#beacuse they are going between fucking systems in a matter of DAYS
gabagoulie · 3 years
Sleep is for the weak and the unemployed
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therainbowtroll · 3 years
Post Secondary Trauma
The post secondary system has messed me up beyond compare and I know I am not the only one. When I was on this blog more I was going though the transition between high school and collage. Right before high school my “first love” broke up with me near the end of the school year and I was also dealing with a series of chronic back pain I have been struggling with since I was 14. Needless to say I really was not in the right head space to go into collage. I thought I knew what I wanted and how to get there however with all these things going on at once it was clear that I should have taken a year to get healthy. My mother however felt that I needed to get school over with asap so I could become a cog in this machine faster. So after a summer with dealing with chronic pain and depression I was thrown into this cold unforgiving system. To put the cherry on top of everything else that was going on I also aged out of my therapy at the time and expected the school to fill in the gap. But of course this was the first time they failed me. After the first session they told me they could only see me 5 times maximum. Our expectation was that due to all the tuition I was paying I would be good to go and see them until I graduated. However Humber only gave a fuck about one thing: getting my money. I have made many mistakes in my life I wish I could go back and fix. but the biggest one I feel is moving into the dorms. I CLEARLY was not able to live on my own let alone with a roommate. I became very lonely very quickly and often forgot things either at home or the dorms. I stayed one year and by the end I was basically living at home near the end. I got sick ALOT due to the low quality food being sold as well as over crowding. Looking back I was an idiot that did not understand what I was -really- signing up for. If you can commute home just do it. Don’t live in the dorms unless you NEED to. The collages/universities will sell these dorms as a way to make friends but that is the opposite of what your buying. I had 3 roommates during that time. I had 2 average roommate experiences. One girl moved in due to her dorm being destroyed  by sprinklers triggered by a fire (thank god I was not in the dorm for that....) and the other girl moved in when I was basically moved out. My first roomate was a spoiled internatinal student who left  her stuff every where and broke my things when I wasent home. Not to mention would eat my food and have strangers come into the  dorm when I was not home. She moved away due to us fighting. Thank god beacuse she also left her shit stained toilet paper in the waste basket as well...FUCKEN YUCK
School work was one thing. The first year was a blur but one thing I do remember is our placement course. It was supposed to teach us about how our placements were going to go. Our teacher was a nice enough guy. But half our class failed. The guy had a super heavy accent, class was super early in the morning and the kicker? Did not tell us to buy a book that was necessary of our program...it was a fucking joke. Did that matter when I started my placement? Nope! All my fault! I was treated horribly. Nervous breakdown after nervous breakdown. Placements are bullshit. They are abusive and the school cares more about the relationship with the placement then they care about the students well being. They  also dont like it if your disabled. They assume that your being lazy or that you had your hand held during high school. This happened more then once. If a student with higher grades accused you of slacking off you would be blamed and be forced to do extra work over christmas. Students with disabilities are often discriminated agenst. But I was going to a collage where they would send me to placements where they were openly homophobic and ablest. At the end of the day I got my diploma. But that was fully on MY own. The school did nothing to help and actively traumatized me into  thinking I was useless and better off on disability. You know what? Fuck you. I am better then your program. I worked hard to get to where I am today and it was all me. NOT YOU
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mayacatmaster · 5 years
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Good Deeds Should Be Done With Energy-Working-Function-Pattern,  Not For Attention, Not For Money; Power; Fame Or Social Praise.  *** *** *** How do you know the BEHAVIORS OF GENUINE PEOPLE? They practice what they preach/teach/post and can help themselves and another people beautiful dream come true, or at least can get rid bad-bitter-life-fruits-Vicious circle. *** *** *** How do you know the BEHAVIORS OF fake PEOPLE? They never practice what they preach/teach/post and they will said a lot of beautiful-pretty-word, what is holy books, light, love, saints, morality, or what is Great nation, race, family….or their religion/morality/holy books/political/country-social-family-belief-system is based on love., …. and just want another people loyalty, devotion, sacrifice, service for their personal purpose, desire, egoism-standard. *** *** *** But if you ask what happens when people don't follow the rules about their religion/morality/holy books/political/country-social-family-belief-system? And see into their history….><!!! *** *** *** The most dangerous person on earth is a Fake Friend.  The most dangerous person on earth is a Fake heart.  *** *** *** No matter it’s in a world, a country, a home, a mind-body. *** *** *** No matter it’s your government, your religion, your moral, your holy books, your teachers, your gurus, your parents, your family, your education-system, your boss, your lover, your friends…! *** *** *** Real is rare. *** *** ***  Sincere & honest words are not always very pretty; and those very pretty words are not always very sincere & honest.  信言不美,美言不信。 *** *** ***  People lie. *** *** ***  Actions also can lie. *** *** ***  But energy-function-pattern can’t lie. Energy is my first reading language. I understand it more than I witness and watch the people’s words, deeds, or though, ideas, belief-system. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** No Dark Tyranny Rulers. If Nobody Obey. *** *** *** Fear and obedience are one of the elites tool to control the masses. *** *** *** One of the most important things I've learned in life is to ignore most of what people say, preach, teach.  I watch what they do instead. *** *** *** Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Qscar Wilde *** *** ** And….: If you look at the people in your circle and do not become “inspired”(help you beautiful dream come true or at least help you cease bad-bitter-life-fruits-Vicious circle ,  And they just only teach/preach you how to kiss as by blind-obey/blind follow, No matter of it’s use what kind of name, God/holy books/religion/moral/country-social-education-family-belief-system. Then you don't have a circle, you have a cage.  *** *** *** So...make sure what your morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system not AGAINST FREEDOM.  *** *** *** AGAINST you to be free, THEY just WANT YOU TO BE SLAVES. Their whole vested interest is in your being always a slave. *** *** *** The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living. -Socrates  *** *** *** A man lives in slavery without self inquire because he lives unconsciously He lives like a robot.  *** *** *** So….: If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those beliefs that  come to you.  You do not accept them willy-nilly. -Seth  *** *** *** So…: I don't trust words, I trust vibes.  People can tell you anything, can preach/teach you anything, but a vibe tells you everything.  *** *** *** No matter of what kind of morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system.  ‘So call’ Great virtue-good-deed-words. *** *** *** I don't trust deeds, I trust vibes.  People can pretend anything, can preach/teach you anything, but a vibe tells you everything.  *** *** *** No matter of what kind of morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system.  ‘So call’ Great virtue-good-deeds. *** *** ***  So…: I Don't Always Visit Freethinker Groups  Such As Those Great Gurus/Saints/Religion/Morality/Political/Education-Belief-System. But When I Do,  I Am The-Original-Face-Badass-Man,  I Question Everything, Self-Inquiry For Myself. I Don’t Want Be A Copy Cat. *** *** *** Because….: If this is all a dream, a Maya, a mirage, it's long as fuck....: Because lesson repeats until it is learned….: It has 5000 years in China, It has 7,000 years in India,….: *** *** *** And…: The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. 愚蒙人是話都信,智慧通達者步步審慎。 ~Proverbs 14:15 King James Bible *** *** *** So…: Pick Wisely !!! Pick Wisely !!! Pick Wisely !!! We become who we spend time with. The quality of life is most often a direct reflection of the expectations of' their peer group. Choose your friends well. — Anthony Robbins  *** *** ***  Beacuse…: Real is rare. *** *** ***  Because…: Sincere & honest words are not always very pretty; and those very pretty words are not always very sincere & honest.  信言不美,美言不信。 *** *** ***  People lie. *** *** ***  Actions also can lie. *** *** ***  But energy-function-pattern can’t lie. Energy is my first reading language. I understand it more than I witness and watch the people’s words, deeds, or though, ideas, belief-system. *** *** ***  Looking for truth? Observe people's habitual behavior patterns/cycles.  The truth is in their patterns and cycles.  Not so much their words. *** *** ***  Energy moves in cycles, circles, spirals, vortexes, whirls, pulsations, waves,  and rhythms-rarely if ever in simple straight lines. ~Starhawk *** *** ***  Consciousness Isn't Merely Just A State Of Mind. But A Vibrational Frequency In Which We Perceive, Live, And Broadcast Out To Others.  *** *** ***  Intuition is real.  Vibes are real.  Energy doesn't lie,  Tune in. *** *** ***  What you are living is always an exact replication of your vibrational patterns of thought. ~Abraham *** *** ***  Between egoism and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between man-made-rules and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between desires and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between your-origin-face and "Source"(Tao; True Self); *** *** *** Between your heart, my heart and another heart; *** No matter what... You learn more about someone at the end of a relationship than at the end beginning of it. *** *** ***
Knowledge is a huge threat To the agenda of authority. *** *** *** So…: What is your religion-belief-system, morality-belief-system or any kind of belief-system Based Upon? The "Laws of the Universe"(Source; Tao; True Self; Brahma) or the laws-of-man-made? *** *** ***
Good Deeds or bad deeds, who decide?
By any kind of egoism-standard or “Source”(True Self; Tao; Ma at; Logos; Dharma)?
*** *** ***
Good sheep or bad sheep, who decide?
By any kind of egoism-standard or “Source”(True Self; Tao; Ma at; Logos; Dharma)?
*** *** *** Life is "Tao"(True Self;Brahman) back to itself. I observed the sun, moon, stars orbit operation life. *** *** *** "Nature"(Tao;Ma-at;Logos; Source) never did betray the heart that loved her. *** *** *** The World Knows Many Religions,  But Nature Has But One Truth. ~MANLY P. Hall  *** *** *** The World Knows Many Religions/Moral/Education/Country-Social-Family-Person-Belief-System,  But Nature Has But One Cosmic-Principle-Truth.  *** *** *** It is through watching the "Cycles" of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our own lives. *** *** *** Four things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, the Big-Dipper and the “Truth”(True Self; Tao; Logos; Ma-at; Dharma; Source).  *** *** *** Because…: A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority. *** *** *** The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. *** *** *** So so what…:  Dimensions are not places or locations; they're levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power & more opportunity to create our reality. *** *** *** Everything around us is made up of energy To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy!! *** *** *** You Are Made Of Source Energy. *** *** *** Energy is my first language.  I understand it more than I do words.  *** *** *** And I can…: Mirror the most simplest “Cosmic Principle”(Tao; Source; Ma at; Brahma) in every area every topic…: *** *** *** QUANTUM INTUITION EXPLAINED  Everything is Energy.  Energy connects everything.  Energy carries information.  The past, present a future all exist simultaneously.  Therefore, as energetic beings, we have  access to the past, present & future  at any point in time via energy.  IT ALL CONNECTS.  *** *** *** You are an electmagnetic being emitting a frequency.  Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting  can come into your experience.  Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on.  *** *** *** Health, wealth, beauty and genius are not created: they are only manifested by  the arrangement of our mind. ~Neville Goddard  *** *** *** We remind you that you are dreaming right now.  Wake up and live the dream you prefer.  Understand that you are always making choices. That's your free will. If you do not prefer what you are choosing, redefine it; choose something else. Then lock the new choice in by acting as if the new choice is now  the real reality. Do not play "what if-— play *what is."  Be bold. Be who you are. Be in joy, and enjoy yourselves. Believe in yourselves.  You are all there is to believe in. ~Bashar *** *** *** The Alchemist Is One Who Transforms All Energies Into Higher Frequencies Of Light And Love. They Are, The Bringers Of A New Dawn,Transmuting The Old Paradigms Into A Higher Intelligence And Order. They Act Solely For The Highest Good Of All. Love Is The Only Master They Answer To. *** *** *** You are a fortunate soul who has the power of self-renewal, simply by re-awakening every day to a spiritual sense of self.  *** *** *** The Source within me, that is expanded as a result of what I have lived, stands in loving appreciation of all that I have become and calls me never endingly toward it. ~Abraham  *** *** *** The Source within is thinking about the same thing with you. *** *** *** CLARITY is Source thinking with you,  and you knowing the Source. ~Abraham-Hicks *** *** *** You create your dream state just like you create your awake state—  with the same law of attraction, and with the same focus. ~Abraham-Hick  *** *** *** You Do Not Allow Because You Do Not Believe.  What You Believe Regarding Anything That You Want Is Extremely Important - For You Will Allow Only Within The Boundaries Of Your Beliefs.  And So, In Many Cases, Your Beliefs Must Be Altered To Harmonize  With Your Intentions. ~Abraham *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Abraham Hicks Picture Quotes N Open Forum”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** So we’ve been spending quite a bit of time lately trying to help you understand that as you are the creator of your own reality, how things come from that vibrational, not-yet-tangible state of being into a manifested tangible state. And it ALL lies in perception. It all lies in your ability to tune to a frequency that allows you to perceive it. And this is the thing, humans (we love you so much) stubbornly hold back from. You want to call reality one thing and you want to call nonphysical another. You want to call what’s manifested like the money you’ve got in your bank one thing, and you want to call vibration something else. And we want you to understand that it’s all the same thing. And that when you accept that it’s all the same thing, and you accept that you are the thinker of the vibrational currency, that you are the director of the thought, and you are the synthesizer of the energy. And most important of all, you are then the translator of the energy that you have created into the reality that you call real life. ~Abraham-Hicks, Sacramento, CA, 03/1/14 *** *** *** It is through watching the "Cycles" of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our own lives. *** *** *** Four things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, the Big-Dipper and the “Truth”(True Self; Tao; Logos; Ma-at; Dharma; Source).  *** *** *** If not according to the “Help people as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** If not according to the "Help people to be natural, relax & be who-really-they-are, and alignment with their “Source”(True Self; Tao; Inner Being)”,  *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** And Anybody can say that they listen to their own inner most great “Ultimate Master”(Source; True Self; Tao), …: *** *** *** People may think that they have found a great many Masters in America or Europe or Asia, but they are masters only outwardly; those who follow them are not yet living in the presence of an inner Master. *** *** *** And…: How can you be sure of the inner presence of a Master?  How can you tell whether the voice you hear is really the inner most great “Ultimate Master”(Source; True Self; Tao) or external influences from any kind of dark-tyrant-rulers?  *** *** *** If not according to the “Help themselves as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The Source within is thinking about the same thing with you. *** *** *** CLARITY is Source thinking with you,  and you knowing the Source. ~Abraham-Hicks *** *** *** It takes both sides to build a bridge. *** *** *** Source part of you and Physical part of you;  “Form is empty”(energy-vibration-frequency return to original face) and “Empty is form”( energy-vibration-frequency became matter) and  who see who identify with any kind of “I am this or that…!” *** *** *** Source is thinking through you and your Emotion-Energy-Guidance-system tell you,  *** *** *** Source Energy Guidance system, the “Source”(True Self; Tao) always same, no matter of it western or eastern, past, now or future or any kind of time-space-social-energy-structure *** *** *** Sloppy Thinking and you will make your life became a pile of shits. *** *** *** Subject of your Creation *** *** *** Self Mastery & Awakening *** *** *** See who is Seer *** *** *** See you As….: *** *** *** Self Define….; *** *** *** Which you? Which world? *** *** *** How to bring heaven to earth? *** *** *** Good Deeds Should Be Done With Energy-Working-Function-Pattern,  Not For Attention, Not For Money; Power; Fame Or Social Praise.  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Mina Milos”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Everything is Energy:  Everything we can see, hear, touch, taste & smell is made of different wavelengths of vibrating frequencies. The time is upon us to harness the power within & envision ourselves as the true spiritual beings of Divine love  & light that we are. The more conscious we become, the more wisdom we attain from within that has always been there waiting for us to rediscover.  This infinite wisdom within is the highest form of intelligence that no level of man taught education can ever teach. When you learn to listen to your intuition & how you feel, you become more in tune with energies, therefore  becoming more conscious, refined & having deeper clarity of the frequencies within & around you. Spirituality is having a deep connection with your inner being. It is a continuous process on the path to remembering our divine selves. Once you choose to remember this within yourself, all that you haveexperienced on this earthly plane of social constraints & paradigms become redundant & uninspiring & eventually you will come to question it all, which will move you & inspire you to go inwards even though you might not be fully clear as to why it's happening. We are constantly evolving through each & every experience we have regardless of whether or not we are fully aware of it. Eventually we come to that Ah ha moment where we understand the experience at a deeper level to where we start to see things from broader perspective through the eyes of source/the God within as opposed to our limited human perspectives. And  as we reach this awareness, the journey becomes more profound & exciting as we become conscious & aware that we are in fact the creators of our experiences on every level' :in that knowing we can create any reality we  choose to align with as we reclaim our power thru that knowing & remembering.  Namaste my dear beautiful loving friends & soul family with eternal love & gratitude! ~Mina Milos
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mayacatmaster · 5 years
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Alignment is the easy work - loving is easy, it's hating that's hard. Good timing is easy, it's being off in your timing that's hard. Ease and flow is easy, it's struggle that's hard. So sometimes you see others struggling, and you feel guilty because you're not struggling, because that's kind of the way your world has been operating. "We need hard workers so we have to praise them when they work hard, and give them some sort of satisfaction when they work hard; give them some sort of mark on some chart for working hard and suffering." And we want to say, but their Inner Beings are not doing that - you want to mimic their Inner Beings, yes? ~Abraham
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Via and thanks "The Wobble Free Zone":
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Energy is my first language, I undersigned more than I do words.
You might as well be who you really are because your vibes is going to tell
the truth anyways.
*** *** ***
Simplicity, easy is my ultimate sophistication. *** *** *** Socrate's Way: *** *** *** According mirror and reflect the most simplest “Cosmic Principle”(Tao; Source; Ma at; Brahma) Response to various conditions, various challenges, various tests, variety people and things. *** *** *** "Science cannot solve the ultimate mysteries of natures  And that is because we ourselves are part of nature and  are therefore also part of the mystery we are trying to solve." ~Max Planck  *** *** *** So…: According alignment with “Source”(True Self; Tao) and as alignment-deliberate-creator Response to various conditions, various challenges, various tests, variety people and things. *** *** *** There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you.  And there are others who will understand - without you even speaking a word. ~Yasmin Mogahed *** *** *** I'm at that stage of my life where I keep myself out of arguments  even if you tell me 1+1=5;  You’re absolutely correct, enjoy.  *** *** *** Because First…: If It Doesn't Bring You Income, Inspiration, Or Orgasms, It Doesn't Belong In Your Life. *** *** *** Some of you walked into my life and made it better, others walked out and made  it fucking fantastic. It’s same to me. *** *** *** Second: Parrots may repeat valuable sentences, but they lack understanding.  *** *** *** One of the most important things I've learned in life is to ignore most of what people say, preach, teach.  I watch what they do instead. *** *** *** Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Qscar Wilde *** *** ** And….: If you look at the people in your circle and do not become “inspired”(help you beautiful dream come true or at least help you cease bad-bitter-life-fruits-Vicious circle ,  And they just only teach/preach you how to kiss as by blind-obey/blind follow, No matter of it’s use what kind of name, God/holy books/religion/moral/country-social-education-family-belief-system. Then you don't have a circle, you have a cage.  *** *** *** So...make sure what your morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system not AGAINST FREEDOM.  *** *** *** AGAINST you to be free, THEY just WANT YOU TO BE SLAVES. Their whole vested interest is in your being always a slave. *** *** *** The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living. -Socrates  *** *** *** A man lives in slavery without self inquire because he lives unconsciously He lives like a robot.  *** *** *** So….: If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those beliefs that  come to you.  You do not accept them willy-nilly. -Seth  *** *** *** So…: I don't trust words, I trust vibes.  People can tell you anything, can preach/teach you anything, but a vibe tells you everything.  *** *** *** No matter of what kind of morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system.  ‘So call’ Great virtue-good-deed-words. *** *** *** I don't trust deeds, I trust vibes.  People can pretend anything, can preach/teach you anything, but a vibe tells you everything.  *** *** *** No matter of what kind of morality/saints/gurus/government/holy books/religion/political/education/country-social-family-belief-system.  ‘So call’ Great virtue-good-deeds. *** *** ***  So…: I Don't Always Visit Freethinker Groups  Such As Those Great Gurus/Saints/Religion/Morality/Political/Education-Belief-System. But When I Do,  I Am The-Original-Face-Badass-Man,  I Question Everything, Self-Inquiry For Myself. I Don’t Want Be A Copy Cat. *** *** *** Because….: If this is all a dream, a Maya, a mirage, it's long as fuck....: Because lesson repeats until it is learned….: It has 5000 years in China, It has 7,000 years in India,….: *** *** *** And…: The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. 愚蒙人是話都信,智慧通達者步步審慎。 ~Proverbs 14:15 King James Bible *** *** *** So…: Pick Wisely !!! Pick Wisely !!! Pick Wisely !!! We become who we spend time with. The quality of life is most often a direct reflection of the expectations of' their peer group. Choose your friends well. — Anthony Robbins  *** *** ***  Beacuse…: Real is rare. *** *** ***  Because…: Sincere & honest words are not always very pretty; and those very pretty words are not always very sincere & honest.  信言不美,美言不信。 *** *** ***  People lie. *** *** ***  Actions also can lie. *** *** ***  But energy-function-pattern can’t lie. Energy is my first reading language. I understand it more than I witness and watch the people’s words, deeds, or though, ideas, belief-system. *** *** ***  Looking for truth? Observe people's habitual behavior patterns/cycles.  The truth is in their patterns and cycles.  Not so much their words. *** *** ***  Energy moves in cycles, circles, spirals, vortexes, whirls, pulsations, waves,  and rhythms-rarely if ever in simple straight lines. ~Starhawk *** *** ***  Consciousness Isn't Merely Just A State Of Mind.  But A Vibrational Frequency In Which We Perceive, Live, And Broadcast Out To Others.  *** *** ***  Intuition is real.  Vibes are real.  Energy doesn't lie,  Tune in. *** *** ***  What you are living is always an exact replication of your vibrational patterns of thought. ~Abraham *** *** ***  Between egoism and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between man-made-rules and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between desires and "Source"(Tao; True Self); Between your-origin-face and "Source"(Tao; True Self); *** *** *** Between your heart, my heart and another heart; *** No matter what... You learn more about someone at the end of a relationship than at the end beginning of it. *** *** *** Life is "Tao"(True Self;Brahman) back to itself. I observed the sun, moon, stars orbit operation life. *** *** *** "Nature"(Tao;Ma-at;Logos; Source) never did betray the heart that loved her. *** *** *** The World Knows Many Religions,  But Nature Has But One Truth. ~MANLY P. Hall  *** *** *** The World Knows Many Religions/Moral/Education/Country-Social-Family-Person-Belief-System,  But Nature Has But One Cosmic-Principle-Truth.  *** *** *** It is through watching the "Cycles" of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our own lives. *** *** *** Four things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, the Big-Dipper and the “Truth”(True Self; Tao; Logos; Ma-at; Dharma; Source).  *** *** *** Because…: A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority. *** *** *** The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. *** *** *** So so what…:  Dimensions are not places or locations; they're levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power & more opportunity to create our reality. *** *** *** Everything around us is made up of energy To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy!! *** *** *** You Are Made Of Source Energy. *** *** *** Energy is my first language.  I understand it more than I do words.  *** *** *** And I can…: Mirror the most simplest “Cosmic Principle”(Tao; Source; Ma at; Brahma) in every area every topic…: *** *** *** QUANTUM INTUITION EXPLAINED  Everything is Energy.  Energy connects everything.  Energy carries information.  The past, present a future all exist simultaneously.  Therefore, as energetic beings, we have  access to the past, present & future  at any point in time via energy.  IT ALL CONNECTS.  *** *** *** You are an electmagnetic being emitting a frequency.  Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting  can come into your experience.  Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on.  *** *** *** Health, wealth, beauty and genius are not created: they are only manifested by  the arrangement of our mind. ~Neville Goddard  *** *** *** We remind you that you are dreaming right now.  Wake up and live the dream you prefer.  Understand that you are always making choices. That's your free will. If you do not prefer what you are choosing, redefine it; choose something else.  Then lock the new choice in by acting as if the new choice is now  the real reality. Do not play "what if-— play *what is."  Be bold. Be who you are. Be in joy, and enjoy yourselves. Believe in yourselves.  You are all there is to believe in. ~Bashar *** *** *** The Alchemist Is One Who Transforms All Energies Into Higher Frequencies Of Light And Love. They Are, The Bringers Of A New Dawn,Transmuting The Old Paradigms Into A Higher Intelligence And Order. They Act Solely For The Highest Good Of All. Love Is The Only Master They Answer To. *** *** *** You are a fortunate soul who has the power of self-renewal, simply by re-awakening every day to a spiritual sense of self.  *** *** *** The Source within me, that is expanded as a result of what I have lived, stands in loving appreciation of all that I have become and calls me never endingly toward it. ~Abraham  *** *** *** The Source within is thinking about the same thing with you. *** *** *** CLARITY is Source thinking with you,  and you knowing the Source. ~Abraham-Hicks *** *** *** You create your dream state just like you create your awake state—  with the same law of attraction, and with the same focus. ~Abraham-Hick  *** *** *** You Do Not Allow Because You Do Not Believe.  What You Believe Regarding Anything That You Want Is Extremely Important - For You Will Allow Only Within The Boundaries Of Your Beliefs.  And So, In Many Cases, Your Beliefs Must Be Altered To Harmonize  With Your Intentions. ~Abraham *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “Abraham Hicks Picture Quotes N Open Forum”: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** So we’ve been spending quite a bit of time lately trying to help you understand that as you are the creator of your own reality, how things come from that vibrational, not-yet-tangible state of being into a manifested tangible state. And it ALL lies in perception. It all lies in your ability to tune to a frequency that allows you to perceive it. And this is the thing, humans (we love you so much) stubbornly hold back from. You want to call reality one thing and you want to call nonphysical another. You want to call what’s manifested like the money you’ve got in your bank one thing, and you want to call vibration something else. And we want you to understand that it’s all the same thing. And that when you accept that it’s all the same thing, and you accept that you are the thinker of the vibrational currency, that you are the director of the thought, and you are the synthesizer of the energy. And most important of all, you are then the translator of the energy that you have created into the reality that you call real life. ~Abraham-Hicks, Sacramento, CA, 03/1/14 *** *** *** It is through watching the "Cycles" of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our own lives. *** *** *** Four things cannot be long hidden; the sun, the moon, the Big-Dipper and the “Truth”(True Self; Tao; Logos; Ma-at; Dharma; Source).  *** *** *** If not according to the “Help people as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** If not according to the "Help people to be natural, relax & be who-really-they-are, and alignment with their “Source”(True Self; Tao; Inner Being)”,  *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** And Anybody can say that they listen to their own inner most great “Ultimate Master”(Source; True Self; Tao), …: *** *** *** People may think that they have found a great many Masters in America or Europe or Asia, but they are masters only outwardly; those who follow them are not yet living in the presence of an inner Master. *** *** *** And…: How can you be sure of the inner presence of a Master?  How can you tell whether the voice you hear is really the inner most great “Ultimate Master”(Source; True Self; Tao) or external influences from any kind of dark-tyrant-rulers?  *** *** *** If not according to the “Help themselves as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** Excuse me, sir, do you know... What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The Source within is thinking about the same thing with you. *** *** *** CLARITY is Source thinking with you,  and you knowing the Source. ~Abraham-Hicks *** *** ***
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