#baseball caps for men online
malphason · 7 months
Baseball Cap Online: Fashion From the Gym to the Streets
Athleisure, a blend of athletic and leisure apparel, has become a staple in everyday street fashion, promoting comfort, functionality, and urban chic. The iconic Traditional Luminous T-Shirt and versatile gym wear have redefined the concept of fashion, with fashion enthusiasts blending athleisure and street fashion to create unique styles. Baseball caps and jerseys, once confined to sports fields, have transitioned into street fashion, symbolizing urban cool and individuality. Luminous t-shirts, with their vibrant designs, embody youthful energy and self-expression. Athleisure has become a fashion statement, seamlessly integrating into daily wardrobes, from leggings to track pants and performance jackets.
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yomartez · 7 months
How to Choose the Perfect Trucker Hat for Your Personality
Discover how to pick the ideal trucker hat for your style! Find the perfect match that complements your personality and boosts your look. Read more!
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gosmigenergy · 8 months
KINKTOBER 2023 / Day Two
( Triple Frontier Boys x F!Reader )
Summary: After a conscious decision to stop dating, your friend invites you to fight night where more than one person catches your eye.
Rating: 12A?
Warnings: Mentions of dating/bad relationships, allusions to a non-monogamous relationship, language, drinking, teeny bit of masturbation, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 4.4k
Notes: When @absurdthirst announced their Kinktober 2023 list, I actually got inspired to start writing and I’m now taking the plunge by posting them online. It’s been a few years since I wrote smut so bear with me. If there is anything spoken in italics, it’s Santiago or Francisco speaking in Spanish, I didn’t want to just Google translate and butcher it. My brain also didn’t do this in numerical order hence why there is no Day 01 though this story seemed more of a fitting start.
I may not complete the entire list so be ready for sporadic updates, enjoy!
(P.S. Hi Moyra!)
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The story of how you ended up in an open relationship with four, rather handsome guys was a simple one.
You were lonely and horny but also indecisive.
Your notable chastity came after a series of shitty relationships and dates with men. After being ghosted, catfished and caught up in a quick partnership with a toxic dom, you had pretty much given up on the male species. Except, once a few months had passed, the sexual urge came back, you couldn’t fathom the strength to go out and find people but there is only so much a toy can do.
“A cage fight? What are we going to do at a cage fight?”
“I don’t know,” your friend spoke with a tone that indicated she knew something you didn’t. “But there will be plenty of men.”
You roll your eyes, she was desperate to get you back out there, she also knew you well enough to know fighting your sexual nature was soon going to become a struggle and she couldn’t handle the idea of another crap hook up for you.
That evening you found yourself outside of town, in front of a sorry looking hanger with your friend waiting for the rest of the group, watching the slim picking choices of men. 
“If I wanted a frat boy, I could have just gone to that one bar.”
Your friend scoffed, “Frat boys are not the only option here.”
They weren’t but they seemed to be the better option. 
Every other man you saw, you wouldn’t touch with a barge pole. Amongst the Frat boys was portly bikers who could barely remain on their bikes, those who you could only describe as rednecks and guys so terrifying, the idea of approaching them didn’t even come to the forefront of your mind.
“How long do you think the girls are going to be?”
“Fashionably late,” she shrugs.
“There’s a strong possibility they’ll miss their guy.”
You have flashbacks to when you went to a concert and they arrived so late, they only made it in time for the main act. The pair of you had sworn never to attend anything with them unless you had your tickets and could make your way to the venue without them. Tonight, you were both a little worried about how they’d be when they turned up and in an event like this, they’d stand out in the crowd.
You hugged your frame, bobbing up and down on the balls of your feet.
“Could we just get them to message when they’re here?”
“We’ll give them another 20 minutes.”
The flurry of people thickened and you stood to one side to allow everyone to pass without having to go around you. You were watching the time pass by on your phone when your friend’s announcement interrupted you.
“They’re here.”
“Thank fuck.”
You raise your head, about to look passed the incoming audience when you caught sight of someone.
He has his head ducked low underneath a baseball cap, his outfit in shades of navy and grey, hands stuffed in tight jeans pockets. Under the brim, his brown eyes flicked up to yours like he knew he was being watched. A smile came to his lips, brightening his five o’clock shadow, the moment between you was brief.
He carried on walking and you kept your eyes in front, swallowing as you felt his gaze still on you.
“Are you ok?” Your friend queried.
“I’m fine.”
The temperature rises in your cheeks.
In the venue, the group of you squeezed into a middle row on one side of the cage. The rest of the girls had already arrived a little bit ‘squiffy’ as they put it and on the second round of drinks, you’d offered to head to the overcrowded bar.
You had spent the evening rejecting offers from all sort of men, the cheesiest chat up lines plugged to you in every kind of way - ‘when do you get in the ring’, ‘what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this’ etcetera, etcetera. Your mystery man was nowhere to be seen and you think he was just a figment of your imagination.
Pushing your way through the throng, you manage to grab onto the trim of the makeshift bar and haul yourself forward. You lean your weight on your elbows and wait patiently for one of the bar staff to finish serving another drunkard.
“So, what’s a little girl like you doing in a place like this?”
The way they said ‘little girl’ made your skin crawl, even the guy next to you clocked your discomfort.
“Out with friends and would rather be left alone, thank you.”
“Aw, come on, I just want to talk.”
“I’d rather not, I’ve had plenty of men try and talk to me tonight and I told them the exact same thing. Please leave me alone.”
There was movement behind you but you thought it best not to make eye contact. You felt the air pass your shoulder as the guy next to you threw up a hand and caught the other man’s wrist that was inches away from your body.
“Hey, she’s already asked you nicely to leave her alone.”
Oh god, was a fight going to start because of you?
The growing tension had your heart pounding and your knuckles became white as you held your nerve.
“Who are you, her boyfriend?”
“If I was, would it stop you harassing her?”
The man behind you mumbled something incoherently before squirming out of the guy’s grip and staggering away.
“Thank you,” you finally look his way, giving him a smile.
He smiled, giving you a gestured nod, “You’re welcome.”
Even in this light, he had baby blue eyes and delicate freckles along his cheek bones. His upper body was wide, holding it’s own against wave after wave of people coming in to wait along the bar.
“You have some pretty quick reflexes, are you sure you’re not meant to be in that cage?”
He laughs, shaking his head.
“Nah, not my kind of thing. How about you? That look could have knocked him dead.”
“There’d be a lot bodies on the floor if it worked,” you quip. “I’m here as chaperone to the group of forlorn looking girls waiting for their man.”
His smile broaden, digging dimples into his cheeks.
“And who might that be?”
“Benny Miller,” you shrug.
You’ve been invited to watch him fight but actually have no fucking idea what he looks like, the girls have just been swooning about his ridiculous six pack.
“Really? He’s going to be thrilled.”
“You think?”
“I’m his brother, of course I know.”
You cock your head, eyebrows arching, maybe you could understand the fascination with this fighter if his brother is anything to go by.
“Oh god, how many Millers are there?”
His laugh is contagious.
“Only the two of us. If you count brothers in arms, there’s four.”
You should have guessed with those reflexes he was some sort of military.
Just as you’re about to speak, a bar man appears and he allows you to order your round first, five shots should come quickly. Juggling to get a grip of five tiny plastic glasses in two hands, you flash him another smile.
“Thanks…” You falter, “Sorry, I didn’t ask your name.”
You introduce yourself and thank him again before slipping into the stream of people, excusing and apologising to anyone who got in your way.
“You were gone a while,” you friend said inquisitively after taking a shot of sour cherry flavoured liquor.
You hum, “I got harassed at the bar and Benny Miller’s brother stepped in as my knight in shining armour.”
She laughs, checking quickly to see if the other girls heard.
“What is with you tonight? First that guy at the entrance, now the brother.”
“His name is Will and I haven’t seen that other guy since.”
It was nice to know he wasn’t imaginary.
There were a few rounds before Benny’s, the girls squealing and looking away as two guys beat the living daylight out of each other. They shouldn’t have been there, too much blood, too much violence and too much sweat from the crowd washing over them and it wasn’t like they could talk either.
The break came and as the other girls insisted on another drink, you politely excused yourself to breath some cool outside air.
You refused the offer of a cigarette when you stepped out the doors, eyes flitting to see if there was an empty bench or some patch of grass where you could escape the huddle of people congregating. Wandering around, you found yourself at the side entrance of the hanger, a lone person leaning a brick low barring wall.
There couldn’t be any harm sitting with him, he seemed harmless enough.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
The man glanced over, brown curls flicking from under his cap.
“Go ahead.”
You side, jumping to rest your ass before taking a massive swing of water from the fountain you’d discovered on your way out.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke.
“No offence but you don’t seem one for violence.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You look too sweet and innocent,” he shrugged.
You hum, “Who says I’m innocent?”
He laughs, dropping his head before taking a swig of beer, eyes in front of him.
“I apologise.”
“That’s ok, I get what you’re saying, it’s been pretty brutal so far.”
His tongue flicked over his bottom lip, “I’ve seen worse.”
“Well, for the sake of the girls I’m with, I hope Benny Miller don’t get the shit beaten out of him.”
“Don’t worry, he won’t.”
He sounded so sure and that’s when your brain made the connection to what Will said earlier.
“You’re one of his brothers in arms, aren’t you?”
The man leaned back, placing one hand on his thigh, the little target tattoo on his hand stretching. He faced you now with a furrowed brow and parted lips, his eyes dark as you could see his mind working out how you knew.
“I bumped into Will at the bar.”
His expression seemed to soften.
“He told you about me?”
“Not specifically,” you winced, trying not to hurt his feelings. “We just got talking.”
The corners of his lips twitched, “He did mention meeting a pretty girl at the bar.”
You had to look away, your cheeks and chest immediately on fire, a spark that travelled your lower belly, spreading with desire. Will said you were pretty and he just clarified the comment, your friend was right, what is with you tonight?
He was just about to speak until the heavy swing of the door made you jump, he barely moved an inch.
“You better get you ass in here, Benny will lose his shit if you ain’t there to walk him in.”
For a brief moment, you couldn’t see who was attached to the voice but it was smooth.
They step out from behind the door and you saw the edge of a blue bomber jacket and the navy peak of a cap, his soft slopping nose and the five o’clock shadow along his sharp jawline.
Oh no.
It was if he caught something out of the corner of his eye, like he saw his friend and wondered why there was another person sat next to him, who was the other person sat next to him. His one eyebrow was arched, his lip straight until he recognised the face.
“Didn’t I catch your eye earlier?”
“I’m sure it was the other way round,” you remark wittily.
He smiled, nodding, “Agree to disagree.”
“If you say so.”
“Are you going to chat up all my guys tonight?”
He points between you and the other guy.
“I think you’ll find they keep chatting to me.”
He laughs, nodding again.
Both of the men shared a look, understanding each other though no word was exchanged, it was annoying yet somewhat enticing.
You wished you could know what they were thinking.
“Come on, Fish, he’s going on in a couple of minutes.”
He got up from the wall, abandoning the empty cup but he glanced one last time at you.
“Nickname,” he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “It’s Frankie to everyone else.”
You tell him your name and he smiles, nodding as he walked away. Frankie pats the other man on the back, stating ‘hermano’ and sauntering away, readjusting his cap before he disappeared into the venue.
Slipping off the wall, you went to say goodbye before he gestured for you to come through the back.
The door slammed behind him and he followed you, body unbelievably close, his breath mixing with the heat contained in the hanger.
“So, do I get to know your name?”
Glancing over your shoulder, he still has that soft smile, eyes roaming what was in front of him that caused goosebumps to arrive on your skin.
You walked passed rows of lockers and tired wooden benches before he stopped, letting you walk a little further.
“Go to your left and follow the corridor to the double doors.”
You nod, “See you in there?”
His smile grew, “Sure.”
Following his instructions, the corridor felt like it went on for miles, the music muffled through the brickwork, the only sound your shoes squeaking on tiles. You were trying to wrap your head around what was going on, how had you met three guys in one night who all knew each other and seemed, to you anyway, to be caught in your gravitational pull? Or was your friend right, were you just that ridiculously horny after months of your own hand or toys?
You shake your head, taking a deep breath before joining civilisation again.
“They wanted to get closer,” your friend said, rolling her eyes.
“Aren’t we technically in the splash zone now?”
“D’you think they’re bothered?”
She was right, the rest of the girls were far too gone to even worry about being covered in sweat, beer and possibly blood, all you prayed for is none of them got ahead of themselves and flashed the fighter at the worst time.
After Benny’s name got introduced over the speakers and the match started, you finally saw the other three from the group, distorted opposite by the wire hexagons that followed the cage. Even they were sensible enough to sit several rows back, they cheered and backed Benny the whole way through and when the opportunity arose, fleetingly looked to you.
A heat washed over your body.
“They said this is the way!”
The girls were giggling, tottering up the corridor as fast as they could in heels. You and your other friend held back, mostly to ensure you weren’t connected to the fangirls who were trying to find a battered and bruised man.
You pretended you didn’t know where the locker room was though you were there moments earlier, you couldn’t face the queries from your friend.
“He’ll be in here,” a friend beckons everyone over.
“And I’m out,” you hold your hands up. “I’m not sneaking into the boys locker room.”
“Really? I thought you’d quite like a photographic memory for tonight.”
You shake you head, “I have the internet for that.”
She laughs, nudging your hip.
“I’m just going to see how this all plays out.”
She pushes you away and you stagger to an empty space on the wall, leaning against it and allowing the cold to spread across you back. Tipping your head back, you close your eyes, taking a breath.
“Don’t want to join your friends.”
A familiar voice breaks the silence.
“Do you always hang round in the shadows?”
He scoffs, “No.”
“I’d rather not be associated with,” you wave a hand. “Their actions.”
He moves to the wall opposite you, copying your stance, his smile curling as he can hear the chaos in the distance.
“You know it’s a shame,” he looked at you through the corner of his eyes. “He would have liked to have met you.”
You scowl, tilting your head.
“You’ve been talking about me?”
“Will and Fish are quite enamoured with you.”
“And you?”
Your heart was pounding, the blood rushing to your head. You were nervous to hear his answer, tongue sweeping over your dry lips and all he could do was smile, breaking eye contact.
“I don’t think you could handle me.”
You hum, “I like a challenge.”
He pursed his lips, cocking his head to one side.
“You look too sweet for me, honey.”
The way he said ‘honey’ was intoxicating, smooth with a hint of his Spanish pronunciation, it made your heart flutter. You push yourself off the wall and take a few steps over to him, folding your arms across your chest, standing tall.
You look him up and down, your expression scrunching, you’d seen someone like him before not exactly like him but they all appear the same.
“Maybe that’s just what you need… A good girl who’ll do as she’s told.”
He turned to face you, eyes almost black and you swallowed. His smile crocked into a smirk, he noticed the falter in your otherwise firm stance. Moving his body close, he leaned forward, hands placed to his hips. He brought his lips to the shell of your ear.
“Then give me your phone.”
You do as you’re told, unlocking the screen as you hand it over.
Taking it in one hand, he gives you space and taps away before giving it back. You check the details on the phone.
Santiago Garcia is a new contact.
“Give us a message if you need anything.”
You blinked at the screen then up at him, his face had softened.
“I’ll hold you to that, Santiago.”
He winked and walked away, out of your vision, he shooed the girls away.
“So, did ask her?”
The guys had driven to a late night diner after the match, part of Benny’s post match routine was stuffing his face with a load of carbs.
“Not quite,” Santiago took a bite of a fry. “I gave her my number.”
Benny practically made a raspberry noise like a child.
Santiago shook his head, throwing his hands up, “The balls in her court.”
“You should have just asked her.”
Frankie took a swig of his coffee, “This isn’t the kind of thing you just walk up and ask, she would have run a fucking mile.”
Benny pointed with his fork, “This is why I should have done it.”
Frankie burst into laughter, Santiago and Will shaking their heads, he has no fucking idea.
“There’s no way she would have taken the offer from you,” Will was trying to contain his laughter, cheeks turning a faint hue of pink. “I trust Pope, the balls in her court now.”
Benny ladled the last of his food onto his fork, “Do you think she’ll bite?”
Santiago was praying to every god that you did even though he was far from religious. This is the first time back since he felt anything, it was unusual that he found himself vying for attention with the other boys.
This was new territory for him and he’s done a lot of shit.
He thinks back to the conversation with you, he didn’t expect what came out of your mouth and it was like the lure of a siren to a sailor. It’s why he reconsidered you as an option. Sure, you cracked a little when he got close yet who wouldn’t and that’s when he guessed you may have seen it before.
His fingers have been twitching to check his phone all night.
“You’re guess is as good as mine.”
And you were laying in bed contemplating whether it was too early to message him.
After the fight, you thought you’d just go home and crash, you thought wrong.
Stripping off, you decided to take a shower to get rid of the grime from the night. You had an idea you were wet, you just didn’t realise how much your arousal had pooled. There was so many factors you could blame - several matches where two sweaty, semi dressed men were in close proximity to each other, three men’s eyes watching you and your eyes met, Santiago centimetres from your face.
The water fell soothing down your skin and you settled two fingers against your clit, rubbing gently. Closing your eyes, you pictured the fine details, the blonde of Will’s hair, the wideness of Frankie’s hand, the musk of Santiago’s aftershave.
You dragged your fingers along your folds, gasping as you sunk them into your burning cunt.
It was embarrassing how quickly you came to the thought of them, you hands reaching for the cool tiles of your bathroom as your legs threatened to give way. Your breath was shaking, your body vibrating as the warmth travelled up your spine.
A message popped up on your phone from your friend, hoping that you had a good night, the winking face emoji a hint to the boys. Messaging now seemed desperate, your teeth grazed you lip.
Rolling over, you prayed that sleep would take you.
You decided against messaging Santiago in the morning, you were groggy and unmotivated with suggestions of a possible meet up would fall on deaf ears. It was in the afternoon, after some good food and a walk in the fresh air that you felt ready.
‘And when you say anything, what did you have in mind?’
That was the question that lead you to the bar tonight.
As it was a dive bar, or so you and your friends believed, you didn’t wear anything fancy however it didn’t mean you under dressed. You wore a dress that accentuated the curves of your body, hiding it with an oversized jacket and trainers. Taking a breath, you pushed through the doors, the vision of Santiago stood at the bar ordering.
“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”
“I’m fashionably late,” you retort, taking a note out of your friends’ books.
He laughed, “What are you drinking?”
He bought you a drink and you went to join the boys at the table, finally being introduced to Benny.
“I was kind of insulted you didn’t want to meet me but I’ll forgive you.”
The five of you talked about everything and anything, you learned that Frankie was a pilot, Santiago chased cartels for years after being in the military because he couldn’t stand still and the Miller brothers spent their youth on a family farm. After food and another round, Benny decided that it was the perfect time to get the conversation rolling on to why you were here.
“Are we gonna do this or not?”
He was straight to the point.
“Christ, Benny,” Will could have kicked him under the table. “Always thinking with that dick of yours.”
You guessed the implication would be something sexual, you got that from Santiago last night but his text gave you nothing, actually the whole evening gave you nothing. It was just nice to be in the company of four very different yet very attractive men who hadn’t push any boundaries.
Frankie lifted his cap and ran his fingers through brown curls, his focus pulling to Santiago.
“You want to start? You’re better with words.”
It’s also more his kind of thing, is what he left out, but it wasn’t easy.
Your eyes flicked to every man around the table. Frankie couldn’t make eye contact, Benny glanced between you and Santiago while Will seemed to be the calmest of the lot.
“We got talking yesterday about a girl we saw at the fight and it turns out we were talking about the same one. Now, the guys haven’t really done this before, I’ve shared before but not quite like this —“
“Wait, did you just say shared?”
It was alarmingly hot all of the sudden.
“Yes, I did,” he rubbed the scar along his neck.
Frankie chuckled to himself, “I guess there is no easy way of saying it.”
Santiago could see your mind working overtime, the knot in your brows tightening. Your lips opened before you stopped and thought over your words again.
“Do you guys want a five way?”
You wouldn’t complain if they did.
Benny and Santiago’s brows seemingly raised.
“Not quite, sweetheart,” Will lowered his tone, closing in on you so his frame blocked the rest of the bar from your vision. “We’re thinking more, we share you out evenly, four ways.”
You blink, tongue running over your dry lips, just the thought alone had settled between your thighs.
“So, a different guy every night?”
“If you want,” Benny chimed in.
Santiago shrugged, “I was thinking more of a weekly schedule.”
That would make sense.
Your mind was processing the concept, it could be good, yet it could also be bad, catastrophically bad. That’s what happened with that dom, they made all these promises, that they’d buy you all these rewards and gifts if you did what they wanted, they never came. They had you running round in circles, doing a load of shit you thought you wanted to do when in actuality, you didn’t. They manipulated you until you finally said no and then they gaslighted you into thinking it was all your fault when it never was.
Could these guys do that too?
“What are you thinking, querida?” Frankie broke through the silence.
“Just the string of bad relationships that came before this,” you take a swig of your drink, catching his puppy dog eyes. “Not that I’m saying this is a bad idea, it’s just…”
You chose your words carefully.
“I’d need to see the terms and conditions.”
He nodded, “That’s fair.”
“I’ll get the papers to you in the morning,” Santiago joked.
“I better not see any spelling mistakes or the deal’s off.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that, Will’s my copywriter.”
You tried to keep the upper hand but you broke, the smile cracking on your lips.
“Sooo, is that a yes?”
Benny’s eyes were darting from person to person, this conversation was too cryptic for him, he wanted a firm answer.
“It’s a maybe.”
He pouted, nodding, “I’m taking that as a positive, celebratory shots on me.”
The rest of the boys groaned as he slipped out of the booth towards the bar, Will apologising for his brother’s enthusiasm given the fact you didn’t give a solid ‘yes’. You thought you’d pretty much ruled men out and then suddenly the universe had gifted you four of them.
Maybe this was the end of that dry spell, the possibility of your sexual awakening and more and honestly, you didn’t mind at all.
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askthebutch · 3 months
Im kind of like, new to lesbian culture and butch culture. Im 15, I've known I liked girl since I was like, 9 or 10. And I spent most of that time convinced I was bi or pan because of comhet or whatever. Anyway, I wanna know if you have any advice on how to start dressing more butch? And just like more butch media I can interact with and go through to learn more about it
Be cautious in online spaces that are geared towards lesbians and butches, since most of the folks on there are adults and will be discussing adult themes.
Dressing butch, and butch media. When you try on a new gender expression, most folks start with undergarments. That way it's private and you can decide if you feel more confident before you start changing stuff people will notice. Most butches I know wear sports bras, boxer briefs, and ugly ass crew socks. Sports bras weren't an option for me until after my breast reduction, so I wore minimizing bras. I likes Hanes womens' boxer briefs and their white crew socks (ugly I know but trust they are so comfy you'll never go back).
For clothing, it's all about the fit and hem lines. You'll have to try on a bunch of clothes to find what really works for you.
For shorts, try women's soccer shorts because they have a lower hem line than shit like nike shorts, but they won't swallow you like men's basketball shorts. For pants and jeans, tighter is going to read as feminine but that doesn't mean you should wear parachute pants. (google mc hammer and don't tell me you've never hear U Can't Touch This) Go for bootcut or straightcut jeans. You might have formals or dances or something in which case I recommend getting a women's tuxedo.
For shirts, get you a multipack of t shirts from the men's section. Great place to start. Men's t shirts aren't as clingy as women's, they're cheaper, they have pockets, and they're a little longer in the torso. Pair a t-shirt with a casual open button up (like a flannel) and you've got yourself a look that killed it back when I was in school with my fellow dinosaurs. I tuck the t shirt into my jeans and wear a leather or recycled bike tire belt with a buckle I found at an antique store.
Ultimately, it's more about what makes you confident than what aligns with the gender expression you're aiming for.
If you saw me at a coffee shop, I'd be wearing crocs or beat up work sneakers, Levi 401 jeans, a big hoodie, and maybe a baseball cap. I also like to paint my nails black and wear the same two necklaces I've worn since I was like 12. That's what makes me confident.
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Hi, may you please spare some advice on what casual, but also cool in a hot climate, clothing a baby butch could look into wearing that’s a bit fashionable and isn’t just a shirt and a cargo shorts?
whew first of all donate any & all cargo shorts immediately (pretend tan france is telling you that Urgently). i do understand finding shorts can be kind of weird depending on ur body shape bc men’s shorts are often bulky & long. i prefer a 5’ inseam, but you can go for a 7’ if that feels better. under No circumstances should ur shorts hit ur knees lol. madewell has some pretty good options (if you can find one that’s mens & womens in-store that’s the best). pacsun usually has some pretty chill options. for online shopping, bearbottom shorts is not too expensive & has a lot of colors in both 5’ & 7’ shorts. i really like the swim shorts both& just made (not sure if they’re sold out). get lighter colors in the summer if you want for shorts, & just… no khaki.
& i love a t-shirt, but it’s in how it’s worn. i don’t think it even needs to be an interesting t-shirt, but it should have a fit & pov that looks intentional. i like to get my t-shirts a size up & tuck them in, sometimes pair them with an overshirt. if i know i’m going to be SWEATING & i want to wear a tshirt, i’ll wear something looser & actually thicker cotton in either black or white. i’ve had top surgery so i can wear tanks without stress but if binding is a concern, both& has some great tanks for ppl who bind.
if you do want to be more dressed up than a short/t-shirt combo, the answer is & will always be linen. a short sleeved linen button up (from really anywhere you like that fits well — uniqlo has both men’s & women’s in many earthtones for under $50!) is The Key. put it on as an overshirt over your t-shirt or wear it buttoned halfway in a french tuck. i prefer to stay away from patterns & bright colors bc it can easily look a little zany, but do your thing there. i have a few pairs of linen pants i also love, especially for things like taking my wife on a date, or if it’s just a cool day/nighttime activity etc. literally just… linen button ups & linen pants, even drawstring pants! if you wanna ball out, theory makes my favorite linen pants, but oak + fort is a close second & much more affordable. everlane also has all of these pieces in mens & womens & is very high quality!
idk ur shoe situation but two great options are always birkenstocks (the rubber ones are under $50 & v comfortable) and/or all white low air force 1s. a good all white sneaker is a great starter sneaker & will always go with everything. i myself prefer dunk lows but u gotta rly be wanting to invest in some sneakers to do that lmao but if you are! they’re cool
lastly, small accessories go a long way! i have a few chains, a small hoop earring, a ring (& my wedding ring but lol i don’t think we can count that as an accessory), & then sunglasses i love. i have a Beautiful watch from my wife but literally just a watch w a normal watch face & a leather band is better than nothing or wearing a smart watch out when there’s quite literally no need lol. a good baseball cap, either plain black or from a cool brand (mine for this summer is aime leon dore) is both a nice addition & also practical. do not & i mean Do Not carry around a backpack unless u Absolutely have to lol. masc cross body bags or canvas totes are much better if u need a bag
- you can find tons of overshirts thrifting or at outlets! since they don’t have to fit perfectly it can be a great place to look for them
- i live & die by a good pair of light wash denim in the summer. allsaints & madewell always have beautiful denim, but you can look at levi’s as well, or thrift!
- tailoring is not expensive!!!!!!!!! if u find pants u love that are too long, just get them hemmed! fr it’s like $10, everyone needs a good tailor
- never underestimate a good sweatshort/t-shirt/overshirt/birks moment to go get a cup of coffee or something… 10/10
- i have definitely not been in a place financially to do this in the past, so pls take this w a grain of salt & of course do what’s best for your budget, but higher quality, simple fabrics ethically made are ALWAYS going to be best. they’ll last longer & keep their fit. launder ur clothes carefully too! hang drying pants & heavy cotton will get their lifespan to extend. & it’s 100% cool to find brands u love & stick to them. if u find a piece u like, u can get it in a few colors, rather than trying to find a bunch of other stuff. quality > quantity, capsule wardrobes are easier to wear & maintain
- some ppl whose fashion i like rn: courtney williams, arike ogunbowale, shanice van de sanden. & sue bird knows how to wear a short/button up summer set with the best of them. kristen kish Obviously. (& also i love mal from the queer ultimatum lmfaoooo)
- wear whatever u want, just not cargo shorts :)
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himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
hours after my wild up-close NateMac sighting (which you should read as context for this post), having ferried and bussed and walked back across the harbour to my work dorm, I got online and had the second insane thing that I had suspected might have happened to me finally be confirmed.
here's what went down. I haven't a shred of proof this occurred, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
about fifteen minutes before Nate's arrival to the post-parade Beer Garden party I had stumbled upon, as guests began trickling in, I had watched a group of four or five hockey-looking men arrive from the opposite direction along the boardwalk that Nate would eventually appear from, chatting amongst themselves, and discreetly enter the Beer Garden via the gate after just a few words with security. I say hockey-looking because most of them were tall, visibly athletic, some had The Flow, they had the backwards snap-backs; they just kinda looked like hockey players y'know? most of them were decked out in some amount of Avs merch, including some Avs-coloured lanyards with a 29 on them that looked like some kind of guest pass.
indeed, these guys and their gear caught my eye so much that I almost missed the most discreet member of their little group. he was noticeably shorter than the others, stocky but trim, dark-haired, and wore no merch to speak of; just a white tee, black shorts, black sneakers, a black forward-facing baseball cap and sunglasses.
it was only as he turned side-on, to walk up to the gate, that I saw him in profile, saw his very sharp, prominent nose and the shape of his jaw and thought "wait, that looks like- but he looks thinner than- is it???" he and his group disappeared into the party before I could fully process this or even snap so much as a creeper-pic for my suspicions. and so I simply wondered about it all night long, trying in vain before I left to get a glimpse over the tarps and cordons set up to make the party private which might confirm my suspicion.
and then when I got back to my room and opened up tumblr, there he was: Sidney Crosby, dressed for Nate's parade day in a white tee, black shorts, black sneakers, black baseball cap and sunglasses, said to be hanging about the outskirts of the celebrations with a handful of other hockey players:
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oh. my god.
it was him.
I need you to understand: he was, at least for the brief time I saw him, completely unnoticed on that boardwalk. the little group he was walking with weren't followed by any lingering fans or admirers, nobody approached them or made a noise when they passed by. they could have passed for any of the hundreds of groups of decked-out hockey fans in town for the parade that day. and Sidney Crosby, Nova Scotia's most famous son, walked down that little stretch of crowded Halifax waterfront completely unheralded, the least noticeable of any of them, slipping into the party well ahead of the flurry of attention that came with Nate and the Cup. I genuinely almost missed him, despite the fact that I'd been watching the arrivals and keeping an eye out for him all day long. he was so discreet I didn't even process his presence in time to get any proof that I'd seen him at all.
Mike Crosby, indeed.
(it had occurred to me, while I was sitting around drinking slushies all afternoon, that the most likely reason we probably didn't see Sid in a more prominent role around Nate's celebrations, the parade and whatnot (like Landy and Cogs and their horse-drawn carriage, for example), is that Sid is most certainly well-aware that he is still more famous than Nate, and that just his mere presence somewhere can attract a lot of attention and easily steal a spotlight. he's had his share of these parades before, so this time it seems like he stuck to the background in order to sit back proudly and let Nate have his moment, entirely for himself - as just Nate, rather than as Sid's understudy or sidekick. again, that's just my speculation, but... well, it certainly sounds like something he would do, doesn't it?)
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themculibrary · 1 year
Coming Out Fics (2) Masterlist
part one
American values (ao3) - orphan_account steve/sam T, 6k
Summary: Sam likes Steve. Steve likes Sam. But Captain America's never dated a guy before.
As You Are (ao3) - Eligh clint/phil E, 10k
Summary: When Phil accidentally comes out to Clint after a trying couple days, Clint takes this as his opportunity to finally make a move.
Almost entirely fluff.
cap’s quintet (ao3) - King_Hydroflax sam/bucky, maria/natasha G, 3k
Summary: sam and his team are all gay. they come out.
Curiosity (fanfiction.net) - serenelystrange steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: In which Clint's curiosity gets the better of him, Bruce and Tony are Science!Bros, and Steve may or may not be having a Big Gay Crisis. Written because even though I love me some science!boyfriends, I have love for Tony/Steve, too. Clint/Natasha in their way , Tony/Steve, Bruce, Thor, Fury, Coulson. Clint POV.
Fame (ao3) - Axinite25 yelena/kate G, 2k
Summary: Kate is recognised as an Avenger, with that comes a lot of online press. Luckily, Yelena is there for the difficult moments.
Kate/Yelena, coming out, the internet is weird
Hidden Aces (ao3) - oper_1895 steve/sam T, 1k
Summary: Sam’s not entirely sure what he and Steve have got going on, which means it’s time for an actual conversation. First though, Sam needs to put his own cards on the table. But it turns out Steve has an unexpected ace up his sleeve.
how to come out to the public (ao3) - cynthiagay sam/bucky T, 1k
Summary: sam and bucky have an interview.
many the miles (ao3) - CapnWinghead steve/sam T, 4k
Summary: After months of radio silence, Sarah Wilson travels to Brooklyn to track down her brother. When she arrives, she finds Sam living with a tall blond guy that seems to know more about him than she does at the moment.
(Not) Just between us (ao3) - orphan_account sam/bucky E, 15k
Summary: He survived battles, countless times now, but the last one felt different so he took his phone let his heart bleed a little.
He hadn't expected someone else to catch that on camera.
our secret (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 752
Summary: Sam and Bucky finally get together, but Sam knows he needs to get his shit together before he and Bucky can start telling people about their newfound relationship.
pepper potts does not get paid enough (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Pepper is not happy when Sam posts a photo of him and Bucky together on Instagram.
Pride (ao3) - charlieflor sam/bucky T, 919
Summary: "It's okay," Sam says when they break the kiss, leaning with their foreheads together. "I'm here."
Private Stuff (ao3) - alba17 maria/natasha T, 1k
Summary: Natasha won't let Clint in her bathroom. He's determined to find out why.
Put it in all of the papers, I'm not afraid they can read all about it (ao3) - EarthsSassiestHeroes clint/steve N/R, 1k
Summary: A follow up to "You've got the words to change a nation but you're biting your tongue" Steve and Clint go on Oprah's Next Chapter to discuss Steve's coming out.
roots (ao3) - sweetwatersong G, 1k
Summary: The family tree in the Barton household isn't so much a metaphor as an actual orchard out back. As long as Lila can remember it has been inextricably entwined with autumn and apples, and all those she loves.
The Guide to Being a Displaced 106 Year Old Who Is Coming to Terms With His Sexuality (ao3) - ChaoticAce2005 sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: “So, people like- it’s normal to like both?”
Because despite Bucky’s head being like scrambled eggs, he remembers love. He remembers attraction. To that one baseball player. To a cashier at a mart, he went to. To the king of Wakanda who, holy fuck had no right looking that good.
And he thought maybe Hydra had screwed him up. Maybe they screwed around with his memories. But even now there were men who would cause Bucky to pause.
Men like Sam.
But he thought Hydra had just broken that part of him. Because he liked girls too and there was no way- Maybe he was just making it up- It couldn’t be real-
“Yeah,” Sarah responded, “Bisexual for one, that’s when you like two or more genders. There are more broad terms like pansexual or polysexual as well, those mean liking all genders or liking many genders.”
Wait- what?
“Aren’t there only two genders?”
Sarah just shook her head, “Gender is more a binary now, think a straight line and at one end is male and the other is female, there is all that space in the middle that some people are in. Some people don’t even identify as a gender.”
What- okay, that was going to give him a headache.
The Interview (ao3) - mybuckystar clint/pietro T, 2k
Summary: Clint grudgingly agrees to do an interview on a morning talk show. Needless to say, it doesn't go as planned.
Your Listed Heart (ao3) - Willowe T, 18k
Summary: Bobbi Morse breaks up with Clint Barton almost exactly six months after their first date, and everything goes to pieces.
Romance, relationships, identities- he doesn't want to think about any of that. But one drunken night, and one drunken mistake, later and Clint finds himself having to confront something much worse: the person at the heart of it all.
One Natasha Romanov.
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sinbrook · 1 year
Whiny men online are always saying shit like “You couldn’t make that these days, the woke left wouldn’t allow it” Bro there are SOOOO many classic films that could not be made these days without one of those dudes making a 2 hour youtube rant about it. I saw one of those dudes in a youtube comment section going “oh you couldn’t make Twelve Angry Men these days, people would complain they’re all white men” As though the point of that film isn’t a criticism of exactly that. My dude there is a whole scene where every character gets up out of their seats and turns their back on another character going on a racist rant because he assumed since they were all white like him, they’re agree with him. The film was made as a direct criticism against the media hysteria about immigrant youth crime, as well as a criticism against the HUAC anti-communist trials. If this film aired in 2023 you would be screaming about how it’s unrealistic and overly political, on facebook with your sunglasses baseball cap pick-up truck profile picture.
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100talberts · 2 years
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from 100blessings Simstablr
To certain followers of my Simsta: maybe memorize Proverbs 20:19 and Ephesians 4:29 before going online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To the others: let me tell you the TRUTH about what happened at that Shop N Mart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My pious and Godly daughter, Petunia Talbert, was NOT arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is safely at home, free from punishment by the secular and control-crazed “laws”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a date, Charlie Scott took Petunia to the local mega store to witness to the Godless shoppers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything was going wonderfully until, in the clothing section, they found disgusting pedophile clothes for children!!!!!!!!!!!!! These were baseball caps featuring a cat and the word “Purride” in rainbow colors - clearly to brand children as future homosexuals for the alphabet mafia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie did the rational thing and kicked the display over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that’s when the heathen employees tried to kick them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One was a woman in pants, so these people were clearly trying to oppress Charlie and Petunia for being Christ-following Christians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To those of you that saw the viral video of Petunia screaming and collapsing every time an employee approached her, worry not - it was just an act to keep these Satanists away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing the Godly power radiating from Charlie and Petunia, one of them called the cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clearly, they knew they couldn’t triumph over Jesus and wanted reinforcements!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you can see, one of the male cops was a filthy pervert and put his sinner hands on my daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only Charlie has the right to touch her virgin forearms, and this man violated that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, I had a very stern talk with her about forcefully placing her ankle against this man’s most intimate area!!!!!!!!!!!! No woman should ever touch an adult man she is not related or married to, even if “he started it”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Godly woman knows that furthering premarital contact is just a fast way to get into Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when it inflicts hurt - women aren’t made for aggression!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Attacking your attacker is only for men, as us women are naturally inclined to keep calm and sweet even in horrible situations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These police (who are NOT examples of their kind!!!! We back the blue, as MOST cops are fair and reasonable!!!!!!!) were clearly afraid of God’s wrath, as all they did was escort them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stand strong during these trials, and the Lord will protect you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Petunia, we are overjoyed to have you home safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ignore the heathen rumors and proudly stand for Jesus, and you will be rewarded in Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bigyikes97 · 1 year
Storytime: This thumbnail image of Kim Jaejoong sparked a 15-year culture and language study with 0 regrets!!!
My first 11 years were spent in a rural town of 4,500 people where Bass Pro was a lifestyle and the 4-H fair was the highlight of the year. (I am, in fact, my county's 4-H Greased Pig Capture Champion of 2019.) It was awesome.
Then, Youtube recommended THIS thumbnail for TVXQ!'s song "Hug". It pretty much changed my LIFE:
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(Kim Jaejoong in 2003 for "Hug")
In my home and in my town, men were big, muscular, and macho--stubble, sunburns, fishing rods and hunting rifles, Mossy Oak baseball caps with clip-on fish hooks and cowboy boots. This one image of a soft, fairy-looking boy blew open a whole new realm of possibilities for masculinity. His hair is fluffy, not buzzed! He's wearing JEWELRY! He's got EARRINGS! And bangs!! He looks soft and clean and gentle, ethereal even!! And wow, can he SING! Not hard alt-rock like my dad liked or with a heavy country twang like on the radio--he sang sweetly and kindly, beautifully, in the magical new-to-me language of Korean. I knew guys were "tough", but I didn't know they could be BEAUTIFUL:
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I became the first and only 11-year-old in my rural town (so rural we tried to ride the dairy cows for fun) to be obsessed with K-pop...back in 2008!!
Fast forward: The passion stays strong. My dad always wanted me to join the military, and so at 13 I joined the Navy ROTC. Thanks to a special appearance from a Marine drill sergeant who had come to give us a taste of "real" bootcamp, I burst into tears and fell out of formation. When the captain tried to comfort me by saying this was preparing me for what I wanted to do, I blurted back that no, actually, I want to teach English in South Korea!! That was the end of my short military career and my first declaration of my goal.
Although I continued listening to Kpop (and watching Kdramas, thanks to Jaejoong once more), I wouldn't pick up a Korean textbook until after--plot twist!--I'd studied Japanese for 5 years. (The anime wave hit my hometown far earlier than Hallyu did, so the self-study materials were far more accessible.) People in my town said I was the only one crazy enough to try learning Japanese and Korean at once, but I knew better: for the past 10 years I had been hearing Jaejoong sing beautifully in both those languages. (It had somehow never occurred to me that hadn't had to learn Korean from 0--ethnocentric habits die hard!) I pressed ahead with my self-studies nonetheless.
In my early 20's, I began teaching ESL online. I quickly gained a number of Korean students. Most were parents, small children, or working moms. I quickly fell in love with the "ahjumma" crowd. While I had already studied the Korean culture (not just pop culture!) in-depth, talking with so many families at so many stages in their English learning journeys unlocked new dimensions of its depth and richness.
In my mid-20's, my university recommended that I apply for a government program that sends students abroad for the summer to study one of 16 "critical" languages. I applied for Korean, citing my ESL experience, and was selected. Those two months would become one of the highlights of my life so far!
While in Korea, I didn't meet a beautiful ethereal fairy boy--and I didn't need to. By that time, I didn't even necessarily want to. Because while Jaejoong had caught the eye of my young self and sparked my initial interest, my love for Korean grew up just as I did. Of the many friends I made during my 2-month stay, most were my parents' age and the rest were my juniors in the womens' dorm. I experienced a vibrant culture both ancient and modern whose draw was in its own existence, and in the warm hospitality I encountered at every turn. I have never been happier! And, as a lovely little full-circle moment, while exploring the area around our dorm, I heard "Hug" playing from the speakers of a café.
The saga continues. I just passed round one of a scholarship competition which would send me back for another year...at long last, as an English teacher. (I also have backup plans in place if that fails.)
These days, when it comes to Jaejoong, I definitely think about him differently than I did as a child: I recognize sadly that his long time in the limelight from an early age was harmful to his physical and mental health. While I saw him as a glowing, magical archetype of an ideal man (gentle, non-threatening, beautiful, sensitive, clean and kind), I now think his real life was quite different from what he was pushed to portray. All through his life, he was carefully molded into an ideal star, always with an eye to the camera and a foot on the scale. These days, a common feature in his interviews is concerns with weight. That makes me sad and makes me feel bad about participating in the idolization that created that kind of complex. I didn't mean it that way, of course: realistically, I had no impact whatsoever on the situation in Korea at the time. However, I don't want my attitude to mirror the kind of toxicity that sets these celebrities up to fall. I want to make sure I balance enthusiasm for craft with the kind of respect and moderation that lets them remain human. These days, I hope he lives his life meaningfully for himself. I hope he can find who he is apart from the image he was dealt. Now he's 37: I wish him luck.
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(JaeJoong in 2022-23 era)
Anyway, for why I thought about all that, I heard some of TVXQ!'s more obscure stuff for the first time in maybe 15 years, saw those old pics and got teleported back to middle school🥲 It's really been a ride!! And now I can happily report back to my young self that, just as we hoped, we did indeed learn Korean (even if we're only low intermediate for now, we'll get there!). Furthermore, when we made it to Korea, it was even better than we had dreamed.
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yomartez · 8 months
Buy Sport Hats Online | Trucker Hats | Baseball Caps
Discover the best selection of sport hats online! Shop top brands and styles for athletes and fans. Upgrade your headwear game today.
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funkycapsuk · 3 days
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Goorin Bros. The Farm Original Adjustable Mesh Trucker Hat for Men and Women Baseball Cap We have a fantastic collection of various Caps & Hats in our online Funky Caps & Hats shop. We aim to help to improve your cap and hat shopping experience! Why not check the Goorin Bros. The Farm Original Adjustable Mesh Trucker Hat for Men and Women Baseball Cap. https://www.funkycaps.co.uk/product/goorin-bros-the-farm-original-adjustable-mesh-trucker-hat-for-men-and-women-baseball-cap/?feed_id=12191&_unique_id=665b90a426aae #funkycaps #speakwithyourcap #hataddict #cap #caps #baseballcap #baseballcaps #styleformen #styleforguys
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imanibuhle12 · 5 days
Men's Caps - Buy Caps For Men Online in South Africa | Bash
Looking for men's caps? Shop caps for men online in SA at Bash. Explore wide range of caps for men like baseball & trucker caps from top brands like New Era, Puma & more. Shop Now!
Style Your Outfit with Men’s Caps
Men’s caps can be a trendy addition to your outfit, but only when styled correctly. So here we give a few amazing tips for you to wear your caps like a pro.
If you're taking a day off to go golfing or play other outdoor sports with your friends, you must try this. Wear a well-fitted sports cap with polo or men’s golf shirts with track pants. Add a smartwatch and men’s sunglasses to your outfit.
Enjoy a day out in the sun with cosy summer hats. Wear them with a monotone co-ord set of joggers and sweatshirts. Wear white men’s sports shoes, a metal watch and aviators for a cool look.
Wear a beanie cap to denim men’s shorts and a printed T-shirt for a casual date look in the evening. It will elevate your casual style and help you impress your partner. Add a sporty watch with slippers.
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sanajames · 15 days
Step up Your Style Game: Explore the Latest Sneakers for Men at Bash
Sneakers have evolved from athletic footwear to fashion essentials, becoming a versatile staple in every man's wardrobe. Whether you're hitting the gym, running errands, or meeting friends for brunch, a stylish pair of sneakers adds a casual-cool vibe to any outfit. At Bash, we understand the importance of finding the perfect pair of sneakers that not only look great but also provide comfort and functionality. In this blog, we'll dive into the world of men's sneakers, explore the latest trends, provide styling tips, and showcase some of the top picks available at Bash.
1. The Rise of Sneakers in Men's Fashion
Sneakers have transitioned from being purely athletic shoes to must-have fashion items embraced by men of all ages. Here's why sneakers have become an integral part of modern men's fashion:
Versatility: Sneakers are incredibly versatile and can be styled in numerous ways to suit various occasions and outfits. Whether paired with jeans and a T-shirt for a casual look or worn with tailored trousers and a blazer for a smart-casual ensemble, sneakers add a laid-back vibe to any outfit.
Comfort and Functionality: With their cushioned soles and supportive designs, sneakers provide superior comfort and functionality, making them ideal for everyday wear. Whether you're running errands or exploring the city streets, a comfortable pair of sneakers ensures you stay on your feet all day long without sacrificing style.
2. Styling Tips for Sneakers
Here are some stylish ways to incorporate sneakers into your wardrobe and elevate your style game:
Casual Cool: Pair your sneakers with jeans, a graphic tee, and a bomber jacket for a relaxed yet stylish look that's perfect for weekend outings or casual hangouts with friends.
Athleisure Chic: Embrace the athleisure trend by pairing your sneakers with tailored joggers, a fitted hoodie, and a baseball cap for a sporty yet fashion-forward ensemble that's perfect for running errands or grabbing coffee.
3. Explore Bash's Collection of Sneakers
At Bash, we offer a curated collection of sneakers for men that combines style, comfort, and quality craftsmanship. Here are some highlights of our sneaker collection:
Variety of Styles: From classic canvas sneakers to modern leather designs, our collection offers a diverse range of styles to suit every taste and preference.
Top Brands: We partner with top footwear brands known for their quality craftsmanship and innovative designs. Each pair of sneakers in our collection is carefully selected to ensure durability, style, and comfort.
4. Shop Sneakers at Bash
Ready to step up your style game with a fresh pair of sneakers? Explore our collection of sneakers for men at Bash and discover the perfect pair to complement your wardrobe. Whether you prefer classic white sneakers, sleek black trainers, or bold statement sneakers, we have a wide selection of options to choose from. Shop online today and elevate your footwear game with Bash.
In conclusion, sneakers are more than just shoes—they're a style statement that reflects your personality and lifestyle. With Bash's collection of sneakers for men, you can step up your style game and embrace comfort, functionality, and fashion-forward design. Explore our selection today and find the perfect pair of sneakers to elevate your wardrobe.
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glitterylightcloud · 2 months
Unisex Oversized T-Shirts: The Solo House Brand's Contemporary Statement
What Makes a T-Shirt Unisex?
Unisex clothing breaks the traditional gender norms, offering styles that cater to everyone. Unisex oversized t-shirts, in particular, are designed to fit both men and women comfortably.
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The Appeal of Oversized Clothing
Who doesn't love the comfort of a loose-fitting t-shirt? Oversized clothing has gained immense popularity for its relaxed and effortless style, making it a wardrobe staple for many.
The Rise of Solo House Brand
Brand Philosophy
Solo House Brand is not just a clothing brand; it's a movement. With a focus on inclusivity and self-expression, they celebrate individuality through their unique designs.
Design Aesthetics
Solo House Brand's oversized t-shirts stand out with their contemporary designs and high-quality materials. Each piece is a statement of style and comfort.
Why Choose Unisex Oversized T-Shirts?
Versatility in Styling
One of the best things about unisex oversized t-shirts is their versatility. Whether you're going for a casual look or dressing up for a night out, these t-shirts can be styled in countless ways.
Comfort and Fit
Comfort is key, and oversized t-shirts offer just that. With their relaxed fit, they allow for freedom of movement, making them perfect for any occasion.
How to Style Your Oversized T-Shirt
Casual Day Out
Pair your oversized t-shirt with jeans or shorts for a relaxed, casual look. Add some sneakers and a baseball cap, and you're good to go!
Layering Techniques
For a more stylish ensemble, layer your oversized t-shirt with a jacket or cardigan. Throw on some accessories like a statement necklace or a watch to complete the look.
Sustainability and Ethics
Eco-Friendly Materials
Solo House Brand is committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials like organic cotton and recycled fabrics in their t-shirts.
Ethical Production Practices
In addition to being eco-friendly, Solo House Brand ensures ethical production practices, providing fair wages and safe working conditions for their workers.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it! Customers rave about the comfort, quality, and style of Solo House Brand's oversized t-shirts.
Where to Buy Solo House Brand Oversized T-Shirts
Online Platforms
You can shop for Solo House Brand's oversized t-shirts on their official website or popular online platforms like Amazon and Etsy.
Physical Stores
If you prefer to shop in person, Solo House Brand has several physical stores located in major cities, where you can try on their t-shirts and see their designs up close.
Unisex oversized t-shirts from Solo House Brand are more than just clothing; they're a statement of style, comfort, and individuality. With their contemporary designs, sustainable practices, and commitment to inclusivity, they are a must-have addition to any wardrobe.
Are Solo House Brand oversized t-shirts true to size?
Yes, they are designed to be oversized but still true to size.
How do I care for my Solo House Brand oversized t-shirt?
We recommend washing them in cold water and air drying to maintain their quality and fit.
Do Solo House Brand t-shirts shrink after washing?
With proper care, shrinkage is minimal. Follow the care instructions to preserve the size and shape of your t-shirt.
Are Solo House Brand t-shirts made from sustainable materials?
Yes, they use eco-friendly materials like organic cotton and recycled fabrics.
Can I return or exchange my Solo House Brand t-shirt if it doesn't fit?
Yes, Solo House Brand offers easy returns and exchanges within a specified period.
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esportponysblog · 3 months
Esportpony Trucker bestie cap a perfect selection for adventure with those who matters.
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