#because i have so much love in my heart for all of my oomfies
girlfox · 29 days
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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hi im anon from (734828727660412928/npd-culture-is-deciding-to-give-up-on-friendships?source=share) (hopefully that link works, I don't use tumblr often so I'm not sure how to go about following up asks on anon). just came back to read this blog during a really bad crash im having right now because it cheers me up to know im not alone in having symptoms of this disorder and saw my ask got posted...
(update on friend situation) just today they said in the group chat theyre all drawing gift art for each other and other friends... i'm still waiting on the paid art from them but they're doing art trades and stuff for free so i feel kind of like trash. im a bit of a bleeding heart though so im gonna give them like one more month before telling them not to bother finishing the art for me... id love my money back because it did cost a LOT of money but i dont want to be a dick so im just going to express my disappointment by telling them not to worry about the commission at all. i want to feel like i have some right to be mad in this situation but im very soft hearted and dont really have any other friends so if i lost these friends id have literally nobody else in my life :( and that kinda feels like hell for me to think about... i feel like im being treated like dirt but im still going to go christmas shopping for them.............. even if i feel like shit, i feel shittier if i dont get people gifts and stuff because i just think to myself, like, "i feel like crap if nobody buys me shit for holidays or my fucking own birthday and i dont want other people to feel that way".....
also im feeling a little sad because whenever my friends talk about their friends they dont even refer to me by name theyll go "[friend a name], [friend b name] and oomfie are in our server" or something. im not even a name to them... i feel like the last kid picked on a team but not even the last pick. like have you guys ever been on a sports team and you kinda got awkwardly waved over to one of the teams because nobody even wanted to pick you? yeah.
i wonder if im just really dense and need to pick up on hints that people dont even want to be around me. i even tried to post this video game i started working on lately because i thought it was really interesting and cool and i put my soul into it but everyone just ignored it in the group chat.
i think the social outcast route is probably my best bet at this rate, i think. im going to be pretty fucking depressed about limiting my social interactions but i think the depression from isolation isnt as bad as getting constant narc crashes from people not putting even a tiny bit of energy into friendships. like.. i honestly am not asking for very much. i get fucking narc highs if someone uses my fucking name in a conversation. i get highs from literally the bare minimum fucking interaction of anything directed in my direction im so desperate....
i wasnt going to write up a follow up ask but i just wanted to say thanks to this blog for existing and making me feel like im not completely alone and thanks for the nice comments in the reblogs and tags, it cheered me up. you guys are really nice to me and i'm a complete stranger to you all, it makes me feel like theres some hope for nice people existing out there. im just a little too tired to carry on. thank you all, i hope you have a really good day. keep on surviving out there, it's not a kind world to any of us, and it's tough to stay alive at all.
(apologies for another vent but thanks for posting my asks <3 i wish you all the best and nice days to come. also sorry this isnt in the npd culture format, but i just rly wanted to say thank you for the support on the other ask)
sending hugs (with consent) nonny 🫂 i'm so sorry honestly you deserve way better than how your friends are treating you :( i hope at some point you can talk to them about how they're making you feel and improve the situation because it sounds like you deserve better
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hi there, ive been following you for a little bit now and all of your thoughts and wisdoms mean a lot to me, as well as your art and creative things like your photography. ive been wanting to do little confessions about lots of different things over time but im very afraid that the people hurting me will see them and know its me and hurt me more. im very lost & scared & trapped rn and everyone closest to me punishes me for it. idk i just wanted to get it out somewhere.. but it really means a lot to me to see you happy and well. you inspire me and i want there to always be good waiting for you
hi ^^ im sorry u have those feelings i used to struggle immensely w this .. i always kinda posted /this way/ but for most my 20s i only used private accounts cus i was so afraid of ppl irl reading my posts, as well as stalkers, there were incidents of both these things that made me go into hiding for foreverrrr !!!
The only reason i post publicly now is cus when i first came back to tumblr in 2021, it was like a blank slate, all my old oomfies had moved to ig or twitter. So i cld relax more and eventualy over time new ppl came who made sense to be here. And i didnt feel like i had to hide anymore ! it was extremely slow process. like literally took all of my 20s to feel fine doing this
And Ofc im sure tons of ppl who want to harm me read my blog and make fun of me, i know i seem insane to many, but i just....Dont care like.....You need to realize....Anyone who does that to you is SO weak, you are not lost at all compared to them. They're upset because they want to express themselves earnestly too but they feel blocked. Many ppl lash out for this reason..
if ur really afraid u could start by maybe doing a private blog .. i would also recommend doing protection prayers for yourself, i like listening to psalm 91, i have my archangel michael candle lit rn actually, i take a lot of measures to keep my shield up, i really believe in these energies, i ask the angels to send any unwanted energy back to sender, simple as. it has helped me become much more comfortable showing myself, online and irl.
Just dont give up, even if it takes a long time to open up, practice each day to strengthen ur soul, work on the things yu want to work on with the intentions of love in your heart, when u Know ur doing it for the right reasons it becomes really hard to let anyone stop u. But take it slow. no matter how scared u feel rn, know it can be a total 180, even if u dont see the path clearly yet ^^ Thanks for your kind message..i'm here to help!! Stay protected & cherished Anon...PMD9 <3 <3 <3
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stealthrockdamage · 1 month
top five unjust depths moments. top five silly oomf tweets and/or poasts. top five kimoments. mwah.
hi dear thank you for so many lists to write. mwah.
okay extremely fucking long post inbound i'm putting this under a read more thank you
This is such a difficult list to write because there are just SO many good moments, constantly, and in writing it I keep thinking "I have to include something from this part of the story!" and deleting things and replacing them with other things. So I have to just settle on five Really Good Moments but please understand that my favourite moments could be any of a list of, like, 30, probably, depending on the day you catch me. lmao. This list is definitely full of recency bias - I am trying so hard to pick the absolute best stuff. And I will fail. But it's okay.
5. Basically every Marykova moment ever.
Okay okay I'm biased because Maryam is Literally Me but I think it's really sweet the way that, like, Shalikova just starts out so embittered and embroiled in her trauma and Maryam just effortlessly draws out a different side of her. And none of it changes that Shalikova is still dealing with the things that happened to her in the past, but when she goes out in the diver during Goryk's Gorge and really truly almost dies fighting Selene, and just comes back aboard the Brigand and realizes "I need to kiss Maryam right now" it's so incredible. I love them a lot.
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4. Arabella casually telling everyone she wants to creampie Zachikova so fucking bad.
Something up with this fish girl.
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3. Ulyana/Aaliyah's extremely bad meet-cute.
This was the bit where it really clicked into place in my mind that I was going to adore Unjust Depths. Madiha cooked. Always remember - Ulyana has the Disco Elysium voices in her head. She is at all times just rolling good enough to get by. Bless her heart.
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2. Majida being chastised for celebrating her victory in Arc 1 Intermission 6.
I think Majida is an absolutely excellent character, and originally I thought this entry should be the bit where she uses prayer to summon forth the strength she needs to use Spacial Control, but I thought to myself it would be criminal if I didn't have anything from The Moon Under The Mountain. And I think this particular moment was just such a clear and strong tone-setter, during the early bits of Unjust Depths. It's so so good. I have like nothing of consequence to even say just, read it. I love it.
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my godddddd ohhhhh my goddddd it's peakkkkkk it's fucking peakkkkkkk homa finally decides she needs to try to be a hero she decides the volkisch aren't on her side and she wants to "rescue" imani she's deeply misguided and stuck in her feelings and has a moment of incredible unbelievable swag aughughghhhhhh
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okay i haven't put a lot of thought into this i just love or hate these posts a lot and want to make everyone look at them.
5. Silent Hill "eatin a burger with no honey mustard"
okay kind of cheating because i'm in this post but who cares. milk kinda went off with this. i'm always saying "eatin a burger with no honey mustard." and it makes me think of the silent hill music every fucking time. all-timer.
4. Izzy impregnation mental gymnastics
I am not explaining this one. nor will i link to it. die forever.
3. Stupid Faggot Shark
thank you rachel for this all-time heater post
2. Tgirl Beak Shapes
my bestie is so wise for this. this post has 20k to me
1. My Therapist, Broly
6 years on still the best. dak the genius of forever.
5. when we played phasmophobia duos that one time and you were so so so scared. kept going back to the truck to just watch me. andwe had to stop after 2 rounds because i did the old "die in front of your eyes as a bit" trick and it scared you too much. it was cute
4. like the very first time we ever hung out and hopped on monster hunter rise and found out we had independently made our wyvern riding auto callouts virtually the same ("do a flip"/"do a backflip" and "check out my cool new dog"/"i'm gonna pet this dog so good") it was so goofy. truly our brains have been aligned from the beginning
3. what if there were monsters in the dark forest
2. you showing me cool horror movies. it's just the best. coziest shit ever.
you getting way too excited about tricking people into thinking you and i are dating
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simpjaes · 4 months
i just finished player rank: platinum. like literally two seconds ago and omg…god your mind 😫😫😫
first of all, i know it sounds contradictory cause it took me forever to finish reading, but god it was so entertaining from the first word. your writing is so good i felt like i could visualize everything (especially the smut)!!!!
speaking of the smut, that was so nasty…ik he’s an asshole loser but i’d also like my turn with heeseung. like slut me out like that in front of your friends too please!!!! it’s 11:30 am as im typing this, and i should really NOT be feeling this way so early in my saturday 😭😭😭
ngl if i were yn id fuck the whole friend group no hesitation, especially jay. but that’s the jay whore in me speaking oopsies.
plotwise, the whole story went 0-100 from the pillow scene in onwards imo. i was SEATED. felt like a whole will they won’t they type of situation even tho we knew they would. fuck heeseung fr tho (both literally and not) 🙄🙄
also the way you made me wanna punch and fuck heeseung at the same time…god i know i already praised you for how you write characters but goddamn u did it again!!! he’s such an ass omg but the way he fucks…🤭
and yn with her whole wanting to be better than her sister. why did that actually kinda hurt my heart even though i do not have a sister LMAO.
also i loved your little jokes…like the joke about sunghoon finding the perfect video on page 86 of his search. i actually laughed, perfect placement of the joke tbh.
last…yn’s sister using a condom AND plan B?!?! she mad paranoid and also her period cycle probably mad fucked up. also plan B is at least like $35 (off brand) and like $50 if u get the usual brand. no wonder she working so much, has to pay for all that fucking plan B. 😳
anyways gonna go scroll though all the asks related to this fic 🫶🏽🫶🏽 and then maybe…get started on frenzy (i’ve never read a fic like frenzy so im scared 😳)
- 💗
alright lemme dip into this and answer you properly <3
it's not contradictory!!! it takes people different amounts of time to read so that doesn't bother me at all! i promise im not forcing you to read everything RIGHT NOW!!! though, of course, i love your feedback and would love if you did make it through my fics :D
as for heeseung, i def wrote him to be an asshole but like...one that you could fuck anyway. some of us just wanna have fun with a red flag, and it's fictional so i see no issue with it :D as for fucking the friend group, since the fic was a gift for my favorite oomfie i didn't want to self indulge too much. it was heeseung centered both in mind and spirit, however i will definitely delve into fucking all of hyung line in a fic someday c:
yeeeeeeeeah the pillow scene was the instance in my head where heeseung was 100% certain he had her in the palm of his hand, so parading around like a sex magnet would come naturally for him rather than needing to put effort in. it was fucking play time for him, so yes, 0-100 is a perfect way to describe that point in the fic. he really switched it up from being blatantly interested to what the fuck does he want with me?????
i also do tend to add some jokes and comedic relief in my fics solely because it's who i am as a person. a lot of my humor is very dry and read as a narrator voice but i feel like it comes across well :D at least in MY head it does.
as for the birth control AND plan B. we all know it's unhealthy and not viable at all. it's actually quite cringe that she'd be so paranoid and do such a thing. it's also very much not realistic, so i don't quite enjoy when people come at it like "i just know her body is blahblahblah"
like.....yeah, but the point of that was to show how like.....there's a question there regarding how she feels about her relationship. reader's sister very clearly works hard and barely has time for a relationship, hence why she does just about everything to keep heeseung, but like......hee wants a kid and a family........and she adds EXTRA protection simply bc she probably suspects heeseung to poke holes or some shit.
it's not meant to be seen as "she's so uptight!!!" it's more like "now why would she feel the need to do that?!"
its bc heeseung is a manipulator through and through :D so im a lil sad that the instance flew over people's heads, but, it is what it is and it's just a small moment in the fic so i aint that annoyed.
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hanadolphieron · 3 years
a/n- i do not support jk rowling. this is your (my beautiful, show-stopping, magnificent followers’) christmas gift and i hope she’s annoyed by the fact that a liberal pansexual and a lesbian fanfiction writer wrote a giant post centered around a universe she created ;)
another a/n- i hope all of my oomfies enjoy this, i spent an entire month writing it because i love you guys so much! you have made my year so much better!!!!!!!! big heart!
another another a/b- i started writing for ateez after i finished this, so that’s why they’re not on there. i would put them in, however i have written fifty-four of these and am a wee bit drained :)
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colors; scarlet and gold
traits; bravery, daring, nerve, chivalry
element; fire
symbol; the lion
head of house; chungha
members; nayeon, chaeyoung, jisoo, yeji, ryujin, yuna, mia, sakura, yujin,  heejin, chaewon, chungha, winter, somi
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colors; yellow and black
traits; hard work, dedication, loyalty, patience, fair play
element; earth
symbol; the badger
head of house; haseul
members; sana, dahyun, rosé, lia, e:u, onda, chaeyeon, chaewon, nako, wonyoung, jinsoul, haseul, chuu, yeojin, giselle, ningning
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colors; emerald and silver
traits; ambition, leadership, self-preservation, cunning, resourcefulness
element; water
symbol; serpent
head of house; eunbi
members; jeongyeon,  momo, jihyo, jennie, sihyeon, eunbi, yena, minju, yves, olivia hye
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colors; blue and bronze
traits; intelligence, curiosity, knowledge, creativity, wit
element; air
symbol; eagle
head of house; mina
members; mina, tzuyu, lisa,  chaeryeong, aisha, yiren, hyewon, hitomi, yuri, vivi, kim lip, hyunjin, choerry, karina
<im nayeon>
nayeon is a prefect, of course, she used to be the head of house but chungha succeeded her after nayeon decided to focus more on her studies
headcannon that nayeon and chungha are are lowkey besties
they don’t talk much, but they respect each other and always like to have nice chats about the school
but other than her leadership roles, nayeon is like the older sister of the gryffindor house
sort of has no idea what’s going on sometimes but tries her best because everyone asks her for advice
cries at graduation because she loves hogwarts so much
ends up working at the ministry of magic
she’s so perfect help🥺
<yoo jeongyeon>
definitely has a hufflepuff s/o
i refuse to believe anything else
is everyone’s crush, ryujin follows in her footsteps
is the slytherin seeker, probably flusters the other seekers because she’s intimidating but so gorgeous and charismatic
sorry for projecting my love of jeongyeon but i had to
is excellent at potions and has taught the class at some point
really enjoys hogwarts and takes advantage of all the fun magic it has to offer
is always in the library finding mystery books to read
dark, gothic academia hhhhh
snuck in two kittens along with her owl because she didn’t want to choose
nobody noticed because everyone’s too scared to go into the slytherin common room
<hirai momo>
famous for bringing a whole ass snake as a pet instead of you know, the legal pets like toads, owls, and cats
starts a dance team
except everyone’s mildly terrified to join because she looks really intimidating
when in reality the only bad thing she’s ever done is stealing sana’s cat because she wanted something to cuddle
and when sana took her cat momo dragged sana over inside to snuggle
as a first year she cried in front of her class one time for some reason that her brain has forgotten to protect her because she freaked the fck out
because she was afraid of tarnishing her scary slytherin reputation
now, she’ll have a good swig of butterbeer and wipe a tear away over how good it tastes (because finals)
<minatazoki sana>
has most adorable cat, like seriously it’s almost as cute as her🥺
gets drunk on butterbeer constantly
it’s becoming a slight issue
but it’s hard for anyone to stop her, as she works part-time at the three broomsticks and will make you pay more taxes if you annoy her
acts like a slytherin sometimes
because she’s good at everything the slytherin’s do
but sana’s a true hufflepuff at heart, she’s always looking to make people smile
her pranks are always to create a good atmosphere, not to aggravate people
makes hand-made scarves for everyone at christmas
<park jihyo>
thought she was a gryffindor her entire life
and then the sorting cat called out “slytherin” the second it touched her head
jihyo went 👁👄👁
but she ended up loving her house, and fit right in with her new friends
hates all the cats but they cling to her for spite
(she highkey actually adores them)
LOUD because she’s obsessed with quidditch
like seriously, obsessed, she will never shut up about the chudley cannons (i hope that’s their name) and will talk your ear off for hours just chatting about one game
sits in the library for peace and quiet, but sighs constantly and keeps getting glared at
couldn’t care less though, she needs deep breaths to sustain her sanity
<myoui mina>
everyone loves her!
she’s one of those people you bring up in conversation just to compliment? because she’s so respectable and wholesome and nice and beautiful and perfect?
leads ravenclaw so well :(
will stay up all night helping younger kids with their classes or subjects that they’re wildly interested in
makes quizlets for everything, her account lags because so many people are using it at one time
goes into the forest at night and dances as a way to relieve stress (we love an aesthetic queen)
<kim dahyun>
gets into trouble so much 
will risk her education to make people laugh
everyone respects her for it, even the teachers, so she never has many consequences because everyone needs some laughter in their lives
a beater for hufflepuff we love to see it
painted her bat like a badger and calls it tommy
has fallen off her broom more than once because she gets really distracted
the only class she truly focuses on is transfiguration
she loves it for some weird reason and does extra lessons with professor mcgonagall
no one questions it though, because she’s kim dahyun
<son chaeyoung>
the one who comforts everyone in gryffindor
sometimes expectations to be brave and self-assured can be too much for her fellow house-mates, so chaeyoung takes the role of making them feel safe and helping them relax
the expert at caring for the cats
something about her makes them flock around her feet
they’re always swarming around her feet
one time she actually tripped over one them and broke her shin
but luckily, professor sprout (aka her best friend) helped her through it with some medicinal herbs and long conversations about plants
always wearing comfy clothes
wears a scarf in the dorms for some reason
<chou tzuyu>
has the prettiest owl to ever exist
and its eyes match up perfectly with hers
everyone has a headcannon that they’re actually twins 
which would entail that tzuyu was born a bird but somehow turned into a human
but no one really dwells on that
caught mina when she was dancing in the forest at night
but vowed never to tell anyone
and now mina invites her to come watch and dance herself
tzuyu actually drew her one time and mina just about melted of embarrassment and  pride and happiness because tzuyu? just drew a picture of her? and it makes her feel so cool and magical?
<kim jisoo>
empress cat (along with hyunjin and chaeyoung)
those three have the sweetest relationship, you can always find them cooing about the cats together (while holding the cats themselves)
has an obsession with the whomping willow
always sits next to it after she managed to tame it 
reads and does her studies there
is undisturbed and loves it
knows all the staircases for some reason, like has given them names and nobody knows how she’s memorized them all
but if you’re ever lost, jisoo will appear out of nowhere to help
<kim jennie>
somehow manages to make time for everything
spends most of her time in the library, but also excels at quidditch? and makes it to all of the practices? like jennie stop being so talented (but please don’t we love it)
everyone’s like what an ambitious slytherin smh
cast her patronus on the first try
and screamed because she had a snow leopard! and they’re so adorable!
probably started crying just being honest
intimidates everyone but is a huge softie
has a close-knit group of friends
reminds me of a wolf? for some reason
<park chaeyoung>
a master at quidditch!
plays chaser on the hufflepuff team and is the captain as well
along with those leader positions, chaeyoung is also prefect
basically, she loves to p r o t e c t
what a hufflepuff smh
laughs so much it’s worrying, you can always hear her giggling throughout the halls of hogwarts
brought a frog
does not regret it at all, she loves zucchini (the frog) with all her heart
keeps it in her jacket pocket
ribbiting noises erupt in the middle of class
<lalisa monoban>
a beater for gryffinor i mean what were you expecting
was the first person to join momo’s dance team
which scared even more people away (youth with you anyone?)
but lisa is still so sweet, always helping people out
smiles at every single person she passes
her cheeks hurt by the end of the day, partly because of what i just mentioned and partly because rose makes her laugh so much
chases all the cats around
they act tormented but when have cats ever been honest when they like something a human is doing for them
they need the exercise, rose feeds them too much
<hwang yeji>
looks like a slytherin because of her eyes
but is a true gryffindor at heart, always being brave and kind to her friends and standing up for everyone
almost all of her friends are in gryffindor :) except for lia, who is arguably the most chaotic but stops them from doing anything too dumb
and chaeryeong, who helps more with the excitement management
yeji is a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team (we been knew) and scores so much the point keeper (?) loses count
definitely has a cat
who snuggles with her in the common room and everyone wants to cry over how cute they both are
everyone talks about how she looks like her cat ;0
is pretty popular, although she’s still so humble
<choi jisu>
will tackle you if you wrong her, her friends, her plants, or steal her food
got lost on her first day and missed the whole day of classes
was so embarrassed and probably cried poor jisu
but haseul to the rescue! came and comforted her, we love a supportive hufflepuff family
daydreams all the time
professor sprout (is that her name i haven’t read these books in a while) is her best friend and she eats lunch with her sometimes🥺
all the teacher’s love her
except she’s pretty quiet in class, except for her maniacal laughing at chaeryeong sometimes
her and chae are The Best Friends TM
<shin ryujin>
everyone’s crush who are we kidding (fboi ryu)
a beater, always protects yeji and she loves it, always getting flustered over ryujin
even though ryu’s been doing it for years (however the winks she throws in yeji’s directions would make anyone falter)
the best in class at defense against the dark arts 
got her patronus, a black bear, within a few minutes after learning the lesson
and everyone was like 👀 but honestly not that surprised, because come on it’s shin ryujin herself!
shows off her skills (in everything she attempts) all the time and everyone loves it
in general very well liked, her vibe is so comforting and realistic, and she always says the rights things
<lee chaeryeong>
patronus = ostrich
chae was so annoyed with this honestly, i mean she’s trying to be this cool light academia ravenclaw and her patronus is an ostrich...
like really. really.
everyone laughed at her disappointing patronus, but chaeryeong didn’t care, she was actually beginning to love its uniqueness
throughout the school, chae is known for her adorably caring personality akin to a hufflepuff along with her wisdom
she helps everyone :(
friends with everyone despite being introverted
probably eats lunch with professor flitwick
she’s just too nice
her aesthetic, as i said, is light academia and she pulls it off so well
organizes all the chants at quidditch games
<shin yuna>
fred and george but one person
the gryffindor common room is in absolute chaos whenever she’s present
her laugh is contagious and can be heard all throughout the dorms, creating a beautiful sense of togetherness and happiness
keeps everyone’s faith in humanity
the loudest at al the quidditch games
teases her friends 100% of the time but will always hug and comfort them when they’re down
can make anyone smile within a few seconds
hangs out in the kitchen
terrorizes all her dormmates cats
they still sleep with her at night though, her bed is covered in cat fur
<park jiwon>
spends all of her time in the kitchens
her friends are always begging her to bring food back to the common rooms
and she normally does
in fact, she bakes pastries or cooks something for them most of the time because she’s sweet like that
ran into a painting one time and got yelled at by the person in it
it was the sole most terrifying experience in her life
she almost fell down the stairs
now, she’s actually friends with the people in the painting
and they have (maybe) forgiven her for smacking into their tea table and ruining their lunch
 (which they’ve been eating for years but jiwon did not mention that)
<kim sihyeon>
on the quidditch team
changes positions every single year for some reason (she’s such an ace)
because she has BIG TALENT
loves being a seeker the most (obviously, because she gets all the glory and she’s a leo with a scorpio mars)
has a black cat with the exact same personality as her
one time it ate her ramen and boy was she mad
but the cat, who was named orange (despite not being orange) really liked the noodles
so jiwon convinced sihyeon to let her make feline-friendly noodles for the cat
which sihyeon agreed to
because seeing orange slurp up a bowl of noodles really makes her day
<han eunji>
is professor mcgonagall’s child
i mean not literally, but still
eunji has been taken under her wing
in fact, she actually taught mia how to be a metamorphmagus
eunji managed to turn into a badger
which wasn’t exactly enjoyable at first, since being a badger doesn’t have many benefits other than being able to dig a hole faster than anybody you know
however, eunji used her badger form as a way to relax, because she could escape from all her problems by turning into a woodland animal and going to take a comfy nap in some flowers
her friends were ecstatic when she told them she had become a badger
e:u immediately made her morph into said animal so she could give mia a hug because fluffy
<jo serim>
accompanies jiwon to the kitchen most days and prevents her from getting bored with her antics
these “antics” involve things like crouching on the counter next to jiwon and crunching down on carrots
to which jiwon just shakes her head and pulls the carrot right out of her mouth 
loves the toads! she has a speckled one and treasures it with all her heart
steals jiwon’s pastries to feed to them
serim is also always in different places
she’s completely unpredictable, moving all around the school throughout the day
you can’t find her in the same place twice (except for the kitchens)
everyone thinks she’s part fairy because of this and her compassion
<heo yoorim>
spends all her time daydreaming while looking up at the sky from the observatory
i don’t blame her, it does have an exquisite view and even sports a bunch of cushions and blankets on the floor for the sole purpose of taking naps in the sun like a cat
anyways, yoorim is lost in her head most of the time
but always takes a trip back to reality during the day, where’s spotted encouraging her friends 24/7
and laughing nonstop at them
(especially sihyeon)
because while she’s a ravenclaw, loved ones are the most important things in her life
<wang yiren>
joins aisha in her imagining sprees up in the observatory
but gets bored and leaves to go sneak into the slytherin common rooms because she wants to spot the giant squid
who she has made friends with from her constant trips to see it
its name is jerry, for anyone who’s wondering
the slytherins have adopted her as one of their one
and yiren takes great pride in it
because she now has a massive posse of people ready to protect her from anyone who would dare to make her sad
<kwon eunbi>
keeps everyone in line because she finds everyone annoying
collapses on the sofa at the end of the day
probably snores
has the best self confidence of the whole school
i mean some of it is because she wants to be a good role model, but she really just doesn’t care at this point
her owl would rip any enemies to shreds
because it is pretty fearsome, even if it’s the smallest one professor mcgonagall has ever seen
and she’s seen a lot
probably a tutor ngl
<miyawaki sakura>
the most passionate gryffindor you’ll ever meet
sakura definitely makes a name for herself cheering at all the quidditch games
and with the fact that she won the triwizard tournament!
keeps the cup in the gyrffindor common rooms
because she sees it as something the house should be proud of, not just sakura
so sweet i can not with her
actually didn’t bring a pet and now regrets it
but she’s busy so she wouldn’t have time to care ofr it
but still
<kang hyewon>
the seventh years surrounded her on her first day because of her “must protect” energy
and the fact that her toad escaped as soon as she came through the door
which resulted in school-wide panic
they found the toad luckily
well, it actually came running back to hyewon
for some reason, it actually bit her! which made her laugh
the devious amphibian apparently had a habit for escaping, which hyewon learned about after multiple attempts from it at running away
which never worked
because hyewon would get so sad and said toad would feel bad
thus meaning it would turn around and bound back to hyewon
<choi yena>
immediately fell in love with hogwarts once she saw the great hall
one, because it was full of food
and two, because it’s so pretty! and the starts reflect on the ceiling! and magic!
tried to bond with the sorting hat
and it most likely worked because she is choi yena and can do things like that
a social butterfly without realizing it, everyone wants to talk to her all at the same time and she is b i g s t r e s s e d
helps with homework even if she has no idea what she’s doing
it aides her in picking up the subject because no that she’s having to explain it it clicks in her mind
strategy peeps
<lee chaeyeon>
the sorting hat knew she was a hufflepuff the minute she walked through the door
her bright energy and happy-go-lucky charm made her a friend magnet, everyone wanted to be her bestie
dances to cheer people up
is friends with all the ravenclaws and joins them in their all-nighters when they’ve discovered a new obsession
wins every single lottery/game/anything that involves chance
her nicknames is felix felicis (i hope i’m spelling that right)
racks up all the house points because the professors can’t help but praise her for everything
and she deserves it to, always running around helping others
<kim chaewon>
the seeker for hufflepuff
surprised the class and left everyone open-mouthed with her quidditch skills
had no idea she was so good, but after a while begins to take a lot of pride in her talent
the sorting hat considered slytherin for chaewon, but decided against it
which may seem like an odd combination, but it wasn’t uncommon 
befriends all the slytherins and has them head over heels in love with her
same with the gryffindors
in fact, chaewon doesn’t know actually know many hufflepuffs, she’s always gotten along better with the other houses
<kim minju>
joins vivi in at night whenever she’s in the astronomy tower
has an admirable amount of ravenclaw friends and has practically become one at this point
goes in the common room all the time because she can figure out the riddles
smh their security system really isn’t that good
becomes obsessed with random subjects
has a different best class every year
comes up with her own spells
hogsmeade weekends are her favorite :(
and minju stuffs herself with butterbeer every time
eunbi’s the only person who can keep her in check
<yabuki nako>
i mean all hufflepuffs are cute-
but nako really takes the cake 
because no one can look at her adorable smile and not think she’s the cutest human to ever exist
drew on the walls of the hufflepuff dorms because she accidentally drank a potion yuri had been brewing
which caused her to go loopy and delirious
eunbi was summoned and forced to tuck nako into bed so she could sleep it off
lights up the room whenever she walks in
everybody swears that the candles actually brighten whenever nako appears
<honda hitomi>
loves the ravenclaw tower with all her heart :(
almost fainted when she first saw it because of how pretty it was
peak house spirit
ravenclaw only wins the house cup if hitomi has a good year
because she’s just so happy to be a ravenclaw and all the teachers are like yeh hitomi yeh and give her lots of points
became a prefect the first chance she got
doens’t get anyone in trouble though
but no one takes any chances because they don’t want to disappoint her
<jo yuri>
a master at potions
spends half her time concocting liquids to do a bunch of (benevolent) things
has suspicious stains on her robes
nobody questions it
because she’s a ravenclaw, which means she will feel extremely put off at any sort of accusatory remarks and you won’t be able to understand her answer because of her big brain words
jumps 10 feet in the air if you interrupt her magic
screams too
makes you swear to never tell anyone
but it’s happened to everyone so at this point it’s just common knowledge
<ahn yujin>
a beater for gryffindor and goes beast mode whenever ravenclaw is playing
because for some reason they make her eye twitch
even if she’s friends with a bunch of them
she’s still just BIG GRR
spends all of her itme in the gryffindor common room
greets everyone when they come in
is on a first-name basis with the entire school and no one knows how she can remember them all
and she’s so sweet to people? how does she deal with it
whenever she comes in the room there’s a chorus of “ahn yujin, the woman, the myth, the legend!”
<jang wonyoung>
thought the common room actually had badgers in it
and was extremely disappointed when she found out they didn’t
haseul felt bad seeing wonyoung’s sadness and invited her on a badger hunt
they found two
and bonded with them by feeing them food
i don’t know what badgers eat so i won’t specify
but the badgers followed the two home and now the hufflepuff house has two pet badgers
wonyoung takes great pride in that accomplishment
even more than when she (effortlessly) won the triwizard tournament in her sixth year
<wong gaahei>
super into astronomy and astrology
will stare at the stars all night
has seven telescopes and has no shame
seems quiet at first, but the ravenclaw dorms are always filled with the sound of her laughter (even at 3 in the morning)
daydreams in class all the time
and is confused over everything
but still makes it through with her sweet personality
fell off a broom the first time she ever got on one
because she was so busy watching the instructor that she didn’t realize her head was tilted so far to the side that it unbalanced her and caused her to slip off her broom
<ha sooyoung>
snako right here wanted to play quidditch her whole life
but sadly, she wasn’t too good at it
however, yves soon realized her true talent transfiguration
seriously, she can change anything into anything
zapped lippie into a mouse one time
professor mcgonagall was not happy
just kidding she was ecstatic and gave sooyoung a detention to teach her how to perfect her skills on turning people into mice
just not jungeun
holds a grudge against the gryffindor quidditch team but won’t ever admit it
but everybody knows
but it’s okay, because sooyoung can get away with anything (and no one wants to be turned into a mouse)
<jung jinsoul>
famous for winning the triwizard tournament 
because first of all, she didn’t even want to apply, yves and heejin had forced her to as a joke because there was no way she was going to be picked
but low and behold, she was picked
and somehow managed to win every task with pure luck
(and an ungodly amount of encouragement from chuu)
this has made everyone scared of her
which she doesn’t mind a lot of times, because it’s nice to be left alone
and she can easily filter out peole she doesn’t want in her life
but still
to people who aren’t aware of her winnings
she’s about as terrifying as a duck eating lettuce
<jo haseul>
overworked as the head of house but deals with it because she loves taking care of her fellow puffies
i miss her so much
was on the quidditch team at some point
she can’t remember when
third year maybe
her first four years went by in a blur
she was so enveloped in her studies and loved learning about magic with all her heart
100% got a job at the ministry once she finished her seventh year
there was zero question when choosing the head of house for hufflepuff
everyone immediately nominated haseul
<kim jungeun>
The Scary Ravenclaw TM
no one messes with her or her posse
a beast at magic has legit something like an 8.0 GPA
everyone’s like jungeun that is hecking impossible
not for her apparently
whipped for all the hufflepuffers and is known to trudge into their common room whenever she’s grumpy
because she knows at least sixteen people will volunteer to hug her
(preferably chuu is in that group)
denies it though
like heck no i hate hugs what are you talking about
<kim jiwoo>
the definition of a hufflepuff
was the talk of the school the first day because of how big of an impact her positivity and cheerfulness made
she turns heads and doesn’t even notice it😔
didn’t bring a pet, surprisingly
but steals everyone else’s
no one bothers to reprimand her whenever their cat disappears and is found cuddled up next to chuu
because honestly if i was a cat that’s what i would do
her patronus is probably something like a pufferfish
which she thought was the best thing ever
because “it goes poof whenever i stop the spell!”
<jeon heejin>
acts like she struggles with school but is actually top of her class
spends a bunch of time with her professors because she loves talking to them
such a libra smh
brought a toad
was so embarrassed at first but is now shameless 
about the fact that yes, she does kiss her toad on the forehead before she leaves for school each morning
even if most of the time she keeps the toad in her pocket all day because she doesn’t want to leave it alone
<kim hyunjin>
head owl caretaker
spends all of her time with hagrid :(
there are multiple stains on the floor from when they’re drinking tea together and hyunjin does something that makes them both spit out their drinks in laughter
fang cleans it up though
the animals are her favorite thing
created a spell to remove fur/hair from her clothes because she gets bad allergies
steals whole loaves of bread from the kitchens
the cooks turn a blind eye
<park chaewon>
has eaten all the crackers in the kitchen in one go
no one was really mad (except for jiwon) because how could you be upset with her?
her crunchy voice is adorable, even if she’s lying and blaming it all on yeojin
does her own thing most of the time
one of those people who will memorize 1800 spells but tell no one
and then shows everything off at the perfect moment
loves watching quidditch
will go to the practices just to see people play, she’s that enamored
a HUGE fan of the chudley cannons
<choi yerim>
friends with all the hufflepuffs
stole their badgers one time because she wanted to test the theory of “hufflepuffs are good finders”
they would have found their pets
but were too scared to accuse choerry
even if they knew it was her
choerry felt bad and sneakily returned the truffle-hunters during the night
she heard chuu disgruntledly ranting to haseul about how rude it was to steal some poor defenseless badgers
she turned them invisible shortly after that for another prank
but gowon exposed her
yerim’s never forgiven her for it
<son hyejoo>
the sweetest slytherin you’ll ever meet
loves to sit in the common room and stare at the water in the lake
but always gets scared by people walking in
even though she’s used to it because it happens every 10 minutes 
but it’s still
wanted to be on the quidditch team so bad when she was younger but now does not see the point she would much rather sit in the charms room and make up dumb spells with chuu
professor flitwick helps them
and always has cupcakes on handy
<im yeojin>
the mind of a slytherin and is the head prankster
no one suspects her because she looks and acts to sweet to do anything
but despite their “fair play” thing going on
hufflepuffs are the best jokers you’ll find
yeojin has started a pranking service
makes a bunch of money off it
enough to buy all 11 of her besties bags of candy at hogsmeade
(along with getting herself one because she deserves it)
and some for hufflepuff’s badgers too!
<yoo jimin>
i put her in gryffindor at first because aries
but she really has the personality of a ravenclaw :)
and she definitely brought an eagle/hawk to school
convinced everyone it was an owl
i mean no one really thought it was an owl because it obviously was a different kind of bird
how the heck do you take away someone’s bird and prevent it from going back to them?
and where do you put it?
that was karina’s plan
she knew no one could outsmart her
the riddle thingo at the entrance to the ravenclaw dorms was very proud of her
they’re friends
<uchinaga aeri>
the sorting hat spent five hours deciding on whether to put giselle in slytherin or hufflepuff
i’m exaggerating but you get the picture
because she values all of the things that the houses represent?!
but hufflepuff was still the best fit
loves to wander around the halls and staircases so she can discover the infinite amount of corridors and rooms inside hogwarts
she’ll never find them all
which is a little dissatisfying
but it’s still fun!
and ningning accompanies her a lot of the time, which can be incredibly distracting because neither of them end up going the direction they want to because they see something cool and go !!??
<kim minjeong>
a chaser for gryffindor
although no one knows about it? 
winter just never mentions it so whenever she plays there’s an uproar because that’s minjeong out there!
she loves the compliments from the outcome/ending of her accomplishments rather than the encouragement along the way
an ace at sneaking around the school
has gotten into all of the houses’ dorms 
no one found out
although the fat friar did see her and lecture her on privacy
she sort of listened
by which i mean she stayed out of the hufflepuff dorms and instead wen to the ravenclaw ones
<ning yizhuo>
the pride of hufflepuff for her quidditch skills
she’s so good at it
no one really expected this from her, but her determination blasted away any competition
and the team needs her badly 
for her quidditch skills
and her constant encouragement and cheering
giselle ended up giving her a microphone to wear during games so the whole school could hear how amazing and sweet the hufflepuff house is
smiles at everyone she walks past and the entire population of hogwarts knows her name
<kim chungha>
mcgonagall’s favorite
a role model for everyone, chungha has a posse of first years surrounding her at all times
her becoming head of house was no surprise, everyone expected her to and no one was jealous or envied her position since she did such a good job of leading gryffindor
used to be on the quidditch team as a blugder
which no one expected from sweet chungha
she was average, not a prodigy but not bad either
ended up quitting in sixth year to focus more on her studies, namely charms
<jeon somi>
in about 18 clubs
started 15 of them
for some reason she just loves the thrill of being part of a group more than others
and really enjoys having people around her
excellent at charms! it’s her best subject and professor flitwick uses her as an example all the time
she loves it
probably had to give her animal away to someone else (big sad) because she’s so busy
it was hyunjin who took it
now they’re really good friends and somi can see her cat whenever she wants to
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btswritingcafe · 4 years
monthly specials | april.
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monthly picks by our networks authors, from our admins to you!
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sweet n sour | myg . . . . . by @btsxdoll​
↳ genre:  Sugardaddy!Yoongi x Student!reader
↳ summary:  Searching for companionship, a young hardworking CEO is seeking someone whom he can share his troubles and thoughts with, without having the downsides of a serious relationship.
↳ For one, I’ve had several friends use sugar daddies to pay for school and to pay off credit card bills and they usually just wanted to have someone to talk to. Hpwever, there are some that may want more and that’s where some of those bad stories come from so  I would consider using a trigger warning in the tags so it can get filtered out. :D. Another thing, this is one of the few Yoongi stories (that I’ve read) that actually characterizes Yoongi in a good way. Yoongi’s like 1/3 brooding and 2/3 soft. The entirety of the 4th chapter just plastered a smile on my face because it’s honestly how I see Yoongi going on a date with someone xD.  He’s someone to notice everything. Anyway all of this rambling for me to say I do love the way the characters are being written. Also I noticed this is a re-write and oomfies do I know how frustrating doing a re-write is. Good luck and I will hope to see more of it. :D - @namjin-fangirling-again​
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the constellations of the big and small spoons  | jjk . . . . . by @vanaera
↳ genre: fluff
↳ summary: You’re sick and your roommate’s gone for her hometown for the next days so your bestfriend, Jeon Jungkook (who loves you cares so, so much), plays nurse for the entire night. What he did not expect is to find himself also burning hot–moreover on your bed with your body intertwined with his.(OR: you and Jungkook’s single brain cells try to make sense of the night except Jungkook has his heart-shaped and yours, well, is just plain weird…or not? )
↳ i would like to start by saying that i have been wanting to read your fics for so long and my list keeps growing akjsjs bUT FINALLY THE TIME HAS COME !! i of course can’t wait to read more because yOURE WRITING IS HEAVENLY !! seriously...you’re descriptions aren’t so vivid and real. like how you emphasized guk’s feelings? oh my word !!! i felt it all right there with him. the growth of the relationship was so wholesome and i am a sucker for this best friend trope, making my heart go boom boom. for real though...the way you had the story flow from present to past to present was phenomenal. you pieced it together in the most perfect way. i am SO pumped that i got the chance to read this and i already know that im going to love the rest. you are amazing and i have fallen more in love with guk because of tHIS AKSJSJ !! pure talent !! — @suhdays
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how do i get to you again? | knj + kth by @hungline
↳ genre: fluff, soulmate au, member x member
↳ summary: Namjoon doesn’t remember any of the time they have spent together, Taehyung’s appearance, or even his name when he is awake, but they always remember in their shared dream.
↳ I’m going to start this off by saying that I’m a huge sucker for vmon. (To be honest, I’m a sucker for all ships, but vmon sometimes feels so rare that I have a soft spot for most vmon fics I’ve read.) I’m also a huge sucker for soulmate aus, the concept of someone out there who’s your other half so sweet, so cute, so fluffy, that it makes me melt into a sweet puddle of goo. So, the moment I saw that this was a vmon fic with a soulmate au? Yes. Fuck yes. The way you introduced the universe with Namjoon was done so well, giving enough description but also enough space for the reader to imagine the scene as well. And then, when Taehyung was introduced? Squeals. Squeals everywhere. The intimacy between them is so sweet, so innocent, but so strong, and oh my god, in that moment you made me want so bad for them to meet each other in real life. It’s enough to bring the lurch to my heart, make me hurt a little for them, before being patched up again with how adorable they are in their dreams. The hand holding. Oh my god, the hand holding. I loved the ending, how it was so simple yet adorable and my heart beats in excitement, smile reaching my face and screaming into my pillow at the fluff. The fic was short, sweet, and made me melt into a sweet puddle of goo. An amazing piece of work written by an amazing writer. Definitely on my list of fics I have a soft spot for, for sure. — @bangtiddies
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thank you for all you do to create such lovely content !! we are in awe of all your talent !! we apologize for being a bit behind for last month, but know we appreciate you !!
happy writing ✨
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28-11s · 4 years
hiii! i finally have time to sit down and properly thank you for the amazing present, even though all i can think is “bdjnvcjfbvfjbvfuv” because my brain is all messy and my heart is still pounding. first of all. thank you. thank you. thank you. you know i just don’t like my bday, and i also don’t celebrate it in general, so i always try to keep it as normal as possible, but i cannot deny the fact that your gift got me all excited about today. like, i genuinely thought “wow, maybe this won’t be a bad day after all.” and i was right! but i think it’s because you brought me good luck as well. admit it, you used some of your magic. i even managed to hold back from crying for like, the first minute. then i reached the last sentence of the first page and sobbed a little. idk why, but the idea of somehow reminding you of characters who hold a special place in your memory makes me feel so.. weird? in a soft way? it boosts my ego a little, to be honest. i mean, maybe not my ego but it does make me feel proud? because i’m getting compared to stuff that brings you comfort. i’m gonna confess something though.. don’t k-word me but... i literally have only watched one (1) studio ghibli film and it’s howl’s moving castle.. haha.. so i’m only familiar with sophie :o but now i MUST catch up and watch them all. omg speaking of sophie. i have to admit that her part of the carrd is what got me straight up SOBBING for minutes. i obviously love everything about it and the fact you put in so much work and effort for ME is insane, but what you wrote on that page... </3 all i know is pain </3 IN A GOOD WAY OBVS. expressing myself is so hard when i just wanna cry and laugh and keyboard smash ughhhh. but when you said i’ve made flowers bloom in your life.. that destroyed me. literally knocked me out. i don’t think i’ve ever heard anything prettier. everything you tell me is so pretty and makes me happy but that one sentence got me all excited, y’know? i hope we will be able to make more flowers bloom together. omg quick break to cry again, brb.
and the way the garden talk linked to the camellia.. you literally planned and executed everything so well, i’m so so so happy. i want to say more but i’m getting sleepy and i have to wake up early so i will probably continue tomorrow!
nanite oomfie! let me flex my chinese real quick :D
再见,宝贝。 我很爱你。 :*
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