#because dew's a possessive ghoul
dewedup · 6 months
hehehehe 😈
does everyone remember this gem of a post?? ((thank u @hypnoneghoul and @kkaisarion)) because @jimothybarnes and i RAN with the fucking idea, dropped everything we were doing, and created a beautiful love child that will eventually see the light of day
but until that glorious day arrives, please accept this humble snippet to nibble on
Later that night the show is electric.
Despite his tired body, Dew’s never felt more alive. He spends most of the time staring at Rain, perking up whenever the black bass is in his hands. He gets a sick sort of satisfaction while Rain fingers the instrument, unbeknownst to him the surprise inside. There’s too much going on. The sweat of the crowd, band and stage crew mingling and filling his nostrils, but he swears underneath the plethora of scents he can still smell himself, pressed right up to his favourite part of Rain’s body. 
It's exhilarating, he’s feeding off the high. He even finds himself snarling at fans, burning holes into them with his eyes if they get too close to Rain.
Can’t they see he’s marked his territory? 
He watches Phantom interacting with the crowd, reaching out mockingly towards the front row, when some brave soul launches themselves into the air, fingers wrapping around Phantom’s outstretched hand and yanking him towards the ground. He stalks over, eye flashing dangerously at the pit, while mindlessly playing his chords until he can take a second to give Phantom a hand up from where he’s on his knees, whimpering so softly Dew can barely hear it over the music.  
Dew inhales sharply, catching the scent of blood from the scrape on Phantom’s palm from where he hit the ground, growling over the fact that he can’t smell himself on the young ghoul. He brushes close, rubbing his body against Phantom, trying to discreetly scent him, but it’s not enough. 
He knows what he must do. 
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sink-me-in-your-ocean · 9 months
𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 II
How would the Ghouls & Copia manhandle you when you’re being naughty?
Prompt by the illustrious @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus
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NSFW/Suggestive below the cut.
At first, he doesn’t realize why you’re doing what you’re doing
But then he puts the pieces together, and it makes his hands twitch
He makes you lay across his knees, never needing to ask more than once
He’s going to spank you with his gloved hands
He makes you count each one
“How many was that?”
“You’re not counting properly, either that or you’re lying intentionally. I have no idea why you’d do such a thing.”
“I’d never say less with the intention of you giving me more on purpose.”
“I’m beginning to think these punishments aren’t working on you anymore, amore. Let’s try something else...”
Won’t hesitate to put you on a leash when you step out of line
When a leash won’t work he’ll resort to other methods
Ties. You. Down.
He will step back to admire his handiwork on you, after a moment of staring he forgets your transgressions because of how good you look tied up
He’s lost in the sauce
“Sweet fucking hells, you’ve never looked better.”
The gag in your mouth keeps you from speaking.
“Remind me, what were you doing that was so bad earlier?”
“Hrmph - ” The sound was muffled.
“Shhh, don’t talk with your mouth full. Now just stay right there.”
When you act up, it flips a switch in his brain
Picks you up with ease from the side, lifting you bridal style into his arms
The tightness of his grip on you speaks volumes to his possessiveness 
He scans for an unoccupied room, hells, even a dark corner to take you
He needs you immediately and he knows you need him just as badly
“Oh you’ve done it now, you’ve got my attention, so let’s go.”
“Phantom, slow down!”
“No. You fired me up now you can bring me back down.” He sets you down once you’re behind closed doors. “On your fucking knees.”
You kneel in front of him, eager to please him after misbehaving.
“Oh fuck, yes, such a good girl, just like that.”
Misbehaving is a broad term to this ghoul, in fact, he likes when you’re naughty
Except when you give any attention to his brothers
Now that is a sure-fire way to pour gasoline on his flames
He comes up behind you when you least expect it (see where this is going?)
His long fingers wrap around your throat, pressing intentionally on your arteries, your head swooning in seconds
“Don’t go all limp on me yet.”
“But, Dew -” you whimper.
“Come on, you know exactly what you do to me. It was intentional, wasn’t it?”
“Good. Now I’m going to be very intentional with you. I’m not letting you out of my sight the rest of the night.”
He has infinite patience, at least until you vex him
And boy howdy, once you’ve crossed that bridge you’d better be prepared
There’s a determined look in his eye as he stalks towards you
He grabs your wrist, and even if you try to pull away, it’s impossible, his grip strength is too much
He drags you with him through the nearest corridor to a quiet space
“You’re going to be nice and quiet now for me.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Then I’ll make you.”
His hand clamps over your lips shockingly fast, leaving you a thin line to breathe from your nose.
“I love seeing you get a taste of your own medicine. Don’t like it when I match your energy? Don’t misbehave.”
Sits and watches stoically as you make a fool out of yourself 
Doesn’t need to say anything
Doesn’t need to do anything, but he does
He easily scoops you up, throwing you over his shoulder
He could spank you from here, but he prefers his partner underneath him (If you know what I mean)
“You do have to do all of that to get my attention, you know.” He plops you on his bed, climbing on top of you.
“I know, but maybe I’m looking for bad attention.”
You whine and writhe underneath him as he smacks (not hard) the thickness of your outer thigh.
“That’s what you want? Just ask next time, little villainess.”
Just da bois this time, but if you’d like me to include the ghoulettes pls just comment, I’m happy to oblige a fellow ghoulette lover! ( *︾▽︾)
Ghoulette Version Here!
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st-danger · 2 months
saint may i trouble u for somethin quick rough and nasty idc which ghouls or how or what or why their fuxkin but im obsessed w ur writing please and thank u 🙏
Dew can't breathe. There's no hand on his throat, no palm covering his mouth, but his knees are folded up to his ears and Ifrit is an imposing, impossible figure above him, pressing in and knocking the air from his lungs with every thrust. Mouth parted, looking dazed. Intense and relentless is a nice look on him, even if that's the only nice thing about him for the time being.
Dew has some hair sticking to the corner of his mouth, his sweaty forehead. His nerves feel oversensitive, his body aches already, and he isn't sure what he says please for. Not sure what he's asking, but it feels correct to say, a soft puff of air knocked from him with a particularly nasty roll of Ifrit's hips. His hands press ineffectively against Ifrit's broad chest, clawing at him as the angle lets him drill against a sensitive spot inside. It's so good and Ifrit won't let him forget it. The irritation from that will be a problem for future him, and he'll roll his eyes and play stupid when Ifrit dares to call him out later, telling him he knows he's the best he's had and that it's so obvious he needs it again. Needs to be put in his place, because the others are too nice to him. Too kind, too loving. The others don't understand the ways in which Dew needs to be fucked brainless.
"Please?" Ifrit mocks. "What more could you want?"
Ifrit buries himself deep, holds himself in, leans in further and Dew's sure he can feel him in his throat. Arms bracketing him, boxing him in. Not that he has any leverage like this, but even if he wasn't folded up to be used, ankles over his shoulders, he still wouldn't be able to wriggle away if Ifrit's on him. He's possessed, thoroughly and inescapably, and he'll have the bite marks and bruises to show for it when he's finally finished using him. He will ache, he will wince, and nothing will ever feel as good as when Ifrit uses him like an object.
"Please," Dew wheezes again, and knows his cock is leaking a spot of pre onto his belly. Knows that each thrust he gets is moving him, smearing the wet spot around his skin, cock trapped between their stomachs. He can finish from this. It's barely enough friction on his dick, but it's enough with how keyed up he is, which how perfectly Ifrit nudges inside him right there. The sum of it all is enough, the helplessness, the cruelty. "Use- me, make me, c'mon, make me cum."
Ifrit adjusts enough to where he can lean all his weight onto one arm, freeing the other to grab Dew's face. Thumb digging into one cheek, fingertips into the other, forceful and aggressive and squeezing, squishing his face. Reflexively, Dew's hands fly to his arm, though not to pull it away. To anchor. Ifrit's eyes burn into his, brow knit together, staring at him like he can see more than anyone else. Something secret and shamefully weak.
"I'm fucking you until I'm done," Ifrit warns, voice dark and low. "You don't want to cum early." Dew nods, eyes wide, and Ifrit drags out slow and then slams back in. Fucks a pathetic whimper out of him. Repeats. The hand on his face is painful. He has to look stupid. "Yeah? You wouldn't want to take my cock all sensitive like that, would you?" Each snap of his hips makes Dew's eyes struggle to focus, little toes curling. "That'd be awful for you," Ifrit grunts, throbbing hard when he pauses before drawing out again. "All used up and cryin' for me. Be a fucked up thing for you to want."
Dew nods again as best he can with his face being gripped the way it is.
"Please," he says again, weak.
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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October 15th
Noncon, Possessed!Swiss x Reader
Masterlist ⛧ Hellish Delights Masterlist
Words: 6.8k
Warnings: Noncon; extreme horror; dead dove: do not eat; explicit use of the word “rape” throughout; public masturbation; exhibitionism; possession; violence; demonic asphyxiation; victim blaming; face-slapping; sexual violence; rape; rape-kink; characters acknowledge that it’s rape; piv; vaginal sex; unprotected sex; pain; degradation; public sex; mind break; underprepared; dacrophilia; unconcious sex; multiple scenes; dubcon; fear play; breeding kink; cum eating; accidental filming via security camera; creampie;
The Ghouls aren't demons in my fic. They're humans who work in the Ministry but they're a different class of profession, somewhere between personal assistants and body guards depending on the importance of Papa's task.
Taglist: @sodoswitchimage @enchantedbunny @bitchywitchygardener @thew0man @sodomiser @the-did-i-ask @copias-sewer-rat @gehrmansbignaturals
🔞 MDNI 🔞
As this is dark fiction, I'm choosing to rate it 21+. Please respect my rating. Thank you.
This is a work of fiction based in the extreme horror category and should be treated as such. I do not condone the actions the characters make, nor am I actively encouraging others to participate in such actions in everyday life. It also does not reflect the personalities of the performers who play these characters.
The purpose of this fic is to shock, scare, entertain, and make readers entirely uncomfortable. If you are not in a headspace where you can safely read and enjoy this story, or even if the trigger warnings make you uncomfortable, I highly recommend and encourage you not to read this. Your mental health is more important than a work of fiction.
If you are struggling to come to terms with past trauma, please talk to someone and seek professional help.
You deserve to feel safe, loved and cared for. Thank you.
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Sometimes rituals went wrong. That was one of the things you learned when you first joined the Ministry. Rituals go wrong and not every demon is your friend. Of course, the more rituals one participated in determined the success of said ritual just down to the fact that experience was a key ingredient and so it was always recommended to bring someone who had experience to every single ritual just to be safe.
Papa Copia’s Ghouls were the more experienced ones in the Ministry, but more specifically Mountain, Rain, Swiss, and Dew. Yourself and Phantom were mere babes in comparison; sweet summer children who knew nothing of life and Satanism, only sex rituals on pentagrams give funny dreams and great orgasms. Because of this, you and Phantom walked into the ritual room with a bit of a pep in your steps, and no worries or concerns whatsoever - not concerning yourselves with seriousness or responsibility. This was just a regular, sex magick ritual surrounded by friends in order to contact the Olde One and get some advice is all. You had done this perfectly before, and you had no reason to think it wouldn’t happen again.
You, Rain and Mountain began lighting the candles in the room, ten of them to be precise. One for each of the pentagram’s corners, and a further five to outline the space in between. Dewdrop, the most experienced of everyone there, was in charge of drawing the pentagram from scratch. The first step was to scrub away the existing paint from a previous Sibling’s ritual.
“Why are we doing this?” Phantom asked as he wrung out the hot, soapy water from the sponge.
Dew sighed, “Did you not pay attention during training, Phantom?”
Swiss was now on his hands and knees next to Dew scrubbing at the red paint with a hard-bristled brush. “Clearly not. Look at those eyes: no thoughts just vibes.”
Phantom threw some of the soapy water at Swiss, in turn earning himself a middle finger. “I didn’t have time to study, remember? I was just thrown straight into life here after Aether…” Phantom trailed off, remembering how so many people in the room weren’t ready to talk about what happened. There was a brief silence while they all cast their minds back to their long lost friend.
“We clean off the old pentagram,” Dew said, clearly exasperated by his Satanic brothers, “because we don’t know what kind of ritual our Siblings performed before we got here. Cleaning the floor allows us to better control the safety of our ritual.”
“What could happen if we don’t clean up?” Phantom asked. “Moreover, what would happen if we just built upon these lines?”
“Oh come on, Phantom.” You said. “Even I know that.” Phantom got on his knees and began scrubbing away the paint on his third of the pentagram. “The cross energy between rituals and magic opens up a gateway for negative energy to come through. Sometimes that energy is just bad karma or bad luck, and you have one hell of a week.”
Swiss, “Literally.”
You continued, “Or it’s the souls of the damned coming through, or worse, demons.”
Phantom, “Has the Dark One ever travelled through these portals?”
Dew, “Probably. But He doesn’t do it often.”
“What I still don’t understand is why demons and damned souls would want to hurt us, we’re all on the same side, after all.”
Mountain, “Catholicism. You give energy to things you believe in, which in turn makes it more powerful, right?” Phantom nodded. “This is why Lucifer Himself wouldn’t come to harm us because we love and worship Him as a friend, a lover, a brother etc. But according to Catholicism, why does Hell exist?”
“To punish bad people after they die.”
“And what do we know happens to these bad people when they spend an eternity being tortured by demons?”
“They become demons themselves.”
“Good boy, have a Scooby snack.” Mountain threw a packet of mini-Oreos at Phantom, who caught it with one hand.
Rain, “Some of those bad people become demons, not all of them. The majority of demons are created by Lucifer as assistants to Him, and they’re usually picked from the petty criminals rather than genocidal maniacs and bigoted pricks. Like Mephistopheles, for example. He was just a businessman before he died. Think Ebenezer Scrooge, but in real life. Stole from the poor to put in his back pocket. In comparison to say, I don’t know, Stalin, he wasn’t too bad of a guy. If Mephistopheles showed up, we would have a great time sending him back. We’d just have to watch our wallets.”
Phantom, “And if it’s one of the dangerous ones, it would be catastrophic?”
Dew, “Absolutely. Papa and the Clergy would have to get involved. Papa would have to contact the Olde One directly to come and drag the beast away. Contacting the Olde One with the ritual that Papa would need could put Papa in mortal danger. So, we clean to save Papa as well as ourselves. So, make sure you get every spot, you hear me?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
That was the first mistake made that night: no one double checked before the paint went down that the previous paint had been cleaned completely. From eye-level, everything looked squeaky. But what none of you realised at the time was there were small, insignificant specs of paint left in Swiss’ third. Insignificant specs, but by no means safe.
The second mistake was that when the candles were being placed on the freshly painted pentagram, one of them wasn’t precisely sat atop one of the points. The candles usually acted as an extra barrier of protection, essentially trapping something inside the pentagram if it came through uninvited. Lower level demons or spirits could still be trapped if the candles weren’t precise, but the higher level ones wouldn’t be stopped.
The five Ghouls were there to conduct the ritual on Papa’s behalf, you were there to provide the energy to allow them to do so. This wasn’t your first ritual and so you had no problems at all getting completely naked in front of the five men you considered to be close friends, and sitting in the centre of the pentagram. You’d been part of these rituals before with them, if you hadn’t already had a few of them balls deep inside you on multiple occasions beforehand. And so when they had all joined hands, you had no shyness or reservations about spreading your legs and exposing yourself to them. This would be the third mistake.
Swiss wasn’t concentrating fully. If you’d have opened your eyes and looked at your friends holding hands around you as they chanted, you would have seen Swiss looking directly at you with his mouth open, watching as you touched yourself surrounded by men. You would have seen that he was concentrating on your hands toying with your clit more than chanting the Latin required to safely perform the ritual. You could have stopped the ritual because of it - but you didn’t. You didn’t know that there was a problem.
Your head was thrown back in pleasure as your fingers worked over your clit. Your body was draining of energy the closer and closer you got to orgasm. In your line of sight, you could see Rain looking back at you but his mouth reciting the Latin he’d learned. You couldn’t see Rain’s eyes, though you were desperate to know what he looked like under there right now. All eyes were on you, and it turned you on so much to know that you were being intensely watched by five masked men as you dipped two fingers into your cunt and began to hit your g-spot.
Masked men, the fifth mistake.
Had they all removed their masks, everyone would have seen the biggest problem in the room: Swiss. Not only had he stopped chanting in order to concentrate on your wetness, but his head had begun twitching. Had he not worn his mask, others would have seen his eyes glaze over and roll back into his head. They’d have noticed the white dimming into pitch blackness. They’d have been able to break the circle and preemptively send the demon back to Hell before it could fully appear in the real world. But as hot as the masks were, and as much as you loved looking at them, they were impractical and unsafe for private rituals.
The air grew thick with an unholy presence, and a palpable darkness descended upon the ritual site. The very ground seemed to tremble beneath your feet as a foul wind swirled around you, extinguishing the candles one by one.
As the ritual reached its zenith, a sudden surge of malevolent force swept through the circle, causing you all to recoil in terror. Swiss let out a deep, yet blood curdling scream causing everyone in the room to stop what they were doing and freeze, yourself included. Your wet hand now removing itself from your core and your body sitting up straight in alarm. By the time you’d focused on him, Swiss had broken the circle and was cupping his head over his helmet, as though he was in immense pain. His screaming continued as he doubled over, bent at the waist and yelling at the floor. Swiss’ voice, now filled with an otherworldly resonance, grew louder and more insistent, his body trembling with an eerie energy. One of his hands began to hit at the mask in an attempt to stop whatever was causing him so much discomfort.
“Swiss!” Dew shouted, running over to his friend. “Brother, focus! Come back to us! Phantom! Go get help, now!”
Phantom nodded and ran out the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
“Swiss, it’s me: it’s Dew. What’s wrong, brother?”
“My… head!” Swiss exclaimed through gritted teeth. “It’s in my head!”
You stood up and dressed yourself, making sure that at least your habit was covering you. All the while, you watched as Dew frantically tried to get answers out of his brother, and figure out what went wrong so he could help. Swiss was still screaming, still trying to escape out of Dew’s grasp.
Then silence.
Swiss stood straight. Still. No more screams of pain, no more frantic Dew. You couldn’t even hear the world outside the ritual room. Just maddening silence that could drive a person to insanity if they were in it for too long. Everyone remained unmoving, fearing even breathing in case it triggered something. You wanted to leave, to escape the room and get help - or even just pull your friends out and save them. But your body wouldn’t move. It wouldn’t respond to your brain’s pleas to get the fuck away.
In that chilling moment, a grotesque transformation overtook Swiss. His voice, now distorted and filled with malice, spoke words that were not his own. It was a demon that had taken hold of him, a malefic entity summoned from the abyss.
The demon had been called forth by all of the mistakes made that night. It reveled in the chaos and despair that surrounded it, relishing the opportunity to wreak havoc upon the mortal realm. With Swiss as its vessel, the demon’s power knew no bounds.
The demon’s dark presence continued to grow, casting a sinister pall over the entire Ministry. Outside of the room, a sense of unease began to spread. Siblings and Ghouls alike could feel the malevolence that radiated from the heart of the Ministry, an unnatural darkness that seemed to seep into their very souls. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder, and the boundary between the mortal realm and the abyss had grown thin.
Everyone was simply afraid to speak, to move, to even breathe. There was a comfort in the silence that couldn’t be explained other than Swiss hadn’t attacked anyone or made any movements. You weren’t even sure if Swiss was still in there. No one move, no one blink, no one make any sounds.
Swiss moved first - his head shifting from Ghoul to Ghoul to you as though he were studying you all. He seemed more like a caged animal than a human as he weighed up his options, though he wasn’t entirely registering what he was seeing. Each room was designed with at least some kind of demonic suppressor so you knew whoever had stolen Swiss from you didn’t have the full extent of his powers. But as he’d barely done anything, you still couldn’t gauge just how dangerous he was.
Suddenly, Swiss’ eyes locked onto you and focused on nothing else. Your body was still very scantily clad in your habit, your legs fully on display even though you were hiding behind Mountain. Swiss’ mouth curled up into a sinister smile. “He likes you.” Two voices emerged from his throat, the first being Swiss’ sweet timbre, the second the demonic entity inside of him. “I am in his head. I know. I see.” He took a small step forward. “He has sinned against you. He does so nightly.” Another step. “He imagines things in his chambers when he is alone. He wants to bury himself deep inside you. Even today during the ritual, he considered getting on his knees and taking you in front of everyone.” Another step. That was when you all realised the final mistake: you.
Swiss got possessed because he was watching you masturbate in front of him. He got possessed because he was craving your body, your touch. He got possessed because he was concentrating on how you’d feel wrapped around him and didn’t pay attention to the most important things. You never should have been chosen for the ritual. You never should have agreed.
Swiss spoke again. “I think we should give him what he wants, don’t you?”
“You stay away from her!” Dew shouted. He’d gained enough confidence and bravery to step forward, arms outstretched, and ready to restrain Swiss. Or at least attempt to anyway. Dew was much, much smaller than Swiss, so even when he wasn’t possessed by a demonic entity, restraining him alone would have been damn near impossible. But the added power now coursing through Swiss’ human veins made restraint way more difficult.
All Swiss had to do was lift his hand and Dew was levitating from the ground. A simple push saw Dew flying backwards, his head smacking against the wall and his body falling limp to the floor.
“Dew!” Rain shouted. It was a natural reflex done out of fear and it caused him to lurch forward. The demon, presuming Rain had moved to attack him, copied the motion and threw Rain against the wall too, the sweetest of all the Ghouls now unmoving on the other side of the room.
Mountain still held you behind him and for every step the demon took towards you, Mountain moved you backwards. You could tell he was trying to move you towards the door without taking his eyes off of Swiss. But deep down you both knew that while Mountain was a worthy opponent for Swiss, he was no match for the thing possessing him. All Mountain could do was hope that you at least got out of the room safely especially now that the demon had its eyes on you.
“Give her willingly and your life will be spared.” Swiss’ two voices cut through the panicked silence.
“No.” Mountain said.
Swiss raised his hand into a fist and concentrated on Mountain. Mountain, like the others, was now being raised off the ground, but this time Swiss was being torturous, enjoying the pain he was inflicting internally. Mountain grasped at his throat as if a hand had been wrapped around it, and struggled to get air into his lungs. “___,” he choked out, “go!”
Somehow your body responded to the sound of his voice and you made a break for the door. There was a part of you that knew you’d never reach it - that knew you’d end up in a worse fate than your friends, but you still tried anyway. Maybe if you left, you would be able to find more help to bring. Maybe you’d run into Phantom or Papa, just someone who could come and save everyone. You refused to believe that they were all dead - you would have given up if you thought that. So for all the good it did you, you chose to run. You chose to fight as best you could.
Behind you, Mountain’s body thudded to the floor, but you could hear him gasping for breath. Swiss, who was now focussing on you trying to make your escape, didn’t put the full extent of his powers into hurting Mountain as he did Dewdrop and Rain. Mountain was weakened from the impact but he wasn’t unconscious… yet. But now you had no protection - now you were completely vulnerable.
You managed to get the door open, but by then, it was too late, Swiss had already come up behind you and slammed it shut again. His large hands grabbed onto your waist, thick fingers digging into your flesh and manoeuvring you to where he wanted you. Your own back slammed against the door and you were met with Swiss’ cold, unfeeling mask, glass eyepieces only showing a glimpse of the blackened eyes that had completely stripped away the humanity from one of your closest friends. His once beautiful smile brought you nothing but happiness now evil and no doubt the last thing you’d ever see. You struggled, fighting against the unholy strength that had caught you, but of course, you were no match for him - in fact, he seemed to enjoy you struggling. In your frantic movements, your hip grazed his and you felt his cock now standing hard beneath his Ghoulish uniform. You knew what was coming.
He cackled, the two voices giving a creepier edge to something so joyous. His free hand came to remove the helmet and allowed you to gaze at the face that was going to bring you so much pain. His eyes were, indeed, as black as you’d been told. Veins were popping from beneath his skin, no doubt Swiss straining from the inside to expel the demon from within but failing miserably. Even though you could hear it wasn’t Swiss, and you could see the eyes certainly weren’t his, it was so difficult to differentiate between demon and human. Your brain struggled reminding you that Swiss wasn’t the one who’d hurt your friends; that he wasn’t the one rubbing his clothed cock against your thigh; that his hand wasn’t squeezing one of your soft breasts so painfully hard; that it wasn’t his tongue licking a stripe from your neck to your ear.
You pushed against his large chest trying to distance yourself, but it was as if you were trying to move the Ministry itself. He wasn’t budging. “Get. Off. Me!” You grunted in your exertion.
“This Ghoul wants you - you would deny him? You would deny him after the show you put on for him?”
“There was no show!”
“Really? Because you angled your body to give him the perfect view of,” the hand that was on your breast now moved to your crotch and gripped your vulva tightly - so tightly you screamed, “this cunt. You wanted him to touch you. You were asking for him to take you. Begging for it, were you not?”
“I wasn’t!”
“Lying whore!” He slapped your face hard enough to leave a mark, the bite knocking you off kilter for a second and making the room spin. He grasped hold of your cheeks and forced you to look at him. He took his opportunity to kiss you, forcefully pressing his mouth to yours and using his tongue to lick over your unresponsive lips. Taking this opportunity, you kneed him in his crotch now extra sensitive from all the blood that had pooled there. This gave you enough respite from his attack to push him away from you and attempt an escape. The door was locked shut this time, though. And it didn’t matter anyway, he was faster than you thought.
His thick forearm wrapped around your neck and pulled your body flush against his. “You like pain, hm?” This time, when he spoke, he used only Swiss’ voice. He tightened his arm and began cutting off the air supply to your lungs. “You want me to make it hurt?”
“Swiss!” You choked from his anaconda-like grasp. “Stop!”
“He cannot help you now, little one. But I have made sure he can see everything.”
With one hand on your shoulder, he released you from his chokehold long enough to push you hard to the ground. As you stumbled and collapsed, you felt the skirt of your habit rising up over your bare ass cheeks, which earned another menacing snicker from the demon. “Look at you. The little Jezebel is ready for her master’s cock.”
You got onto your hands and knees ready to stand and run, but you felt Swiss’ boot on your exposed backside and stamping you back down flush to the floor. Wasting no more time or effort, he straddled your hips to keep you pinned down and pressed his entire weight onto you. Over the sound of your struggling, you heard his jeans zipper undoing.
“Still some energy in you, I see.” He taunted as he placed his hands where his thighs were and moved further down your body, still fighting you. “I wonder how long that will last.”
You braved a look behind you to see if there was anything further you could do, but caught a glimpse of what Swiss was sporting under his clothes. Now he was fully exposed, you truly saw his length and girth for what it was and dread pooled in your stomach. The pain you were about to feel was beyond terrifying.
“Which hole should we rape?” Swiss asked, lining himself up with your ass and rubbing against the rim. “This one?”
“No! Please! Let me go!”
“Or this one?” He then rubbed over the entrance to your cunt and gasped. “She is wet! The whore is ready to accept Satan’s gift! She wants it even though she deludes herself otherwise.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Ghoul, which hole do you fantasize about the most, hm? Which one do you want us to rape today?” There was silence for a moment and you could swear you heard Swiss’ screams - similar screams to when he was first possessed. “Her tight, little cunt hm?”
He lined up once more with your hole, and you tried again to escape from underneath him. “Swiss! Please stop! Please! No!” Your wriggling proved useless when you felt him press inside you.
The pain was beyond anything you’d felt before, a searing white hot pain that shot through your entire body and only continued the more of him entered you. He wasn’t gentle with his movements, as expected from a demon. He bottomed out almost immediately, hitting your cervix roughly and causing you to scream. “He was right,” Swiss said, “you do feel incredible. This hole was made for cock, no wonder he spent all his time drooling over you.” He pulled out and thrust back in laughing at your pain-filled scream. “I have kept him awake so that he can remember this gift the Unholy Father has bestowed. More material for him to think about in the darkness of his room.”
“Please, stop!” Your voice was high pitched now and tears were staining your cheeks as your hands covered your mouth to muffle your cries. Your distraught sobs caught the demon’s attention, however, and he wanted his gratification.
He wrapped Swiss’ hand in your hair and tugged your face off the floor. Your mouth was hung open from your weeping and your screams escaped every time he thrust in and hit your cervix. “That is right, scream for him. Let him know how good you feel on his cock.” The sound of your cunt swallowing him made him speed up his movements, entirely enthralled by your body accepting him properly. “Show him how you love being raped by his fat cock.”
“P-please stop!”
He groaned. “Keep begging for me to stop. Keep crying for me. You get tighter every. Single. Time.” He thrust between each word, getting rougher and rougher with you.
With his hand in your hair, your head was lifted and you could look around the room. As your body was pushed along the floor by the power of his hips, your tears blurred your vision but you could still see your friends laying lifeless in front of you - spread in all manner of ways. None of them could save you. None of them could help you. If they were even alive. Your thoughts turned to Phantom, outside of this room searching for someone to come and exorcise the demon back to Hell. Your fear became overpowering at the thought of the sweet newcomer walking in and seeing you pinned beneath Swiss, being raped by someone you all used to love and trust. Would anyone else understand that this wasn’t Swiss hurting you? Would Swiss even survive the exorcism?
In a moment of adrenaline from the fear you felt, you shifted your body using all the strength you could muster. You wrapped your legs around his calves, swung your arm to hit his face and proceeded to turn as if you were about to lie on your back. Swiss didn’t anticipate this and so slipped out of you for a brief moment, falling off of you. Wasting no time, your weak legs forced you onto your feet and you ran towards the door once more. Your brain was clearer than before allowing you to unlock the door this time. But as you opened it, once again, Swiss pushed it closed.
“Clearly I have not broken you yet.”
By the collar of your habit, he pulled you back to give him the space to stand in front of you. His hand, now tightly closed in a fist, backhanded your cheek and all you saw was black.
When you came to, your jaw ached so badly. Your vision was blurred and it took a while to come to. Your hands were held above your head as you lay on your back, a large hand holding them together and restraining you. As your head was turned to its side, you saw Mountain and Rain laying next to each other, still entirely unconscious and unmoving. But you were still being attacked.
Now that you were pinned to the floor, and had been out for you didn’t know how long, Swiss had chance to fully savour you. Your habit had been torn town the middle, exposing you completely to the demonic eyes you were now staring into, those very eyes entranced by the way your breasts bounced from the roughness of his thrusts. His cock was now spearing into you much harder than before, the position allowing him to fuck into you deeper. His pubic mound was grinding against your clit as he pounded away, and for the first time that night you were feeling pleasure with the pain.
“I knew you wanted this.” Swiss said from above you upon hearing the small pleasured whimper that escaped you. “I knew you were a whore who loved getting raped. How you would spread your legs for anyone who offered you a bit of attention. I am not wrong, am I?” You moaned again accidentally, this time louder. “Say it. Tell me how much you love it. Tell him that you love it when he rapes you.” When you didn’t obey, he wrapped his hands around your throat. “Say it!”
“I love it!” You shouted reluctantly. “I love being raped!”
Somehow this wasn’t a lie. Since waking up, every hit against your cervix, every drag of his cock against your walls felt delicious. The demonic black of his eyes, the thick hands that held you down had you spreading your legs wider to let him continue abusing your hole. You were getting wetter and wetter with each thrust, more desperate to cum than ever before. You fear dissipated and was replaced with nothing but cock. The weight of it driving you crazy, the way he used you for his own pleasure and revelled in your agony. How he lowered himself to lick your tears away and bury himself inside you over and over again.
“There you go. That was not difficult. You got so much tighter too.”
Your screams turned from pain to desperation. Your mouth hung open in a perfect O. His cock had broken you, stripped you of everything and turned you into his own, personal toy. You sat up as much as you could to see where you both were connected. You saw the base of his cock was rimmed with white where your wetness had turned to cream and stuck in his pubic hairs. Each pull out of you had multiple strings of your own juices forming and snapping. You could feel yourself spilling out of your hole and running down your body, gathering on the wooden floor below you. Fuck! It felt so fucking good.
“Will you cum on his cock? Will you cum on the cock that rapes you?”
“Yes!” You screamed looking back up into his eyes. “I’m gonna c-cum! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna-!”
The door opened right as your orgasm hit, your mind clouding over and drool dripping from your mouth as you came all over Swiss’ cock. The last thing you remember seeing was Papa Copia’s eyes look into yours in horror as you came like a desperate whore while your close friend took you against your will. Then the world went black.
When you came to, your eyes refused to open at first. Your head was pounding from the physical trauma and there was a deep-seated pain in your core that sent stabbing pains through your legs every time you moved them.You groaned and tried to sit up but your body refused to respond. The heart monitor beside you kept bleeping letting you know that you were, in fact, alive, but also that you were currently in the infirmary. But there was another sound coming from the foot of your incredibly uncomfortable bed. When your eyes finally opened it took you a while to fully process what you were seeing.
In a moment of pure fear, you panicked and tried to move further up the bed, as far away from him as you possibly could. You could feel a scream building in your throat, but your jaw hurt you too much to move it. Even still, your fear didn’t care. Swiss’ eyes were back to normal, and glassy with unshed tears. His face, pale and sickly, stained with the tears he had cried. He looked awful - his veins tinted a little black from the pressure of the demon inhabiting his body.
“Please, don’t scream!” He said quickly. “It’s me again. The demon’s gone.” You wanted to open your mouth and ask him what he was doing there, but your jaw wouldn’t move. “Your jaw isn’t broken, but it’s badly bruised from where I…” He started crying again, burying his head on your bed. “I’m so fucking sorry!” He wept hard, your heart breaking for him every time you saw his shoulders violently shake. “I hurt you so b-bad. I’m so sorry! I d-didn’t want to do any of th-those things. I tried - I tried to stop but it was t-too… strong. It w-wasn’t me!”
Deep down you knew it wasn’t. You knew Swiss would never hurt you like that because he never had. He’d never shown that level of ferocity and violence to anyone or anything. He was the kindest soul in the Ministry - a ray of sunlight the morning after a storm. Before all of this, you would have trusted him with anything, your life included. But even though reason told you he wasn’t the monster that attacked you, your brain still registered him as the attacker. When you saw his eyes before he hid them, you could have sworn for a brief moment they were still black. You wanted to comfort him, to tell him that it was okay and you forgave him even though there wasn’t anything to forgive. But there was such a hesitation. An annoying voice in the back of your head saying “what if”? What if that really was him? What if they didn’t exorcise the demon out? They must have otherwise he’d be in chains in the dungeons right now. So, you reached your hand out and touched his head, gently stroking at his hair. Tears were falling down your face too as your brain replayed the trauma.
When you both had calmed down a little, and Swiss was no longer hiding his face from you, you both sat in silence staring at each other. You were studying his face for imperfections and signals that he was unsafe, and he was studying yours for any hints of fear that should tell him he needed to go. “I know it’s selfish of me being here.” He said. “It only happened yesterday. I’m not supposed to be here. Papa’s going to come and talk to you when you’re feeling stronger, he wants you to decide my punishment.”
You shook your head. You didn’t want to punish him.
“Everyone else is fine. Dew has a broken shoulder but he’ll live. Rain has concussion. Mountain’s up and out of the infirmary with no problems at all.” Your mind cast itself back to yesterday, watching Swiss barrel through them and throw them around like children’s toys. How helpless you felt when he was inside you and they were all in the room, knocked out from his attack. How none of them helped you.
“I shouldn’t have come but I needed to see you. I feel so guilty. I…” he hesitated. “I can’t stop thinking about it. About you. I felt everything the de- he did to you. I heard everything, saw everything, felt everything. And you felt so… especially when… fuck! I know I shouldn’t but I keep remembering and my body reacts. I’ve used my hand so many times since but nothing compares to… I need it. I need you. One more time. Please.”
There was a feeling of dread pooling in your stomach again but you could understand where he was coming from. Since you’d been awake and your mind was showing you the images from yesterday, you were also losing your mind. You remembered everything in graphic detail, especially how good it felt when you woke up on the floor. Arousal began to replace the dread and your thighs rubbed together, making you hiss in pain. But the pain and the arousal seemed to control you, and for some reason unbeknownst to you, you nodded your head.
Swiss didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled back the comforter and climbed onto the bed. He lifted up the infirmary nightgown you were wearing and exposed your abused hole to him. You could see his cock tenting through his own nightgown at the sight of you. You were so broken and vulnerable, and it did things to him he knew he’d feel guilty for later on. But he just couldn’t resist any longer. It was like he was addicted to you. To it. “I can’t promise I’ll be gentle.” He told you. He lifted your gown further up to expose your breasts again before pulling himself free and lining himself up. You wanted to tell him to not be gentle, to disrespect you like he had yesterday, but the words couldn’t come out.
Pushing into you, you felt the same searing pain you felt the first time he did. You were so under prepared yesterday and even more so today. But after a few uncomfortable thrusts, the pleasure returned once more, and your hands, now finally responding, flew to his shoulders and grasped on, digging your nails into his skin.
His mouth had hung open and his own grunts and moans were escaping as he lost himself in the pleasure and the memory of your fear. You were deprived of this yesterday - and you were convinced that if you’d heard how good he felt, you’d have given up fighting long before you did.
“You feel even better than yesterday.” He muttered. His thrusts got rougher and you could feel the infirmary bed moving beneath you, groaning at the weight and the intense movement. “I kept thinking about how wet you got. The way you creamed on my fucking cock. I came twice to that thought alone. Fuck!”
Though your jaw was in pain, you were still able to whimper from the feeling of his fat cock railing you in a similar fashion to yesterday. Your own noises kept spurring him on.
“And when you screamed, yelling out how much you loved me raping you. Fucking hell. I want to hear it again. I want to hear you beg me to rape you over and fucking over. I want to keep you speared on my cock and make you cum on it because I just won’t stop raping you.”
You tightened at the thought, which made him let out a particularly loud moan.
“You want that, too?”
You nodded.
“Fuck. You want me to turn you into a little fucking rape toy, hm? A fuck-slut that’s only good for taking my fucking cum against her will. Have you beg me to stop while also sucking my cock back into your little hole.”
You dug your nails in again which prompted his hips to smack forward and whack your cervix.
“I’ll do it. Shit. I’ll find you when you’re out of the infirmary and I’ll force you to the fucking floor. I’ll take what I want from you when I want. You want that?”
You nodded.
“Fucking hell, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum again. I came inside you yesterday too. They had a hard time pulling me off you. I just kept holding onto your hips and railing you into the floor. I’m gonna keep doing it now. Use you as my fucking cum receptacle. Rape a baby into you too. Show everyone who this hole belongs to.”
You tightened and moaned again.
“I went feral when they pulled me off of you and I saw my cum spilling out. Proof that I’d - fuck I’m cu-cumming!”
Once again he pushed himself as far into you as he possibly could and stilled, painting your walls with his seed.
No one else had ever made you feel that good before. The fact that he was recreating the shared trauma also did things to you that you couldn’t quite explain. You knew he was suffering as much as you were, that the guilt was eating away at him in the same way the fear was. Maybe that was why you willingly spread your legs for him this time, because you needed someone who knew to make you feel good.
When he’d finished, he watched himself spilling out of you. “Fuck…” he lamented. “No tissues. You didn’t cum.”
You wanted to tell him not to bother, that a nurse might show up midway through. You knew how bad it would look that the man who’d raped you had come back for seconds not twenty-four hours after the incident. But even if you could speak, he wouldn’t listen.
He bent down and placed his tongue in your hole, licking his cum out of you. He swirled his tongue around your cunt, trying to find the parts of you that would tip you over the edge. Once he’d determined that you were clean enough, he moved up to your clit and sucked. Hard. It was like he knew that his treatment of you yesterday meant that you needed it rough today too, and so he did his best to deliver. He didn’t let up until you came on his face, your own juices spilling out of you. You did your best to muffle the scream that was threatening to come out of you as you tipped over the edge, hyper-aware of the fact that a nurse could come rushing in to make sure you were okay. Swiss knew this too and so finished up as quickly as he possibly could.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?”
You nodded and watched him press a kiss to your temple, completely juxtaposing his treatment of you both yesterday and today before making his exit back to his own ward.
You watched him leave and let your eyes wander around the room. That was when you noticed it and froze in panic. There was a security camera in the top corner of the room… and it had just captured everything.
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Kinktober: Previous Day ⛧ Next Day
Hellish Delights:
Masterlist ⛧ Hellish Delights Masterlist
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
need... more... trans ghoul fics... save us hyppp.... save ussssssss,,,,
i was having soft swissdew sex thoughts so that's what youre getting heh and dew is trans as usual
Dewdrop was nearly uncharacteristically clingy with Swiss the entire day. He clearly wanted something—something rather specific—but, as usual, didn’t want to ask for it. Or couldn’t, didn’t know how.
It seemed like the thing he wanted was just...softness, but that confused Swiss a bit at first. He rarely was the one the fire ghoul sought out when in such a mood. Rain, Aether or Mountain were his usual choices, but that didn’t mean Swiss would complain. He always loved having a warm little fire ghoul in his bed, whether just for cuddles and reassurance or sex. Or both, because there were times when Dewdrop wanted—needed—all of those at one.
It turns out that day was one of those times.
After a few hours of clinging to the multi ghoul, Dewdrop finally actually looks up at him with soft eyes, nearly pleading.
“What do you need, kitten?” Swiss asks and Dewdrop melts.
“Can you…” he starts, so quiet the multi ghoul can barely hear him. His cheeks are flushed. “Can you take me to bed…fuck me slow and take–take care of me?”
He knows those aren’t the words that are coursing through Dewdrop’s brain. No, what he means is please, make love to me.
Swiss’ heart hurts and he smiles. “Of course, baby. Of course.”
He takes the fire ghoul’s hand and leads them to his room, to his bed. He strips him gently, kissing every inch of newly exposed skin and he wishes that pressing all the love and admiration he has for Dewdrop into his mind would be as easy as pressing his lips to his body.
Swiss doesn’t tease this time. The moment Dewdrop is bare before him he takes care of his own clothes and crawls back over the fire ghoul to lean down and kiss him softly.
He smiles into his lips and Swiss feels like he’s dying.
He only takes a moment to stretch Dewdrop out on his fingers, just the necessary prep so he doesn’t hurt him. He’d hate himself even more that day than he normally would. Dewdrop’s cunt flutters around his digits and steadily oozes slick that Swiss wishes he could just drink up, like he’s done many times before. Not this time, though.
“Are you ready, doll?” he asks, hovering over Dewdrop. The fire ghoul nods and the way he’s looking at him—like he just offered him the moon and the stars—breaks Swiss’ heart in half. Lucifer, how he loves him.
“Please, Swiss,” Dewdrop breathes and the multi ghoul’s name sounds so sweet, falling from his lips like that. He smiles and pushes in, watching intently as Dewdrop’s amber eyes roll back into his skull and this time it's a soft moan that escapes him.
“There we go, kitten,” Swiss grunts and stills his hips to give the slight ghoul under him time to adjust. He pulls the other down to press their lips together, slips his tongue into Swiss’ mouth and licks along his teeth as if he wants to make himself at home behind his gums.
The multi ghoul doesn’t jack-hammer into him. No, he barely pulls out at all. He gives Dewdrop all of him in deep, full thrusts, but he doesn’t dare peel his skin off of the fire ghoul’s own. Neither of them knows how much time passes, and neither of them cares. Swiss kisses all over the fire ghoul’s face and shoulders, marking him gently. Not in a possessive way, this time, more like…reassuring. Reminding him that he belongs with them. With Swiss.
He waits for when the cunt wrapped tightly around him starts to flutter rhythmically before leaning down to the fire ghoul’s lips again.
“I love you, Dewdrop,” Swiss whispers, breathes the words into Dewdrop’s own mouth and the fire ghoul is gone. 
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The Star
[Omega has thoughts, Dew is a thot, Aether and Terzo are mentioned, and Rain is a peeping tom.] Below the cut.
Omega looks down at Dew, who stares up at him a little wide-eyed when the larger of the pair reaches down to scratch under his chin.
Dew lets out a low purr, the buzz tingling against Omega's fingers, and closes his eyes, nuzzling his cheek into his palm when he moves it to cup his face.
He takes this moment to take in the ghoul's glamoured form and thinks about how Terzo had made it no secret that he enjoyed Dew's softer, human features... very, very much...
He could see why his lover had been so enamored with the man before him, and Omega cannot deny the rush he feels when Dew turns his head to kiss his palm, catching his gaze once more in an almost innocent way.
Despite his obviously attractive qualities, Omega has never slept with Dew before.
Sometime after the younger ghoul had been called forth from the pit and made whole in the body of Baphomet's choosing, almost stubbornly, Omega had denied himself the pleasure of even imagining such things, for reasons that he can no longer remember.
Perhaps it was because he'd been so focused on Terzo at the time, that he hadn't noticed Dew's advances.
Or maybe it was because even Dew had been more interested in someone else at the time.
Omega thinks of Aether, of how his protégé had fallen head over heels for the other ghoul from the moment he batted his pretty, pale lashes at him...
Changing his grip to a firmer one, Omega tilts Dew's head to the side, following the line his neck creatures down the expanse of his body.
There's not a single place on here that his protégé hasn't touched, and something about that thought makes him the slightest bit uncomfortable about the idea of moving forward without confirming whether or not there were still any feelings lingering there behind blue eyes.
He doesn't ask though.
He drowns out that little voice in the back of his head with the feeling of Dew taking him into his mouth.
Dew swallows him like he's nothing, no resistance, and Omega lets out a sigh as his cock sinks in further.
It doesn't take much for Omega to start filling out, and for a moment he tries to imagine it's Terzo down there on his knees, but the thought gets shot out of his head the second Dew pulls back and kitten licks his slit.
Terzo was good at a lot of things, but Dew?
"You were made for this, weren't you?" Omega almost coos at the ghoul, dragging his nails through his hair until they catch on a single knot in the silk and pull ever so slightly.
Dew lets out a moan that can only be described as sinful, and Omega happily wads his hair into his fist and tugs again.
It's not long before he can peek and see Dew's own arousal growing, and it's right as he's about to cum that Omega grins towards a crack in the door.
"Well, now... You're not at all who I expected to see." he whispers into the creature's mind.
Black, colorless eyes glare at him, possessive... obsessed.
Dew gives a whine and squeezes his thighs together, unaware of the reason why Omega had halted his assault on his throat.
"If you want him that badly..."
The door creaks slightly as webbed fingers dig at the wood.
"...You'll have to be quicker next time."
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imperhine · 4 months
get lost.
aughsuhdh apologies for my sudden disappearance! i forgot how to write and how to characterize the ghouls... hopefully you guys would still like this somewhat.
ghouls featured: aether, cirrus, dewdrop/sodo, swiss
for the sake of continuity, let's say that this is the situation: someone approaches you and the ghouls start to get jealous. you deny any advances, and the person gets more aggressive. the ghouls step in.
warnings for: boundaries crossed (nothing graphic), more protectiveness and less possessiveness, a little bit of ghoul violence <3
+ the party went by smoothly, for the most part anyway. you've went around the place, stopping by to talk to a few people and small groups. you end up at the bar, leaning against the table. you catch a pair of unwanted eyes. you do your best to hide how your eyebrows furrow as you politely decline their offers to buy you a drink or take you someplace else.
+ their voice is bit louder and rougher, they take a step towards you. the interaction catches more attention as the person's actions become more aggressive. out of the corner your eye you see your ghoul approaching.
- something about aether just makes him very good about feeling things out
- he takes steady steps towards you and the guy
- aether's purple gaze is almost striking as he stares them down
- he's right beside you. he trusts that you can take this one down (be that verbally or else) but he's letting you know that he's got your back
- "i think they've made themself clear. and it seems like your best option now is to go.
- that usual warm energy from him is replaced with something immovable. a threat unsaid, especially with how much force was put on that last word
- and if that person had eyes, they best back away.
- after that exchange, aether checks up on you
- he rubs your back and doesn't dwell much on that creep, instead focusing on you
- but if you ask, he's more than happy to teach them a lesson
- cirrus is very protective, definitely
- so when she notices? she's infront of you, no questions asked
- you didn't even feel her move, just the slight gust of air
- cirrus has a sharp expression as she rests her hand on her hip
- there are little wisps that blow strands of her hair
- "hey you. what made you think that you had the right to run your mouth like that?"
- when an argument arises, cirrus punctuated her words with her tail. it slapped on the ground, sounding almost like whip that's been cracked
- that silences them quick
- if anything happens, cirrus will not have been the one to start it. but she'll counter hard. even with fabulous nails (claws).
- might have left a scar too. she will neither confirm nor deny
- she'll turn back to you as if she just swatted a fly
- "apologies, darling. but they won't be bothering you ever again. did you get hurt?"
- cirrus takes your hand and presses a kiss to your wrist
- she asks what you want to do next. she's happy to keep you distracted with a dance but won't mind if you want to go home. she'll pamper you <3
- he will throw hands
- his eyebrows are furrowed, he purposefully bumps against the person's shoulder
- dew's hand is protectively hovering in front of you
- "back off, shithead." he half growls
- dewdrop saw the way they talked and cornered you, he is not letting that slide
- he'll make sure to bruise that fucker in some way, drawing blood
- he looks at them with so much disgust once they scurry away. he wipes his claws and shakes it
- he sighs but it turns into a sheepish smile when facing you
- "sorry 'bout that... i couldn't help it. but more importantly, are you okay?"
- he tends to you and gives you anything you need
- dew is a little more cuddly afterwards, head rubbing against you adorably. he reminds you of a cat
- probably wants the smell of everyone else gone off you
- oh you just know that swiss always has his eyes on you
- for many reasons, but mostly because he thinks that you're eye candy
- the moment he notices something is off, he's immediately coming closer
- swiss lingers behind you, carefully eyeing them
- his hand wrapped around your waist
- swiss makes a clear sign that you're taken by the way he holds you
- "they said no." he says, annoyed. "now why don't you take your bullshit somewhere else?"
- swiss is ready to jump and fight as soon as they take a step closer
- will break their knees if needed
- but swiss will do his best to limit anything, as he wants your discomfort to end fast
- swiss clicks his tongue as they leave, eyes still glowing
- he holds your face as he moves a little closer to you
- "don't worry, i'm here for you. do you want me to... handle them later?"
- he says jokingly, but you know that you can answer and he will
- swiss kisses you on the nose
- he's more than happy to provide anything you need, kisses and comfort included. wanna order dessert? sure! cuddle? he's immediately going home and pulling you into his lap.
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cirrus-ghoulette · 27 days
Thinking about Dew directly after his elemental transition.
Laid out in an infirmary bed that looks too big for someone so small. Induced into a quintessence coma because his body was too badly injured to keep him awake. His wheezing, crackly breaths through the oxygen mask, his vocal cords ruined after the fire burned him from the inside out. His body occasionally jerking as it tries to cough and clear his throat.
Arms, legs, neck, and part of his face covered in burn dressings, his platinum blonde hair charred black, bald in places. One seaglass horn shattered and fragmented, the other one crumbling under the lightest touch. One night, Omega has the horrible job of gently tapping at Dew's horns until they crumble into a dish he's holding with his free hand. They had to break off the remnants of his horns, the fragments were getting stuck in his wounds otherwise.
Copia sits by his bed for weeks. He's horrified at what he did to this ghoul. Papa Terzo's golden ghoul, the sweet little water ghoul, and he ruined him. There was no telling at this point if Dew would even recover fully from this, or if this had ruined him. They didn't even know if he'd be able to become a lead guitarist after this point, the whole reason for the elemental change. The guilt eats Copia alive.
He can't even hold Dew's hand. He tries to. He turns Dew's hand over carefully, and the palm is covered in blisters. He doesn't want to inflict any more pain on Dew by holding his hand.
Papa Terzo is beyond angry. He knows Copia didn't have a choice, the Clergy forced him to perform an elemental change to show that he possessed the powers to be a suitable Papa. But he's still angry. The change would have gone without a hitch if he had done it. But hindsight is 20/20, after all.
Terzo can barely look at Dew. That was his ghoul, and they've wrecked him beyond recognition. He knows Omega feels the same way, he can feel the silent rage as Omega changes Dew's dressings. The anger as he rolls Dew's limp body onto its' side to stop bedsores forming. The hopelessness as he checks over Dew's charts for what seems like the tenth time that hour.
Dew's touch and go. They take it day by day, but at the moment, it would be cruel to wake him.
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ghoul-slime · 8 months
could i request prompt 115 with raindrop? when rain is first summoned, dew is immediately smitten and wants to take rain to bed, right? but when it finally happens, dew gets nervous because he overthinks wants to make things perfect
Got two requests for 115 with Raindrop (plus 104), so I went ahead and combined them. Hope that's ok with you!
Have some newly summoned Rain/Dew with smitten (slightly jealous) Dew, little bit of Dew getting into his head re: body image issues (nothing too heavy), and some fluffy, kissy ghouls being nasty in their hotel room together.
When Rain is first summoned, Dew expects to hate him. Another water ghoul, taking his place. Sure, Dew has technically been promoted to lead guitar, and with it voluntarily underwent the elemental transition to fire. But Dew’s nothing if not possessive. So when Rain is summoned, tall and elegant and an effortless master of the bass guitar, his old bass guitar, Dew feels a twinge of jealousy.
But instead of being jealous of Rain, Dew finds himself jealous of the other ghouls. How they all fawn over him, praise his good looks and skilled fingers. How sweet Rain blushes at them, modestly denying his own talent with a crooked little smile and a wave of his hand. 
Dew thinks that smile should be for him. That Rain should be at Dew’s side as he shows him the ropes of his new life topside. He was the former water ghoul afterall. Those pretty, shy smiles and blushing, inquisitive looks should be for Dew.
He knows all the ghouls are clamoring to get Rain into bed with them. He sees how Mountain tucks a flower, freshly picked from the garden, into Rain’s hair and tells him how the hue of the petals bring out the beautiful blue of Rain’s eyes. He sees how Aether offers to use his quintessence to soothe Rain’s sore fingers each night after practice. How he reaches out to hold Rain’s pretty hands with his own, tells him how important it is to take care of himself. And he sees Swiss, another new summon. A multi-ghoul with a deadly-handsome smile and more confidence than any other ghoul in the abbey, how he teases Rain, makes him laugh. Whispers into his ear and gets him blushing like nobody else is capable of doing.
Dew thinks if he can’t be the first to take Rain to bed, he can at least be the best. Because Dew knows that he’s good. They way he uses his mouth to have any ghoul in his bed crying out and begging for more. Knows how skilled his fingers are, years and years of practice with the guitar making them nimble and dextrous, capable of wringing pleasure from places his partners had never even knew they had. And Dew knows just how to use his body, small in stature, sure, but beyond flexible. And with more stamina than any of his partners can even come close to matching.
So when he and Rain are paired together for the first overnight hotel stay of the tour, Dew starts to plan. 
They get back from the venue late, sweaty and high on adrenaline from the show and Dew lets Rain take the bathroom first. While he showers Dew contemplates the room. Two big beds covered in plush pillows and crisp, clean sheets. If things go as planned they’ll only be needing one of them. 
And if things get messy enough, there's a spare, Dew smirks to himself.
Rain emerges from the bathroom in a cloud of steam, baggy sweatpants hanging low off his slim hips and toweling his wavy hair dry. He smiles sweetly at Dew, and Dew feels his own face go red, confidence slipping, as if he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. He wonders if Rain is onto him and his plans to finally try and get into bed with the water ghoul.
“All yours, Dew,” Rain offers cheerfully, motioning to the bathroom. “Thanks for letting me go first.”
Dew blushes harder, hating himself for getting flustered so easily, and grumbles out a “Yeah, thanks. Sure...” as he slips past Rain and into the bathroom, slamming the door just a little too hard behind himself.
He takes his time in the shower, scrubbing his skin raw, letting the conditioner sit in his hair longer than necessary, meticulously cleaning under each and every nail until he feels absolutely spotless. 
When he emerges, his nerves are buzzing. And when the steam clears and he gets a look at himself in the mirror, his stomach drops.
He looks like hell, he thinks. Skin bright pink from too much scrubbing, his eyes bloodshot and stinging. Did he get shampoo in them? He contemplates his own image with more scrutiny now. His too-skinny chest, ribs showing through skin. How his wet hair hangs limp and stringy and dripping. 
He bites his lip as he feels the last of his confidence fizzle out. What in the hell was he thinking? There’s no way in hell Rain is gonna want to fuck him tonight, or ever for that matter. 
He frowns at his reflection for another beat before sighing in defeat, reaching for his towel. He just wants to go to sleep and get this fucking night over with.
His blood turns to ice when he realizes his towel isn’t there. He’d purposefully left it sitting on top of his luggage with his pajamas out in the room, fully expecting to walk out with confidence, nude, and seduce Rain right there on the hotel bed.
He feels like a fucking idiot. 
Just as Dew starts contemplating curling up on the floor to sleep on the cold tile rather than facing Rain, a quiet knock at the door startles him out of his thoughts.
“Dew?” Rain calls softly. “You ok in there? It’s been a while.”
Dew freezes, face flushing as he starts to panic. Maybe if he doesn’t answer Rain will just go to bed and leave him alone.
Instead, Rain knocks again and calls out, “Dew?” He sounds genuinely worried.
“Uh, yeah I’m fine,” Dew answers shakily. “Just, uh. I forgot my towel.”
He hears Rain huff out a sigh of relief. “Oh!” He laughs, breathy and beautiful. It makes Dew’s heart ache. “I’ll grab it for you!”
There’s a moment and then Rain is tapping at the door again. Dew crowds his body behind the door, shielding himself, opens the door the tiniest amount and reaches through the crack to grab blindly for the towel in Rain’s hands. He drags it back inside and shuts the door again with a click. 
He towels himself off in a daze, avoiding his own reflection in the mirror. He steels himself, wraps the towel around himself tight, and makes for the door, fully intending on dashing out to grab his pajamas and retreating back into the bathroom to change. He thinks hopefully, that maybe Rain will finally be in bed.
But when he opens the door to make a run for it, he walks smack into Rain, still standing at the door, waiting for him.
“Oh!” Rain exclaims, startled, reflexively reaching out for Dew’s shoulders. 
Dew is mortified, and he looks up at Rain fully expecting to be laughed at. Wishing he could just curl up and disappear. He thinks about fully making a run for it, back into the bathroom or out the door and down the hall this time. Aether would probably take pity on him, lend him some clothes and let him sleep in his room…
Instead he sees Rain smiling down at him, looking at him with a fondness that takes Dew’s breath away. Rain’s smile fades when he sees the look on Dew’s face.
“Dew?” He asks, sounding concerned and cocking his head to the side. “Why so shy?”
Dew wants to scream or laugh, or maybe he wants to cry. He has no fucking idea what to say at this point.
“Argh! I don’t know,” he exclaims, unhelpfully. “I just… I just wanted to make you like me,” he ends up saying. He regrets it immediately, feeling his cheeks burn with shame. A feeling he’s entirely unused to having.
“Oh, Dew,” Rain soothes. And then he’s pulling him in by the shoulders, wrapping Dew in a hug and squeezing him against his body. Dew looks up at him with wide eyes as Rain leans down, kisses him sweet and chaste on the lips. Dew’s in a daze as Rain takes him by the hand, clinging to the towel wrapped tight around his body as Rain leads him gently to the bed where they sit side by side.
Rain leans in and Dew reacts this time. Opening his mouth for Rain to deepen the kiss, feeling the way he hesitantly licks into Dew’s mouth. Dew reaches up to cup Rain’s face, kissing back fully, humming against his lips, feeling like all the air has been sucked out of the room.
When they break the kiss, Rain laughs, nuzzling his forehead against Dew’s and looking at him with bright, beautiful blue eyes.
“Do you know how long I was waiting for you to take me to bed?” Rain asks with a smile. “I was starting to think you found me ugly or something,” he chuckles. Rain laughs it off, but Dew doesn’t miss the blush that spreads across his pretty face.
Dew answers with another kiss, threading his hands into Rain’s hair and nipping at his lips. And then Rain is pushing him down, crowding them both back to lie against the pillows and swinging his leg across, settling himself in Dew’s lap.
“Rain, wait,” Dew worries again, “My hair’s not dry, I’ll get the bed all wet…” he trails off.
“Who cares,” Rain shrugs. “There’s a spare. We can mess this one up as much as we want.”
Dew barks out a laugh, and hauls rain down for another kiss while Rain fumbles for the towel at Dew’s waist.
“Can I?” Rain asks eagerly, face flushed and tenting his own sweatpants.
Dew nods. This is not now he envisioned the evening going, but as Rain is flinging the towel from his body and diving down to lick a wet stripe up the length Dew’s hard cock, he can’t find a reason to complain.
Rain sucks him off, one hand holding his own hair back as he deepthroats him, and it’s all Dew can manage to try not to bust immediately in his perfect, wet mouth and beg for forgiveness.
Rain backs off with a kiss to the underside of the head of Dew’s cock that has his toes curling. He sits back on his haunches to wriggle out of his sweatpants, and then he’s crawling back up Dew’s body. He grabs for Dew’s wrist, tentatively bringing his trembling hand to rest between his legs, guiding two of Dew’s fingers to his entrance.
Dew gasps and Rain groans in response.
“Feel that?” Rain asks breathlessly, dragging the pads of Dew’s fingers though the slick between his cheeks. “Dew, I’ve been wet for you ever since we got our hotel keys tonight.”
Dew curses under his breath as he lets Rain guide his fingers, helping to press two into his body, sliding in with ease. Dew looks up at Rain, mouth agape, feeling him flutter, wet and hot, around his fingers.
“Feel good?” Rain has the audacity to ask him, as if he doesn’t already know the answer. 
Dew laughs again, feeling like it’s all he can manage. “Feels fucking amazing.”
And then Rain is pulling Dew’s fingers free, reaching back to grasp at Dew’s cock, to run the head through the mess between his legs.
“Can I ride you?” Rain asks and Dew is clenching his eyes shut, nodding so hard he feels like he’s gonna get whiplash.
Rain leans in to give a peck to Dew’s lips, and then he’s sinking down, taking Dew to the base and bottoming out. 
Rain bounces on his cock and Dew holds on for dear life, feeling the pull of Rain’s tight body with every stroke. Watching the taut muscles of Rain’s belly flex as he rides, the flex of his thighs as he bounces. Dew drinks in every moan and whimper and sweet little noise Rain gives him as he fucks himself so good on Dew’s cock.
“Fuck me, Dew,” Rain whines, head tipped back and neck exposed. Grinding down deep. “Fuck me, ohhhh.” 
Dew grasps his hips, fucks up into him, meets each and every one of Rain’s bounces with a thrust of his own, reveling in the wet slap of skin against skin as Rain babbles filthy words from his pretty lips.
“Rain,” Dew grunts out. A warning. Squeezing bruises into Rain’s hips withs his fingers. He’s agonizingly close and Rain can feel it.
“Cum inside me, Dew,” Rain commands, rolling his hips and clenching around Dew’s cock kicking deep inside him. “Cum inside me and I’m gonna squirt all over you.”
When Dew starts to cum Rain shouts, his own orgasm set off by the feeling of Dew filling him up from the inside. He cums untouched, shooting hot and wet and dripping all over Dew’s heaving chest.
They come down together, Rain pulling himself off of Dew to drape himself across his body, heedless of the wet mess between them. They kiss, sloppy and sweet as their breathing evens out. Rain rests his head in the crook of Dew’s neck.
After a few moments Rain is leaning back, looking down at Dew from where he’s perched on top of him. He’s beaming, and Dew thinks it’s the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen in his fucking life. His pretty face is flushed and his hair is damp again and Dew can’t believe for anything that he’s lucky enough to be the one who did it all to him.
Dew is lost staring, and Rain reaches down to playfully pinch his cheek, to snap him out of it before he’s asking, 
“Wanna go again?”
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 month
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.6k
Pairing: Ifrit/Rain, mentions of Ifrit/Dewdrop/Rain
Tags: Public Masturbation, Semi-public blowjobs, possessive behavior, Cuckolding, kink denial on Dew's part but it's fine he's fine it's fine they're all fine.
"Dewdrop." He finishes stupidly.
Rain shrugs, a strap of his camisole falling down one shoulder with the motion.
"My Dewdrop…" he muses, tracing patterns on Ifrit's thigh. "I like the sound of that."
Ifrit doesn't remember how the night began and he's certain he won't remember how it ends but that doesn't matter right now. Right now he's got a nice buzz going, a nice grassy spot under a tree to stare at the sky and his hand wrapped around his cock because hey. Why not.
If he concentrates, he can hear the others by the bonfire, still whooping and hollering as they dance and fight and fuck. He could join them but that would mean moving more than just his hand across his dick and he's not really feeling it right now. More interested in feeling himself. Maybe one of the others will stumble across, offer their own hand or mouth or even more but for now, Ifrit's intent on a little self-love.
There's no point in saying he's not vain because he absolutely is. This physical form had been good-looking to start with and when he found out he could modify it? Just by moving around or getting inked up? Siblings were practically lining up at the gate for his, heh, personal attention in the gym as a trainer. He was completely focused and professional during classes. But once that session was up? They knew where to find him.
Wasn't just the human Clergy either. Mist liked it when he wrestled with her, winner take all. Alpha needed the occasional beatdown too and Omega was perfect for when he wanted his ankles by his ears and a fat cock pushing so far into his guts he could taste it.
Just thinking about it made a pretty pearl of cum bead up from his tip. He smears it over the ruddy head with his thumb, rolls his hips as he toys with the slit and thinks about the others.
Dew was so cute to rile up. He could get spitting mad over some teasing and all Ifrit would have to do was look down and see where all the blood went. Only made the little guy madder, but all Ifrit had to do to apologize was kiss it until it was all better and the flush on Dew’s face was from pleasure and not fury.
Been a while since they hooked up, Ifrit thinks. A little bittersweetness lies in the memories, how Dew had found himself wrapped up in a new role and a new pack while Ifrit was left behind but he doesn't hold a grudge. Just wishes they could meet up again, see if he still has a temper or he’s gotten it under control. Ifrit's seen the way that multi-ghoul needles him, nothing short of a masterpiece there. He’d love to team up with him to make Dew cry sometime and his cock throbs in agreement.
Then there's that pretty water ghoul. Rain. Ifrit's been dying to get to know him all kinds of ways. See if he gets as wet as Dew used to, before his transition. He saw the two of them earlier, before the party really got going and okay, they looked good together. Dew looked downright snappy whenever someone tried to lure Rain away and that was just adorable. Like a dragon angrily guarding the first shiny trinket of its horde.
Monogamy isn't really a thing to the ghouls. Why would it be? Still, sometimes they can get possessive over each other. Dew's definitely got the worst case of it Ifrit's ever seen over Rain. He'd curled himself tight around the water ghoul, scenting him something fierce. Ifrit could pick it up from halfway across the field. And okay, it was a little cute. New love, and all that.
He blinks. Right, that's how he came to be here pumping his dick. He got so caught up in the vision of Dew and Rain and their entangled limbs, combined with the noises of a few threesomes happening, his mind laid out a beautiful picture of himself sandwiched between the two of them. Maybe he could coach Rain on how best to rile up Dew, get his little cock as red as his face. What to say to make his brow furrow even as he huffs out a too-quick orgasm.
Speaking of…
His balls already tight, Ifrit lets himself go and sighs at the way it aches when he does. He's got better stamina but he's been here a while, whatever he drank is working its dirty little magic on him and the night is still young. Wouldn't want to wear himself out too quickly.
If he listens, he can hear Mist crying in that perfect way she does when someone's licking her cunt and someone else is doing her gills. Belial, she's cute. Maybe he just has a thing for water ghouls, but who wouldn't with all their sensitivities and tendencies to get so wet. Maybe he should get up and join them, attack her gills from the other side and really get her going, get a few fingers stuffed up her cunt, make her squirt like she always does. His hand wraps around himself again and before he knows it, he's got his tongue in Rain's gills instead, frenching him from the inside while he bounces on Ifrit's lap, claws digging into his shoulders. Feeling Rain gasp for air as he creams around Ifrit's cock, Dew’s eyes dark with fury.
“You look like you're having fun.” Comes a soft voice and Ifrit chuckles, squeezing the base of his cock.
“Just thinking about you.” He says honestly, cracking his eye to peer at Rain. He looks good tonight. Always looks good but this is the first time Ifrit's seen him in something other than his uniform, a pair of light blue shorts that skim the tops of his thighs and a sleeveless shirt with thin straps and thinner fabric. Ifrit’s eyes lazily slide up and then firmly look back down, no shame. Dew’s not here to hiss and snarl, Ifrit's going to take advantage. As much as Rain will let him.
“We’ve never been properly introduced.” Rain muses, coming closer. “I know your name though. Seen you around. Seen some footage.”
“Do you like what you see?” Ifrit asks, angling himself so Rain can get an eyeful of his body, toned muscles and cock on full display. Like before. He's not shy about his own vanity. He half expects his confidence to intimidate the quiet water ghoul but Rain…Rain laughs at him. No one's ever laughed at Ifrit before.
He doesn't know if he likes it or not.
“Dew said you were cocky.” He drops to his hands and knees, tail coiling behind him. His eyes narrow as he comes up between Ifrit's thighs and smiles with a little too much fang for comfort. “He wouldn't be happy if he knew I was with you.”
“Then why are you here anyway?” Ifrit asks bluntly, trying to regain a foothold in the strange shift that he's pretty sure just happened.
“Because sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” Rain tells him with a nip to his skin that sends Ifrit reeling. No way this is happening. He can still smell Dew on Rain's clothes, smoke and anger and lust. So much lust.
"Isn't Dewdrop your, uh…" Boyfriend is the first word that comes to mind but it doesn't feel right. Too human, too exclusive. Packmate would be the best option yet it still feels too casual for whatever the hell those two have going on. He and Dew were packmates and they were never so touchy-feely as he is with Rain. He vaguely remembers Dew getting a little weird about Aether when he was first summoned but it still had nothing on how he behaved now. Rain seems to humor it and continue to do his own thing when Dew's not looking but he still doesn't want to get on the little guy's bad side and ruin any possibilities.
"Dewdrop." He finishes stupidly.
Rain shrugs, a strap of his camisole falling down one shoulder with the motion.
"My Dewdrop…" he muses, tracing patterns on Ifrit's thigh. "I like the sound of that."
His fingers tickle dangerously high and Ifrit squirms against the tree.
"Well," Rain continues thoughtfully, casually wrapping his hand around the base of Ifrit's cock, hiding the sudden flare of his tattoos as he begins to stroke him slowly. "My Dewdrop said he didn't want you touching me. So don't touch me. And we'll be alright."
Ifrit feels far from alright at this moment in time, but then Rain's bowing to dab his soft tongue to the underside and he can't find it in him to argue. The first gentle lap hits him harder than a punch, the second, somehow even worse. Rain entertains himself with Ifrit's cock like he's got all the time in the world; sliding the foreskin to and fro over the ridge, mouthing at the tip and going even lower to fit both of Ifrit's balls in his mouth. Going back up and rubbing his cheek against the head to smear the beads of pre cum all across his face.
"These are pretty," he remarks, so casual as if he was admiring a garden or a display of jewelry. Ifrit doesn't even know what he's talking about at first until Rain starts tracing the outline of his tattoos with his tongue. He got them done months ago, glyphs written and designed to further pleasure a partner. Maybe one or two thrown in so no matter how he thrusts, he always hits the best spots.
"Enchanted?" He asks, looking at Ifrit with his dark eyes, pressing a kiss to the shaft. Ifrit nods stupidly, fingers curling in the grass to keep from grabbing Rain's head and pushing him down again, make that pretty mouth drool with how Ifrit would fuck it.
"Thought so." Rain says with satisfaction. "I like the way it tingles when I touch them. Must feel good to get fucked by a cock like this."
"I've had no complaints." Ifrit gasps as Rain lays his tongue flat to slap his cock against it. He's such an active participant in his past flings that it feels off-putting to just sit here and let himself be…be toyed with. He doesn't even think Rain's blinked once since settling between his thighs and it's unnerving.
"When Dew calms down a bit," Rain starts, moving Ifrit's cock this way and that to admire all of his tattoos as they glow. "With this whole possessive thing. Maybe I'll ride it."
"Fuh-" Ifrit hisses as a large blurt of precum oozes out of his slit. Rain drinks it down then goes even further, opening his jaw for Ifrit to easily slide in without grazing any fangs. "Fucking, oh, oh that's good."
He's so pent up from touching himself earlier, thinking he wouldn't have to worry about stamina. Now he's got Rain making the sweetest, choked noises as he fucks his face on Ifrit's dick, nice and sloppy, getting his saliva all over Ifrit's balls while he gags on it. Ifrit's tearing up handfuls of grass as Rain brutalizes his own throat, moaning and trying to stifle his moans at the same time, lest Dewdrop catch them in the act and get royally pissed off.
Rain would probably just kiss him with a mouth of Ifrit's cum, his brain offers up and it's over.
He cums with a pained noise, faster than he'd like to but again he’d been working himself up decently beforehand and if he knew Rain was going to go to town on him, he would have saved his stamina. He tries to warn Rain with a stuttered exclamation as his body locks up. Rain just pulls away to tug at his cock and Ifrit starts praying Rain will put it back in his mouth and swallow but he keeps pumping his hand at first. Aims so the first spray lands thick over his eyelashes, the second glossing his full lips, smearing the head around before kissing it and pushing down to take Ifrit in, letting him finish directly down his tight throat.
“Fuck!” Ifrit shouts, hitting his head on the tree when he throws it back, trying to fuck Rain's mouth for the last few flexes of his cock. Rain keeps still, lets his jaw hang open as Ifrit pushes his cum back in as it drools out, relishing the slide of Rain’s tongue on his skin even as he slips into oversensitivity and the friction is too much. Rain lets him go with a final kiss and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as he sits up tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. Ifrit's cum is dabbed off Rain’s eyelashes with his ring finger, also licked clean. There's something almost feline about him as he does it, looking so beautiful in the fractured moonlight coming down from between the branches.
"Can I," Ifrit starts. "Do you…anything?" He sounds stupid to himself and can't even imagine what he sounds like to Rain, staring down at him with a passive, unreadable expression.
"I already got mine." He says carelessly, flopping back and spreading his thighs to show off the wet fabric of his tight little shorts clinging to his cunt. Ifrit swallows thickly, eyes riveted on the way he drags his fingers softly over it. He can see the way they bump over the shape of his swollen clit and Ifrit moans right along with Rain when he rubs the tip of it.
"Swiss and Aether." He tells Ifrit, a subtle lift at the corners of his mouth. He raises a leg and uses the motion to flip himself over, lifting his tail to reveal another damp spot just underneath that's slowly drooled out enough cum to combine with the first one.
Ifrit practically convulses with the longing stab of arousal the sight gives him, wheezing as Rain wiggles his shorts down to give him a better look at his well-used holes, swaying his hips and letting them gape for the briefest of moments, before shimmying his clothes back on and doing something elegant and twisted that results in him standing up, hand on his hip. Looking down at Ifrit with an amused little smile.
“Dew always forgives me if I confess everything. Helps to give him a demonstration too…So he knows what he missed out on.” It's said in such a blaisè tone for all the heavy implications in the words, Ifrit can't quite believe what he just heard. Just stares open mouthed at Rain with his soft cock wilting against his thigh and his ears ringing. Rain covers his laugh and leans close. Lets Ifrit get a nice view of his tits down his top as he takes two fingers, the two he'd touched himself with, and pets Ifrit's tongue. Before he knows what he's doing, he closes his lips around them and sucks, shivering at the faint taste of salt and sex.
“You're cute.” Rain says. “I hope I get to play with you again.”
He tries to say something but what exactly he wants to say he doesn't know. It just comes out as a stupid little uh-huh around Rain’s fingers as he withdraws them. He chases them but then Rain’s giving him a little head shake, wiping them on Ifrit's cheek and he falls back, defeated and stunned. Rain giving him that mischievous little smile the whole time.
“See you ‘round.” He says, tapping those same two fingers against his eyebrows, giving Ifrit a lazy salute. The fingers go from his temple to his mouth, where Rain spreads them and licks lasciviously in between with a wicked little wink before turning and walking off, leaving Ifrit to stare at the way his hips swing in well fucked and insouciant little half circles. How he's not limping is beyond anyone's guess.
“Damn…” he wheezes, head hitting the trunk. “Just… damn.”
What a night.
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sovaghoul · 3 months
Thinking about Dew and Aether having a shower together, like just one of those plain ol showers, nothing spicy.
How Aether takes off all of his jewelry before a shower, Dew watching as he clasps his bracelets closed before laying them carefully in the ceramic dish one of the ghouls made during a brief pottery stint. Taking off his rings, placing one to the right side and the one he wears on his left hand (that Dew made for him) on the left side. He's very cautious of worldly possessions like jewelry, polishing the silver adornments once a week, sat at the kitchen table in a feeble attempt to undo the patina left behind by soap and hand sanitizer in the infirmary.
Meanwhile Dew is simply releasing his hair from the low bun it had been tied back in all day, before brushing it out haphazardly. The fire ghoul not caring about what happens to the jewelry he wears, a simple matching band on his left hand that is identical to the one he made Aether. Dew loved the look of patina, how tarnished and scratched jewelry shows the wearers commitment to longevity. Albeit in a different way.
The way they would enter the shower together, Aether wordlessly reaching for Dewdrop's shampoo and bringing the fire ghoul into the stream of water. Dewdrop melting into his touch as Aether takes care in washing his long blonde hair, before rinsing and repeating. Finding his conditioner and using a generous amount, before braiding his hair to let it sit. The pair silently hoping no major detangling would be needed afterwards, even though there always is.
The way after their shower they would sit together, Dew scrolling through shows on the television to watch while Aether works mercilessly at a knot that formed from Dewdrop's towel drying method. All before they settle on watching M*A*S*H again for the millionth time, just because Aether loves it and Dew loves listening to his quote the show mindlessly.
- @the-moon-in-the-gutter
Thank youuuuu this is so sweet and lovely. I love me some domestic Dewther. This is precisely the kind of thing I needed
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sentientgolfball · 9 months
can u pls do ummmm um dew/reader/rain :3 mayb a little jealousy smth smth ....... and like ummmm mayb things get a little wild or smth like idk ! hope this helps thank u champion <3
Next time you want me to write smut ask me out loud instead of sauntering into my ask box as an anon (jk ily but if you don't give me more substance next time i'll beat u <3)
Anyways possessive Rain is the best and you cannot boo me cause I'm right
MDNI 18+ my requests are open !
“And what’s this lovely Sibling doing all alone?” 
“Working, Dew. Ever heard of it?” 
You grabbed another crate of books and moved between the rows of shelves hoping to put some distance between you and the fire ghoul. You pushed the row on the shelf in front of you to make room for the newest editions and sighed when you were met with Dew’s smug little face peeking back at you. 
“What a shame. I was looking for someone to play with and all that came to mind was you.” 
“How romantic.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved the stack in your hand into place obscuring his face. You felt a small smile creep onto your face hearing the softest little whine from him, but it quickly fell when he rounded the corner. You crossed your arms as he closed the distance between you two. He was so close you could feel the heat that seemed to always be rolling off of him. 
“Come on, all work and no play makes you a bad Sibling.” He trails a claw up your forearm. You have to fight the shudder you can feel pricking just under your skin. You’d be damned if you gave him the reaction he wanted. 
You look at him with your best bored expression “If you want to fuck someone so bad I’m sure Phantom would be delighted to have you.” 
You watched his eyes start to glow with the mention of the quintessence ghoul’s name. You felt a little proud of yourself for knowing just how to get under Dew’s skin. He stepped back from you with a dramatic sigh, throwing his head back. 
“You really are no fun. Explains why Rainy took such a liking to you.” 
That little fucker. 
You don’t get the chance to reply before he walks past you towards the main doors of the library. You tense feeling the spade of his tail brush the side of your thigh. You swear you hear a snicker before you’re completely alone again. You groan and lean against the shelf you were working on when you hear the heavy doors open and then close. For the past few weeks, you have been having encounter after encounter with Dew that pretty much follows the exact same formula. He annoys you, asks you to fuck, and then leaves when you say no, but not before he gets some type of reaction out of you. It’s a game to him and despite constantly turning him down you couldn’t help but feel like you were the one losing. You had no idea what you did to gain the little fire ghoul’s attention, but you did know he was starting to draw you in. You hated yourself for even thinking that, but there was no denying it.  
Actually, scratch that. 
You knew exactly what you did to get his attention. It’s because you had gotten Rain’s attention. The water ghoul tends to spend a lot of his free time split between the lake and the library. A few months ago he had begun to appear during the shifts you worked. He didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, just sat in his usual spot and flipped through whatever he was currently reading. That didn’t stop you from staring, though. You had always thought he was a sight to behold, the way his blue-grey skin rippled like a pool when the sunlight hit him just right or how his fangs would poke out from under his lip when he was wholly absorbed in his story. You were enamored by him. All your feelings came to a head one day when he caught you throwing glances in his direction. He came over to you and you were sure he was going to call you out or tell you off, but all he did was introduce himself and ask if you wanted to know what he was reading. 
From that point on, you and Rain had started to hang around each other more often. At first, it was innocent enough. Simply gushing to each other about the latest books you’ve read or sharing the gossip heard around the Ministry, but then hands started to wander. He’d give these little touches that would make your stomach flip and skin feel electric. He’d say these little things that made you overanalyze every conversation later that night in the shower. You’d squirm and he’d go on like nothing was happening, as if he didn’t know exactly what effect he had on you. It all tipped over the edge one night when he pulled you into an alcove after midnight mass panting about just how badly he needed you. The thought was quickly interrupted by a pair of ember-like eyes burning holes into your soul. 
 That was about the time Dew started to pop into your life. That was also the last time Rain tried for secrecy. Ever since then, he had been very outward about his affection, about his fondness for you. He even began taking to staying in your room a few nights out of the week. Your life soon became overrun with the near-constant presence of two ghouls. At first, it was almost like a dream come true, but now it was just your personal nightmare. As Rain got more possessive Dew got more insistent. It was getting to be a bit overwhelming if you were being honest. 
Maybe I’ll talk to Rain about it…oh fuck Rain!
You checked the time on the grandfather clock that sat near the fireplace in the library and cringed when you heard the bells chime before you even finished reading the face. You were late. It was supposed to be one of your little date nights, something he insisted on doing recently, but you completely missed the meeting time. You hadn’t realized just how long you’ve been unpacking all the new books that were ordered. You groaned and moved the half-empty crate behind the front desk deciding it’ll be easier to just deal with the rest tomorrow. You left the library in a hurry to get back to your room. You’d be quick. You would just change out of your uniform and sprint to the lake no problem at all. 
You paused when you were outside of your door. You leaned in closer and furrowed your brow in confusion. Either you were crazy or someone was in your shower. You carefully opened the door and crept in. You immediately sighed in relief when you saw Rain’s clothes draped over the chair at your desk. Of course he wouldn’t go to the lake without you first. You flopped onto the bed after changing out of your habit, idly scrolling your phone waiting for him to finish. You didn’t dare open any of the messages from Dew. The sound of the shower turning off made your head pop up. It wasn’t long before the door opened with a puff of steam and Rain walking out with nothing on but his sweatpants and a towel around his neck. He didn’t look surprised to see you sitting there in the slightest. 
“Did you use all the hot water?” 
“You could’ve joined me.” He shrugged with a smile before sitting down next to you, pulling you to his side. 
“I take it we’re not going to the lake anymore?” 
“Nah it’s too cold for that now.” 
“I’m sorry I got caught up at work and–”
“Don’t be sorry sweet thing. We still have the rest of the night together.” 
You were cut off by him leaning down to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, planting a light kiss there. You tensed when you felt him pull away and sit up. His expression was unreadable.
“You smell like Dew.” 
Here we go.
“Yeah he came to visit me at work…like always.” 
“What did he want?”
“Oh, the usual. Asking me to fuck him and then making fun of you.”
He looked at you expecting you to continue. It wasn’t hard to tell you had something else on your mind. You played with his fingers as you spoke the next part. 
“Rain what is going on with you two? He hasn’t left me alone since you started spending more time with me.” 
Rain rolled his eyes “That’s just how he is. He has to have everything I have. He wants everything I want.” 
“So it really is just a game to him?” 
“More or less, why do you ask?” 
You couldn’t explain it. The quick sinking feeling you got when Rain said this. Of course, you had always had that thought in your mind that Dew was just toying with you, but having it confirmed by the one who knew the fire ghoul better than anyone else made you feel strange. You shook your head trying to shrug it off, but Rain didn’t let it go. He turned fully towards you, putting a hand over yours. 
“You wanted it to be more than a game, didn’t you?” 
You floundered for a response, not entirely sure how to answer that. He laughed and it sends a shiver down your spine. You meet his gaze and you see something dark, almost predatory there. 
“I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s not going anywhere near you” he leaned in close and dragged his fangs over your pulse point “I’ll make sure of that.” 
Everything only got worse from there. Rain now spent all of his free time in the library pretending to read while he watched you work. Any time Dew showed up you could hear the low growl from across the room. This only spurred Dew on. He would talk to you louder than necessary while making eye contact with Rain the entire time. You were mortified the day he commented on the fresh bruises and bite marks that peaked above the collar of your uniform. You were entirely prepared to see Rain attempt to kill him. That day didn’t come for a while, though. 
It all happened so quickly. Dew has been uncharacteristically quiet all day. Simply watching you and occasionally actually helping you. Rain had been on the same page for ten minutes. And then it happened. You almost fell carrying the last of the massive crates of books and Dew was right there. He caught you just before you face-planted into the nearest shelf, holding you closer than needed asking if you were alright in a low voice. You didn’t get the chance to answer before you heard a chair scraping against the floor and Dew was yanked off of you. You watched Rain drag Dew out of the library by the back of his neck, tail lashing as he went. 
That was the last you saw of both of them for the next 24 hours. The only thing that stopped you from believing Dew was dead at the bottom of the lake was that no new announcement regarding ghoul summonings was made. Your last straw was when you went to the feast hall and the ghoul table was noticeably empty. You decided that you were going to march down to the ghoul den, find Rain and Dew, and demand an explanation. But that was easier said than done. 
You found yourself standing outside of the den. You had been standing for about ten minutes now. All your confidence drained the moment you saw the ornate doors with various claw marks on them. You were about ready to say fuck it and turn around when you heard shouting. The voices very clearly belonged to Dew and Rain. Well, you assumed it was Rain because all you could hear was the angry snarls of the fire ghoul. You pressed closer to the door to make out what they were saying.
“I don’t understand why you’re so pissy about this! It’s not like this is the first time we’ve shared a Sibling!” 
“Oh please. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing. Sharing. The great Dewdrop doesn’t share. He takes what he wants without considering for a moment anyone or anything but himself.” 
“Aww you think I’m great.” 
You jump back when you hear the sound of feet stomping closer to the door. 
“Yeah Yeah go run and hide at the bottom of the lake. Maybe I’ll visit your sweet thing while you’re moping.” 
The door flies open and you stare dead ahead at Rain’s chest, too scared to meet his gaze. You can feel him staring down at you. Your face flushes when you hear Dew cackle. 
“Or maybe they’ll visit me.” 
Rain hisses and there’s a moment of silence before his hand brushes your cheek. It trails down under your jaw as he tilts your head up to look at him. You feel your stomach drop to the floor when you’re met with that blank face that’s impossible to read. Just over his shoulder, you can see Dew staring at you with his head slightly tilted and a grin plastered on his face. Rain’s voice pulls your attention back to him. 
“What are you doing here?” he says softly, genuinely.
“I…came to find you and Dew. I was worried when you both disappeared after what happened in the library.” 
“Aww did you hear that Rainy? They were worried about me.” 
Rain’s eyes narrow as he removes his hand from your face and grabs your wrist. He begins to leave the den and you have to dig your heel in to not be dragged along with him. When he feels the resistance he stops to turn and look at you confusion written all over his features. 
“No” You’re feeling a lot bolder than you were five minutes ago “No. That’s not all. I have no idea what’s going on between you two but you need to kiss and make up. I’m tired of being dragged into the middle of this.” 
“What’s going on is Dew cannot fathom the idea that I have interests that aren’t him.” 
“I think what you mean to say is ‘I’m a possessive bitch who can’t stand it when the great Dewdrop looks at anything that’s not me’.” 
Dew’s words and the glare from Rain make you have a sudden realization. This was never Dew’s game. It was Rain’s.  You think back to all the encounters you had with Rain before the day he pulled you into that alcove and realize Dew had always been there. You now understand why he became a presence in your life after that moment. At this point though, you couldn’t care less about which ghoul wanted who or what. You were tired of their petty little pissing contest. 
“Okay,” You rub the bridge of your nose “What’s it going to take to get you two off my ass and to treat each other like friends again?” 
“You really don’t have to do anything. It’ll cool over like it always does.”
“Rain I am sick and tired of being in the middle of this.” 
“You know, I have an idea. But I don’t think Rainy will be too thrilled about it.” 
Rain growls at him and you too have an understanding of what that idea is. 
“Lord’s below Rain if all it takes is letting Dew get his dick wet then what's the problem.”
“The problem is he can’t stand when it’s anyone else but him.”
“Can it Dewdrop,” you turn to look at Rain who looks ready to break something but the slight blush on his face betrays his thoughts “Would it help if you were there?” 
“Ooo we picked a freaky one! Come on wet boy they’re literally asking for it.” 
Rain sighs “You really wanna do this?”
“If it’ll get things back to normal then yes. Very much so.” 
You did not realize how fast it would all move when you said those little words. The doors to the ghoul den were slammed shut as Rain stalked close to you with that hunter’s gaze. You were suddenly very aware of how easily it would’ve been for Rain to just get rid of you if he really didn’t want Dew around you. You start to back away from him but you end up bumping into Dew’s chest. You feel his hands wrap around your middle and his breath against your ear.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Rainy’s always liked the chase. Why do you think it took him so long to fuck you? It wasn’t just because of me.” 
You yelp feeling yourself be quickly lifted off the ground by the little ghoul. He taunts Rain the whole way to his bedroom. You briefly wonder how many times this exact situation has happened when you see the look on Rain’s face. You don’t have much time to consider it before you’re being thrown rather unceremoniously onto a bed. You barely have enough time to blink before Dew is sitting between your legs. 
“Alright dear Sibling, last chance. If you wanna leave just say the words and that’ll be it.” 
You feel the mattress dip as Rain sits against the headboard. You look up at Dew and see his burning gaze and you come to find you want this a lot more than you previously thought. You gave Dew the go-ahead and that was all he needed. He practically pounced on you the moment ‘yes’ left your mouth. He kissed you harshly before nipping your bottom lip with his fangs. You gasped and he used this to slip his forked tongue into your mouth. He licked into you feverishly before making an attempt at shoving his tongue down your throat. His mouth never left yours as his hands traveled from your hips to your neck. He flexed his claws against your skin each time you moaned into his mouth. 
You reach for him, trying to bring him closer to you, but the moment you do he is ripped from you. You whined in confusion as Rain pulled him off of you and onto him. You watched the way Rain pulled his head back by his hair exposing his neck. He squirmed and gasped as Rain kissed and bit at the scars on his neck. Dew reached a hand out and pushed lightly on Rain causing him to stop and gaze at him. 
“Come on Rainy don’t be rude to our guest. I thought you liked your sweet thing?” 
You looked away when Rain’s eyes landed on you. He smoothed a hand over your head, letting it continue down your back and under your shirt. You shudder at his cool touch and finally look up at him. He grins when he has your attention before darting forward and biting hard into Dew’s neck. He gasps and ruts ever so slightly onto Rain’s thigh as the water ghoul laps at the wound before any blood can dribble down. He pulls back and hums in satisfaction at the mark. 
“Now you can play with him.” 
He practically dumps him back on top of you. He doesn’t move from his spot sitting next to you against the headboard as Dew straddles your hips and pulls your shirt off. He latches himself to your neck as he drags the tips of his claws down your body to rest just above your hip bone. You can feel his tail snake into the bottom of your shorts, the tip of the spade creeping closer and closer to your clit. You gasp when it pushes past the fabric of your underwear and slides so slowly through you. He kisses up your neck and jaw as his tail flicks small circles over you. 
You squirm as the spade traces gently over your hole before pushing in. Your moan is immediately swallowed by Rain bringing his lips to yours. He reaches over you and cups one of your breasts in his hand, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. You try to concentrate on kissing Rain back but all you can focus on is the feeling of Dew’s tail dragging against your walls. Rain gasps and pulls back from you squeezing your chest harshly. You crack open an eye to Dew’s hand shoved down Rain’s sweats jerking him as he fucks you with his tail. You see something dangerous flash across Rain’s face as his eyes flick from you to Dew. 
He swats the fire ghoul’s hand away and shoots up, grabbing him by the wrists. You yelp as he’s quickly pulled off of you when Rain flips their positions. He pulls Dew’s ass up by the hips and pulls his pants off him. 
“I still think you’re being mean Rainy.” He wiggles his ass back against Rain’s dick. Rain peers over at you before pulling Dew flush against his chest by his hair. 
“Get under him.”
You shift around until you’re laying on your stomach looking up at the two ghouls. 
“Now suck it.” 
You slowly bring your lips to the head of his cock and push the tip into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the slit before taking more of him. Dew’s breathy pants turn into moans as the slick sounds of Rain pushing into Dew fill the room. You had no time to prepare before Rain thrusts brutally into Dew causing him to be pushed to the back of your throat. You gag and the fire ghoul whines as your muscles contract around him. His hand shoots to the back of your head, threading his fingers through your hair guiding you up and down his dick. 
He barely has to move you as Rain keeps up a devastating pace. Dew’s head is thrown back against Rain’s shoulder with his tongue hanging out of his mouth too blissed out from getting fucked from the back and the front. You have to focus on breathing through your nose as every thrust from Rain pushes Dew to the back of your throat. You work your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock. It’s all you can do feeling the ache in your jaw and your forearms from holding yourself up. 
You hear Rain hiss something in Infernal and it’s the only warning you get before you feel Dew spill hotly down your throat. You fight off a gag at the suddenness of it. 
“You better swallow all of it. Don’t waste a drop of him.” 
You do just as you're told and pull off of him with an obscene pop unable to hold yourself up anymore. It doesn’t take much longer before the sound of skin slapping against skin stutters and Rain grunts biting into Dew’s neck again as he cums deep inside of him. Dew flops forward next to you when Rain pulls out of him. The water ghoul runs his fingers through his hair and wraps his tail loosely around your wrist. Dew reaches over and squeezes your hand before turning his head to look at you. 
Eventually you all roll around until Rain is between both you and Dew, holding you close. You feel yourself drifting off soothed by the sounds of the ghoul’s purrs, that is until you feel Dew squeeze your hand again. You look across to him and get a bad feeling from the glint in his eye. He slowly untangles himself from Rain and crawls over to you. He runs his claws over your thighs. 
“Dew…” you warn, glancing up at Rain who appears to be sound asleep. 
“Oh don’t worry about sleeping beauty. Just focus on me.” 
You slap a hand over your mouth when his hand dips into your shorts. You closed your eyes and send a quick prayer to whoever was listening that Rain wouldn’t wake up to Dew doing his absolute best to pull you closer to your own edge. 
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moldycantaloupe · 21 days
Mushy May Day 11
(Bonus prompt 8) first kiss
Pairing; Mountain/Dewdrop
note; this is during Era III
thanks as always to @forlorn-crows for the prompts!
Dew could not stop looking at that tall ass earth ghoul throughout the show, which was bad for the show.
He wanted to hate him, he wanted to hate that overly chilled out ghoul for so long, but it was so hard when he was just so loveable and caring. He made Dew’s coffee sometimes and it was always better than how he made it. At the ministry he would always do a double check on Dew right before Mass, sometimes he even found something to fuss over. He grew flowers for him, for hell’s sake. He was so caring, and it was so infuriating.
And oh, the passion that Mountain possessed. He treated his kit better than Dew ever treated his bass. He always did double, triple checks preshow to make sure he would be good to perform at his peak. And his peak was just… peak. He swung his sticks and kicked his legs and whatever else with so much enthusiasm, it was almost overwhelming to watch.
It was after bows, and Dew couldn’t get off of stage any faster to try and catch that lanky ghoul. Mountain was chatting with Ifrit about something, something that he honestly could care less about, because he needed to be with Mountain, needed to do something with him.
“Mount!” Dew called out. Mountain turned and stopped, his eyes striking against the chrome of the mask. He tilted his head in a question and Dew simply grabbed his forearm and began walking. Ifrit whistle “go get ‘em!” that he promptly ignored with a huff.
“What’s going on, droplet?” Mountain was ironically stumbling trying to keep up with the water ghoul. Dew gave him no answer and pushed the two of them to a small corner in the venue, somewhere away from prying eyes and any rush of people. He rangled his masks off and stared up at Mountain, breathing heavily. Mountain reluctantly did the same, carefully clicking the mask and balaclava off of his face. His brows were furrowed together and Dew could see his lips form a small frown.
“What’s going on?” Mountain asked again, his voice hushed. Dew shook his head and laughed, what a scene he accidentally created.
“Sorry, nothing, uh-” he took a deep breath and looked back into those eyes, the concern now turned confusion. He smiled slightly, baring his fangs. “You just… I just wanted to say good job. Tonight.”
Mountain blinked at him. “You’re hiding me away to… compliment me?” He chuckled. “Seems pretty excessive, yeah?”
“Yeah, well…” he worried his lip between his teeth, a habit he can already hear Aether lecture to him about again, and sighed. “Good job, man.”
Mountain smiled, bright and genuine. He reached a hand down and rested it against Dew’s cheek, a gesture he leaned into with a hum. Dew could see the cogs rotating in that head of his, something he did often. It was always a good way to get to actually look at him without the problem of being caught.
But those cogs seemed to be working tonight. Slowly, slow enough that Dew could back out at any point, Mountain leaned low and close. Dew met him halfway, hands unsure what to do but hung out in the air as their lips pressed together in a chaste kiss. A peck, really. They leaned their foreheads together, eyes locked in a fierce staring contest that was way too intimate to be anything challenging. Mountain kissed him one more time, smiling into it.
“Thanks.” He mumbled when he pulled away.
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kamesama · 6 months
— dairokuten-maō: ryōmen sukuna.
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— notes + warnings: n/sfw because suggestive. romanticisation of unhealthy stuff. it's sukuna, you get the point. — word count: 531
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he is a ghoul — he  bleeds you out and licks your wounds with a foul tongue. he praises you; his pathetic little doll, his gleamy-eyed plaything, his beloved crybaby. dear god, you sigh as he crushes you, burns you, only to bring your crumbled fragments, your charred remains together again, shaping you into a prized possession on his shelf. the grandest piece in his collection. he shreds your pride and cracks it with a twist of his heel. he drags it in the mud and puts it in a grave with no intention of uttering a single prayer.
he is an artist — the twisted kind, the unconventional. his teeth paint vile scenes across your skin; red, blue and purple. he turns your lips into something precious; into rubies, garnets, jaspers. you scribble across his marked back in the thrives of cruel ecstasy, dragging desperate lines bearing crimson pearls in their midsts, and he kisses the edge of your jaw almost tenderly with horrific joy and horrendous pride. go on, go on, he encourages, tempting you to wound him in return all the more. squirm and resist, gasp and plead, because he wants you to keep trying. keep trying. 
he is a disaster — not a single thing blooms in the palm of his hand save for the starving, warmongering curls of flames. they twist and devour, and their passionate kiss brings the underworld to its knees. not a single thing blooms in the palm of his hand save for you; desperate and doomed, open and willing like a peony flower matured minutes after rainfall. you come undone. unraveled. time and time and time again until your lungs drown in the inferno and throat chokes on the embers. he handles you through the fluorescence and you wrap around him like ivy, aware that you might as well wither otherwise. 
he is a menace — with his crooked, wicked smile and bent neck. filthy tongue ghosts over his lip before he flashes his fangs, something unholy dripping right out of his mouth, piercing. amusement seeps from his pores and floods his face as you turn chagrined and exasperated, your mind filled with nothing but the thoughts of him and him alone. you can only spit out his name, and your eyes can only shed tears that he adores sucking off your lashes like morning dew on grass strands. can you even hear yourself, he asks, eyes beaming with curiosity as he cocks his head. your heart throbs and overfills and spills all over.
he is an alleviation — only in the way he submerges your thoughts and deluges your senses. he kisses away the frostbite across your ribcage solely to set your lungs aflame and make your skin gleam with sweat. he is the sole torrent coursing through the present with a force so ferocious that it leaves you no gap to catch a breath of past or a glimpse of future. there is only now that he chains you to, for you should not perturb your pretty little head with the thoughts of yesterday's wars or tomorrow’s armageddon. hush and take it. think of nothing else. you wouldn’t dare think of anything else, would you?
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thank you for reading!
— kamesama.
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kkaisarion · 8 months
team effort🎮
for day 4 of kinktober, i present to you: rain playing a video game while getting fucked over the coffee table by dew. because he has the range. thank you @kroas-adtam for the prompts!
rating: explicit pairing: rain/dew includes: anal sex, one (1) mention of tentacles, as a treat word count: 1,473
read on AO3 or below
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“Fuck, not again!”
Frustrated, Rain buries his head in his hands. Five times, he’s tried to defeat the final boss of this video game. And all five times, he’s flubbed it at the last critical hit. He looks up at the large red letters flashing on the TV screen, mocking him.
He’s been camped out in the living room all afternoon, completely immersed in the game. He doesn’t exactly remember doing it, but apparently at some point he slid off the couch onto the floor, ending up kneeling over the coffee table with his weight on his elbows—presumably in an attempt to get that much closer to the TV and concentrate on the action. Not that it helped.
Rain heaves a deep sigh and hits the controller button to start again. He’s so distracted thinking about what strategy he should try next, he doesn’t notice Dew creeping up behind him until it’s too late. He jumps slightly when Dew lays his warm hands over his shoulders, then relaxes as the fire ghoul starts massaging the tight muscles there. Pausing the game, Rain sits back on his heels and stretches with a satisfied groan, tipping his head back to lean against Dew.
The two of them angle their faces toward each other and share an affectionate kiss. “Hey, baby,” Rain smiles against Dew’s lips.
“Rainy, I miss youuu,” Dew whines, wrapping his arms around Rain’s chest in a possessive hug. “You’ve been playing for hours.”
“This is important, Dew. I’m so close to beating the game.”
“More important than spending time with your mate?” Dew huffs.
“Yes, it is,” Rain says, his tone deadly serious, and Dew rolls his eyes in response. Still, Dew cuddles in close and hooks his chin over Rain’s shoulder, settling in to watch him play.
Rain unpauses the game and restarts the fight with the monster, immediately getting sucked in. He can’t help himself from rambling out loud, explaining his every move even though he knows Dew couldn’t really care less.
“See, I have the first phase all figured out—stop running away, you bitch, I’m trying to stab you—but it’s the next part that’s tricky.”
“Mmhmm,” Dew hums, clearly not paying attention to a word of what he’s saying. Instead, he busies himself with trailing a line of warm, wet kisses along the sensitive skin of Rain’s neck, working his way around to the front to nip at Rain’s jaw.
“What are you doing back there? Stop distracting me.” Rain shifts onto his knees again and hunches over the table, trying to get away.
“I’m helping you,” Dew insists, draping his body fully over Rain’s. Dew presses his chest to Rain’s back and fits their hips together, nestling the water ghoul’s ass snugly against his growing bulge. Then he sneakily brings his hand around and manages to smash a few random controller buttons before Rain can slap him away, making the character run headlong into the enemy’s attack.
“This is the opposite of helping,” Rain complains, but grinds back against Dew nonetheless.
Dew reaches down to palm the front of Rain’s pants and makes a small noise of surprise. Rain is fully hard, even though they’ve barely gotten started.
“So excited already,” Dew remarks, squeezing lightly. “Wait, have you been—Rain, are you turned on by the monster??”
“What? Of course not,” Rain denies immediately, and Dew cackles.
“He is pretty hot, with the tentacles and everything,” Dew concedes. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m here to help relieve the tension.”
Rain doesn’t dignify Dew’s comment with a response, instead focusing on the game and trying to fix Dew’s damage. He vaguely registers the rustle of clothing as Dew reaches around and starts undoing Rain’s pants, not helping at all as he struggles with the zipper. But when Dew eventually manages to slide them down and Rain’s cock springs out, Rain lets out a small sigh at the pressure relieved.
Making quick work of his own pants, Dew lines up his bare cock with the cleft of Rain’s ass, thrusting along it a few times. He brings his fingers up to Rain’s mouth, pressing his fingers against his lips until he opens up. “Suck,” Dew orders, and Rain does it without thinking, his attention trained on the TV.
Rain’s concentration slips when he feels Dew’s slick fingertip pet at his rim. He automatically moves his legs further apart to give Dew better access, and lets out a quiet moan when he pushes inside. Rain arches into Dew’s touch, fucking himself backwards onto Dew’s fingers as he gradually adds more.
Even when Rain is fully stretched open, Dew keeps pumping his fingers in and out at slow pace, at odds with Rain’s growing need. Rain blatantly wiggles his ass in the air to ask for more, and Dew chuckles before relenting. Rain’s eyes flutter shut involuntarily when the head of Dew’s cock pops inside, and he has to force them open to look at the game as Dew starts sliding in.
Right before Dew bottoms out, the monster launches a surprise attack that catches Rain off guard, making him jerk backward and fumble the controller. Dew’s cock sinks in all the way at once, and both of them moan loudly.
“I can’t dodge when he moves like that,” Rain bitches, panting slightly.
“Seems like a skill issue to me,” Dew snickers, also somewhat breathless. “Have you tried just getting good?”
“Shut up, Dew. You’ve never gotten past level two.”
“That’s not the point,” he sniffs. He retaliates with a couple of well-aimed thrusts that rub perfectly against Rain’s sweet spot, and precum spurts out of Rain’s slit to smear against the edge of the table. Rain decides that later after they’re done, he’ll make Dew lick it clean.
Dew starts fucking steadily into Rain with long, hard thrusts, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in. He moves at an even pace that Rain gets used to quickly, letting him return his focus to the game. But soon enough, Rain can’t ignore the way Dew is mouthing and biting the back of his neck, moaning right in his ear. Then Dew humps a little faster and snakes his hand around to toy with Rain’s cock, using light, teasing touches that make Rain thrust forward to chase the friction.
“C’mon, Dew, touch me properly,” Rain groans.
“I thought you didn’t want me to distract you,” Dew says, his tone annoyingly smug. He pulls all the way out and grabs Rain’s ass, spreading him open and spitting noisily on his hole.
“You bastard,” Rain gasps. “Just—”
Dew unceremoniously shoves his cock all the way back in, and Rain keens with it. As Dew’s hips jerk forward quicker and quicker, Rain clenches down on his cock to goad him on, making Dew swear violently. Finally, Dew wraps his hand fully around Rain’s weeping cock, stroking it in an increasingly uncoordinated rhythm as he starts to approach the edge. Rain can feel the wires crossing in his brain, the adrenaline from the monster fight combining with the overwhelming pleasure from Dew’s hand and cock. He absently wonders if he’ll ever be able to play a game again without getting hard.
Then without warning, Dew bites down hard on Rain’s shoulder and slams home one final time, grinding in forcefully as he shoots his load deep in Rain’s ass. The sensation sets Rain off too, and he cries out as his orgasm barrels into him. The controller clatters out of Rain’s hands as he cums, Dew milking out long spurts from his cock that stripe across the table.
Rain heaves in a couple of deep breaths, his head spinning. Then out of nowhere, Dew lets out a triumphant crow.
“Look Rainy, we did it!” He points toward the TV.
When Rain lifts his gaze, he’s shocked to see the flashing words on the screen:
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Apparently when the controller fell onto the table, it somehow managed to hit the exact right buttons at the exact right time to deal a final blow to the monster, defeating him for good.
Rain moves off Dew and turns around. For a brief moment. the two of them just stare at each other in disbelief. Then they break out into laughter, clutching at one another.
“See? I helped! I’m a god-tier gamer,” Dew announces with a shit-eating grin.
“Absolutely not. I did all of the work.”
“Hey, I got you off and offed the guy at the same time. You’re welcome, by the way.”
Rain rolls his eyes and tackles Dew to the floor, smothering him with a long overdue kiss.
“Okay, thank you,” Rain says when he pulls back. Dew yelps when Rain closes his hand over Dew's spent cock and starts jerking it, coaxing it hard again. “Now, let me return the favor.”
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thelampisaflashlight · 7 months
I was having ghoul thoughts, so here's one for y'all: Ghouls who are humans possessed by demonic entities.
Pretty standard concept, simple enough.
The complicated part is how the demons choose their vessels, because some of them are picky, and others just want out of the pit so bad they latch onto the first warm body they see upon summoning.
That happens from time to time.
A demon will spring forth, ignoring the sibling of sin chosen to be their vessel, and, instead, gravitating towards the human they see first.
Sometimes the church will take precautions to ensure the demon goes into the body they've chosen for them, but they can never wholly be prepared for what can happen during a summoning.
Swiss' demon chose him specifically, rejecting the offered vessel in favor of him, and, man, does that sting for the other guy, but, hey, it is what it is.
Then there's Dew.
When he was chosen, everyone was certain the demon would reject him, too, but, instead, it embraced him with an ease that was completely unexpected.
Of course, once all is said and done, there's no way of knowing why a demon chose a particular vessel.
Aesthetics, personality, brains or brawn, once the demon and their vessel become one, the logic and reasoning one might of had melds with the other, and they become an entirely new person.
A combination of both sides.
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