#because the only reference i used for this was the sprites of papyrus's room and NOTHIN ELSE
bonestrouslingbones · 5 months
not to brag but i just banged out some crazy hand-lettering and a rounded perspective background both in one shot at 2:50 am and i think its a genuine step towards godhood
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hebby-arts · 2 years
and I got to thinking about something...
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OKAY we know that this is a fun little joke from toby, but i also think this is a reference to the popular theory that Gaster split into Papyrus and Sans.
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This gets said by the dogs in jail in ch2. notice they said during the holidays. the only BIG HOUSE is the skelebros one, but they didn't live there yet. Sans said they'd JUST moved in when you meet him in ch1, and there's no snow on the ground.
so then who attacked them?
I think that house used to belong to Gaster, but I don't think he's supposed to look like the mysteryman sprite. I think that's a remnant of him, but not the true him. it's ANOTHER HIM, kind of deal.
my theory is, the Gaster of DR was a scientist studying dark worlds. he learns that there is huge dark world energy readings in the monster town Kris lives in.
he tells his [sons? grandsons? brothers?] (sans and Papyrus) that he's going to head there before the holidays to study the concentrated negative photon readings.
there's a huge house he moves into. he makes a lab in the basement, it's got room if his [relations] want to visit, and he can get to work.
however, he ends up disappearing. he doesn't return for the holidays.
the following year, two skeletons move into town. one of them starts working in the convenience store next to the house, but the main owner hasn't been around in a while.
the other skeleton... is very lonely. not only did they move to a place where he doesn't know anyone, but his [dad? grandpa? oldest brother?] has been missing since last year. he misses him so much. he's been reading Gaster's research, how to create dark worlds. he doesn't want to get caught. he made one in his closet, and it's stable.
he decides to carry on the research. he's going to find Gaster. he wants friends. he starts making dark worlds in places that are forgotten, until he makes one where two people are already inside.
his intentions are not malicious, but they are selfish. selfish doesn't mean evil. papyrus isn't a bad guy, but you don't need to be bad to be an antagonist. it just means you're against the protagonist. But if you were that lonely and that driven, would you stop just because someone told you to?
There's also the chance that sans and pap moved with him and were just holed up in the house (and any associated dark worlds) while Gaster went missing, but that means they'd have been in there for SEVERAL MONTHS. we know a festival is gonna happen but like, it's Fall right? i think? is it a harvest festival??
I also am deeply suspicious of Ralsei's dark world. It hasn't disappeared, it's still in that closet. What's IN there? it's the only room we HAVEN'T seen. just pure blackness and papers on the ground. what kind of papers? research papers, maybe?
we ended up in the unused classroom, true, but we didn't start there. because we went through a door to the right of the castle town, and that's also where the unused classroom is.
for those who haven't played Earthbound / Mother 2, there's a place called Moonside, which is a screwed up wrong world dream state induced by the evil Mani Mani Statue that Ness eventually faces in a boss battle and destroys. Upon exiting Moonside, you wake up in a backroom, with a broken statue and are told that you were shambling about and muttering to yourself.
Deltarune is absolutely inspired by Moonside. Therefore, I think it's possible that you can move from one place to another in that state, but whether it's teleportation or just sleeping remains to be seen.
(think back to when you went to sans' room in undertale. when you go in, it's pitch black. you are walking for what feels like ever. you realize you're on a treadmill and the lights were out. Papyrus describes sans' room as being like another world where they don't know how to vacuum. when you pop out of the dark world in ch1, you're in a messy fandom, there's junk all over the floor, and it was pitch black in there until the light was turned on. just some stuff to think about)
but why be suspicious of Ralsei's castle? well. it hasn't been cleaned up. his fountain is supposed to just... stay open? who opened it to begin with? why is it themed like a castle with a prince?
If you can go to different dark worlds from Ralsei's castle town, then. what is it exactly? I'd be very interested in learning what is in that supply closet ACTUALLY. the other themes made sense. what could possibly be in there that would turn the dark world into a kingdom???
and I think about papyrus' room. that's a fun place in UT! there's a desk covered in sexy robot action figurines, he's got the coolest bed ever, a flame carpet, a closet that he tells us he sits in sometimes, so many books.
papyrus' dream was to be a knight in the royal guard, at least in undertale, as remarked in the knight papyrus theory posts. on his date, papyrus remarks that the action figures are great for setting up battle strategies.
I think, if there's enough room in his closet, he may actually play pretend with them in there. maybe where he's a famously popular knight and these are his fellow guardsman!
but this is just me rambling at this point. papyrus being the knight would be so very cool, but it would also mean being against him, in a capacity. i think he would join you, also, but that would also mean... he would have a Weird Route option, quite possibly.
to close this off, why DOES ANOTHER HIM
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vgfm · 3 years
Deltarune Theory: More Musings on Everyman and Gaster
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Hey all, it’s been about a month since my big Everyman Analysis Post and I just wanted to make a quick follow-up that ended up being quite long.
This follow-up includes some things that I left out of the original post, as well as a couple of new revelations and developments I’ve uncovered since then.
This new post also segues into a theory I’ve been building about Gaster, since I feel like both characters are connected.
I recommend you read the original post (if you haven’t already) otherwise this follow-up may not make much sense.
Quick Recap
Further Foreshadowing
The Curious Case of Mettaton
“Strange” Times
Revisiting Reaper Bird
Creating Reaper Bird
Ice-E’s Odds and “E”nds
A Deeper Look into Father Alvin
Heroes of the Dark, Villains of the Light
A New Challenger Approaches!
Gaster’s Connection to the Knight
Creating a New Future
Gaster is ???
Gaster the ???
What are Skeletons, Anyway?
Quick Recap
If for whatever reason you haven’t read the previous Everyman post, here’s the cliff notes version:
Everyman was the bullet attack from the Reaper Bird amalgamate in Undertale’s True Lab (the one whose head got eaten by butterflies)
Everyman appears twice in Deltarune Chapter 1, implying a greater role in the full game
In Undertale, Everyman was likely an actual person/monster who became part of an amalgamate like Snowdrake’s mother and Shyren’s sister did
Everyman is likely to be “The Knight,” mentioned in Deltarune (see first post for full argument/evidence)
Jevil and the King of Spades are connected to both the Knight and Everyman, implying they’re the same person (again, see previous post)
The word “strange” is associated with Everyman; his sprite in Undertale is called “strangeman” and Seam refers to the Knight as a “strange knight”
The Knight may or may not have a “strange son”, according to Seam (it’s unclear because the line is worded vaguely)
The Knight/Everyman is probably connected to Gaster
If Everyman is an existing character, then he’s likely either Father Alvin or one of the Ice-E’s employees (long story, see previous post)
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[Image transcript: Two text boxes from Rouxls Kaard. In order, he says: “Lost...? Frightened...? Confused...? GOOD!! HA HA HA!!!” end image transcript.]
Need some help? Otherwise, we’re moving on...
Further Foreshadowing
I wanted to touch a bit more on the concept of character foreshadowing in Undertale/Deltarune, since it’s one of my foundational arguments for why I think Everyman will be important in Deltarune.
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I still can’t help but find it remarkable that Toby took the time to include multiple Everyman “cameos” in Deltarune Chapter 1. The Jevil fight cameo especially gets me because it’s in a secret fight that most players already won’t experience on their initial playthrough, and on top of that it’s a rare event in said fight. It reminds me of how the “Mysteryman” event in Undertale has a strong chance to not trigger even if you have the correct fun value. This all feels like a lot of trouble for Toby to go through for what is an otherwise extremely obscure character.
Last time I gave examples of how characters like Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard were foreshadowed before they were properly introduced, but I found another example of a foreshadowed character that better illustrates my argument:
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Muffet was a fan-made boss included in Undertale as a backer incentive for the game’s Kickstarter. In other words, she was (presumably) not part of the initial plans for the game or its demo (which was released prior to the Kickstarter). In the finished game, Muffet, while not as important as other boss characters, still ties into the spider bake sale seen in the Ruins and she’s (possibly?) one of the mercenaries hired by Mettaton to kill you.
Muffet’s inclusion in the full game retroactively makes the Ruins’ spider bake sale serve as foreshadowing for her character. However, Toby didn’t stop there.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side screenshots of Undertale. In the left one, the narration says “(It’s a spider web.)” In the right screenshot, the narration continues: “(There’s a flyer for a bake sale on it.)” end image transcript.]
Toby also added a bake sale flyer in Napstablook’s house as an additional reminder and gave Muffet her own introductory bake sale room in Hotland before she’s properly fought.
Note how once again Toby took the time and effort to foreshadow a character multiple times, even though that character wasn’t even part of his original plans. And, as was the case with MTT and RK, the foreshadowing wasn’t just a one-off hint or nod, either.
Muffet is also an example of how foreshadowing doesn’t need to include a character’s name or a direct reference in any dialogue or flavor text. Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard are both mentioned by name (or initials) by other characters, yet Muffet’s name is never spoken before her fight.
A first time player going in blind would have no way of knowing that Muffet exists as a specific character in the narrative, but her presence would still make sense and be foreshadowed from contextual clues. The spider bake sale, while not telling us exactly who Muffet is, clearly builds up to the eventual reveal of her role and motivations. This is what I meant when I said that some foreshadowing only makes sense in hindsight, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is foreshadowing.
The Curious Case of Mettaton
Think back to what I said last time about foreshadowing:
“For all we know there could be other, more-cryptic Everyman references already in Deltarune that we don’t have the full context to understand yet.”
While I didn’t specify it at the time, I meant this as a subtle hint that Deltarune’s mentions of the Knight would double as foreshadowing for Everyman (assuming they’re the same person, as my theory alleges). Obviously I didn’t start my original post with this argument because it would be putting the cart before the horse and I had to first establish why I think Everyman is the Knight.
Speaking of the Knight, another thing that I hinted at but didn’t fully spell out last time is the fact that the three most prominent characters who mention the Knight (Seam, Jevil, and the King of Spades) all coincidentally leave “clues” that point to Everyman as well. Seam uses the word “strange” more than any other character and is the first one to mention the “strange” Knight. Jevil mentions the Knight and has the rare Everyman bullet. The Spade King mentions the Knight several times, including as his final in-battle line, then right after allows his cloak to fly away as a butterfly (an image associated with Everyman, per my last post).
If my theory is correct then it would mean that Everyman is foreshadowed even more heavily in chapter 1 than just his two visual “cameos”. It would also mean that every mention of the Knight would serve as a “namedrop” for Everyman, like how Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard are namedropped before their introductions.
This type of foreshadowing, where namedrops are seemingly “unconnected” to visual cameos, isn’t unprecedented. Mettaton is namedropped several times in Undertale before Hotland, but we also see his rectangular form powering the Snowdin colored tile puzzle.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk looking at Mettaton’s deactivated body next to the colored tile puzzle in Snowdin. The narration says “(The machien isn’t working.)” end image transcript.]
I also want to clarify that, yes, that’s actually Mettaton--Papyrus mentions that Alphys designed the tile puzzle and you can see that Mettaton disappears from that room later on before eventually reusing the tile puzzle himself in Hotland.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk talking on the phone with Papyrus in the Snowdin colored tile puzzle room. Papyrus is saying “OH HO!!! THE PUZZLE THAT DR. ALPHYS MADE!” end image transcript.] 
But here’s something you may not have ever thought about: there’s absolutely nothing prior to Hotland that outright says that the mysterious “MTT” and the machine powering the tile puzzle are one in the same, just like how there’s no line of dialogue in Deltarune Chapter 1 that outright says Everyman is the Knight.
In fact, I’d argue there’s more evidence to suggest that Everyman is the Knight than there is to suggest (to a new player, pre-Hotland) that “MTT” and the tile puzzle machine are the same person (or even a person at all), and yet we know the latter is true. Just something to think about.
“Strange” Times
Something else I wanted to expand upon was the use of the word “strange”. I pointed out last time how Everyman is called “strangeman” in Undertale’s game files and how Deltarune’s dialogue uses the word “strange” very deliberately. 
What I didn’t touch on was how the word “strange” is used in Undertale. Long story short: it’s used a lot more often than in Deltarune but its usage also feels a lot less deliberate. On the one hand, “strange” is used to refer to important things like Alphys’ Lab, Sans’ room, Toriel already “knowing” humans after a reset, and the broken machine in Sans’ workshop.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk staring at a curtain in Sans’ secret room. The narration says “(There’s a strange machine behind the curtain.) (It seems to be broken.)” end image transcript.] 
On the other hand, “strange” is also used to refer to more mundane things like sleeping in Toriel’s house, quiet echo flowers, or Mettaton rattling off the features of the game-shaped bomb.
In truth, I don’t think the word “strange” has much meaning when it comes to dialogue in Undertale. However, Everyman is the only sprite in Undertale with the word “strange” in its title. Almost all of the non-dialogue strings with “strange” in their name also relate to Everyman. There are a couple of other strings referring to a “strangetangle,” but I’m not exactly sure what that is.
My personal theory is that Everyman and the True Lab may have been one of the later additions to Undertale’s programming, and by that point Toby had likely written most of the game’s dialogue and didn’t feel the need to retroactively limit the use of the word “strange”. That’s purely my own speculation, of course.
The point still stands that Deltarune uses “strange” in a way that feels much more planned. Unlike Undertale, Deltarune tries to limit “mundane” uses of “strange” as much as possible. I must also reiterate that the first mention of the Knight and the first usage of “strange” in Deltarune is Seam referring to a “strange knight” in bright red letters.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Seam saying “But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away.” end image transcript.] 
On the flip side, Toby has gotten a lot more careful with filenames for sprites in Deltarune. There are no sprites named “everyman” or ”strangeman” in Deltarune’s game files, just as there’s no “Gaster” or “mysteryman” either (save for the vessel name flag that restarts the game). The Everyman bullet that appears in Jevil’s fight is simply “spr_carousel”, and the graffiti is part of “bg_alphysalley”. Toby left far fewer secrets in Deltarune’s files than he did in Undertale’s, likely as a conscious effort to avoid spoiling any future reveals.
Revisiting Reaper Bird
Speaking of covering tracks, when writing my previous post I was a little disappointed to find that Reaper Bird’s battle text was something of a dead end for clues. Almost all of the dialogue and flavor text in Reaper Bird’s fight is repurposed text from the Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot fights.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of the Reaper Bird battle. Reaper Bird has three text bubbles. In order, they say: “Someone finally gets it,” “Ribbit ribbit,” and “Courage...” end image transcript.] 
When you think about it, Everyman is the most noteworthy thing about the Reaper Bird fight. Without him, Reaper Bird would be the most forgettable amalgamate. Reaper Bird doesn’t even show up again during the True Pacifist “victory lap” walk-around. Endogeny, Lemon Bread, and Snowdrake’s mother all show up in the overworld and have additional dialogue (or dog noises) with their family members. Reaper Bird and Memoryhead are the only amalgamates never heard from again.
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I do think that Reaper Bird and Memoryhead are meant to serve a purpose beyond being general amalgamates. Memoryhead at least has the distinction of being the first amalgamate fought, having the unique “bad memory” item associated with it, and (arguably) being the most mysterious of all the amalgamates due to having no easily-identifiable “component” monster parts. 
Still, there are a couple of Reaper Bird tidbits worth pointing out. First is the name: I find it interesting that Everyman has been associated with two different “reaper”-affiliated enemies (i.e., Reaper Bird and Jevil w/ his scythe). It’s also interesting how the artbook shows an early concept for Whimsalot that carries a scythe as well:
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[Image transcript: Two entries from the Undertale Artbook. On the left is a spritesheet for Everyman. Beneath it says “spr_strangeman_losinghead.png by Toby Fox. Name: Everyman Description: Just a good guy who shows up on occasion. To the right of this entry is an image of a Whimsalot holding a scythe while wearing a skull mask. Beneath it says “spr_whimsun_reaper.png by Toby Fox. Different idea for Whimsalot.” end image transcript.] 
The sprite is even called “whimsun_reaper”. Funny coincidence how Whimsalot’s design was changed to become more knight-like in the end.
While we’re on this page, there’s something I wanted to take another look at:
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Madjick and Knight Knight are grouped with Everyman and Whimsalot despite neither of them being represented within the Reaper Bird’s design or dialogue. This page is immediately after a page that shows concepts for Final Froggit and Reaper Bird:
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Wouldn’t it make more sense for Everyman to be on the same page as Reaper Bird, rather than being grouped with with Madjick and Knight Knight? The only things that Madjick, Knight Knight, and Whimsalot have in common are (1) they’re Core enemies and (2) they have the strongest “knights and wizards” theming out of all the Core mercenaries. Final Froggit and Astigmatism’s designs are more ambiguous, and the latter isn’t even included in this section of the artbook at all (despite being a component of Reaper Bird!).
Looking at this page, the earlier design for Reaper Bird’s eye-mouth thing does remind me of something...
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It’s a somewhat tenuous connection and could just be a coincidence. Then again, Spade King is connected to the Knight and I already made a big deal out of his butterfly-shaped cloak. Interestingly, Spade King never uses his Chain of Justice attack after his cloak flies away and instead resorts to basic spade bullets to put down the Fun Gang. If the cloak was a gift from the Knight, perhaps it was endowed with sort of power that heightened the King’s abilities?
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It is odd how the Chain is the only part of the King’s sprite that’s grey instead of black, white, or blue. Lancer’s sprite doesn’t have any grey on it, nor does he have his own “Chain” appendage. As far as I know this shade of grey is not used on any other character. Grey seems to carry a very specific connotation in this series: New Home is entirely in grey, the overworld sprites for the Amalgamates are grey, and Gaster Followers/Goners are associated with the color as well. We don’t fully know what it means yet, but it seems to be significant. Best make a mental note of it, at least.
Creating Reaper Bird
What especially sticks out to me now is Toby’s line above Reaper Bird’s Artbook entry:
“I created Reaper Bird first but I realized it wasn’t creepy enough so I gave it longer legs in-game.”
Now, when Toby says he created Reaper Bird “first”, he doesn’t specify what that “first” is in relation to. Was Reaper Bird the first amalgamate he designed? Or does Toby mean that he designed Reaper Bird “first” and then designed the Core mercenaries afterwards so that they’d fit as “components” of Reaper Bird’s body?
That latter interpretation may seem like a bit of a stretch, but it’s worth noting that Reaper Bird is the only amalgamate shown in the art book whose concept art does not have a step-by-step “breakdown” of how it was created from the designs of its component monsters. Endogeny and Lemon Bread both have full-page spreads showing earlier concepts alongside the regular monsters that make up their components.
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What’s especially interesting is the artbook also includes a scrapped “Royal Guard” amalgamate and a page for Snowdrake’s Mom, whose final design only takes inspiration from Snowdrake.
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And yet despite the fact that Reaper Bird has one of the most obvious designs in terms of how its components “fit together”, Toby did not show his early design process and instead only shows three frames of Reaper Bird’s idle animation. Assuming Reaper Bird was designed first and the Mercenaries’ designs were created or modified afterward, this would fit with my theory that the Core Mercenaries were deliberately themed around Everyman and his “knighthood”.
Even the design of Reaper Bird itself evokes some traits of Everyman’s design. Namely, both characters are bipedal, both have long necks, both have a beak/proboscis, and both have a single visible eye mounted on the side of their head. That last part stands out the most to me, as every major character in Undertale and Deltarune has forward-mounted eye sockets, like a human would. Even among random encounter enemies and background NPCs it’s a rarity to find wall-eyed characters.
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It could just be my over-eager imagination, but the fully-stretched Reaper Bird looks like it even matches Everyman’s proportions to a degree, almost like it’s a skeleton or outline attempting to regain its “true form” out of the cobbled-together mercenary parts.
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I said before that Reaper Bird becomes the most “boring” amalgamate without Everyman. In many respects Everyman is the centerpiece of that amalgamate, and by extension he may also be the centerpiece that informed the designs of the Core mercenaries.
If that’s going too far out on a limb, consider how many places and characters in Undertale are connected to Gaster despite the fact he has no real role in the game’s main plot. Sans, Papyrus, the Core, and the True Lab are all “informed” in some way or another by Gaster’s “existence” even though he never properly appears. Is it so unlikely to imagine that another “unseen” character who may be important in Deltarune also had a large impact on aspects of Undertale’s world?
Ice-E’s Odds and “E”nds
Speaking of impact... I don’t really have a segue lined up, so let’s talk about Ice-E’s instead. In my last post I brought up the idea of Everyman being one of the Ice-E’s employees that we see in Hometown. The bulk of my analysis focused on The Warrior, but I neglected to talk about the other unknown mascot: the “purple guy”.
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In truth, there’s not a whole lot to this character. He only has one line of dialogue and he seems to be a deliberate reference to the “purple guy” from Five Nights at Freddy’s. Still, he’s just as mysterious as The Warrior and could very well have a larger role to play in the full game.
Interestingly, the purple guy’s sprite is named “icemascot_fake” in Deltarune’s files, whereas Burgerpants and the Nice Cream Bunny are “icemascot1″ and “icemascot2″, respectively. This fits with Burgerpants’ line where he questions whether the purple guy “even works here”.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. Both feature Kris talking to Burgerpants in Hometown. On the left, Burgerpants says “Purple Guy - Man, THAT GUY, you gotta...” and on the right he continues, saying “... actually, does that guy even work here?” end image transcript.] 
The purple guy is also the only Ice-E’s mascot whose costume’s body doesn’t match the color of the costume’s head.
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His colors do match the Everyman/Ice-E graffiti, though. Judging from his “fake” costume, he’s apparently some sort of Ice-E’s fanatic who made his own Ice-E’s getup and pretended to work there. I’m not sure how that would tie into the Knight’s motivations, if at all, but it certainly fits the bill for being “strange”.
Ice-E’s is apparently strange and creepy enough in-universe to inspire urban legends about it
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But Kris was only kidding, right?
Getting back to Ice-E’s as a brand, it’s interesting how the company focuses on the letter “E”, inserting it into the word p”e”zza and other places where it doesn’t belong.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Burgerpants saying “Ice E’s P’E’ZZA, You’re number ‘1′ Spot for a piping hot pe’E’ce of PEZZA.” end image transcript.] 
Could the focus on “E” be pointing towards “E”veryman’s involvement? Eh, mayb”E”. 
Something that was pointed out to me by gantaloupe on Reddit: In the Core we see two branching paths: the sage’s path and the warrior’s path.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk reading a sign in the Core. The sign says “(North, the warrior’s path.) (West, the sage’s path.) (Any path leads to The End.)” end image transcript.] 
While this could just be a coincidence, it’s an interesting factoid in light of how Everyman is connected to the Core mercenaries and possibly connected to a character named “The Warrior” in Deltarune.
One last thing that I noticed is how Everyman’s bullet sprite and the Ice-E’s costumes both have nubby arms and legs without any defined fingers or toes. Everyman’s body and Ice-E’s head would fit together like a glove. It would certainly be easier to picture one of the mascots abstracted into Everyman’s bullet design rather than, say, Gaster or Father Alvin. Speaking of which...
A Deeper Look into Father Alvin
Father Alvin kinda got the short end of the stick in my previous post when I said he was “less likely” to be Everyman than one of the Ice-E’s employees. I still hold that opinion, but that doesn’t mean he’s not worth exploring further.
One thing that I glossed over was the topic of Alvin’s potential connection to Gerson. Now, there’s nothing in chapter 1 that outright says Gerson and Alvin are related, but it’s easy to intuit based on the fact that they’re the only two turtle monsters that we see in the series. Both characters are connected to Hometown’s school, and one could infer that Alvin’s drawing in the supply closet could be a drawing of Gerson rather than a self-portrait.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. Both feature Kris looking at a drawing on a cabinet in the unused classroom. In the left screenshot, the narration says “(It’s a yellowed, poorly-drawn picture of a green turtle.)” The right screenshot continues: “(It’s signed ‘Alvin’.)” end image transcript.] 
Gerson himself seems to have no connection to the Knight’s machinations, and it’d be difficult to imagine otherwise since he’s, y’know, dead. Still, it is eerie how Gerson was the only character in Undertale who provided any information on the deltarune symbol and now he’s “conveniently” absent from Deltarune’s narrative.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Gerson saying “That’s the Delta Rune, the emblem of our kingdom.” end image transcript.] 
Instead we have a different turtle character who also makes mention of an “angel” like Gerson did.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris talking to Father Alvin. Alvin says “Let the Angel’s power light your way.” end image transcript.] 
We don’t know much about Alvin yet, but the impression I get from him is that he’s Gerson’s opposite--mild-mannered, patient, and more interested in divine matters than history or research. Alvin also shows reverence for the Angel, capitalizing the name, whereas Gerson uses the term “angel” with quotation marks and treats it as a quaint curiosity.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Gerson talking. In the left screenshot, he says “Most people say it’s the ‘angel,’ from the prophecy...” The right screenshot Gerson says: “I jus’ think it looks neat! Wahaha!” end image transcript.] 
Getting back to Alvin’s drawing, it was pointed out to me that Alvin’s green turtle drawing and the drawing of three people smiling in Sans’ lab are both described as “poorly drawn” by the narration.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk in Sans’ secret room. In the left screenshot, the narration says “(It’s a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people.) (Written on it...)” The right screenshot continues: “don’t forget.” end image transcript.] 
This may sound minor, but these are the only instances where the descriptor “poorly drawn” is used in either game. It’s also significant because the drawing of three smiling people only shows up when Frisk talks to Clamgirl, who mentions “Suzy” and is eventually revealed to be a goner/Gaster follower. This means both drawings are tied to Deltarune’s world.
I’m not entirely sure what the significance of the drawings is, since we still don’t know for certain who the three smiling people are or which green turtle is in Alvin’s drawing. If Alvin is the Knight, I could see him using drawings to attempt to bring specific types of darkners to life with the dark fountains he pulls out of the earth. In the case of the turtle drawing, maybe he was hoping to bring Gerson back as a darkner by recreating his likeness?
In Deltarune we’ve already seen a possible darkner “counterpart” to a lightner in the form of Ralsei, so maybe the idea of “recreating” lightners as darkner doppelgangers will be explored further in the full game? Chapter 1′s dark world was in the school and Gerson was a teacher there before he passed away. Chapter 2 seems poised to take place in a hospital dark world, and we see Rudy in a poor state of health at the hospital just prior to chapter 2. It’s too early to tell, but maybe these “holy” fountains and darkner doppelgangers are the Knight’s idea of bringing about life after death, or an “angel’s heaven,” if you will.
It goes without saying that my ideas of the Knight’s motives are purely speculative, but one last note I’ll leave on is how Gerson is mentioned an awful lot in Deltarune, more so than he was in Undertale. Gerson’s name is also one of the names that triggers a special response in the vessel creation sequence. Seems like an awful lot of attention for a “dead” character with no further role to play in the story, and remember what I said earlier about repeated character foreshadowing. All I’m saying is, don’t be too surprised if we meet a darkner by the name of “Snorge” or “Resong” or “Goners” or--hmm... Goners...
Heroes of the Dark, Villains of the Light
Now’s as good a time as any to bring up something I and a lot of others have noticed: Deltarune’s heroes are dark. Ralsei is a prince from the dark with horns, Susie is a bully described as a “dark knight” in one of her equip screen titles, and Kris is described by some Hometown residents as “creepy,” to say nothing of how Chapter 1 ends. Others in the fandom have pointed out how Deltarune’s battle system places Kris & co on the left side of the screen, in contrast to many classic JRPGs where the heroes are positioned on the right side of the screen.
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On the other end of things, Ralsei’s prophecy refers to the “heroes of legend” sealing the “holy” dark fountains in order to “banish the Angel’s heaven”. That doesn’t really sound like a typical “heroic” goal. There’s also the speculation that sealing Card Castle’s fountain may have had negative repercussions for the Castle’s inhabitants. I’m not saying this to argue that the fun gang is somehow “evil”, but merely to point out that they have the trappings of darkness. 
Angels, on the other hand, are typically associated with light and goodness, and we know that Alvin serves the angel (whether this is solely in an abstract/religious way or in a more direct way remains to be seen). We know that sealing dark fountains somehow relates to banishing the Angel’s heaven, so it’s not a stretch to assume that the Knight is in league with the Angel due to his desire to create fountains.
I already entertained the idea of the Knight and the Angel working together in my last post, but something else that ties into this is Toby’s refrain of describing Everyman as “just a good guy that shows up on occasion.” He uses this description in the Everyman tweet as well as Everyman’s entry in the Undertale art book. It’s clearly meant to be a significant phrase.
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[Image transcript: On the left is a Twitter thread by Toby. On the right is an excerpt from the Undertale Artbook featuring a spritesheet of Everyman. In both images, Toby writes “Everyman. Description: Just a good guy who shows up on occasion.” end image transcript.] 
We can infer that the Knight will be a major antagonist going forward, and I’ve already argued that Everyman is the Knight, so this paints the picture of a Knight with good intentions--a “Knight in shining armor,” if you will. This could be another argument in favor of Alvin being Everyman/the Knight, since he at least tries to project the image of piety and fits this theme of "holy” villains to contrast the “dark” heroes.
Now that I think about it, a “villain” like that would be an interesting inversion from the likes of Flowey--instead of an antagonist who’s trying to kill people, we have an antagonist who threatens to smother the entire world with the unchecked new life he’s creating. His actions at Card Castle show that he doesn’t go out of his way to kill, given that the three kings were kept alive as prisoners, but we also see how his actions enabled an evil King to abuse his power in the name of protecting his “holy” fountain.
While Flowey illustrated the lesson of “don’t kill and don’t be killed,” perhaps this Knight would be meant to show the dark side of appeasement and how “good intentions” only get you so far? The Spade King definitely comes off as a subversion of the typical “don’t fight!” approach of Undertale, and if Alvin is the Knight then he might push that “lesson” further going forward.
Still, for every champion of the light there is one who waits in the dark...
A New Challenger Approaches!
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That’s right, there’s a third Knight candidate to cover. I’m sure some of you have been eagerly awaiting this one, so give it up for...
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Ok, in all seriousness a couple of people wanted me to talk about this character who shows up in the Hometown Library. Their name isn’t given in-game and they’re simply known as “spr_normalnpc” in the game files. As of right now their only purpose is to block Kris from visiting the upstairs floor of the Library.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Kris talking to Normalnpc in the Library. In the left image, Normalnpc says “I love reading books. Especially the books upstairs. You should really.” before finishing in the right image, saying “Read them!” end image transcript.] 
As far as we can tell, this character is the Deltarune counterpart to the elusive Gaster Follower 3 from Undertale.
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Not all of the character design details line up, but both characters cut a similar silhouette and that’s good enough for me.
After my initial Everyman theory post, I’ve been asked whether I think normalnpc might be Everyman/the Knight. I never gave it much thought before now, so let me start with the points in this character’s favor:
Normalnpc shares some of Everyman’s basic design traits, namely a beak/proboscis, a single eye visible on the side of their head, and a long neck
“Normalnpc” and “Everyman” are both such generic names that they immediately arouse suspicion
Normalnpc acts “strange,” repeating placeholder-ish dialogue about reading books while simultaneously blocking you from going upstairs
Normalnpc maintains a positive tone, making them a “good guy”...?
Both characters are connected to Gaster, maybe?
Ok, look, I’m not saying that Normalnpc can’t be Everyman, but there’s very little to work with here besides the general design, the name, and vague Gaster connections. And even then, I’d say Normalnpc’s and Everyman’s designs have too many differences for my liking. While some of the basic features are there, their silhouettes, proportions, and stance/posture are all completely different.
Another complication is the fact that Normalnpc’s “goner” counterpart already exists in Undertale, and I said last time that Everyman would have to be a character who isn’t seen elsewhere in Undertale because he was busy being stuck inside Reaper Bird.
On the other hand, we do see goner counterparts for characters that already exist in Undertale, as is the case with Gaster Followers 1 and 2 (for the sake of simplicity I’m assuming that Gaster followers are the same thing as “goners”).
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But I’m not sure whether these “goners” are meant to be alternate “versions” of these specific characters or whether they’re just other members of the same “species” as their counterparts. 
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Monster Kid and Goner Kid, for example, have many differences in their designs, including different shirts, different spine arrangements, and slightly different facial features.
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Clamgirl muddies things even further, undergoing a total transformation when she “becomes” Gonerclam. This raises the questions of what causes someone to “become” a goner as well as how and why their bodies change in ways beyond just turning grey.
So far we’ve seen instances of goners coexisting alongside their “originals,” like with the two Monster Kids, but we’ve also seen Clamgirl get “replaced” by her goner by becoming one. Based on our limited and seemingly-contradictory knowledge of how goners work, I can’t even say for certain whether Normalnpc’s presence in Undertale would be accounted for or not with the existence of Gaster Follower 3.
And that’s kind of the problem with Normalnpc as an Everyman suspect: we know far too little. Father Alvin and the Ice-E’s employees each have a smoking gun that makes them likely Everyman candidates: in Alvin’s case it’s the drawing in the closet, and for Ice-E’s it’s the graffiti plus the Warrior’s hospital stay potentially lining up with Chapter 2′s setting. The best things Normalnpc has going for them are a vague resemblance and having a more obvious (yet vague) connection to Gaster, the latter of which is hardly a unique thing in this setting.
Moreover, there’s nothing that specifically ties Normalnpc to being the Knight other than through Everyman, and the “connection” between Normalnpc and Everyman is already tenuous. Alvin is independently connected to the Knight by virtue of leaving his drawing as a “calling card” in an area the Knight has recently been. The Warrior’s roleplaying shtick would make him a natural fit among a “swords and sorcery” setting that the Knight evokes. Of the three candidates, Normalnpc definitely has the weakest claim to Knighthood.
That all being said, Normalnpc is still a character to keep an eye on. The name alone comes off as Toby hiding a secret in plain sight. Even if this character doesn’t wind up being Everyman or the Knight, I’m sure their role will be bigger than that of a mere NPC.
Gaster’s Connection to the Knight
Now for the moment you’ve really been waiting for! Truthfully, a lot of this is Gaster stuff that I wanted to talk about last time but didn’t have room to fit in.
I made clear in my last post that I favored Everyman being the Knight over Gaster being the Knight, though the two could be interchangeable in the event that the Knight has a “strange son” working alongside him (which is a prospect I still can’t fully commit to).
Still, a lot of Deltarune speculators have latched onto the idea of Gaster being the Knight. Near as I can tell, here’s the evidence:
Both characters are associated with darkness
Seam, who’s familiar with the Knight, uses the Entry 17 phrase “darker, yet darker” in reference to the “strange someone” Jevil met (who may be the Knight)
Jevil says “THE HAND OF THE KNIGHT IS DRIFTING FORWARD”, and Gaster is associated with hands
Gaster is believed to be the “man” who gives Kris an egg. The word “EGG”, in all-caps wingdings, is written as three hands pointing in the “L-shaped” movement pattern of a knight piece in chess
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I can see how this evidence would be compelling, especially in the absence of any competing theory for the Knight’s identity. I can’t refute all of this, aside from saying that the “darkness” association is overly broad in a game where half the cast are darkners and the “EGG” thing, while neat, could be a coincidence. I do think this evidence could point to Gaster being connected to the Knight, but I have two main reasons for believing he isn’t the Knight himself.
First off, I don’t think Gaster’s goals align with the Knight’s. For this argument I’m going to assume that the mysterious voice from Deltarune’s intro, game over screen, and pre-release Twitter takeover is Gaster. Gaster, at least nominally, seems to be on the same side as the red soul, or is at least willing to work with them. The fun gang’s goal of sealing the dark fountains would almost certainly put them at odds with the Knight, if the Spade King’s reaction was anything to go by.
When you get a game over and continue, “Gaster” says “THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS”.
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While he doesn’t urge you to continue like Asgore does during Undertale’s game over, he certainly doesn’t discourage it either. When you refuse to continue, Gaster says “THEN THE WORLD WAS COVERED IN DARKNESS” and the melancholic song “Darkness Falls” plays.
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One could argue that Gaster is trying to maintain objectivity or “neutrality” when the red soul dies, like a scientist would in an experiment.
Nonetheless, I would imagine that if Gaster was the Knight then he would be adamantly opposed to anyone who threatened his creation. Ralsei mentions that the prophecy of legend was foretold by “time and space”, and Gaster is said to have shattered across time and space.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Ralsei talking to Kris and Susie. In the left image Ralsei says “A LEGEND that one day, two HEROIES of LIGHT will arrive.” In the right image he says “And fulfill the ancient prophecy, foretold by time and space.” end image transcript.] 
It would be odd for the Knight to deliver a prophecy that predicts the undoing of his own handiwork, and then deliver that prophecy to a prince who would assemble the heroes to do just that.
Creating a New Future
I want to touch a bit more on Gaster’s use of the word “future”. He also made mention of this during the Undertale Twitter account’s takeover just before Deltarune Chapter 1 released:
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[Image transcript: A Tweet from the official Undertale Twitter account, dated the day of Deltarune Chapter 1′s release, saying in all-caps “I LOOK FORWARD TO CREATING A NEW FUTURE WITH YOU.” end image transcript.] 
For whatever reason and through whatever means, Gaster wants to help the red soul create a new future. Choosing to continue from a Game Over causes Gaster to reiterate this goal, while the “opposite” of that, i.e. giving up, is seen as allowing the world to be covered in darkness. This implies that the “future” Gaster wants to create is one where darkness isn’t running amok. Even if Gaster is trying to remain neutral or merely observe, it still sounds like he prefers for the fun gang to prevail.
All this emphasis on the word “future” reminds me of something from the Reaper Bird fight...
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Reaper Bird’s check text description, stating “REAPER BIRD - ATK ?? DEF ?? This relentless future finally looks brighter and brighter.” end image transcript.] 
Now, this check text is a combination of the three check texts for Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot. To wit:
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[Image transcript: Three Undertale enemy check text descriptions arranged from top to bottom. In order they say “ASTIGMATISM - ATK 32 DEF 26 This relentless bully ALWAYS gets its way. FINAL FROGGIT 7 ATK 2 DEF Its future looks brighter and brighter. WHIMSALOT - ATK 34 DEF 12 It finally stopped worrying.” end image transcript.] 
But as I said before, Reaper Bird may have been designed first and then “informed” the designs of the Core Mercenaries afterwards, and that could hold true for their check text as well.
I find this use of the phrase “relentless future” interesting. A “relentless” future could mean one that’s inevitable or predetermined, and the phrase “finally looks brighter and brighter” could signify that the future has finally changed for the better. Gaster’s goal seems to be to create a “new” future, which would imply an outcome different from a “predetermined” future where your choices don’t matter, which is a running theme in Deltarune. I don’t think Gaster would describe the future as being “created” by people or “in your hands” if he felt that choice was an illusion.
This isn’t the first time that Gaster has been associated with unpredictability or defiance of “fate”. Most Gaster-related events in Undertale were tied with the fun value, a randomly-generated number that changed with each playthrough. Although this mechanic had little impact on the story, it did give each playthrough a greater sense of identity and made events less set-in-stone.
Now, compare this “optimistic” interpretation of Gaster to the “strange someone” that Jevil met.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Seam talking. The left image says “One day, he met a strange someone... and since then, he began to change.” The right end image continues, saying “ Soon, he began to see the world as a game, and everyone as its participants.” end image transcript.] 
Seam says that Jevil began to see the world as a “game” and everyone as its “participants,” which doesn’t imply a lot of agency. This mindset is a big red flag when we remember how Flowey viewed others when he saw them as part of a “game.”
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots. The left one shows Flowey tying Frisk’s friends, saying “This is all just a GAME.” The right image shows Flowey talking in New Home, saying “Sets of numbers... Lines of dialogue... I’ve seen them all.” end image transcript.] 
Seam’s own view of the world becomes “darker, yet darker” after talking to Jevil, and Seam asks “would I have found a little more purpose in my life...?” if not for the experience of locking up Jevil (and, presumably, the experience of listening to Jevil’s words).
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[Image transcript: Four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid, all featuring Seam talking. From beginning to end the four images say “Since that time, the strange words he’s said have stuck inside my cotton... And my view of this world has become darker, yet darker. And I wonder, if I hadn’t been asked to lock him up... Would I have found a little more purpose in my life...?” end image transcript.] 
In order to understand what “darker, yet darker” truly means, we need to view the line in its original context:
The phrase “darker, yet darker” originally referred to something that Gaster was observing in Entry Number 17. Although the phrase has come to be associated with Gaster, it doesn’t necessarily refer to something that he’s causing or wants to happen--part of a scientist’s job is to observe and comment on results as they unfold, after all. And the “interesting” experiment Gaster refers to is something that’s happening “next”, which implies that the experiment is happening after or in response to whatever is causing things to become darker, yet darker. It also suggests that he’s not calling the “darker, yet darker” event itself “interesting”.
The impression that I get from all this is that Deltarune is meant to be a struggle against inevitability, with Gaster seemingly in the “choices matter” corner of the conflict. If the Knight is the “strange someone” Jevil met then that would imply that he’s very much on the opposite end of that spectrum. If, for example, somebody like Father Alvin is the Knight then I could see him rationalizing his position as fulfilling “fate” pre-ordained by the Angel. In this dynamic, the Knight would serve as an agent of faith and order to oppose Gaster as an agent of science and invention, further tying into the “dark heroes vs. holy villains” theme I posited earlier.
Okay, phew, that was all the first reason why I don’t think Gaster is the Knight. As for the second reason? Well...
Gaster is (Probably) a Darkner
Boy, that’s sure a loaded title, isn’t it? I made an offhand remark about this in my original post but didn’t want to get into it there. I only bring it up now because I previously argued that the Knight is a lightner and that would rule out darkner characters from filling the role.
So, why do I think Gaster is a darkner? Well, part of the reason is because I think that Sans is a darkner as well. Two Left Thumbs’ "Sans is a Darkner” video is probably the most accessible way to understand the theory, but there are several posts about it on Tumblr already if you look hard enough. Either way it’s not required viewing in order to understand my arguments for Gaster, but long story short there’s a lot of evidence to suggest Sans is a darkner and it’s strongly implied that Sans and Gaster are related (if not by blood then through other means), which makes it likely for Gaster to be a darkner as well.
Aside from the Sans connection, another reason I think Gaster is a darkner is due to the line about him being “shattered across time and space.”
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to Gaster Follower 2 in Hotland. Follower 2 says “Alphys might work faster, but the old Royal Scientist, Doctor W.D. Gaster? They say he shattered across time and space.” end image transcript.] 
We can infer from Deltarune that, for whatever reason, darkners are more difficult to kill than monsters due to Deltarune’s enemies all being unkillable. Whether this is an inherent trait of darkners or some “rule” of the dark world or Deltarune’s universe is unclear, but given that defeating Sans doesn’t contribute towards your kill counter in Undertale, there’s a strong likelihood that darkners are difficult to kill, if not outright impossible.
So how is this relevant? Well, it seems like a darkner would be far more likely to survive being “shattered across time and space” than a monster. When a monster’s body is broken apart it means they’ve either turned to dust or will soon, but the fact that “pieces” of Gaster persist (as seen with Gaster Follower 2) implies that he’s made of something sturdier than dust.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to Gaster Follower 2 in Hotland. Follower 2 says “Ha ha... How can I say so without fear? I’m holding a piece of him right here.” end image transcript.] 
Not only do I believe that Gaster is a darkner, but I’m pretty confident that I know what “kind” of darkner he is. Most of the darkners we’ve seen in chapter 1 can be linked to real-world objects that exist in the Hometown school’s supply closet. While we don’t know what objects (if any) were used to create Ralsei or (possibly) Sans, at most those two are exceptions to the otherwise-universal rule that darkners come from inanimate objects. In Gaster’s case there’s definitely an object that’s associated with him:
Gaster the Egghead
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris hidden behind a tree. The narration says “(You received an Egg.)” end image transcript.] 
In Scarlet Forest “a man” gives an egg to Kris before vanishing, much like how “Mysteryman” vanishes in Undertale. The song that plays during this scene is called “man” in the game files and sounds a lot like Gaster’s theme. The egg itself exhibits strange dimensional properties, reappearing when used, prompting the narration “what egg?” when you try to get rid of it, and becoming two eggs when put into Asgore’s fridge.
When Kris leaves the dark world at the end of chapter 1, their inventory turns into a “ball of junk”, i.e. the real-world objects that were given new form by the dark fountain.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of the inventory menu open in Hometown. The only two items are “Ball of Junk” and “Egg” end image transcript.] 
The egg is the only other object that remains after chapter 1, implying that it’s a “real” egg and that the egg itself is not a byproduct of the dark world like the dark candies and other items are.
The fact that the “man” disappears when he hands you the egg implies that his presence or “form” is somehow contingent upon the act of giving you the egg. If Gaster is a darkner, if he’s “the man”, and if his form is based on an egg then it makes perfect sense why he’d disappear in that moment--he’s turning back into an egg and surrendering his “true form” (or a piece of it) to you for safe keeping. Given that Gaster seemingly wants you to seal dark fountains, it would make sense that he’d want to hitch a ride out of the closet’s dark world before its fountain goes caput.
This isn’t the only time we see mentions of eggs in Undertale and Deltarune:
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Papyrus’ dating HUD. On the left is a small white egg, labeled “EGG.” end image transcript.] 
Papyrus (who’s connected to Sans and likely Gaster as well) has a conspicuous “egg” on his dating HUD.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to a Temmie in Temmie Village. In the left image, Temmie says “tem... WATCH EGG!!!” In the right image, the narration says “(It’s hard-boiled.)” end image transcript.] 
In Undertale, one of the Temmies is watching over a hard-boiled egg. However, in Deltarune we see a Temmie with a very different kind of egg.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris examining an egg on Temmie’s desk in their classroom. The narration says “(It’s a black-and-white hardboiled egg.)” end image transcript.] 
Specifically, it’s described as a “black and white” egg. Needless to say, that’s an odd way to describe an egg. Not all eggs have white shells, but most people wouldn’t describe a white-shelled egg as “black and white”. Of course, we know someone who’s also “black and white”.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Mysteryman in his grey room.” end image transcript.] 
And he’s “black and white” in the very literal sense. Unlike the Gaster followers, Mysteryman solely uses pure black and pure white in his color palette, and he’s one of the only characters with an all black-and-white overworld sprite. Note also how Mysterman’s head is vaguely egg-shaped and has lines resembling cracks.
Out of all the objects that I could imagine a darkner being made from, an egg is one that I could picture “shattering” like Gaster did while still leaving some small pieces scattered around. I’m not sure whether this would be a “real” egg or a similarly-fragile facsimile like a Faberge egg--either could work in this scenario.
What are Skeletons, Anyway?
“Now wait,” some of you might be saying, “isn’t Gaster supposed to be a skeleton?”  Well, I don’t think Gaster being a skeleton is mutually exclusive from Gaster being based on an egg. Egg shells are made of calcium carbonate, one of the mineral components that make up bones.
We see in Deltarune that darkners’ forms in the dark world don’t have to match their “true” forms completely. Pretty much all of the darkners based on playing cards are abstractions that barely resemble a rectangular card. And while we don’t know what Ralsei’s “true” form is (if he has one), it’s very unlikely that he’s a small goat with a hat and scarf in the light world. If Sans is a darkner then there’s also the possibility that his “true form” isn’t a skeleton either.
The rules of the dark world and its inhabitants aren’t entirely clear, so in spite of my arguments I can’t say with certainty that Gaster is a darkner because I can’t even say with certainty that Sans is a darkner, despite him having much stronger evidence supporting that conclusion.
As compelling as Sans’ case is, it still invites questions like how he’s able to exist in Hometown without the apparent aid of a dark fountain, or why Papyrus turns to dust in Undertale despite being Sans’ “brother”. Similar concerns crop up with Gaster in light of his connections-by-proxy with Papyrus and his implied presence in the mysterious Hometown shed.
I still think the possibility of Gaster and Sans being darkners is one worth discussing and it’s a possibility that many fans are sleeping on. Moreover, it’d be fittingly poetic if Deltarune’s main conflict was engineered by a lightner trying to spread darkness and a darkner trying to seal away the darkness.
So this ended up being a lot longer than I originally planned--almost as long as my original Everyman post!
A lot of what I’ve said here is meant to provide further context and elaboration to my earlier theories, but I admit that some of this was pure speculation, namely in regards to Gaster/the Knight’s motivations and the “dark heroes vs. holy villains” theming.
While a good argument should have evidence to back it up, at the end of the day a work of fiction is still a story and is governed by the conventions of storytelling much more than it is by logic or the laws of physical science. This is one reason why I lean so heavily on Toby’s use of foreshadowing, since it’s a narrative tool he’s leveraged consistently in the past.
My attempts to second-guess the motivations of unseen characters and chart the plot’s trajectory would be downright conspiratorial if I were talking about some real-world event, but Detlarune is a story and stories have to go places. A well-written story doesn’t take the time to set up or foreshadow certain characters or exposition if it doesn’t plan to pay off that setup down the road.
Normally I wouldn’t make theory posts this long and esoteric about a work of fiction, since a large amount of writing consists of revision, retcons, and changing things as you go along. Undertale and Deltarune are partial exceptions to this rule in no small part due to Toby planning Deltarune before he began Undertale and planting many “seeds” referencing Deltarune in Undertale’s narrative as a result.
A lot of my conclusions haven’t significantly changed since my previous post: I still believe Everyman will appear again in the full game, I think he’s the character most likely to be the Knight, and I think the most likely Everyman candidates are the Ice-E’s employees and Father Alvin, in that order.
As far as which of my conclusions have changed, I’m now more apprehensive of the idea of the Knight having a “strange son” and of Gaster being the Knight himself. I still can’t discount either possibility entirely, however. I was always shaky about the “strange son” and I often went back and forth on it, but further probing Gaster’s motivations has made me far less convinced that he could be the Knight or in league with him. I’m sure there’s still a connection between both characters, like a shared origin or some past falling out that they had, but I no longer think that they would be on the same side.
Another thing I’ve (sort of) changed my mind on is that the “purple guy” Ice-E’s employee and Normalnpc have both risen in prominence in my eyes. I don’t know if I’d put either of them down as top candidates to be Everyman or the Knight, but something is definitely up with them and I’m sure Toby has plans for them in the future.
Deltarune is shaping up to be a much longer game than Undertale, likely following the mold of traditional RPGs whose stories span several hours. In the time that it would take to play through Deltarune’s story, we may see narrative payoffs to every loose thread and Everyman candidate I’ve brought up. If the identity of the Knight is meant to be a mystery then some candidates might even be deliberate red herrings set up by Toby. Who can say? We’ll just have to wait and find out.
I closed my previous Everyman post by remarking that I had said all that I can on this topic and hopefully this time I mean it. I can’t really think of much else to say about Everyman until Toby releases more information himself, and that’s not likely to happen until the next Undertale anniversary or Deltarune’s full release.
As I said before, my main goal with all this is to spark conversation within the fandom on what is an otherwise under-discussed topic. I might still make other theory posts in the future, but for now I think I’ve bled this topic dry.
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ut-storyshift · 5 years
Storyshift misconceptions
One of the older AUs in the Undertale fandom and one of the earliest sprite comic AUs is Storyshift, starting on the December the same year that Undertale was released. As such when it comes to these sorts of things, a lot of assumptions get passed around with new fans who aren't aware and base their knowledge off of fanart who based their knowledge off other fanart and so on and so forth. This post is here to help guide those interested away from misconceptions.
One thing I want to make clear is that I don’t make this to shame those who weren't aware before, but to inform for the future. Feel free to use this post to inform others kindly.
Also be aware that this post is about misconceptions with the preboot, aka the original comic. A reboot write up is in the process of being made and some details may differ between the two.
Starting off with an easy to debunk one.
“Storyshift is just a bunch of designs made by the fandom/has no plot.”
This is patently untrue. As stated before, Storyshift is a sprite comic. The comic’s story made it all the way to King Sans before stopping to make a write up for an improved rebooted version. It has an owner (that would be me, the owner of this blog. Here’s a link to my main account.) and has never been abandoned.
Before anyone asks why this is here, yes. This is something I’ve seen stated multiple times. Even right to my face.
“Storyshift has a ton of shifts like Gaster and Annoying Dog.“
Nope. There are only five pairs of shifts, that is ten characters changing roles. While other characters may be modified due to different interactions such as Catty and Bratty fangirling over Undyne, none of them have had their roles changed.
The only characters that have their roles changed are Napstablook, Mettaton, Sans, Papyrus, Alphys, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, and Chara. No one else. You can see how I detail each role here, which leads into the next point.
“Storyshift swaps the personalities a ton.“
Incorrect. While certain characters act differently due to the circumstances that happened, they still have their own personalities. You won’t be seeing Asriel trying to capture humans when Chara is standing right next to them or Toriel trying to kill humans because that isn’t their character.
I would especially like to point out Asriel and Chara in this regard. A large amount of people seem to love them so much that they... ignore their actual personality and make them at like Papyrus and Sans? That example above wasn’t one I made up, I’ve seen that show up now and again and it’s baffling to say the least.
“Storyshift’s designs“
Just gonna stop right there. This alone gets its own tab just so we don’t have to spend most of this on it. Please take note of these because it’s something that has a lot of misinformation spread about it.
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Here’s Frisk/Shifty. Look familiar? They should because their outfit doesn’t change in Storyshift.
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Here’s Asriel. He’s not wearing a scarf, it’s a bandanna also known as a kerchief. Here’s a few other characters wearing one in a similar way.
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This is a deliberate choice to make Asriel more distinct from Papyrus’s cape. It’s not a scarf, never has been and never will.
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Here’s Chara. As you can see, their eyes are not red. This particular detail is key in this AU Chara’s eyes DO glow red, but only when using their magic.. However this is highly costly and tiring. Red eyes are fitting when Chara uses their magic but otherwise it’s wasteful.
Additionally, notice how their hands aren’t in their pockets. That’s because they don’t have any pockets. Their jacket was a piece of trash from Waterfall and was thrown out for that and a ripped out zipper.
Also, because this is an odd trend I don’t get. Chara is about the same age as Frisk, as shown by their similar height. There’s no gap in height or age.
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Here’s Toriel. She has no scars since her ranged fire attacks don’t let anyone close enough to strike and has taken up dodging from Asgore. Additionally she doesn’t have an eyepatch. Why would she need one? She has both eyes and isn’t a pirate.
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Here’s Undyne. She’s not just Mettaton’s body with her head slapped on. Enough said.
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Here’s Papyrus. Notice his robe with pants visible. It’s not a carbon copy of Toriel’s robe.
Additionally Papyrus doesn’t have his scarf/cape nor does he ever wear any sort of orange. His robe is the royal purple since he takes his job as a Prince very seriously.
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Here’s King Sans. As you can see, his armor is scarce and made of silver, not gold. This is a reflection on how ill fitting he is as royalty and also looks better with his blue coloring. The crown was left gold since it was a hand down from the former king.
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Here’s a bonus that wasn't shown in the comic; what King Sans wears under his cloak!
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Here’s Mettacrit. Not a human. Never a robot. Not wearing any clothes, striped or otherwise.
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Same for Blooky’s species being the same and not wearing clothes.
“But their relationships have changed!“
Not really. Any blood relationships stay the same. The only major deviation from canon is Toriel and Asgore still being married, unlike their currently strained relationship. There was no major event to get them to split in this universe like in canon so they stayed the happy couple they were before the war declaration.
To make things clear in one part. Mettacrit and Napstablook are cousins that were friends of Sans and Papyrus, two brothers. Not their children.
“Shifty and Hapstablook.“
The first is Frisk’s in game name. It was supposed to be revealed at the end that the player did actually give Frisk a nickname at the beginning. A subversion of the original twist, not that it was somehow Metta’s actual name.
The second is flat out wrong. The ghost character that isn’t Napstablook is not called the headcanon name that Papyrus gave to a stranger aka ‘Hapstablook’. It’s Mettacrit. He’s never referred by anything otherwise in the comic.  His name has a similar format to Napstablook’s even.
“Okay so Mettacrit is in Chara’s role, so that means he’s one dimensionally evil!“
That’s a shallow and lazy reading of Metta’s character, Chara’s character, and what being in the role of the one who took action with the Barrier plan means.
"'Mirror' is a common nickname Chara has for Frisk."
That was just meant to be a one-off joke. A cheeky reference to them sharing the same sprite outline. That’s it. Yet people act like that’s the only thing Chara calls Frisk.
"Chara fights with magical knives."
Now, why would they do that when they have a perfectly good knife already?  They use plant magic, as shown in their room in the comic.
“So what about all these SShift songs I see floating around like Megaloglamor?”
Unless the song is a part of the official OST, it’s not canon to Storyshift.
“And those fan battles like Ultra Undyne?”
Not even close to canon. Don’t treat them as such.
“Photoshop Boogie and God of Hyperblook?”
Nothing even close to those has been shown in canon and are just fanmade ideas. Please don’t treat them as canon.
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anewfreind · 6 years
Hey so, you played DeltaRune right? What was your first impression on the main cast? i.e. raslei, lancer, Susie, Kris.
Oh fucketh yes thou kindeth basterd, let thine doith this.
Alright, so imma talk about the game and new characters, and if you would like, send asks on the undertale cast, and how they changed, because i would love to talk about that! I would also love to talk about theories for both Deltarune and Undertale! Do send asks! Now lets begin:
I was NOT expecting it to be this long for what I thought was a free demo
I loved ALL the characters this time. I didn't think I'd like Susie and Lancer much, but they grew to be my favourite characters of the story this time.
Also, I knew Deltarune was an anagram of Undertale, but I went through the entire goddamn game without realizing that Ralsei was an anagram for Asriel. Yes, I'm stupid.
I really like the new party battle mechanics! I didn't use the fight option, but still.
I wasn't able to find part B of the key that would unlock that mysterious cell in the prison. Did anyone else find it?
This was a very easy game to get a Pacifist run in, and I got the good ending straightaway! Seemingly.
Still here? Cool lets go
So, some interesting points and thoughts I had about the game and characters, and other things and tropes I noticed:
Ascended Meme: Toriel mentions that Kris and Asriel enjoy playing Super Smashing Fighters, a clear Shout-Out to the Super Smash Bros. franchise. At the time of the release of Deltarune Chapter 1, a popular meme was that Sans would be confirmed as a character for the then-upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Anti-Frustration Features: Should you make at least three unsuccessful attempts to clear either timed-tile puzzle, Ralsei will offer a hint on how to solve them
Attack! Attack! Attack!: Susie's main method of fighting: She'll keep attacking enemies and won't listen to Kris. Fortunately, she gets better during the final dungeon. Perhaps this is how she was raised?
Awesome, but Impractical: The Top Cake heals your entire party for 160 HP, but your entire party only has 90, 110 and 70 HP anyway and can't be increased at all. Furthermore, giving the Top Cake back to the Top Chef makes him give you the Spin Cake, which, while only restoring 80 HP, is unlimited and any encounter that isn't a Boss fight will probably not shave off your entire HP.
One thing that annoys me with the game is that Lv can’t increase, but we will get back to that later
Bait-and-Switch: A lot of the plot details are set up in a similar fashion to the previous game, only to subvert expectations.
Susie threatens Kris early on and is a berserker who attacks monsters on sight and doesn't care about the quest she's nominally on, much like a No Mercy run from the previous game, but she refrains from killing anyone and ultimately makes a Heel–Face Turn.
Lancer is similar in both a recurring antagonist role and has a skeletal appearance with a blue color scheme, which might lead players to believe he has a connection with Sans and Papyrus from the previous game; he and his father turn out to just be Darkners who resemble skeletons and have no apparent connection with Sans and Papyrus at all.
A mysterious doorframe appears early on and savvy players (or fandom nerds) might expect them to tie into Gaster as they did in the previous game. They end up being a fast travel system (which is lame).
Lastly, there's Lancer's dad, the King, who might look like a Suspiciously Similar Substitute for Asgore, right down to one of the people close to him trying to persuade both you and him not to fight (Undyne for Asgore, Lancer for the King). However, when you actually encounter the King, not only does he threaten to throw Lancer off a roof if the Lighteners don't kneel before him, he also tricks Ralsei into bringing him to full health so he has them at their mercy again. He ends up being defeated by Ralsei putting him to sleep while Kris and Susie escape, or captured by Lancer when he turns his own troops on him.
Big Door: There's a large bunker-style door built into the landscape in the forest to the south of town. Locked, unfortunately.
One of the encounters can be resolved peacefully by getting Ralsei to sing a lullaby, which also puts Susie to sleep. This later turns out to be the key to peacefully resolving the fight with Susie and Lancer. It comes up again in the "bad" ending to the King fight, where Susie notes that while she can't take the King down, Ralsei can. Susie: “I'd never forget something I made fun of you for.”
Similarly, Susie attacks automatically during the first battle with Lancer (who can't be killed), which is an early hint to the player that Susie attacks on her own and you'll have to prevent her from doing damage if you want a pacifist run.
Cliffhanger: The chapter ends with Kris (most likely being controlled) pulling out their/the player's SOUL, shoving it in a cage, and drawing a knife, at which point Kris's eyes glow red like Frisk's do if Chara's permanently corrupted your save after a genocide playthrough back in Undertale. This ending felt like a punch to the gut, and gave me so many questions to ask. Also, in the final scene, you can control the SOUL while it's in the birdcage. It won't change the outcome.
Lancer appears to be this for most of the initially-bad guy cast of Undertale, possessing a Sans-like color scheme, Papyrus's kid-brother nature and general enthusiasm for "evil," and Alphys's emotional attachment to the Big Bad.
Kris seems to be a hybridization of Frisk and Chara: their face, skin color and silent nature lean more towards the former, while their clothes and relation to the Dreemurr family (especially Asriel) scream of the later. Of course, after what happens in the ending, who knows how the three are connected? But here is something people have forgotten about, since I haven’t seen anything on it, but Kris looks exactly like the unused Frisk sprite, besides the sweater
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Even if you go out of your way to beat encounters by force, enemies just get knocked off-screen. Contrast with Undertale and its infamous Genocide/No Mercy route.
After you beat the game and it closes itself, restarting shows Ralsei's legend as the intro and provides a new background for the file select screen.
Susie's hair is wild and covers her eyes, symbolizing her wild and violent outcast vibe. After the fight with the King, it's cut to reveal her eyes, and she becomes a lot more expressive and open with her emotions from them on.
All main characters are this, or have a Face Framed in Shadow. Them revealing their faces is usually a big deal.
Kris and Susie's outfits change when they fall into the dark world. Kris also becomes more blue in appearance, while Susie becomes more pink.
On the walk home, talking to numerous characters heavily hints that something is up with Kris. Numerous people refer to them as "creepy", or "quiet", and Noelle notes that they're usually quite distant from others. The game implies that Kris was being possessed by the player ala the first game
Ralsei makes direct reference to interface elements and controls as part of his tutorial-giver role. This leads to an amusing moment in the first block puzzle, as this trope doesn't apply to Susie.
Susie: (Who the hell is "[Z]"?)
Susie's solo fight against Lancer parallels the first game's fight against Toriel in a number of ways. In both cases, the foe is a family member of the king that guards the protagonist's way back home, and they're trying to prevent the protagonist from meeting the king in order to avoid bloodshed. Once the fight goes on for long enough, the foe starts attacking exclusively by dropping projectiles from above that are guaranteed to miss, showing their reluctance to fight someone they'd started growing close to.
This chapter has a lighter tone than all of Undertale. The game mechanics are more focused on solving puzzles and befriending enemies than fighting, and no one can die, even if you DO decide to attack all your enemies.
After returning from the World of Darkness, talking to several of the NPCs imply that Kris isn't acting like themselves. Noelle comments on how Kris is really talkative compared to normal, Noelle's dad implies Kris has forgotten things that they should know, the hospital clerk comments on how Kris isn't normally so bad at playing piano, and Kris in general seems a lot less "creepy" to the townspeople.
After arriving at the fountain, Kris and Susie find themselves back at the school, in a room with a chess board, playing cards, and some toys that look like the characters they encountered. But both of them remember what happened, and it's left ambiguous as to whether it really was just a dream or not.
If you have the Spooky Sword equipped, your "weapon" upon leaving the dark world will be the Halloween Pencil, leading to more questions.
If you follow the Jevil sidequest plot to its conclusion, mentions of The Queen are made, as well as Seam describing the event that drove Jevil insane as "Dark yet Darker" adding even heavier implications to Gaster's presence in the future story.
If one talks to Rouxls Kaard after starting his first puzzle, he will verbatim quote I. M. Meen. (Also Rouxls Kaard, thou art must marrith me)
When Burgerpants talks about his fellow pizzeria employees, he mentions a "Purple Guy" and wonders if he even works there.
Ralsei removing his hat and hood at the end, revealing that he looks exactly like Asriel. Judging by Susie's reaction, this is one both in and out of universe.
Right at the end of Chapter 1. Kris is tossing and turning in the middle of the night, when they jump out of bed and start walking around very slowly. They then stop in the middle of the room and pull their own soul out of their body, before throwing it into the birdcage from earlier. They then turn their head around slowly, revealing Chara's trademark smile and glowing red eye, before materializing a knife out of nowhere. Anyone who's played Undertale (so most of people playing this game, as it was recommended to those who already played Undertale) should have some very horrific guesses about what this mean
The King grabs Lancer's throat when he finds out that they let the heroes get away
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argentdandelion · 6 years
Crops of the Underground: Known Types of Plants
(Images derived from CrasherGale's sprite resource.)
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Monster food is “made of magic”. Yet, monsters are capable of eating human food. It is unclear when monster food was invented, or how it is manufactured. For the sake of this post, I will presume monster food is manufactured synthetically rather than by conversion of physical matter, and that it is a relatively recent invention. With that in mind, prior to the invention of purely magical food monsters needed a reliable food supply underground.
For the purpose of this analysis, I'll only be analyzing raw foods, not processed ones made from unknown ingredients. This is because some processed foods (e.g., Undyne’s spaghetti) could theoretically be made from unconventional sources and still referred to by the base name without specifying the ingredients. (i.e., noodles are generally made from wheat flour, but in countries where noodles of rice flour are common, they're likely not commonly called "rice noodles")
(There are many more plants of the Underground, but they are plants of unclear type whose edibility or use isn't mentioned)
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Conveniently, one plant of the Underground has a known genus: Typha. The plant, often called a "water sausage" in-game, is both edible and versatile in a culinary sense. Their starchy rhizomes (like roots) are nutritious, with a protein content comparable to American corn (or “maize”) or rice.
Typha can also be used for chair seating, building material, livestock feed, flotation vests, thermal insulation, paper, fibers for clothing, biofuel, pillow stuffing, and candles.1
Since the "hot dogs" Sans serves in his illegal hot dog stand is specified to be made from Typha, at the very least, knowledge Typha is edible isn't obscure in the Underground. With its variety of uses, it could very well be a major crop of the Underground.
Plausibility as a Crop
Typha are so well-adapted to colonize newly opened habitats, grow in abundance, and exclude the competition that they're ecologically weed-like. Typha are generally not shade tolerant2, but according to Missouri Botanical Garden3, Typha latifola (common cattail) can deal with part shade. Assuming it’s Typha latifolia or a physiologically very similar species, its ability to grow in slightly brackish waters may mean it can grow in the same habitat as brackish-adapted seaweed/seagrass/"grooty” (see next post). Potentially, the crops could be alternated on farms.
From what’s known of the game’s habitats, Waterfall seems the closest to its natural habitat of marshes. However, unless Waterfall has a day/night cycle and the protagonist happens to visit during the “night”, it’s likely too dark for Typha. (Short of magic, intensive breeding, technological intervention, etc.) It may be that Typha doesn’t grow in Waterfall, but in some unseen area (like “the Bay” Undyne mentions in a Papyrus call) or an unseen part of the Ruins/Home area. (After all, Toriel would have to get those potted Typha from somewhere)
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(Some of the smaller conifers. They resemble the Christmas, or rather Gyftmas, tree in Snowdin)
(Assumed pine trees by default, though at this resolution it's hard to tell whether they're pines, spruces, or firs)
Beyond pine nuts, some pine trees can be used as a food source. The cambium, the inner layer of bark between the hard wood and outer bark, is edible. According to Atlas Obscura, the cambium of most trees are edible and nutrient-rich. The cambium can be fried in oil and butter to make “bark chips” or “bark jerky”, or dry-roasted to make an almost crouton-like salad topping. It's most commonly (and historically) repurposed as a flour, and added to other flours.
However, one cannot survive for long on just cambium, and eating too much of it will upset one's bowels---for humans, at least. There are also limits on how much cambium can be harvested: stripping an entire ring of cambium off a tree will kill the tree.
Pine trees have some edible parts other than cambium and nuts. Spruce tips, tender young needles, are edible, though only available in spring. They could, however, be available year-round in the Underground. Pine needle tea is a good source of Vitamin C. In contrast to female pine cones, the young, male cones are small, soft and edible.
Plausibility as a Crop:
Using pine trees for food is pretty common, so it's likely monsters would know of their usefulness as a food source early in their history. That some of the pine trees are absolutely enormous may suggest they've had some use to monsters for a very long time: if they weren't useful, monsters may have replaced them with something else on account of limited space and resources.
Of course, it's also possible that, as monsters' food options diversified/were replaced by food synthesization, conifers simply switched to being more useful for lumber.
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(Images of actual buttercups are lacking; both Flowey and the flowers of the throne room are "golden flowers", not buttercups)
Buttercups are very poisonous. However, its toxin is inactivated when the plant is dried4 or heated5, so buttercup is not a problem as hay. Some sources claim some species of buttercups are edible, which means they might have some food value to monsters if the plants are first dried or heated. The particular species of buttercups baked into a a pie isn't mentioned, so it could very well be an edible species. Even if they are not processed for monster consumption, they could still be useful to monsters as livestock feed (e.g., for snails).
It’s possible the “buttercups” mentioned are not, in fact, buttercups: that is, plants of the Ranunculus genus. They could very well be another kind of plant with the common name “buttercup”, such as the “Bermuda buttercup”, Oxalis pes-caprae.6 Like true buttercups, Bermuda buttercups are both edible (in the right conditions) and toxic, though likely not so severely toxic as true buttercups when eaten raw. Their leaves, stems,7 flowers and roots are edible, and the petals can be made into a yellow dye.
Plausibility as a Crop
According to Missouri Botanical Garden, Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup, a common, weedy variety of buttercup) is easy to grow in part shade, and tolerates full shade. That it can tolerate full shade would make it very appealing in low-light conditions or before sun-mimicking artificial light sources were invented. As creeping buttercup is a weed, it may very well be hardy enough to survive in the Underground, at least when pampered by the gardener Asgore. If the buttercup species is indeed Ranunculus repens, the low level of its toxin (0.27%) on a dry-weight basis may be fortunate: since it's relatively low, one would have to eat a lot of raw buttercups to die from it.
Information on the shade tolerance of Oxalis pes-caprae is lacking. One source claims Oxalis pes-caprae grows primarily in semi-shade, while another claims they grow in heavy shade.8 Bermuda buttercup is a weed, which might help it grow in the sub-par conditions of the Underground.
According to Wikipedia, Bermuda buttercup is nutritious, but too acidic to be good fodder. Still, this statement was probably meant to apply to mammal livestock; it could be different for snails. Bermuda buttercup is palatable, and in small amounts reasonably harmless to humans (and presumably monsters) and livestock.
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(What is either a large yellow pepper or a banana and what is probably a carrot is also shown in the above image, but they are not named in-game and thus won't be covered in the post)
Unless one presumes it’s a fake tomato (a la imitation crab legs made from surimi, but as a vegetable) tomatoes are apparently grown Underground. (The reader is presumably familiar with the versatility of tomatoes, so it won’t be mentioned here.)
Plausibility as a Crop
Other than being a moderately good source of Vitamin C, tomatoes aren't especially nutritious. They also have high sunlight and soil fertility requirements. Assuming low fertility in the soil of the Underground (those areas that have soil, anyway) and very limited to nonexistent full-sun areas, tomatoes would not be worth large-scale cultivation---at least, not at first. By the time of the game itself, it's possible technological and horticultural inventions (e.g., greenhouses and perfected composting) have made tomatoes a viable crop.
However, the tomatoes of the Underground may very well be not, strictly speaking, tomatoes----Solanum lycopersicum. They could very well be one or more relatives of S. lycopersicum that's more tolerant of shade and lower fertility. Indeed, several edible relatives of S. lycopersicum grow well in high shade, and several African nightshade species are cultivated, commercially grown crops. It may be that these relatives of S. lycopersicum have been bred in such a way as to resemble S. lycopersicum itself. The possible species selection is expanded even further when one realizes that what is edible to monsters may be a different (or bigger) selection of plants than what is edible to humans.
It's possible the “tomatoes” aren't even related to real tomatoes. It's certainly believable monsters would refer to something superficially similar but unrelated to tomatoes as a “tomato”. After all, in many countries the word “yam” is used to refer to the edible tubers or roots of plants other than those in the yam genus Dioscorea.9
(For more information on crops of the Underground, see "Crops of the Underground: Ambiguous Cases")
Data on the uses of Typha was derived from Wikipedia. ↩︎
http://wric.ucdavis.edu/information/natural%20areas/wr_T/Typha.pdf ↩︎
http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=a407 ↩︎
https://extension.umd.edu/learn/controlling-buttercup-pastures ↩︎
http://www.eattheweeds.com/buttercups/ ↩︎
See this post, on the discovery made between the Tumblr users Rainy-Poppy (Rainy) and Locaven. ↩︎
http://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/plants/Oxalidaceae/Oxalis%20pes-caprae.htm (see also: https://books.google.com/books?id=6jRsF1nOmqgC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA14#v=onepage&q&f=false) ↩︎
The first source is primarily about California and the second is about south Australia, so it could very well have different shade tolerances in different ecosystems. But who knows where Mt. Ebott is supposed to be? ↩︎
See Wikipedia's etymology section on yams. ↩︎
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nochocolate · 7 years
W.D. Gaster Masterpost
(undertale spoilers)
Doctor W.D. Gaster is an enigma shrouded in mystery, with very little known about him. Despite the scarce amount of information, this character is a popular topic for many fans who are desperate to know who he is. After the January 2016 patch, more “fun” events became available in regular gameplay, driving more people to look for answers as to who Gaster is.
The following is a breakdown of facts, circumstantial evidence, and unconfirmed theories on Gaster. All technical information mentioned below is based on v1.001 of the game.
Before Gaster is discussed, three important characters should be considered -- the followers.
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Facts about the followers:
There are three followers.
Their sprite names are spr_g_follower_1, spr_g_follower_2, and spr_g_follower_3.
Their object names in the code are obj_gaster_follower_b,  obj_gaster_follower_a, and obj_gaster_follower_c.
Each follower has a very low chance of appearing.
Follower_1: fun value 62 and 50% chance = 0.5% chance
Follower_2: fun value 61 and 20% chance = 0.2% chance
Follower_3: fun value 63 and 50% chance = 0.5% chance
These are the only monsters that ever mention Gaster by name.
They share a monochrome gray color theme.
Two of them use the words “they say” in reference to what they know.
Frisk’s phone does not turn on in their presence.
Follower_2 disappears after speaking.
Since the followers are the only characters that mention Gaster by name, what is known as canon about Gaster is derived from their dialogue. However, because the followers speak in such a hearsay manner (e.g. “They say he created the Core.”), it’s hard to be sure how accurate this information is. With little else to go on, this information will be taken at face value. 
Facts and hearsays about Gaster:
He was the previous Royal Scientist, before Alphys.
His brilliance was “irreplaceable”, which is why Asgore took so long to replace him.
He created the CORE.
His life was cut short.
He fell into his creation.
His experiments went wrong. (Yes, experiments is plural here).
He vanished without a trace.
He shattered across time and space.
A piece of him exists with Follower_2.
He is still listening.
Outside of what the followers share, there are a few more things known by special events in the game and by examining the code and assets.
From the game’s code, assets, etc:
Entering Gaster’s name in the character name screen causes the game to restart -- and it only happens with Gaster’s name.
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The Sound Test Room in Snowdin has a 50% chance of being accessible at fun value 65 (after defeating Papyrus and before defeating Asriel in the pacifist route), and Gaster’s Theme can be played in this room. Once the song starts playing, the music cannot be changed. Eventually, the song ends and then Frisk is automatically returned to the room with the fishing rod.
Despite not having a battle, Gaster’s monster type identifier in the code is 666, and his stats are composed using only 6. (ex. HP of 666666)
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Sans’ attacks, which bear resemblance to animal skulls, use six sprites called spr_gasterblaster.
An unused NPC field sprite called spr_gb_npc looks like the spr_gasterblaster sprites, but without a face.
The gasterblasters are used in the code’s obj_gasterblaster, which is used in the code’s obj_gasterbl_gen.
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By editing the game’s save files, ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN can be found in an unused room. The code for this room is called obj_gaster_room, confirming that the entry belongs to Gaster. The identifier for the text type is 666, and the game quits after the last line of the entry.
Circumstantial Evidence
The following is a list of reasonable deductions based on clues provided in the game. Unlike the facts listed above, these theories are not confirmed directly. However, they have enough circumstantial evidence to make a strong case.
Gaster is the original creator of the DT Extraction Machine.
Alphys specifically mentioned “using the blueprints” in her lab entry 5.
Since Alphys used these rather than created them, it’s presumed to be from the previous Royal Scientist.
W.D. Gaster refers to Wingdings and Aster (two fonts). 
Wingdings shares Gaster’s initials, W.D.
Because the room with ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN is coded as obj_gaster_room, Gaster has a connection to Wingdings.
If the W.D. refers to Wingdings, the name Gaster may refer to Aster. However, there is no Aster in the game.
Gaster is a skeleton.
Because Sans and Papyrus are named after fonts and are skeletons, Gaster is assumed to be a skeleton.
The Core was built before New Home.
Considering New Home is built above the CORE, it’s reasonable to assume Gaster built the CORE before the Royal Family moved to New Home.
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Gaster may have a connection to the monster that appears in a room behind a gray door in Waterfall -- Mystery Man.
The sprites are called spr_mysteryman.
The object name in the code is obj_mysteryman.
At fun value 66, there is a 10% chance of this door appearing. That means there is a mere 0.1% chance of finding this door without hacking or cheating.
Frisk cannot collide with Mystery Man; they walk right through.
When interacted with, Mystery Man disappears, and the sound effect snd_mysterygo plays. It is the same one that plays for the disappearing Follower_2, who claims to be holding a piece of Gaster.
Unlike with the followers, the phone can be used, but there is no response.
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Gaster may have a connection to the monster in an inaccessible room in Waterfall -- Redacted A.
Its sprite is called spr_redacted_a_0.
Its object name in the code is obj_redacted_a.
The room can be accessed by editing the game’s save files, but only after disabling dogcheck.
The monster is solid and cannot be walked through. 
It disappears if Frisk moves away from it, and reappears if Frisk moves towards it.
This is the only monster that speaks in Wingdings, specifically all lowercase. Its only dialogue is “* [redacted]”.
The text sound used for Redacted A’s dialogue is the same one used for ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN.
Sans has a connection to Gaster
Sans uses gasterblasters in his battle.
Sans has blueprints with unreadable symbols in his secret lab. The narration remarks that it may be just the handwriting that makes it illegible, perhaps implying it belongs to Alphys who’s handwriting is described as illegible chicken-scratch. However, unreadable symbols could also mean Wingdings.
During his battle, when Sans sleeps, he snores in an unidentified serif font. This font was originally thought to be Aster, but further examination has proven this is not the case.
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Popular but Unconfirmed Theories
With how little information there is and how hard it is to find, it’s easy for “fanon” to become so popular that it is misrepresented as canon. The list below is made of popular theories that are commonly misquoted as fact. This was not written to diminish the theories in any way; in fact, the reason these ideas are so popular is that they make a lot of sense and are not directly contradicted by evidence in the game. However, it’s important to know fact from fun.
“Mystery Man is Gaster.”
Because the followers, the Sound Room, and Gaster’s stats all share a pattern of 6′s, Mystery Man has an association with Gaster.
However, Gaster was said to have shattered. If this is the case, it doesn't seem right for him to still be intact as the Mystery Man.
It is more plausible that Mystery Man is a “piece” of Gaster.
Redacted A is the only monster in the game to speak in Wingdings, which makes it another candidate to being a piece of Gaster.
Dogbomber’s interpretation of Gaster was removed from the official tarot card merchandise, keeping his true identity a secret.
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“Goner Kid is a follower of Gaster’s.” 
Goner Kid is the gray monster kid that can be found in Waterfall.
Their sprites are called spr_mkid_goner -- it does not include the word “follower.”
Their object name in the code is obj_mkid_goner.
They have a gray color scheme like the followers.
However, Goner Kid appears if the fun value is above 90 -- not in the 60′s. This means there is a 10% chance of running into them.
Unlike the followers, the phone can be used in the room with Goner Kid to call Papyrus.
Goner Kid never mentions Gaster.
“Gaster was forgotten by everyone.”
Based on the idea that Gaster shattered across space and time somehow causes his existence to be forgotten. There is no mention of this, however.
There is also speculation that Gaster is talking through Goner Kid about how the world can be the same “except you don’t exist.” However, Goner Kid has no confirmed association with Gaster.
The word “forgotten” is never used to describe Gaster.
His followers remember him.
Nothing indicates that Asgore forgot him, especially considering he took so long looking for a replacement since Gaster’s genius was “irreplaceable.”
“Gaster is in the void.”
There is no mention of a void in the game, other than what Mettaton says at the end of his battle: “IF I LEFT... THE UNDERGROUND WOULD LOSE ITS SPARK. I'D LEAVE AN ACHING VOID THAT CAN NEVER BE FILLED.“ This is not a literal void.
The followers only ever mention that he “shattered across time and space,” “fell into his creation,” and “his life... was cut short.”
Gaster is not stuck in any void.
“Gaster wrote the true lab entries.”
Other than the ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN that is written in Wingdings, there is no evidence that Gaster wrote any of the entries found in the true lab.
Alphys explains to Frisk the experiment she carried out on the fallen monsters, which the true lab entries document.
Based on supporting evidence in the game, Alphys wrote all the true lab entries.
“The followers are Gaster’s assistants.”
Nothing indicates they ever worked with Gaster.
They mention information about Gaster, but in a hearsay manner.
The “follower” name makes them seem more like fans or cult members.
Sans has a photo album filled with photos of people Frisk does not recognize, which people believe is Gaster and the followers. However, Frisk can meet any one of them, even if the chances are extremely slim.
“Sans was Gaster’s assistant.”
Sans says “you’ll never see them again” in the Lost Souls battle as if speaking from experience.
ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN addresses two people at the end, but nothing confirms who these people are.
Sans speaks about “our reports” and has a scientific background, but evidence supports that Sans may have worked with Alphys instead of Gaster.
“Gaster is Sans’ and Papyrus’ father.”
Gaster is speculated to be a skeleton, so it’s commonly assumed he would be their father. However, Sans and Papyrus make no mention of family outside of each other.
A poorly drawn picture of three people smiling can be found in Sans’ photo album under the right circumstances, but there is nothing to say who these three people are.
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Shrouded in mystery and darkness, Gaster’s identity and story continue to elude the community. Filling the gaps with speculation is part of what makes Gaster theories so much fun. Hopefully, this comprehensive master post will aid with the guidance, testing, and formulation of fan theories. While conjecture and assumptions breed compelling speculation, it is always important to distinguish fanon from canon.
» view more: album of Gaster related content
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terrible-tulip · 7 years
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Welcome back!
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Yes, I remember the “important info” post.
It has been brought up both for and against the theory that Mystery Man = Gaster and the one where Papyrus = Gaster.  So it’s not so much for the MM!Gaster theory as it is ambiguous. At best.
The thing is, Shyren’s battle sprite is literally made out of two sprites, her and her agent.  The sprite of her agent is her “lower body.”   Shyren is the only monster fought that’s actually two sprites placed to look like one sprite.
While it does look like there’s a face when Mystery Man is flipped, he is no different than Froggit and the other monsters designed to look like they’re made out of two bodies or faces.  Unlike Shyren’s battle appearance, he really is comprised of a single sprite.
So why was Shyren brought up?  Well, it does sound like the post has something to do with Gaster, so it might be Sans’ way of hinting that, when Gaster “fell,” he didn’t fall alone. Someone went with him. However, much like how Shyren’s agent goes without mention in the game while Shyren the singer and star gets all the attention from the cast and narrative, Dr. Gaster was remembered while whoever fell with him was forgotten.  Not because of any pseudo-science supernatural nonsense, but simply because they were, in the eyes of monsterkind, a nobody next to the Royal Scientist.
As for the idea of Gaster being two people or splitting into two, and the idea that Gaster became an amalgamate in an accident and this is Mystery Man’s true origins, I... have quite a few problems.
 Gaster is consistently referred to as a “he” and spoken of in the singular by the Gaster followers. There is no reason why Toby Fox would mislead us in this, let alone in such a forced way, and I can’t imagine how the game’s narrative could possibly benefit from this misdirection.
 It is very unlikely that Gaster split into two people somehow after his... incident/accident.  There is nothing in the game to indicate that is even possible for a monster.  All theories I’ve seen on the subject thus far don’t work with what we know about monster biology.
According to the Gaster followers, Gaster vanished long before Alphys discovered and named determination.  And even if he had been somehow injected with determination, he would’ve melted and simply perished.  The reason the amalgamates survived is because they melted into each other and their bodies fused together.  He wouldn’t have split into two people.
As for the idea that Mystery Man is an amalgamation of Gaster and one or more monsters, Mystery Man has an asymmetrical body and features, and was clearly designed to give the impression of being comprised of two faces, but nothing else seems unusual about his body.  He makes no amalgamate sounds, he doesn’t appear in any bizarre fashion (being a fun event doesn’t count), he doesn’t morph from one form to another when interacted with (changing expressions really doesn’t count), he doesn’t show signs of being super fluid, and he isn’t oozing or dripping. Thus, I must conclude that he isn’t an amalgamate.
As for the door.... eh, I find that really unlikely as I’ve explained here and here.  I’m probably gonna write another thing on the topic as somebody brought up something I missed just a bit ago.
I have screenshots from the entire encounter with the Memoryheads. and I’m seeing nothing that seems to connect them to the previous Royal Scientist. So, some elaboration on what you mean by there being “more to it” would be nice.
However, what I meant by “substance” wasn’t an in-depth explanation of any evidence presented, but evidence for Mystery Man being Gaster from the actual game narrative as text or even subtext. Not:
Rejected tarot card art
Re-used door sprites
Programming error
Association with a number shared by others
Rare sound effects
Gray coloring, like most of the other fun event sprites
Vague resemblance to the attacks of an amalgamate dubiously connected to Gaster
Ambiguous-at-best tumblr post
Room shape
Something tangible and backed by the canon text.  That’s the “substance” I was talking about.
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flarebossmalva · 7 years
just for future reference and in case anyone was curious i’m going to explain what the hell i was on about re: some stuff in my writing tag
skipping things that are obvious or self-explanatory but if you’re puzzled by something i wrote and i didn’t explain it here then feel free to ask i guess
disgust - i thought of vomit immediately and then wrote about the last experience i had with a friend who was sick. i don’t actually remember which friend this was anymore. “you’re never going to die ever again” i’m not sure about but i think this may have been referring to how awful stomach sicknesses are and how they can literally be so bad they make you feel like you’re dying? that’s a guess
aether - thought of “ether” instead which is very volatile so that’s how i got onto the theme about exploding. i think the rest was just vague associations
pincushion - human pincushion. i guess someone who has bled out completely
aura - you know how they talk about people having colored auras? i just picked a color and went from there. don’t know what “i can taste it under my fingernails” means even remotely but if this is from when i worked in produce/floral i constantly had plant matter under my fingernails so maybe that. am reading “you look lovely, by the way. very fresh.” in GLaDOS’ voice for some reason and not sure if that was what i had in mind when i wrote it
mint leaves - catnip is in the mint family and some people says humans can get a mild high off smoking it
indie - this was about seeing mother mother live. the “he” is ryan
wind - probably masturbation but trying to explain the trip from point a to point b that i made here would get really complicated if i’m even recalling it correctly
lamp oil - amnesia: the dark descent. lamp oil is a resource in that game. player character hallucinates bugs and grinds his teeth when he spends too long in the dark
bombs - boss fight wheatley. the track that plays during that battle is called “bombs for throwing at you”
cucumber - i was thinking of items you could buy together at a supermarket that would disturb the cashier. a single cucumber, rope, and a paperback romance novel sends some interesting implications i think
columbia - no idea but one of my friends told me this is essentially the plot of bioshock infinite
kevin james - one of those paul blart mall cop memes involved the phrase “distant egg song!” and that’s what i was going off of
marigold - flowey
25-27 - since this looked like it was referring to three sequential questions on an askmeme i acted as though that’s what i was answering here. i don’t know why i chose the colors blue and orange; portals from the portal games are those colors but what with the other two responses in this post being undertale related i’m thinking maybe blue = sans and orange = papyrus
🙌 - reference to a (nsfw, i won’t link it) fanfic about sans smoking. i have a massive smoking kink so i think you can see why i’d find that emoji appropriate
syringe - this is a reference to a short story i wrote in high school. the association is that i think syringes were used to administer drugs to the protagonist
wine - almost positive there’s an audio log in the first bioshock game that’s a bit like this. even if there isn’t, there’s an area where a party has clearly gone down (lots of alcohol, splicers are dressed fancy) and that’s what it made me think of
glow - no idea
can of soda - i was thinking of a sprite can
amsterdam by imagine dragons - a song i don’t know; i used to be friends with this kid who was weirdly snobby about music and would condescend to me if i admitted to not knowing of a song or artist, so i wrote about that, kind of
apartments - “apartments are like cages” is a phrase that either i or someone else has used and i thought of that phrase and then i thought about cages and then i thought about johanna from sweeney todd and her one musical number
gold - this is about my paternal grandfather moving west as an adult. he didn’t move as part of the gold rush but that’s what i thought of first and then i thought about his moving to california so this was kind of a mix of the two concepts
sting - musical artist sting has got an album called brand new day and this was written thinking about the album art
lunar theatre - i’ve explained this one before but i wrote this while really sick around the time i first got diagnosed with lyme disease. i was sleeping most of the time and tired whenever i was awake. at the time i was also taking ativan (among other medications) and it made me very sleepy and out of it. the title comes from an art installation i saw once which basically looked like an artificial shoreline, which is where the ocean/water imagery comes from
tessellation - obvious maybe but repetition is part of the definition of the word
roses - james from team rocket, often carrying a rose
paris - this was a joke about egg hatching in pokemon x/y (the most efficient way to do it is to bike in circles repeatedly around the game’s version of the eiffel tower)
n - i feel like this is obvious too but it’s a joke about n harmonia from the 5th gen pokemon games
nature - i’m not sure how i got to talking about gelatin molds but have you seen some of the ones from the fifties and sixties? truly horrifying
berry - early on in x/y you’re put in charge of a berry field and then later you become champion (the league is at the top of a mountain). there are curtains in the champion’s room. idk i just thought about becoming champ and then abandoning the berry field since that’s basically what i did in-game
dogs - pretty literal, this is just my experience with pet dogs
q - this is a reference to a song from goddamn sesame street
teacup - malva has a butler, who presumably serves her tea sometimes. he battles you on her behalf once and his team is pretty powerful, but of course she’s elite four and would have him beat
guitar - at the time there were a lot of “wonderwall” memes that’s what i thought of
pine - pine trees, christmas trees, their lives are cut short but they get to dress up fancy for a few weeks, i don’t know
touch-me-not - fanfic i plotted out once but never actually finished writing. in it, bryony and celosia are using one of those remote-control vibrators (celosia was the one wearing it, and bryony had the remote, iirc) but if you remember team flare also used a remote to control the ultimate weapon and i loved the idea of getting the two remotes mixed up. all the higher-ups (save bryony and celosia, of course) are playing with the remote thinking it’s broken and trying to get it to work. meanwhile poor celosia is dying and the only one who notices is malva, who is the “she” in this piece, who deliberately starts messing with the remote to get a reaction out of bry + cel. i don’t remember how this fanfic was going to end but i think probably celosia would excuse herself to go to the bathroom (to, ahem, take care of herself) and malva would follow her in and then idk they’d fuck. listen i’ve had worse ideas
nightshade - i’m not sure how i got from the prompt to my fill but the fill is definitely about another fic i was working on involving a trainer who experiments on eevee trying to discover new eeveelutions
knives - my abuser had a “suicide attempt” (not really, he didn’t do anything except think about it, but that’s how he classed it iirc) where he planned on using a knife. also he wrote (bad) poetry once comparing me to a knife because idk i was mean for not wanting to fuck him probably
cake - it’s 2007 bro. memes bro. this was about portal bro
gameboy - self-explanatory i think but this was specifically a goof on ben drowned even though a lot of video game creepypasta start out this way
ruby - as in the pokemon game. this was about being a team magma grunt
cicada - i think this one is straightforward but in case it’s not, in my area you find dead cicadas all over the place in june
notebook - this was about harriet the spy
tree - based off of something that happened with me and my best friend when i was eleven or twelve
big ben - well, english clock towers... there’s a scene in a christmas carol where scrooge wakes up and hears the clock strike an hour it’s already struck and gets freaked and worries about the spirits coming to haunt him
cookie - i got a baby doll for christmas when i was a little kid and gave it to my younger sister bc she liked baby dolls and i didn’t. she named that doll cookie. this was general feels about being the Bad Child who Wasn’t Feminine
paint - straightforward again but this is about my parents’ house, the one we moved into when i was a young teen and where they still live with my little sister (and, currently, me). it was initially painted white and we repainted yellow a few years ago (i think after i had moved out to go to college). also that house still doesn’t feel like home to me in the same way our old house did
boots - god this is gonna take a lot of explaining but in the underland chronicles, second book, gregor (protagonist) is separated from his baby sister (nicknamed boots) after, iirc, the boat they’re in capsizes and they get washed into the nearby catacombs by the waves. he assumes she’s drowned since she’s a toddler and can’t swim. it’s basically his blue screen of death moment and he spends the next part of the book feeling totally dead inside, like a machine, no emotion no empathy. this scene fucked me up bad when i first read it aged about nine
freckles - i think this is obvious but just in case, this is about me (formerly) hating my freckles
egg - aforementioned fic about eevee experimentation was maybe going to involve unethical forced hatching of eevee eggs by cracking them open before they’re ready. i was basically thinking of every sick thing you could do to a pokemon to try and force an evolution
fairy - same fic. the protagonist has a shiny eevee that she gives special treatment and thinks is going to evolve into something special bc no evolution method she’s tried has worked on it. it was to be revealed later that her “special” eevee had actually just swallowed an everstone, and, immediately upon operating to remove said everstone, eevee evolved into sylveon
orange - as a small child i was allergic to oranges. the only memory i have of having an allergic reaction was breaking out in hives and going down our creaky old staircase, which felt big and intimidating to me as a little kid, to tell my parents about it
yuri - i thought of a favorite f/f pairing of mine, bryony/celosia, and in particular the scene that got me to ship it. in that scene, you battle celosia (who acts very woe-is-me upon being defeated) and bryony immediately springs to her (girl)friend’s defense
mitochondria - i learned the word from the sequel to a wrinkle in time, in which charles wallace gets really sick with some sort of mitochondrial disease and his older sister meg tries to save him by like astral projecting inside his mitochondria or something. god that book was weird
a gigantic rubber duck - when she was a baby someone gave my sister a gigantic rubber duck (which she adored, i think we still have it somewhere) and so this was about how i felt about having a new sibling
electricity - eevee fic again. rival character in the fic was an electric-type trainer. this was about the convention of trainers locking eyes and then battling
feverish - fevers as sex metaphor somehow??? i guess because fevers, like sex, often leave you sweaty. eleven was when i had my first wet dream and eighteen was when i listened to that “naegi with a fever” audio and got real gay
anger - metaphor again. i really did make a glass paperweight one time, on a class trip to a glass museum. my abuser and i were off-again with our friendship at the beginning of that trip and on-again by the end of it but there was still, i think, unresolved anger on both sides. that’s the association. i don’t know how to explain what i was thinking here beyond that
mosquitos - “petty annoyances” is just what i think of mosquitos and then i guess i just went from there. “bigger than i am but you know when to kneel” might have been my abuser again. he was, indeed, bigger than me but he got down on his knees begging me to be his friend again right at the end of things between us lol. honestly it was the most compelling thing he ever did
laundry basket - i thought about dirty laundry and then about worrying my clothes smelled dirty or that i smelled dirty and like, obsessively bathing because someone wanted to come over and have sex with me and i was just barely not a virgin at that point and had no idea what i was doing and was freaked out over the whole thing
cow - i took a year of spanish and for some reason the only thing i actually learned was how to say “where is the cow” and “the cow is here” which are not actually useful phrases in most contexts
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terrible-tulip · 7 years
[1/2] Hey, your question about why people think Mystery Man is Gaster, these are the usual reasons I see: Gaster's stats are straight 6's, and the fun value needed to see Mystery Man is 66. Other fun values in the 60s relate to Gaster. Memoryhead's attacks look like the Mystery Man's face, just less broken.
[2/2] Couple more reasons that also assume a link between Gaster and the skelebros: Mystery Man’s door sprite, spr_greydoor_0, is the same as Sans’s door sprite, spr_sansdoor_0 (and Papyrus’s door sprite if you removed all the signs on it.)  Mystery Man’s room and Papyrus’s room play mus_dooropen and mus_doorclose respectively, and are the only places outside of a pacifist ending they play.
Thank you for this. While I was hoping for something with a little more substance to it, this gives me something to work with, even if it is only to debunk the evidence presented.
Fun Values
Firstly, Gaster is associated with the number 666, not 66 or just the number 6 in general.
As far as a connection to multiple 6s being evidence that someone is Gaster, I’m not a fan.  It’s way too flimsy an argument and should. not. even. be. necessary with the followers’ dialogue, the piece of Gaster, and arguably the puzzles of Hotland and the CORE, since they are implied to be of Gaster’s design, providing us with hints regarding Gaster’s appearance, nature, and tastes. 
I also don’t think most fans think objectively about how their arguments for Gaster’s identity reflect on the rest of the cast. Whoever is being argued to be Gaster tends to be treated as if they’re in a bubble, that the arguments for them being Gaster are unique to their character.  Which means two things tend to happen:
1) The primary evidence for someone being Gaster is something that isn’t unique to them. In this case, there are other characters with a 66 connection besides Mystery Man, including Shyren (max HP: 66) and Glad Dummy (type #: 66).
2) The primary evidence for someone being Gaster makes a stronger case for another character being Gaster.   In the case of the “multiple 6s association = Gaster” argument, there’s Sans. By which I mean, Sans is the only character encountered in the game with any sort of arguable connection to both science and 666 due to his association with “The Choice,” the “Undertale” track slowed by 666%.  Which means the argument would be more in favor of Sans being Gaster than Mystery Man being Gaster, if it were to be taken far more seriously than it is and were to be subjected to all characters instead of just Mystery Man.
The multiple 6′s argument for Mystery Man being Gaster falls apart on the principle that an association with multiple 6′s
1) is not unique to Mystery Man2) better supports someone else over Mystery Man
As for the fact that most of the fun values in the 60s are related to Gaster, that is also shaky evidence for Mystery Man being Gaster.  There is no event for 64 and 65 is the sound room.  65 does have Gaster’s theme in it, but isn’t solely related to the character and the Royal Scientist job like the encounters with his followers.
Memoryhead is poor evidence that Mystery Man is Gaster as it is unlikely that Memoryhead is connected to Gaster. 
The assumption that Memoryhead is connected to Gaster is related to the fanon idea that Gaster was erased from existence, and Memoryhead is part of the evidence for that particular theory.  There’s some circular reasoning going on there.  To add further evidence that Memoryhead is not likely connected to Gaster, especially a cosmically retconned Gaster, the pacifist ending reveals that they’re now living with their families.  Any theoretical connection to a cosmically retconned Gaster simply does not and cannot work with this detail from the canon. 
Memoryhead is also not associated with 6s at all, so the argument that their attacks “resembling” Mystery Man means he is Gaster because Memoryhead is part of Gastercontradicts the previous argument that Mystery Man is Gaster because his fun value is 66.
Memoryhead’s appearance is a clear shout-out to Gigyas, so the fact that they’re shaped like a skull doesn’t work for me as evidence of a Gaster connection either, especially since it’s based on the assumption that Gaster is a skeleton based on his font association.
Since there is no evidence of a link between Memoryhead and Gaster, the appearance of Memoryhead’s attacks thus has nothing to do with whether or not Gaster and Mystery Man are the same person.  Lastly, Memoryhead’s attacks don’t even resemble Mystery Man’s face to me, even if we were to remove his cracks.
So why do the Memoryheads attack Frisk with smiles? Smiles have a thematic connection to determination and Memoryhead is the first determination infused amalgamate encountered.  They are also the only ones encountered who seem to identify their fusion as “fun” in a twisted probably driven to madness sort of way, which seems related to their smiley attack.  It might also be a reference to the “Getting Smiles Painted on Your Soul” trope, since they’re attacking Frisk’s SOUL with smiles while asking them to “join the fun.”
“Similar doors sprites” is the absolute worst evidence for a connection to Gaster as creating palette swaps for basic object sprites like doors and windows is easier and faster than making individual sprites from scratch.
“Shared sound effects” is also poor evidence. Mystery man’s room is silent, if I remember correctly, and so is Papyrus’.  The sound effects are probably the same in both rooms due to this design choice rather than a hint to a connection to the characters.  Additionally, even if the sound effects were meant to hint at anything, it would be of a connection between Papyrus and Mystery Man, not Gaster and Mystery Man (let alone whether or not they are the same person).
Final Thoughts
If we are to assume that Mystery Man is Gaster, then we must also assume that Toby Fox included at least three bonus characters who exist only to discuss Gaster (one of which is holding a face that’s presented as “a piece of him”), a track for Gaster, a reaction to trying to name the Fallen Human Gaster… all for a minor NPC who, aside from being a VERY rare encounter, does nothing except make a face and disappear when interacted with.  And has a face that looks nothing like the piece of Gaster, the only canonical visual representation of Gaster.
Some fans have theorized that the Gaster mentions are rare and unexplained moments and Mystery Man does nothing because those moments are all teasers for an Undertale sequel and are a sort of “sequel hook.”  This is very unlikely due to the fact that they are such rare encounters and Toby Fox asked people NOT to datamine the game for this sort of information.  This is the exact opposite of how teasers and sequel hooks are presented and done. It contradicts all common sense when it comes to storytelling.
All in all, I find there is nothing to support the popular theory that Gaster and Mystery Man are one and the same. The evidence does not hold up and it is not supported by the narrative or any sort of storytelling or game-making sense.
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