#be a dork and hopelessly energetic
A special dork is here to deliver u a message @honey-creek <3
I thought u might need a little energy today so here is a round boi for u<3
It’s my first time drawing him but I inspired myself with ur images of him and I just love his round little body so much <333
I hope it brightens ur evening a little<3
u got this!
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tessarichardss · 4 years
new york’s very own tessa richards was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to zoey deutch ! you may know them as @tessarichards or hitting the front page of tmz as ex-reality star rumored to have moved to new york for an internship with hassenfeld children’s hospital . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being guarded , but also tenderhearted . things that would paint a better picture of you would be endless nights you’ll never forget, sunflowers, running barefoot through an open field . ( cisfemale + she/her  ) +  (  saxon , twenty-six , she/her , cst )
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Out Of Character
Hello bbies! 🥰 My name is Saxon and I’d like you to meet the absolute labor of my love Tessa and love her even though she doesn’t deserve it! We are always open for connections, ideas or plots so please, please, please do not hesitate to hit me up if you want to conjure something up with this lovable and ridiculous energetic puppy. I look forward to roleplaying with you and your children!
Basic Information
Full Name: Tessa Grace Richards.
Nickname(s): Tess.
Birthday: Febuary 10th, 1996. 
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish.
So Tessa was born to an unwed couple who were in their mid 30′s at the time, her mom thought the two of them were hopelessly in love until Tessa was four and dude just dipped? Her mom came home one day and all his stuff was gone, no note or anything, he drained their account and they haven’t ever heard from him since.
This obviously fucked Tessa up young because she has mad issues with love meaning anything and also abandonment, like she definitely doesn’t sleep well at night because she spent years waking up and running to the window every time she saw car lights, thinking it was him coming home.
Her mom is an absolute saint of a woman however (think Lorelai from Gilmore Girls meets Donna  Sheridan from Mamma Mia), just an absolute quirky angel of a woman who definitely took in and helped abandoned animals but was also the place all the kids in town knew they could go if they had shitty parents/living situations or just a bad day and they needed a safe place to go? So obviously she stepped up and took down all dudes pictures and just raised Tessa like the single boss she is.
Tessa grew up into like an angel of a kid but oh buddy was she a chaotic one. Total tomboy, full of insane energy and personality, always on the move and exploring and doing things she shouldn’t be. Definitely the type to show up back at home as the suns going down just covered in dirt and bumps and bruises. 100% knocked her own baby teeth out from falling and slamming her face and had two front silver teeth as a little kid.
She was never very girly and because she grew up in this southern town that was just full of very critical asshole kids from more well-off families than her own was, particularly the girls who were very prissy, she definitely ended up clicking more with boys and quickly became ‘one of the guys’. Like undoubtedly had an all male friend group and was definitely the girl that girlfriends would be paranoid about while all the dudes were like confused as to how their girls were jealous because Tessa was just like another guy/little sibling, there was no interest on either end.
She had two shitty relationships as a teenager, the first cheated on her because she wasn’t ready to have sex and then the second whom she actually gave it up to, turned out to just be with her on a bet to see how long it would take him to get in her pants? She ended up punching dude in the face when she found out and broke his nose and asshole’s family actually wanted to press charges until Mama Richards shut the shit down.
TW: SUICIDE ATTEMPT MENTION Has slight anger management issues? Like she’s chill but when she blows up man does she blow up. Pushed a girl down a flight of stairs at school after she made a remark about a friend who had tried to commit suicide, the family did press charges this time and Tessa had to go to anger management classes and serve community service hours. She also got kicked out of school and just decided not to go back, went online and just got her GED at seventeen instead.
She was (and still is) very close and attached to her mom, absolute most important person in her life, but she worried about her so much her mom realized she probably wasn’t ever planning on leaving? So her mom got the help of her friends and they actually filled out an application for her to go onto a reality tv show? Seems crazy but each season took place in a different part of the world and her mom knew she wanted to travel but would never make the decision herself so when she got cast her mom was just like “lol here you go bye now”.
She hated it at first because she had grown so used to Texas and the country and her friends and making sure her mom was okay that it gave her a lot of anxiety and stress but she actually fell in love with it? Made a lot of close friends, became a fan favorite of sorts and would you believe it, the dumbass fell in love.
This boy wormed his way into her heart and it was a kind of a slightly unstable relationship because she would try and push away from him and her feelings but he always drew her back? He even proposed after like months of them being together and she panicked and ran but still he drew her back and they agreed that they should chill with the idea of engagement/marriage? He ended up leaving the show after like their fourth messy break up? And she, would you believe it, followed. The two ended up sleeping together but she was overly aware of the fact that he wasn’t actually in love with her anymore so she saved herself any awkward conversation and further heartbreak by just dipping before he woke up. 
After this, Tessa returned to Texas and spent a solid week just out partying and drinking with friends and suddenly - BAM, she was having a one night stand with a complete stranger which was rather out of pocket for her and then even more suddenly - BAM, a pregnancy with no clue as to who the child’s father was. Thankfully it ended up being the one night stand’s and he turned out to be an incredible guy and father.
Obviously she never returned to the show and focused instead on becoming a mother and setting up a future for herself and her child.
She’s always been a big fan of kids (worked for a daycare after school, actually helped start up a charity that works with orphans/orphanages while on the show) and so she decided that she wanted to be a child life specialist and started attending school during her pregnancy and the two years that followed.
She ended up having a little girl named Addison, this child is her whole world and she’s 1000% the mom that posts about their kid too much on social media but she’s 100% turned Tessa’s life around and helped her mature in ways she wouldn’t have without her and she just loves her kid more than anything/anyone else. 
She assumed her life would remain in Texas until a trip to New York a few months back to visit Alex Morgan (who remarked on the fact that she should move in) ended with her packing up her daughter and her bags within less than a month and landing her in the state for the foreseeable future. 
She’s currently continuing her last year of school through online classes in order to get her bachelors while interning at the Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital. 
A dork? Literally the biggest dork, the dorkiest of dorks, just a whole friggen dork. This child rambles like you wouldn’t believe and her mouth 100% works faster than her brain so like you never know what to expect but she’s just a happy, friendly, sarcastic little bean with social anxiety and a heart of gold tbh.
Also an aggressive lil’ lady though, like 12/10 chance she’ll throw hands if you want to fuck with or say something about the people she loves.
A chaotic soul as well like down to party and have a good time and will definitely drink a dude under the table, definitely broke her ribs two summers in a row from a drinking game because this child doesn’t know when to slow down or chill out, she’s just trying to live.
Emotional as hell, like definitely cries during commercials and Disney movies, but like if you’re trying to tap into her serious emotions she’s gonna shut that shit down. She keeps people locked out tbh and just jokes about the serious shit in her life if she does talk about it.
Desired Connections
Friends? This is tricky because she was basically in Texas for most of her life and then traveling? But someone who lived in/visited Texas and they met? Someone she met while filming the show in some random country - they were living there or traveling and met while she was out and about one day? Maybe someone she met through her charity work? Someone who has a kid or a younger sibling/niece/nephew/godchild who she took care of at the hospital or even on a home visit and they met her/know her that way?
Exes? So her most recent ex is off limits because it’s based off a real connection but like either of her exes from high school? The first one would have had to have lived in Texas for some time but the latter could have been visiting friends/family for a summer? If anyone has a character that works for these I’m down for the drama, especially the second because Tessa is fully ready to break dude’s nose again.
Half siblings? So Tessa’s dad basically bailed when she was little - maybe he had another family? Could have had a kid before her who he also bailed on, could have started a family during the same time or after, he could have stayed there for them or bailed on them as well? They could know about Tessa, or neither could know about the other? Tessa pry wouldn’t know about them because she made it a point to never bother searching for this man let alone any family but literally I’m down for whatever other ideas you’ve got on this one!
Honestly Tessa needs some guy friends! Like I said she’s always been very much more one of the guys - would rather be drinking a beer watching a sports game and yelling than going on a shopping spree okay she has 0 interest, and since she moved from home she needs a new guy group to cause trouble with but also, who makes a better wing woman than a girl okay? Chaos friend but also mom friend rolled into one because she will get involved in shenanigans but will also call you out for acting dumb too.
Also here’s some open, wanted musing connection ideas; https://tessarichardsmusings.tumblr.com/tagged/tessa-%2B-open
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tarisilmarwen · 7 years
I am full to bursting with rambles about the romances in my own stories so congrats Tumblr, you are now my writing dump box.
I will babble a lot.
Adventures of the Sea Siren: High fantasy, sea-faring adventures.
Fen/Maeve-- Main couple.  Captain Farrell “Fen” Armant is a newly reformed ne’er-do-well pirate.  Lady Maeve Endeleva, noblewoman of the Tarshaani court, was the one to convince the Calif to pardon him, moved by some strange pity.  He does not make that decision easy for her early in the story, being kind of a pain in the ass and slipping back into old habits.  They clash a lot initially but eventually come to have a friendship that blossoms slowly into love.  Married at end of the series.
Fisrock/Tabitha-- I think they were supposed to be my already together stable happy married couple, lol.
Evander/Cappy-- Junior member of the crew and apprentice mage Lady Maeve picks up later on their adventures.  They crush on each other.  It is cute.
Allemant/Rura-- Teased.  Ship’s scientist/inventor guy and a Mysterious Waif they found frozen in ice.  I suppose the appeal would mostly be Allemant’s utter science nerdy glee in figuring out how she worked (she’s not exactly human).
Relligon/Aisha and Relligon/Nashiko-- Teased.  Loyal bodyguard of Lady Maeve’s with either another member of the crew or a local girl they picked up with Rura.  Don’t think I had anything major planned with them, maybe just little teases here and there for both of them.
Venderick/Rowena-- Villain couple.  Hella unhealthy in the end but they seem genuinely enamored of each other at first.  It does not end well.
Artelia: Queen of Eevalond: High fantasy, kickass single mom queen rules a country and fights evil ‘n stuff.
Haegan/Artelia-- Loyal soldier/guard and the queen herself.  Artelia did genuinely love her husband and misses him terribly but has been rather lonely since he passed.  Haegan is always there and caring and supportive and has been nursing an affection for her for a while now.  The UST is real.
The DM Can’t Roll For This: Comedy.  Local D&D-type chapter finds their real life problems seeping into their campaign.
Kenji/Helena-- Main girl and dorky sword nerd newbie.  Helena awkwards all around him and he’s mostly either oblivious or hilaritized.
Bruce/Rika-- Married couple that games together.  They play as two tanks with Belligerent Sexual Tension.  IRL they are adorably smoopy.
J.C./Casey-- Perpetually shy Shrinking Violet and oversensitive drama queen.  She eventually develops the spine needed to ask him out.
Eternal Skies: Sci-Fi/Steampunk, advanced city is isolated out in the middle of a seemingly endless ocean.
Levi/Aya-- Loyal bodyguard and the Empress of the city.  The idea for the story first came out of a dream but frustrations with the outrageous injustice that was Aldnoah.Zero’s Slaine/Asseylum not being a thing reignited my deep and burning thirst for Bodyguard Crush ships so I revisited this idea and that kind of relationship dynamic fit right in with them, lol.  Levi’s family tried to leave the city once, caught themselves in a storm, they drowned, the then-princess Ayalin saved him.  He is hopelessly devoted to her and constantly worries about her safety.  As well he should, given that Aya is sometimes reckless and prone to battling bouts of crippling depression.  He doesn’t know it, but she’s loved him nearly as long as he’s loved her because he, in her own words, was “the first person who made me want to live”.
Jobei/Hiriko-- Teased.  Jobei lucks into the airship guard via a chance meeting with Aya, and Hiriko sort of becomes his trainer.  She’s intense and scary and very intimidating sometimes but he kinda likes her.  She comes to be kind of fond of him too, though she’d never admit it.  I still don’t know if I wanna make it canon or leave it up in the air yet.
Four Seasons Warriors: Magical Girl type series, themed around the four seasons.  (Duh.)
Sean/Soldad-- Stable couple that gets together early on.  Sean is in theater.  For some reason I always read his dialogue in a British accent, I should do something with that.  Soldad is bubbly cheerleader type.  They are full of playful banter and when she eventually confesses to the Masquerade he takes it rather well.
Chase/Autumn-- My Slap Slap Kiss couple.  Chase likes to flirt with her and she gets so confused and offended and “What is this thing called human flirtation my files contain no such data.” and acts prickly to him sometimes but then sometimes is like, “Two can play at this game, Mister.” and banters back.  For the most part he’ll shrug and back off when she’s in NOPE mode but when she teases back he’s like, “OKAY WAIT I’M SO CONFUSED.” and they basically bumble around accidentally being good supportive friends to each other in their low moments until they finally have to have the dreaded, “Okay what is this relationship exactly?”  Which starts as an argument but ends with kisses.  I mostly have it to add lulz. :)
Mitsuki/Lina-- Mitsuki is a shy nerdy geek type and Lina is the cool stoic big sister of the group.  So a big Geek Boy/Stoic Girl dynamic here.  They have a Meet Cute early on and Mitsuki is hopelessly crushing on her for much of the story.  Lina is oblivious to most of it but tolerates his hanging around, as it keeps the bullies off him.  She gets a temporary love interest (Sedaris) that is the polar opposite of Mitsuki--tall, charming, good with words, classically handsome, basically fangirl bait--and falls for him pretty quickly but PSYCH! turns out he’s evil and just wants to kill her.  Mitsuki is a really supportive shoulder to cry on and she warms up to him soon after that.  They get together about three-quarters through.
Adam/Elsie-- Elsie is cripplingly shy and timid and has had a crush on him forever.  He’s oblivious.  He remains oblivious until Trickster, a flirtatious villain with a thing for Elsie, involves him in a hostage situation.  They get together.  His (almost) death triggers her super-powered form.
Trickster/Elsie-- One-sided on Trickster’s side.  He likes to flirt with all the girls and annoy them but Elsie he particularly takes a shine too.  Hypnotizes her into serving him once.  It doesn’t stick.  Continues to try and get under her skin whenever he can.
Trickster/Brittney-- Brittney is actually a clingy jealous ex of Chase’s.  Through some odd events she falls in with Trickster, and they hit it off... remarkably well.  To the girls’ chagrin and disgust.
The Geek In Glass Slippers: Basically Cinderella at Comic-Con.
Chris (Leonid)/Cindy-- Like a lot of modern Cinderella retellings, I had the prince and the Cinderella equivalent meet before the ‘ball’.  They were actually friends in high school.  Then he went off and got rich and famous. :D  They’re just your basic nerd couple really.  She fights his fangirl army in the climax.  It is awesome and hilarious.
Gutter Glamour: Steampunk/Historical Romance, three brothers gotta get married before their grandpa kicks it in order to secure their fortunes.  Family drama and fiendish plots ensue.
Evander/Rita-- Main couple.  Rita was a homeless urchin Evander encountered in the streets and treated to lunch.  Having no luck finding a wife elsewhere, he returns to her the next day and proposes marriage.  They are awkward dorks together.  It is precious.
Sebastian/Vivian-- Evander’s more responsible older brother and his spacey artist girlfriend.  They just recently got engaged at the start of the story so his search for a bride is over fairly quickly, lol.  They have a baby partway through the story.
Destan/Lilian-- Lilian, a prim and proper seamstress, doesn’t think all that much of wild, trouble-making Destan when he comes to call and begs her parents for her hand at first.  But she can’t deny she’d be marrying well so she doesn’t put up much protest.  They become rather... comfortable with each other over the story.
Aidelaird/Evaline-- Happily married couple.  They are so sickeningly in love it is almost revolting.
John/Penny-- Past relationship.  Penny passed on before the beginning of the story.  She and John had a nice little Sunshiney Optimist/Grumpy Grouch thing going on.
Farraday/Tamara-- ‘nother happily married couple, mostly got a Savvy Guy/Energetic Girl dynamic.  And hella kids.  Tamara wears the pants in the relationship, and Farraday is most just constantly amused by her antics.
Donovan/Cherise-- Yet another married couple although much less happy, lol.  Both schemers and plotters, Donovan is still hung up on Evaline, who rejected him in favor of his older brother way back when, and Cherise is a crafty seductress whose womanly wiles play a big role in her manipulations.  She initially snared Donovan in an attempt to get away from her family, only to have Donovan wind up working for her family’s company out of resentment at his own family.  So their relationship is a bit, uh... frigid.  And complicated.
Devin/Tia-- Hella unhealthy.  Devin only married Tia to fulfill the requirements for Grandpa John’s will, and thus inherit the family’s fortune.  Tia tries her best to be a good wife but Devin isn’t interested in being loving or kind.  Protagonists break them up and pointedly keep her in the family and ostracize Devin.
Haegar/Ianna-- Antagonist couple.  A more stable and cooperative version of Donovan/Cherise.  Their machinations and schemes work more harmoniously with them as a cohesive team.
Nolan/Ingrid-- Semi-sleezy politician and snobby upper-class lady.  Despite said character flaws they’re rather happy together.
The Protectoress: High Fantasy/Gateway Fantasy.  Every hundred years an asteroid fragment carrying an ancient evil immortal despot comes to terrorize and destroy a magical realm.  The power to stop him reincarnates into a partner team of a Chosen One from that realm, and a Protectoress from ours.  Story is about the last partner team.
Ren/Lori-- The Chosen One and the titular Protectoress.  Mostly inspired by MeruPuri and also just because I have a thing for relationships where the older member is sortofkindofbutreallynotreally a surrogate parent/guardian to the younger member.  So Ren starts getting hot as he gets older and Lori has this moment of, “Well look at YOU!”  They have a simmering kind of slow-burn chemistry, Lori naturally feels very protective of him (and not just because her inherited magical powers make her feel that way) and comes to care about him a whole lot, but holds herself back from pushing anything until Ren is older and actively starting to pursue his own feelings for her.
Sakura Squad: Sci-Fi war drama IN SPAAAAAACE.  Protagonists become a mini propaganda shoujo heroine squad to inspire hope in the masses.
Keiji/Aiko-- Aiko is smitten at first sight and has a lot of trouble making herself coherent around him.  He mostly just thinks she’s cute at first, and brings a good vibe to the team, but unconsciously starts taking steps to protect her in combat.  His freakout when he learns about her secret Sakura Squad doings are partly motivated by his fear of her dying.  Through some close calls they quickly warm up to each other and get together towards the end.
Ryuuki/Masayo-- Ryuuki is the fangirl-bait ladies’ man who is always flirting with the girls on the team, but finds himself inexplicably flustered and awkward around shy mousy timid Wrench Wench Masayo.  She’s oblivious to his affections and her own feelings for most of the story.
Tarou/Kiyomi-- They have a supportive, friendly, playful banter kind of friendship.  Always kind of low-key flirting with each other.  Kiyomi fervently denies that they’re anything but friends but they’re caught later making out in a closet.   It is hilarious.
Shiki/Kaname-- Happy stable married couple.  Kaname wears the pants hard.  Sunk at the end when Kaname dies in battle.
Starship 227: Sci-Fi.  Elite investigative team for the galactic government fly around in their spaceship and have adventures and stuff.
Arden/Kina-- Ship captain and cute resident nurse.  Arden also has a female first mate that you’d think he might get together with in a Slap Slap Kiss fashion but nope, they just don’t like each other and are also half-siblings oops.  Arden is constantly hitting on Kina or looking for excuses to see her and she’s somewhat oblivious at first but soon grows to have feelings for him as well.
Squadron 15/Haven Academy: Your basic superhero high school.
Redbird/Firelily (Aiden/”Lily” Keliannar)-- Main couple.  Very Brooding Boy Gentle Girl.  Redbird is awkward as hell around her and she makes him go all blushy but he can be real sweet and protective and caring and she just warms up to him more and more over the story and becomes protective over him too and there’s a lot of mutual caring and concern for each other.  They get together later.
Shard/Vapor (Cliff/Shawna)-- Shawna’s dated around and actually has a boyfriend at the start of the story, whom she breaks up with because he’s a ~dramawhore~.  Shard lowkey has a bit of a crush on her the whole story and she doesn’t exactly discourage him and jokes about how she should totally date him all the time.  Eventually he realizes he really likes her and plucks up the nerve to ask her out.  He is huge and she is tiny and it is cute.
Quickster/Silkworm (Miguel/Kimiko)-- Just cute kids who like each other being cute together and going on fun dates.
Captain/Illusion (James/Janet)-- Team Dad and Team Mom.  They have a playful, comfortable sort of relationship and just like to spend time around each other away from the craziness of their “kids”.
Captain/Sketcher (James/Ellie)-- Teased.  Not emphasized much but hinted on occasion that Sketcher has a crush on him.  It never develops into much and she forgets about it quietly as the story goes on.
Crimson Ray/Silver Shield (Leonid/Alisa)-- Sweet good-natured nice boy and sweet good-natured Ill Girl.  They are lowkey and quiet and very heartwarming.  Also endlessly tragic when the ship is sunk with Alisa’s Heroic Sacrifice to save the city.  I milk the angst for all it’s worth.  It is almost mean.
Flint/Solar (Andrew/Doris)-- Happy married couple.  They kind of needle and poke each other playfully and make each other flustered.  It’s cute.
Nighteagle/Cosmar (Douglas/Zoe)-- Stoic introverted Angsty McAngsterson and the bubbliest, sunniest, most energetic ball of energy ever.  Cosmar has a massive, not-so-secret crush on him and it confuses and baffles the hell of out Nighteagle.
White Eyestones: High fantasy war drama.
Indin/Elarin-- Happy married couple.  They have their rough patches but they smooth them out quickly.  Sunk when Indin dies halfway through the story.
Elsiron/Thelnaela-- This one was almost kind of an accident?  Lol IDK I just really liked writing Thelnaela being all teasing and playful around him and their banter almost wrote itself and I was like, “Ah yes.  This should be a thing.”
Winds of Ikilia: Fantasy quest in an asian-inspired world.  To try and win a war against an evil empire a crown prince kidnaps a young tribesgirl with mysterious powers.  Her friends come after her to rescue her.  They have adventures.
Kai/Nadi-- Main couple.  Hella cute.  Been friends since childhood, get matched by the matchmaker early on in the story.  Have a very deliberate Older Girl/Younger Boy thing going on.  They spend a lot of time being worried about each other and having playful banter and saying heartwarming things to each other that make my character Tiri groan and roll her eyes.  Decide to start officially referring to each other as betrothed and fiance partway through the story.  Married in the epilogue.
Ainusan/Ta Lian-- Oh gosh this is... *giggles*  This is actually kind of a running gag.  See my protagonist Nadi once disguises herself as a noblewoman while she’s looking for her friend and Prince Ainusan comes in and basically confuses her for Princess Ta Lian and is rather impressed by her spunk, being that he thought she was more of a ditz.  Ta Lian herself hears about his poor first impression of her later, from Nadi, and is so OFFENDED and ANNOYED and “That jerk I liked him!” and from then on I basically just make cracks about how they should totally get together.  And then the payoff comes in the epilogue where I reveal that they totally did.  I did it because it was funny.
Ainusan/Kiria-- Teased.  Little bitty hints here and there that Kiria has a tiny crush on him.  Nothing major.
San/Tiri-- Teased.  Tiri likes to flirt at him and he sometimes banters back.  Doesn’t go anywhere but provides much lulz
San/Kiria-- Also another case where little hints are dropped that Kiria has a crush on him.  What can I say, she likes dem older boys.
Korda/Keyla-- Married couple.  Nadi’s parent’s.  No big.
Wings: Magical girlfriend story.  Fairy family gets stuck living with normal human family for a while.  Their kids fall in love.  Drama ensues.
Hideki/Elaina-- Main couple.  It’s pretty much love at first sight for Hideki, and he immediately wants to ask her out.  She’s thrilled at his attention and forwardness and caring and becomes super protective of him and they are basically adorable at each other.  They get married partway through, in a magic ritual that will serve to protect him from fairy machinations.
Kubo/Haruna-- Married couple.  Hideki’s parents.  Not much else to be said about them.  They’re stable and healthy and long-suffering together.
Oberon/Titania-- Their marital problems are the driving background noise behind literally every single problem the two families ever have.  They seriously need counseling.
Ronan/Amara-- Married couple.  Elaina’s parents.  Amara had a lot of bitterness in her heart from a previous first love (a human, ordered killed by Oberon when he found out because he’s hissy about fairy/human relationships because Titania’s a cheating skank with them) but Ronan managed to soften her and help her find a measure of healing and happiness.
Tallas/Elaina-- One-sided.  Tallas is a fairy noble who has a creepy interest in Elaine and has on one occasion tried to ask her father for her hand.  Ronan sensed he was bad news and vetoed that right away.  Amara was later approached with the same offer and told Tallas where to shove it.  He persists in trying to woo her himself but she’s not flattered or interested and he basically slips more and more into an adolescent hissy fit of If I Can’t Have You, outright brainwashing and threatening Hideki in one case.  Roundly thwarted in the end.
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meenasmoon · 7 years
Awesome an update on the fic! Can't wait for more. And for the prompt ash recruits the theater gang to get Meena and Johnny together but it keeps going wrong until someone just blurts out that they should go out to their face or their plan could work out and then they gloat about it forever
Wooo this one took some thinking but I decided that I would leave it on a cliffhanger and if there is a strong enough response to the idea I will make a couple more installments. I hope that you guys like this one and if you do I’ll make sure that I give it a proper ending.
The Grand Plot Part 1
“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I called you here today.” Ash spunaround in Moon’s office chair, a cup of StarBuck’s coffee clasped in one handwhile the other rested casually on the arm of the chair. Assembled before herwere her friends, everyone except the topic of the conversation, Meena and Johnny.Rosita, Eddie, Buster, and Gunter were standing on the other side of the desk,looking extremely confused.
Moon eyed her place in his precious chair but Ash just ignored him andtook a long draught of her coffee “We have a serious and super annoying problemon our hands.” she jumped down from the chair and walked over to the front ofthe desk. Everyone else remained silent, waiting to hear what exactly shehad to say.
“There are two idiots here that need a little push. You must havenoticed that Meena and Johnny are missing from this meeting. That’s becausethese two dorks have no idea that they are hopelessly in love with each other.Sooo we are going to help them figure it out.” She put down her coffee andleaned back against the desk, her arms crossed over her chest. “I’m open tosuggestions.”
Gunter immediately raised his hand did an excited little dance to gether attention. Ash sighed and gave everyone else a chance to put up their handbefore grudgingly gesturing for Gunter to share his idea.
Hunter immediately did a little celebration dance and then launched intohis plan. “Ok zo here is vat ve are koing todo. Ve lock zem in ein clozet for ein couble of hours and poom! Zey are inloffe foreffer! It iz genius no?”
For a second they all just looked atGunter in surprise, shocked that a good idea actually came from his rambling,eccentric mind. Gunter just stared back at them, a gigantic smile overtakinghis face.
Ash nodded slowly, a mischievous smilespreading across her face. “I can’t believe that I’m about to say thisbut… that idea is perfect.” She high-fived the energetic pig and anelaborate plot began forming in her mind.
“Except we put them in a practicebooth instead. That way we can see what’s going on.” Ash rubbed her handstogether and let out a little chuckle, “This is gonna be good.”
“Wait.” Buster stopped her inher tracks and she spun around to glare at him. Buster adjusted his tie andstood up as tall as he could, “Now I’m in support of this plan but it mustbe carried out after hours. I don’t want this to interfere with practice timeand show times.” He looked meaningfully at Ash who just rolled her eyesand shrugged.
“Fine. We won’t do it duringpractice.” She grumbled and Buster nodded, satisfied with her answer.
“So you’re in?” She asked andhe grinned at her, nodding his assent.
“Eddie.” She turned to thenervous looking sheep and he immediately froze under her scrutinizing gaze.
“Uhhhh.” He looked down atBuster who gave him an encouraging grin and a good-natured shove. Eddieshrugged and nodded to Ash who mentally tallied up her squad. She didn’t evenask Gunter considering that he gave her the plan on a silver platter, and he wasgenerally excited about anything. She turned to Rosita, her final recruit, whowas nervously fiddling with her bright yellow purse.
“What is it Rosita?” She askedand Rosita let out a small sigh.
“I’m just not sure that we should meddle in something likethis. I mean what happens if our plan backfires and they end up hatingeach other! We can’t destroy their friendship.” The panic rose in her voice andshe clutched her bag tighter to her chest. Ash hurried over to her and put acomforting hand on her back. She rubbed it gently to calm her down andlooked around awkwardly for help but everyone was just watching them withconcerned looks on her face. Ash could see that she was losing them to Rosita’sdoubts so she quickly tried to recover the situation.
“C’mon guys. This is Meena and Johnny we’re talking about.I’m pretty sure that Johnny doesn’t even have the ability to insult someone, oreven be impolite I’m pretty sure. Also do you really think that Meena couldever hate anyone? Especially Johnny.” The worried looks disappeared as shespoke and slowly she felt their confidence in the plan coming back. “Plusthis is an awesome mission. These two deserve each other and you know it.”
Rosita nodded confidently and stood up from the chair she hadbeen perched on and put her hand up in the air. “Let’s do this!”Everyone else quickly joined in one the pow wow except for Ash,who watched them with a grimace on her face and her arms crossed over herchest. Buster saw that she wasn’t joining them and frowned, gesturing for herto join them.
“C’mon moody teenager. This is your plan and if you want togo through with it you need to put your hand in the circle.” Ash groaned andreluctantly added her hand on top of the pile and everyone else threw theirhands up in the air and cheered.
“Woohoo.” Ash said sarcastically and moved as far away fromthem as she could. “Adults are such dorks.” she murmured to herself andthe banged her fist on the desk to get everyone’s attention once more.
“We don’t have much time to come up with a solid plan beforeMeena and Johnny get back from getting lunch so let’s get to work people. Iwant this thing completely hashed out before we try anything. Let’s get towork.” She clapped her hands and for the next couple of days they all met upand worked on the plan, going over it over and over again until everyone knewthe details by heart. Meanwhile, Meena and Johnny continued their obliviousdance, admiring each other from afar and generally driving anyone in on theplan crazy.
Finally, a couple days later they were ready. Everything wasin place, all of the variables had been thought of and everyone knew their rolein the plot. Rosita would ask them to meet her in the practice room, Gunterwould “accidentally” lock them in the room, and Buster and Eddie would rigthe lights and the sound in the practice room so that Ash could see everythingfrom command central. She had set up a command central in the rafters above theroom, where she could have the perfect view without Johnny and Meena being ableto see her.
She watched eagerly from above as Rosita pulled Meena asideand said something inaudible to her. The gentle elephant smiled and nodded inconfirmation before wandering away to help with the final cleanup of the stage.Not even a minute later, Rosita was talking to Johnny about himmeeting her in the aforementioned practice room. The gorilla nodded and thenwalked away to help Meena lift a particularly heavy piece of the set. Ashrolled her eyes as she watched their interactions. Meena was a blushing,stuttering mess, and Johnny was falling all over himself trying to be agentleman for her. 
A few minutes later Johnny walked into the practice roomand sat down on the stool in front of the mirrors. Ash watched him spin aroundon the stool like a child for a little bit before Meena walked into the room.As soon as Meena entered the practice room, Ash signaled Gunter who gave her adouble thumbs up before slipping on his noise cancelling headphones andgrabbing the keys from the wall hang nearby.
Ash turned the binoculars back towards the practice room andwatched as Johnny finally registered Meena’s presence and leapt off of thestool mid-spin, stumbling slightly. Ash rolled her eyes as she was forced towatch their awkward dance once more. She handed the binoculars over to Busterwho was waiting eagerly next to her.
“I can’t watch this crap anymore it’s gonna make me barf.”she said dramatically and Buster eagerly took them from her, whispering aplay-by-play to Eddie who was hanging on his every word like an old womanlistening to her soap opera.
Ash sighed and picked up her third StarBuck’s coffee ofthe day, drinking deeply from her precious paper cup. Suddenly Bustergasped and Eddie’s grip on his shoulder tightened. 
“They’re leaving!” he gasped and Ash ripped the binocularsaway from him so fast that he got whiplash. She growled when she saw Meena andJohnny picking up their stuff and talking as they walked to the door. Shescanned around the practice rooms, searching desperately for Gunter. She foundhim dancing a few feet away, paying no attention to his actual mission. Shealmost yelled in frustration, but that would break her cover, so she ground herteeth together instead. She quickly texted Rosita who was still on stagedistracting Mrs. Crawly. A few seconds later Rosita rushed in and as soon asshe caught sight of Gunter she tossed a couple of candies at him until she gothis attention. Ash watched her desperate motions towards the room where Meenaand Johnny were preparing to leave. Gunter’s eyes widened when he finallyunderstood the dire situation that they were in. He practically dove for thedoor and jammed the key in the lock, locking the door just as Johnny reachedfor the door and turned the knob. The knob refused to open and Johnny jiggledit in confusion as Gunter army crawled away from the door over to where Rositawas waiting. Once Gunter was up off the ground, Rosita dragged him out of sightand away from where Johnny or Meena would see them.
Ash almost cackled in delight as she watched Johnny pull atthe door and bang on the windows in confusion. Meena was trying her cell phonebut the signal inside of the practice rooms was terrible and she couldn’t seemto get a call through. Ash settled into her seat and prepared herself for thelong haul. I’m not leaving here until these two admit their feelings foreach other.
 Two hours later Ash was ready to give up. She was slumped inthe chair that she had set up and she was feeling severely caffeine-deprived.She gazed longingly at the empty paper cup that she had been cuddling since shehad finished it two hours ago. She tossed it and sat up, picking up thebinoculars that she had discarded. She glared at Buster who was snoring loudlyfrom where he was curled up next to a sleeping Eddie whose drool was coveringthe pillow he was sleeping on. She prayed that they weren’t still playing cardslike they had been for the past hour. She could only watch those two lovesickidiots play go fish so many times.
She gasped when she actually found them doing somethinginteresting. Meena was leaning on Johnny’s shoulder as he talked aboutsomething that he Ash couldn’t make out. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”she whispered to herself and adjusted the binoculars so that she was focused onher friends rather than the room around them.
Just when it looked like they were getting somewhere theyboth sat up and broke into huge grins. Confused, Ash zoomed out and lookedaround the room, trying to find the source of this sudden change. When shefinally found the source she sat there and gaped for what felt like years. Mrs.Crawly had waddled in unnoticed and unlocked the door. Their closed room ideahad failed because of one old lizard. She watched in despair as her friendsexited the room and went their separate ways, waving as they walked away. Aftera few minutes of looking at an empty room and wondering how such a perfectlywell thought out plan could fail so spectacularly. Finally she threwdown the binoculars in frustration, slid down in the chair, and let out afrustrated groan.
“Damn.” she whispered to herself and then shrugged and curledup in the chair to fall asleep.
There’s always another chance tomorrow.
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