#barbara & ernie
abs0luteb4stard · 11 months
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ERNIE HUDSON in one of his first roles!
8 years later he'd be in Ghostbusters!
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
623 ~ Part 1
623 East 68th Street: The Most Iconic Address on Television
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#1) Fred & Ethel Mertz, 3C
In 1948, former vaudevillians Fred and Ethel Mertz (played by William Frawley and Vivian Vance), bought a four-floor New York City brownstone at 623 East 68th Street. They operate it as an apartment building. The building is in Ethel’s name only! The childless couple resides in apartment 3C.
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Coincidentally, the year after Fred and Ethel bought the building, in real life an unrelated new TV show was airing titled “Apartment 3C”. It dealt with a married couple living in a Manhattan apartment building. Just like Lucy and Desi, the actors were married in real life. Writing about the show in 2022, their daughter said:
“Apartment 3C” was no “I Love Lucy” ~ J.G. Summers  
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In “Lucy Wants New Furniture” (1953), there is a door in that wall that leads to the Mertz kitchen and back door, although every other time we see the Mertz living room, the kitchen door is on the right, not the left, and there is a window where the door was!  This was to accommodate the gag of Lucy running from her kitchen to the Mertz’s.
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At the end of the episode, the redecoration is such a disaster that the Ricardos end up giving the Mertzes their furniture and buying all new for themselves.
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The only time we see the Mertz kitchen is in “Never Do Business with Friends” (1953). 
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The only time we see the Mertz bedroom is in “Vacation for Marriage” (1952). Naturally they have single beds! [There’s a reason why they are childless!]
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When the Mertzes move to Westport to live in the Ricardo’s guest cottage, the Mertzes retain ownership of the building, although they put the day-to-day running of the building (except for the collection of rents, that is Fred’s domain) in the hands of Mrs. Trumbull’s sister, a character we never see or even learn her name.
#2) Lucy & Ricky Ricardo, 4A
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Lucy McGillicuddy and Ricky Ricardo (Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz) moved to 623 shortly after they were married. He was a bandleader and she was a housewife with showbusiness aspirations. 
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On August 6, 1948 (Lucille Ball’s real-life birthday), they moved to an apartment building recently purchased by the Mertzes. Their first apartment was 4A. The rent was $105 a month.  
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Viewers typically remember 4A as ‘the apartment without the window’.  The Ricardos are given a 99-year lease and become fast friends with their landlords.
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Ethel luxuriates in Lucy’s brand-new living room furniture won at the Home Show.
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In “New Neighbors” (1952) there is a window in the living room where Lucy and Ethel watch the moving vans unload. This window is technically in the set’s “fourth wall” and is never seen again.
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The kitchen had a breakfast bar that serves as a chalk board for one of the unruly Hudson twins in “The Amateur Hour” (1952). Sometimes this breakfast bar was skirted and the folk rooster pattern could not be seen.
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In “The Fur Coat” (1951) the view of the city outside the kitchen window suddenly disappeared!
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The bedroom during rehearsals for the first episode filmed “Lucy Thinks Ricky is Trying to Murder Her” (1951) - as yet undecorated!  The first scene of the first episode filmed takes place in the Ricardo bedroom. The bathroom was located directly behind the bed, and was accessible through Lucy and Ricky’s closets, on each side of their bed. During this period, the couple’s single beds were generally pushed together. After they had a child, it was thought unseemly so the beds were separated.
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We see the bathroom of 4A only once - in “The Audition” (1951).  The un-aired pilot also had a scene set in the bathroom, so this episode followed suit. Part of the scene in the bathroom was deleted for syndication because Lucy holds up a pack of Philip Morris cigarettes when talking about how a girl can even smoke a sponsor’s product. The DVD restores the scene.  Although the bathroom was referenced in “Breaking the Lease” (1952) it was not seen.
#2) Lucy, Ricky & Little Ricky Ricardo, 3B / 3D
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With the birth of Little Ricky, Lucy convinced Ricky they needed to move to a larger (and more expensive) apartment. In “The Ricardos Change Apartments” (1953), Lucy convinces Mrs. Benson, who just married off her daughter to a nincompoop, to switch apartments with them. 
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The Benson (soon to be Ricardo) apartment is 3B. It has a picture window and space for a nursery!  
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The change was because in “Lucy Tells the Truth” (1953) Lucy feels the need to embroider her show-business resume. She tells the casting director that she appeared in 3D. When he asks is that is short for “third dimension” (a film trend that was popular at the time), Lucy reluctantly admits that it is merely her apartment number.  For the sake of this gag, the Ricardo apartment was re-numbered 3D. It stayed 3D for the rest of the series. Above, Ethel poses in the doorway of 3D in “The Charm School” (1954). 
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The apartment has been faithfully recreated at The Lucy-Desi Museum in Jamestown NY.  
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They even decorate it for the holidays, just as it was seen in the “I Love Lucy” Christmas Special (1956).
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The bedroom as seen in “Lucy is Envious” (1954). After the birth of Little Ricky, it was deemed inappropriate for the Ricardos to sleep in the same bed, lest viewers make they unseemly connection of how the child was created!
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Ricky likes to sing in the shower. We see the Ricardo’s 3D bathroom twice - in “Bonus Bucks” (1954) and “Little Ricky Plays the Drums” (1956). Interestingly, the entire layout of the bathroom changed in those two years. Naturally, the only thing we don’t see is the toilet!
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In “Lucy Hates to Leave” (1956), Lucy says goodbye to 623 before moving to Connecticut. Curiously, of the memories she shares about the apartment, a couple are of apartment 4A.  
#3) Mrs. Matilda Trumbull
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Mrs. Trumbull (played by Elizabeth Patterson) lives with her cat on the 5th floor, although her exact apartment number is never stated. The character appeared in 10 episodes from seasons 2 through 6. Presumably a widow, we meet her nephew Joe (a washing machine repairman) and hear about her sister.
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At first, she is adversarial with the Ricardos, but soon warms up to them, becoming their de-facto babysitter. Her favorite expression is “Oh, nuts!” Her favorite perfume is My Sin.
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While the Mertzes were in Hollywood and Europe, Mrs. Trumbull managed the building for them. Much to Fred’s chagrin, she kept the building “nice and warm.” A Rudolph Valentino fan, she has some hidden show business aspirations.
#4) Mrs. Benson, 3B / 4A
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Mrs. Benson (played by Norma Varden) lives with unseen Mr. Benson (”Meh!”) and has just married off her daughter to a nincompoop. Because of this, Lucy reasons that she has no need for such a large apartment and convinces her to change switch with her. 
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When “The Ricardos Change Apartments” (1953) we get our first glimpse of the living space that the Ricardos will inhabit until they move to Connecticut. Noticeably different than how it looks after the ‘swish’ (as Ricky calls it), the Bensons keep the drapes drawn and have a lot of furniture crowded onto an area rug.
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Although Mrs. Benson only appears in one episode, she is mentioned in “Lucy Gets Her Eyes Examined” (1953). Lucy sends Ricky to the drug store for some ice cream, but he returns quicker than Lucy expected after borrowing some from Mrs. Benson. He catches Lucy and the Mertzes ‘auditioning’ for their guest, producer Bill Parker and is not happy about it! 
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In “The Business Manager” Lucy takes on the marketing for the entire building to pay her bills. She rattles off a list of her ‘clients’: “Benson, Williams, Trumbull.”  Interestingly, no tenant named Williams ever appeared on the series. If the writers had longer memories, they might have mentioned Miss Lewis, who lived at 623 (see #8 below).  
#5) The Johnsons, 4B
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In “Oil Wells” (1954), Sam and Nancy Johnson (played by Sam Cheshire and Sandra Gould) move to 623 from Texas and they are in oil. (LUCY: “Hair, suntan, cod liver, or castor?”). Ricky is suspicious, thinking they may be frauds. 
RICKY: “If he’s a millionaire, what’s he doing living in a dump like this?” FRED & ETHEL: “Dump!?!”  RICKY: “Yeah, to a millionaire, this is a dump!”  FRED: “I accept that.”
#6) The O’Briens, 4B
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Tom O’Brien (Hayden Rorke) and his wife (K.T. Stevens) are actors who move into 4B, the same apartment that will be rented by the Johnsons two years later. In “New Neighbors” (1952), they are renting the apartment while making a spy television show.  
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Nosy Lucy and Ethel enter their apartment while they are away to ogle their belongings. Lucy gets trapped in their closet when they come back unexpectedly. They promptly move out! 
#7) The Taylors, 3D
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When Lucy and Ricky are about to move to Connecticut, “Lucy Hates to Leave” (1957), but Fred wastes no time in showing their apartment. The new tenants are a young couple named the Taylors (played by Gene Reynolds and Mary Ellen Kay). Selling their furniture to the new tenants, Lucy is horrified to learn that Mrs. Taylor wants to use her own lampshade, paint the coffee table black, and saw the legs off the sofa. Lucy ends up buying most of her furniture back, rather than see it ruined.
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If Desilu made a spin-off...
#8) Miss Lewis, 1A
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In “Lucy Plays Cupid” (1952) an elderly spinster (played by Bea Benadaret) is enamored of the local butcher, Mr. Ritter. Lucy plays matchmaker, only to discover that the amorous butcher is sweet on her instead!  Miss Lewis enjoys elderberry wine, lace doilies, and gumdrops.
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Although this was the only appearance of Miss Lewis, she was mentioned twice in “The Courtroom” (1952). A process server pretends to be looking for “the Lewis apartment” and it is also mentioned that Miss Lewis has baked the Mertzes an anniversary cake.
Bill & Grace Foster
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Uniquely, husband and wife Bill and Grace Foster are tenants of 623, although both are seen in different episodes!  Bill Foster (played by Richard Reeves) is seen in “The Gossip” (1952) and “The Publicity Agent” (1952).  
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Grace Foster (played by Gloria Blondell) is seen in “The Anniversary Present” (1952). Grace works for a Josef Jewelry and Ricky wants to by wholesale pearls for Lucy. Lucy thinks Ricky is cheating with Grace and disguises herself as a painter to spy on them. Trouble is - brownstones like 623 were rarely painted - let alone white!  
Mr. Stewart
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When “Little Ricky Gets a Dog” (1957), the barking upsets grouchy new tenant Mr. Stewart (played by John Emery). Forced to choose between his namesake pooch and surly Stewart, Fred the landlord returns Stewart’s deposit - $200 - then promptly faints!
Herbert & Martha
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In “Lucy and Superman” (1957) Fred is anxious to rent apartment 3B next door to the Ricardos. They show it to a nice couple named Herbert and Martha (Madge Blake and Ralph Dumke). Martha is prone to dizzy spells. When she sees something on the ledge, Herbert decides they should look at some basement apartments instead!  
HERBERT: “Was it a bird?”  MARTHA: “No.”  HERBERT: “Was it a plane?” MARTHA: “No.”  HERBERT: “Well, what was it, dear?”  MARTHA: “It was Superman!”  
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3B has the same view out the window as the Mertz kitchen (3C) in “Never Do Business with Friends” (1953).
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“Tennessee Ernie Visits” (1954) features country music singer and comedian Ernie Ford as a friend (of a friend) of Lucy’s mother’s best friend, who stays.... and stays. After hearing that ‘Cousin’ Ernie is headed to NYC, Ricky moans that they have already had three visitors this month but doesn’t say who they were.  
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Their extended houseguest eats them out of house and home in “Tennessee Ernie Hangs On” (1954).   
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When Ricky gets a summer booking in Maine in “The Sublease” (1954), he decides to sublet their apartment. When the job falls through, they must figure out a way to get rid of their nervous new tenant, Mr. Beecher (Jay Novello), a witness at a recent murder trial.  The rent on the Ricardo apartment is just $125, but real estate agent Mrs. Hammond knows she can get $300.
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When burglar Madame X strikes in “Too Many Crooks” (1953), a policeman is accompanied by other tenants of 623, all in their nightgowns and pajamas, including Mrs. Trumbull (Elizabeth Patterson). Lucy and Desi’s camera and lighting stand-ins Hazel Pierce (second from left) and Bennett Green (behind Lucy and Fred) are also there, along with Vivian Vance’s camera and lighting stand-in Renita Reachi (3rd from left).
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In “Breaking the Lease” (1952) Ricky’s impromptu jam session attracts neighbors like Hazel Pierce and Bennett Green, who were Lucy and Desi’s camera and lighting stand-ins.
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Also (getting the last ticket) is Ball’s Goldwyn Girl pal Barbara Pepper, as well as Ball’s future “Lucy Show” stand-in Joan Carey.
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Lucy and Ricky’s “Homecoming” (1955) from Hollywood brings out many of the neighbors for a block party. Those waiting at the stoop of 623 include Lucille Ball’s friend and frequent extra Barbara Pepper, Desi’s camera and lighting stand-in Bennett Green, Lucille Ball’s future stand-in Joan Carey, as well as Roy Schallert, Dick Cherney, and mother of the twins playing Little Ricky, Eva Jean Mayer.
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A select group of friends and neighbors are invited inside, including Hazel Pierce (left), and Madge (played by Charlotte Lawrence).
When “Lucy Cries Wolf” (1954), across the street neighbor Mrs. Devries (played by Beppie Devries), telephones Ricky to report that his missing wife is on the ledge!
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If Desilu did a spin-off...
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In “Redecorating” (1952), the Party Line Gossips are played by Florence Halop and Margie Liszt, whose character is referred to as Agnes. Party lines depended upon the users living in the same telephone exchange.
Some unseen tenants and neighbors:
Mr. Benson in “The Ricardos Change Apartments” (1953).
Mrs. Trumbull’s Sister, who takes over the running of 623 when Fred and Ethel move to Connecticut.
In “The Anniversary Present” (1952), Lucy and Ethel go to the basement to listen at the furnace pipe (”the snooper’s friend”) and hear the voices of the couple in 4B (“Albert!”) are not credited but sound like Barbara Pepper and Richard Reeves, two character actors that appeared in many episodes during the series.
In “The Business Manager” (1954), Lucy rattles off the names of several tenants she shops for, including “Williams”.  
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meme-streets · 2 years
artists in the late 60s/early 70s loved to drop a single banger album with a super unique sound and then disappear off the face of the earth forever
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badmovieihave · 4 months
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Bad movie I have Champions 2023
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yourlocalplanet · 2 years
Barbara and Ernie - For You
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stitched-mouth · 11 months
List of Every Brandon Rogers Characters Ever
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I don’t know why I did this. It took 4 hours. I haven’t seen ever Brandon Rogers video (shocking, I know) so some are missing. I purposely didn’t add any parody characters (the Kardashians, Annabell, M3GAN etc), but if you notice any BRCU characters missing, please comment so I can add them.
And obviously the characters not credited are played by Brandon Rogers.
David July is credited as David Burton on this list. I’m not sure when they changed their name, as they are credited as both on Brandon’s videos.
I can’t remember who Debbie and Doyle are but I must of put them on this list for a reason
Main Characters
Bryce Tankthrust
Bobby Worst
Blame/Sebastian/ Grandpa
Helen Brownstein
Stuff & Sam
Donna Phitts (Paulette Jones)
Damien (Onision)
Ms Cunney (Monique Parent)
Blame the Hero
Young Donna Phitts (Alariza Nevarez)
Duke Tuggler (Anthony Padilla)
Coach Best (Jack Plotnick)
Skinny Bitch (Kornbread Jeté)
Dill Flippo (Jonathan Hinman)
Family Doctor Office
Dr Gupta
Nurse Kavi (Nandini Minocha)
Lipschtiz the Clown (Paulette Jones)
Surgeon Miller (Jude B. Lanston)
Nurse Hole (Georgina Leahy)
Patient (Adam Neylan)
Another Patient (Jonathan Hinman)
Daniel (Jess Weaver)
Daniel’s Mother (Christine Sydelko)
Mad tea party
Mad Hatter
Cheshire Cat (Bazil)
White Rabbit (Benjamin Alexander Hall)
The Jabberwocky (Natalie Hawkins)
Flower (Jordan)
No one was credited in this video and most were personal friends of Brandon’s and not content creators so are nearly impossible to find. I had to stalk Brandon’s Insta to find these people.
BTW, Bazil (who plays Cheshire Cat) is a trans man who goes by he/him. Just letting people know because people are misgendering him and I assume it’s because they don’t know his pronouns.
Theatre Class
Alex Rimmer
Mason Lucas (Salim Razawi)
Oliver Hamilton (Stephen Weighill)
Linda Starford (Janet McCarroll)
Karen Shou (Karen Fokes)
Jamie (Adam Neylan)
Marlena Lewton (Rachael Ferris)
Dean Shaft (Tony Rogers)
Trump’s Emotions
Anger (Stephen James)
Disgust, Fear and Sadness were not credited in this skit and I can’t guess with all the makeup or find them.
Jurgen Klausvonschwitz
Damien Ditsin (Logan Bubar)
Gretchen (Paulette Jones)
Sookilah (Judyth Brooke)
Dolorio (Devyne Carr)
Cheap Skate
Lost Boy (Adam Neylan)
Chick Flick (the first Brandon Roger’s Video I ever watched)
Ashley’s Best Friend (Vincent Marcus)
Ashley’s Crush / Cop (Jon Cozart)
Ashley’s Mom (Christine Sykdelko)
Teacher (Jude B. Lanston)
Doctor (Jonathan Hinman)
The Real Patient/ Dick’s Owner (Skye Williams)
The Real Patient’s Wife (Adam Neylan)
5 Year Old (Paulette Jones)
Since this video is now restricted on YouTube, I did this one from memory. I can’t believe I remember all these characters and actors. Thank God I rewatched it like a billion times when I first found it.
Mad funhouse
Mr Marbles/ Arlo
Dave (Jess Weaver)
Cliff (TJ Smith)
Sacha (Elise Christian)
Jimmy (Alex Diehl)
Manjusha (Nandini Minocha)
Mr Chronis (Jude Lanston)
Nuclear family
Daniel/ Echo Noir
Unnamed Daughter
Devontay (?) (Devyne Carr)
The Office
Dorian Ditsin
James Shaft (Stephen Rezza)
Vishalam Rangan (Natalie Hawkins)
Jimmy Rustler (Benjamin Hall)
Craig Dildon (Stephen James)
Ernie (Seth Munson)
Diesel (David Burton)
Kevin (Davis Benz)
Regina (Georgina Leahy)
British Family/ The Mingeworthys
Lord Mingeworthy
Lady Mingeworthy (Georgina Leahy)
Cockwaddle (David Burton)
James (Davis Benz)
Blood & Makeup
Blah Blah the Clown
Whoopsie Wendy (Elise Christian)
Dumb Bitch Linda (Kornbread Jeté)
Blonde Bitch (David Burton)
Percy the Pervert (Adam Neylan)
Christmas Family/ The Hendersons
Patty Henderson
Paul Henderson (Stephen James)
Shelby Henderson (Caleb Shorey)
Unnamed Daughter (Elise Christian)
Spike (Logan Bubar)
The Devil (Paulette Jones)
Uncle Frank (Gabriel Gonzalez)
Notice how often Brandon forgets to name the daughter in his skits 👀?
Silly Cat
Lenny/ Daddy (Jon Cozart)
Dr Williams (Sky Williams)
Wild West
Lucius Cowpussy
Vivian Delonprix (Georgina Leahy)
Map Maker Milton (Logan Bubar)
Kathleen (Adam Neylan)
Power (David Burton)
Rock (Georgina Leahy)
Damien (?) (Logan Bubar)
Unnamed Husband
Sleep Paralysis Demons
Iris (Paulette Jones)
Chad (Gary Nohealii Neil)
The Laundromat
Clyde Can
Bart (Joel Haver)
Debra (Mitsy Sanderson)
Barbara Ditliminor (?) (Adam Neylan)
The North Pole (included this group for fun)
Santa Clause
Mrs Clause (Christine Sydelko)
Gingerbread Man (Jude B. Lanston)
Female Elf (Georgina Leahy)
Male Elf (David Burton)
Head Elf (Kornbread Jeté)
Jesus (Jess Weaver)
Rudolph (Paulette Jones)
Tiny Tim (Jack Plotnick)
Characters I Didn’t Know Where To Put
Suck (Dominiq Badiyo)
Swallow (David Burton)
Beatrice Brownstein (Paulette Jones)
Judey Patoody (Jude B. Lanson)
Gloria Goopty (Kornbread Jeté)
Courtney (Liam Krug)
Ryder (Kassius Marcil-Green)
Barbara Worst (Katie Johnson)
American boyfriend (Ben Furney)
Ignaolo (Gabriel Gonzalez)
Debbie (Trevor Wallace)
Doyle (Trevor Wallace)
Carol Cox
Japanese Girlfriend
Flint Dicker
Delmar Lysol
Humanoid Simulation XL-57692/ Simian
Double Licker Leroy
Hole Bros
Rafał Sanchez Dimelo
Bryce is my favourite
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lil-melody-moon · 1 month
Ive listened to a lot of your suggestions for The Who and I must confess- my absolute first thought listening to 'Wont get Fooled Again' was that I wanted to kiss the drummer 😅 I get what you mean about Keith Moon being amazing! You've got me hooked and I really can't thank you enough.
THAT is total mood, omg XDDD
So, should I recommend you watching that "music video" for Cobwebs and Strange? Hmmm... Yeah, yeah I totally should! Here! Have fun, become a Moonie fan, it's fun <3
Also if you want to watch him go totally nuts on drums you should check out the live version for "A Quick One (While He's Away)" here and I would highly recommend watching any concert if you have time for it - the last one I've watched was the one from 1970 in Tanglewood and I loved it, the end of it is just so so SO good (the insanity of his drumming, omg, girl, I just fell in love with him even more)
Wanna hear him sing, look no father than on "Bell Boy" from "Quadrophenia" or if you wanna hear his other voices go for "Bucket T", "Barbara Ann", "Girl's Eyes" and most definitely for "Fiddle About" but you gotta find the musical version - there are two versions, the original from the 1969 album and from the movie from 1975, the movie version is the correct one if you wanna hear an insane performance of a song by Keith (although if you ever plan on watching "Tommy" - you should, you definitely should <3 - don't spoil that for yourself, the shock value won't be the same then XD) Did I brag about "Tommy's Holiday Camp" before? I'm sure I did, I brag about it every time I have the chance to XD
Is there anything else other than what I've talked about? Okay, there's one other thing and it is this video right here - a story about three destroyed floors and a hotel room being demolished just for you to admire <3
I would also, big ALSO link a video of Keith's performance as Uncle Ernie on stage in Australia, but I don't wanna spoil you anything, I really don't know what your plans will be for "Tommy". I just don't wanna spoil the fun and I also don't want to start talking about this very character so we'll skip that for now.
And no need to thank me, I'm happy that you enjoyed the songs this much and that I can kind of see that I can make you a fan <3
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Birthdays 2.21
Beer Birthdays
William J. Lemp (1836)
Philip Zorn (1837)
Rudolph J. Schaefer (1863)
Sayre Piotrkowski (1981)
Meg Gill
Kate Bernot (1988)
Five Favorite Birthdays
W.H. Auden; English poet, writer (1907)
Leo Delibes; composer (1836)
Anais Nin; French writer (1903)
Ellen Page; actor (1987)
Nina Simone; singer (1933)
Famous Birthdays
Christopher Atkins; actor (1961)
William Baldwin; actor (1963)
Scrapper Blackwell; blues guitarist (1903)
Erma Bombeck; writer (1927)
Constantin Brancusi; artist, sculptor (1876)
Sethus Calvisius; German calendar reformer (1556)
Mary Chapin Carpenter; singer (1958)
Nikki Charm; porn actor (1966)
Jilly Cooper; English writer (1937)
Tyne Daly; actor (1946)
Anthony Daniels; actor (1946)
Hans Erni; Swiss artist (1909)
David Geffen; film producer (1943)
Hubert de Givenchy; fashion designer (1927)
Sacha Guitry; French writer (1885)
Jerry Harrison; rock musician (1949)
Jennifer Love Hewitt; actor (1979)
Barbara Jordan; politician (1936)
Brander Matthews; writer (1852)
Rue McClanahan; actor (1934)
Chuck Palahniuk; writer (1961)
Alice Palmer; educator (1855)
Sam Peckinpah; film director (1925)
Alan Rickman; actor (1946)
Andres Segovia; Spanish classical guitarist (1893)
Ann Sheridan; actor (1915)
David Foster Wallace; writer (1962)
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fionapineapple · 2 years
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barbara loden by ralph morse on the set of an ernie kovacs special c. 1958
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naran-blr · 12 hours
Mabel Irene Lockerby (1882-1976) pintora canadiense.
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Nació en Montreal, hija de Alexander Lockerby, un tendero, y Barbara Cox y tenía siete hermanos, de los cuales cuatro sobrevivieron hasta la edad adulta. Según la historia familiar, la familia creció en varias casas de la calle MacKay de Montreal.
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Era una familia que pertenecía a la élite angloprotestante. Después de la muerte de su padre, ella asumió la responsabilidad de su familia. Lockerby tenía la libertad de pintar y era una personalidad franca y poco convencional.
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Estudió en la Asociación de Arte de Montreal con William Brymner y Maurice Cullen ganando dos premios, uno por su dibujo en la "clase de antigüedades" (1902) y otro por composición (1911).
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En 1914 comenzó a exponer en la Exposición anual de Primavera de la Asociación y continuó pintando durante la Primera Guerra Mundial .
Fue miembro del grupo Beaver Hall.
En 1914, Ernest McNown, primo y amor de infancia de Mabel, se alistó como soldado raso en el ejército canadiense. Ernie era un “personaje”, según sus familiares. Pequeño, como Mabel, y exactamente de su edad, era un vagabundo que había trabajado como vendedor ambulante antes de alistarse. Aunque pudo haber habido algún tipo de contacto secreto entre los primos antes de que Ernie se fuera al extranjero, nunca vivieron juntos. Al regreso de Ernie, reanudaron su relación, que duró toda su vida.
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Vivió con dos de sus hermanas toda la vida, la mayor se había casado.
Expuso regularmente con el grupo y en 1926 la Galería Nacional de Canadá compró una de sus obras. Se unió al Grupo Canadiense de Pintores en 1939 y fue miembro de la Sociedad de Arte Contemporáneo de Montreal. Su obra se exhibió en la Exposición del Imperio Británico en Wembley Park, Wembley, Inglaterra en 1924 y 1925, en la Feria Mundial de Nueva York de 1939 y en la Exposición del 400 Aniversario en Sao Paulo, Brasil en 1954.
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Realizó viajes de dibujo con sus compañeras Prudence Heward, Kathleen Morris y Sarah Robertson. Lockerby era conocida por sus escenas callejeras, obras figurativas y paisajes, y por su fuerte sentido de la composición y la forma.
Su estilo pictórico se caracteriza por colores ricos, pinceladas visibles y un fuerte sentido del diseño. Pintó principalmente retratos, naturalezas muertas y paisajes con figuras.
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En la década de 1930, incorporó el humor y la fantasía a su trabajo.
La Galería Nacional de Canadá tiene cuatro de sus piezas en su colección, incluida su pintura Principios del invierno . Su trabajo también se encuentra en las colecciones de la Galería de Arte de Ontario y la Galería de Arte de Hamilton.
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Al final de su vida no podía pintar por problemas de visión. Cuando su hermana Hazel murió y ella se quedó sola, sólo la sobrevivió unos meses.
Murió en Montreal a la edad de 94 años después de sufrir un derrame cerebral unos meses antes.
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
HATS! ~ Part 1
The Headwear of “I Love Lucy” 
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During the 1950′s hats were a standard wardrobe item for men and women. They combined form, function, and fashion. Here’s a look at some of the amazing hats that graced the heads of “I Love Lucy.” 
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Right from the start, Lucille Ball made hats comedy by wearing a lampshade on her head to transform herself into a Ziegfeld Girl. The same moment was later recreated on the series itself. 
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For Lucy, nothing was worth than shopping with no money to spend!  Mrs. Mumford wasn’t shy about tempting Lucy into buying a new hat.
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Lucy went to great lengths to conceal the price tag of her new hats from budget-conscious Ricky!  Gulp! 
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When Lucy noticed Ricky wearing his hat to breakfast (to hide his receding hairline), she fought topper with topper! 
LUCY: “It’s like having breakfast in a beanery!” 
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A good hat could be used time and again!  This jacket was seen with and without its fur collar - from New York, to London, to Paris - fashion capitols of the world!
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Lucy got comic mileage out of crushing a straw hat, as she did here with Maurice Chevalier, and earlier with Ricky’s Uncle Alberto in Cuba. 
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Sometimes a hat can be more than just a wardrobe item, but an important prop! 
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When you just can’t make up your mind!
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Known for her elaborate hats, Hedda Hopper appeared with Lucy on several occasions. 
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HONORABLE MENTIONS (in no particular order)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"To Swim At Sunnyside," Toronto Star. September 3, 1943. Page 12. ---- Officials of the C.A.S.A. grow excited when they speak of Labor Day capers at Sunnyside. Most of the group pictured above will compete in the championship mile laid out on a course designed to embrace all of the waterfront contiguous to Toronto's "Little Coney Island." There's to be watches for the winners. by Jove, and also a quarter- mile dash, if that's the word, for armed services. Left to right, front row. Marg Harrington. Jean Mowat. Barbara Hunt. Back row, Bill Tydell, Ross Charlton, Ken Tulley. Ernie Lake
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fanboys-anonymous · 7 months
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roseshavethoughts · 7 months
Cropsey (2009)
My ★★★★ Review of Cropsey (2009) #FilmReview #Horror
Synopsis – Two filmmakers investigate the disappearance of five children in their home town and the urban legend that grew from it. Directors – Joshua Zeman | Barbara Brancaccio Featuring – Bill Ellis, Ernie Anastos, Andre Rand Released – 2009 Genre – Documentary ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Cropsey,” directed by Joshua Zeman and Barbara Brancaccio, is a documentary that straddles the line…
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mecdidikmen · 9 months
Barbara & Ernie - Listen To Your Heart
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reservoirreputation · 10 months
I have a problem called Harvey Keitel, but damn do some of the movies he stars in sound real fuckin depressing.
I spot 'Two Evil Eyes'
Our main female character's suit is both very eighties, but actually looks nice? It was *only* 1980, I guess it's before things got our of control.
Couldn't help but like her a bit. Practicing her retort in the car is so human, you can't help sympathizing with her.
The mistress wants to get paid- is it wrong I kinda agree with her? I mean, assuming she has nothing to do with her husband's impending death.
Obvious forgery is obvious.
Ernie and the Doctor sound very similar *side-eyes*
One, the house is beautiful, two, are Jessica and her totally-not-sancho wearing clothes made from the same bolt of fabric? I mean, that's one way to code that they're working together.
Jessica at least has some shame- the titular Mr. Valdemar is pretty much a puppet, at this point. Her cohort is trying to justify it, saying her husband's a bad man.
Valdemar literally stole his girl, damn.
Well then. I went from pitying the poor guy because he's awake now and in so much pain, to disliking his ass because of how he talks about his wife.
Wall safes are so cool. Also, Robert clearly didn't know about it. Looks like he won't need Jess' full cooperation, huh?
'nothing at all to connect us' nothing telegraphs that their romantic relationship is dead more than that, huh?
Gotta love Ernest having such a timely death. So much for those efficient millions.
Three weeks at Valdemar's baaaaabbbbbyyyyyy.
oh shit, at fist I thought they chopped him up (stupid, they were just talking about making him look fresh for a mortician) but DAMN my brain really went there.
So many similarities between this and Bernie. Wild.
That shot of the feet disappearing under the stairs- *chef's kiss*
'I'm glad to see that you're finally doing the right thing' YES NIGHT NURSE, RUB THE SALT INTO THAT WOUND
Damn, that pool might as well be an ocean between them, huh? Also, they're wardrobe couldn't be visually further apart, now.
Those massive fuckin' sunglasses, listen to the Eagles baby, you can't hide your lyin' eyes (also a song about a young wife cheating on her cold as ice husband with a much younger man, more 'age appropriate')
He's totally alive down there.
OK tubi's got ads, no shit, but I just got a Credit Karma ad? With a non-binary MC named Morgan?? I LOVE THIS?? I LIKE THIS PICTURE BECAUSE I AM IN IT?!?!?!
Back to the movie 'I'm here, I'm with you, nothing is gonna happen' SOMETHING IS ALREADY HAPPENNING
I love how Jesse's vibe is never 'oh no, my husband's still alive and is suffering!' and instead is 'I'm being HAUNTED'
No, wait she's not in denial?
Hm, your husband has some freezer burn, I'm afraid you'll have to throw him out.
What a fucking nightmare.
Nope, sorry, he is in fact dead. I'm apparently as confused about it as this doctor is. BTW, trying to pry his frozen eyes open? That's also good shit.
Boy, I started this to get to some Harvey Keitel, and I ended up watching some existential terror.
Oh god, he just wants to be woken up.
'The others are coming'?? Oh shit, I've seen this Doctor Who episode.
'It's over' insert John Cena meme 'are you sure about that?'
'they're coming for you Jessica' is so close to 'they're coming to get you, Barbara' that I am unreasonably delighted by it.
Yo, Robert, you might wanna GTFO
Hey, isn't that the guy from Night of the Creeps?
When all your budget went into the location and Ernest's special effects, that the 'others' gotta settle for body suits.
Nevermind, a good portion of the SFX also went to Robert.
Heh? Get it?? Blood money??
Next is Dario Argnto: THE BLACK CAT
We get a bunch of crime scene photos, and then one very good boy (a black cat) Look, I've got four black cats, I don't know if I can put up with any impending slander.
'Sir, you think there's any chance of me being transferred back to parking violations?' SHIT GIRL SAME WE'RE IN THE DEEP END ALREADY
You know, I was wondering why they were using an obvious dummy, and then we get the overhead shot. In just a few seconds, we get a very different tone and execution, holy fucking shit.
"I'm sorry' proceeds to take cool-ass shots of a death trap. Gee, I wonder what fate will befall this poor artsy bastard.
AHHHHH IT'S A CUTE BOOOOOOOOOY (Harvey in a bow tie)
Found the cat on the street, story of all my animals. They just show up, know that we'll feed 'em. Sure, you might get your balls cut off, but ain't that worth the kibble? Also, you'd better not be pointing out that white mark on her chest just to kill her later, and that be the only identifying marker. I swear to god, movie-
One, yeah that cat's staring at you. Two, this sweet girl reminds me so much of Buttons. The eyes, the white patch. God, I miss him.
You know what, fair enough, worrying about gettin' your eyes clawed out. One of our cats likes to attack people's feet, but only when they're covered. He prefers my Mom's which just comes across as spiteful. (God, this movie's gonna expose me as an annoying cat owner, isn't it?)
How the fuck did this fucking cat get OUTSIDE? Bitch, you were in the hallway, stop teleporting. Also, LET THE BABY INNNNNN.
You motherfucker, throwing the shoe and then pretending you were asleep. Your girlfriend needs to smack you.
My dislike of the photographer aside, Harvey looks great in a bathrobe, soaking wet. Also, is he contractually obligated to have a comb with him in 90% of his films? 'Cause it sure feels like it.
If this doesn't end with his obvious witch girlfriend sacrificing his ass because he pissed off/hurt the cat, then I don't know what's gonna happen.
Welp, the cat's dead, innit? Well, she may come back and haunt his ass, but he totally killed her. Girlfriend's underreacting BTW. If I knew with certainty that my partner/anyone I was living with killed my pet-
Now I'm really hoping his ass gets cut in half. Or that the cat comes back to eat his eyeballs.
There's something very wholesome about a village coming together to execute an animal abuser.
'But I didn't finish!' is unintentionally hilarious. Buddy, I think you got them all.
Who the fuck is this student?? And why does he literally look like a child?? Who looks at a woman crying and goes 'God you're beautiful?' *Grabs spray bottle for both of these idiots*
Did he really- deny killing the cat- and then release a book showing him killing the cat?
Buddy- did you not learn your lesson? Killing the cat twice isn't gonna help. Also, he's apparently gonna hang, a shame. I was really banking on him getting cut in half.
That shot of the staircase from the top down- I think I know where Rod's gonna hang.
Something about the CC reading 'knife pierces skull' that just- oof.
The shot of him frantically scrubbing off blood, then it cutting to her blood staining the bath water- that's cinema, right there.
Nope. Something about jazz music playing loudly in the background makes this feel even more insane.
'together forever' honestly made me think he was gonna kill himself. No, I think he's just gonna- carry her corpse everywhere. They're going on vacation, after all.
*Grumbles* Piece of shit still looks cute in a bowtie.
The cutout of her face is hilarious. You can't tell me they didn't do that for a laugh.
'Nobody will think of looking for you in the house' AND WHEN SHE STARTS TO SMELL?! WHAT THEN!?!?!
I guess you could say that the call was coming from inside the house? Eh?
So, the student that looks like a child is Christian. I'm still convinced this fucker's in high school, or he's just got a baby face.
Okay, I don't like the little twerp, I'm biased against him, but like, acting all cocky, like a know-it-all going, 'That's strange. Well, you think if she'd have gone on tour, she would have taken her violin.' And then Rod calmly replying 'She has two' I actually cackled.
God, Gloria looks horrified to know she's friends with a woman who was living with her boyfriend, not her husband, like they're shacked up in sin.
Look, Christian, you're right, but I don't like you. Fuck off.
The hole starting to form, bringing something into the light, as Rod slinks off into darkness- I LOVE MOVIES, OKAY!?
Oh, I see, it's a symbol. Neat.
Wasn't the phone just unplugged? Did they force him to plug it back in when I wasn't looking?
Not to help the animal abuser/girlfriend beater, but don't you have a knife, buddy? To cut off the dead weight? I know fear makes us stupid, but um
Thank you movie, for that Humane Society seal of approval. Like, the cat was so obviously not being tortured, just a little squished, but it is still nice to see.
Trust Dario Argento to pick out a catchy soundtrack.
This movie got batshit crazy by the end. I definitely prefer the second movie to the first, but both are good. *jams out to 'woman singing in Italian'*
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