#because honestly rebe is the top
rebesmencia · 4 years
ok but hear me out...a scene w the exact same energy as the s1 polocarlachristian scene when carla gives the middle finger to her mum while they all make out, but instead it's carebe and they basically arrange to meet with samuel to 'sort out' the love triangle but instead carla just says a big fuck you to samuel then while he's dumbstruck af rebe just cuts in with like, "yeah, she only loves me. and i'm the top." And pulls carla close and they just rlly passionately make out in front of samuel while hes still like '...what the fuck...' then carla opens an eye, winks, and flips him off
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esterexpsito · 3 years
rebelu & 11 + 14 👁👄👁 (also ilu)
11) things you said when you were drunk & 14) things you said after you kissed me // rebelu
Lu has no idea what the fuck she’s doing here. She just knows that she could have thrown a hell of a better party.
Don’t get her wrong, the other people here seem to be enjoying themselves enough. It’s just... off-brand potato chips, really? A keg? She isn’t sure if this is just a standard for college parties or American ones in general, but she has certainly put together something way more worthwhile than what’s going on in this cramped apartment at sixteen years old, and with less than a week’s notice, at that. Fuck, that Valentine’s Party she threw her last year at Las Encinas was classier than this shit, and that was truly a disaster. At least she’s in a penthouse and not one of the dorms on campus. She could shudder with just the thought.
Still. You’d figure someone who lives in a top-floor apartment in Manhattan could go for the brand-name chips—or actual food, honestly. She’s fucking starving.
This brings her back to the question of “what the fuck am I even doing here?” that she had asked herself two minutes ago. Because she could easily be sharing a veggie pizza with Nadia back in their own dorm, or maybe even splitting the leftovers from the meal Iman had made for them when she, Yusuf, and Omar came to visit last week. But no. She’s here. At this random party she’d heard about from a girl in her Economics class who heard about it from a frat boy she’s apparently screwing. And she doesn’t even have Nadia here with her, because Nadia has a quiz on Foreign Policy on Monday that she needs to study for, or else the world is going to end.
(It’s times like this where she misses Carla. Carla would’ve said fuck it, gone out with her tonight, and then probably would have gotten a passable grade, anyway. Not that she’s comparing them or anything. She loves Nadia, of course, she just—fuck. She misses Carla a lot, okay?)
Lu’s at least self-aware enough to not blame how she doesn’t know anybody here solely on Nadia, because even though Nadia was too busy, she decided to come anyway. She just needed a break from everything. From school, from the stupid fucking traumatic memories that still manage to creep in three years after the fact, from the occasional bout of missing her parents. So she decided to take an old page out of her brother’s book. What’s a better way to forget than to drink her problems away?
Of course, the old Valerio would also add in drugs and sex to that cocktail. The new Valerio would still throw in the latter, but substitute the weed and cocaine for self-help books and whatever other Eat-Pray-Love bullshit he’s been on lately. Possibly energy crystals. And incense.
Lu isn’t interested in any of that, though; not even the sex. That leaves her leaning against a wall with a Solo cup full of alcohol and sending intimidating glares to whatever men who have the audacity to approach her. The unimpressed, arched eyebrow and condescending curve to her lips is practiced, and it works.
For the most part.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
He’s bland. That’s what she immediately notes about him. Next, his after shave is way too overpowering, and the type that, in her experience, assholes prefer (Guzmán used to wear a similar scent before she passive aggressively bought him something far better, and the fact that this man instantly reminds her of those days is already a warning sign). After that, he is very, very drunk, which is why her glare hadn’t properly worked on him.
She tries for blatant disregard; gives him a little once over and scoffs. “I don’t think so.”
“That’s a long name,” he slurs with a grin. She rolls her eyes. He leans in closer, arm braced above her head on the wall. Even though she’s in heels, he’s still taller than her, and she hates the caged-in feeling crawling up her spine.
Lu scowls and pushes him away with two fingers against his chest, beginning to step past him. “Excuse me.”
“No, no, hey, wait,” he says, catching her by the wrist. His fingers are clammy. Tight. Hurting. “Where you going? Don’t leave.”
“Don’t fucking touch—”
As soon as she yanks her arm free from his grasp, a foreign one lands on her shoulders. Lu startles in indignation, but she’s also admittedly a little panicked—and then the new person speaks.
“I’ve been looking all over for you, baby.”
It takes Lu a second to register that that sentence is directed to her. And even though she knows exactly what’s going on, even though she’s more than a little thankful for the save, she still instinctively bristles, because she has never once liked the way this woman has called her baby.
Based on the way Rebe crookedly smirks back when Lu narrows her eyes at her, the taller girl remembers.
“Who’s this guy?” She goes on, and nods her head in indication at him. It’s definitely a rhetorical question, because she glances him over and scoffs a mocking laugh. “Get lost, dude. She’s not interested.”
He bristles. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Her girlfriend.” Lu doesn’t twitch, but she does feel the skin around her eyes go tight. “So, like I said, beat it.”
“There’s no way a girl this hot is—”
Lu knows from experience what Rebe looks like when she wants to hit someone.
But Lu is not a damsel in distress, thank you very much. And neither is she that brutish.
“If it hasn’t been obvious since the moment you walked up to me, I want nothing to do with your little shrimp dick,” she replies, tone even and unaffected where her smile is deep-cutting and mean. For added measure, she leans into Rebe’s side and grasps the hand that’s hanging over her shoulder, pulling her arm tighter around her. “Now walk away unless you want to lose it.”
He’s drunk, and therefore, unpredictable. He could drop it and leave just as easily as he could get violent—which, considering he’s an intoxicated man who just had his penis insulted, is probably the more viable option. But before he can act, another guy claps his hand on the guy’s shoulder tight enough to unmistakably be a warning, and then shoulders his way between the three of them with a wide smile directed at both of the girls.
“Hey, don’t mind him, he’s trashed.” The guy behind him opens his mouth. The newcomer fixes him with a glare that clearly means shut up, then smiles at Rebe and Lu again. “Sorry. We’re all good here, yeah?”
Rebe looks to Lu for confirmation. When she nods, the taller girl nods too, and offers him a controlled smile of her own. “Yeah. We’re good.”
Without another word, the guy manhandles his friend away.
“I’m not gonna lie, I was kind of looking forward to beating his face in,” Rebe says as they watch them disappear into the crowd.
The words are said almost directly into Lu’s ear, and it’s then that she belatedly realizes how the other girl is still holding her. Lu makes a face before she can help it and sucks her teeth, shoving Rebe’s arm off of her and immediately putting space between them even though she was the one who had leaned further in. For show. Obviously.
She fights the urge to fix her dress—there’s nothing to fix.
Rebe just looks her over in that amused way she does. Or did, because it’s been three years since Lu last saw her.
“Well, fuck, you’re welcome,” Rebe continues unaffectedly.
“What are you even doing here?”
The girl shrugs. “It’s a Friday night, this is a party...”
“You know what I mean,” Lu counters, annoyed. Rebe is supposed to be in Spain. Or, at least, not in New York.
“I’m taking a gap year.”
Lu half-squints at her. “You graduated two years ago.”
“So, two gap years, whatever,” Rebe says. “I’ve been traveling on-and-off. I’d never been to America before. Los Angeles was first; kind of frilly. Vegas; fun for one night, then boring. New York’s my last stop before I head back home.”
Lu regards her for a moment. “Did Nadia send you here?”
If she did and didn’t even have the decency to tag along, Lu might have to reevaluate just how much she loves the other girl.
“Nadia doesn’t even know I’m in town yet.” It’s sort of driving Lu crazy how Rebe won’t stop eyeing her, even though she’s well-aware that looking at someone is typically what you do when you’re talking to them. But with Rebe, it’s always gotten a little under her skin. “Anyway. It was nice seeing you and all, Barbie.”
Rebe starts to turn away from her.
Before she even realizes it, Lu’s reaching out and touching her elbow.
“Wait.” She hates how unsure she sounds, so she raises her chin a little with her next words, even if they really don’t warrant the movement. “You’re the only person I know here.”
“And?” Rebe prompts, raising an eyebrow.
“And,” Lu continues, tone begrudging, “from what I remember, you’re not the worst person to party with.”
Rebe stares. Then a slow smirk spreads across her purple-painted lips, and she resignedly shakes her head at herself.
“Fucking hell, I’m definitely going to regret this. But,” and she steps closer again, close enough to peer down into the cup still clutched in Lu’s hand, and Lu hopes to God that she doesn’t see how her fingers tighten around the plastic, just a little bit, “What are you drinking?”
Almost four rum and cokes later, Lu is nearly as wasted as the shrimp-dick had been. Under any other circumstances, this would mean that her plan to forget is going off without a hitch—except she’s with Rebe. And Rebe is a fixture from her past, and all that entails.
Meaning, it’s impossible to avoid talking about at least some of it.
“You keep in contact with anyone? You know, besides the obvious.”
They’re in some random person’s bedroom; the first vacant one they could find after drunkenly stumbling their way down the hall, legs shaky from a combination of laughter and dancing for the past hour. The door they had opened before this one led to another bedroom occupied by two girls making out on the bed.
At Rebe’s question, Lu purses her lips at the ceiling.
“Carla, mostly. But through text or FaceTime, we haven’t really actually seen each other.”
“Ah. And how’s the little marchioness doing, these days?”
“Don’t you talk to Samu?”
“Do you ask Nadia about Guzmán?”
It’s not like she and Guzmán are on bad terms, or that she’s bitter about how him and her current best friend-slash-roommate are tentatively together. Definitely not. She just likes to forget the fact that she actually had dated him, hurt over him, and hurt others over him, too. However—
“Fair point,” she concedes. “Carla’s fine. Busy. Do you actually care?”
“I don’t hold grudges, you know?” Rebe shrugs against the mattress. “That’s your thing, babe.”
The pet names. They haven’t stopped at all, even though there’s no drunken asshole here to keep up pretenses for. She blames the fact that they aren’t irritating her as much as they normally (used to) do on the rum.
“If you think I haven’t changed at all over the years, you’re severely underestimating me.”
“I have never underestimated you,” Rebe scoffs. “Besides, you haven’t changed that much. You’re still fun—you know, in that bitchy sort of way.”
Lu resists the urge to playfully slap her on the shoulder. “You thought I was fun?”
“When you weren’t trying so hard to be stuck up, sure,” Rebe says. “You can’t be related to Valerio and be boring at the same time.”
“He could have gotten that from his mom’s side,” Lu says neutrally, eyeing her.
“Nah. There’s something in you that’s a little wild. And no matter how much time you spend taming it, you like when it gets out.”
The thing about rum is that it has always made Lu extremely reckless, which is why she has, in turn, always stayed away from it.
The thing about Rebe is that she’s right.
Lu has no idea what’s going on in her head as she curls her fingers against Rebe’s jawline and pulls at the same time as she leans forward and eliminates the gap between them. Maybe she’s still thinking about those two girls just one room over, maybe she’s remembering all the times in school when she would find herself both pissed off and weirdly turned on by her and Rebe’s little cat fights. Maybe she’s scratching an itch that part of her has known has always been there from the moment they met, buried beneath jealousy and so much fucking repression towards her own sexuality, it’s no wonder she never acted on it sooner.
The kiss is reminiscent of almost all of their previous interactions with one another. Aggressive, sly, vaguely mean. But there’s something different—there’s the softness of Rebe’s skin, the lingering taste of mint in her mouth even though she’s had just as much to drink as Lu has, the way she drags her hand down Lu’s side and flexes her fingers against the sequins of her dress.
All of that sort of freaks her out for a little bit, and Lu has half a mind to put them back on normal ground by biting her lip, but then Rebe pulls back. She’s looking at her in that infuriating way again, that way that Lu doesn’t really hate as much as she pretends she does.
Lu realizes it’s a look full of equal parts calculation and consideration. In spite of her background, the friends—Samu—she likes to keep, and everything Lu has ever said about her, Rebe isn’t actually stupid.
Stupid has never been Lu’s type. She likes...
Well, she likes brutish. The push-and-pull. And she and Rebe have always been great at that.
“Shit, maybe you have changed, after all,” Rebe comments, smirking at her, and Lu has no idea why the fuck she sounds so smug.
She kisses her again instead of trying to figure it out.
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cupcakeb · 4 years
honestly i love most of your writing but i just don't get you and most of the people jumping on the samuel hate train. "his actions are unredeamable?" literally all he did was turn in a guilty drug lord to try and get his family back. carla lied in a murder investiagtion to save her money and noone hates her for it, but samuel was alone and completely hopeless and i get that snitching is shitty but nano was innocent and he needed to get him and his mother back... he deserves empathy too
Hmm, I think I’ve talked about this before so let me try to keep this short... (update: this is... not short, oops?) Samuel was a really fun character in season one and then the writers really, really lost touch with reality and made him inconsistent, often rash and downright cruel and the main issue I take with all of that is that the show never shows that there are any consequences for these actions. It’s very hard to empathize with a character like that IMO because he was so all over the place. I think him ratting out Rebe’s mom was shitty mainly because he never apologized to her for it or seemed to feel bad about it - he could’ve done it to save his family and still felt conflicted or bad about it but sadly we were never shown that. That whole storyline isn’t really the main reason I dislike his character though, even though it was obviously pretty cruel, on top of leading Rebe on in general for literally no reason. (Like, sigh, just turn her down and say you’re into Carla? IDK)  TBH my main gripe with Samuel towards the end of S3 was the relentless bullying of Polo because he was so obsessed with hating him, to the point of being totally fine with covering up his murder after spending two seasons hating the guy for MURDERING someone. Like, the cognitive dissonance of that kills me - it’s super hypocritical. Basically it just boils down to very shitty writing because it really makes it look like he wanted Polo dead and was glad someone else did the dirty work for him.  TLDR: every single character on this show is flawed and unlikable in many ways, but Samu gets incredible passes from the showrunners and is still treated as a morally just character, while others are not. That’s the only reason why I dislike Samu more than the rest - like, Lu is shitty AF for most of the show but they never pretend like she’s not, you know? They even make viewers go “Well, she sucks, of course she was cheated on!” in S2 lol... If Samu’s shitty behavior was shown to have consequences and wasn’t portrayed as this honorable quest to get justice for Marina, I probably wouldn’t dislike him. (also for the record, canon!Carla is a shitty, inconsistent character too that fell victim to lazy/bad writing, with both Carla and Samu, the only way I can feel remotely okay with their existence is by coming up with a more nuanced headcanon. IDK if other people actually like canon!Carla or if they’re just blinded by how much they love Ester Exposito!)
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elite-polos · 4 years
30 Days of Élite Fic ♛ Day 8: Friend Pairing: Rebe x Carla Rating: E Notes: Because in this fandom we have to make our own wlw! Smut but missing the best parts (...it would take very little to persuade me to continue, wink wink). 
Rebe doesn’t know how they ended up together in the back room of the club. 
It’s a room she’s been in plenty of times before, taking advantage of its seclusion and dim lighting. She’s no stranger to escaping to that room for a fleeting act of passion, all grasping and sweating and panting until they dressed themselves again, checked their reflections in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and parted ways into the sea of dancing bodies.
She knows Carla has done the same. Even with the boy she used to daydream of kissing, as lame as it sounds. But right now, Samuel is the last thing on their minds. 
Carla has ended up perched on the edge of the counter, out of breath, Rebe standing between her legs. Rebe can tell it makes her uncomfortable to be in this position, and she relishes it: Carla is used to being the one to order her partners around, to get her way and always be in control. Rebe supposes it’s that way in every aspect of her life. 
She smirks, taking a moment to look the smaller woman in the eyes. Carla’s pupils are dilated, the black almost obscuring the crystal blue irises. 
Carla has never had anyone to challenge her. Until now. 
Rebe’s hand slides up Carla’s spine, giving her chills, and comes to rest at the nape of Carla’s neck. She takes hold of a fistful of Carla’s hair, not pulling hard enough to hurt, but just so she gets an idea of how things are going to work. 
Carla doesn’t react, just looks expectantly up at Rebe with a sweet, innocent look in her eyes. It pisses Rebe off almost as much as it turns her on. 
“We’re not going to tell anybody about this, right?” Rebe says, leaning in to smell Carla’s intoxicatingly luxurious scent. 
“I’m no stranger to keeping secrets,” Carla replies suavely. 
Rebe shifts her leg so that it brushes between Carla’s thighs, and Carla tries but fails to conceal the jolt of pleasure that shoots through her, making Rebe chuckle. 
Rebe is the kind of girl that Carla never thought she’d end up in this position with. Not that she ever really thought she’d end up in this position with a girl, but that’s beside the point. Rebe is heedless, she’s rebellious, she’s fierce. She’s everything that Carla has rarely been exposed to in her cultured, proper life. And as much as she doesn’t want to, she finds that hot. 
But she doesn’t want to let her have control. 
Despite the restriction of Rebe’s fingers entangled in her hair, Carla buries her face in the taller girl’s neck, smoothing over her pale skin with her tongue before beginning to kiss and nibble at the area fervently. Rebe gasps, taken aback by Carla’s sudden eagerness, and the momentary lapse of attention is sufficient for Carla to free herself from her grip enough to stand up and spin them around. 
“Well played,” Rebe says. “What are you going to do now?” 
Carla weighs her options for a moment, taking in all of the tall, ridiculously fit body before her. But when Rebe licks her lips, Carla is left without a choice. 
She slams her mouth against Rebe’s, wasting no time in opening her mouth to deepen the kiss. Their tongues wind around each other in a frenzy as they let the heat take over their bodies. Rebe’s kisses are like none Carla has ever experienced before: insistent, passionate, but with the characteristic softness only a woman could possess. 
Losing themselves in the kiss, their hands explore each other’s bodies. Palms slide over slim waists, daring to edge down toward hips or up toward the tantalizing curve of the other’s breasts. Neither of them are holding back anymore. 
They fumble with each other’s clothes, suddenly frustrated by the layers of fabric that are still in their way. Carla manages to push Rebe’s top up, and as luck would have it, she has nothing underneath. Without hesitating, Carla takes one of Rebe’s nipples into her mouth, circling it with her tongue while massaging the other breast with her hand. She does all the things she knows she likes herself, hoping they have the same effect on Rebe, and from the soft moans coming from above her, it seems to be working. 
Rebe isn’t a passive lover, however, far from it. She hikes up Carla’s skirt, running her hands all over her thighs and creeping toward her core. They stumble around, too drunk on pleasure to keep their balance, until Carla’s back hits the cold wall, her head jerking up to look Rebe in the eye again. 
She doesn’t break eye contact as Rebe’s fingers rub teasingly along her clothed slit, and the intensity of the moment causes her to whimper. Luckily she’s too aroused to be embarrassed, otherwise she knows her face would be searing. 
“You like this, don’t you?” Rebe teases. “You like it when I touch you like this?” Her fingers brush over Carla’s clothed clit and Carla bites her lip, shuddering. “You’re soaked for me…” 
“Just do it already,” Carla demands, although it comes out more pleading than she’d intended. 
Rebe smiles in the dark and pulls Carla’s panties to the side. “You’re gonna enjoy this.” 
The two girls are slumped against each other, breathing heavily as they recover from their highs. Of all the times Rebe has been in this back room, this has definitely been the best. She would never admit as much, for risk of inflating la marquesita’s ego, but she honestly thinks that was the best orgasm anyone else has ever given her. It makes her wonder if Carla has been with girls before. 
“So...what was this?” Carla dares to ask as they straighten out their clothes. “Just a one time hookup, and then we’ll go back to not interacting with each other at all?” 
“Is that what you want?” Rebe asks, arching an eyebrow. 
“I...wouldn’t mind doing it again,” replies Carla with some hesitation. “As long as no one knows.” 
“So like a friends with benefits-type situation.” 
Carla laughs. “Since when are we friends?” she points out, but there’s no malice in her voice.
Rebe laughs too, shoving her in the shoulder. “Is that what you say to someone who just made you cum like that?” she teases. “I should’ve known to expect that from you.” 
Having fixed their outfits and their hair enough to be presentable, both girls step toward the door. But Carla pauses for a moment, then in one quick motion, pulls Rebe in by the waist and presses their lips together one last time. 
“I’ll see you around,” Carla says, smiling, and she opens the door to rejoin the party. 
Rebe just stands there for a long moment, trying to process everything that just happened. Had she and Carla really just…? She smiles to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. 
It’s only then that Samu crosses her mind, and the irony isn’t lost on her. If only he knew what he’d missed out on. 
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