#austin porter concept
contracat25 · 1 year
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Alright as it is Trans Day of Visibility (Hi still not cis, still here etc.) and the final day of the extended Trans Rights Readathon I thought I would post about a few more of my favorite books by trans authors because hopefully everyone will be reading books by trans authors and about trans characters/topics all year round. Because to me this day is about supporting others in the community as much as anything else. The world is pretty on fire right now so if you can support a trans creator, artist, organization or friend today (and beyond) then do it!
So here are a bunch of shorter reads: books, graphic novels, novellas etc. I didn't really notice how many novellas I had been reading recently till making this list, but there is something about a wel- written short book that just really works for me. Also a lot of these just have really creative or lovely concepts and I am a sucker for those. Plus the characters in these are soooo good! Also a lot of these have lovely audiobooks or e-books, hence me not having a physical copy (yet). Many of these have trans characters as well, but not all of them. Though most have some form of queer rep because I don't read much that doesn't. I included muliple by some of the authors, including sequels because... I just really like them and couldn't pick just one. Most of these authors have other books that are also wonderful. And these are just a handful of examples, there are so many fabuluous books by and about people who are trans.
Six Months, Three Days, Five Others by Charlie Jane Anders
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
The Companion by EE Ottoman
The Barrow Will Send What It May by Margaret Killjoy
Taste of Marrow and River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey
Even Though I Knew the End by C. L. Polk
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
Nimona by Nate Stevenson
Gender Queer by Mia Kobabe
The Seep by Chana Porter
Future Feelings by Joss Lake
Pet by Akwaeke Amezi
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
The Black Tides of Heaven; The Red Threads of Fortune; The Descent of Monsters; The Ascent to Godhood by Neon Yang
Finna and Defekt by Nino Cipri Coffee Boy and Caroline's Heart by Austin Chant
ID: Slide one has a stack of 10 books on a teal background. Slides two through four have a white background and four book covers and a boarder of books in the trans flag colors.
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seren-dibble · 7 days
A Filmmaker's Blog
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The Creative Process and Risk Taking
Creativity is something deep and meaningful and can be expressed in thousands of ways, but putting your work on display for everyone to judge and criticise can be extremely vulnerable.
Early in my second semester of university we were given a lecture on creativity and failure. As students I think we’re desperate to be the best that we can be but forget we’re still students. There is so much we don’t already know, and part of the process is try, fail, and try again. Within this lecture we looked at Erik Kessels, particularly his book, ‘Failed It!’ (2016) where he talks about how perfection isn’t a good starting point. If you have nothing to improve, then what’s the point in creating? Nothing will instantly be perfect, and it's human nature to fail. To quote Kessels, “Avoiding mistakes and playing it safe results in shining swirling works of meh.”
In Austin Kleon’s book (2012), ‘Steal Like an Artist’ he compares ideas to genetics. Rather than coming up with something totally original, you draw ideas from your inspiration, evolving the ideas into something more personal. This is because everything has already been made, and a lot of creatives feel this pressure to be completely original, including myself, when it’s almost impossible. Instead of trying to put this unattainable goal in our way, we should be ‘shaped and fashioned by the things we love.’ (Goethe) It allows us to create new, equally inspiring pieces that also serve as love letters to those who inspire you. There is a reason these ideas inspire you, if there is a connection, pursue it.
Around 2012, the Jim Henson Company wanted to create a project based on ‘The Dark Crystal.’ There were many stages of trial and error that lead to the final product. Initially the idea for the show was to create a blend of practical and CGI effects, the Skeksis being puppets, and the Gelfling CGI. The team created a test to see whether this concept would work, and sure enough it didn’t quite have the right look. Instead of cutting the CGI effects altogether, they went all in, creating an entire series filled with nothing but puppetry, but also utilising CGI to add more lifelike movements to their faces, allowing the characters to fully express themselves beyond what puppetry could. Without these tests and failures, the show wouldn’t have worked nearly as well. A product inspired by the creativity of many artists and filmmakers and their creative risks.
Learning as a creative can be vulnerable, but regular feedback, a willingness to improve with inspiration and influence is crucial to your development. It’s important to keep creating, no matter how small or imaginative the projects are, as long as you’re learning with each creation and listening to those who are willing to help, you will gain the confidence within your skills and ideas. Testing ideas and adapting from what works and what doesn’t is what makes you creative.
Working With Actors
Actors are such a crucial element of films. Without actors, there would be a limit on the stories we could tell and how they’re told. I have found that it is essential to build your relationship with actors to develop your best work.
During a workshop held with a couple of actors, we were able to walk through the process of auditions and how they work. As a child actor myself, I am no stranger to the process of auditions and just how intimidating they are. It can be vulnerable having your performance scrutinised in front of an audience. Helping us to understand the anxiety of actors during auditions, we put ourselves in their shoes. We walked through a simulated audition with a ‘Director’ and ‘Camera Assistant’ who would judge us based on our skill. Despite having acting experience, I still found it difficult and felt nervous during the exercise, especially when it came to receiving feedback. What did help, however, was the attitude of the ‘Director’.  
Sally Porter (2014) emphasizes the importance of the relationship between actors and directors, helping your actors feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process. During an audition, actors' nerves are at their highest. Porter suggests turning an audition into something more engaging rather than a brief performance, creating an environment where you converse with your actor, creating a small exercise that opens them up. It allows you to see more than just the performance, but rather the person and their potential beyond the nerves. After an audition, its courteous to thank them, and always get back to them. They’re still people, and even if they weren't the fit for this job, they may be perfect for another.
Director Greta Gerwig has gained a lot of recent attention, and when looking at how she works with her actors it’s no surprise as to why. Gerwig’s work on Ladybird, as seen in the film’s DVD special features (Lorem 2023), Greta holds a close relationship with each actor. Instead of taking full control of each decision they make, she offers them resources that she believes helps add  depth to the characters, and lets them decide whether they want to take that on board. I also love how she encourages actors to incorporate parts of themselves into their work by drawing elements of their personalities and adding it to their characters. I find this helps to immerse an actor and work together to create an authentic performance.
Take the time to get to know your actors. It can be just as, if not more nervous for them when presenting their work, especially if their performance is emotional or challenging, so making sure they’re comfortable is incredibly important. Actors are your colleagues, and the industry runs on collaboration, so work together to create the project all of you are passionate about. There is a difference between constructive criticism and being rude and unhelpful, and we should always be mindful of this.
Group Dynamics
Working in any industry requires a high standard of communication and teamwork, especially in TV and Film. This is due to how collaborative everyone should be, merging all their skills and creativity to make a film that flows and achieves the vision of the director. All departments must work together and communicate clearly for the final product to work, not without great challenges, of course.
During a workshop, we were given an example of how much a lack of communication can cause a production to deteriorate. We were separated into groups and given different roles, each with our own motivations, complaints, and how we need our individual issues to be resolved. Our issues ranged from disagreements with colleagues, wanting to do our jobs to the best of our abilities, budgeting concerns, and even the consideration of firing people within our group. As a result, our film wasn’t in the best shape. Thus began our diplomatic conversations to resolve our problems for the sake of the film. I worked as a sound designer who was dissatisfied with the conditions on set, as there were too many extras, meaning the sound came across as echoey and too loud. I wanted to get the producer fired for hiring too many people. I discussed my thoughts with the director as well as my producer on my feelings and how these issues had been affecting my work, and each of us tried to work around the conditions of the task.
In the end we ran out of time before we could come to an agreement, however it was such a beneficial exercise, and put into perspective how communication is the backbone of any project or working environment. A lot of the issues we were given in the scenario were almost entirely a result of our ‘characters’ poor communication, resulting in petty disputes between departments, leading to major incidents that affected the quality of work. Honthaner (2013) says that ‘efforts made to collaborate on shared common objectives, enhanced by a mutual respect for one another, will inspire the cooperation and loyalty of the cast and crew, will be helpful in promoting a pleasant working environment and will favorably influence your schedule and budget.’
Film is an art form, as well as a business. It’s impossible to expect production to run smoothly without communication. Similarly to how film production works, Digital Theatre+ (2023) explains how an audience sees the final product, the result of work made by a team of collaborators. It takes the work of many departments to provide all the elements needed, such as costumes, lighting, makeup, cameras, set design, props, sound, acting, and so on. Working with a team is a way to create something you could not create on your own (Digital Theatre+, 2023). It’s vital to listen to what everyone has to say and engage with ideas that arise instead of dismissing them. There is no role that is expendable.
Blog 1
Kessels, E. (2016) Failed it! : how to turn mistakes into ideas and other advice for successfully screwing up. London: Phaidon Press.
Kleon, A. (2012) Steal like an artist : 10 things nobody told you about being creative. New York: Workman Publishing Company.
The Crystal Calls- Making the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019) Directed by Randall Lobb [Feature film]. United Kingdom: Netflix.
Blog 2
Lorem (2023) Lady Bird (2017) - DVD Special Features (Greta Gerwig) Available at : https://youtu.be/7d42LCnIIvo?si=JVWAUleXZtEV0i7J (Accessed May 12 2024)
Potter, S. (2014) Naked cinema : working with actors. London: Faber & Faber.
Blog 3
Digital Theatre+ (2023) Unlocking Community: Teamwork and Collaboration. [Place of publication not identified]: Digital Theatre+. Available at: https://edu-digitaltheatreplus-com.glos.idm.oclc.org/content/workshops/unlocking-community-teamwork-and-collaboration
Honthaner, E.L. (2013) The Complete Film Production Handbook. 4 ed. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Available at: http://site.ebrary.com/id/10382849 (Accessed: May 10, 2024).
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christophe76460 · 9 months
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Seul l'Esprit donne la vie éternelle. L'effort humain ne mène à rien. (Jean 6:63 NLT)
C’est une chose d’avoir une conception ou une approche du plan de Dieu, de s’y consacrer, mais c’est une autre chose de savoir comment Dieu va réaliser Son plan. C’est encore une autre chose de connaître les moyens qu’Il compte utiliser. Beaucoup d’entre nous avons une juste conception de ce qu’est le plan divin, mais les moyens employés ne sont pas les moyens de Dieu, leur manière de faire n’est pas celle de Dieu, et de fait il se trouve que le Seigneur ne les soutient pas. Ainsi, ils se trouvent souvent épuisés à rechercher toutes sortes de moyens et de méthodes pour avoir les ressources nécessaires pour porter l’œuvre de Dieu, parce qu’ils n’éprouvent pas la joie de Son Propre soutien. L’œuvre de Dieu devient un fardeau sur leurs épaules.
Par contre, dans le cas de Jésus, c’était le contraire. Jusque dans les moindres détails, Il était en communion intime avec le Père. Pour Lui, cela représentait une obéissance minutieuse au Dessein de Dieu dans son ensemble. La seule explication dont Il avait besoin pour n’importe quel sujet, c’était simplement de connaître ce que le Père voulait de lui et, sans un mot, il le faisait. C’était la base de Sa relation. On ne trouvait aucune trace de questionnement, il était suffisant que le Père le veuille.
Par T. Austin-Sparks à partir de: Le Seigneur ressuscité et les choses qui ne peuvent être ébranlées - Chapitre 7
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hotgirlmuch · 5 years
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“Mirror mirror on the wall, I'm not too short I'm not too tall, but damn if I don't got it all.”
Often cracking jokes or doing something comedical. 100% of the time he's unashamedly roasting someone or putting them on blast. Always managing to find himself in a situation, though he's able to finesse through it. Never knowing when to shut up, sometimes saying things that make you question his intelligence. But when he has those times he can speak on something from personal opinions to pep talking, he won't disappoint. He knows how to get all the honey's, just gotta sit back and let him do his thang.
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“For a long time, it gave me nightmares, having to witness an injustice like that. It shows you just how cruel this world can be. I can still hear them taunting him. 'Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.' Why couldn't they just give him some cereal?”
A sensitive bear that just needs a hug. Often can't catch a break though from Nick roasting him or putting him on blast to never being left alone for his class and style. Austin may seem like he's soft and a punk, but he has words that come in handy in a fight, don't underestimate him. He can be the life of the party...in a quirky way, but he gets everyone pumped.
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“I need money, not boys.”
Look, don't get on his wrong side or catch him on a bad day, he WILL rip you to shreds. A majority of the time he can be America's sweetheart, but if provoked, let the chaos and confusion roll in, and don't think it won't last long. Usually bringing the common sense to the family and often opening their eyes to new perspectives. Aha, people over money?! Don't get it twisted sis.
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“Have you ever seen so many fashion dont's in one room?”
A fashion GOD and he represents the title well. Don't let looks deceive you, he's not getting his hands no matter what you say. Shopping spree? Here for it. Designer? Here for it. Yachts? Here for it. Knows how to give advice — sometimes — and it actually makes sense no matter how vain or ditzy he seems. And yes he's very much ditzy, taking a minute to catch onto jokes and common sense.
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“Don't try and impress me with your fancy education.”
Musically inclined, the way he makes beats and music, you would think he needs to be dj'ing but he doesn't, so he leaves you wondering..."DJ"...but not really dj'ing...Okay. He's the friend that just hangs around, wondering if he even has a life the way he's always over 24/7. He thinks he has a swag that draws all the ladies, when in all actuality he looks like a dork. He may seem stupid, but he's dumb, but sometimes knowledgeable.
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savagebeanz · 4 years
Stroke Game (Worst to Best)
Okay soooooo...
Austin: Can’t really explain this one, he just seems like he can’t stroke, none of his past partners have been vocal enough to tell him he needs work so he thinks he’s pretty decent at it, 2.5 stars
Edwin: Has lots of potential but not much experience, strokes pretty well but could definitely be better, has a hard time hitting your g spot but really knows how to work your clit so that kind of makes up for it. With more practice and feedback he can easily become a 4 star stroker but for now he gets 2.9 stars
Zion: Everything he thinks he knows about sex he’s learned from porn soooooo… a little rough, especially for his size. Probably doesn’t even realize that he’s being too rough. Doesn’t understand that angles matter and doesn’t realize that he strokes better when he goes a bit slower. Capable of being a 5 star stroker, but he needs a vocal girl to help him out. Overall 3 stars (ranked higher than Edwin due to size)
Nick: Thick Dick Nick just naturally knows what to do, strokes you like he was born to do it. Finds the perfect angle with ease and REMEMBERS it. Hits your g spot most of the time (of course everyone has their off days/nights sometimes) and makes it look easy, 4.6 stars
Brandon: This man has the most beautiful stroke you will ever witness, perfect angle, hits your g spot with ease on every stroke. Probably so good because he takes the time to learn your body. Humble enough to understand that he might need to stroke differently than he did with his previous partners (different strokes for different folks?) and will take the first time to work on you until he gets it right. 10/5 stars
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naptoons · 4 years
V-Day Concepts:
So happy Valentine’s Day!!! To everyone even if you don’t have one love yourself !! Treat yourself!!! Consider your friends your valentine or your animals!! You don’t need a valentine it’s not really necessary, as long as you know you have people that love you that’s all that should matter🤍
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I feel like Austin would do something very simple, he would probably take you to the beach teach you how to surf. He’d call you at a certain time knowing how you love your beauty sleep. “Hello?” you answer groggy “get ready bubs, I’m on my way” Austin explains and without your answer he hangs up, making your furrow your eyebrows in confusion, adding more to his plans. Getting dressed you slip on a t-shirt and some shorts. The weather wasn’t too cold but it wasn’t too hot either. Twenty minutes later Austin pulls up to your house, you walk out getting in the car to see the mocha haired boy smiling harder then a kid on Christmas.
“Why are we doing?” You ask with a rasp still.
“I guess you’d have to wait and see beautiful”
Arriving to the beach, there was a table set out with roses and candles, Austin smiled at how your eyes were sparkling like fireworks. He grabs your hand walking you guys to the table he pulls your chair out, then pushing you towards the table. “I can in a t-shirt and shorts to a dinner Austin!” You exclaim through the lump in your throat.
“Well, I wanted you as rare and organic as you are, no makeup with me baby” Austin smiles, you smile as he grabs your hand kissing you knuckles one by one “happy Valentine’s Day” he whispers you gasp not realizing today was Valentine’s Day. You knew it was this month but you didn’t really care for the day that much. After you guys ate y’all waited a while before getting in the water, none of you bought swimwear , literally as raw as he wanted it to be. Austin taught you to surf seeing your fear and happiness in spilt seconds.
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I feel like nick would do something kinda bigger but not so big it causes a lot of attention. I feel like he would take you out to dinner and watch a movie back at the crib on a projector. Nick was already at your house because he spent the night over helping you with your college homework. His fingers caressed your skin softly looking at the time on his phone as it showed ‘6:45 pm’ , nick taps your thighs softly trying to wake you up, when tapping you was futile he started to kiss your face softly and slowly. Your hands sliding through his hair smiling when his lips attach to yours. “How May I help you?” You ask still smiling
“by getting dressed, we’re going out tonight” Nick mumbles against your neck because you’ve pulled him in a hug.
“Hmm, but what if I wanna stay in all night?” You mumble, nick shakes his head tickling you, you let out a sharp scream almost falling off the bed. After the both of you take a shower nick said he had to pick up some stuff from the store. So you got dressed did your makeup and patiently wait for nick. As if on time he knocks on the door. Opening the door he has a bouquet of roses sitting on a top of assorted cheesecake platter along with chocolate covered strawberries. “Nick...” you whimper in admiration, nick walks in the house giving you a quick peck on your lips, and placing your gifts in the kitchen.
“The big bear I wanted to get you isn’t coming until tomorrow , blame amazon prime” nick expresses, you walk up behind him and hug him. “I love you...” you choke, nick spins around in your arms titling your head up to him “no crying!! can’t ruin a hardwork ma’s” he cleans your tears with a napkin. Nick reserved a table for y’all on a rooftop, letting you see how beautiful his hometown was at night, he loved taking you to his hometown, cause you’d be shocked at the scene everytime. Throughout the whole night he just got lost in your eyes. Occasionally picking up in the conversation until you yelled at him “nick! Are you listening?” You smile bigger than ever tonight “not really you’re just to fucking beautiful ma” his accent finally comes out, that’s when you knew he was serious. After dinner you went back to the house seeing him pull down the projector he installed in the living room, sliding in the CD. Half way into the movie, it stops showing text upon the screen, “I’ve finally found out what true love is, I realize I deserve happiness, so now there’s only one thing to do” Nick then pulls out the box in his jacket, getting on one knee, you gasp covering your mouth, your body shaking in shock.
“Will you marry me y/n?” Nick smiles “trust me I have more words to say after this” shaking your head he grabs your left hand sliding the ring on, almost falling off the couch to hug him, he kisses all over you. “God I love you” he repeats with every kiss.
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So with Edwin I feel he would be a little more extra than nick and Austin combined. He’d probably check off your bucket list. So on there you wanted to go ice skating, stargazing and to a sea aquarium. Not only was that on your bucket list you wanted to take a trip to universal studios. So Edwin planned all of it for you. As you were packing your bags Edwin runs in with a bouquet of your favorite flowers “good morning amor, sorry for waking you up this earlier, but it’ll be worth it I promise” he bends down to your level kissing your head softly you grab the flowers out of his hand smiling. Even though you were pretty upset at him for waking you up literally 8am you knew you couldn’t be mad at him “all done here?” He asks grabbing your hand to stand you up.
“Yep, all done” you answer, the boys woke up early to send you guys off on y’all road trip Zion being the extra one he is he advises you to wear a helmet cause Edwin drives crazy. Nick disagrees and says that’s the right way to drive. After hours of driving you made it to the hotel. Y’all rest and the next day the adventures start. He took you to the aquarium, holding your hand as you stare at the jellyfish, his smile increasing the more you gasp and rant. It’s been a while since edwin has dated someone he just wasn’t ready. He just wanted to focus on music, live his life and be happy. But you came by and just changed the moral of the story.
You wasn’t part of his plan, but now everything he ever does revolves around you, you look up at edwin who looks brain dead, just blinking slowly. “Edwin you’re spacing out again” you giggle, his smile appearing again showing off his marshmallow teeth, he pulls you in and kiss you softly. “You’re to beautiful mami, that’s why I keep spacing out” Edwin answers you. Later that night you guys went ice skating. He got on the ice holding your hand as you tried to stand on the ice. Letting out curse words with tiny screams, Edwin just laughs at your cuteness “you think this is funny? I’m going to crack my spine” you exaggerate, Edwin scrunches his nose up laughing at you harder his fingers intertwined with yours. Edwin never takes his hands off yours teaching you how to skate little by little, in that short span of time you caught on quick. The next day edwin woke you up after 11am to eat breakfast, and took you to universal studios. You saw the sign and screamed. Your back lifting off the seat and looking around.
Edwins lips curve slowly, his hands caressing your inner thigh, you turn your head back to him, smiling harder you grab his chin squeezing his cheeks in your hand you give him a soft peck, laying in his shoulder.
“I love you so much” you mumbles
“Impossible, but I love you more babygirl” Edwin says before he kisses your head.
Throughout the day y’all tried to ride everything , when with fast passes it was nearly impossible. It was time to go back to the hotel, you were exhausted from all the walking, the hot weather, but you don’t regret it at all. If you could do it all over again. You sure as hell would. Sliding the key card on the lock you twist open the door seeing the rose trail you turn around and punch edwin’s chest. “Happy Valentine’s Day baby” he whispers on your earlobe and hugs you around your waist.
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I feel like this would be y’all first Valentine’s Day, cause he really wasn’t looking for love and you had to many heartbreaks. So you caught zions eye and obviously he worked hard to have your heart in his hands. And he wasn’t planning on stopping even though he had you. So Valentine’s Day was kinda special for you, you don’t really ask for much, just and I love you text. But he said you deserve everything and more. You deserved to be treated the way he saw you. As a queen, a goddess. Zion had took you to get your nails done, your eyebrows, paid someone to do your makeup, earlier he reserved you a spa treatment. He went above and beyond for you.
You got home after Zion had you running around getting pampered, you went to the room confused by the dress covered in a transparent bag, with the tag on it and everything. A box of Louis Vuitton sitting on the floor, a note was attached to the dress picking it up you read the more Zion left you “get dressed mamas, we’re going out tonight, you thought I would stop spoiling you after I finally got you?” Smiling you shake your head you unzip the transparent cover revealing the beautiful black glitter short dress, you open the box seeing a sliver strap heel. Fifteen minutes later, Zion knocks on your door, dressed in all black to match with you, he offers you to grab his hand. And you see a whole horse and a carriage.
“No way Zion...” you whimper, Zion slides your hand in between his. “Yep, this ain’t a dream mamas” he proudly smiles. Helping you get into the carriage you cross one leg over the other while his hands were on your knee caressing it with his thumb. “You look beautiful” Zion compliments you.
“Of course i do, you picked it all” you laugh
“Nah, it picked you, anything looks good on your fine ass” Zion eases you up and down. You guys went to an art museum that recently just opened, he remembered how excited you were about going to that museum so he figured today was the day that he could take you and so presently they also had a indoor dinner lounge on the backside of the art museum so he also reserve that for the both of you walking around and admiring the art wow Zion is admiring you he figured it was time to give you a promise ring that he has bought for a while but hesitated because he was scared he would overwhelm you.
“Hey mamas?” Zion says has he fidgets with the box in his jeans pocket you turn around smiling as he grabs your left hand caressing it softly with his thumb “ so you know how I promise that I would do everything in my power to keep you and to love you, now I’m promising to never leave you and to forever make you happy no matter what happens to us or no matter where I go even when I’m on tour I promise to always be there for you and to always be the shoulder you need” he pulls out the ring and slides it on your finger. “ I promise that one day when the time is right I will be your husband”
You throw your arms around his neck crying on his shoulders, “aw mamas you’re so fucking beautiful”
Afterwards you guys at dinner and sat in his car watching the stars.
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you guys were at the prettymuch house in his room. You just woke up twenty minutes ago. Brandon busted in the room with an assortment of paints and canvases. “We’re painting!” Brandon yells “I see that baby” you giggle, getting out the bed you pull down Brandon’s hoodie and sit on the carpet, he hands you a canvas and a bottle of water. After three hours. Y’all were both covered in paint from the neck down, laying on your back playing with his fingers. You turn to look at him on the corner of your eyes. “So what did you paint bubs?” You asked smiling.
“You’ll see in a minute but first..” he pulls out a bandana and covers my eyes “grab my hand” Brandon mumbles, while this is going on Zion takes the painting and goes to the backyard, he sits you down on the chair in the backyard throwing a blanket around your shoulders because it was kinda chilly. “Brandon?” You whisper “yeah baby I’m here” Brandon answers “are you ready to see the painting?” He nervously asks. “Yeah” you answer once you open your eyes you see a painting of you and Brandon , with the words ‘will you marry me?’ Brandon is down on his knees smiling at the tears flowing down your cheeks. “You mena everything and more to me, and to make you my fiancé would just be a fucking goal to me, falling in love with you is just as important to me as music, you’re my dream baby, so will you marry me?” You nod your head hearing his members scream and whistle as he slides the ring on your finger.
Afterwards you guys cuddled in a tent watching a movie on the projector, he begins to play with your fingers. “Hm I love you” you whisper then kiss his knuckles softly “I love you more” he tilts your head up to kiss him, smiling in between his kisses. “Happy Valentine’s Day Babylove”
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thotwonu · 5 years
Can u do a part 2 ring
Ring Pt. 2
i honestly wasn’t expecting the response that i got to part one??? drea sent me a screenshot of our notes while i was grocery shopping and i nearly cried in the middle of the fucking store- (i’m extra af) so i put Ring on repeat and this is what happened. again, it’s vague enough to be any of the guys. there’s not a lot of dialogue bc i feel like each of the guys has a distinct way of speaking... -rei
when he finally showed up on her doorstep 2 days later she nearly slammed the door in his face. she’d decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and stop answering calls and texts. she’d been posting nonstop on her story pics of her out with her girls and they all supported her. clearly he was pissed when she rolled her eyes and moved to the side to let him into her apartment. he started in on her. going off about how inconsiderate it was that she had left him hanging. how worried he was about her when she didn’t answer the phone only to see stories of her out dancing on other dudes. she had one eyebrow raised while she sat on a stole near her kitchen counter watching him walk around and talk with his hands. she grabbed the ice cream she’d been eating and scooped some of it into her mouth leaving the spoon hanging as he stopped his rant and turned to face her. “are you even fucking listening to me?” he asked looking at her in disbelief. “are you listening to yourself? because everything you just said has been exactly how i’ve felt the past month. you got two days of that treatment and you had enough. how do you think i felt? while you were choosing the studio over talking to me? you were supposed to go on vacation for 2 weeks. the other boys all went on vacation. you went straight back into the studio. how is that supposed to make me feel? i’m proud as fuck that you have a successful career and that you’re fulfilled and dedicated. but babe, i’m not just some girl who’s gonna prop you up and be content with the bare minimum interaction. i’m your fucking girlfriend,” she tossed her spoon into the sink and put her pint of ice cream back into the freezer. “i just fucking miss you, i miss us.” all the fight sagged out of him. the past two months flashed through his head and he thought about every time he’d left her phone calls to go to voicemail. every time he’d left her on read. she was gripping the counter for dear life. staring at the cabinets and blinking back the hot tears that were gathering in her eyes. suddenly his arms were around her and his lips were pressed to the side of her neck. “i’m sorry mami.” and just like that, the dam broke and she was crying in his arms.
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ninetyninedays · 4 years
what i imagine dating zion kuwonu would be like
A/N: yes this is in concept form, I hope it’s not too long but regardless enjoy! I love you! and Zion
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Zion peppering you with kisses all over (cheek, neck, lips, forehead, honestly whatever he can get his lips on!)
I think physical touch would be his love language
hence the first concept
But I also feel like he wouldn’t be the one for much spicy PDA
Him dragging you to all these different house parties
Giggling with him when you’re both drunk asf at said house parties
And cuddles when you’re high
Looooong ass hugs
Zion trying to teach you how to play Fortnite
Watching Zion playing Fortnite after your failed attempts
Giving him a lil shoulder message “It’s okay baby, you’ll get them next time.”
You when Zion dies in FN
Playing with Simba together
Being complete goofs in public and not giving a fuck
Facetiming while he’s on tour
“I did not know it was possible to miss a person this much it hurts”
Again, long ass hugs all fucking time
“Zion... you’re hurting me”
But still not wanting him to let go
Playing with his hair while cuddling
or while you’re making out
Holding hands whenever you guys go out
Doing this cute ass shit
And your hands getting sweaty but not wanting let go of each other
Dancing together/having dance-offs when you’re alone
Or even at the club/ house parties, yall are in your own universe
Zion hugging you + giving you his jacket when you get cold
I also feel like Zion enjoys being the little spoon as much or even more than being the big spoon
So spooning Zion until h falls asleep
Zion randomly sending texts about how much/why he loves you
Long phone calls after going out on a date
Zion writing little songs on the guitar and sending you voice recordings of them
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headcanon: shopping with zaustin (which would probably be a disaster)
you’d rather shop with two toddlers
bringing them into a lingerie store—forget about it
“you should model these for me, eh?” zion would say.
you didn’t make five full minutes inside of victoria’s secret
austin being honestly supportive of everything you would try on
thinks you would look good whether or not you put a paper bag over your head
“that color looks great on you.”
zion pulling anything tight, mesh or as close to naked as possible from the racks
also zion: trying to get you to buy him shit
“y’know...i always wanted a sugar mama.”
you buy austin whatever he wants instead
stuffing their faces with mall kiosk pretzels to keep them quiet
both of them tumbling around in the children’s play area, before a soccer mom threatens to call the cops
getting you kicked out by mall security
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ethereal-honeygold · 5 years
I wanna write a She's All That / Love Don't Cost a Thing type of AU for Austin. But idk yet.
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bessonsunset · 5 years
Can you write something about your friend dragging you to see pm ( they aren’t that big and are just playing in a cafe place ish ) and you don’t know much about them but you go with her anyway just for the company and enjoy music and Brandon spots you and can’t stop looking at you and you ask your friend which one is he and towards the end of the night you keep flirting and eye contact and whatever and then when you leave to the bathroom he follows and things happen
val’s side note: YETH OMG THIS- wow. hot.🥵 i swear i am a child of god.
Ever since Would You Mind came out, your friend became obsessed with PRETTYMUCH, you ended up learning all their songs due to her repeating them almost everyday. You knew they were all cute boys who knew how to dance and sing, but you weren’t that much into them.
Your friend tells you about this little gig that they’re doing and she doesn’t want to go alone, so you gladly agree to join her, cause why not. Once you were there, you were in the front, as your friend wanted to be there super early to get the best spots. The little cafe starts filling up with fans and you can feel the hype start rushing through your friend and you. Popular songs that they like blasting through the speakers, everyone cheering and screaming, great vibes. If you were being honest, you don’t understand why you’re excited too but you don’t mind, it’s as if your gut’s telling you that this night might be exciting.
The boys come out and as soon as they do, your eyes are instantly glued on one of them. You had always found him the most attractive but didn’t pay that much attention, but right now, it was all you could focus on. ‘Holy crap, who’s that?’ You ask your friend giddily, pointing him out as he was dancing. ‘Ohhh, him? That’s Brandon. Wait… OH. MY. GOD. Are you into him??’ Your friend shouts as she notices how the blush starts creeping through your cheeks and you smile like a fool. ‘I mean… I might be’ You say as you’re checking him out and you swore that he was too.
Damn, was the boy hot. The rest of the concert you keep on exchanging glances with him, you danced to their songs and sang them loud enough to make sure that you were getting his attention. ‘Okay, this is getting weird now. Please tell me that I’m not going insane, cause I could swear that Brandon was looking at you the entire show’ Your friend says after they finish their last song and get off the stage. ‘Well, we were pretty close to them and I was practically eye-fucking him. So, there might be a possibility’ Rush flowing through your veins.
You decide to go the bathroom to wash your face, you could feel that someone was following you. You turn around and there he was, Brandon Arreaga was following you to the bathroom, what a good story to tell your friend. Although you were excited to see him there, the question was floating in your head, what was he doing there?.
‘Um.. Hi, I’m Brandon’ He scratches his head, blushing a little. ‘Hi Brandon, I’m Y/N’ You smile shyly at him, waiting for him to continue. ‘I don’t know if you noticed, but I couldn’t get my eyes off you during the show and I thought you were doing the same. So, I thought maybe I could get your number… Of course, if you want to’ He rambles and your heart’s pounding against your chest. ‘Absolutely, I wouldn’t mind at all, and yeah… I was checking you out too, I find you really attractive actually’ You couldn’t believe your own words, but you were glad you got it off your chest cause next thing you knew, his lips were crashing against yours.
You didn’t know what you were getting into, but whatever this was, you were enjoying it. His hands were grabbing your waist, while his lips hungrily kissed yours. Your hands running wild through his hair. Both of you break the kiss to catch a breath, but he wasn’t letting go that easy and neither were you. Brandon opens the bathroom door, you both get inside and he locks it. Kissing again, you start rubbing your hand against his crotch, the bulge growing in his pants made you want even more. You bend on your knees, he starts unzipping his pants as he lets his d*ck all to you. You don’t hesitate and took him in your mouth as your hands pumped what was left of him. Your movements become sloppier as you could feel how he was close to his release, his hands are on your hair, making you go further. ‘Babe, I...’ His breath hitched and he came, you swallowed and licked your lips proudly. He helps you stand up, brushing your hair slightly, face blushed, swollen lips and tangled hair, that’s what you call a view. 
‘I guess I’ll give you my number now’ You giggle slightly as you try to fix your hair a little. ‘Yeah, that would be lovely-’ Before he gets to say anything else, you hear a knock on the door. ‘Y/N, are you there? You okay?’ Your friend calls from outside, and you could see Brandon was starting to get nervous. ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got this, just go with the flow’ He nods. ‘Yes, I’m fine! Give me a minute and I’ll see you outside, okay?’ You shout to your friend. ‘Fine. But don’t take too long cause I’m starving!’ She says and with that, she’s gone. ‘As I was saying,’ Brandon unlocks his phone and hands it to you so you could add your number ‘it would be amazing to actually get to know each other. I’m into you, Y/N’. You finish typing your number and smile at him, ‘Perhaps we should Brandon, and maybe you could help me and let my friend meet Zion, as a thank you gift?’ You say as you unlock the bathroom door and head outside, Brandon following your steps. ‘If it wasn't for her, this wouldn’t have happened’ You say as you think of your friend and how you couldn’t be more thankful that she dragged you here. ‘If that means I’ll get to see you again, then you bet’ He winks and pecks you goodbye. Eventful day if you may say so yourself.
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bittersweetdaisesx · 5 years
Close as strangers| Brandon Arreaga
Inspiration: close as strangers by 5 seconds of summer
Concept: Brandon has been away on tour for sixth months now and you had to stay in your city for school as you had important exams that you needed to study for. You’ve been really missing him and you feel half of a whole every day you come back to that quiet empty house. You try to call/ FaceTime each other every day but you always get interrupted by him needing to go sort something for the show or your parents or siblings calling you away. Even the times when you’re not interrupted it’s not the same, it’s not enough.
It feels like we’re talking on a broken line when I’m telling you I haven’t seen your face in ages
You miss that physical contact, not even in a sexual way; you miss him hugging you from behind and snuggling his head in to your neck, holding his hand as you walk down the street or when you’re lying head on his chest watching tv and his soft skin is brushing your face and his heartbeat is drumming in your ear. At times you wish he has stayed but you catch yourself and remember that he’s living his dream and you wouldnt want to be in the way of that. You have a break from school in a few days so decide to hop on a flight and surprise him. You text the rest of the boys and fill them in on what you’re doing and they’re fine with it; your plan is to surprise him after their Philadelphia show. You arrive in Philly with a few hours to kill, you decide to head a celebration store and buy a surprise banner then go to the nearest supermarket to buy champagne for all the boys to celebrate their show. You also buy some red roses for the two of you. You set up your display in the dressing room and wait patiently until the shows over. A security guard comes in startling you to tell you they’ve just finished. You go hide in the adjacent room until they’re in the room. You hear murmurs and confusion
“What’s the surprise banner for?” Nick states
The rest of the boys are in also in state of confusion, commenting over each other about why this is all here.
They’re all examining the gifts you provided as you come out of the room and yell surprise. Brandon whips around knowing that voice instantly; runs to you picks you up and grabs your face planting a deep kiss on it. He breaks the kiss flashing his pearly white smile to ask you why you’re here.
“ I missed you so much and had some time off so I couldn’t not come see you”
“Im so glad you’re here, you don’t know how much I missed you babe”
“ unfortunately we do” Zion says “ he wouldn’t stop talking about you”
You chuckle as a blush creeps on to his face
“How long are you staying for?” He asks
“ the rest of tour.” His eyes light up peppering kisses all over you, finding it difficult to contain your excitement.
You go back to the hotel where you all spend the night sipping on the champagne you bought and joking about. You all eventually doze off bringing the day to a close.
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hotgirlmuch · 5 years
If Austin had a mixed baby:
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First off, the babies closet would be almost full of footsies that were animals.
He'd buy bear onesies for all of you to wear like on a special family day.
Saturday's are family day, which is watching movies, playing, and literally doing anything and everything together.
When you come into the living room from being in the laundry room or doing a chore, the baby would be watching TV like this:
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She's so used to the animal onesies, she'd get angry if you didn't put them on her after she got out the bath...and she's only nine months.
Space name! Astrid, Celeste, or Luna, most likely Celeste.
She'd be soo independent and smart at a early age.
"Do you want mashed potatoes for dinner?"
"Alright...how about peas?"
She'd be the type of baby to be open to eating anything or everything, Austin would simply say, "Here, try it. If you don't like it, you don't have to eat it."
So she'd make a face and pull it out of her mouth, looking at it strangely and put it in his hand when he'd hold it out. Or she'd swallow, looking at him with a straight face, and when he looks at her with anticipation she'd babble something while squealing.
"Yaay! Senpai tried something new." And she'd thrive in his praise.
Only. organic. products. or. else. Austin. spazzes.
She'd be laying in the bed while he's doing artwork with soft hip-hop music playing.
She'd babble stuff while he painted, she wouldn't need him to respond because she knew he was listening as long as they were in the same vicinity then to eventually fall asleep with her pacifier in her mouth when she watched him.
Posting Instagram photos for every month on the day she was born until she was one.
"Celeste Marie Porter" "9 months" "xxlbs, xxin"
First art project? Hand tree. He'd love it even more when she'd get the washable finger paint everywhere.
"She's officially becoming a true artist if she gets dirty. That's like the 'designation' of an artist."
Mama Porter spoiling her little caramel grandbaby.
Everyone would be surprised she has a biracial granddaughter, "Oh she's such a cute little bright baby."
Mama Porter wouldn't see color like that, she's cute ONLY because she was mixed? Nah.
But she would admire the mixed attributes of the baby, like the curls, and pretty eyes.
Zion admitting he's surprised he got with a black girl everytime he comes over for the Sunday familial get together.
"Damn Porter, you surprised me that day..I literally didn't think you got a girlfriend that was one of the chocolates until I met her."
"Zion you don't have to mention this every Sunday."
Edwin literally screaming when he'd see you holding her, "AH LA PRINCESA!" and grabbing her out of your arms.
All the boys - Edwin over the top - loving her because Austin'd be the first to have a family.
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savagebeanz · 4 years
His Kinks/Fetishes
Brandon: choking, orgasm control, sexy massages, blindfolds, anal sex
Edwin: group sex, food play, deepthroating, begging, teasing
Austin: watching you strip, watching porn with you, using sex toys on you (specifically vibrators)
Nick: anal sex, toe sucking, filming to watch for later, face sitting
Zion: bondage, ball gags, orgasm control, deepthroating, face fucking
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thegoldensundreamer · 5 years
Deadass imagine Austin coming up to you with a bunch of brushes and paint and just saying “we’re having a paint night and your not stopping it” and legit spend the entire night painting with him while watching anime or something. He would doodle little ghosts on your body and giggle at the way they turn out every time you turn to finish your piece and I LOVE IT. After yall finish you just cuddle up in a blanket with him and order takeout as you watch the finale for the show and cry cuz it was so good while just being surrounded by his arms and warm embrace and just fall asleep hugging and being so close. Then you wake up and he tryna have some morning sex UGH I JUST LOVE THAT
@urhotilikeu this was for xo💞
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thotwonu · 5 years
i wanna write a cncomuch au based on fast and furious but i have to finish til the casket drops first. —rei
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