#baby hae
10underoot2 · 1 month
I'm here in my agony to say that discussion between Haein and Hyunwoo after he moved his stuff into the nursery will kill me with how painful it is.
They're both in so much pain it's visible there but they're unable to talk to each other about it.
'How could you move your stuff without telling me?' She's so hurt. Her tone is accusatory. She's hurt that she just emptied her unborn child's nursery and her husband decides to move away from her as well.
'You never told me you were emptying this room either.' He's pained that they've lost a much awaited child and she didn't bother consulting him before removing everything. He didn't get his closure. He's angry and upset and so hurt but he doesn't know that he needs to get through a very strongly wrought shield around her heart to have her acknowledge his pain.
'What are you getting at? Are you blaming me for the miscarriage?'
I never imagined Haein would think Hyunwoo would want to blame her. I want to cry that in her grief she failed to have enough faith in him and his love. She's hurt by his decision to move out so she takes it out on him. She's a classical study of saying something to completely annihilate the other when you're the one who's hurt.
Also, (this pained me more than anything) notice the extreme softness and absence of anger in his voice as he responds to her.
'What are you saying? I never thought that way.'
His anger and pain seeps back in when he confesses to her, 'I'm just as sad as you -'
'Don't lie. I know you want to say that it's my fault!' I wanted to yell at her to stop. I'm so sad that she let her past trauma catch up. Is that all she's thought about since she got the news of the miscarriage? That Hyunwoo would blame her? Her fears, her pain, her assumptions they all won. And they played a part in driving them apart.
'Forget it. I can't talk any sense into you.'
I think this is the most realistic line I've heard in a Kdrama. Because people do tend to in their anger and pain just give up. Hyunwoo couldn't deal with her accusing him of something he never did, he couldn't deal with her inability to listen and acknowledge his pain as well. So he walked away - it was just simpler, easier to do.
It's also reminding me of how he told her that if they lived in a closed space they would have been forced to confront each other. They were bound to hear the other cry and console the other then. When I think about the absolutely painful, lonely, cold two years that followed this, it makes me so sad.
I didn't know a minute long scene could send me in a spiral of sadness. As sad as a miscarriage is I've had immense clarity that it never implied that they could never have children. Not to dismiss their pain it's all very valid, but if they worked towards getting closure sooner they could have been so much stronger and probably could have had a child sooner. It makes me sad how the pain rendered them incapable to mend and work towards their relationship.
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mykpoppers · 1 month
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jcpostsobsessions · 1 month
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Looks like our BaekHong couple got to accomplish their daily walks together.
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And eventually included their little one along with them. 🥺😭
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like-sunflower · 1 year
Have you appreciated an ahjussi today? No?! TAKE IT!!!
Please, Can anybody make fanfic of these ahjussi?!!
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k-ture · 4 months
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꒰ ♡🧷 : 박해수 ! ﹫park haesoo ' 🎬
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michyeosseo · 11 months
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How dare you lay your hands on your mother-in-law?
Yoon Hae Young and Choi Myung Gil as JANG SE-MI & BAEK DO-YI LADY DURIAN (2023) 1.05
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i-bring-crack · 20 days
Slr spoilers
Antares/Jinwoo created Suho in the end, Haein was the donor 😔.
In an omegaverse world—
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fridayvelvet · 8 months
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manawari · 1 year
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I love this chaotic family so much 😂💖💖💖
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eyesofshan-if · 1 year
This is a HC but I love the idea of the MC and Insu being the youngest of the cast so they’re practically like the maknae line (maknae means babey or the youngest). And the dynamic can be so cute 😭
Like can you imagine an MC just taunting Insu because they’re older than him by JUST a few months. Or an MC just begging Insu to do something they don’t want to because he’s older than them and as the older brother/senior he needs to help them 😭
But can you imagine Insu and baby!MC just forming an alliance whenever the emperor wants to do something stupid and just pull out the “me babey” card so he doesn’t do anything stupid 😭. Like I’m talking full on embarrassing cute shit like aegyo or things like that. I can see Hansol just loving it but the rest???? Oh boi their reputation I’m crying 💀
I dunno why but MCs being full on Tom and Jerry with one another could be so cute like they’re either antagonizing each other because there’s no room for two babies in the group or I’m the older one of the two so shut up and listen to ye elder. Or maybe they’re unironically so entertaining together and are a good comedic duo but they don’t realize it at all.
my dear anon... you have to understand that the emperor is terrified of insu. the emperor can wild all he wants, but the second insu threatens to quit and leave him to deal with all the paperwork alone, yongsun is the one grovelling at his feet and begging him not to abandon him.
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10underoot2 · 1 month
I have a headcanon of BaekHong being this power couple even as they raise their daughter.
They're very hands on. The nanny, Mrs.Jang, is always available but she feels like it's the easiest gig she ever got. She's seen other rich families just birthing the child and giving it to the nanny to look after. They only feed or play with it when convenient but not Mr. Baek and Mrs.Baek. Soobin is the light of their existance. They both wouldn't be at peace until they saw her once back from work. Mrs.Baek would only go for a few hours, most of the time taking Soobin and the nanny with her. She never would have believed someone like Ms.Hong would find a way to conduct her meetings but still cradle her inconsolable child in her office. She had never imagined Mr. Baek would play with her in his office plain for all to see. She also hadn't imagined either of the parents' amusement when the 6 month old puked on designer bags and clothes. She had seen children resented and glared at for that. But not this rich couple. They loved their child like their life depended on it. Even when tired, overworked, frustrated they made time for their daughter always. Mrs.Jang often felt like the last resort. Moments when even she could see that the strain of work and life could no longer render them available to care for their child she took over for them. But even then these moments were scarce. She had heard months into her employment that the couple was actually against hiring her but had only agreed due to incessant requests of the child's maternal grandmother.
So when she was informed that the couple was throwing a big networking party for the Queens department store, she was sure this was her moment to shine. Because what rich couple feeds, changes, plays or cares about their child in the presence of 400+ highly influential people. Even if they both wanted to they wouldn't find the time.
But come day of the event, Haein was all dolled up looking magnificent beside Mr. Baek as they both laughed and dressed up their 6 month old baby. During the party, Soobin went from welcoming guests in her Armani clad suit father's arms. To discussing complex legal matters and networking with him still viewing the world from the high vantage point her father's height afforded her. Smiles representative of only pure joy, adored Hyunwoo and Hae-in's face each time they talked, interacted or received a smile from Baby Soobin.
At long last Soobin urged her father to put her to sleep in his arms where he kept her for half an hour before parting with her achingly in Mrs.Jang's care. When she woke up hours later fussing, he was there before the nanny could try to appease her. She had seen him excuse himself as soon as politely possible as Soobin continued to cry. He stood there, fully dressed trying to appease her a while before he went to his wife who was deep in conversation trying to recruit brands for her store. Mrs. Jang knew it was an important event for Mrs. Baek, so she expects not to see her all night near Soobin. From what she had heard (but never seen) about the couple's rocky relationship she thought this would be it. She would now see them fight as he dared approach her during such important talks.
But for Haein, seeing her husband walk towards her with their adorable daughter in his hands was a sight in and of itself. Her eyes were already on them. Hyunwoo politely greets everyone and leans in close to her to say: 'I've tried everything I could. I think she needs you.' She pauses her conversation on the spot. Says her apologies and moves inside to care for her daughter. Hyunwoo takes up the conversation and sells the store for her until she comes back with a happy Soobin in her arms for the crowd to coo at. Among the many photos the photographer had taken of the night their favourite remains of Soobin absolutely overjoyed to see her father as her mother mirrors both of their joy at being able to witness the moment.
Little do the happy family know there's gossip - and a lot of it at that. There's gossip on the mighty lawyer Hyunwoo being a wuss who's not in control of the house. On Hyunwoo not doing his part as a father 'So what if he has a pretty face, he should be slaving away taking care of his daughter why give her to the mother when things get difficult?' On Haein for being duped by his charms. On Haein for holding the baby wrong. For growing soft, for being dumb enough to ignore big shot CEOs because a human with a brain not even fully developed was crying.
No one sees the couple take respite in caring for their adorable daughter. Even when Soobin cries the shrillest, it makes Hyun woo just pick up another toy and Haein make the funniest face she can think of to appease her. They know the pain of the loss of a child. They cannot fathom not doing everything in their power to love this gift of theirs. No matter what she does she has both of them wrapped around her fingers. Because they're the luckiest to have her and call themselves her parents. It feels like a miracle each day and they'd be damned if they let a stupid department store take that away from them. So what if they lost a contract or two, the extra wons wouldn't fill up their candy jar. After all, all the money they had couldn't bring back their baby either.
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afza147 · 1 month
Ep2 the atypical family short review
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I love it😍😍😍😍😍😍
Ep2 progressing even faster than I thought and when she mention he held her hand and him denying😍😍
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It was weird that he don't remember it but the ending explain it all and the preview for next ep😍😍😍😍😍so lovely
So surprise he can touch her..but why her??
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Do she get superpower when married to him in the future🤣🤣🤣I'm too fast..gosh this drama making me make another drama in the drama..
Plus the awkward lovely vibe between them😍😍😍😍I'm so lovin it..
Will they make baby when they get married😍😍😍😍or I'm too fast like the grandmother..I wonder what's the rush for superpower ,maybe the grandmother to harvest more power
But will writernim include pregnancy and babies???
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As this drama have 12 ep ,and 10 ep left..plus I can't predict this drama ..ep2 totally caught my heart with their love storyline.
I think gwi Jun save da hae before in the fire.but she still got the fire trauma which I very much curious.
The grandfather is normal I presume as he does not posses nor have anything to be said..but if he do, then my theory of she marrying to gwi Jun in the future( which I don't know will happen or not) which resulted her power maybe
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Short side note I can't fully indulge myself that Jang ki young playing this young father coz I cant feel the fatherly vibe..he still an oppa than appa to me..let's see if he can deliver in further episode
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The way he holding the hand and run together
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Nonetheless can't wait for next week loveliness as they living together and him keep going back to her😍😍😍😍
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jcpostsobsessions · 2 months
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They were planning for their baby. Hae In wanted the best materials for their little one. Hyun Woo setting up the stars. But what really torn me apart is Hyun Woo sleeping in what was supposed to be the baby room? Noooo, say it isn’t so. 😭😭😭😭
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stupot · 1 year
job makes it so that i gotta request time off at least 21 days in advance for scheduling purposes. so i did. checked my schedule later, i am scheduled for those days. check my request, it’s still pending. inquire about this to my boss and he’s like “i was on vacation. already made the schedule too late to change it now” Boy how did you make the fucking schedule then. u cant make it without seeing the time off requests im going to demolish you
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Now I am down bad crying at the gym 🥹😭
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Him being jealous of Eun Seong touching her hair and trying to explain it to her without being obvious.
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