#bc god forbid theyre human and sometimes fuck up right
part of why I think Sirius's good traits are so downplayed and he has a personality transplant is that his flaws are very, very unsavoury (underestimates people/overestimates himself, cruel, very arrogant, reckless, actually terrifying temper, etc) and the consequences for these flaws are very 'ouch' as we see in the books. So they give him new flaws that never even existed in the first place and erase his good qualities to make him seem less perfect. It makes sense because Sirius in the books or at surface level analysis has the risk of coming off as a massive Gary Stu, which makes him so hard to write properly. I mean: extremely handsome, tragic backstory, funny, talented, child prodigy, smart, rich, etc. So much easier to make him dumb and give him a 'temper' rather than him remaining intelligent and having an actual, consequences-for-everybody temper.
This.... friends, this right over here is an incredible analysis. I completely agree, this is absolutely accurate.
actually, I think this is a global problem. because if you look at the canon flaws of many of the characters, they suddenly become harder to like, you need to face those issues, accept that they're all problematic
Remus: leaving Tonks and their child in the middle of a war, never reaching out to Harry, never trying to dig up the truth about Sirius when he was the only one who could have done it
James: hypocritical, plain out cruel, a literal bully, comes from a very privileged background, has a very black-and-white view of the world where you're allowed to be cruel to anybody who he considers on the "wrong" side
Regulus: joined an actual terror organisation? most likely held very bigoted, blood supermacist views like his entire family
but like..... then we have to face those issue, right?
the fact that Remus is a selfish coward, James is a hypocritical bully, and Regulus is a bigoted terrorist. It's much easier to give them softer flaws (Remus is shy and socially awkward, James is an oblivious himbo, Regulus is a depressed abused teenager; boohoo) than to face the real issues.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
Oh I think I saw the post u meam and (u can delete/ignore this is its too far from the point and shit) the "The only yusei I like is a depressed one" is so. Idk? Harsh? Hes allowed to ve happy and still be written well, he doesnt need to be shoved onto other peoples sins when the series already has him doing that. He can have an implied decently peaceful life until death. Sometimes! You do so much and oull so much weight that you become something intangible and divine to someone whos never met but still thinks of u! And sometimes its one guy and sometimes its them and the last remnants of the human race out of a desperate love for both!
Idk, just let yusei be like, not suffering 24/7, they forbid him from even entering the WGRP for fun bc ig thats bad to so many characters, let him have a scrap
YEAH. YEAH. god ive been thinkin about this all day, this is so good anon you get it you're Logged In you see the Intent of it all...
again like. if the 'z-one isnt yusei' thing isnt someone's favorite narrative choice, whatever, thats your journey, but every time i see this "well he was ACTUALLY supposed to be yusei from the future for real!!!!" rumormongering i want to groan into my hands, it just feels like this desperate grasping at straws because they really wanted Sick and Twisted Evil Yusei Real and then when that didn't happen they had to make up some grand production conspiracy instead of just taking the "welp, cant win 'em all" with this one and acknowledging that's just not the story the 5D's writers wanted to tell.
i LIKE a good protagonist corruption/evil!protag AU, they're really fun, but you're so right, this sort of Insistence I see when people are like "no, it was GOING to be true, z-one WAS dark and depressed and hopeless future yusei," i just cant wrap my head around it. there's just this sort of miserable harshness to it that i'm not personally very into. (in general i cant really vibe with this idea of "i need my favorite character to constantly be suffering." just really not my thing, ESPECIALLY WITH YUGIOH CHARACTERS??) (also. like. we already did have that. with jaden. and honestly yuma also is fucking Suffering too. it's cool seeing a different spin on things. idfk!!)
i just want to like. grab people really gungho about this thing by the shoulders and ask "why do you want a Yusei who willfully betrays and gets his friends killed SO BADLY? why do you want to see a Yusei who hurts people THIS much?" I feel like it would have just been so jarring and unearned. it doesn't feel like Yusei even in his darkest hours (which imo is part of why Z-one is such an interesting character to me--the concept of someone who thinks if they can wear a fabled hero like a pelt, if he can Become them, then that will fix everything, then They can fix everything. that's so fascinating and fucked up to me!!!! i love thinking about it!!!)
this idea that in the far future Yusei's become this sort of folk hero, this "something intangible and divine" like you said, just from saving the world and doing good and helping people, that's just SO neat and has so much merit and is worth discussing!! and it's unfortunate that you have a Not Insignificant amount of people who just wont even consider the potential narrative weight in it, who are so sore Their Trope of Choice wasn't canon theyre out here weaving madeup production stories to back up their personal disappointment. just. idk. you can give the 5D's writers a lot of rightful flak for stuff in s2, but i do very much think there was great intent from the beginning to have z-one be Just Some Guy who's rotting in a body that isnt his own, and to have him reflect yusei in ways without Actually Just Being Him.
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