#auston matthews blurb
bagopucks · 4 months
A. Matthews - Worlds Worst Dad
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Auston Matthews x Fem!reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning(s): another family fight.
When I had gotten the request to do Auston and Hudson angst, I had initially started with two fics and for whatever reason I had them both completed last season. So I tweaked this one a little so I could still post it.
Hudson was too young to understand.
“Just listen to me, bud.”
Auston had been so busy with the playoffs, that he hadn’t been home. He had been so busy with his job, and myself with my own, that at some point, we lost sight of how important communication was. Not necessarily for us, but for Hudson.
“You said you wouldn’t leave!”
“I’m right here.” Auston sounded so lost. I couldn’t blame him. Neither of us really expected our reunion to go this way. Hudson had been patient at first when playoffs began, but at some point he had given up. He’d become upset at first, worried. Nervous. Then he became angry. So angry. I couldn’t see into his mind. I couldn’t understand what he felt, but I knew it had to do with the way his biological father left. Sure, he didn’t remember it happening, but after his grandfather let the story slip one day, ‘fathers’ became a fragile subject for Hudson.
“You’re not around any more!”
Auston responded to texts when he could, and always called back when he missed a call, but the time zone differences made things difficult. Hudson didn’t understand why Auston couldn’t talk. Why Auston never stayed on the phone long enough to speak to him.
I had thought Hudson’s behavior would turn around when I announced Auston’s return home. Apparently it didn’t. I knew the knockout was hard, and I knew it took a toll on Auston, but I also knew he was ready to be back. I had warned the man before he came home, but I hadn’t expected Hudson to lash out the way he did. It was the last thing any of us needed.
“I’ve been a little busy, Hudson. Just chill out okay?”
I felt like a horrible mother. A horrible lover.
“Don’t tell me to chill out! You left!”
“Hudson don’t speak to Auston that way.” I reprimanded hopelessly.
“I didn’t leave.” Auston argued with a scoffed out laugh.
“Yes you did! Get out!”
“Hudson.” I finally heard him get tense.
“Get out!”
“Hudson, listen to me!” Auston raised his voice. It wasn’t something he did with Hudson. Mainly because he never had to. I could tell by the silence, that Hudson was trying to understand what was happening. Trying to process what it meant that Auston was angry.
“No!” The boy finally shouted back.
“Hudson! I have to work!” Auston finally snapped. I flinched, raising my hand slowly to clasp over my mouth as I felt a pang of emotion in my chest. Hudson simply didn’t want to be abandoned again. Not by another dad.
“I don’t want you! You’re a horrible dad!”
I jumped off the couch as soon as I realized what had been said. The blanket over my legs falling to the floor.
“What? You don’t mean that.” Auston’s nervous laugh had my heart thudding against my chest.
“Yes. I do.” The determination in my son’s voice had me immediately crossing the room to reach my son. “You’re horrible.” I watched Auston’s expression shift, and I felt my own breath catch in my throat as I spotted the tears in his eyes. As I reached for my son, he turned, shoving my hand away and storming off down the hall. The slam of the bedroom door had both of us flinching. My hand flew up to rest against Auston’s arm, squeezing gently.
“Aus,” I couldn’t undo the damage that had been done. I could see it in Auston’s eyes. He was devastated. “You know he doesn’t mean that” I whispered as I tried to turn his body to face my own. “He’s just emotional.”
“He said it pretty loud and clear.” Auston gestured toward the door, speaking as if it was an obvious fact. And it was. But that didn’t mean anything. Hudson was a kid, and Auston had done no wrong. He’d understand that eventually, and come around.
“He’s having a hard time. You have to know that.” I tried to push a piece of Auston’s long hair back before he pulled away, pursing his lips and shaking his head. My stomach twisted in knots.
“That’s okay… it’s fine- I’m fine.” Auston shrugged, “I’ve gotta go and get my dog anyway.” I had never seen Auston guard himself before in such a manner. He’d always been open with his feelings and emotions. “I’ll talk to you some other time, okay?” He shrugged once again, trying to keep up with the chill facade he usually didn’t have to fake.
“You can stay tonight.” I tried, but I knew he wasn’t going to.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t think I’m really making your life easier right now.”
“You’re not here to make my life easier, Auston.” I watched him slip past me, and I followed him to the door. “Sometimes Hudson isn’t going to like things you do. He’s the kid. You’re still in charge.”
“I can’t be in charge of him if he fucking hates me!” Auston shouted in a hushed tone. I watched as tears finally began to roll down his cheeks. This was not the type of reaction he hoped for after such a shitty second round knockout. Things were piling up on him.
“Don’t go home alone like this.” I insisted, wishing I could have comforted him the way he had done for me so many times before.
“I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sorry, Aus.” I whispered as I watched him slip his shoes on.
“It’s not your fault.” He shrugged again.
“I’m still sorry. You don’t deserve it.” He turned to glance at me, eyes distant. Thinking.
“I probably do.”
We had said our goodbyes before Auston left. Auston and Hudson were best friends as much as they were family. I knew it killed Auston to think he’d hurt and disappointed Hudson. And I knew it made him feel terrible to think he’d done so horribly that Hudson hated him.
“Hudson.” I had waited a while to speak with my son, uncertain of what to say. When I pushed open his bedroom door, I found Hudson coloring in a book on the floor. Something bothered me about how calm he looked. He looked up from his coloring book when I approached, fidgeting with the blue crayon in his hand.
“Honey, you really hurt Auston.” I tried to be gentle as I spoke. I sat down on the floor across from Hudson, watching his eyes fall back to the book on the floor. “Hudson.” I tried to gain his attention. “Auston’s really sad. He doesn’t want you to be angry with him.”
Hudson’s hand shook slightly before he dropped the crayon. He remained silent before I heard him sniff.
“Then why’d he leave?”
“He told you, Hudson.” I moved to sit beside the boy, wrapping an arm around his back. “He’s gone away for work before.”
“But he always talks!”
“The end of the season was super busy for him, Hudson. Auston never meant to hurt you. He loves you, so much.”
“No he doesn’t.” Hudson pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in them as quiet cries escaped his lips.
“I promise he does. He always asked about you when he had time to call. He always said he was so excited to come home and see you. Hudson, he missed you more than he missed me.” I rubbed the boy’s back.
“No he didn’t.” Sometimes I cursed the heavens for giving my son the same stubborn behavior I held.
“Hudson.” I moved my hand from his back, turning his head to look at me. “Auston loves you more than anything. He hated being away for hockey. He hated the fact that he couldn’t be there to help you sign up for your first peewee team. He hated missing your last day of school, and he hated missing the little party we threw.” I watched the tears slip down his cheeks. “Auston tried so hard to call me that night. But things got in the way and he felt horrible.” Hudson leaned against my side, crying quietly as I returned my hand to his back, rubbing gentle circles.
“Is he mad at me?” Hudson’s voice trembled.
“Honey, I don’t think he’s angry. Just upset. You should never tell people you hate them. Especially someone as close to you as Auston is.”
“I’m sorry.” Hudson buried his head in his hands.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to, hun.” I ran my hand through the boy’s hair. “And the only way that guilt is gonna go away, is if you say sorry to Auston.”
“I will.” Hudson croaked out, another sob shaking his body. I sat on the floor with him for a half an hour before he began to relax. As much as I wanted him to apologize and be over with the ordeal, I figured a day with nan was needed first. A day for him to get out of the house, to see one of his favorite people, to avoid the situation at hand. He’d been at home waiting for Auston for weeks. He needed a break.
So the next morning, I helped him pack up and promised I’d be there the following day to see him. He asked about apologizing to Auston, but I said it was a good thing to give somebody space when they’re upset. I didn’t tell him I had plans to visit Auston. Kids didn’t need to know everything.
“One minute!” I heard Felix bark. I hadn’t seen the dog in forever. I was tempted to press the doorbell again for the sake of fun, but just as I reached for it, Auston was pulling the door open and hooking a finger in Felix’s bandana to hold him back.
“Hey, what’s-“ he stopped the second he looked up from his dog, a smile slow to form on his lips. Though it faltered when his eyes wandered, taking note of the unusual silence.
“No Hudson.” I spoke reassuringly. “I just came to see you.” I wanted to check on him, but Auston didn’t need to know that.
“You can come in.” Auston stepped aside and let Felix go. I walked into the house as he shut the door, greeting Felix with a high pitched hello and rubbing the dog’s ears while he padded his feet on the floor and wagged his tail endlessly.
“Somebody just got a hair cut.” I commented. “And he looks so handsome!”
“Thanks.” I looked up at Auston when he spoke, laughing at his sarcasm.
“You certainly look like you could use one too. Need me to cut it?” I offered, standing upright to pull at a lock of his brown hair. “It is getting a little long.”
“If you have time.” Auston shrugged. I could tell he was uncertain as to whether this was a quick stop or a full day visit.
“Well, Hudson’s having a sleep over with nan. So, if you’ll have me, I wouldn’t mind staying here tonight.” I smiled. “I’ll have all the time in the world then.” I watched him smile and nod, reaching for one of my hands.
“Yeah, yeah you can stay.” I was surprised when Auston pulled me into a hug, his entire body pressed against my own while his head fell against my shoulder. He was stressed. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was still about Hudson.
“Come on, baby. Let’s get this hair cut.”
Auston and I had been so busy, that we almost forgot how important it was to continue to nurture our own relationship. I couldn’t help the guilt I felt as I watched him walk up the steps, following at a safe pace behind. I missed him. The alone time, the childish nights of cuddling and making out. Even the failed dates we vowed to never go on again.
I followed Auston into the master bathroom, setting the toilet seat down while he got the shears and hair clippers out, as well as a squirt bottle. He made sure everything was functional and ready before turning to me with his comb in hand.
This had not been what I came over for, but I knew a bit of loving contact would loosen him up and hopefully cause him to be more open to the conversation we needed to have. I wanted to be on the same page with Auston before he and Hudson spoke again. Sure, Hudson had said he’d hated Auston before, and yes they had sorted that conflict out on their own. But this was a little bigger than that. Hudson had hit Auston’s insecurities right on the head and he didn’t even know it.
“Pop a squat.” I spoke, gently resting my hand on Auston’s hip and guiding him down onto the toilet. “What did you and Felix do today?” I created small talk as I combed through Auston’s smooth hair, glancing at his face occasionally to see his eyes closed and a faint smile on his lips.
“We went for a walk. Hung out by the pool for a little while, planned his next playdate with Zeus. Oh! And I ordered him some new toys and treats for his birthday.”
“I forgot it was his birthday coming up. How old is he going to be?” Speaking of the dog, Auston and I both looked toward the door when his tags jingled. Felix sat in the doorway, dropping a ball on the floor and watching it bounce into the bathroom. Auston laughed. I had missed his happiness.
“Not now, buddy.” He spoke to his furry friend. “He’ll be turning five.”
“Five is a big number.” I teased softly, earning a laugh from Auston. I set his comb down after I finished using it, reaching for the bottle to begin spritzing his hair. Once I was sure it was well wetted, I swapped once again for the shears. “Hold still, okay?”
“Got it.” We sat in silence for close to five minutes before I watched Auston’s shoulders drop. Relaxed? Relieved?
“How are you feeling today?” My tone grew much softer, trying not to cause any discomfort. I watched Felix lay down in the doorway before I began to cut Auston’s hair.
“I guess I’m alright. Still a little shaken up.. about everything that’s happened, but I’m okay.”
“I spoke with Hudson last night. He was pretty upset about what he said to you.”
“I guess that’s good to hear.” Auston looked down at his hands. I sighed.
“You know how much he loves you, right? You are the first person on his mind every day.”
“Yeah, but-“
“No, Auston. Listen.. kids say things they don’t mean sometimes. They don’t have the best filters, or grasps on their emotions. And Hudson has never spent that long without seeing you before. It was a routine that got messed up, and for kids, routines are important. Routines are things they expect that they can trust to be consistent. This was a learning curve for everybody. He was anxious. He missed you, and it was hard for him to go to bed at night without hearing from you. He also doesn’t understand time.” I took Auston’s silence as a cue to go on. “Even if you did nothing wrong, he registered it as something wrong. It may take him some time to figure it out, but he still loves you, and once that consistency is restored, everything will be okay.”
Auston shuffled his feet slightly, nodding.
“I’m sorry I left last night.”
“Aus, a lot of shit happened last night. I didn’t expect you to stay. You’ve been so stressed, and I know that fight didn’t help at all. I’m just happy I can be here with you today.”
It was about fifteen more minutes before I finished cutting Auston’s hair. I set everything aside and grabbed a towel and a washcloth from his cabinet. “Why don’t you grab a shower, I’ll get you some clothes and we can go lay down for a bit.” I set the two towels down on the lip of the tub as Auston stood up. When I turned around, I came face to face with him.
“Thanks for being there,” his voice was barely louder than a whisper, hands landing on my hips. Our lips met briefly in a chaste kiss before I pulled away. “I’ll be fast,” he promised. I stepped out of the bathroom and pulled the door closed, fetching a fresh set of clothing from Auston’s dresser. I stepped back into the bathroom, placing the clothing on the counter top. Auston had already hopped into the shower, drawing the curtain back slightly to peek at me. 
“Wanna join?”
I pretended to consider the question before I sighed, as if I was plagued by saying yes.
“Fine, but only because I missed you, Matthews.”
“Awesome.” I watched the curtain fall closed, laughing softly to myself. I stripped down, leaving my clothes in a heap on the floor. I slid the engagement ring off my finger, placing it in the jewelry dish by the faucet. One Auston had purchased for days and nights spent at his place. I climbed into the shower, Auston’s hands swiftly finding my body. I helped wash his hair, and rubbed the muscles that were sore while Auston busied himself with every inch of me. His behavior left me giggling for most of the shower, and once the water was turned off, I ushered him out, following close behind. Auston grabbed the towel I had set out for him, wrapping up with a smile on his lips.
“Gotta keep you warm,” Auston spoke, going the extra mile to kneel down and dry my legs. I ran my hands through his fresh cut hair while he worked, smiling to myself at how kind he was.
“Alright, why don’t you get dressed, Aus? I’m gonna go grab some clothes.” I slid out of the bathroom, grabbing a makeshift outfit for myself, constructed of Auston’s clothing. I had things to wear at his place, but his stuff was so much more comfortable.
When Auston stepped out of the bathroom, our eyes met. It had been so long since we were able to spend any time alone. I watched his expression shift into a look of mischief before he rushed in my direction. A gasp escaped my lips when he hoisted me up over his shoulder.
“Auston!” I shouted at him, but it was in vain. I felt him lift me up once again before my back came into contact with his mattress. Then I heard Felix bark, and soon he had joined us for some fun. The fluffy dog hopped up onto the bed, and I was quick to sit up to avoid any unwanted kisses.
“You’re an ass,” I whined at Auston in a playful tone. He climbed up onto the bed and gently pushed me down onto my back once again. Felix tried to invade our fun, sniffing at both Auston and I, before Auston gently waved him off.
“It’s not nice to insult your significant others.” Auston spoke, leaning in to press a kiss to my lips. He climbed off of me and up the bed, sitting down as I sat up. I joined him by the headboard, resting my hand beneath his jaw and bringing his lips to my own again.
“It’s not an insult. It’s a reality check,” I teased. Auston giggled softly, and I swore I could have heard him snort.
Auston laid down and settled his head in my lap. Felix approached with a wagging tail, sniffing at me, and my stomach, before laying down next to me.
“I missed you so much,” Auston whispered as his head came to rest atop my own. “I wish you and Hudson could have come to a game.”
“I know, it just wasn’t in the cards for us this time. It will be next time though.” Auston’s silence made me tense slightly.
“What if there isn’t a next time? What if we don’t make playoffs again?” I looked at him, brow furrowed.
“Whether there is or isn’t, Hudson and I will try to make every important milestone you reach. I can’t tell the future but I can tell you right now, that we love you very much, and we want to be there for you.” My words brought a smile to his lips.
“Thanks,” I pressed a kiss to Auston’s forehead. His eyes fell closed, sighing in comfort.
“Oh, and Hudson watched every one of your playoff games on the tv, just for the record.”
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jackhues · 5 months
karma - auston matthews
notes: this is based off of @matthewshisch's idea (karma is the guy on the leafs)! so s/o to her <3 also, reader is a singer :)) AND gif not mine !
likes are good, reblogs are better!
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being a celebrity meant that no matter what, one thing would always be a fixed thing in your life. and that was the rumours.
one week you were dating a new guy. the next, you were engaged to some kid from your hometown. the next week, you were back with your ex.
no matter what, the dating rumours always flew around you. maybe the fact that you never made it public with anyone fuelled those even more. whatever the case, it was funny reading them.
especially when you thought about what you had planned for tonight.
a knock sounded on your door, followed by a familiar voice, "did someone order some flowers?"
you couldn't help the smile growing on your face as you made eye contact with auston in the mirror.
you were in your dressing room at the stadium, getting ready for the opening night of your multi-month tour. you'd worked hard to get to where you were now -- one of the most successful female artists in the world.
and right there by your side, supporting you for the past year, was none other than auston matthews, your boyfriend. you'd met at a leafs game years ago, but he'd only reached out to you just over a year before. ever since then, the two of you kept your relationship under wraps for the most part, doing your best to just enjoy your time together without the media's comments.
you'd talked about going public before, but for the most part, decided to let life take it's course. of course... tonight would be a pretty big surprise.
"hi, you made it," you got up from your chair, sinking into his arms for a hug.
"i wouldn't miss this for the world," he responded, placing a kiss to the top of your head. "it's my girl's big day. first tour in almost three years. nothing's gonna stop me from being here."
you grinned stupidly to yourself, finding auston's words so comforting and sweet. even after a whole year, he managed to make you feel giddy.
"i'm really happy you're here," you whispered, pulling away. "oh! i've got a surprise for you, but i can't give it to you right now. i'll give it after, okay?"
"a surprise for me?" auston repeated. "it's your day."
"hush, i wanted to do it," you said.
another knock sounded on your door, and your assistant, jenny, poked her head in. "y/n, we've got to start in ten. let's go. auston, mark's got your seat saved. head over quick, or someone'll spot you."
"that's not a big deal," auston waved it off. "if someone spots me, they spot me. it's not the end of the world."
"well, fact remains, we need y/n right now," she said. "c'mon, you can have her back when she's done her show."
"i'll see you soon," you kissed auston, before following jenny out to your position.
you adjusted your earpiece, waiting for the lights to dim. as soon as they did, the platform you were standing on moved higher, allowing you to enter directly on stage.
the lights turned back on, and the crowd went wild.
"let the show begin," you whispered to yourself.
"'cause karma is the thunder," you sang, "rattling your ground. karma's on your scent like a bounty hunter. karma's gonna track you down."
the crowd waved their flashlights in the air, following you as you continued dancing to the beat of the song, singing along. getting closer and closer to the surprise you planned for auston.
"step by step from town to town," you continued. "sweet like justice, karma is a queen. karma takes all my friends to the summit..."
you paused for half a second, allowing production to ready themselves and for the crowd to pay attention to the small change.
"karma is the guy on the leafs, coming straight home to me!"
you stomped on the mark, blue sparklers going off on either side of the stage -- matching with the colour of your dress and the leafs' colours.
the crowd screamed as you continued your performance, losing their minds at the confirmation that you and auston were dating.
"cause karma is my boyfriend," you locked eyes with auston in the crowd, noticing him smiling widely to himself as people nearby recorded the interaction. winking at him, you continued your song, "karma is a god."
the crowd continued chanting throughout the song, no one truly getting over the lyric change you'd done.
you had a feeling there were gonna be rumours about this for a while.
tags : @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme ,  @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots ,  @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy  ,  @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily  , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw ,   @power2myheart  ,  @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya ,  @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 ,  @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj
join my main taglist!
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ateriblewriter · 2 months
Hats Off (a.m)
a/n: this was supposed to be out a long time ago, but enjoy it tonight!
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the horn went off again signaling auston's second goal of the evening, putting the maple leafs within one point of the canadiens. minutes later the horn went off again sealing the hat trick and the leafs going into overtime.
you may have cheered a little too loudly, waking up the small child that was snoozing in your arms. otis started crying, confused as to what was going on.
"mama you scured me. why you do dat" otis sniffled wiping tears from his eyes.
"oh baby, i'm sorry." you pulled your child in for a hug. "daddy scored again, a hat trick. see they're throwing hats." you pointed out the people cleaning up the few ball caps that had been thrown on the ice.
"i wan do that too." otis reached for his hat and was about to throw it but you stopped him as the game had restarted.
the leafs ended up winning that game in a shootout. after the game you and otis went to wait for auston. the first thing otis did when he saw his daddy was throw his blue and while maple leafs hat at him.
confused auston picked up the hat and brushed off the imaginary dirt off it and placed it back on otis's head.
"what was that for odie?" auston asked. otis shook his head and buried his face back in your shoulder.
"he really wanted to throw his hat like everyone else." you explained to your husband why the child was throwing things. you tried to get otis to interact more, but he was too tired.
"well thank you bud, it means a lot." auston tickled his son getting him to at least smile.
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huggybearluvr · 3 months
chatty cathy | am34
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summary: After a harsh break-up you move to Toronto to be closer to your older brother. However, after many sleepless lonely nights in your new apartment your brother notices your changed persona and insist you come on a roadie with him to L.A.
pairing: auston matthews x marner!Reader
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After you opened up to your older brother about how you've been feeling lonely he insisted you join him on a roadie to get out of your apartment.
You agreed, However you didn't expect to be sat at a bar in L.A beside his teammate and bestfriend.
Mitch had spent the night running between teammates and yourself rambling on and on about anything and everything.
"He can really talk can't he?" Auston laughed as Mitch ran off to the next group to ramble on some more.
"That he can," You joined in laughing, "When we were little he would talk himself to sleep."
"No fucking way," Auston said laughing even harder.
"Now thanks to that fucker, I can't sleep without some kind of noise or someone with me," You said, slightly opening up.
"I don't mean to be nosy or anything but Mitch told me you came with us because you've been lonely?"
"Yeah, My Ex and I broke up six months ago," You sighed looking down at your glass.
"Are you not over him?" He asked.
"No I definitly am, I broke up with him," You said now looking to meet Auston's eyes.
"So then it would be okay for me to ask you on a date, when we get back to Toronto?"
"I think I would like that very much," You smiled, over at the hockey player.
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lcandothisallday · 11 months
Auston kissing his neck
Neck Kisses - Auston Matthews x f!reader
warnings: 18+
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As Auston entered his apartment, he let out a deep sigh of relief. The high from the game still coursed through his veins. The win combined with his hat trick was putting him in a rather great mood and he wanted nothing more than to step into his apartment and fall into bed for some much needed relaxation with his favourite girl.
The second you hear the apartment door unlock, you squeal and jump up off of the couch and throw your arms around your boyfriend, nearly knocking him down. "Baby you were amazing tonight!" you exclaim, causing him to chuckle softly, his hands falling to hold your waist.
His eyes sparkled with joy as he stared down at you, a grin appearing on his face. The way you adorned one of his jerseys and looked up at him with so much love truly made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. The compliment made his heart flutter, despite the fact that he should’ve been used to it by now. “Thank you beautiful," he hummed modestly, his cheeks turning the slightest shade of pink before he dipped his head down to give your lips a peck. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” you smile, tracing your finger along the edge of his jaw. “Had I known you were gonna get a hat trick I would've told my boss to fuck off and ask her to leave early to watch the game in person,” you sighed.
Auston brought his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “You can always quit you know? You don’t need to work.”
You hum, taking a step closer, your body now pressed against his. “I appreciate the offer but you know I can’t,” you mumble, before you leaned up, planting a gentle kiss on his neck, his skin warm against your lips.
Auston's breath hitched and he shivered at the sensation of your lips on his neck, his heartbeat quickening. "You're distracting me from my convincing speech, you know?" he murmured, tilting his head to give you better access.
You chuckled softly, your lips leaving a trail of feathery kisses along his jawline. "That's the idea," you replied, your voice filled with playful seduction. "But I'll think about it...because I really hate this job."
Auston's hands tightened their grip on your waist, pulling you even closer at your answer. His lips found yours, initiating a passionate and deep kiss. The taste of victory mingled with the sweetness of your affection had his head spinning.
The world outside seemed to fade away as you both lost yourselves in the moment. Your kisses grew more urgent and so did your desire for one another.
Breaking the kiss, Auston leaned his forehead against yours, his breathing ragged. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" he confessed, his voice husky.
You smiled, your eyes filled with love. "Well, maybe I enjoy driving you crazy," you teased, your fingers gently brushing against his cheek.
Auston's lips curled into a playful smirk. "Well, lucky for you, I enjoy being driven crazy by you."
With that, he lifted you effortlessly into his arms, carrying you towards the bedroom.
As Auston carried you towards the bedroom, a hunger burned within you. You wanted to explore every inch of his body. Your lips began to leave a trail of gentle kisses along his neck, savouring the taste and feel of his skin beneath your touch.
Auston's grip tightened around you, his breathing growing more ragged with each kiss.
Reaching the bedroom, Auston gently laid you down on the bed, his eyes now dark with love and lust. He moved to hover above you, his lips capturing yours once more. You couldn't resist your hands roaming his body, the feel of his heart beat strong against the palm of your hand.
Breaking the kiss, Auston leaned back, his eyes locking with yours. His neck was exposed, an invitation you couldn't resist. You took the opportunity to switch positions, with him now laying with his back against the soft bed and you straddling his waist before your head dipped down and your lips attached to his neck once again.
Auston let out a low groan, his hands tangling in your hair.
Your kisses grew bolder, leaving a trail of soft, lingering marks along his neck. Each touch elicited a gasp or a moan from Auston, his body pressing closer into you.
His fingers danced along your hips, sending shivers down your own body. "Fuck Y/N. Need you."
You lifted your head and met his gaze with a giggle, his reactions to you kissing his neck driving you even more wild if possible. "Let me do my thing. Treat you well for how good you played," you whispered, your breath hot against his skin.
Auston simply nodded, his eyes clouded with desire. "Please," he breathed, his voice barely audible.
You returned to his neck, placing gentle kisses and teasing nips, slowly working your way towards his collarbone. Every touch fuelled the fire between you, heightening the intensity of the moment.
"You know...there's other parts of my body that haven't been kissed yet," he mumbled lowly, shifting his hips beneath you to get his point across.
You smirk, lifting your head up and shrugging. "Your neck was just very inviting," you laughed, your thumb gently swiping over one of the hickies you'd given him. "Wanted to take my time with you."
"Well I'm impatient when it comes to you," he hummed, flipping the two of you over so that he was on top once more and grinning. "Gonna have to move quicker than that."
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Bad Day = Cuddles
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Pair: Auston Matthews x Reader
Requested: Yes/No
could you do an auston matthews fluff? like one where the reader is super stressed from work and he helps calm them down/deal with it?
Word Count: 564
A/N: I hope you like it! This is my first request and I’m really really excited to write this! ANOTHER OLD IMAGINE!
Warnings: Swearing and Fluff?
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You swore as the bus you were waiting for drove straight past, even spraying you with water from a puddle. 
“I swear this day couldn’t get any worse,” You hiss, starting to walk back to your apartment you shared with your boyfriend, Auston. 
Your day couldn’t get any worse. First you were late for work causing your boss to yell at you. Then when your boss wanted you to photocopy something, the photocopier jammed and they got even angrier with you. To add to the stress at work, everyone seemed to be bitching about you and gossiping about your lovelife with a certain Maple Leaf. Sadly it didn’t stop there. After work, you had broken the heel of your shoe running to the bus stop. Now the bus drove straight past you, drenching you with water on the way. You seriously doubt this day could get any worse. 
But it seemed like the world was against you because heaven decided to open up and dump all the rain now while you were walking home! What made it worse was you had forgotten your umbrella so you had to walk home in the pouring rain with a broken heel.
“Fuck this,” You state, stopping and yanking off your heels, deciding to walk barefoot, “Stupid boss, stupid coworkers, stupid bus, stupid weather.”. 
Auston was playing some NHL 18 with Mitch and Will when loud banging cut through his conversations with the boys. 
“Auston, open up,” He hears his girlfriend beg.
His eyebrows knitted together, wondering why you didn’t just let yourself in. He shrugged his thoughts away and paused his game, going to let her in. When he did open the door though, he was greeted with you, standing in front of his, barefoot and drenched from the rain.
You pushed past Auston, just wanting to take a warm shower. Muttering about how shitty your day was, you grabbed a pair of sweatpants and one of Auston’s Leaf’s hoodies before heading to your bathroom. To your surprise, Auston was already there, drawing you a steaming bath, even having a bath bomb from lush prepared.
“Auston,” You awed, “You didn’t have to do that.”
He shrugs, smiling and wrapping his arms around your waist, “I thought you needed it, it seemed like you had a rough day.”
You couldn’t help but smile and peck his lips, before stripping from your wet work uniform. Auston helped you into the tub before disappearing from the bathroom, returning with a glass of wine and a beer for himself. 
“Join me?” You ask, holding your hand out for your boyfriend.
He didn’t reply, just stripped off his pyjamas and slid in behind you. You relaxed back into Auston’s chest, his arms wrapped around your waist holding you close. 
“Wanna talk about your day?” Auston mumbled, pressing a kiss to your head.
You simply shook your head, taking a sip of your wine and closing your eyes. 
Auston softly smiled down at you, laying in his arms, hair in a messy bun and makeup less. He always thought you were beautiful but he couldn’t help but think you looked absolutely stunning. He nuzzled his face in your hair, pressing tiny kisses against your scalp.
“I love you,” He mumbled, holding you a little tighter.
You hum in happiness, taking hand and pressing a light kiss to it, “I love you too Aus.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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equallyshaw · 1 year
Auston the dad feat. Auston Matthews: insta edit.
Backstory: Auston and Sasha broke up right after Sasha found out she was pregnant, four years ago. Also, Connor and her grew up together so he is their godson. She is also a lifestyle blogger :)
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@sashamatthews: 2022 we found our way back to one another, can’t wait to see what 2023 brings for the three of us🤍
Tag: austonmatthews
129k likes, 12.2k comments.
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@mitchmarner: Luke’s the best matthews
@sashamatthews: he loves his uncle mitchey marnie!!!
@michaelbunting: marnie 😂
@williamnylander: Lucas is the best dressed matthews around
@sashamatthews: aus ain’t gonna like that 😭
@austonmatthews: loves of my life
@sashamatthews: 🥹
@connormcdavid: sobbing rn can he come for by week??? I miss my fav godson
@sashamatthews: yes !!!! Let me text Lauren rn but he’s ur only godson lmao
@laurenkyle: bro everything is already set…just say the word
@sashamatthews: 😌😌
@mitchmarner: can I be honorary god father ?
@connormcdacid: ur can be the fun uncle
@stephlachance: hahaha he’ll take it
@emamatthews: familia significa todo❤️
@sashamatthews: te amo mamá matthews 🫶🏻
@breyanamatthews: I can’t the cuteness is too much !!!!🙊🙈
@sashamatthews: love u !
@breyanamatthews: cutest nephew around
@sashamatthews: he loves his tía bre 🤍
@morganreilly: miss that dude
@tessavirtue: ahh this is everything !!
@stepachance: my heart 😭
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@austonmatthews: 2022 was one for the books, can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for us my love.
Tag: sashamatthews
230k likes, 23.9k comments.
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@williamnylander: Luke is adorable 🥹
@austonmatthews: he is
@mitchmarner: what a wild year it’s been, so glad to have seen this happy ending 🫶🏻
@austonmatthews: so grateful for you and Steph for everything
@freddieanderson: miss my nephew so much
@austonmatthews: he misses u too!
@morganreilly: can we please take Luke to the pond ???
@austonmatthews: @sashamatthews ??
@connormcdavid: say yes sas
@sashamatthews: hmm maybe ;)
@connormcdavid: sick wedding
@austonmatthews: gotta love Vegas
@sashamatthews: love of my life doesn’t even express how I feel 🙊
@austonmatthews: ❤️
@laurenkyle: sobbing
@fanone: cuties
@fantwo: so freaking adorable
@fanthree: people are losing their minds rn
Hope you guys enjoyed !!!!
I’m writing this story on Wattpad, and might transfer it over here tbh I love this idea !!
Also, please like and reblog if you enjoyed 💗
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leafs-lover · 2 years
Maybe something like a first tattoo or piercing? With Mitch maybe? Or Auston.
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A/N: This was requested as part of my 500 follower celebration. Sorry it has taken me so long to start getting these out, but be on the lookout for more of these requests in the coming days/ weeks.
This is another installment of the Auston Matthews X Friend Series, providing a little more insight into their friendship.
TW: It's basically pure fluff, but there is mentions of needles and tattoo's (obviously) and mentions of drinking and sex (no actual smut)
What are you doing tomorrow?
It was such a simple and easy question, something you had asked Auston hundreds of times throughout your more than a decade long friendship. He could practically smell the alcohol through the speaker as he told you he was going to the gym in the morning, which, given the fact it was almost 3am and you were just crawling into bed, you were thankful for. You barely remember the phone call or making lunch plans together and would have thought it was a dream if not for the 10am Postmates delivery of coffee and a breakfast sandwich he sent to your house.
He fully thought by the time you sobered up your mind would have changed, and you’d be hungover and in a cuddly mood. That’s why after the gym he went home and showered, then changed into a pair of trackpants and simple grey t-shirt along with a pair of slides, the perfect ensemble to lounge on the couch and tease you for the drunk and incoherent rambling you put him through the night before.
But to his surprise you opened the door, ready to take on the day. A bright red scoop neck t-shirt and your favourite denim shorts - the ones you got in high school that are likely a little too short from your senior year growth spurt; but they look amazing, and you haven’t managed to part with them. Your hair was simply styled, and your makeup appeared effortless, a slight glow to the cheekbones the only evidence you were wearing any.
“Oh, hi,” he stammered out awkwardly, taking you in. “You’re ready?”
“Yes,” your face scrunched up and you let out an airy laugh. “We have plans, so I got ready.” You playfully glanced up and down him then quirked your eyebrow.
“I just thought you’d be hungover,” he grinned, accepting that you looked infinitely better than he did. “Let’s go.”
Auston led you to the car, and even opened the door for you. Putting it in drive, you picked up his phone, put in the pin – something you long ago learned – and started scrolling through his Spotify. You went to a café for lunch, and even managed to convince him to eat the brownie you ordered, something he reluctantly indulges in even in the off-season. He of course pulled out his wallet and paid, even though you objected. You said that since you invited him, you should pay, and he just shook his head and grinned because it still baffles him that you try after all this time.
“Alright, you ready?” you clapped your hands and rubbed them together.
“For what?” the engine turned over and air conditioning began to pump through the vents.
“My tattoo?” Quirking an eyebrow, you glanced over the center console at him. “We talked about it last night.”
“I know, I just didn’t think you were serious.”
“Why wouldn’t I have been serious?” your arms crossed over your chest.
You aren’t actually offended by his statement or even the tone in which it was delivered. About a month ago he went to get a tattoo and mentioned it would take six hours, being the good friend that you are (and the fact that you hadn’t seen him in almost two months because of school) you offered to go with him and keep him company. As soon as the needle started your entire face contorted and for the first two hours you could barely watch what was happening.
“You were incredibly drunk,” he smirked back, but there is something about the way he looked at you that indicates there is more he wants to say. “You also talked about the sex you had with Mike, and his uncircumcised dick.” Heat flooded your cheeks and eyes went wide enough to be seen under the tinted lenses of your sunglasses. You and Auston have always had a fairly open friendship, talking about almost anything and everything, but those intimate details were typically kept for Sarah and Kayla. “So, you’re not a fan of hoods?” he grinned through the words.
“Auston!” you tried to scold, but it was no use, he was toying with you and best not feed into it. “Oh my god, you need to stop right now,” an uncomfortable laugh is all that can be managed as the entire slurred conversation from last night came rushing back.
“You didn’t last night,” knowing you for this long means he isn’t going to let you off that easy. “And apparently Mike didn’t either,” he smirked deviously. “I believe the term energizer bunny was used.”
Pulling your bottom lips between your teeth, you let out a shaky exhale, whishing you were anywhere but there. As much as Auston loves to tease you, he also knows that he has two options:  One – Incessantly tease you until you can’t take anymore, and you bring up some blunder or indiscretion he has done and threaten to tell everyone in your friend group if he brings it up again. Two – leave it there, and one day maybe a week, a month or a year from now, bring it up again, pestering you just enough to get under your skin. The second option is always his favourite.
“I’m just messing with you,” his face softened, and he shot you a warm smile. “But you actually want to get a tattoo?”
“Yeah,” you spoke quietly.
“Uh…here” your hand trembled slightly as you brought it up to your shoulder blade.
“No,” he chuckled. “Where am I driving?”
“Oh,” you shook your head attempting to free yourself of the embarrassment and unlocked your phone. Tpying in the name you showed him the screen with the address
Auston winked at you one last time, then he set out on the short trek through the streets of Scottsdale. You didn’t want to talk to him anymore, responding merely with one-word answers. He didn’t take the hint. He kept talking, joking, doing anything to stop you from stewing in your own embarrassment and eventually you gave in (because you always do) and fell back into an easy conversation with him. He asked about the tattoo, and you told him how you booked it a week ago, but it wasn’t until the time drew closer that you realized you needed someone with you. You told him about the design you picked, and the meaning it held, and he smiled hearing you talk about it with such excitement even through your nerves.
“You ready?” He looked at you and could tell you were anxious.
Standing inside the studio the realization of what’s to come hit you, the potential for pain and discomfort. “Yeah,” you gulped harshly.
“You don’t have –“
“You have to hold my hand the entire time,” your eyes instantly dart to his, white fear blanketing your face.
“Yup,” he quickly nodded in response.
Reaching down you shakily tugged at the hem of your shirt and pulled it off, Auston never let his eyes drift downward. “Have to talk to me, distract me.”
He nodded again. “Obviously.”
“And you’re buying me ice cream after this,” you smirked at him wishfully.
“Of course.” The smile that followed was wide and reached his eyes, reminiscent of the eight-year-old boy who introduced himself at the playground your first day after moving. It’s the kind of smile you have seen countless times throughout the years, the type of smile that instantly grounds you.
Climbing onto the table, Auston set a chair immediately in front of you. The two of you talked with Ashley when she stepped in about the tattoo and the overall look you were going for. When it came time for her to lay the stencil down, Auston pushed a few of your baby hairs that couldn’t reach the ponytail to the side, and softly rubbed his thumb over your neck. When the needle first turned on, you instantly grabbed Auston’s hand and he placed a soft kiss to the back of your palm, whispering that he loved you.
“Some guys don’t even talk to their girl, let alone stay,” Ashley said, first bringing the needle to your back. Wincing momentarily, Ashley eased up on the pressure and you let out the exhale you had been holding onto. “You’re lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend.”
“Oh he’s –“ you trailed off and tears pricked the corner of your eyes when the needle pressed back into your skin.
“Yeah,” Auston shrugged it off so tactfully, unphased by the assumption so many have about your friendship. He continued to look at you, a smile playing on his lips, “she is lucky to have me.”
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miracleonice87 · 2 years
ouu can i request an angsty but happy ending blurb w auston pls!
here you go, babe 🤍 feat. Fred (of course) and some Harry lyrics that nobody asked for but I felt tied in. enjoy!
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As It Was with Auston Matthews
In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was…
“He’s miserable without you, you know.” 
You let your eyes finish scanning the skyline from your perch at the downtown rooftop restaurant. Your gaze slowly met Freddie’s again, but you said nothing. 
He continued, undeterred, yet gentle. Thoughtful. “He doesn’t know I’m seeing you, so it’s not like he told me to say that,” he assured, sitting back against the patio chair which seemed far too small for his broad, muscular form. “But he misses you. I know he does. And I know that’s, like, the most cliche thing for a best friend to say to the ex post-breakup, but…” Freddie shrugged. “You’re not just ‘the ex.’ I think you know that.” 
You chewed at the inner corner of your lip and, for a brief moment, wished you hadn’t agreed to this dinner after all. Because, goddammit, could this man still see right through you. 
You were in Raleigh for a work conference – just a couple of days, in and out. You could have popped in and back out with no trace of you left behind; you’d debated dozens of times whether or not to tell Freddie that you’d even be in town at all. 
Because, like he said. You were the ex, and he was the best friend – Auston’s, that is. 
But as you’d sat at your gate at JFK the day before waiting to board, maybe against your better judgment, maybe wanting some sense of familiarity in the unfamiliar world you found yourself in these days, your fingers were soon flying across your keyboard.
Hi, Fred. I hope you’re good. I know it’s been a while, but I’m about to fly to Raleigh for a couple days for work and wanted to reach out. Wanna grab a drink sometime? 
You didn’t even have time to tuck your phone back into your bag before a response flashed onscreen. 
So great to hear from you. Yes, let’s meet up. Let me take you to dinner. You say when.
So, you’d arranged to meet him the very next night, and immediately fell back into your easy way with one another. His big arms nearly crushed you in a hug, leaving you giggling. You bantered back and forth just like you’d done hundreds of times back in Toronto – at Auston’s house, at bars after games, at team events both official and impromptu. Freddie considered Auston a brother, and ever since you’d seamlessly entered their social group via mutual friends, he had viewed you as something of a younger sister, making the bond among the three of you something special – even sacred. 
But, no matter how much some things felt the same, many things were different now – that much was clear, from the foreign landscape of the city around you, to the fact that it had taken nearly two hours, not until after dessert and another round of drinks, for Freddie to even summon the courage to broach the topic of Auston Matthews. A subject that everyone else in your life had allowed you to avoid since the split six months back… everyone, that is, except for Freddie. You had known this would be the case, and hell, in some masochistic way, maybe this was exactly why you’d felt the need to see Fred on this trip.
You heaved a sigh, folding your arms across your torso and tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“What am I supposed to say to that, Fred?” you eventually asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“You don’t have to say anything,” he replied, shaking his head. “Or do anything. Not if you’re happy, not if you don’t miss him.” His face softened as he studied you. “But… if I’m honest, I just don’t know that I’m convinced that that’s the case. So I felt like I owed it to you to bring it up. To both of you.” 
You leaned forward, resting your elbows on the table. And suddenly, your heart was on your sleeve.
“I thought I’d be good on my own again, you know?” you said, your focus shifting into the distance, past Fred, or even through him. “I was before him. I thought I needed to get back out there, find myself like everybody talks about. But you know what?” You scoffed. “Turns out that’s just… complete bullshit. Because I know who I am. I have for a long time now. And I guess I can be on my own if I have to be, but… I-I don’t wanna be. I really believe that I’m better when I’m with him,” you said, sitting up straighter with each word as if the moment of clarity was pulling you up and out of yourself. 
Fred smiled proudly. “I think you’re both better together,” he concluded.
Your heart thudded against your chest and inside your ears the entire way back to your hotel, through the lobby, up the elevator, and down the hallway. Your hands shook violently as you forced them to remain at your sides, though they were being drawn to your phone as if by magnetic pull. The second you opened your door, you kicked off your shoes, tossed your bag onto the table, and sat at the end of the bed, your phone already unlocked, your thumb already hovering over that name that you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to remove from your list of Favorites. You tapped the screen and held your breath.
Ring. Ring. Ri-
“Hello?” You’d never heard his usually even, unfazed voice filled with so much confusion. 
“Hi… it’s me,” you greeted stupidly, then immediately winced. “As if that wasn’t obvious. Sorry, I-”
“No, no, don’t apologize,” Auston said swiftly. “I’m just… I’m glad you called. Is… is everything alright?” Suddenly he had the distinct fear that maybe something was wrong with someone in your family, maybe one of your mutual friends. Maybe you felt like there was no one else you could call. He had to get to you as fast as he could. He couldn’t leave you to deal with this alone. He-
“Oh, yeah, everything’s fine,” you answered automatically, then thought through your own response. “I mean, overall, yes, things are okay, but I… I just had dinner with Fred.” 
Auston slowly switched the phone from one hand to the other, convinced he hadn’t heard you properly. 
“You did…?” he spoke, clearing his throat. “How-how was that?” Your call alone, paired with this new information, had his head swimming.
“Um… you know, it was so good to see him,” you answered innocently. “It had been way too long.” You paused then, unsure of where to go next despite being the one so hell-bent on making this call. 
Auston filled in the silence. “Well, that’s good,” he said softly. “I’m sure he was really happy to see you… I gotta say, I’m a little jealous.” 
You stared out the window, an involuntary smirk playing at the corners of your lips. “Of who, me or Fred?” you joked. You simply couldn’t resist.
“Very funny,” Auston said dryly, pretending not to be amused, though you could literally hear the smile in his voice. 
You rubbed at your forehead, eyes fluttering closed. You needed to just go there. 
“How are you, Auston?” you asked sincerely, emphasizing each word so that he would recognize that you weren’t asking that with the goal of casual conversation. 
He chuckled sadly, a sound your heart wasn’t prepared for. “I guess I should lie and spew some shit about how great I’m doing, how I’ve never been happier, but… that’s… not exactly true. Honestly, I’m just, I’m not doing so well.” 
You tucked your chin to your chest and were surprised to watch a tear fall onto your light-wash jeans. You sniffed, swiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. 
“Yeah, me either,” you all but whispered, and Auston could hear the tension in your voice. 
“Baby, don’t cry,” he pleaded, the term of endearment sounding as natural as your given name. 
“I never should have left you,” you cried, voice shaking. “I never should have taken this stupid job in New York. Auston, I have never been happier than those two years with you in Toronto.”
He assumed he could not be hearing you correctly, that there was simply no way, because these are the words he’d longed to hear for months now, every night as he fell asleep and dreamed of you asking to come home. This conversation had to be a figment of his imagination. 
“Baby… what’s gotten into you? Are you… what are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” you began, drying your tears as best you could, “that I want you back. And I know that’s like, super fucking unfair of me to say, and you have every right to-”
“Where are you right now?” he asked, and you heard shuffling on the other end of the line, keys jingling. Your brow furrowed.
“I’m in Raleigh for work,” you answered. 
“Don’t move,” he instructed, stressing the syllables as if his life depended on you hearing his words. “I’ll be on the next flight. Give me a few hours.” 
Your hand flew to your mouth as you dissolved into more tears – this time tears of elation. 
“I love you, Auston,” you said, beaming, because really, what else was there to say or do? 
“I love you,” he echoed. “It’s me, and you, forever, alright? Just us, always.”
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bedsyandco · 6 months
3 times people asked if you and Auston were together + 1 time you finally are?
note: been in a little Auston mood lately and I always enjoy writing my silly little leafs. Feat. teammates JT, Willy, Mitch, Morgan and Matty Marts (miss you king) I don't love this but it's been sitting in my drafts for 2 weeks so...this is a little silly especially the last part
warnings: none? i think…
wc: 1.2k
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1 ★ Christmas
It was one of the few days off the guys were given across the season and most of the team were gathering at the Tavares house for christmas dinner. A tradition John started when he became captain.
Auston was watching you from across the room, a smile on his face as he saw you talk to Tessa about something. His smile widened as he watched you throw your head back laughing. When he looked back in front of him, he found 4 pairs of eyes staring him down.
“What?” he asks
“Nothing,” John, Mitch, Willy and Morgan say all at the same time.
“Here we go,” Auston says rolling his eyes
“We didn’t say anything,” Morgan says and Auston gives him a deadpan look.
“Yet” Morgan amends his statement
“Just get it over with,” Auston sighs
“You brought a date,” Morgan starts
“To a team event,” John says
“A woman. A really hot woman.” Willy says grinning a little when Auston glares at him.
“You never bring dates to team gatherings. Ever.” Mitch says
“First of all, it’s not a date, she’s a friend. The same friend I’ve been telling you guys about for months-”
“In all those months you failed to mention that she’s a woman,” Mo points out
“A very hot woman,” Willy says again and lets out a little laugh when Auston punches him on the arm.
“I don’t see why that matters,” Auston mumbles
“Mm you don’t?” Mitch asks looking at him pointedly
“So there’s nothing going on between the two of you?” John asks
“No. Now are we done with the interrogations?” Auston asks and wait for them all to nod before making his way over to you. He wraps his arms around waist from behind as you look out the window admiring the christmas lights.
You shriek when you feel his cold nose press into your neck.
“You little rat, don’t do that!” you say turning around and looping your arms around his neck.
“What you just call me? A rat? Careful, or you’re walking home tonight in the cold.” he says, pinching your waist and you laugh.
“You would never let me walk home alone…would you?” you ask pouting slightly when he jokingly takes a few seconds to think about it.
“No, of course not. I would just be punishing myself since I’d be worried sick about you the entire time.” he says and you smile, resting your cheek against his chest.
“Let’s go eat, I’m starving,” Auston says, squeezing your hip and you laugh.
“When are you not?”
Throughout dinner Auston has a hand on your thigh, tracing patterns lazily, and keeps his gaze on you, choosing to ignore the piercing stares of his teammates.
2 ★ Playoffs
“Auston, wait up, I’ve got something for you.” JT says as the guys all walk to the parking lot after practice.
Auston grimaces when John hands him the jacket, knowing he did it now so that Mitch would see it.
“Is that a…no way.” Mitch says, grabbing the jacket out of Auston’s grip and holding it out in front of him to examine the back. “Is this for who I think it is?”
“Your mom?” Auston asks immaturely and Mitch glares at him.
“The mom jokes are never funny.” Mitch replies and John shakes his head at them, saying goodbye and getting in his car, leaving Auston there to deal with Mitch on his own.
“She gets a jacket huh? What’s next a key to your apartment?” Mitch asks teasingly and his eyebrows shoot to his hairline when Auston doesn’t reply, simply snatching the jacket back and putting it on the passenger seat of his car.
“Oh my God. She already has a key, doesn’t she? Does she have a drawer?” Mitch asks and Auston sighs knowing Mitch wasn’t going to let him go home until he had the answers he was looking for.
“Yes she has a key. And yes she has a drawer, but it’s not like that! Sometimes she comes over and it’s way too late to drive back to her place, so she stays the night and then she has to go to work the next day and she needs something to wear- You know what it doesn’t matter, you’re just going to make it something it isn’t anyway.” Auston says resigned
“Something it isn’t? She has a WAG jacket and a key and drawer in your apartment. Pretty sure it is what I think it is. Why are you so against it anyway, do you not feel anything for her?” Mitch asks, tone serious. Everyone could see that there was intense chemistry between you and Auston, and Mitch knew him. He wouldn’t give a key to just anyone.
“I don’t have time for a relationship right now and we really are just good friends,” Auston claims, hoping Mitch will drop the subject.
Sensing Auston is done with the conversation, Mitch tries to get one last word in before he leaves.
“So uh, when do I get a drawer and key to your apartment? We're friends…”
3 ★ Mitch's wedding
Mitch was standing next to Matt and despite it being his wedding it felt as if at this very moment all eyes were on the two people on the dance floor. You and Auston. It was almost as if people were in a trance, not able to look away as Auston bends down to whisper something in your ear.
“I’m glad he finally has someone,” Matt says
“Oh they’re not together,” Mitch replies and laughs when Matt’s jaw nearly drops
“There’s no way,” Matt says turning his gaze back to the dance floor just as you rest your head on Auston’s chest and his hands slip dangerously low on your back, resting just above your ass.
Matt doesn’t buy it that there’s nothing going on between you and Auston. Having experienced it himself, he knows what that type of chemistry, intimacy and feelings look like.
“People are staring,” you mumble into Auston’s chest and he looks around the room. He was so caught up on you he didn’t even notice that there was barely anyone else on the dance floor, a lot eyes on the two of you.
“What can I say, we put on a good show,” Auston says and you scoff.
“It’s you they’re looking at,” you reply and Auston shakes his head.
“Trust me baby. No one is looking twice at me when you’re standing next to me in that dress. You look stunning,” he says, and your cheeks flush as his eyes run down from your eyes, to your breasts, down to your legs and all the way back up.
“Aus?” you whisper and the way you look at him nearly knocks the breath right out of his lungs because he knows what you’re about to say.
“I know. You don’t need to say it. I feel the same way,” he says and pulls you closer again, kissing your temple and making eye contact with Mitch and Matt across the room, both of them laughing when Auston discreetly flips them of behind your back.
+1 ★
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liked by mitchmarner, morganreilly and others.
austonmatthews: happy birthday to the best friend I could ask for. so blessed to have you in my life. thank you for everything you do for me. I love you❤️
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mitchmarner: feel so betrayed that you called her your best friend. I see how it is.
willynylander: wait until you find out that they've been dating for almost 2 months and he didn't tell you
mattymarts: no way they're finally dating?
mitchmarner: 2 MONTHS?
mitchmarner: you can stay in Arizona. that's where liars belong.
morganreilly: if he stays in AZ who's gonna get you all those points?
mitchmarner: actually come back so I can yell at you
yourusername: love you🩷
sydmartin: happy birthday love! 😚
username22: there's so much going on in this comment section I think we're completely skipping over the fact that Auston has a gf??
leafsfan3416: mitch's comments😭💀
user96: they're so cute
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sweetiepoison · 21 days
Famous Baby (social media blurb)
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Who’s (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n) Dating Now?
(Y/f/n) (y/l/n) has been in the spotlight since she was 15 so it’s no surprise her relationships have been as well. From first love to whirlwind romance , we’ve seen it all from the singing sensation. She’s mainly been in serious relationships, but the lineup is impressive.
Shawn Mendes
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(Y/l/n) and Mendes came into the spotlight around the same time. The pair met, instantly hit it off, and became the new young Hollywood “it” couple. They dated for three years from 2014-2017 and wrote a few of their hit songs about each other. (Y/f/n)’s song ‘Dandelions’ on her debut album is about Mendes. The love wasn’t one sided though, as Mendes reveled many of his love songs were about (y/l/n). After winning an American Music Award, Mendes said, “All of my songs are about her, so this award is as much hers as it is mine, she’s my inspiration.
We loved watching their young love romance evolve, but the two split in early 2017. (Y/f/n) discussed the breakup on the Jimmy Fallon show. “We just realized we were growing apart and going in different directions, but he will always hold a special place in my heart as my first love and no can ever replace that.”
Harry Styles
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The British singer is (y/l/n)’s longest and most high profile relationship. The two began dating at the end of 2017 and remained together for four years before breaking things off. Their love caught the attention of the world and had many talking. It’s believed Styles hit song, Adore you is about (y/l/n) before they were official.
The couple raised the bar for relationships. Harry took (y/f/n) on a vacation to Greece for her 21st birthday. Which she followed up by throwing him a massive surprise party with all of his close friends and family. When asked about their relationship in an interview (y/l/n) said, “Harry is the type of boyfriend girls dream of. He loves me so well and he wears his heart on his sleeves which is beautiful.”
The breakup came as a surprise to many as it seemed the couple was going strong. It didn’t last for long though as they got back together at the end of 2022 before finally calling it quits mid 2023. Neither have revealed why they split, but both have remained consistent and committed to supporting each other.
Michael B. Jordan
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During her brief break with Harry, (y/f/n) dated Creed actor, Michael B. Jordan. Despite the 11 year age gap the couple had a lot in common and spent plenty of special occasions together. Jordan helped her celebrate her 24th birthday where we got their most infamous pictures together as a couple.
The relationship lasted 10 months before they broke up and (y/l/n) was back with Styles. Despite the sudden end Jordan had only good things to say, “She’s an amazing, hardworking woman who deserves all the success she’s had.”
Auston Matthews
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The newest boyfriend on the list may be NHL superstar, Auston Matthews. An insider reveals they saw Matthews and (y/l/n) at a bar together in Toronto. They were with a group of friends including Justin and Hailey Bieber, but the two seemed particularly close. The pair was also spotted leaving together at the end of the night. While nothing is confirmed, we could definitely get behind this match.
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bagopucks · 2 months
A. Matthews - You’re Mine
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Auston Matthews x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning(s): Big feelings and minor swearing
His glasses crooked, his reindeer pj’s all wrinkled, hair pulled back into a ponytail. Auston had never looked more attractive. Domesticated. At home. The stripes on his pjs matched the ones on Hudson’s, as did the reindeer on the chest. We all matched.
Christmas was a special time of year. One I had always cherished with my family. It was important to maintain that closeness, and especially important to include Auston. The Eve of my favorite holiday I’d always spent with my family, watching movies eating fresh cookies, and drinking cocoa.
As a group, we’d already made the cookies. Auston was busy prepping the cocoa while I pulled the last batch from the oven. Hudson sat on the island counter, holding onto a stuffed snowman that Auston had gifted him the previous morning.
I told Auston not to spoil him, but I made an exception to ‘Christmas week’. Auston had a small gift for Hudson every day thus far. Monday was a jersey of Hudson’s favorite hockey player. Tuesday was special Christmas tree gummies and a new Christmas movie DVD. Wednesday was an evening at the local skating rink downtown in the city. I set the pan down and rubbed a fresh bruise at the memory. Thursday was the new stuffed animal. Friday, tonight, was the only gift Auston refused to inform me about. But Hudson had a gift of his own to give Auston anyhow. I had a feeling it was going to be a very memorable Christmas Eve.
Pulling the oven mitts off and gently smacking Auston’s arm with one, I chuckled. It earned the laughter from both boys.
Auston flashed me a smile and pressed a kiss to the side of my head before turning toward Hudson with a fresh cup of cocoa.
“It’s hot, bud. Be careful, okay?” I had grown to admire how well the boys began to communicate with looks and nods. Hudson gave a simple indication that he understood and Auston handed the cup over.
“Is it time for movies?” Hudson asked, setting his mug down in a slow and shaky manner.
“Ah, I think Auston has one last surprise first.” I glanced toward the man holding his own mug between his hands. “Right?”
“After movies.” This was a new routine. I was taken by surprise but I agreed anyhow.
“Aw man! Please, Aus! Presents first! I have something too!” Hudson scooted toward the edge of the counter, and Auston quickly picked him up.
“No can do. You have to wait for this one, it’s extra special.”
“Can I have a hint?” Hudson gripped Auston’s shoulders and tried to shake him.
“Only if I get a hint on your gift.” Auston teased, only to be met with an immediate no.
“It’s a surprise I can’t!”
“Same here!”
I rolled my eyes with a smile, “come on boys. Let’s set up the movie.” I waved a hand over my shoulder before walking into the living room, hearing Auston’s heavy steps following.
After Hudson picked a film, and Auston gathered the cookies on a plate, we got situated on the couch. I could tell early into the movie that Hudson could barely focus. What I couldn’t tell, was whether he was excited about the gift he’d give to Auston, or the one he’d be receiving. A few bathroom breaks were taken, that ended up making the movie around three hours. By the end, Auston and I began cleaning while I told Hudson to go grab his gift.
“Auston, listen..” I rinsed the cookie plate off and set it in the dishwasher. “Hudson got you a pretty serious gift.. and- if you don’t like it I just need you to- I don’t know.. just don’t-“ I ran my hands down my face, feeling a pair of hands on my arms.
“It’s okay.. whatever he got me I’m gonna love.” He pulled me into a hug. “And.. he might need a little help understanding my gift too.. so- I could use some backup when he opens it.” I tried to push aside my own anxieties, nodding to assure my partner I would be there to help him and Hudson.
While Auston pulled the last ‘Christmas Week’ gift from its hiding spot beneath the tree, Hudson came down the hall from his room with a horribly wrapped box in his hands. Both boys looked equally nervous, and I… I had no clue what I felt. Excitement? Ambition? Anxiety?
“Alright, who goes first?” I asked softly as the boys sat down by the tree, presents in front of one another like a Mexican standoff. I giggled when they stared one another down.
“You wanna open mine first, Hudsy?” Auston pushed the bag in Hudson’s direction. The boy hesitated, then shook his head.
“Same time.” Hudson decided. Auston nodded. Hudson handed his own gift toward Auston, and I watched as the nervous boys began meticulously unwrapping their presents.
Hudson grabbed the handles of the bag, dragging it closer before he picked it up and set it in his lap. Hudson pulled the tissue paper out, over his bag while Auston worked on tearing wrapping paper from his box. Peeking in to find paper, Hudson’s brow furrowed. “What is this?” I could see Auston drawing in a heavy breath as Hudson drew out the papers, the little boy squinting at them in confusion. Auston kicked the wrapping paper from his own present aside before opening the box. He was met with the same papers that Hudson was. It took Auston far less time to figure out what his gift was.
“Mom!” Auston and I were both startled by my son’s outburst. Hudson shot up from the floor, turning toward me. For a moment I thought I would be the first to receive some form of reaction from my son, but Auston stole the moment with a wide grin as he too rose from the floor. Auston’s arms swooped out like eagle’s wings, wrapping my son up in a tight embrace. “I’m getting adopted!” Hudson shouted, his words muffled against Auston’s chest. I felt shock, then understanding of Auston’s nerves. Then I felt a jolt of excitement. My boys chose one another.
“Aus.. are those..” I had to ask, just to be sure. But I could barely get the words out of my mouth.
“Adoption papers.” Auston finished my sentence. I felt a pang in my heart. My boys knew each other better than I thought. Auston finally released my son, and Hudson couldn’t help but jump up and down, his grip so tight he crinkled the papers in his hands. Good thing we had two sets.
“I have a dad..” Hudson cried. Despite all the times I felt like a horrible parent, I finally felt like I had gotten one thing 100% correct. The most important thing. A father for my child. I finally stood from the couch to join my boys. I wiped a tear from Auston’s cheek, shaking my head as my son clung to my legs. “So this was your big surprise?” I whispered.
“Of course.” Auston and I both looked down when Hudson lifted his head, his eyes red and cheeks wet.
“I love you, Auston.” Hudson sniffled. He hesitated. “Dad.”
“God damnit,” Auston muttered as tears fell down his cheeks. He had not expected himself to get so emotional. I swatted at Auston’s shoulder. “God…” he mumbled. “I love you too, Hudsy.” Auston leaned over to poke Hudson’s sides, earning a giggly rise from the boy. “And now you’re mine!” He exclaimed before lifting Hudson into the air. My eyes grew wide as I watched Auston immediately take off down the hall.
“Ours!” I corrected through laughter, chasing after my boys.
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jackhues · 5 months
back and forth talking all night about the future with auston matthews
i hope you like this nonnie!!
"i want a small wedding," you blurted.
auston turned his head to look at you. he'd been running his hand over the ring on your finger for the past few minutes, imagining your life together in silence.
"a small wedding?" he repeated, a small smile on his face. "i like the sound of that. just family and friends."
you laughed a little, "oh god, there's gonna be a hundred people at least. why do we know so many people?"
auston shrugged, "i mean, we can always get eloped."
"let's not do that to either of our parents," you decided. "they'll probably kill us both for giving them heart attacks."
he smiled, "okay you have a point. we can do ceremonies if you want. one with family, and one with everyone else?"
you thought about it for a minute, before smiling. "you know, i don't care about the wedding. as long as it's you i'm walking to at the altar."
auston smiled back, pressing a soft kiss to your finger. "as long as it's you walking towards me, i don't care about any of it either."
"oh, but our honeymoon has to be something tropical," you told him. "i've had enough with ice and hockey during the year. we need a yearly tropical vacation."
"done," auston agreed. "and i'll teach the kids how to swim."
"i'll teach them how to surf," you decided.
"it's going to be perfect," auston summed up. "it's always going to be perfect with you."
send a ❄️, player + prompt
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ateriblewriter · 9 months
Change of Plans (a.m)
requested: no
warnings: weddings?
enjoy! now excepting all thoughts, questions, comments and complaints!
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"Hey what's on your mind pretty lady?" Auston wrapped his arms around your waist peering over your shoulder at the tablet in front of you.
"I don't know if I can do this Aus." You scroll through the few plans that had already been made. There was still so much to do and a year felt like not enough time to get it all done.
"The wedding isn't until next year. Plenty of time." Auston reassured you. He knew the wedding planning stuff was stressing you out. Watching Steph and Mitch's event go off seemingly without a hitch made you panic even more. "Plus I know my mom is more than willing to help if we need anything. Or we could always hire someone."
"No. I don't think I could have someone else organize this. It's just so much. I wish there was an easier way to get married." Throwing the device to side, giving up on the planning for the day.
"If you want to skip all the hoopla, we could always go to Vegas." It would be easy enough to obtain a marriage license and tie the knot in the same day. There were people who did this every day. "We can even go tomorrow."
"Yes, let's do that." Biting your bottom lip nervously trying to indicate to him that you wanted to change the plan.
"Hmm? Let's do what? Go to Vegas? Get married tomorrow?" Auston questioned you. The off hand comment was meant to be a joke. He didn't think you'd actually want to go through with it.
"Yes. That. We should get hitched in Vegas tomorrow." You mindlessly played with the diamond ring adorned on your left hand.
"What about the big white wedding?" He just wanted to make sure this is exact what you wanted and you weren't going to regret your decision to throw out the plan and run off to Las Vegas to elope.
"I don't want it anymore. I want to marry you tomorrow, in Vegas, in a little wedding chapel. Just you and me, Aus." You said a smile growing on your face.
The two of you scrambled to get everything ready. Auston booked the flight and got license figured out, while you sorted out what you would be wearing. You already had a little white dress that was supposed to be for the bachelorette party and you picked out the suit for Auston. It was perfect.
As soon as you landed in Nevada, you were picking up necessary documents and headed for one of the various chapels that littered the city. And before you knew it, you and Auston were saying 'I do' to each other and sealing the deal with a kiss.
"I love you wife."
"I love you more husband."
"What do we do now?" Auston connected his forehead with yours. He was completely enamored with you in that moment. "Any you want."
"I dunno? Maybe eat some cake? Or we could fuck and then eat cake. I honestly don't care as long as cake is involved in there somewhere."
Auston agreed picking you up bridal style. Anything you wanted since you now had a lifetime together.
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huggybearluvr · 3 months
So for the instagram edit for auston matthews what about Jeremy swayman's sister and Auston. Cause the bruins use to be rivals with the maple leafs
trader | am34
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instagram edit
pairing: auston matthews x swayman!reader
summary: You and Auston had been dating for a little over two years, and to say your brother and his teammates are not the biggest fans would be an understatement.
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liked by jeremyswayman, austonmatthews, and others
y/nswayman WELCOME TO Y/N'S POST RIVAL GAME RECAP!!! Tonight my lovely, handsome, super sexy boyfriends team took on my brothers team... AND WONNNN (P.S AUS YOU LOOKED SO EDIBLE IN THAT FIGHT) anywhoooo take the L @jeremeyswayman
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austonmatthews I looked edible? is that good or bad?
austonmatthews OH! thank you baby.
jeremyswayman You little shit. your a total trader, what happned to "bruins fan til I die?"
austonmatthews sorry dude shes got to much blue inside her every night to be a bruins fan
jeremyswayman I think I need bleach for my eyes.
bradmarchand trader.
charliemcavoy trader.
linusullmark trader.
patriceberegeron trader.
y/nswayman NOT YOU TOO BERGIE?!
bruinsoffical trader.
mitchmarner damn only my helmet made the post?!
y/nswayman sorry mitchy :(
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lcandothisallday · 11 months
auston leaving the arena and noticing you and your friends waiting outside to meet the players or sum and he’s literally like love at first sight and starts flirting and gets ur number 😭 lmao for us realistic toronto girlies obvs - ⛽️
hehe obvs😋❤️ thanks for feeding into my delusions🥰 Auston Matthews x f!reader
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You stood next to your friends, your hands in your jacket pocket as you shivered from the cold. It was near the start of the season and the weather in Toronto was getting colder by the day--fitting for the sport, but not for you as you stood outside the arena in hopes of meeting the players.
"Guys--I don't know if it's worth it anymore--"
"Y/N I don't think you get it," your friend Emily started. "If I don't meet Mitch Marner before I go back to BC--I'm gonna dig my own grave," she said with such seriousness in her voice--yet her teeth were also chattering from the cold. Emily had moved to BC soon after she got her masters and she was only back in town for a little bit for her mom's birthday and to watch the game.
She was a huge fan to say the least. Growing up watching the NHL and even playing for her local girls team. Unlike you--you had only got into it recently, never having that same influence while growing up.
"You can't reason with a girl in love," your other friend Olivia mused with a laugh. You merely roll your eyes and dig your hands further into your pocket.
"I just don't think they're gonna come ou--oh my god," you breath our, your jaw dropping as you see two men resembling Mitch and Auston in the distance coming out of a back door.
"Oh my God!!" Emily screeched, jumping up and down. "Miiiitchhh!"
Mitch being the ever sweet golden retriever he is, excitedly walked over while Auston begrudgingly dragged behind him with a sigh. He was tired, his body aching from a harsh slam he took and all he wanted was to grab dinner with Mitch at their favourite restaurant before going home and collapsing into his bed with Felix by his side.
Mitch with a wide smile, approached Emily, feeding off of her excitement as he spoke to her and entertained her with a selfie.
Meanwhile, Auston was about to let out an annoyed breath when his eyes wandered over to you, unable to tear his gaze away. He was captivated by your beauty, your warmth radiating even in the chilly evening air. As Mitch continued chatting with Emily, Auston excused himself, making his way toward you where you stood off to the side watching your friends interact.
"So you're not a fan of Mitchy's?" he teased in question playfully, causing your eyes to widen in panic.
"Oh no I--I am!" you stutter in defence, your cheeks burning up at the accusation. "I'm just a new fan and didn't wanna seem like...a fake one," you admit bashfully, looking away.
Auston smirked, his confidence radiating off of him as he watched you squirm. If he was honest, he thought it was adorable and he loved how sincere you sounded.
"You didn't grow up with the game I'm assuming?" he asked, wanting to know more about you.
"Yeah...my parents are from a hot country...hockey is probably the last sport they'd be interested in," you say with a laugh. "So that's why my knowledge is limited."
He laughed and gave you a slight nod. "Well, you don't have to worry about that with me," Auston replied, leaning casually against the wall next to you. "I won't judge you for being a new fan. In fact, I think it's great that you're getting into the sport."
You couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement as Auston continued to flirt with you. His charming smile and the way he effortlessly carried himself made it hard for you to resist his charm.
"Thanks," you replied, trying to hide your growing smile. "You're a lot more cute in person," you breathed out, your cheeks heating up immensely at your admission.
Auston's smirk widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, so now we're moving on to compliments, huh?" he teased, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. "Well, I have to say, you're not so bad yourself. Actually, you're more than just cute. You're downright stunning."
Your heart fluttered at his words, a blush spreading across your cheeks. You had never expected Auston Matthews, a professional hockey player and known heartthrob, to flirt with you so openly. It was an exhilarating feeling, and you found yourself getting caught up in the moment.
As you go to respond, Mitch walks over and interrupts. "Hey--I made the rounds. We can go now."
You reluctantly tore your gaze away from Auston, feeling a mix of disappointment and anticipation for what could have been. Mitch's interruption reminded you that this encounter was likely just a fleeting moment, and you had to make the most of it.
"It was nice meeting you," you smiled.
Mitch looked between the two of you with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow, catching on to the flirty tension. "Wait--aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend?" he teased.
At that, Auston's eyes widened. "Shit--I never caught your name," he pointed out with a bashful smile. Mitch rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Y/N," you giggled in response.
"Did you at least get her number?" Mitch asked, Auston shaking his head no. "Dude! It's like you have no game!"
"I was working on it!" Auston exclaimed.
Mitch scoffed and shook his head in feign disappointment as he snatched Auston's phone out of his hand, unlocking it and opening up his contacts. "No clearly you've lost your skills and I gotta be your dating coach now," he continued to tease, before he handed the phone to you to put in your information.
You continued to giggle as you did just that while Auston blushed madly.
As you entered your name and number into Auston's phone, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Mitch's playful teasing added to the lighthearted atmosphere, and you found yourself growing more comfortable in their presence.
"There you go, Auston," you said with a mischievous smile as you handed the phone back to him. "Now you can call or text me anytime."
Auston's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, but he flashed you a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. I'll definitely be in touch."
Mitch raised an eyebrow and nudged Auston. "See, buddy? It's not that hard."
Auston rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his expression. "Yeah, yeah, Coach Marner. I'll try to step up my game."
You looked off to the side, noticing your friends were now the ones waiting for you. "I think I've gotta go...like I said, it was nice meeting you," you smiled, taking the courage to step forward and press a light kiss to his cheek. "You guys played amazing tonight," you say softly and with sincerity.
As you pulled away from the gentle kiss on Auston's cheek, you noticed a flicker of surprise in his eyes, followed by a genuine smile. "I'll text you."
"I'll hold you to it, Matthews."
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