#basically exactly the pattern every discord server falls into
hussyknee · 2 years
Not denying that the current state of discourse has taken new and distressing trends, but having been in online fandoms going on twenty years now, seeing people being like "I hate how fandoms are no longer places of fun but stress and toxicity" has me like??!!!? Bitch, fandoms have always been a few months of fun engagement and then fighting for your fucking life. Just because Web 2.0 has exacerbated some of the problems doesn't mean you get to be ahistorical about it, like an Elf yearning for the Gray Havens
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Institute of the Arcane
The Institute of the Arcane is a free online institution for witchcraft practitioners of all kinds to expand the knowledge of their craft. The institution includes four core programs, Nature Witchcraft, Communications, Basic Witchcraft and Dark Witchcraft. Students can apply to one vigorous program at a time.
We currently are opening applications for students! Students must be 16+ with parental permission. If the student is 18+, they are their own parental permission. Also, students must have both discord and a google account. Below is the informational guide for students.
Apply for the Institute of the Arcane here!
Institute of the Arcane Rules:
Do not discuss 18+ content, there are minors.
Intolerance will not be accepted.
Do not send the discord link to anyone.
Be respectful of those around you.
Usage of excessive extreme language is prohibited.
Do not spam the server.
Do not cause drama or panic.
If you receive three strikes and are banned from the server, all of your future accounts are banned as well.
Do not disrespect staff or mentors. They are here to help you, not hurt you.
Do not share personal information inside of the server.
Self promotion is only allowed with permission from the staff.
If a student wants to message another student, the student must message them publicly to ask first.
The Strike System
Every time a student breaks a rule, it will result in a strike being given by a mentor or staff member. If you receive three strikes it will result in being expelled from the institution. You will only receive one warning before receiving strikes.
Program Information
The Institute of the Arcane provides four different programs to help witchcraft practitioners expand the knowledge of their craft. The four different programs included are, Witchcraft Basics, Nature Witchcraft, Communications and Dark Witchcraft. Each student will be able to apply for one program at a time.
Witchcraft Basics:
Head of the Program: Esme
Description: The basics program is designed for students who need an introduction to witchcraft, or want a refresher on the essentials from a different perspective. The courses within this program cover a wide variety of topics aimed to give you a well-rounded understanding of your practice as a whole. Ready to get started and get back to your roots? Sign up for the basics!
Herbalism Basics
Mentor: Daralis
Descrition: During this course, we will be looking at not only the magical associations for different herbs, but also the physical. WHat herb can you use to help a sunburn? Aloe of course! What herb can help me fall asleep? Valerian root, catnip, and linden leaves to name a few! Join us, as we discover the remedies nature has to offer!
Mentor: Austin
Description: Crystals are full of energy and unlimited potential. This course will dive into a wide variety of different types, how to identify them and their uses.
Grimoire Design
Mentor: Era
Description: The aim of this class is to help you create your grimoire or book of shadows and to create ways in which you build it and record your knowledge and witchy experiences. This class doesn’t exist to make you design your grimoire in a specific, impersonal way, but help you come up with ideas of how you can make your grimoire your own!
Different Kinds of Witchcraft
Mentor: Era
Description: This course teaches about different subcategories of witchcraft that some decide to partake in. This course is to expose witchcraft practitioners to different forms of the craft.
Mentor: Daralis
Description: In this class we will go over basic correspondences and how to fit them into your daily life. I hope that by the end of this course you will be matching colors, herbs, crystals, and whatever else to go along with your intentions!
Spell Creation
Mentor: Esme
Description: Creating spells is one of the best skills to have in your back pocket! In this course we will explore how to use correspondences, intention, words, timing, and your own personal touch to create spells for any occasion or purpose.
Head of the Program: Daralis
Description: The Nature/Lifestyle program is for those who feel a close calling with the earth and the people around them. All of these classes go hand in hand with each other and focus on rounding out the natural and homemaking side of witchcraft. In this program we will be researching, herbs, plants, stars and how they play into everyday life. The kitchen course will show you how easy it is to apply intention to mundane tasks and how to be your best witchy self. We hope you all feel welcome and excited to learn how to interact with the world around you.
Plants to the Astral Realm
Mentor: Daralis
Description: There’s a hedge that separates our plane from others. What exactly is that hedge? Literal hedges. This course will teach you the hidden world of plants, their spirits, and how to work with them.
Kitchen/Cottage Witchcraft
Mentor: Esme
Description: Kitchen and cottage witchcraft is a course designed to help you turn your house into a home and incorporate your craft along the way! We will explore recipes, rituals, correspondences, and most importantly ways to incorporate your practice into your everyday life in and out of the kitchen!
Mentor: Ridori
Description: Will be added on a later date.
Mentor: Esme
Description: Astrology is the study of the zodiac, stars, planets, celestial bodies, and how they influence your personality and how they can be incorporated into your life. In this course we will explore correspondences, how to read a natal chart, and how to interpret meaning behind the map that’s been laid out in our sky.
Animals and Familiars
Mentor: Era
Description: This class is about the importance of both animals and familiars in witchcraft and how you can use them on your path! It delves into things like the differences between a pet and a familiar, animal correspondences, how familiars can help you, and more. The aim of this class is to aid you in finding your familiar, using animals and pets in your path (in humane ways), and to help you feel more comfortable with the idea of animals in witchcraft.
Green Witchcraft
Mentor: Daralis/Esme
Description: Plants are absolutely vital to our world, especially as witches.This course will explore different types of plants, how to identify and care for them, and in turn how to identify and take care of yourself.
Weather Witchcraft
Mentor: Firefly
Description: This course is designed by Mentor Firefly as a way to introduce students to weather witchcraft. Weather witchcraft is most often used by those who wish to work with the weather and its current conditions, not to simply control it. There are three main topics covered under this course: Basics of Weather Patterns, Weather Correspondences, and Weather Ritual Practices.
Head of the Program: Cronus
Description: The communication program is for students interested in learning about, and how to communicate with beings not of human nature. This program includes: Deities, Spirit Work, Demonology, Fae Magick, Divination, Companions, and Ouija Work. This program is not going to be for the faint of heart, but can be incredibly fulfilling if you are called to these paths. Feeling called? Feeling curious? Then come join us for a semester!
Mentor: Cronus
Description: In this class you will learn all about spirit companions! This course will cover such topics as: Ethics, Safety, species, and communication. Spirit companions is not a path for everyone, but I do believe that everyone can get a little something out of it. So, come on in and prepare to learn!
Mentor: Ridori
Description: Will be added on a later date.
Spirit Work
Mentor: Cronus
Description: This class is going to teach students about spirit work. We will cover a plethora of topics such as: basics, culture, rituals, etc. Spirit work is an interesting and enlightening path, but can touch on some sensitive topics. This class will hold a wealth of information, but it is encouraged that more time and research be placed into this craft if you feel called. So, step on in and make some friends on the other side.
Mentor: Cronus
Description: In this class we will be exploring the 8 basic pantheons commonly used in witchcraft. You will learn: the deities, some myths, and a bit of how to work with the various deities in these pantheons. This class will mostly cover basic information as learning and developing relationships with deities is personal and unique to your path.
Fae Magick
Mentor: Ridori
Description: Will be added on a later date.
Mentor: Daralis
Description: This course teaches students different methods of divination that are commonly used in witchcraft. Divination is the act of communication with a higher force to predict an outcome. It will touch on subjects such as tasseography and tarot readings.
Dark Witchcraft:
Head of the Program: Jasper
Description: The Dark Witchcraft Program at the Institute of the Arcane is a combined mix of chao magick, death magick and dark magick. Classes involved in the Dark Witchcraft Program are practices in darker elements of the craft. The subjects involved in the program, such as ouija and death work, witchcraft practitioners may have strong feeling regarding. This is an open and accepting environment for witchcraft practitioners of all kinds to expand their knowledge of Dark Witchcraft.
Death Witchcraft
Mentor: Jack
Description: This course teaches students the basics of Death Witchcraft. It incorporates information on honoring the dead and resurrection. This is perfect for people interested in the process of life and dead, and how to incorporate their craft into it.
Shadow Work
Mentor: Jack
Description: This course teaches students the basics of Shadow Work. Shadow Work is the process of looking at the deeper parts of you and come to grip with them. There are magickal and mundane methods of Shadow Work, both are discussed.
Chaos Magick
Mentor: Austin
Description: This course will help explain what chaos magic is, how to use it, and how to take your craft to the next level with purpose-driven magic.
Mentor: Austin
Description: This course will explore the magic art of creating and charging sigils for specific needs and everyday use.
Death Deities
Mentor: Cronus
Description: In this class we will be exploring the different deities associated with Death in the different pantheons commonly used in witchcraft. You will learn: the deities, some myths, and a bit of how to work with the various deities in these pantheons. This class will mostly cover basic information as learning and developing relationships with deities is personal and unique to your path.
Name: Ouija Work
Mentor: Jack
Description: Ouija Work is a class all about teaching you the do's, don'ts, rights, and wrongs of Ouija! Using a Ouija board without proper information on how to do so can be dangerous, and it is often misrepresented in the media. That's why we have Ouija Work! So all you witches, warlocks, and mages out there can learn how to safely communicate with a Ouija board.
Contact Information
Esme -
Discord: EsmeVibes#9463
Jasper -
Discord: Jasper#7016
Austin -
Discord: areedc36#7021
Cronus -
Discord: Cronus#0055
Daralis -
Discord: Daralis#1215
Ridori -
Discord: Ridori#0013
Jack -
Discord: Jackk#0109
Era -
Discord: mythicaleras#9031
Firefly -
Discord: Firefly#8098
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