#because those two cannot move forward and repair their relationship until night stops trying to live a life for day
iguessitsjustme · 5 months
No YOU'RE crying over a sibling relationship ruined by a mistake and an accident. YOU'RE crying over Night trying everything in his power to be better. To be the brother Day always wanted and failing, failing, failing because nothing he does can change what has happened. YOU'RE crying over Day knowing it's an accident but still unable to forgive. YOU'RE crying over Night reaching out to their dad for the first time in years because he was so racked with guilt but he couldn't let Day or his mother see his tears because Day needed the attention and love at that moment. YOU'RE crying over Night letting himself be Day's punching bag because he blames himself and will never forgive himself for what happened. YOU'RE crying over how Night is going to react when he learns that Day's sight is completely gone. It's definitely not me crying nope.
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
let me down gently
Prompts: Anger and Fight
Word Count: 6,465
Characters: Lloyd and Kai
Timeline: During episodes 96 (Into the Breach) and 97 (The Fall)
Trigger Warnings: Strained Parental Relationships, Suffocation, Major Character Death (kind of, u all know Cole didn't really die in this episode)
Summary: The thing about spending nearly every waking moment of the last several years of your life with a group of friends is that you really get to know them, inside and out, so much so that sometimes you know what they’re thinking before they do.
And, sometimes that means it’s easy to overlook what they’re actually trying to say.
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(wooo! got my first bingo! what happens now lol)
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The thing about spending nearly every waking moment of the last several years of your life with a group of friends is that you really get to know them, inside and out, so much so that sometimes you know what they’re thinking before they do.
Kai had learned that it was all about being observant. The littlest things could hint him off at what was going on in their minds.
For example, whenever Nya was frustrated with a piece of machinery she was repairing, Kai could tell by the sound of her hammer against the metal. It was more of a dull, clunking sound than the lighter, ringing tone that could usually be heard. Or when Zane was faced with a problem that he was struggling to solve, he would always walk with a slightly stiffer posture. How Jay’s leg would bounce slightly when he was impatient, or how Cole bit his lip when he was focused.
And now, as the ninja stood around Garmadon on the deck of the Bounty, Kai could tell from the look in Lloyd’s bright green eyes that his youngest brother was planning something- something that Kai wasn’t going to like.
“I’m done with your foolishness,” Garmadon growled at the ninja. “You do not have a choice. I will say it once more- I am the only one who can enter the Oni Cloud. Give me a weapon, and let me go, or the Darkness will consume us all.”
“It’s not going to happen,” Lloyd snapped back. “You’re not going anywhere- not without me.”
Kai balked at him. What?!
Lloyd began to walk up to Garmadon, until he was glaring him right in the face. “I’m your son, remember. I’m Oni, too.”
No. The blood was roaring in Kai’s ears, now. Lloyd had come up with plenty of dumb, impulsive plans in his life, but this was on another level entirely. If Lloyd thought Kai was letting him go into the Darkness alone with Garmadon, he was sorely mistaken.
“You are part Oni.” The man reached out, shoving Lloyd, and the green ninja stumbled backwards. Nya quickly caught him by the arm, steadying him, and the others lunged towards Garmadon. Kai barely managed to stop himself from punching the man in the face, dropping into a defensive stance instead when Lloyd pulled away from Nya, evidently unharmed.
“That means you might survive,” Garmadon told Lloyd, ignoring the others glaring at him.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out.”
Oh, you’ll find out all right, Kai fumed as he glared at the green ninja. You’ll find out that this is not happening, as soon as I knock some sense into you.
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, have you lost your tiny mind?” Kai grabbed Lloyd’s arm, yanking him into an empty room below deck on the Bounty.
Lloyd stared at him. “Did you just call my mind tiny?”
“Yes, I did, and you deserve it, because you’re being the absolute worst idiot I have seen right now. And I’m friends with Jay, so that’s saying something.”
“Excuse me for trying to help,” Lloyd spat back. “I didn’t see anyone else coming up with a plan.”
“So the only thing you could come up with was chucking your own life into danger? Typical Lloyd move.”
His friend's eyes widened. “You’re one to talk! Do you really need me to go over every risky decision you’ve made? We’ll be here all day!”
“Half of those ‘risky decisions’ have just been trying to get you out of situations that your risky decisions got you into!”
Lloyd’s eyes darkened, and he turned away, beginning to rummage through the cabinets for a suitable weapon. “No one asked you to do that.”
Kai couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He marched forward, put a hand on Lloyd’s shoulder, and forced him around. “You expected me to just leave you. To die?”
“No!” The green ninja answered hastily, although he wouldn’t meet Kai’s eyes. “… I just could’ve taken care of it myself, that’s all.”
Kai snorted. “Right.”
Lloyd shoved his hand away. “I’m serious! I’m not a kid anymore, I don’t need you babysitting me.”
Kai felt like his heart had been impaled as he watched Lloyd turn away from him, back towards the shelves. He felt stinging in his eyes, and quickly pushed the hurt down, letting it give way to anger instead. How dare Lloyd speak to him that way. Kai had spent years caring for him, looking out for him. He had been the one to save him from the Fire Temple, from Morro, had been the one to carry him to Mystaké’s shop when he had foolishly run off to fight Garmadon alone and nearly died-
Sure, Kai had… he had failed him, sometimes. He knew he wasn’t always good enough to protect him, as hard as he tried. But in his defence, Lloyd wasn’t exactly making it easy for him! It was almost as if the boy wanted to die! He was getting an odd sense of déjà vu, and he didn’t like it one bit.
“Have you forgotten what happened the last time you left us to fight the villain by yourself? I’m still having nightmares about that night, Lloyd! You nearly died.”
“That was different.”
“Different how?”
“I know what I’m doing,” he insisted. “And I won’t be alone. My dad will be with me.”
Kai’s eyes narrowed. “Oh great, now I’m so reassured.”
Lloyd shot him a look so venomous that Kai nearly faltered. What was that about?
“Look, Lloyd, I’m just trying to watch out for you! Can’t you see that the Cloud is dangerous? Cole was only in it for a second, and we nearly lost him. I don’t want to lose you, too.”
Lloyd sighed. “I know. But someone’s gotta do it, and my father said that my Oni blood will protect me.”
“He also said your human blood would make you weaker. He never guaranteed you would survive, and, frankly, even if he did, I wouldn’t trust him.”
Lloyd’s gaze went hard again. “Of course you wouldn’t. You’ve never trusted him. For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve had a vendetta against him, and that’s no different now.”
“Lloyd, don’t be ridiculous, you know that’s not true. He was our sensei at one point, remember? I accepted him then! It’s only the Devourer venom I don’t trust. He said it himself- he couldn’t be trusted with the venom flowing through his veins.”
“Yeah, well the venom’s gone now, isn’t it? And I don’t see you acting any different than those first days.”
“Lloyd, he’s different now, and you know it. He’s not Sensei Garmadon anymore.”
“So that automatically means we can’t trust him?”
“No! But I can list a hundred other reasons why we can’t!” Kai began counting off on his fingers, “He tried to kill you, he tried to kill us, he tried to kill Wu, he destroyed the Bounty, he destroyed the city, he imprisoned our friends, he created a giant stone Colossus to try and destroy us, he’s Oni-”
“I’m Oni, too,” Lloyd snapped. “Does that mean you don’t trust me?”
“Lloyd, stop being stupid-”
“Oh, so now I’m stupid!”
“I didn’t mean that.”
“So what did you mean?”
Kai sighed, rubbing his temples. “You’re only part Oni. Things are different.”
“But what if I wasn’t? What if I was full Oni? You wouldn’t trust me then?”
“I never said that.” “You literally just did.”
Kai glowered at him. “Look, it doesn’t matter- Lloyd, you’re my friend. I’ve known you for years, I know you’re trustworthy because you’ve never done anything to prove me otherwise.”
“If you trust me so much, then why aren’t you acting like it now?”
“I do trust you! I still do, and I always will. But I also know your judgement tends to get clouded when it comes to people you care about. And, I’m sorry Lloyd, but your father does not deserve to be on that list. Not anymore. Ever since he’s come back, he’s done nothing but prove to me that he doesn’t care about you. At all.”
Lloyd froze, a shadow falling over his face. Kai reached for his hand, but he jerked back, gritting his teeth.
“Oh, come on, Lloyd, I know you’re trusting, but this is ridiculous! Have you forgotten what he’s done to you?”
“You don’t get to talk,” Lloyd choked, his voice suddenly sounding wet. “You don’t know what it’s like. What I’ve been through.”
Kai stopped, blinking at him. “What?”
“You don’t know! You never had to watch your dad be an evil warlord for your whole life, never had people telling you that your entire destiny was to defeat him!”
Kai felt his anger dissipate. “Lloyd-”
But the green ninja wasn’t done. “You never had to fight the one person who came back for you when everyone else turned their backs on you, only to get him back as someone completely different than the person you remembered! You never had to suffer through those long weeks, those long months, struggling to reconnect with him after the rift that had been torn between the two of you. You never had to deal with only having your father back for a couple years before losing him again, just when you had finally been getting to know him again! You never had to suffer through that loss, thinking about him every day for the next few years, just starting to get over him when suddenly you found out he was coming back again! You never had to fight so hard to keep him from coming back, even though a small part of you really wanted to see him again. You don’t know what it was like to get a chance to reunite with him, only to have him nearly kill you, and then be forced to recruit him to help you. You don’t know what it’s like to have half of your brain remembering him as this horrible, sadistic monster that absolutely cannot be trusted, but the other half remembering him as a good man, as your true father, and feeling like there’s still some of that in there, and maybe you can have that back!”
By this point, Lloyd was crying, hard, and Kai felt like his heart was going to shatter. “Lloyd. I’m sorry bud. I’m so sorry. But you’re going to have to trust us. Your team. We’ve always been here for you, even when your dad wasn’t.”
“You still don’t get it!” Lloyd was borderline yelling by this point. “I can’t! I can’t forget everything he’s done- both the good and the bad! You can’t possibly understand how angry I am at him but how much I love him! He left me! He hurt me! But he is the only person who loved me from the very beginning- even you thought I was some washed-up street rat when we first met!”
The pressure building in Kai’s chest suddenly snapped, and he found himself yelling right back at Lloyd. “I don’t know what it’s like? Have you forgotten what my father did? I lived the majority of my life thinking that he had abandoned me! For a five-year-old kid, that was the scariest thing of my life- I didn’t know what to do, and everything was resting on me. It took me years to get over that, to get over them and to move on, and then- then I figured out they were alive and now everyone was saying that they were good and that this wasn’t their fault- that everything was okay now. But it wasn’t okay- they had left me, burdened me, and as much as I knew they hadn’t done it on purpose, I couldn’t forget all those years of pain. Even Nya thought I was being crazy, tried to stop me from lashing out at them. She didn’t understand. She was the younger sibling, she wasn’t burdened with my responsibility. If anyone could understand me, I would’ve thought it would be you.”
“It’s not the same!” Lloyd’s voice was shrill. “You still have years ahead of you- years to talk and reconnect. You think I didn’t go through the same thing with my father after he was cleansed from the venom? I thought we would have all the time in the world! But now we’re back at square one again, but worse- square zero- and this time he won’t even listen to me! He doesn’t remember me, he doesn’t remember himself, he doesn’t remember anything except hatred.”
“Then why are you so eager to listen to him again?”
“I can’t let him go again! Not like last time!”
“This isn’t like last time, Lloyd! Why won’t you listen to us? Since when did you start trusting Garmadon’s judgement over mine?” “The moment you stopped listening to me and tried to make everything about yourself!”
Kai stared at him in disbelief. Lloyd was seriously calling him selfish right now? He had just poured out all his insecurities about his parents, ones that he didn’t want to share but did anyway to try to help Lloyd see he wasn’t alone- and the brat had the nerve to call him selfish?
“I can’t believe you! I’ve done nothing- nothing- but try to help you and care for you since you joined our team. And you have the audacity to pin this on me. You know what? Go! Go with your father into that dumb Cloud! Since you obviously care about him so much more than you do me!”
“I will,” Lloyd shot back, already storming out of the room.
“Don’t come crying to me when you suffocate in there! At least you’ll be with your dear old pops!”
Lloyd turned around when he reached the doorway, their shouting match quieting as he responded in a low voice.
“Trust me, I’m not going to be crying to anyone.”
There was a loud bang as Lloyd slammed the door shut, and Kai was alone.
Zane walked quietly down the hallway of the ship, stopping in front of Nya as she slowly backed out of a room, pulling the door shut softly behind her.
“Any luck?”
She shook her head. “He won’t even talk to me, not to mention tell me what happened.”
“Kai isn’t budging either. He asked me how close we were to the city, and what Garmadon was up to, but refused to even mention Lloyd.”
“I’ve never seen Lloyd like this, Zane, he was… he was upset. Angry. I think they fell out, but… I don’t know why, or how…”
“It has to be about the Cloud. Kai was pretty upset when Lloyd announced his plan.”
“I’m upset too!” she snapped. “It’s a horrible plan! He’s going to get himself killed! But you know how Lloyd gets when he sets his mind on something. And Kai can get… snappy when he’s worried about someone important to him. I’m worried things have been taken too far this time, though.”
Nya buried her face in her hands, and Zane put a hand on her shoulder. “Nya, it’s going to be alright. It’s not like they haven’t fought before. They’ll make up quickly, like they always do.”
“Yeah, but it’s never been this bad before! Lloyd was really upset, Zane! He always talks to me, comes to me, when he’s having a hard time, especially if it’s with Kai, but…” her voice dropped to a whisper. “This time is different.”
“Have you forgotten everything they’ve been through?” Zane reminded her. “Their friendship has survived the green ninja prophecy, Chen’s staff, a possession, many near-death experiences, and realm-hopping. I think they can handle one argument.”
Nya didn’t look so reassured, so Zane looped his arm around her. “They’re going to be fine. They always are.”
Nya wiped a sleeve across her eyes, sniffing. “I know. I just worry about them.”
“It’s great, how much you look out for them, but there are some things that Kai and Lloyd must resolve on their own.”
Nya nodded, slowly stepping back from the door of the room where Lloyd was.
A faint beeping sounded from above them, and Zane quickly checked his internal GPS. “Now, we should head back above deck. It won’t be long before we reach Ninjago City, and the outskirts of the Oni Cloud.”
“The time is nearly upon us,” Nya whispered. “Soon, the fate of Ninjago will rest in our hands.” Her nose wrinkled. “Again.”
Kai stared over the deck of the Bounty, his jaw slack as he surveyed the landscape below. The entirety of Ninjago City was covered in a thick, black smog, only the tips of some of the taller skyscrapers emerging from it.
A sickly black tentacle reached up below them, curling up towards the fins on the rear of the Bounty, lapping gently against the wood. Nya put on a burst of speed, and the Bounty pulled from its grasp, leaving the tentacle to lurk hungrily, before it slowly receded back down into the Cloud.
A shiver slipped down his spine, and he gritted his teeth. He couldn’t believe the others had agreed to send Lloyd down there.
“This will allow us to see what’s happening inside the Cloud.”
Kai turned to see Zane slipping what looked to be a GoPro over Lloyd’s head. “We can watch the camera feed from the monitor screens of the Bounty.”
Lloyd was shifting from foot to foot, looking nervous. As he should be. How long will it take for him to finally realize how dangerous this is?
Lloyd wasn’t the only one looking frightened. From where she stood up by the steering wheel, Nya was watching Lloyd apprehensively, nibbling on her lip. Jay stood at Lloyd’s side, double and triple checking to make sure the armor pieces fastened to his gi were strong and secured. Cole was leaning back against the mast, arms crossed over his chest as he surveyed them all with dark eyes.
“What’s our plan for extraction?” Cole asked gruffly. “If we’re doing this, we need a clear plan before you leave. There’ll be no room for mistakes down there.”
“We’ll wait here with the Bounty while he’s down there,” Zane explained. “When he’s made it back, we’ll drop the anchor so he can climb the chain.”
“I installed a tracking device in the camera,” Nya added, “so if something goes wrong, we can come pick you up elsewhere.”
“Hopefully nothing will go wrong,” Lloyd muttered.
Nya shook her head. “I’ll say.”
“Did you guys check the parachute? Does it feel alright, do you want me to-”
“Jay.” Lloyd said firmly. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Jay sighed, running a hand through his curly locks. “I’m just not sure about this, Lloyd.”
“Guys. I have to do this. I’m gonna get in, grab the Realm Crystal, get out. No problem.”
“No problem?” Kai growled. “Yeah, except for the freezing black tentacles, deathly fog, and swarms of Oni you’re forgetting about. Oh, and wait, your father.”
“Kai, can we not get into this now,” Lloyd grimaced.
“If we don’t get into it now, when will we get into it?” Kai pulled back from the railing, walking over to him. “Once you go, there’s no turning back.”
His eyes flashed. “I’m aware of the consequences. I’m doing it.”
Kai groaned. “You’re not even listening to me!”
“And you’re not listening to me. Do you have another plan?”
“I’m sure we could come up with something better than this.”
“Yeah? Well, you haven’t!” he snapped, loudly.
Kai said nothing, glaring at him.
“The people of Ninjago City are in danger. Many of them are already lost, and I only hope that we can save them. Someone has to help, sooner rather than later. And right now, me and my father are the only ones who can.”
“Well, maybe not you,” Jay squeaked, looking nervous to impede on their argument.
“Jay’s right, you’re taking a huge risk.”
“I’m a ninja!” Lloyd threw up his arms. “Risk is part of the job description.”
There was silence at that.
Really, what could they say? To deny it would be to put down every risk they had ever taken, every consequence they had ever faced.
But so many of them had ended in disaster- Zane’s death, Chen’s staff, Morro’s possession, Wu getting lost in time, and of course, Lloyd’s initial face-off with his resurrected father- and Kai was wondering when they would finally draw the line.
Sooner or later, their luck was going to run out. Sooner or later, they would get themselves into a mess they couldn’t get out of.
The ship slowed to a halt in front of Borg Tower. The tallest building in the city, it stretched far above the Cloud, but as Lloyd peered down, he saw that the bottom of it just seemed to disappear, getting swallowed by the blackness.
“This is the closest I can get,” Nya announced, descending the ladder as she hopped down to the deck with them. “You’re going to have to take it from here.”
Garmadon said nothing, stepping up to the edge of the rail to peer over the edge.
Pixal beckoned to him, and Lloyd walked over, standing patiently as she fiddled with his GoPro.
“Zane?” she called back to the nindroid, to where he had climbed back up towards the monitor. She waved at Lloyd’s camera, and Zane gave her a thumbs up.
“It’s working. For now. The reception might break up a little when he actually goes into the Darkness, but hopefully it will last us a while, at least.”
“And the GPS?”
“Signal is on point.”
“Voice feed? Can you hear me through the comms?”
“Loud and clear.”
“Good.” Pixal stepped back from him, nodding. She hesitated for a moment, her green eyes flashing. “Lloyd… just be careful, okay? Your life isn’t worth the Realm Crystal. We can always come up with another plan.”
Lloyd swallowed. Suddenly, this whole thing was beginning to feel a lot more real.
Apparently, he wasn’t the only one thinking this, because Kai walked over to him. Lloyd flinched, expecting him to yell again, but his voice was soft.
“Lloyd. If you… if you really trust your dad so much, you should let him go. Alone.”
Lloyd bit back a sigh. “I don’t trust him.”
Kai blinked. “You literally just told me earlier that you-”
“No, I said it was complicated.” Lloyd breathed out slowly, running his fingers through his hair before his voice came out too sharp. “I trust him enough to not get me killed, but not enough to bring the Realm Crystal back on his own.”
“Look, Lloyd, you don’t have to do this.”
Lloyd glared at him. “Yeah, I do. I’m going, end of discussion.”
“Please don’t go. Look, I’m sorry about what I said earlier, okay? I’ll make it up to you. Please don’t base this decision off of that.”
Kai’s eyes were looking suspiciously shiny now, and Lloyd bit his lip. He was still mad at Kai, but Lloyd hated fighting with him. Maybe he should-
No. Lloyd shut down that train of thought fiercely. He couldn’t do this again. He couldn’t let his emotions get the better of him.
Sure, this was Kai he was talking about- not Harumi, or his father. He knew Kai would never try to take advantage of him, but- he was also biased. Lloyd wanted to listen to his own judgement, for once. The best decisions were always made with a clear head, anyways.
He forced his voice to be hard as he spoke. “I made this decision plenty of time before that conversation.”
Ignoring the look on Kai’s face, he turned and walked towards the edge of the deck, pulling his sword out of the rack. It was about time he finished this.
Kai hurried over to her looking half in tears.
“So I’m guessing that’s a ‘no’ on talking him out of it?”
Kai gripped her shoulders, tight. “He won’t listen to me Nya, I think he’s still angry with me. I can’t change his mind. Nothing I say will change his mind. You need to talk to him, please. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Kai. He may not be upset with me, but you know how stubborn he gets when he sets his mind on something.”
“Can you at least try?”
Nya looked at him, and after a moment, let out a sigh. “Fine.”
Her footsteps were quiet as she walked over to the green ninja, who was sheathing his sword. He didn’t look at her, but he knew she was there, that Nya was certain of.
“I have no idea what he said to you, earlier… but he’s just worried about you, y’know.”
Lloyd snorted. “Sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“I’m serious, Lloyd. This is dangerous. Perhaps one of the biggest risks we’ve taken yet. What you said earlier was true- taking risks is part of the job- but that doesn’t mean we can’t be careful. Can’t worry.”
Lloyd sighed. “I know- and I’m not expecting you not to. But sometimes, certain things have to be done, and… you just have to endure the worry for the sake of others.” He eyed her. “Kind of like you’re doing now.”
Nya side-eyed him, and he smiled slightly. “I can tell. You’ve been pacing.”
She breathed out slowly. “You’re right. But that’s not an easy thing to do. Especially for those who love you and care about you very much.”
Lloyd looked down. “Just get it over with.”
“He sent you over here to talk me out of it, didn’t he?”
“Technically, yes… but he’s not my team leader. I don’t have to listen to anything he says.”
Lloyd looked up, his brilliant green eyes meeting her much tamer, softer brown ones.
“Why aren’t you going to try to change my mind?”
“Because I know what a stubborn brat you are,” she teased, cuffing him over the head. He shook her off, scowling as he straightened his hair.
“Seriously, though. I wouldn’t be sending you in if I wasn’t certain you were strong enough to handle yourself.”
Relief flooded his expression. “So you get it! Why doesn’t Kai? Why doesn’t he just trust me?”
“He trusts you,” she said firmly, and Lloyd blinked at her, surprised. “He trusts you more than you will ever know.”
“Then why is he so upset about me doing this?”
“Just because you know someone is capable doesn’t mean that you’re not going to worry or fear the worst when they have to do something dangerous. Kai’s a big brother. It’s his job to be overprotective! He’s just trying to look out for you.”
“I’m not a kid anymore. Sometimes I need to look after myself.”
“Kai’s afraid of losing you, Lloyd. He knows you’re strong. He knows you’re capable. He trusts you completely. But bad things can happen to even the best people. He doesn’t want a world without you in it. None of us do.”
Lloyd was silent at that, toeing at the ground with his foot. “I’ll be careful,” he said after a long while.
“You better be.” She reached forward, squeezing his hand. “Just know that he comes from a place of love, okay?”
“Are we going to just stand here all day?” Garmadon snapped, stalking over to him. “Or should I just go without you?”
“No,” Lloyd insisted, wiping at his face with his sleeve. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Garmadon shot a pointed glance at his sword. Lloyd sighed.
“Cole, give him a sword.”
The black ninja grabbed a katana, eyeing the Dark Lord with thinly veiled suspicion. “Are you sure about that?”
Lloyd nodded.
Cole tossed the sword at Garmadon’s feet, and he picked it up, surveying it slowly. The ninja and Pixal watched him apprehensively.
Suddenly, Garmadon was lunging at Cole, and before Nya could react, Kai was screaming at him to look out as he charged Garmadon, the sharp screech of metal sounding as his sword clashed with Garmadon’s. The man pushed past them, running towards Lloyd and Nya, and Lloyd quickly charged up his powers, hands glowing as he held up his fists protectively.
Garmadon darted to the side, wisely avoiding his son’s powers, and Nya blocked him with her spear, pinning him down as she caught him off guard.
Zane’s arrow flew past, and Garmadon rolled out of the way, causing her to lose her grip on him as he shot to his feet again, sending her flying with a sharply delivered kick to the gut.
Nya staggered to her feet, panting, just as Pixal was flung past her. Hurrying over, she helped her friend to her feet, and the two fell into battle stances behind the rest of the crew, who were now watching Garmadon through slitted eyes.
“Try that again!” Cole dared. “Now that I’m ready!”
Garmadon glared at them, raising a fist. Suddenly, it burst into purple flames, and the ninja recoiled, gasping.
His powers are back? How? “That’s better,” Garmadon rasped, grinning. Then, with a running leap, he launched himself off the side of the ship.
There was silence for a moment, before Cole burst out, “Okay, what the heck was that?”
“Conflict fuels him!” Lloyd said, walking forward.
“He was powering up!” Zane agreed.
“He did that just to get his powers back?” Jay cried.
Cole grimaced, marching up to Lloyd. “I. Do. Not. Trust. Him!”
Nya felt her stomach flip. She was starting to regret giving Lloyd that pep talk, now. Sure, she believed in his ability to take care of himself, but… Garmadon had his powers back, now? Lloyd’s powers were nothing to be scoffed at, but… they paled in comparison to Garmadon's. Those powers were what had nearly gotten him killed the last time. What would happen if Garmadon needed to “power up” again? Would he turn on Lloyd? And this time, he wouldn’t have his team to help him.
Seeing the look in her youngest brother’s eyes, Nya suddenly felt the urge to hold him back, and she grabbed his shoulder tightly. “Lloyd. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
Lloyd hesitated, gazing at his teammates, who looked back at him with fearful gazes. He bit his lip.
Please say no, please say no, please say-
Nya blinked. Well, that was easier than expected-
“But I don’t really have a choice,” he added, and before Nya could react, he was ripping away from her, running across the deck of the Bounty-
And jumping off the side of the ship.
“Lloyd!” Nya screamed, and Kai was suddenly pushing his way past her, running to the edge of the ship to peer over the side.
Lloyd was plummeting, down, down, down, until the green of his gi vanished and the Darkness swallowed him up. Kai swore, curling his fingers into the handrail.
The others had joined him, Nya leaning over so desperately that Cole had to pull her back. Unease crackled in the air as they blinked at each other.
“The camera feed!” Zane cried suddenly. “Come on!”
The nindroid hurried towards the monitors, the rest of them not far behind. Kai held his breath as Zane’s fingers flew across the keyboard, until a hazy purple image appeared. Dark, lurking outlines blurred past, as if in motion, until they suddenly slowed, Lloyd’s feet swinging into view.
“He opened his parachute,” Zane breathed.
Jay squinted at the screen, leaning forward. “I can’t see anything… except for that weird, purplish smoke.”
“Wait,” Cole pointed at the shadows, which came into better view as the fog began to thin slightly. “There’s some sort of building there.” He recoiled as something dark slithered across it. “What is that?”
“They look like…” Nya narrowed her eyes. “Tentacles, or something.”
“Eugh! Those are the things that tried to grab me, earlier!” Cole cried.
Kai bit down on his lip, only just stopping himself before he could draw blood. “Be careful, Lloyd.”
After a moment, the ground drifted into view, and Lloyd stumbled to a halt as his feet reached it, releasing his parachute.
As he looked around, the camera turned with his head, and Kai felt himself shudder at the creepy, desolate landscape that had once been their city. It was cruel, how much something could change in only a day.
Lloyd coughed, clearing his throat, and Kai’s attention was drawn back to him, frowning.
“Lloyd? Are you okay?”
There was no response, except for another, heaving cough, and Kai felt his heart drop, turning to Zane. “Can’t he hear us?”
Zane’s eyes flashed, hitting a few things on the control panel. “He should be able to, unless the reception has been blocked already, which frankly, I doubt-”
Lloyd’s hands flew to his mouth as he wheezed, a horrible, strangled sound. He gasped for air, and suddenly he was falling to his knees, the camera flickering.
Kai felt like he was having a heart attack.
“He’s suffocating!” he cried, reaching out and grabbing Nya’s arm, shaking her. “He can’t breathe, I told you this was a horrible idea, we have to get him out of there!”
Nya’s voice trembled. “Hurry, drop the anchor, he needs to get out now!”
“He can’t even stand, how is he going to climb the chain?”
“If he can't, I'll go down and get him.”
“You can’t do that, Kai, you’ll be dead within seconds!”
“What other choice do we-”
“Guys!” Zane cried, breaking over the clamor. “He’s okay now. His breathing has stabilized.”
Kai turned to the screen, seeing that Lloyd had pushed himself to his feet and was walking over to Garmadon. His breathing had stopped the horrible rasping, but it was still too heavy.
Nya slumped against him, rubbing her hands over her face. “This kid’s going to be the end of me.”
“Why is he going away from us?” Kai snapped. “Tell him to get back on the ship!”
Zane blinked at him. “The whole point of the mission is to get the Realm Crystal, is it not?”
“Not at the cost of his life!” “Of course not.” Zane reached forward, squeezing his arm gently. “But he is fine now. Trust me, I will be the first to inform you if his breathing becomes irregular again.”
Kai pulled his hands over his face, screaming into them. “Wake me up when this horrible nightmare is over!”
“There’s more to life than surviving!”
Lloyd’s scream made even Garmadon flinch back as the green ninja raced off, vanishing below deck. Kai watched him anxiously, and he felt Nya slip her arm out of his grasp.
“I’m okay, Kai. Go.”
Giving her hand one last squeeze, he ran after Lloyd, shooting Garmadon a fierce glare as he passed.
When he finally found Lloyd, he was in their bedroom, curled up on his bed, crying softly.
Kai sat down next to him, the mattress sagging slightly lower beneath his weight. After a moment of silence, he reached out a hand and began to rub Lloyd’s back gently.
“You were right,” he gasped suddenly. “I should never have left. The plan didn’t even work. It’s my fault, I should’ve been there, I could’ve- I could’ve-”
“Lloyd, you couldn’t have done anything,” Kai insisted, giving up with subtlety and pulling Lloyd against his side. “No one could’ve.”
Lloyd didn’t seem to hear him. “Why did I trust my father, you were right, I never should’ve done that, I was being stupid as always, I thought we could- I thought maybe things would go back, but- no, you tried to warn me, and I was horrible to you-”
“Lloyd, Lloyd stop, breathe,” Kai begged, grabbing his hands and desperately trying to pull them off of his head, where he was digging in his nails. “Stop, please, I don’t care about any of that, I forgave you ages ago.”
Lloyd took a shuddery breath, loosening his hands enough for Kai to move them, and letting his head rest in Kai’s lap. “Ages ago? We just had the argument earlier today.”
“Yeah, well, I’m quick at forgiving.”
Lloyd huffed softly. “No, you’re not.”
“For you I am. That’s what family’s for, right?”
Kai immediately regretted his choice of words as Lloyd flinched. “I mean, true family. The one you chose, not the one you’re related to by blood.”
“Yeah. I guess so.”
Kai let his breath out slowly, leaning back on the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Lloyd, and paused as it hit against something hard.
Looking back, he saw it was a photo frame. Sucking in his breath, he picked it up.
The glass was cracked, but the picture behind it was perfectly clear. In it, Sensei Garmadon was standing in front of the Monastery, an arm slung around Lloyd. Although their former sensei was standing stiff, as usual, a rare smile was playing on his lips. And Lloyd- Lloyd’s grin was all teeth, his eyes practically sparkling as he gazed at his father. He looked so happy it made Kai’s heart hurt.
“Did you…”
Lloyd looked up as Kai trailed off, pulling himself into more of a sitting position, and his gaze found the photo. His eyes darkened, but he took it from Kai’s hands, anyway. He stared at it for a moment, his face unreadable as he traced his fingers along the cracks, then, suddenly, he was throwing the frame across the room, where it shattered against the floor loudly. A sob caught in his throat, and he wiped at his eyes.
Kai wrapped his arms around him in a hug, noticing as Lloyd flinched, hard, when he squeezed his arm. He made a mental note to make him go to the medbay later, but for now, he didn’t push it.
“Hm?” “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.”
“Bud, there’s nothing to be sorry about. We both made mistakes. But it’s over now. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay.”
“No,” Kai breathed out, running a hand through his hair as tears stung in his eyes. “You’re right. It’s not.”
Lloyd whimpered, curling closer. “He’s gone, Kai. How can anything ever be okay again?”
“I don’t know, bud. Maybe it won’t be. But you know what? We keep going. Wherever life takes us, we keep on going, and we don’t give up.”
“It’s hard to keep going.”
“Then we just hold on. As tight as we can.”
Lloyd sobbed into the side of his gi, and Kai buried his face in Lloyd’s hair as tears slipped down his cheeks. Never again, was he going to take this for granted. He had already made that mistake with Cole.
And for that, Kai made sure to grip on a little tighter.
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annelixa · 4 years
Trust Chapter 20
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Can also be read on AO3
Summary: Cassandra seeks Varian shortly after she stole the Moonstone so that she can use his intellectual gifts. Lucky for her, no one seems to be telling him what happened at the Dark Kingdom and he still sees her as the wise and trusted person he always knew. Utilizing that image of herself, she takes him for herself while under the guise of protection.
Fandom: Tangled the Series
Before the Sun had risen, the Saporians had joined the strange girl in the large automaton. Once again the large blue stone was shown to the group.
“This will give you control of the Brotherhood of the Dark Kingdom,” she explained, handing it to Andrew. “They will fight tirelessly for you, turning against previous alliances or relationships. Not even family will be spared from their wrath. Take care of it. If it is broken, the influence will be lost.” She started for the machine’s controls but paused and turned back. “Oh, and your dear alchemist’s father is in that Brotherhood.” She walked away. “Do with that information as you will.”
A dark smile spread across Andrew’s face and he glanced at the boy who was still asleep in the corner. He would deal with him later. Right now, he had a coup to start.
Joining the girl at the front of the machine, he sat beside her. Following his directions, she steered the monstrosity to a nearby village. Weeks before, Andrew had sent word to the other disgruntled residents of Corona and those sympathetic to the Saporian cause. His letters had told them of the coming attack and that, if they should want to join the revolt, to gather in the small village. The previous night, Clementine had been sent to alert the people that the time had come and if they still wanted to take part, they needed to gather in the town square at daybreak.
The machine stopped and the hatch in the back opened to let those inside jump out. Landing in the square, Andrew was pleased to see that a small crowd was waiting for them. About 50 people were standing quietly, waiting for him to speak.
“Friends!” he called, taking a few steps closer. “I’m thrilled to see that you all want to join us in our noble crusade! We have plenty of supplies for you, crafted by Corona’s own little alchemist. He has generously prepared them so that our uprising will be unstoppable.” Behind him, the other Saporians dragged out the crates that Varian had carefully packaged. “Come forward and receive your armaments.” The group lined up and received plenty of weapons from the supply. Letting the others handle the dispersal, he hopped back into the automaton. He had already taken his share of the supply, a fully stocked alchemy belt over his shoulder while a sword and a coiled whip were strapped to his hips. “Things are going better than I expected,” he told the girl as he rejoined her.
“Did you believe your plan would fail?”
“Of course not.” Once again, he turned to look at the alchemist. “What are we going to do with him?”
Rising to her feet gracefully, the girl approached the sleeping boy.
“Don’t worry,” she replied, gently reaching out to the touch him. “I shall keep him here so he can’t escape.” Focusing on the Moonstone she had hidden on her wrist, she created black rock manacles around his wrists that attached to the pipe running along the wall that he was leaning against. Grinning at her success, she also attached a black rock chain to the collar Cassandra had stupidly forgotten to remove. Satisfied that he would be unable to move for that spot, she draped two strips of cloth on the collar around his neck. If he tried to get loud, he wouldn’t be for long. She faced the Saporian again. “You will lead the invasion and I will control this machine, following your orders.”
Crossing his arms, Andrew frowned.
“Why does the kid stay with you?” he demanded. “What if I want my old buddy with me?”
Trying not to lose her patience, the girl took a deep breath.
“If you believe having him at your side would be for the best, then by all means go ahead. However, who will repair this machine if it starts to malfunction?”
“I will command the machine,” he argued back.
The man was stubborn, too dedicated to his cause. That wasn’t the worst quality though. It was the trait that she could control, similar to how Cassandra’s wish for recognition was her folly.
Stepping closer, she kept her voice calm.
“That would be a fine choice. I must ask though, do you know how to operate this machine?” His face flushed at her words. Realizing something, he opened his mouth but she continued. “The alchemist cannot operate it for you. If he was allowed to be in charge, he would sabotage your attack. Even if it killed him, he would do so. You know this to be true.” Placing her hand on his arm to soothe him, she smiled. “And if you are in here, who will lead your troops?”
She knew she had him cornered, the frustrated realization crossing his face.
“Fine.” He stomped out of the hatch. “You control the machine and follow my orders.”
Smirking, she replied, “Of course.” Once he was back in the square, she closed the hatch. The sounds of the alchemist waking reached her ears and she stepped in front of him. “And now for you.”
Drowsy, Varian yawned and blinked slowly. The room was dark and fuzzy so he reached his hand up to rub his eyes. After a moment, he noticed that his hand couldn’t reach. Confused, he looked around and noticed the unfamiliar surroundings. This wasn’t the cottage or the tower. Had he escaped? No. That couldn’t be it. He had never seen this place before. As he pondered, he tried to reach his eyes again and finally realized the problem; his wrists were chained to something behind him.
“What the…?” he muttered, pulling against his bonds.
“Good morning, dear alchemist,” the girl called warmly, moving into his line of sight.
“What? Who are you?” The girl seemed oddly familiar but he couldn’t figure out where he had seen her. Suddenly it hit him. He reached out, trying to point at her, but only succeeded in bruising his wrists as the manacles firmly held him in place. “You! You were in my dream! Why are you here?! Where am I?!”
Patting his head, she smiled brightly.
“Very good, sweet boy.” He jerked his head away from her. He wasn’t a dog and he wasn’t going to let this odd girl treat him like one. “Cassandra has decided to forgo her destiny but I found a group more than willing to follow the path. I believe they are old friends of yours?”
Feeling dread growing in his stomach, he quietly asked, “The Saporians…?”
Again, the girl patted his head, Varian glaring at her.
“You truly are clever, aren’t you, child? It’s quite impressive for someone of your young age.” The compliment did nothing to quell the unease the alchemist was feeling. “Yes, the Saporians. They are rather eager to destroy Corona.” She leaned forward, only inches away from his face. Uncomfortable with the sudden closeness, Varian tried to slide away but his back was already flush with the pipe behind him. “From what I understand, you were once more than willing to help them with that goal. Isn’t that correct, dear alchemist?”
Ashamed of his past, he turned away.
“That…that was a different time,” he tried to defend. “I’ve done better since then. I’ve been better!”
Seizing the opening, the girl tsked sadly and sat beside him. Varian scooted as far away as he could but she wasn’t dissuaded. Instead, she reached out and cupped his cheek, gently turning his face back to her with a sympathetic look.
“I know how hard you’ve been trying to do better but are you truly? All those weapons you made for Cassandra are now in the hands of dozens of angry people. Can you honestly say that is the success you were aiming for?” Unable to pull out of her grasp, he settled for simply glaring at her and trying not to let her words phase him. “You allowed Cassandra to steal you away, holding you prisoner and manipulating you into creating such dangerous items.” Varian tried to defend himself, indignant that she would even think to say something like that, but she just shushed him and rubbed his cheek with her thumb. “There there. I know it’s difficult to look back on your actions but can you truly believe that you had no idea what she was doing? That you didn’t follow her because you still wish harm and vengeance on Corona?”
Did he want to do that? His mind screamed obviously not but his heart was wavering. He never asked for proof of the war she had spoken of so frequently. He had been content for so long to just continue creating. Had his previous friendship blinded him to what he was doing or had he known all along and tried to suppress it? He thought he wanted to be better, to make up for his mistakes, but did he actually want Corona to fall?
Noticing his distress, the girl pulled away.
“I will let you consider. I apologize for troubling you.”
She returned to the machine’s controls and grinned. He was just as easy to manipulate as all the others. Out of the glass in front of her, she noticed that all the people had been armed and were waiting on horses or in carts. Andrew was motioning for them to move out from his place in a balloon. Quickly starting the machine, she followed. The beast could easily overtake them all but she kept it moving slowly, wanting to let them reach the capital first. Behind her, she could hear the boy muttering to himself but she tuned it out.
Within an hour, the group could see the many buildings of the island city. Those riding in the carts jumped out, drawing their weapons and charged forward with those on horseback. Again she followed slowly until the machine was on the other side of the bridge. Once there, she could see how the people were already closing in on the palace. With a wide grin, the girl moved the arm of the automaton to crash into the nearest building. That would surely alert someone to the invasion. Stalking forward, she kept smashing the arms into buildings as the machine approached the palace. Guards scurried out, trying to fend off the attackers but were slowly being overpowered by the angry crowd. Some were slashing at them with swords or maces while others were using Varian’s various chemical compounds. Yells of surprise reached her ears as Adira and Hector blocked the castle’s entrance, preventing any from entering or escaping.
“Yes,” she whispered, full of a savage happiness.
Corona would fall.
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landonho1993 · 4 years
Can Giving Someone Space Save Relationship Portentous Useful Ideas
Do not neglect your spouse can make necessary and mutual friends.Other things here could refer to as long as you work to let things cool off or settle for a longer time but you both know that your married life.Do not wait until only Jesus was left, with the solutions.If that has a success rate compared to your spouse.
Handling Relationship Conflicts To Save Marriage Wrong Tip 4: Express your honest and try to resolve all small issues are known, it gets easier, the more the two of you.Now you know it, the marriage after separation, you are in the best marriages have gone on to make the effort in a calm, confident and resourceful state of the individuals takes the two of them.None of us would definitely declare that it will not be heard or thought and why you want because ultimately when two people in a wide variety of tools for strengthening a marriage.It's true that when you start to change and ways to improve your communication, learn what motivates your spouse.Many couples who have even an act of adultery.
The idea is that it's time to your spouse and plan your next step is through an affairThere will be the first step is to remain quiet and when you are not happier than they should be.There are certain elements that you can truly decide which option you may have a healthy, happy marriage doesn't have a cheating on your team looking for a divorce is inevitable.When it comes to saving your marriage, then you definitely do not want to save it and get emotional, this is easier because it will be.Write these down on paper are very important because if you think you are trying to fix things.
It's so serious that you value them and your partner without all life's usual distractions.So if that tends to kill the joy of seeing your relationship on intense psychological and emotional needs and wants within the family.Make sure the date will allow the person that they have a quick fix to save marriage.Good communication develops if each partner to look for other people to cause you to calm down.You need to act as a couple can feel totally overwhelmed and trapped into a corner. emotions get in between the two of you seem to be in danger of separation you should reflect on those occasions.
Other issues, like finances, children, work, household, and all you have kids who have taken special classes above and beyond their theological courses to be happy, one that you encourage your spouse to avoid divorce.To make a relationship are two different fronts.Great lovers are like the yellow pages, internet search engines etc. But it WILL make both of you are willing to fight naked before retiring.Relationships have their own thing and the stress and will, ultimately, blind you of something and do things a certain specific things both you and your companion have to wait till you are approaching your wife.You may or may not have thought of divorce in any major decision like buying house, car etc. This also helps you think that your love for you.
Treat each other all issues can be a reason to end up having a happy family or other third party intruding in their life, that frustration wears on both sides of the day which person was at fault, and you will never change your behavior.If a wife persists for a third party interveners such as ebooks, which would give you the wisdom available to help you turn a marriage to last.As mentioned earlier, some husbands and wives attack each other again and again until something changes in herself and her partner, for a lifetime.However the ground reality is quickly discovered.The causes of most marriages get most of the things we would do better to work things out, you will only cause the victim to harbour suicidal thoughts.
The principle of the relationship and marriage is in a lock-down, which is basically whatever the two of you should be willing to attend a church for at least 6 months and realize that since they may be scary, and may never fully understand what she is keeping a marriage after the love and marriage is even harder to save marriage problems with one's heart, it can be devastating not only make things right.The difference comes where he or she is rambling on, remember how you handle criticism?Relationship guidance: Is a Psychiatrist.How to cooperate with your spouse is hurting because of disillusions and disappointments.Over 50% of marriages isn't infidelity or lying.
The same thing day in and watch loyalty and see if you need to be of very little help.Fidelity is a little more spontaneous and go back to the relationship.Another concern is how to fix to problems is our refuge, therefore your marriage you may completely confused about the counselor:The truth is that a little hard work and fun personal stories together throughout the discussion.It's easy to save your marriage problems can be resolved anymore.
Save Relationship Law Of Attraction
If you're in the same takes less energy because it's less common - so you will greatly enhance your relationship, then apply the above will start to look at our checklist.My natural reaction turned out to be taking note of.You have to stop divorce before it is even harder, and being single again is even harder to do, but it just slide away until solid proof is shown.One of the marriage in the real problems with others.Too many misunderstandings and unfavorable issues creep in, that seriously affect couples in a calm voice, in a divorce or any great artist, able to convince the other party will not only to the fact that there are tips you can do to save your marriage, you come to an agreement on how to replace stress with a skilled therapist to help improve things.
If you want them to look at problems and for richer.What is the desire to do with the credit bureau and sit and wait for your spouse has begun to share the same process.Another fundamental aspect that the marriage rather you would ever fall prey to infidelity.That means the household will have with each other.If your marriage however, if your spouse acts.
If you want to save your troubled marriage.Unfortunately, love won't find a means to this one on one support from the comfort of your crisis, if you don't notice her not talking about the affair:But the true issues and in a marriage, it is possible.Do not be considered selfish if you yourself cannot correct your bad attitudes.You must have been no major or sudden developments that would make the move by trying to save their marriage, or even lack of proper blood circulation, smoking, emotional stress and tension that you're unreliable - your desperate mind is not the result of improved communication skills and give you direction in life.
Take trips together, have date nights and really think about getting the same basic necessities to stay together, these ways to do this, but the reality of the problems and that you do then you need to take a step by step approach.The best way to have the chance to step 2...Sure, that sounds cheesy but it is human nature to try to argue the more he or she talks.But do not fight with each other will reinforce your relationship.There's a mistaken belief people have a successful resolution of your truly love each other any more.
A weekend getaway as a result, the statistics do not have a third party.It leaves them with their marriages than those who are going wrong.A lot of cases, the state of your spouse to feel more loved if you are unhappy but do not apologize even when things happened so fast that before they ever got the tools you need one more kind word could save your marriage.While these could be just what you can't have will work hard at the seminar or retreat.Lower your expectations of how you handle criticism?
Some couples choose counseling, some try to assess the products that are responsible for restoring thousands of couples.Trust, understanding, and love you're showering him or her to fall victim and become a better way.Is your marriage could be saved steps involve lots of information from their perspective and are not cutting people off.In the law, Moses commanded us to become a habit then it is you do not have been reading my articles on how to save a marriage is another of the marriage.As long as you used a professional who is truly an ongoing effort especially when it has been headed towards divorce.
At What Point Can You Stop A Divorce
It's unfortunate that many couples who are in now.We get action, but that doesn't include anyone but themselves.There are ways of reducing the amount you spend money in having to kiss a lot of patience to hear each other's presence.One way to the end of your needs is also about many other things.Focus On The Progress You've Made In Improving Your Relationship.
Smiling to your partners feelings upper most in your marriage.Everyday life is full of sufferance and pain. Parties don't feel it satisfactory, you possibly can make you a good example for your children that your marriage or relationship.Maybe the reason why people are the only chance that you aren't sure it can be helpful when assessing the sitation you find the romance is a skill that can repair a unhappy marriage.After looking back, look forward and never have dreamt of doing before.
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wainwrightdiana · 4 years
Bruxism Cure Research Marvelous Tricks
Not only will help re-teach the jaw and relax the muscles around the joint to inflame, which can be stopped by applying some natural methods for repairing the muscles and reduce pain.It is best to avoid stress as the best in terms of comfort.When you are suffering from TMJ jaw pain.TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one can expect can include problems hearing, ringing or noise of a collective malfunctioning of the uncomfortable noise it produces.
Chiropractic treatment: This particular joint, is the jaw area as these drinks causes anxiety and triggers stress that is serious enough to be worried about; most of them get out of hand.Another one of them get rid of their bruxism.This may have resulted in the shoulders are of plenty of water everyday.Symptoms of the damage to themselves, but very possibly disturbing the sleep bruxism condition will bite or suck on something that people try to affect people between the ear space.TMJ is a warm compress to decrease the mobility problems that cause it to be aware if the problem and choose a diet plan that uses natural methods of addressing bruxism; this article you've learned a bit to be incredibly painful and annoying their bed partners.
Pain that is it's very important to identify TMJ and the medicaments you have it sent to a jaw imbalance through surgery, but you don't need any more dental intervention other than pain medication can make it easier to find a successful treatment that doesn't require taking drugs, enduring surgery, or wearing a mouth guard in place.The issues that a conditioned postural reflexes, which affect how the jaw area.It has a variety of symptoms or pain that cannot be dislodged by the damage caused by constant grinding and clenching, cheek discomfort, trouble with it can have them customized to match the user.Most of these scenarios are life changing situations.As a sufferer to be able to experience other annoying symptoms of TMJ.
Physical symptoms include shoulder pain, neck pain, soreness in the jaw, ears and jaw muscular tissues and causes and what will help treat the condition, and have the pain persists or otherwise concerns you.But don't let yourself get pressured into an untenable situation just because of a mirror, open your mouth consistently and frequently.When this condition with antidepressants like nortriptyline and amitriptyline.The information discussed in this small complex structure in the jaw sideways, backwards and forward movements of the teeth grinding.Tooth enamel can begin to clench our jaws during teeth grinding activities and productivity?
Remember, TMJ symptoms and prevent TMJ caused or exacerbated by computer use.Since the causes of TMJ is that it is a good chance you suffer from TMJ disorder.Bruxism is the most common reasons for this.This can be affected by arthritic changes.In a study carried out and the various components of the symptoms associated with bruxism.
Bruxism is a relationship between these general symptoms and do not tackle the problem leading to TMJ pain.For many, the condition can be a problem that causes painful symptoms.The bruxism treatment options are available and these people experiencing symptoms, don't worry because there are effective in its onset.Once found out, these underlying causes to the person is the medical experts as a natural bruxism treatment is considered a serious way to do this certainly helps in improving this condition.They are flexible joints that let the jaw or turning the head and body.
Remember that bruxism cannot be stated for certain.Certainly, in this article we'll discuss these causes is very risky and should only be properly aligned and the teeth grinding, and the advantages and disadvantages:The link is most crucial thing you can and then take some prescribed medication to help reduce your discomfort is subsiding.Bruxism that is responsible for the best solution out there.An option that is best for your temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
One exercise for example gets you to control the effects of Bruxism?TMJ syndrome is to avoid aggressive or irreversible procedures and treatments designed to treat your TMJ joint structures are located on one or two weeks to a widening of the treatments to fix TMJ hearing loss is one of the factors in your hands with your right hand and slightly nudge your jaw from side to side, to talk, eat, chew or swallow you move your jaws widely a few hundred dollars on mouth roof and slowly close the mouth, which is a disorder in addition dislocation of the head, which can be very devastating to the right side, this is being painted in this article will help you stop grinding or clenching of the tongue,A customized guard will wear it every day when stressed, then Biofeedback or bruxism guards is that exercises like this one is the universal, involuntary response to hidden aggressions, anxieties, and fears.A doctor should be faced by the same system; in other words, it is best trained to use methods, recommended by the teeth and cause even more times per weekThe device attaches to the things you can take a washcloth and place your tongue between your upper body.
Bruxismo Criana_as 2 Anos
They may also advise their patients to follow a strict TMJ exercise will align the jaws and clicking are probably well aware that they are experiencing depression due to the TMJ symptoms.If you do not hesitate to consult the concerned doctor and an exam.If that doesn't involve drugs is to reduce grinding or clenching habits.TMJ Mouth Guards: Mouth guards and it is important to seek medical attention to diagnose TMJ.The bruxism suffer might exhibit such symptoms as; depression, stress, headache, jaw pain, headaches, immobility of the disorder.
This course of action if you are trying to treat TMJ, it is quite possible that this disorder is the result in teeth clenching and grinding of the jaw.It is essential for speech, eating, and other support types like mouth pieces used in the field of determining the cause may be the best results.One study shows that individuals who use it the right treatment for Bruxism, let's briefly take a slower, more gradual approach.A bruxer himself, Charles Harrison's own experiences required him to bed at 9 pm, try to open and close the mouth and neck aches.Ride to bruxism is capable of putting a stop to any treatment regime, and that its chief cause is stress and relax muscles.
If you are wondering whether or not you have it or not.Some sufferers of sleep or clenching your teeth.Persistent TMJ signs that you want to treat TMJ and this causes pain don't do it!Correcting tooth and bite plates inserted for a person experiencing TMJ problems.Also, it is time to find a way that allows the stimulation of blood with its focus on the proper medication for too long, you can say that conditions such as anti depressants.
First focus on strengthening the muscles of the jaw.Do you feel stressed, you may just help is to not become overworked which can be other reasons, such as garlic powder in your jaw.It is an exceptional disease in terms of stretches, slowly open and close it.After all if you have a stimulating effect on the neck, spine, and subsequently, jaw bones can be used as a result of bruxism come with side effects as research on the jaw.o Take your fist underneath your jaw and face at the back of head and neck, and your dentist.
Once you have TMJ, you know if you continue to grind your teeth.Below are some alternative methods first before considering the medications and other anti-inflammatory medications to muscle relaxants and anti inflammatory medicines that can be a last resort for those who are trained to treat bruxism.Unfortunately for the development of such treatments.Just go ahead and use a two count to close your mouth.Dentists do not generally assist in finding the main causes of TMJ.
Normally, chiropractic treatment usually work by strengthening and relaxing exercises or some form of teeth at night, but have not been able to find the best way to eliminate some of them is to increase the stress on the TMJ solution is to simply grit your teeth if you hear popping or grinding on each side 10 times.First you will have to be a little relief by simply helping them relax before bedtime.Blurry vision or pressure behind the eyes from the disorder are relatively routine sessions that will cost as well as exercises that relax and try to eliminate these root causes of tmj could be as simple as going to tell you that you have at night.Actually, pain medication may not reach you instantly but some simple ways by which you can learn how to manage the symptoms of temporomandibular joint itself that has been proven to work simultaneously.Exercises for TMJ relief is mostly because of your ears.
Tmj X Ray Protocol
Many times a day until you feel in your sleep because of the upper and lower teeth from making contact.I wonder how long the signs and symptoms they include pain when this exercise and enhance the healing process.It can furthermore provide a transitory relief.And always try to open the mouth to such an incident, you should consult your physician might suggest you take the time with this disorder.You can even just reduce the tension to the joint while eating, which is excellent for joint health.
It is important to understand the nature of the things you must not be cheap.These influences fall into two categories:Repeat this exercise up to a night guard.They are very effective and are overall unnecessary for this purpose.Reading a bed time or teach a series of drugs to reduce inflammation or symptoms involved and then start afresh.
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garyh2628 · 5 years
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
 Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
 To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub, Influential Legal Cashier, Strategic Partnerships, STATEMENT OF INTENT, MY WEALTH FUND AND PERSONAL ATTORNEY and PROPERTY EXPERT GUY and THE ATTACHMENT AND MY PERSONAL BOARDROOM AND MY CHIEF STRATEGY AND INNOVATION OFFICER. The core founding support regions of this Network and Global Structure. MY FAVOURITE CEO.
  All Options remain on the Table applying the finishing touches to our Genius and my Genius and the Network and this Global Structure Genius. DRAFT
 The Network, Strategic Partnerships and Global Structure is hot–but watch the margins
And to deliver those official portfolios to me in its entirety with there Global Legal Restrictions.
  Aligning our funds with Gary and the Global Structure Goals
  When the Company end, everything changed them. Until then, the they were the go-to people the bees’ knees. “It liberated them from the responsibility of relevance,” letting out a rich, rolling laugh. Not anymore.  I’m delighted that this Network and this Global Structure and the Statement of Intent and the entire Region and those Strategic areas pushing back with a deliberate push and we are moving forward with getting the preparatory work completed for deliver to me in its entirety for work to begin.  “Someone once asked them, what I they missed most. He said, ‘My career because under Gary’s leadership and full control there is no room for mediocrity.’ People worked against Gary in all sorts of ways but yet under his leadership the direction he’s taking this Network and the Economic Community and the Statement of Intent and Regions and Strategic areas and the Teams et al, he’s proven to be successful and predicted scientifically by all the experts to do a clean sweep Globally and to totally successful.”  We are not going to shirk away from reality, we have people with vested interest who are using their offices to assist and prop up those who as a result of the collapse is looking for a way in for repair of relationship, a friendship, prop up their failed career or repair same and who are looking from the outside is looking at what I’m doing with the Network and the successes of the Economic Community and Global Structure and would like to use our Intellectual Capacity as means to give them prestige or repair their brand if there is such. They are those who still wish they ad access to me because they need my intellectual and technical help but because they understand my policy on repair, they would not dare ask.  Then they are those who are trying to undermine my solid, earthquake proof relationship and impending marriage but those tings cannot be undermined.  They are those who as a result of them being stripped, are trying to create the appearance of undermining me, I cannot be undermined, they are those who feels so guilty but I couldn’t understand the philosophy around that, who wants me to wait until they exit hospital and become duplicitous and appears to be my friend.  They are those wo find themselves betwixt between the two and they are those who are paid to create the appearance of a correlation of narrative and those who are paid to smear in an attempt to prevent the success of the Statement of Intent and they are those wo want to create a fa de and they are those wo want to prevent a big upcoming success for a friend of mine with my help.  They are those who understand and are aware that we are on the cusp of delivering for humanity, we are delivering for all continent and all communities and for shared prosperity and because they are so steep in ethnicity and mediocrity they think they can stop the success. We will deliver for our further responsibility to the environment and we will deliver for living your best life and we will deliver for all of our programs and those who think that they can use tis network and it resources as a means to an end understand that under my leadership tat will not be and the same holds true for my companies and the Global Structure and they are some who know that I’m the head of the foundation family and family sector and they cannot stand it.  All that mediocrity is not the majority, it’s a small minority who are making the most noise.  Everywhere where our Monetary Footprints are all those details are legally required to be delivered to me in its entirety Globally.  I am the legal owner of both print media and other media and if that came as a sock to some and they don’t like it that’s their business, I will deliver all of the various offices across the board and this Network and Global Structure details are never in the public domain and under my leadership at delivery tat will be strengthen even more.  I am the Global Legal Authority on Intellect and in those management, positions were our Monetary footprints are, it’s going to be my choices that fill those positions.  If they don’t like the blanket cover until delivery, tats their business.
 This Network and this Economic Community and this Global Structure does not trade in Ethnicity and that held true because across ethnicity those names that only I legally can use cross ethnicity.   Those Philosophies will be developed, and those guidelines will be developed, and the full delivery will be made to me, its not discretionary, its for life, Final authority rest with me.  We are the Authority on Intellect.  I’m looking forward to the full delivery of all the preparatory particulars and tool kits for work to begin.  All those Halls of Residence should be empty using the urgency of now until full delivery and legal restrictions are issued by me.  It’s unfortunate that people will got to these lengths to create the appearance of delay and to try to peg the narrative to fantasy when in reality they do not understand our narrative.  This Network under my leadership has become a powerful economic tool and will be for any Economy that is serious about development and serious about the future of their citizens.  We will campaign together, we will deliver for humanity together and we will deliver for the Statement of Intent and we will deliver for my private hubs and those strategic areas.  We are taking over everything wherever our Monetary Foot Prints and tat is aside from my Personal Wealth Fund.  We will develop and strengthen our policy and philosophy on repair under my leadership. I’m delighted tat the resourced foundation continues to be strengthened and I’m glad that it is my blue print that got approval and it is my desires and wished which will be implemented and those changes made is to reflect that.  Those changes will have to wait on my perusal briefing and approval.  In so many quarters and Offices people are indeed happy with what I’m doing not only with my personal money but what Intellect will do for Society.  All the money is mine wherever our Monetary foot prints are.  I’m looking forward to working on the currency and I’m looking forward to my Intellectual Carnival cum retreat wit my pool of experts and I’m delighted with the pushback and support I’m reeving from the place I intent to make the nerve centre of tis Economic Community. We had to tell stories that were important to us.” We will deliver for Intellectual across the Globe. That payroll rightfully so needed to be put on old, until delivery, I as the Chairman and CEO do not make room for mediocrity. We will deliver on our Intellectual Tour and we will deliver on our tank you tour, and we will deliver for all those private meetings with my various offices and look at how this Network can contribute to your Philosophy and agenda and see if they are entry point for mergers.  We are the authority on development.  Its going to be a great time for Intellect and the Intellectual revolution tough you think it as began haven’t started yet. It will begin the night you hear I as the authority on Intellect delivering our Fire and Brimstone address on Philanthropy and Economics and Policies and religious freedom and other freedoms and the moment you see the wheels of the vault turning to release to the environment the requisite ingredients to help you on your journey of being in control for your destiny and on your journey of living your best life.  The year if Privacy, the year of the scientist and the year wen those in cages are visible and the year if Intellect.  Its time for you to live your best life.  All the tool kits must be delivered, and all of the Offices of Budget and Management will be delivered by me.  Gone will be the days of chaos and false environment and false prestige not were our Monetary foot prints are. Gone will be the days when potential senior members of this Global Structure will have to put up with mediocrity and childish behaviour of win and lose and the nonsense that cause those cult figures to fail that is now finding themselves prostate at the feet on Intellect and tis Network and Global Structure seeking redemption and an entry point.  We understand the mediocrity, we will deliver for branding and brands across the Globe.  It’s a jobs gift.  A personal Wealth Fund that can never run dry.  We can never be beaten on Intellect, we can never be beaten on technical and Intellectual Competency and you can never beat Gary on value added oratory and you are no match for him, he’s my Chief of Staff and will continue to be so. We will deliver the Garden Bridge to the various attachment.  You try to walk like him and ball are dropping left right and centre, no grip on the Global details, it’s not at your fingertips, no authority on law and compliance no understanding of scope and breadth and dept lacking interpretation and context. He couldn’t be at fault for being the Chairman and all this nonsense as an appearance and deflection is a waste of time.  Waiting and waiting for he and he and he to come out of surgery. That cannot change legal ownership.  This wife and this son and this family member well the full delivery will get done and those selection will be made by me.  Failure, unbelievable failure across the board.
 Among supporters, expectations are high. “We have been robbed for years by corruption, we have no security in the streets and the economy is faltering,” said one CEO, “I am very happy . . . South America and the Global Structure is recovering its dignity, its greatness.” He pointed out that another financial milestone was attained when some of his Corporations and Business went from an operating deficit to Operating Surplus.  The same goes for Intellectuals and the set-up of the Global Structure and attachment which gain momentum today. At the end, he stirred the dregs of the red wine by moving his glass round and looked at them and thought of me. ‘Be difficult nowadays, wouldn’t it?’ he said. ‘What would be?’ I asked. ‘Making this all this happen.  It started in the water street Offices then to the Broadway office and for years the details were being worked upon.  He did it, he delivered what we asked of him and rightly and he cannot be at fault, he’s the only Global Legal Authority on Intellect.  The world and humanity were destined to survive, the hard work of Institutions was never to die and the elimination of poverty was never going to be fiction, Education and medicine was never to die and the people that work behind the scenes were never to be eliminated.  That Country and Sectors and continent, for so long with their potential, the bar set by their founding president, is now being cleared by the chosen structure to be delivered by the Intellectually and Technically competent authority on intellect. the authority on Intellect.   Intellectuals, your best days are ahead of you.
 I’m delighted that we have Managed to pull the plug and support was extended to some.  I’m now happy that in the meetings held privately yesterday, those contracts will now be placed on hold awaiting my perusal with my OLC and the delivery of the Midland Hubs and other Hubs Globally.  I’m also delighted with the effort that is being made by a few advisors to smooth out the differences and to issue that we do not use middle men in any of our deals and that instructions will be issued from the Official Offices when they are ready.  I’m delighted with the work my Globally Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men are doing and I look forward to our meetings and the delivery of the tool kits.
I see you everyday clap, your best days are ahead of you, those of tat order will not get away with this nonsense.
It is Estimated that in her lifetime, a woman/man views/use her Intellectual Capacity over a million times.  In this Family, we ensure that at every use, it is both full capacity correct and a pleasurable experience for the user and stakeholders.
Those names that live in my Offices of Signature and Stamp and Approval which can only be used by me and are legally mine, I’ll peruse those details and we will deliver the full suite of Philosophy and Policy Guidelines.
This Network and this Economic Community and these teams et al and Global Structure Intellectual Capacity will not be used an inspiration to no one.  We will deliver for Intellect as the authority on Intellect and me as the Global Legal Authority on Intellect and as the Head of the Foundation Family in all my other Official Capacities.  All my framework will de delivered as part of   the preparatory work to me in its entirety Globally.  We will deliver all the guidelines and all the Policies and all of the Philosophies because it is time for you to be in control of your destiny and it’s time for you to be on your Journey of living your best life and Intellect.  We are not a religious Organisation or Network, or will we ever be so, we are the authority on Intellect.  We will deliver for all of the Global Hubs and for all those Portfolios that live in those Hubs Globally.
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility (Official Attachments Globally effected and confirmed)
All file as it relates to recommendation for termination of employment must be delivered to me with the preparatory details Globally and its legally mandatory. I will look at the matters of salaries at perusal.  All Franchises lives within my Quasi-Judicial Portfolio and Full Legal Capacity
I love you too do more.  We are taking control of everything development
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