#ateez lore slideshow
sillyspero · 12 days
The Ultimate Ateez Lore Slideshow!!
Notes For Best Experience:
-TAKE YOUR TIME!! This is not meant to be read in one sitting. It is long but the slides go by quickly so don’t rush
-Read in the order I have written everything. It is arranged very intentionally for the best understanding and you WILL get confused if you read out of order I promise
-Click on albums in upper left to get back to the table of contents (these also represent what album I’m sourcing the info on the slide from so they DO serve a purpose I swear)
-Use Ctrl+Shift+F to make it full screen <3
-This was made for locals so if it feels like obvious information, it is for them.
-This was also made mainly for my best friend who likes SKZ and the FNAF DCA fandom so if there is seemingly unrelated stuff like that in there, it is for her. 🙂
-All sources are noted at the end of the slides, please go and support!!
Dedication/Special Thanks:
To @cacaocheri - Thank you so much for sending me your OC lore slideshows and inspiring me to make this. Without those incredible slides you made and your enthusiasm for hearing my retelling of the Ateez lore, I never would have even conceived of this idea.
To @stargardenmaiden - Thank you for being so encouraging throughout the process of making this! You were so supportive even when I felt like I wasn’t qualified and it means so much to me that you care about this even a little bit. I am also infinitely grateful for your help when I had internal conflicts about the intensity of this hyperfixation. I can’t wait to show you this final product in person.
To @atiny-for-life - Without your masterlist, I would never have gotten into the lore at all. You don’t know me but your blog is the reason I ended up downloading tumblr (because it stopped me from reading your whole lore post). Even beyond that point, your detailing of the lore served as a great jumping-off point for me to work with as I formed my own ideas and pieced everything together. It was VITAL for this slideshow.
To @hongjoongsgoat @halavibe @dontstaytiny - In my short time here on tumblr so far, I have been so grateful to my first true mutuals. You guys have been so kind to me and really welcomed me into the fandom with open arms. Thanks for being great friends here on tumblr!
To @wooyoungisbaby - Thanks for your enthusiasm about the project and thank you to everyone on your discord server for their encouragement and support as well! It means a lot to me!
I learned so much through this project and it has been really cool to dig into a community in this capacity so I hope you guys love it!
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
nnnngh i'm repeating myself but also
while musically this trilogy has been Alright -- not the best, hi maison, but definitely Solid especially in the b-side department -- conceptually... yeah. the "save the earth before it's too late" concept is a good and interesting one -- let alone making a whole trilogy centered around it, let alone as a girl group! the n/f/t thing sort of ruined it for everyone a bit, but honestly whoever sincerely believes kpop groups and kpop companies are going to be serious about activism is an idealist, to be polite. they're here to make money and also music. BUT. it just felt so... idk, disjointed? not fully there?
the dystopia trilogy at least had the "tree of language" bit, the thing that started a tiny little story and let the audience know what the comebacks are going to be about. and it tied scream and odd eye neatly! sure, they didn't achieve bts levels of sincerity in their lyrics (LET THEM WRITE LYRICSSSSS GOD), but the general meaning was there, and the story surprisingly ended badly. things are bad -> things shouldn't be bad -> well, we tried to find the ideal world where things wouldn't be bad but we failed. it was something!
but i feel like the apocalypse trilogy just... dropped the ball on more than one front. it doesn't even live up to its name! even if you don't associate the word "apocalypse" with darker, heavier and more guitarry sound, the first album literally had together, cherry and playground on it -- they're poppy and cheerful! come on! vision was a turn in the right direction -- once again the lyrics talk about mobilizing yourself and picking up the fight, hell yeah!, and fairytale was absolutely stellar, but on the other hand the rap quality and the number of actual songs on the album dropped, which only made the obligatory mellow piano ballad more irritating. but hey, onwards to the final part...! and the final part is. a love song.
don't get me wrong, i love bon voyage with all my heart in its gorgeous melancholic-yet-full-of-energy glory. but it's a love song. someone said it's a song about leaving the person you love for the greater good? to do your duties and save the world? but like, man, i don't get this from the lyrics. it's a love song from the point of view of someone who tries to leave because they have scars, faults, bad experiences under their belt, but despite everything they still can't, and keep on imagining the future they could share with their loved one.
this... would be something, definitely, if there was at least some sort of introduction, if the previous two title tracks weren't manifesto-type songs to Everyone. if the mvs showed deukae not just as cool warriors with superpowers fighting (?) some kind of enemy (?), but also real people with feelings and attachments -- for example to each other! everyone and their grandma is doing lore, but for example bts and currently ateez have those little diary things where members(' characters) write down their adventures. we're trying to change the past! overthrow the oppressive regime! while having our own problems, fears, people we worry about! holy shit, what happened to yeosang! and it would've really worked well with deukae! i don't really care about lore that much myself, but perhaps it could keep the fans occupied between comebacks and render references actually meaningful rather than "oh hey, this is the same dance move/similar (something) as in (mv title)!".
but it's just not there, and instead the trilogy is just a mess. sure, you've got a fucking. furry cell mascot out of absolutely nowhere, and yoohyeon is on a horse, and sua is jumping real high to... grab a pigeon mid-flight? but how does it actually connect to the story? what's going on? back in vision, dami was doing Something, was she a spy? in this mv, gahyeon is doing Something to the barrier, will she succeed? we just don't know! and it's irritating. the mv is just a slideshow of unfairly pretty shots, but they're pretty for the sake of being pretty and nothing else. we've gone a Long way since chase me, and while the budget sure is bigger... yeah, chase me and other older title track mvs actually kept you watching, because you were wondering where it would all lead. there's some guy! that's creepy! horror imagery! this is vaguely disturbing! where are they going with this? now it's just... oh she's pretty. oh she's pretty. oh she's pretty. that's it. and honestly, it's not like this is bon voyage's invention, deukae mvs have been steadily losing plot elements for a good while, but this mv is like... the epitome. yoohyeon's on a horse.
IF they're not breaking the... well, it's only two albums, so you can't call it a "tradition", but if they're not going to break the barely-there-tradition of special mini albums between the eras, their next comeback will be one and i'm already wondering what it's going to be. especially considering it's probably going to come out in like... november, and that's already fair into the Dark Part Of The Year, spooky season etc, so if they want to give us a darker sister of BEcause, i'm all ears, eyes etc.
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sillyspero · 17 days
two albums left to cover for the lore slideshow (outlaw and fin.will) yippee!! i think i might be able to successfully finish it before the new album drops! 4 months in the making 😮‍💨
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^how i be staring down the incoming Golden Hour lore
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sillyspero · 13 days
the ateez slideshow is so long i think there is something wrong with me 😭 i think it’ll be up by tomorrow tho! thank you for the support it was so unexpected!!
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sillyspero · 8 days
Hi! I have a question. I so love the doc I read earlier (am currently still reading okay for the third time), and how true are your claims on what happens in the Treasure series? The first part of the doc, that is. I mean it makes sense, amazingly if you ask me, but I always get headaches when trying to figure out stuff about Treasure, and I read the doc and zero headache. And then I was like, that easy?
Which is why I'm asking, what are your sources? Or is it just an assumption of yours? Or am I just dumb? (I'm having a crisis I know😭)
I'm thankful for the work you and your friends/acquaintances did on the doc though. I see it helping lots of loretiny.💜
awww thank you so much!! my theories for treasure are definitely my shakiest… I think the most true explanations of treasure are the most complex but i wanted to try to figure out the way i could most simply and logically lay it out for the sake of this being a simpler, more introductory slideshow. all my sources are linked at the very end but i believe it was this video that was at the core of a lot of my theories about treasure specifically. i would not take my thoughts on treasure to be fact but they’re not totally unsubstantiated as far as ik. i think when it comes to the timelines is where it gets shaky and that’s why i copped out and put it on its own timeline for simplicity’s sake :) i definitely recommend doing your own hypothesizing or looking into it more if you’re interested! i think Tiny Bug Ink on youtube has some exceptional theories that are way better, they were just way too complex for something like this that is supposed to be summarizing as fast as i can.
also thank you for the kind words! i actually worked on it solely by myself but the community has been so welcoming and i found a lot of good information from many atiny while researching (which i think is what you’re referencing?) so i’m glad i can give back to the community in that way! :D also please feel free to message me if you have more questions/wanna talk about it more! my dms are open
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sillyspero · 27 days
Ateez Lore Help PLEASE
ATINY I need your help so bad! I am working on an extensive ateez lore slideshow to share with my non-atiny friends and I really want to include the quotes where Ateez and Halateez are together and ask "are you evil?" and "are you good?" respectively. I think it is a super cool clip and I think it is really pivotal to the story in a lot of ways.
I cannot find the video for the life of me. Ik for a fact it goes with Answer because it ends with San on the table and it says "the answer is..." but I can't find it on Ateez or KQ's channels. I was able to find a reupload of it here but was hoping someone could tell me where I could find the original.
I want to make sure I do my due diligence and I lowkey feel like I'm going crazy LOL
@atiny-for-life please help loremaster
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sillyspero · 26 days
the ateez lore slideshow is getting so long even when i’m trying to be as concise as possible 😭😭 i just finished the fever series and it’s at 200 slides
anyways i’m having fun tho. hoping to finish real soon!
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