girlfox ยท 18 days
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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โ› ๐๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐๐“ , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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xiaouyu ยท 12 days
@krosakis from here ! โ™š the young girl's voice rang in his ears. the last thing Ichigo remembers is his back hitting a tree after being launched by a strong punch. โ€œ not bleeding but ... just had no idea JACK's could hit like a truck... โ€
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Xiaoyu had nearly tripped over her own feet rushing to his side , the impact of body against thick stump leaving her almost certain he'd be left with a concussion . Calling for Panda , the two worked together in a frenzy ; Panda nudging into Ichigo's arm , while Xiaoyu attempted somewhat aggressively shaking him back to reality .
Maybe not the best method of checking on him , but ... he seems to have handled it well .
' Eheh ... Yeah , they can be pretty scary . I'm sure it still hurts , but , I guess we're lucky you were thrown into a tree instead of a building , or something ! Do you need help getting up ? '
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demonsfate ยท 16 days
@krosakis liked for a starter .
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โ . . . So . . . what's your reason for joining the tournament ? โž Jin hadn't any knowledge that the other man was a participant, he merely assumed by his presence & strong build. Which he was once told by his mother to avoid making assumptions, but Jin was desperate to make conversation, not wanting to be alone with his thoughts.
โ Everyone usually has a reason. โž
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diveyne ยท 17 days
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@krosakis said: What people make you happy when you see them on the dash? | mun questions.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY i love gushing about the mootsies omg... dash positivity... my fave... AND WHERE TO START OTHER THANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...........
@umbane / every one of their blogs. like i don't think it's any secret that R is my favorite person on this site and one of my favorite people ever. i could write you a think piece on why R is so great. LIKE. i rarely use the word favorite when it comes to like . . . portrayals / muse renditions, but it's inescapably unavoidable where R is concerned. their kayn / ezreal / hwei / everyone else are my favorites ever. LIKE. I COULD GO ON FOREVER ABOUT EACH INDIVIDUAL MUSE. THEY'RE PERFECTTTTTTTTTT. they know their muses SO well and i am always so awed by their writing. i love writing with R, and i love talking to them so much, and i love playing league and vampires with them, and dumping 500 tiktoks and tweets in our dms. everything they post is like ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘๏ธ ANYWAYS I LOVE R AND SO SHOULD YOU ALL!!!!
@girlfox is another obvious one! LIKE. UGH, QUEEN KAERI. i'm so glad i can call her a friend like, she's someone i've admired for a long time like! her ahri has always been my favorite, and i'm so glad she's one of the core people who've stuck around on this site. kaeri is one of the biggest inspirations to get me to start making graphics like, ugh kaeri's mind is so beautiful. i love seeing her show up with the most extraordinary graphics and it's always such a delight when i notice a change or something new she's made like. kaeri stan FOREVERRRR. her ahri is so, so lovely. she's cultivated ahri so beautifully for so many years. like, she is the hallmark of ahri.
@intone / all of niran's blogs. I THINK I'VE ALSO BEEN FOLLOWING NIRAN FOR YEARS. but it's only in like the recent year that i've gotten to know him better, and i'm so glad that i've had that chance. niran is literally so lovely and an amazing writer, and like, all of his portrayals are so beautifully woven. AND HE'S ALSO SUCH A TALENTED GRAPHIC DESIGNER like omg watching niran blossom and make just absolutely jaw-dropping graphics has been so amazing. he's such a passionate creator on this site and an absolute iconic staple. like, i think his kogami was my introduction to him so long ago. forever the kogami of my heart.
@kalinai is THE akali of all time. my favorite akali ever. i feel like i've known remi for so long. AND IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME, GENUINELY. i'm so, so, so glad to call remi one of my friends like. they're such a talented writer and i'm so happy they're back on tumblr, because they're such a joy to see on the dash. i literally wouldn't have it any other way. they're an amazing writer, and they'd brighten any one of your dashes, too! like!!! truly, i MEAN IT. AKALI OF ALL. TIME. it makes me so happy to see all my friends around and remi is literally so part of that core experience.
@eatdivines is one of the lights of my life!!!!!! i love val so much!!! val's graphics are also SO FUCKINGGGG beautiful. i've not known her as long as i've known the others, but she's also a beautiful friend who i'm so grateful for, and me, an ahri lover, am so happy to see her writing her rendition of ahri. i am so flushed when i see val on my dash like, val is another one of my favorite people, and i love seeing her beautiful writing and gorgeous graphics on my dash. every muse she's put to hand has been so wonderfully done. VAL MY BELOVEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I'LL ALSO BE A VAL STAN FOREVER.
@heavenlyprinciples / @decaysate / ALL OF THEM. naminรฉ is SOOOOOOO wonderful. literally i love seeing his posts so much. this world is so small like, it's so nice the way things circle around sometimes. i got to be friends with naminรฉ like, the same time i was acquainted with val!!! i love seeing their posts. their writing just has this magical spark to it that makes me feel lighter, and it's so fun to read. LIKE TRULY all of my friends are so talented it's unreal. his formatting is just so pleasing to the eye and like i'm always so drawn to every post. I ADORE YOU SMMMMMMMMM!
i love my friends so much and it makes me so happy to see you all on my dash. like, truly, i'm so grateful for each and every one of you, because it makes being back on tumblr so much more fun. not just because i get to write with you, but i can see your pretty posts or little ooc posts, everything!! every part of the experience is so worth cherishing, and i'm so glad you're all here.
if you aren't following these people, you should!!!
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swahnn ยท 6 days
@krosakis . . .
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' Are you giving up now ? '
Her voice rises with curiosity , following the rise and fall of his sword . From the sweat on his brow & limp swings , it's clear he's been at this for some time ... perhaps a little push is all he needs .
' Take another breath . Consider what you will soon accomplish , and try again . '
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emielili ยท 17 days
โ› ย i wish i had another choice.ย  โœ
' And what will this pouting pity party you've thrown for yourself change ? '
She's hardly any idea what it is he is referring to , but information will not change her answer : this in itself is a choice โ€” a choice to remain idle , passive in achieving whatever he has already accepted as fate .
' You've a choice now , don't you ? Continue to sit and frown , or move . You are hogging my shade . '
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johnthejacobs ยท 26 days
TRL Krosaki Share Price Advancing Upwards
In recent market developments, TRL Krosaki Share Price has been experiencing a notable uptrend, marking a significant advancement for the refractories giant. This article delves into the factors driving this upward trajectory of TRL Krosaki Share Price analyzing the implications for investors and stakeholders. TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited (TRLKRL), formerly known as Tata Refractories Limited, has established a distinguished legacy in the production of refractory goods, as evidenced by its annual reports. The company's product portfolio encompasses a wide array of refractory materials, including tap hole clay, basic, dolomite, alumina, monolithic, and silica refractories.
These refractory goods manufactured by TRLKRL play a pivotal role in various nonferrous industries, catering to the needs of steel, copper, cement, aluminum, glass, and petrochemical companies. Moreover, TRLKRL extends its services beyond product manufacturing, offering comprehensive management and engineering solutions tailored to the refractories sector.
The company's diverse clientele spans across multiple industries, including iron and steel, lime, aluminum, power, copper, and cement, among others. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, TRLKRL operates three state-of-the-art production facilities located in Jamshedpur, Salem, and Belpahar, strategically situated in Tamil Nadu and Jharkhand.
For the global glass and coke oven industries, TRLKRL serves as a reliable supplier of silica refractories, showcasing its commitment to meeting the specialized needs of clients worldwide. Established in 1958 as 'Belpahar Refractories Limited', the company initially set up its plant in Belpahar, Jharsuguda, in 1959 to cater to the refractories requirements of the steel, aluminum, and copper industries in the country.
Subsequently renamed Tata Refractories Limited (TRL) in 1986, the company has continued to uphold its legacy of excellence and innovation, contributing significantly to the growth and development of the refractories sector. With its registered office situated in Orissa, TRLKRL remains at the forefront of the industry, driving innovation and delivering value to its stakeholders.
The Legacy of TRL Krosaki
Established as Tata Refractories Limited, TRL Krosaki has a rich heritage in the refractories industry, boasting decades of experience and expertise. With a focus on producing high-quality refractory products, the company has solidified its position as a key player in the sector.
Refractory Goods: The Core Business
At the heart of TRL Krosaki's operations lies the manufacturing of refractory goods. These essential materials find application in various industries, including steel, cement, glass, non-ferrous metals, and more. TRL Krosaki's commitment to excellence in product quality and innovation has contributed to its enduring success in this niche market.
Factors Driving the Share Price Surge
Several factors contribute to the recent surge in TRL Krosaki's share price. Among these are robust financial performance, strategic initiatives, and favorable industry trends. The company's ability to adapt to changing market dynamics and capitalize on emerging opportunities has resonated positively with investors.
Robust Financial Performance
TRL Krosaki's consistent financial performance serves as a cornerstone for the upward momentum in its share price. With a track record of profitability and revenue growth, the company has demonstrated resilience in the face of market challenges. Investors view TRL Krosaki as a sound investment opportunity, buoyed by its stable financial footing and growth potential.
Strategic Initiatives and Expansion
Strategic initiatives play a pivotal role in driving TRL Krosaki's share price upwards. The company's focus on innovation, product diversification, and geographical expansion has yielded positive results. By tapping into new markets and broadening its product portfolio, TRL Krosaki enhances its competitiveness and revenue streams, driving investor confidence.
Favorable Industry Trends
Favorable industry trends within the refractories sector further bolster TRL Krosaki's share price. As key end-user industries, such as steel and cement, experience growth and demand for refractory products, TRL Krosaki stands to benefit. Investors recognize the company's strategic positioning within these growth sectors, contributing to the upward trajectory of its share price.
Implications for Investors and Stakeholders
The surge in TRL Krosaki's share price presents opportunities and challenges for investors and stakeholders alike. While the upward trend reflects investor optimism and confidence in the company's prospects, it also underscores the need for prudent investment decisions and risk management strategies.
In conclusion, TRL Krosaki's share price surge underscores its resilience, strategic acumen, and market positioning within the refractories industry. As the company continues to capitalize on growth opportunities and deliver value to shareholders, the upward momentum in its share price is likely to persist. Investors and stakeholders stand to benefit from TRL Krosaki's sustained growth trajectory and commitment to excellence in the years to come.
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harpreetkohli345 ยท 2 years
TRL Krosaki Refractories Upcoming IPO can be interseting this tim, stay updated with TRL Krosaki Unlisted Shares from Planify. The best private equity marketplace for unlisted shares, preipo shares, delisted shares and ESOPs.
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girlfox ยท 2 months
aloe :ย  ย how does your muse handle grief ?
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aloe : how does your muse handle grief ?
i think she's learned to handle it differently over the years, but ahri has always had trouble coming to terms with her grief. she feels things powerfully, often exacerbated and doubled-down on by the well of other's emotions she holds in her heart; so when she feels, she feels deeply. sadness and grief is one of the most difficult emotions to handle rationally, unfortunately. at one point in her life, she went so far as to seek out a peculiar, dark magic that would eat up her grief-laden memories because of how intensely painful they were; she physically and mentally could not carry that with her.
in the end, however, that experience did teach her to keep close the precious memories you have even if they're painful, because nothing hurts more than voiding the goodness that preceded the pain. it's not easy for her to mount her grief, but she's better at coming to terms with it now ... i think she's still somewhat of a recluse when it occurs, and ahri has a habit of lashing out or seeking some method of drowning out the grief for a time. this is her coping method. in more severe cases, it could result on the fox going on a feeding spree, reverting to the young beast who ate to drown in other's feelings and memories, if only to bury her own. this is a worst case scenario.
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xiaouyu ยท 13 days
why would anybody want to kill me?
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Xiaoyu's expression grows heavy , weighed down by the gravity of the question presented . He can't be much older than her , right ? What could he have done to put a target on his back ?
She offers a frown , resenting her own answer . Some people didn't need a reason .
' I ... don't know . Did you make someone really mad ? N - not saying that justifies it , I mean ... ! '
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planify ยท 2 years
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited | Financial Results FY22 | #shorts | Pl...
Check out enormous growth in total income, total assets, and net profits. Check the investment possibility in TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited to secure profits. ย 
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sivrit ยท 17 days
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what chess piece represents you, freya?
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You are the White Queen. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, meaning you are strong in some aspect of your life. Physically, emotionally, mentally, one of these is your strong suit. The queen can move anywhere she wishes upon the board, meaning you have your hands full with all the different tasks and choices in your life. Just be careful not to overwhelm yourself. For all your poise and status, your position will surely crumble under the weight of your pride.
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tagged by: @achroanimus (platonic smooches) tagging: @vtriol, @valkyrrhic, @krosakis, @girlfox, @otlaw, @diveyne
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trlkrosaki ยท 2 days
The Refractory Guardians: TRL Krosaki's Refractory Engineering Services in India
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India's industrial landscape thrives on the strength of its steel production. But behind the fiery scenes of molten metal and towering furnaces lies a crucial, yet often unseen, element: refractory engineering services. TRL Krosaki, a leading name in refractories, stands tall in this domain, offering comprehensive services that ensure the smooth and efficient operation of industrial furnaces and kilns across India.
Beyond the Bricks: A Holistic Approach
Refractory materials, those high-temperature resistant bricks and shapes, are the workhorses of countless industries. However, simply supplying these materials isn't enough. TRL Krosaki recognizes this and goes beyond mere product provision. Their engineering services encompass a holistic approach, encompassing every stage of a refractory's lifecycle within an industrial setting.
The Service Spectrum: From Design to Aftercare
TRL Krosaki's service portfolio is a symphony of expertise, catering to every need of an industrial plant's refractory requirements. Here's a glimpse into the key areas they cover:
Complete Project Management: From initial planning to final commissioning, TRL Krosaki takes the reins. Their experienced engineers oversee the entire project, ensuring smooth execution and optimal refractory usage.
Detailed Engineering & Drawing: Precision is paramount. TRL Krosaki's team meticulously designs and creates detailed engineering drawings, specifying the exact type, size, and placement of refractory materials for each furnace or kiln.
Supply of Refractories & Auxiliary Items: They are a one-stop shop! TRL Krosaki not only supplies high-quality refractory materials but also provides all the necessary auxiliary items needed for installation and maintenance.
Dismantling, Installation & Dry Out: The experts take care of everything. From dismantling old refractory linings to meticulously installing new ones and ensuring proper drying procedures, TRL Krosaki oversees the entire process.
Commissioning & After Sales Service: The job doesn't end at installation. TRL Krosaki provides commissioning support to ensure the smooth startup of the furnace or kiln. Additionally, their after-sales service guarantees ongoing assistance and technical support.
Maintenance & Repair: Furnaces endure wear and tear. TRL Krosaki offers maintenance and repair services, extending the lifespan of the refractory lining and maximizing furnace efficiency.
Total Refractories Management: Expertise at Your Fingertips
For those seeking a comprehensive solution, TRL Krosaki offers total refractory management. This service takes a proactive approach, handling all aspects of refractory usage within a plant. From selection and installation to ongoing maintenance and optimization, TRL Krosaki becomes a trusted partner, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.
Experience that Spans Industries
TRL Krosaki's engineering services cater to a diverse range of industries that rely on high-temperature processes. Some of the key sectors they serve include:
Iron & Steel
Their vast experience translates into a deep understanding of the specific refractory needs of each industry. This allows them to tailor their services to deliver the most effective and efficient solutions.
A Legacy of Excellence: Built on Quality and Innovation
TRL Krosaki's commitment to excellence shines through in every aspect of their engineering services. They utilize high-quality refractory materials, ensuring durability and optimal performance. Additionally, their team of skilled and experienced engineers stays abreast of the latest advancements in refractory technology, constantly innovating their services to meet the evolving needs of the industry.
The Final Word: Partners in Progress
TRL Krosaki's refractory engineering services in India are a testament to their dedication to supporting the nation's industrial growth. By offering a holistic approach, encompassing everything from design to aftercare, they become valued partners for countless companies. Their expertise ensures efficient furnace operation, minimizes downtime, and ultimately contributes to a stronger and more competitive Indian industrial landscape.
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swahnn ยท 14 days
what chess piece represents you ?
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You are the Black Queen. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, meaning you are strong in some aspect of your life. Physically, emotionally, mentally, one of these is your strong suit. The queen can move anywhere she wishes upon the board, meaning you have your hands full with all the different tasks and choices in your life. Being the black piece means you work more behind the scenes, working to make sure someone else's plans succeed, or pushing your own agenda. Just be careful who you trust, for all your cunning and beauty, there are reasons why queens were beheaded.
tagged by , @halodoved thank you ! ๐Ÿ’— tagging , @rai6en , @lightflown , @therealricksanchezpleasestandup , @amaidol , @krosakis , @fallesto & steal it from me !!
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ardhasneoehs ยท 1 month
Improve EHS Performance in Steel with NeoEHS Software: TRL Krosaki Case Study
Want better EHS outcomes in the steel industry? Find out how TRL Krosaki succeeded with NeoEHS! Strengthen compliance, minimize risk, boost efficacy via our powerful EHS software solutions. Ready to elevate EHS management like TRL Krosaki? Explore NeoEHS today! https://www.neoehs.com/case-studies/trl
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freddiemark ยท 2 years
Is investing in the TRL Krosaki Refractories Upcoming IPO worth it?
Yes, Investing in the TRL Krosaki Refractories Upcoming IPO worth it. Buy and Sell TRL Krosaki Refractories Pre IPO at best prices by planify. We have analysis report on TRL Krosaki Refractories Unlisted Shares you will get complete analysis on TRL Krosaki Refractories Pre IPO, financials, revenue growth, peer comparison and Management.
Visit Website Today : https://www.planify.in/research-report/trl-krosaki/
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