bed next to his. He was hauled under blankets and fell asleep, and an old woman was laughing right above him. Gently, she cracked open his ribs.
He needed to wake up. He didn’t know how to get to Chase, but he needed to wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
“You’re too late too late too late.” He was in the RV, frozen on the bed, and the hag was sitting right over him. Her hand pressed down on his heart and he felt it slow. He felt everything go still, the room started to collapse into nothingness. Ben thought it was ironic, that it was only now that he realized he wanted so, so desperately to live.
Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up.
“Please,” he mouthed to no one, tears collecting at his eyes.
Ben woke up. He gasped, clawing at the leftover pressure on his chest. The shards of the pendant spilled out from his palm. He was alone, alive.
“Fuck,” he breathed out. “Fuck. Fuck! Fuck, fuck.” His heart was furiously pounding, as if making up for the fact that it had nearly stopped.
Once he calmed down, Ben rolled out of the bed and collapsed into a heap on the floor. The dream had wreaked further havoc on his body, it seemed. Groaning, Ben pulled himself to sitting and found the ambrosia on the bedside table. He slid another square between his teeth.
He failed. He knew where he’d find Chase but had no idea where Vernon Fox’s house was. Ben banged his head against the nightstand, not caring that it further drove the spike of pain into his skull. “Dammit,” he said through his teeth.
It was dark outside, which made Ben worry. He checked the time.
“Shit.” It had been almost a full day since Chase had been taken.
It took two minutes to make it to his feet. Ben limped into the back of the RV and rifled through Chase’s coat. He found the man’s business card shoved in the side pocket. There was no address, but it was something.
He’d just have to go find Chase himself. He was no use to anyone if he was dead, so sleep, for now, was no longer an option. Ben began the arduous process of getting dressed.
Before he left, he found Chase’s sword. Ben held it close, a promise that he’d find him, he’d get them out of this.
Ben’s eyes were watering just ten minutes into his pathetic trek into the heart of town. Everything hurt so bad, so so bad, he could barely see in front of him as he walked. The world pitched forward and back wildly.
He couldn’t stop. He had to find Chase. Ben made it his mantra for every painful step: he had to find Chase, he had to, he had to, he had to.
A car was driving toward him. Ben ducked his head and slowed his pace, trying to hide his gait until they passed him by. But instead of rolling past him, the vehicle slowed down. It stopped a few feet in front of him. Ben stopped, too, readying himself for a fight.
The driver's door opened. It was still dark out, so Ben couldn’t see who stepped out into the street.
“You look like shit. Ben, right?”
“Don’t come any closer,” he warned.
“You’re about to fall over, I’m hardly threatened.” A phone’s flashlight lit up, and shone on the stranger’s face. It was the girl from the cafe.
Ben stared at her, not comprehending. “Minnie...?”
She sighed. “Get in the car, I’ll take you to your friend.”
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 66)
*me rn:
Tumblr media
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warning: language
“Where have you been, Darling?” I asked when I noticed Wendy walk back into camp.
“I went to see Tigerlily and Tinkerbell.”
“How was that?”
“Good. They’re interesting women. Tinkerbell is a little rough around the edges and prefers to keep to herself but she’s nice. She’s only been here a couple days and she’s already working on plans for a treehouse.”
“Really? I’ll have to go see her later. See if she’d like some help.” I still felt indebted to her for saving my life. There wasn’t a whole lot to do on the island anyways. Spending my day building something didn’t sound too bad.
I looked around the camp and sighed. Peter had disappeared after I sent him away at training. I checked all the usual places but he had simply vanished. I was starting to get worried. He didn’t look too well when I left him. What if the idiot had collapsed somewhere?
“Looking for someone?” Wendy snapped me back to attention.
“Have you seen Peter? He’s been missing for a while.”
She shrugged. “Don’t know where he could be.”
“Neither do I.” I tried to focus on the book in my lap but all the words kept scanning past my vision without retaining anything.
“Why’d you come back?” Wendy said quietly.
“Why’d you come back to Neverland after you were so set to leave it behind?”
“I was gonna die where I was. We needed a quick escape and I thought of Neverland first. It seemed the safest option.”
“It wasn’t convenience that brought you back here. Not entirely.” she grabbed my hand to reassure me, “Why’d you really come back?”
The second star to the right…
I craned my neck further up to see through the bars of the window in my cell. The pain made my vision blur and it was hard to focus. Tiny white specks of light against the dark sky. Please let this work.
“I...I believe…” I whispered to the stars, “I believe…”
The pain became too much and I dropped my dead weight into my shackles. Please let it work. Let the shadow come. Please. Please...help me...
I heard the sound of footsteps enter into my cell. The Dark One was back. An ugly and pathetic sob passed my lips. He was saying something but I couldn’t hear it over my own cries. The shackles around my wrists unclamped and I dropped to the ground.
What’s happening? What’s he doing?
I squinted my eyes open and saw that it wasn’t the Dark One at all. It was a woman. “Wha…”
“Shh,” she silenced me as she pulled me up and slung my dead weight onto her shoulders. “We’re getting out of here.”
She pulled a magic bean out of her pocket and threw it on the ground.
Peter! My mind screamed as we fell through the portal. Not Neverland. Not safety. Peter. My Peter. My home.
My love.
“I came back because…because I missed everyone.” Not a complete lie, “Devin, Nick, Ben, Felix, Tigerlily, and even Peter. I wanted to come home. It just took a couple weeks of torture for me to realize that.”
Wendy stayed by my side the rest of the day quietly reading over my shoulder. I couldn’t focus on the story but for the sake of Wendy I continued to flip the pages for her to read.
That night I was in Peter’s tent half asleep when I felt someone lay down next to me. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know it was Peter. I let out a small breath of relief when I felt his arms encircle me and draw me close to him.
In the morning Peter didn’t talk about where he had disappeared to and I didn’t ask. What he did though was steal me away from the camp and the boys with the promise we were doing something fun. We climbed higher and higher through the jungle until I noticed exactly where he was taking us.
“You ready to do this?” Peter asked.
“I’m not so sure anymore,” I creeped closer to the edge of the cliff. It was the same cliff that overlooked Skull Rock. How appropriate that my flying lesson would take place at the spot Peter had threatened to toss me from and where I had shoved him over once upon a time.
“Is my Lost Girl still scared of heights.”
“The height isn’t the problem. The falling to my death upon a bunch of sharp rocks against a cliffside is.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be right here to catch you.” he assured me giving my shoulders a tight squeeze. In his other hand he held up the vial of pixie dust.
“Okay, let’s do this,” I took a deep breath as Peter uncorked the vial.
“Flying is simple, it’s just a matter of faith, trust and little bit of pixie dust.”
“Isn’t faith and trust the same thing?”
“Have faith that you can fly and trust that the pixie dust will work.” he corrected me.
“But what if I do fall?” I edged closer to the edge of the cliff my heart hammering in my chest.
“Oh but, pet,” he sprinkled the pixie dust over my head, “What if you fly?”
“Peter…” I know that I had wanted to do it but every instinct in my head was screaming to get away from the ledge.
“You can do this. Remember, faith...trust...and a little push.” he said the last word so softly I barely heard it before I felt his hand push on my back and I fell over the edge.
A loud scream escaped my throat as I started free-falling towards the water.
“PETER! YOU DICKBAG!” I screamed as the waves came closer and closer.
“Trust, Y/N, trust the dust. Think of something pleasant.” I hadn’t noticed until then that Peter was falling right alongside me with a huge grin plastered against his face.
“You can do this.” he looked way too calm for someone who was hurtling toward their doom. “Ride the wind,”
Ride the wind. Ride the wind! I closed my eyes and focused on the air around me. I imagined the pixie dust settled in my hair. I thought of Peter and I riding on horseback across a glade. When I opened my eyes I wasn’t falling anymore but shooting straight out across the ocean mere feet above the water.
“Oh my god…” the terrified beating of my heart started to slow as I took in the fact I was actually flying. “I’m doing it! Peter, I’m doing it!”
“I know you could,” he was right next to me relaxed as could be. He reached out a hand when I started to wobble to even out my flying as we turned around back to the island.
Now that my life wasn’t in mortal peril my anger had returned. I gripped the hand he was holding tighter and reached over smacking him repeatedly. “Ow! What was that for?”
“You pushed me off a cliff!” I shouted at him as I continued to try and hit him. By now he had let go of me and put some distance between us.
“Consider it payback for when you did it to me,” he smirked.
“That was decades ago! You’re still mad about that?”
“No, but did it feel good to see your face.” he started laughing maniacally.
“That’s it!” I shot at him. He dodged easily having had hundreds of years of practice. “Get over here so I can hit you!”
“Only if you can catch me!” he took off and I sped after him. We zoomed all across Neverland as I tried to catch up to him. I knew it was useless. He was a natural born flyer and I was still shaky by myself. There was no way I was going to be able to catch the little imp but hell if I wasn’t going to try.
I watched as he started to speed around a mountain. I knew this mountain. There were caves all throughout it that could bring me to the otherside faster than going around. Maybe I could capture him! I ducked down into the nearest opening. It was then that I realized I had picked the wrong entrance. It was a dead end. I tried to turn to avoid the walls but was going too fast and collided with the hard stone instead.
All around me was a deep abyss. I was still in some control and used it to crash myself onto some solid land.
“Y/N!” Peter ran into the caves. “Oh bloody hell woman.”
“Yeah, not a very graceful landing.” I dusted myself off, “And I think I twisted my ankle.”
“Not that, do you even realize where you landed.”
“In a...oh…” I took in exactly where I was. Echo Caves. I didn’t come here often but I could tell the severity of my dumb luck. Instead of going for the large patch of land that lead out of the caves I was now stranded on the column of stone with no way out. “Got any more pixie dust?”
“No. I used up the last bit on you. I’d have to go scavenge for some more.” he ran his hands through his wind-tangled hair.
“So I’m going to be stuck here for hours while you go climb some trees?”
“Not necessarily.” he eyed the gorge between us, “You know these caves. You know there’s another way to get out.”
“No.” I plopped myself down, “No. I’ll just stay here.”
“Nope! Just leave me be.”
“I can’t just let you stay over there either.”
“Then you go better threaten some of the boys into spilling their secrets because I’ve got nothing.”
“Really? Nothing at all to voice?”
“No. Not to you at least.” It wasn’t a secret but it was strange to admit, “You know all my secrets. There are no more dark shadowy parts of me that need be revealed. Not to you.”
The space between us seemed to grow larger through our silence. I turned around so he couldn’t see my reddening face, “Just go find some pixie dust.”
“You may not have any more secrets,” Peter said, “But I do.”
“Please,” I look back over my shoulder, “I know everything about you. What else could there possibly be that you’re willing to share?”
“More than I care to admit.” he stepped to the edge of the abyss.
What deep dark secrets could he have? I already knew about his childhood, his relation to the Black Fairy, how he was cursed, what he had to do to save his life, what more could there possibly be?
“Okay, if you wanna try then by all means. Be my guest.” I could not wait to hear this.
His hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. “I um…” he took in a deep breath, “Sure you have nothing to say?”
“Not that I can think of. Is what you have to say really that personal?”
“A person’s deepest secrets are hard to admit. I would think you of all people knew that.”
This was hard on him. He’s told me a lot, confided so much in me, what was so bad or so personal he had trouble telling me? “Peter, Peter look at me.” I pleaded. He brought his eyes back up to me. “Whatever it is will not change anything between us. You know that right?”
“You’re wrong.” he shook his head, “It’ll change everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that for so long you have been my friend. Someone I can confide in, someone I trust more than anyone else. I’ve gone out of my way for you, let myself become attracted to you, let myself become attached to you in a way I know I should have never let happen. I know I should have walked away from you but I didn’t and looking back at all the carnage that being around you has wrought I don’t regret any of it. I can’t cause despite every bloodsoaked, annoying, infuriating moment that has transpired since I met you it gave me you, it gave me my best friend.”
The ground underneath us shook and the stone of the cave jutted out some toward my pillar. I couldn’t make a sound. What he had just said was more than I ever expected from him. I have seen him open up but that was more than just a hard to admit truth, it was weakness. Fragile, shaking weakness he was sharing...and it scared me.
He kept staring at the ground unwilling or unable to meet my gaze again. I stood to my feet, careful to mind my tender ankle.
“You want to know what I experience when I’m with you? I get...nervous.” he whispered and the slow thuds that made up my heartbeats began to quicken, “I feel more important yet less significant when you’re around. Like I could take on an entire army or fall to a single person.”
More of the walkway appeared.
“Why are you telling me this?” I stepped towards the growing bridge carefully.
“Because I need you to know. I’ve never done this before. I will admit that this stuff has me baffled but if I’m certain of one thing it’s that I don’t feel this way for anyone but you.”
The stone walkway grew once more but only a little. One of us would have to voice a huge secret to get across now.
“You’re my Lost Girl and mine alone. Yes, I am possessive. Yes, I can be too protective and needlessly jealous. And of course I’m going to be lustful. But why does that have to be the only things I am capable of feeling?”
“Because you’re you.”
He stepped out onto the walkway till he was at its very edge. The large space was too much to even think about jumping across. “You want to know my deepest, darkest secret? The one I tried to keep from even myself? I need you. I need you like I need air to breathe. If I lost you then I don’t know what I would do. That is my biggest secret. I need you, Y/N, and I am never going to let you go.” The rest of the stone surged forward completing the bridge. I couldn’t help it and ran across the walkway and straight into his waiting arms despite my injured ankle.
He hugged me back tightly. “It’s alright now. Everything is okay.” Peter whispered bringing a hand up to cradle my face. He brought me closer until his lips connected with mine. He kissed me slowly, attentively, and so tenderly it left me on another world.
“You know you didn’t have to do any of that. I would have been fine here for a couple hours while you found some pixie dust.”
“I know. But now, there are no more secrets between us.” he smiled at me, “Now let’s see what we can do about that ankle, huh?”
He waved a hand and the pain subsided. “Better?”
“Much.” I grabbed hold of him again, “Now you had better take us somewhere a little more cozy.”
“Why’s that?”
“Cause sometimes I get tired of doing it on the ground.” I smiled back at him. His eyes widened a fraction in realization before he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him. The tenderness from before had flitted away replaced with the rough hungry kiss I was used to. A whirl of wind surrounded us and the next moment we were standing in the middle of his underground hideaway.
Despite the initial hunger Peter exerted he made love slowly this time. It was tender and calming as well as arousing to the point I believed it was love making instead of just sex like before. I liked it.
After we made sure each other were completely satisfied we laid back in bed staring up at the ceiling. Peter kept one arm securely locked around my torso holding me close while the other played with my hair. My head was resting on his chest right over his hearts so I could hear the slow paced thumps. “So what do we do now?” I spoke up, “We’ve made the disastrous mistake of admitting we have feelings.”
“Actually I admitted to have feelings, you have said nothing.”
“My turn huh?” After all he had said to me you would think I would find this easier. All of my stupid complicated feelings fighting to be said first. “Well if I need somewhere to start then I might as well start with how you make me feel. I’m happy. That’s all I can think of. When I am around you I go through the usual cycle of irritation you always manage to cause.”
“Look who’s talking!”
“Shut up, I’m trying to be sincere.” I smacked his chest, “To every sarcastic comment and mean spirited name I am always happy to see you. My heart misses a beat when I hear your voice, I catch myself smiling when I think of you. You make me happy. I...I care about you.”
“Yeah?” he smoothed my hair out in a gentle caress.
“Yeah. I can remember little to none about my life and who I was before Neverland. But I do know that at one time when I was young I had a father. A father that loved me and I loved him more than anything in this fucked up world. Then he died. He left me all alone and it was like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest and dropped it down some dark cold hole. I never thought I’d find someone who could make me care ever again. But I did. I found you. I found you and you wormed your way under my skin and into my blood.”
I buried my face in his chest, “But even here on this island of magic and dreams and impossibility there are still nightmares. Because while I try to be fearless I am terrified for you. I’m scared everyday because everyday I see you, the one person that tore down my defenses, and I know that I can lose you. There is a timer on your life and I can’t help but worry that we may not find the boy in time and save you. I’m scared that we’re going to fail and I’m going to lose you and I’ll have to go through all that pain all over again.”
“Oh precious,” he rubbed my back tenderly. He tilted my head up so I was looking straight into those emerald green eyes I came to find refuge in. “Don’t you know by now? Peter Pan never fails.”
I closed the distance between us kissing him slowly. “Not all the time at least. I say I would have caught you during our flight if I hadn’t taken that wrong turn.”
“Sure you would have.” He chuckled softly pulling one of the pelts further around us. “I’m glad I have you. Life was not nearly as interesting before you dropped into it.”
“I’m glad you saved me all those years ago back in the Enchanted Forest. I would have died if you hadn’t taken me back to Neverland.”
“You wouldn’t have died.” he scoffed, “You’re far too stubborn for that.”
I settled back into my spot against him. Entwining my fingers with his. Neither of us spoke but then again there was no need.
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veganmikehanlon · 6 years
“bro, I love you”
there was a prompt i wrote this from forever ago that was like “ways to say i love you; by shouting it” 
Pairing: Mike x Richie
Rating: teen and up
Words: 2,387
Mike sits in a circle with his friends with Richie laying his head in his lap. He gently runs his fingers through his boyfriends’ still damp hair. They had spent all day at the quarry, playing in the cool water under the blazing late afternoon sun.
As the day cooled off the less time each loser spent jumping into the water and more time soaking up the evening rays of sunshine. Eventually, they all made their way out of the water and off the beach, up the trail through the woods to where they had parked their cars.
Mike closes his eyes and lifts his face towards the sky, he hears his friends moving and chatting around him but they’re all out of focus. Everywhere Richie is touching him is warm, it’s very distracting and really awesome. Mike smiles to himself before tipping his face down.
He opens his eyes to see Richie looking back at him. Richie sucks in a deep breath when they make eye contact and his eyes go round and wide, looking extra big behind his glasses. “What-“ Mike starts but Richie is scrambling to his feet and, Mike can’t believe him, walking away without a word.
“Baby?” Mike calls after him but his boyfriend keeps walking away toward the trail leading down to the cliff edge. “Richie!?” He calls out. His friends have stopped to see what the commotion was about. “What’s he doing?” Ben asks. Mike just shrugs because he has no idea. He’s not sure what happened but Richie seems spooked.
Mike sighs and stands, he wipes the seat of his trunks off and follows his boyfriends’ retreating form. He runs to catch up to where Richie has made his way halfway down the path. “Bro, c’mon, what are you doing?” Mike calls out, frustrated. Richie stops and swings around. “Babe,” he says grinning “did you just call me bro?” Richie laughs, doubling over, and Mike takes the opportunity to reach his boyfriend and wrap him in his arms.
Richie doesn’t stop laughing but he can’t help but melt in his boyfriends' arms. Mike looks bemusedly at the giggling boy before him. Richie’s hands run up Mike’s arms and clasp around his neck. “Maybe.” Mike teases pecking a kiss to Richie’s nose. Richie giggles again and Mike feels that familiar swell of happiness rise in his chest. God, he likes this boy so so much.  
They sway where they stand, just enjoying the weight of the other in their arms. Mike presses kisses to the side if Richie’s head. “Sweetheart,” he whispers near Richie’s ear, “what happened?”
“Hm?” Richie hums into Mikes neck where he's hiding his face. “Why’d you run off?” Mike specifies, running a hand up and down Richie’s back. Richie abruptly tenses and pulls away, his eyes wide.
“Um” Richie gulps, “no reason?” he says, and Mike thinks maybe he meant it as a statement, but it definitely came out like a question. Mike looks over Richie’s face, searching his expression. He won’t meet his eyes and Mike is getting concerned about what’s going on with his boyfriend.
“Did I do something?” He asks, wracking his brain for anything it could be. Richie startles and quickly brings his hands to cup Mike’s cheeks, “no baby, no…” he rests his forehead against Mike’s. “I don’t think you could ever do anything wrong.” He confesses with a small smile.
Mike places a kiss on Richie’s forehead and Richie closes his eyes and sighs. He steps away and grabs Mike’s hand “c’mon, let’s go sit.” He says leading Mike down the path to the quarry edge. Mike whistles a bird call Stan had taught them all. Richie grins over at him then makes his own, admittedly sorry, bird call. They challenge each other back and forth, giggling in-between turns, ’til they’re both sitting on the edge of the cliff, Mike with his legs crisscrossed and Richie’s hanging over the edge.
“Okay so, here’s the thing,” Richie starts “I realized something and it kind of freaked me out,” He starts, waving his hands around as he speaks, “well not like freaked me out like it’s a bad thing, it’s just new and I’m not sure if I should say it?” a stressed sigh leaves him as he thinks. “But I think I really want to say it but…” he admits shyly.
“I don’t know!” He exclaims throwing his hands up. “Maybe you won’t want to hear it! But you’ll be so fucking nice about it because you are just so nice, and sweet, and honestly, sometimes I wonder what someone like you is doing with me—“
Mike starts to interrupt his boyfriends' rant but Richie just hops to his feet and starts pacing with a “fuck, Mikey!” Mike turns his body from the cliff edge to face Richie. He watches him pace for a few moments. Richie’s movements are jerky and he keeps running his fingers through his hair, fluffing it up more and more.
Mike looks on in concern thinking of what he wants to say. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on with his boy, but he’s not going to let Richie think there’s any reason they shouldn’t be together.
“Richie,” Mike says gently, “I’m with you because I really like you! Like, really really like you!” He can feel his face getting hot at the confession, he’s not embarrassed, he could never be; not when it came to Richie and his feelings for him. “I don’t know what you could do to make me give you up, as far as I’m concerned you’re stuck with me, Tozier.” Richie's movements stop and he turns to Mike, his mouth agape and his hands stuck in his hair, “yeah?” He asks breathlessly. Mike smiles, his heart flipping, “yes, baby, of course.” He answers gently.
Richie’s hands fall to his sides and Mike can see his shoulders relax. Mike shifts to his feet and holds his arms out to Richie, “now can you come over here and kiss me?” Mike requests sweetly. Richie grins and steps into his boyfriends' arms.
Their kiss quickly falls into a rhythm and Mike finds himself getting lost in it. “Fuck, your lips are so soft,” Mike moans. He goes to deepen the kiss, but Richie ends it, pulling away from Mike. He starts to protest but stops when he catches sight of Richie’s mischievous grin, and Mike’s breath catches at how beautiful he looks. His well-kissed lips stretching to show all of his teeth and his freckles standing stark against his pale skin. Mike can practically see the sparkle he gets in his eyes when he’s excited about something.
Richie takes a moment to take in Mike’s face taking in his own, he’s not sure about what he’s going to do, but Mike has always made him feel brave. He presses a quick kiss to Mike’s lips then spins and sprints to the cliff edge. “Richie!?” He hears Mike exclaim before he’s flying off the cliff.
he shouts as he plummets towards the water below. His whole body feels like it’s on fire until he hits the cool water with a splash.
At the top of the cliff, Mike stands stock still. Did he just say I love you? Richie…loves him? It feels like sparklers are lighting up his body as one thought echoes through his head; he loves me he loves me he loves me…Mike sprints to the cliff and flies over it with an excited shout. He hears Richie exclaim before he’s sinking into the water where he lands next to him.
He surfaces as quickly as he can and when his head breaks through the surface he shakes the water out of his eyes, frantically searching for his boyfriend. His boyfriend who LOVES HIM! He spots Richie’s pale face like a shock against the dark water. His eyes are wide and his expression can’t seem to decide between worried and amused.
Mike swims towards him, close enough for their legs to brush with every kick. Mike crowds Richie to shallower water so he can stand, then wraps Richie’s legs around his waist, holding him steady with strong hands on his thighs. Richie hesitantly wraps his arms around Mike’s shoulders and clasps his hands together. So far Mike hasn’t done anything to make Richie think this is going to go badly, but he’s insecure, sue him.
“You love me?” Mike asks in awe. Richie goes to shrug then stops and nods shyly. Mike laughs, his heart glowing with happiness. “You know, I think I love you too, baby-doll,” Mike says his happiness escaping in giggles. Richie tilts his head a puzzled expression on his face, “you think?” He asks, unclasping his hands from around Mike’s neck and leaning as far back as he can with his hands on Mike’s broad shoulders.
Mike moves his hands from Richie’s thighs to the small of his back, pushing gently to bring him back in closer, and Richie doesn’t even consider refusing his boyfriends wish. He shakes his head speaking, “sorry, that’s not fair, I took you by surprise-“ Mike covers Richie’s mouth with his hand and he looks up to see a frown on his face but notices his gentle eyes. “Baby, if you don’t stop talking down about yourself, we’re gonna have a problem.”
Richie’s light laugh is muffled by Mikes' hand so he pulls it down and laces their fingers together. “Even when you threaten me you’re sweet, Mikey.” Mike chuckles and presses a kiss to Richie’s lips. He pulls away only far enough to murmur “I love you” between kisses.
Soon they’re not so much as kissing as pressing their smiles together as Mike professes his love over and over. “I love you, baby…I love you…I love you…I love your lips…fuck baby, I love you so much…you’re perfect baby…”
By the time they leave the water they’re shivering and blue. The moon shines brightly in the sky, lighting the footpath back to the clearing holding their friends. They walk in, holding each other tight, to see a bonfire burning and not all of their friends. Only Ben, Bev, and Bill are present, sitting in a half circle around the fire.
“Hey, where’ve you been?” Bill calls softly when they get close enough to hear. “Oh, ya know, just taking a swim,” Richie answers flippantly. “Did you encounter a wild octopus?” Ben teases, “or leeches!” Bev exclaims, and she and Ben laugh and fist bump. Bill chuckles, appraising Richie’s hickey covered neck, the color stark on his pale skin against Mike’s brown arm hanging over his shoulders.
Richie blushes and glances at Mike who’s smirking back at him. He runs a finger over Richie’s sensitive neck causing Richie to shiver. “Nah,” Richie says dazedly, caught in the honey of Mike’s dark eyes, “just a really hot guy that really knows his way around a d—hmph!“ He’s cut off when Mike slams his mouth over his, sucking in his bottom lip. Richie groans into his mouth, immediately hypnotized by his boyfriend. Their friends boo and heckle them but Richie just flips them off, content to enjoy the aggressive way Mike’s tongue is licking into his mouth, his legs turning to jelly until he has to cling to his boyfriend just to stay upright.
Mike pulls away after a moment and whispers “I love you” in Richie’s ear, then nonchalantly turns to ask “Where did Stan and Eddie go?” He struggles to keep a straight face as Richie nuzzles into his neck, nipping at his ear, declaring his love in a distracting whisper. “They had to make curfew,” Bev explains, holding up her phone to show the late time.
“Shit, when did it get so late?” Mike exclaims in surprise. He notices his friends glancing at each other and giggling; “probably sometime between those hickeys and a bj,” Bev cries through laughter, making the boys on either side of her crack up. Richie giggles so Mike pinches his side making Richie laugh harder. Mike looks on fondly at his laughing friends, happy they’re happy, even when they’re teasing him.
Mike can’t help but draw Richie in and kiss him, overwhelmed by how perfect this moment feels. By how in love he is. He hears his friends laugh and go back to their own conversation, ignoring the idiots making out in front of them. Mike draws his kisses out, knowing he’s stringing Richie along and knowing his boyfriend is enjoying every minute of it just as much as he is.
He bites at Richie’s lip earning a small whimper that makes him shiver in pleasure. He plays every trick he’s memorized from all his practice drawing new sounds out of his boyfriend. He keeps going until he can feel Richie’s hard on when he shifts, and that’s when he pulls away.
Richie lets out an embarrassingly needy whine that he tries to stifle by biting into Mike’s neck. He can feel Mike’s chuckle as much as he hears it. He jumps and lets go when Mike pinches his side, “shit!” He yelps. He goes to glare at his boyfriend, who knows he’s ticklish, but when he sees the heat in his eyes all discontent feelings vanish, replaced by a quickly spreading heat that’s melting his insides.
“Let’s get out of here.” Mike murmurs, his voice low and kinda raspy. Richie’s mouth goes dry and his thoughts turn into an incoherent buzz, but his mouth is forming words that babble out of him. “Yeah! Yes, fuck yes! Holy fuck yeah, let’s go…”
he takes Mike’s hand and starts pulling him to the truck they drove in. “Alright guys, we’re gonna bounce,” Richie calls his shoulder as they retreat from the bonfires warmth, “see you later! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Richie calls again as they reach the truck parked second—farthest away.
They faintly hear Bev and Ben bidding them goodnight between giggles, and an amused “beep beep!” from Bill, as they scramble into the front seats, Mike in front of the wheel. “And what do you think we’ll be doing, baby?” Mike asks suggestively and Richie eagerly lists all the dirty things he wants to do for Mike, who smirks as he shifts the car into drive, and turns the car to the road home.
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