#be who u rrrrrr
pajamasoupp · 1 year
your art styles so pretty man AUGH-
so,uhh,what’re your HTF queer hcs?I’m curious:0
2.) omg ,, i have lgbt hcs for all these little critters <3 , everyone is one of those darn queers. I'll write down prns / gender + sexuality hcs :)
this also fr makes me wanna share my age hcs for them too hehe (plus designs coming soon)
; Flippy — cis male he/him , unlabeled but a mankisser
; Splendid — cis male he/him but fr doesn't mind any , bisexual disaster with no pref !
; Flaky — intersex trans fem, she/they , ace lesbian
; Giggles — demigirl she/her , bisexual ( male pref )
; Toothy — cis male he/him , gay gay homosexual gay 🙏 ( mlm ) ( hes so me )
; Cuddles — cis male he/him , bisexual af ( no pref )
; Petunia — mtf she/her , bisexual ( male pref )
; Handy — ftm he/him , unlabeled but kinda just does whatever feels gud
; Lumpy — ftm he/him or any , ace + pan
; The Mole — cis male he/him , homosexual mankisser ong
; Russell — ftm he/him , gayest homosexual
; Pop — cis male he/him , bisexual ( pref for boys )
; Disco Bear — ftm he/him , unlabeled but is attracted to any n all
; Nutty — nb it/him , pansexual + aro
; Sniffles — demiboy he/they , gay gay
; Mime — depends who im talking to /hj, demi aroace + pan
; Lammy — cis female she/her , lesbian
; Shifty — cis male he/him , bisexual ( heavy male pref )
; Lifty — agender he/it , gay + aro
tbh these might change overtime, especially if others around me start talking abt their personal hcs for them and it infects me too mgjghggjmm
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
Ok catching up w stt Wdym another fucking Robotnik was confirmed queer over Twitter.
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13thsinnr · 2 years
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told myself not to post wips of this cause i’ll probably give up but i cant help it
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airbendertendou · 1 year
your instagram dating yasushi ♡
so many requests for him!! promise ill write an actual thing for him but for now, some crumbs. reader wears a dress but that’s the only warning <3
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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liked by kiyoshi, jamuo and 25 others!
name : poutiest boy ):<
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yasushi : come kiss it away then ):<
fujio : EW YUCK
nakagoshi : i need to leave.
mercy : So this is what OyaKou gets up to…..
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liked by rao, sachio and 36 others!
tsukasa : how he looks when name stops by. sickening.
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name : i wanted to say something silly but ):
name : my favorite boy ♡
fujio : name that’s sweet but say smthn abt yasushi too!
| yasushi : who did u think that was abt,,,,,
| fujio : me. obvs.
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liked by mercy, yuken and 32 others!
name : “you want to cuddle. yes you do. you will ask me to join you in bed.”
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fujio : did it work o:
tsukasa : not hypnosis…..
shibaman : This is so embarrassing.
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liked by jamuo, tsukasa and 47 others!
name : currently living in this dress ♡
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todoroki : Nice look.
fujio : heyyyyy name how’ve you been? <3
yuken : hm todo was right. you look nice ♡
yasushi : HEY. ALL OF U. BACK OFF.
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liked by yasushi, rao and 30 others!
kyoshi : hate being with them.
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fujio : mood
tsuji : Agreed.
sabakan : don’t even go there but…… yeah
| kiyoshi : PEST?!1!?:&/@/$.):3
| kiyoshi : crying. sobbing.
forever tags: @straysugzhpe 💞 @star2fishmeg 💞H&L tags: @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @vicious-defect
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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lillonvia · 5 months
— happy new year, from your dearest lili.
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first off, i want to thank all of you guys for making my 2023 such an incredible rollercoaster !! ure all v silly n fun n adorable i js wanna grrRRAAA SMOTHERS ALL OF U WITH AFFECTION TAKE MY FUCKINH LOVE RAAAAHHHH 👹 I LOVE INTERACTING W ALL OF U IT ALWAYS MAKES ME SMILE N GIGGLE LIKE AN IDIOT HEHEHEJFN 🤭🤭 
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@idyllic-affections ꒱꒱ ADDIII MY ELDRITCH DEITY N LITTLE SIBLINGGGG 🥺🥺💕💘💖💖💗💘💘💕💝💗💝💖💘💖🩷💘💗 u were my v first moot on this site n ill never forget the fun convos n memories we’ve made over the months <33 ure v dear to me n i herkehehdbd *vibrating uncontrollably* I LOVEEE talking w u n DONT U DARE APOLOGIZE FOR REPLYING LATE RRRRRR 👹👹 /lh ur works always leave me feeling delulu n giddy n i end up imagining different scenarios w certain character nd AAADJFKFKFB I LOVE U SM WAAA
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@soleillunne ꒱꒱ ALYYYYY !!! LYSSA !!! UUUU HI BELOVEDDDD MWAHH 😍🥰 i dont feel like weve been talking a lot bUT BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY, IM ALWAYS WILLING TO WAIT FOR U UWAAA ure soso precious to me n i js wan give u A BIG KITH N HUGGIE bc i love u vm n u deserve it !!!! 🫶🫶 i hate the fact ure stressed w education n i wish i cld do more for u to help u feel better :((( but if ure ever in need of some form of comfort my discords always open for u n ill do my best for u <33 💖💕🩷💝💘
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@fatuismooches ꒱꒱ SMOOCHES MY LOVE HI HELLO !!! ure so fun to be around N NOT TO MENTION URE ALSO ONE OF THE SWEETEST PPL IVE EVER MET WAAAA 😩 i had so much fun when we were both brainrotting so hard abt our dragon otter neuvie EHEHHEHR I WAS SOOO GIDDY THAT TIME BC NOT ONLY BC IT WAS NEUVIE BUT ALSO BC IT WAS U I WAS TALKING TO !!!!! 🥹🥹 YIPPEEEEE
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@areislol ꒱꒱ REIREI MY CONFETTI CREEPER OMG !! m always so happi whenever we talk bc ure SO sweet n adorable n amazing !!! 🫶🫶🫶 i remember feeling shocked when u followed me n dropped by my inbox bc OMG !!! ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE WRITERS !!! FOLLOWING SILLY LIL ME!!!! UJWJEKRKSJANABA 🤭 
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@mondaymelon ꒱꒱ the silliest watermelon to ever watermelon in existence !! interacting w u n seeing the silly things u say never fail to make me laugh BWJERJRKRKIFG m so glad i was able to work up the courage to be moots w u bc lets js say. I DONT REGRET IT 😋😋 ure so lovably unpredictable ND UR ART IS SO NOMNOMNOM DEVOURED N DIGESTED TEEHEEE JSJSKAKAN UUUU i love u 💝💕💕💗
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@umgatochamadopercyval ꒱꒱ CLARACLARACLARA !!!! the cutie patootie sweetheart herself, in the flesh !!! sunshine in human form !! u have such an incredibly kind and beautiful soul UUUUU CRYING SOBBINH /pos I LOVE YOU SM love ur cat too btw JAJAJJAJ IM RLLY HOPING WE CAN INTERACT MORE OFTEN NEXT YEAR UWAAAHHJJH
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to all my other moots who didnt make it on the list, M SO SORRYYYY DJJFN I JS NEED TO IMTERACT W U MORE SO I CAN HAVE MORE POSITIVE OPINIONS ABT U 😭 ITS NOTHING TO DO W U GUYS I PROMISE 🙏🙏 but w little conversation we have, i still appreciate each and every one of u 🫶🫶 KITH KITH MWAH once again, thank u sm for such an amazing year !!!! 💕💗💘🩷💝💖💖💕💗💘🫶🩷💝💕🫶
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gardenofskeletonss · 7 hours
King Interaction
"Happiest" Friend Quest
A short snippet I wrote for the 3hats au!! This is very long into the loops and Siffrin is starting to lose all logic
CW: Death, spoilers for Act 1-4
[Loop 300......???? 320........3....3 something...]
(Aha! This loop, this loop you'll FINALLY GET IT!!! Just talk to the King! Brute force your way in!!! Push back Mirabelle, talk to the King- you'll!!! Get!!!! It!!!! This!!! Time!!!!!)
You smile. Showtime.
(Finally, you've reached the King. It took you too BLINDING LONG, BUT IT'S FINE!! You're here, you can talk to him!!!! Maybe!!! Knock sense!!! Into!!! Him!!!!!)
You skip over to the King, ignoring the worried words of your party. The pleas to get back together. You smile. It'll all be!!!! Okkkaaayy~!!!!!!!!!
"Kingggg! Ah, long time no see! See, about our island. I was wondering, if perhaps, maybe by some glimmer of hope, we could just chat~ about it!"
"Ohh, don't listen to her. You're not dangerous, are you? I would know, being from the same island you're from." You smile with all of your teeth, your eyes dead. It looks creepy to some, but to you, it's genuine! Right! Genuine!!!!!!!!!! That's what they want to see!!!!!!!
"..... Oooohh.. Bright One... Do you.... Remember...?" The King wails. "It is true... I am not dangerous, I just want eternity....."
"Yes! I know!" You grin. "So let's not fight, let's chat. Let's bond."
The party looks at you horrified, but you aren't thinking. It's fine. (You tried convincing the King and that got Bonnie killed, but now you can convince him with the island! Your hometown! You can finally BLINDING REMEMBER!!!!
You walk up to the King, your grin plastered. It almost hurts, but you're so BLINDING HAPPY IT'LL BE OVER!! IT'LL BE OKAY!!!!!)
..... . ... ... ... .
"Oooh, Bright One.. You act so carelessly.... You smell of.. Wishcraft... are you... The one keeping me from victory.....? I can tell..... I can tell you've been here all too many times...."
Ah. It h u r t s.
"Oohhh.... Ooh..... Someone who keeps me from eternity... They are not loyal to the Universe....... I just.. Want to protect them... From our fate........ Oohhh.. Bright One, don't you get that....?"
Y o u c h o k e
"Y-yes! I know- so- I can... S-stop it if-"
T h e k i n g t i g h t e ns
"Your party.... Do they know.... That you're here.. Stuck....? Ooohh.. How long has it been....? How long have you been keeping me from victory.....?"
I t h u r t s
Y o u rrrrrr r i b s h u r t
Y o u c ou g h ...... B l o o d
"Oohhh... It'll all be.. Alright.. I'll send you back.. With this warning....."
Y o u
F e e l y o u r b od y b u r n
A n d s u d d e nl yyy
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You gasp and wake up, immediately curling up on yourself. You can't help but laugh.
OH! Oh! Hah, you're sobbing. You're such a mess Siffrin. Absolutely disgusting.
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mirapteo · 10 months
i think it's funny we have the same feelings about different ships like i used to like cryptage but the infantilization and fetishization of crypto among fans really turned me off hjhjhjhjhj why is the apex fandom like this!!
I TOTALLY GETTHTA UGHFHGH i just choose to ignore that side of cryptage fans. i think this is just a universal issue with fandoms and mlm ships honestly 😭
i hate it sm more in particular cuz like they chose crypto to do that with???? the guy whos all rough and cold and closed off to protect himself? u think hes an uwu baby boy? it fucking sucks on mirage too but at least it fits his personality more than cryptos??
yaoibrained weirdos see a darker skinned hairy guy and an east asian man and suddenly their brains cant comprehend anything about them as characters outside their physical features its RRRRRR GRRRRRRR
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rosenallies · 1 year
anyone who is mean to hailey on anon i am biting you so hard. RRRRRR
thank u <3 ppl r weird asf lmao
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galaxy-of-me · 1 year
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IKR good for them. be who u rrrrrr
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andromedaspace · 3 years
!!! I care u too!!!!
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brianeno · 3 years
I have nothing to say about game of thrones like I don’t even have a passing interest in it but ever since I found out that old mate george rrrrrr is allegedly meant to publish one more book I have become CONVINCED he is already dead and they’re refusing to admit it. Have u seen photos of this guy lmao they’ve definitely been weekend at bernies-ing him for the past decade like… fr. I also think it’s a a genius PR move because his fanbase is comprised significantly of marvel type fuckwits who think he owes them the content they want, & he’s made the wise decision to die and keep them ‘waiting’ for the next book. or at the VERY least he’s waiting for posthumous publishing so he doesn’t have some DUDE in his DMs hassling him about some minor plot points. im right.
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elytrafemme · 3 years
BIOLOGY LAB PFFTT. no cuz i have a horror story i was responding to a comment in class (i sit at the back so i thought i was fine) and i was minding by business typing and i glance to my right and MY CLASSMATE WAS LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER?? I WAS SO STARTLED I ALMST SHAT MYSELF it went “what the hell r u doing??” “just looking” WELL DONT!!
ohhh that makes sense i think, i only have one off day for thanksgiving and i’m pretty sure my next break is for christmas rrrrrr
YEAH FAIR i like looking at my stuff and going “haha i sound so smart haha!!!” but i get so bored when i don’t like what i have to research. idc about the fur trade sorry miss <//3 i also rlly like researching and compiling the information it’s fun to me and it usually leads me down to rabbit holes. i like presenting things to my friends, the amount of times i explained plots in shows or dsmp lore and they sit and listen like they know what’s goin on. i’m like, “it’s ok i’ll make u understand dw”
once, back in freshman year when i was at lunch, i opened up my gmail and clicked on a "you got kudos" email and my friend (who i have known for ages and also didn't realize was standing RIGHT THERE) goes "Oh, AO3?" and i just about lost it
OH THAT SUCKS SO BAD... the counties in my state do breaks so weirdly varying on where you're from but ough. hope ur christmas break is long enough at least :')
i would tune into a zie lecture ngl. oftentimes i don't really have the Energy to sit and explain things for a super long time but there are a few things that i could present about for like 100 slides and not get tired tbh (activism, psychological horror, video game design, poetry, dsmp lore apparently, writing styles themselves, etc.)
i could also just like. research psychological stuff if i have a specific objective with it and probably have loads of fun but. like u said. i could NOT give a presentation on the fur trade i would DIE
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mysteriousxmidnight · 4 years
Ooh, do you think we could have some more Kleinphy headcannons for the OTP thing?
OKAY! Sorry this took so long but I really wanted to put some thought into it. SO: 
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Jared’s scared of heights, but he’s never admitted that to anyone. So Connor jokingly rocks the seat and Jared FREAKS OUT HARDCORE, and Connor is like “omg, I’m so sorry,” and just pulls Jared into a hug for the rest of the ride
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? For all his sex jokes, Jared’s actually really scared to be THAT vulnerable/naked/etc in front of someone. And Connor’s like, meh, we can do other things. He’s had flings and fooled around, but it’s whatever to him. So, I guess the answer is neither is really all that into it. They try it eventually and it’s fun once in awhile, but they prefer just cuddling and kissing and hanging out together.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? See above. I think eventually they’d get comfortable seeing each other naked, but they like their space and privacy, so they wouldn’t shower together.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Neither
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Neither. Because even when they fight, they still sleep better cuddled up together. Especially Connor. So they’ll fight and then Jared will be like “I’m still mad at you, you dummy, but come cuddle with me.” And Connor’s like “Shut up, I hate you right now, but ok.”
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Jared did it once as a joke but Connor got REALLY upset about it, so Jared never did it again.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Jared, by accident, and he tries to cover it up by being like “I love youuuu..rrrrrr shirt, cool band, amirite?” and he nervous laughs. And Connor rolls his eyes and he’s like “You’re a dork, you have no idea who this band is, and I love you, too.” Neither is very good with expressing emotions and feelings like that, but they’re both so paranoid about screwing things up that they BOTH end the fight with “Because I love you” so the other knows they aren’t ACTUALLY mad, just kinda hurt 
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Jared loves wearing Connor’s sweatshirt so much that he literally will just unzip it and yank it off him, and Connor’s like wtf are you doing? But he also thinks it’s adorable so he doesn’t even care, he just pretends to be annoyed by it.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? Jared wakes up from a cool dream and WANTS to tell Connor about it, but Connor is FINALLY asleep after waking up from ANOTHER nightmare, so he just snuggles closer and vows to remember the dream so he can tell Connor about it in the morning. And, without opening his eyes, Connor is like, “You wanna tell me about your dream, don’t you?” And Jared’s like “OMG YES CAN I?”
10) Who is more likely to cheat? Neither. I explained why in my Conguel OTP hc.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? I think Jared would both tease Connor about his crush AND also be the one reassuring Connor that they’re in a relationship and that’s not going to change
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Neither. Connor likes cooking too much to waste food and Jared likes eating too much to waste food. BUT when Connor bakes, he likes to swipe a finger in the batter and plop it on Jared’s nose so he can lick it off and Jared BLUSHES SO HARD but loves it
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Neither can sing but they both love belting it out in the car and they don’t hold back because they feel safe with each other
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? I guess I’m a sucker for Connor hating PDA but loving hand holding because he initiates the hand holding in every ship I’ve done this for, hahaha. Jared would totally pinch Connor’s butt. Also, Connor is ticklish so when Jared pinches his butt, it tickles and Connor lets out this little squeal/yip noise that Jared MELTS over. Connor wold definitely be the one to slide his hands around Jared’s waist AND pull him in by the belt loops.
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist? I guess I’m ALSO a sucker for Connor having pretty handwriting and writing Jared’s name over his wrist scars because I did that with my Conguel ships too. OH WELL I LOVE IT SO YES HE DOES THAT
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Jared is just a messy, goofy drunk and he TRIES to be seductive and Connor just laughs at him and it makes Jared pout and Connor is like “it’s okay baby, u still cute.” Neither is super loud in bed. Also again, it’s not something they do a lot, anyway.
17) Who is more protective? Connor will GROWL at people who he thinks are upsetting Jared. And Jared is like “He bites, too.”
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Neither. Jared refuses to do anything that would wake Connor if he’s FINALLY fallen asleep. Connor is the same but mostly because he has so much trouble opening up to people, and he’s worried Jared will wake up and hear him say something he didn’t actually want Jared to hear.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? They take turns, but usually Jared because he’s terrified of Connor’s driving.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? Okay so I answered this already but I’m gonna copy that answer in here so all my answers are together. SO: More often than not, Connor falls asleep in Jared’s lap because insomnia is a bitch, but Jared doesn’t have the heart to wake him. And Connor wakes up hours later and is like ?? Why didn’t you wake me? And Jared just shrugs, so Connor gets up and scoops Jared into his arms and carries him up to bed, but Connor is still sleepy and groggy, so they kind of, like, tumble into bed and Connor lands on top of Jared and they laugh and kiss and snuggle before finally falling back to sleep.
21) Who cuts the others hair? Jared WANTS to cut Connor’s hair (not super short, just, like, clean it up). And Connor is like NO WAY YOU’RE NOT PUTTING ANYTHING SHARP NEAR MY HEAD.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? They’re both AWFUL at sexting, omg. They try anyway but they SUCK AT IT SO BAD and they make fun of each other for it, too. They both also TRY to send encouraging messages but they’re SO bad at expressing feelings, etc, that it ends up sounding like cheesy platitudes and then they each try to outdo each other in the cheesiness department.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Oh, they’re both SO insecure, neither thinks they deserve the other. 
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Jared tries to get Connor to dance, but Connor’s like “omg stahhhppp.” And Connor lifts Jared for the kiss but Jared feels awkward and shifts in Connor’s arms and Connor loses his balance and they fall and Jared stares down at Connor and he’s like “heh.. hi...”
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Jared, for sure. He likes making Connor roll his eyes and blush
26) Who kissed first? They tried to go in at the same time and knocked teeth and Jared’s glasses. So they laugh it off and try again, slower this time.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? This also seems to be across the board for me and my ships, but definitely Connor cause insomnia, and Jared wakes up and joins him
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? Connor writes them but he refuses to show them to Jared because he thinks Jared will tease him, but Jared has seen them and loves them. He pretends he hasn’t though because he knows it will embarrass Connor. He just hopes Connor feels comfortable showing them to him one day (spoiler: he will).
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Jared totally would.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Neither would be embarrassed. Jared already DOES wear them and has since he was a kid. And Connor only needs them to read but he doesn’t mind wearing them in front of Jared. Jared was teased a LOT for his glasses as a kid (the whole “four eyes” thing), and he’d never do that to Connor.
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dystychiphcbia · 4 years
euphoric - talk about someone you love
THANK U ANON!! i’m gonna talk about my boyfriend because sbdbdjajjs i love him so much. he’s super sweet, he pretends he’s all like “>:( rrr i’m a tough guy rrrrrr” bjt he’s a total darling and i love him to death. he’s like. the only one who cares consistently about my health and notices right away when i’m not doing ao hot and i’m incredibly grateful for him. he’s super good with words when he needs to be and he’s SO SO SO smart, like,,,,, wow. he knows 3 languages fluently and one time i almost put a fork in the microwave. anyway i love him sm thank u anon for sending me this 😌
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hoekins · 6 years
i felt soft so here u go
pairing: mike wheeler x oc (steve’s sister)
warning: mention of ptsd, mention of underage drinking, a curse word, and mentions of penises lmaO
request | prompts | masterlist
2k words
Stacy looked down at her shaking hands. At first, her friends thought the question was harmless, and perhaps was only asked out of sheer curiosity. But the more they watched her fingers twitch and her eyes gloss, they figured there must be more to it that none of them have caught up on. Maybe it’s because Stacy has always looked as if nothing bothered her, like she was always above whatever tried to bring her down. They remember when she and Mike went at each other’s necks every chance they got, and Mike has in fact said things that must have hurt her. Still, they have yet to see her so defenseless like this.
Max stammered, “Y-you don’t have to answer, if you don’t want to— o-of course.” She looked around at everyone, waiting for someone to follow up and agree with her to at least comfort Stacy.
“It’s fine.” Stacy let out an exhale that seemed to come far deeper than she thought. “It actually wasn’t my choice to move back. I had to.” She blinked at her hands and licked her lips as a nervous tick. “B-basically, I had an accident back in Sydney. I fell down a- a trap in like- the woods. There was one that was to trap the er, boars and stuff, so-“ a hand reached up to her hair as an unexpected breath left her mouth, “so yeah, I fell down there.”
No one knew how to react. Stacy looked around the circle only to realize that all eyes were on her just as she let out what sounded like a strangled chuckle. She wanted to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. She thought it wouldn’t be, especially after what these kids have been through, her little accident seemed smaller and less important all of a sudden.
“But yeah, they don’t really check in on those traps every hour, yeah? S-so I was- I was in there for... the police said 4 hours but it felt like more than that to me. Really, when you fall down a narrow hole and then you look up and all you see is the night sky blocked by dark leaves, it’s— it can drive you wild, really.” Stacy bit her lip, “At the hospital, they rushed me in for oxygen ‘cos I was running out, and apparently I was hallucinating because of it. It’s understandable though, because it was like I was buried alive.”
Mike winced as Stacy forced another chuckle out of her mouth. He understood that she was just trying to make the most out of the situation, but he also felt like she was trying to compensate for something.
“Apparently, it’s protocol to check me in with a psychiatrist to, you know, make sure I’m, er, okay. I was, physically, but the nightmares were really- they were there. I showed signs of post-traumatic stress disorder but to prevent actually developing it, the psych advised that I leave Sydney until I feel better about the experience.” Stacy pursed her lips, “So yeah, I couldn’t really go back to Sydney even if you guys wanted me to, at first.”
Dustin didn’t think anyone noticed when he shot Mike a glance. Mike felt strongly about shoving Stacy back to Sydney, so he can’t imagine what Stacy must have felt when Mike went off on her. Dustin just wanted to hug Stacy and apologize over and over again for that stunt he pulled at the pool. He wasn’t thinking.
“But it’s actually better now.” Stacy cracked a smile as her voice raised in pitch. “After some tests, it turned out I can see better in the dark now and I have stronger memory. It’s weird.” She adds. “Oh! And I remember I walked in the woods with you guys and I didn’t feel scared. Maybe because it was daytime,” a melodious laugh left Stacy, only this time it felt more genuine. “Okay, that’s it, it’s not an amazing reason or whatever-“
Stacy let out a tiny oof, as Will strangled her in a tight hug. Dustin didn’t even think about scooting closer and wrapping his own stubby arms around the girl. Max couldn’t let herself not join the hug and after she did, Lucas and Mike found themselves joining the giant friend hug as well. Mike remembered when he jumped off a cliff only for El to save her, and then he shared a hug with her and Dustin. That hug was like this, except for some reason, he felt different—like he could breathe better. He didn’t understand either, but instead of running away from the bizarre feeling like he did the last time, he only wrapped his arms tighter around his friends and closed his eyes to savor the feeling.
Until a muffled voice let out, “Er- guys.”
With a chuckle, they all unlatched themselves from the embrace and sat back down in a circle to continue the game. The moon rose higher up the sky as the friend group laughed along to all the stupid things they did that night— stupid things that would take them a long, long time to forget. Gazing wistfully at her friends, Stacy thought that even though the accident scarred her in more ways than one, it at least led her back to Hawkins and eventually to her friends.
“Rise and shine, chickens!” Steve announces to everyone in Stacy’s room as he pulls the curtains to the sides. Sunlight practically blinds everyone, forcing sleep out of their system.
Max is the first to sit up, rubbing her eyes and groaning sleepily. They all stayed up pretty late. After a long game of spin the bottle, they raided Stacy’s VHS collection and entertained themselves with horror movies until one by one, they fell asleep. The four boys snoozed comfortably on Stacy’s bed where surprisingly enough, all of them fit snugly while Stacy and Max enjoyed a mattress on the floor.
“Why do you look like you’re hungover?” Steve rhetorically asks until he snaps his head to glare at his sister. “Stacy!”
“What?” She asks back. “No one drank anything but water, milk, and cranberry juice! Jesus, Steve, it was one time.”
Max turns over to her best friend, fighting off a laugh, “You got caught drunk?”
“No! I wasn’t drunk, I was just drinking. And the adults were fine with it,” Stacy shrugged. “Steve drank underage too, anyway.”
“Well yes,” Steve butts in, “but don’t corrupt these children!” He says as if Stacy isn’t just a year or so older than her friends.
“Ok, mother Steve.” Stacy stands up and folds her blanket before locking herself up in her bathroom to do her business.
“It’s already noon, come on, guys.” Steve huffs, hitting the four boys on the bed with a pillow he found on the floor.
He hits Dustin on the nose, eliciting an aggressive, “Fuck you, Steve!”
Steve narrows his eyes, putting down his weapon of choice to give Dustin a strong glare. “Excuse me?”
“Sorry, but you were hitting too close to my pearls.” Dustin sighs, rubbing his eyes and wincing at the bright sunlight. It is already noon, after all.
“Come on, guys, wake up. I don’t want Joyce to pick Will up and think I don’t feed her son and his friends.” Steve mutters as he shakes Will and Lucas. “Lucas... Lucas. Lucas, you have a penis on your forehead.”
After some voodoo dark magic, Steve gets all six teenagers in the dining area, scarfing down the nice brunch he prepared for them that consists of toast, bacon, eggs, and some grapes he found in the fridge.
“What time did you guys even sleep?” Steve questions, willing himself not to laugh at the half-asleep group in front of him.
“I was the last to sleep at 5,” Stacy shrugs. She glances shortly at Lucas and asks no one in particular, “Who’s going to tell him?”
“Tell who what?” Lucas asks nonchalantly. He probably didn’t hear Steve when he tried to tell the poor boy.
“That you have three penises on your face.” Mike snorts through his milk.
“Three penises on my— Dustin!” Lucas shrieks and hurries to stand up, chasing after the already running Dustin.
“You will never catch me and my pearls. Rrrrrr— AHHHHHHH!”
“I’ll be at the living room.” Steve says with a shake of his head.
“The restroom’s over there, right?” Will asks. Stacy hums a yes as Will stands up and leaves the dining table.
After a short silence, Max sighs, “I’ll go check up on Lucas and Dustin.”
Mike bites his lip nervously as he’s left alone with Stacy after a long night. He did want to have her alone for some time last night just so he could tell her what has been bothering him and also to apologize for all the stupid shit he did and said to her. He felt guilty for being so unnecessarily mean to her and sitting quietly next to her, he still feels guilty but for an entirely different reason. Mike is so confused. So, so confused.
He clears his throat, “Stacy?” His voice came out so soft that at first Stacy thought she just imagined him calling her name. But then she turns towards him and sees him already looking at her. Mike gulps, “I-“ he gapes like a fish out of water, and had it not been for Stacy silently encouraging him to continue, he would have continued staring at her like weirdo. “I want to say I’m sorry for the things I’ve said. Like that y-you should go back to Sydney. I didn’t mean that... and I’m glad you’re here.” Mike surprises himself at his own words. A strained noise leaves his throat as he scurries to add, “I- I mean, the guys- and Max, are really glad you’re around.”
A comforting smile takes over Stacy’s face as she bumps shoulders with Mike, “It’s okay now. We’re both past it, and you don’t hate me anymore. All’s well.”
Mike visibly calms down. He nervously chews on his lip before he looks back at Stacy. “I don’t think I hated you. Yeah, I didn’t like you, but I had some real personal issues.” He chuckles to himself, looking down at his hands, and fluttering close like a shy plant.
“I understand. Losing someone important must be tough.” She smiles softly at him again.
Mike’s breath hitches as Stacy places a comforting hand on his shoulder. He curses himself inwardly for feeling that way. It’s stupid, and he shouldn’t even be thinking about— it’s just stupid. Mike thinks it’s stupid, but he doesn’t fight it either.
“Miss your girlfriend, huh?” Stacy playfully asks, sipping her water with a teasing look on her face.
Mike’s chest pounds, “S-she’s not my girlfriend.”
It sounds terrible, but it’s the truth. God, Mike, why are you like this? Get your head in the fucking game, this is stupid. No matter how much Mike scolds himself, he still can’t shake away the warmth spreading on his chest.
Stacy raises an interested eyebrow at this. “Okay...” she trails off.
“Let’s not talk about her.” Mike gulps.
“So no more forcing me to spy on our friends?” Stacy chuckles.
Mike smiles back, shaking his head, “No more.”
“Wow, would you look at that?” Stacy grins at the boy sitting next to her. “You finally got that stick out of your ass. Congrats, Mike, I’m so proud of you.” She reaches over to give him a playful hug but Mike rolls his eyes and shoves her arms away from him.
He ends up laughing at his actions and the absurdity of the scene. It’s so... different.
After a short but comfortabl silence, Stacy clears her throat. “I have a special secret that I haven’t told anyone yet.” Stacy smiles to herself.
“If you buy a special flavor from Jodie’s, you can get one free ice cream if you ask.”
“What?” Mike gasps. How long has that been going on and how has he never heard of it before?
Stacy hums, “Hmm, wanna test it out tomorrow?”
Mike grins excitedly, “Hell yeah!”
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flippyspoon · 6 years
Oh u guyz
Steve realizes “holy shit, we’re actually gonna last” the first time he sees Billy be playful and totally unself-conscious while Billy is hanging around after sex in Steve’s bed. The TV’s on but they’re not really watching just lying around mostly naked and chatting, glancing at magazines. And abruptly Billy nibbles on Steve’s thigh, not like a love-bite or a prelude to sex, but like he’s a happy puppy.
Steve laughs. “What’re you doin?”
Billy’s like “RRRRRR!” He shakes his head, pretends to gnaw on Steve like he’s a piece of rawhide.
Steve says, “Down, boy.”
Billy growls and wrinkles his nose.
Billy barks, actually barks. Steve cracks up. Billy has never done anything like this. Steve is a goofball all the time and Billy rolls his eyes at it even if it always makes him smile.
Billy sticks his tongue out and pants like a dog. 
Steve’s laughing so hard he holds his stomach and Billy licks at him making little puppy noises.
Steve says, “Beg.”
Billy smirks and he gets up on his knees and puts his hands up like paws, furrowing his brows.
“Oh my God.” Steve sits up and gets all close. “Kiss.”
Billy grins and kisses Steve who tackles him back onto the bed. “You’re a nut!” Steve says. 
And Billy looks so happy and that’s when Steve knows.
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