#atlas friendo
oppaihun · 5 months
0 15 33 39?
0: Height
15: Favorite movie
Spirited Away and The Tale of Princess Kaguya
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Not so much like a whole sentence being told but I like knowing that someone feels safe and comfortable with me. And honestly my nephew does it I think best way by looking around and then looking at me and giggling bcs he knows he’s okay if I’m there.
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
So it’s called So Delicious (brand) mocha almond fudge, it’s a popsicle and it’s dairy free which is stellar for me because lactose intolerance hits hard on ice cream for me.
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sasukesharingan · 1 month
I didn’t know hating Aang wasn’t an unpopular opinion until I got back on tumblr. I thought it was just my scumbag ex being a red flag? Lol y’all wild
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bleekay · 2 years
anyway i think itd be nice if the whole atla gang was meant to take a month-long reunion friend-reconnection extravaganza trip 15 years after they all settled in their different roles and jobs and parts of the world, but a few days in Problems at their respective jobs/homes/families start popping up that force each of them to leave early one by one until only zuko and sokka are left for weeks alone and it's awkward until it's not so bad until it's actually kinda romantic all of a sudden and just when they start to recognize what's going on, friendos all start coming back, having solved their issues at home and absolutely ready to rejoin the last leg of their reunion vacation together which puts no strain at all on anyone's budding feelings whatsoever
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gloryride · 11 months
Then & Now
Honourable mentions to some others babes ! (Roxanne is too young to have evolution, Aurore and Mieko don't have enough pics to compare)
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This first pic is meh ... but it's his first one. I wanted a corpo, as Vanessa is streetkid and Virgile nomad. A not so nice but fancy one. I succeed i guess. I kept most of his feature : blue eyes, Tyger Claws tattoos, black cyberarms, black fancy clothes. He had gorilla arm, but remove for Takemura hand, changed his face cyberware for something stronger And now he has Atlas body (a) wasn't convinced for it, so i just tried and ... oof, grumpy boy wins some sexyness !
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He was just random lovely guy at first ! This hair was a mod, before cdpr dropped it in CC, it inspired me to create Vanessa's ex, without knowing he will be my fav himbo ♥ The face, the hair, vitiligo and golden arm are already there ! I just found him this neat style, living his own life on Pacifica. This boy grew up so much. Kala's tattoos, i changed his eyes to prettier ones, love his yellow sunglasses as accessories. He's now ace, DJ, has some friends (tall friendo Vinniiiiie) ... and even this pic isn't the last one, it's my fav of him. His smile, his look, i didn't set up light, that's only Pacifica sunset and aaaaaaaah ! love it ♥♥
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Look this baby !!!!!! I knew Virgile had a brother, and when i made his npv, i really wanted to create Enzo. Based on Virgile's preset, i did some differences as they're half-brother, but share the same nose for example. He had long hair in bun and ... idk, looks like a baby. Then i lost most of my presets, and i redid with some pics i had, and changed things. Actual Enzo isn't exactly the same, but what a glow up ! He was cute, he is HOT ! I changed his hair, i prefer the new ones, as their complexion and body mods. I custom his body with new tattoos and i'm still working on his hands, he has some burn scars on it ...
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aestasachie · 8 months
Cleared NA Norwich calamity grand battle!
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I love this fight, i could use Mandricardo with Child of Atlas CE against Norwich calamity and he's unstoppable! I love him so much 🥹
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Bro that MLB Atlas CE is insane, ignore def + 40% atk up against berserker is the most superb CE for this particular battle. Used 1 CS for a more dramatic effect because i wanted to do the whole fight with my friendo.
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lunamadrigal · 2 years
Found this and it screams of Auri x Diego to me Here
In fact I was thinking while rewatching ATLA that Zuko's character is a mix of Auri x Diego, after Zuko turns good. This clip of him practicing what to say for example.
Has @daliceus ever told you how she hears Auri's voice? I think Zuko's VA could match him? Maybe.
KSJAHAH that animatic is absolutely adorable 😭😭 like whaaaaaat 😭 very them.
Oooooo I love Zuko's VA and am tempted to say it could suit Auri but maybe to me Auri's voice would be a lil deeper? I like the raspy sound of Zuko's tho. Like a fire crackling ya know? I like how your brain works friendo
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psn-stalling · 5 months
I wasn't having to ask myself until y'all distracted him with nonsense but fine ig! Atlas, friendo. I gotta know what kinds of activities Pecharunt is suggesting you guys do. Also why is it just chilling with you like what?
It's trying to get me to go catch the rest of the Loyal Three and flee Kitakami with them so they don't get caught by the mercinary that's after them. This thing really hurts my head though.
It's also very irritating because it is mad about a lot. It's still mad about Ogrepon and is VERY angry about a multitude of other things I didn't catch from it.
Some of the less harsh things it asks include just... Taking care of it really. Phrased harshly but that's all it is really.
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starmakesart · 3 years
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Happy Birthday @phauxal i love you
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oppaihun · 6 months
3, 8, 14, 22?
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Started getting into Sleep Token and Hanabie this year and that was the best decision ever. Both groups are sillies that put out absolute bangers.
8. Game of the year?
For new releases I actually enjoyed the COD Campaign it also wrecked me emotionally. But I recently figured out how to revive my old Alice Madness Returns game so I've been going through that again to try and 100% it
14. Favorite book you read this year?
I just started Good Omens and I'm in love with Sister Mary. Very Autism coded. I also blasted through like half of Way of The House Husband and Assassins Creed Dynasty
22. Favorite place you visited this year
I didn't really go anywhere due to shitty health, but I did get to go to the mall like twice for Barnes and Nobel and that was pretty rad.
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aangarchy · 4 years
My friend soy is watching atla with us for the first time, and I’m gonna write down everything they comment. Soy is 13 and their pronouns are they/them.
Oh look it’s the downvote boy
She going like “bonk BONK.”
Oh it’s the tea man!
Is zuko gonna be like an angsty anime boy with daddy issues?
That bitch just FLEW
I stan him already, I love war criminals.
His HANDS are upvotes
Get your BIGASS HEAD outta there. Thank you sir.
I’m sorry to tell you guys. But aang has a bigass head. Like if I’m gonna slap that thing it’s gonna go like “BOING”. I can’t stop thinking about it.
It’s the titanic!
You think I wanna thirst over a bald kid?? With a downvote on his head???
Can’t you just bonk on his head and beat it like a drum?
I just like katara and thats the only one I like, I hate everyone else
Okay mister army boy can you shut the fuck up? Goddang!
*gasp* the CHILD!
Ah that’s a giant SHIP. Look how BIG it is. So BIG.
Why is he destroying entire villages to find a toddler?
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infxrity · 3 years
sup anyways i’m not asleep bc yeah so hello
Hi 😖
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paragonrobits · 4 years
Thoughts on the claim that aang doesn’t like none benders
im sorry, people are making WHAT claim??
who dares besmirch the greatest philosopher of modern times, direct me at that I may challenge them to honorable battle to the death, as is the custom of savage Sakaar
okay but jokes aside, who the fuck is making the claim that Aang dislikes non-benders?? this sounds like the ‘the core of Aang’s character is selfishness’ edgelord talk to me.
like, obviously, this makes no sense to me. Aang never shows any disrespect towards nonbenders, in any way or form. He doesn’t speak differently to them, he’s not rude or dismissive; he listens to them as he does to everyone else. in a way, there is a parallel between him in Azula; both of them recognize the equal ability of benders and non-benders, though Azula others only in the capacity of level of escalating threats or tools.
and you can make the argument of all characters, that Aang should be the one who is most expected to have attitudes because they’re very weird for him. Aang’s society, due to how spiritually focused it was, was entirely composed of Airbenders; there were no non-benders canonically (though i can see an argument for fan content where non-bending Air Nomads lived more pastoral lives, moving from farmland to another and cultivating as they went), so the very idea of them is rather alien from his perspective.
But yeah, Aang shows no disrespect towards non-benders, and if he’s prone to mischief and they seem targeted, bear in mind that Aang has a gremlin spirit and no one is immune to his pranking and trolling except Katara.
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karuframe · 5 years
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casualframe collection no.2
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coccinellemiracle · 5 years
@emblazcned  // continued from x 
The young fire bender could not hide his hesitation from her, but then again she didn’t bother to hide her curiosity to as why he was hesitant to display his gift for her. She was aware most elements were dangerous if not bent by the right hands, yet that didn’t stop her from coming to see the new Firelord by the Avatar's request. However, the person who kept the Miraculous Box safe had the Avatar give his word that the Ladybug earrings would be kept somewhere safe while Tikki was left free to interact with the current Firelord in order to offer some advice or even give him some luck. To which the Avatar agreed, Where he kept them? Not even she knew for her own safety & that of the humans of this world. When he turned sideways to avoid her gaze she zoomed down to the fold of his arms where she perched herself on top of his crossed arms looking at him with a soft smile. 
❝  You know you don’t have to use that as an excuse. It’s okay to admit that you're hesitant about a decision.  True, but the same can be said for the other elements. Correct? ❞  
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fagphobe · 6 years
@butchstump is one of the best people on this site if you say other wise you can catch these hands 
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jurakan · 2 years
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Alright so I've given this one to @gonturan0 in chat before, but in Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina, just in a small park not far from the college campus, there's a ruin of an Egyptian obelisk.
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So full disclosure: this isn't actually an obelisk at all. It's the ruins of a structure from a railroad track. In the late 80's, they demolished the track to make room for the residential area nearby, but this part wouldn't go down. So they left it. Local artist Richard Lane thought it looked like some kind of ruin, and he painted the image of Ra and the hieroglyphs on it. It's had to be restored when the colors faded, but right now it looks pretty good! (I took this picture myself a few weeks ago).
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Some of the hieroglyphs are Beatles lyrics. Some of them? According to Atlas Obscura, remain untranslated (it's possible they have been, and I just don't know). There was a reward offered by the local newspaper for a translation (said reward was a free spa day). The artist refused to say.
So now you know, friendo!
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