#assault with a knife
latenightsundayblues · 9 months
Dogboy stu here, dogboy stu there, how about some HYENAboy stu for a little bit of variety (this idea wouldn't leave my head until I finally doodled it real quick) ((this is my first time ever touching a furry art style and it is BLATANT))
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Yeah, Billy's still a cat. Once a catboy always a catboy.
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silver-dragonborn · 1 month
Draft: Right Hook
please do not repost or reblog
This is just a little something I concocted because I wanted to write Rhaenyra going absolutely feral and snapping. I'll probably have the final version done by next week.
Rhaenyra did not hesitate under the shadow of the dagger and punched Alicent on an instinct with her right hand (just like how Daemon taught her), gasped as her knuckles jarred against the Queen's delicately soft cheek, and sent a jolt of pain to her shoulder. Chaos erupted as Alicent collapsed in a heap of green skirts with a squeal, dagger clattering, and hair twisting across her cheek now bloodied by the full set of rings on Rhaenyra's fingers. Alicent looked up at Rhaenyra in a daze, blood leaking from her nose and her split lip, and for an instant, she had this strange expression. Hurt, yes. Angry, of course. But more afraid than either one. Like the look Rhaenyra had herself, maybe, when that horrid woman had commanded that Joffrey be brought to her.
"RHAENYRA!" Viserys was roaring now, face red, eyes bulging with outrage, but Rhaenyra was miles away, eyes never leaving Alicent's, she bent down and slowly picked up the dagger, fingers curling around the hilt. Hard. "No, father," she said, her tone an eerie calmness that cut through the chaos. "She attacked me, your heir, with a knife and I was given no choice, but to defend myself and my sons." Alicent was trembling now, the bloody smear Rhaenyra's rings left behind now fully bleeding. 'It will scar,' she thought distantly feeling a curl of satisfaction in her gut. 'Was this how Alicent felt when she insulted me again, and again within the walls of my own home?'
Rhaenyra's eyes slowly slid across the stunned faces of her father's Kingsguard, taking note of their reactions before stopping on Aegon himself, face pale and trembling. It was time to put an end to this. "You have a choice, brother. Family," she pointed to herself, "Or treason," Rhaenyra pointed the blade's tip at the fallen Queen who was still too stunned to scream and demand punishment. They were Ladies of King Viserys' court and Ladies did not fly at each other with knives or throw punches like brawling soldiers, but it would seem Driftmark had unpeeled the hidden layers of the Hightower's savagery and Rhaenyra's carefully hidden fire.
"Viserys, please, our children," Alicent bleated, but Rhaenyra would not be swayed by her tears. Even the most pitiable posed a threat and her old friend had proven time and time again that she would not stop until House Targaryen was torn apart.
"Family or Treason. Choose now, little brother."
Whether it was the realization that his mother had gone too far or the unnatural fire in his sister's eyes, Aegon practically scrambled to Rhaenyra's side and pointed a finger at Alicent, shrieking, "It was her! She spread the rumors! She and Ser Criston! It was them! It was them! They wanted to make me King! Her and Grandfather! They committed treason! It was them!"
Visery's cane clattered, Otto swayed and Alicent wailed.
It would be a long night indeed.
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aromacaque · 7 months
it's so crazy to me how many people don't know ocd gives you intrusive thoughts. that's literally the entire disorder. it's The intrusive thoughts disorder that's kinda it's whole thing
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rezident369 · 2 days
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— Gormless assault —
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T.R.A.G.: Tactical Rescue Assault Group (Sunsoft - PS1 - 1998)  
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b4st4rd-420 · 9 months
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unopenablebox · 10 months
i made a longer more irritating post about this that i deleted but ive been getting intensely sleepy between 6 and ~10pm lately so i decided to try actually going to bed around 8:30, since 🌸 is out of town and i'm often up until 2 bc im staying kind of synced to their schedule and am usually very sleepy
entirely predictably the result of this was that i fell asleep instantly, woke up at like midnight, and now it's 3:20 and i am simply not going back to sleep
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Strange SCARY happenings in Lumiose, BZZZT! Here is NEWS article, bzzzt.
News Flash: Family of Four injured by sudden unprovoked attack by young man, investigations ongoing
A man and his three daughters were nearly hospitalised after an unprovoked knife attack by a random passer-by.
The man, believed to be a normal resident of Lumiose city, was holding a knife and wandering dazedly around the Lumiose city walkways. Upon sight of the four, he assaulted the three children and their father, giving the latter a deep cut on the arm.
Police were alerted to this incident at about 7.23 PM and arrived on the scene in time to prevent any further harm.
The attacker did not seem to be lucid at the time of attack and capture, and “was in a sleepy trance, like being possessed,” as described by the father of the three girls. When the attacker regained control of himself and was questioned, he stated that he was “only watching TV” and that “the next thing i knew before passing out i was here (being captured by police).”
Investigations are ongoing.
GOSH, bzzzt. Better not bring Mono out for now, BZZZT!
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humhalelujah · 1 year
idk how to put it exactly but i don’t like ppl trying to use the new ep to be like “wow look at how violent ellie is. she doesn’t care about human life” SHE WAS GOING TO BE RAPED???
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randomnameless · 1 month
"We need our vassals to believe the Empire will always come to their aid. Always." This is actually kinda interesting, considering Edelgard's ideals amount to "people need to rely on their own strength rather than relying on others." There's a case here that she's keeping that from her vassals, and by them relying on her they're ultimately seen as lacking merit in her eyes and giving her room to dismiss them. Then there's the Hubert/Shez support saying that she's coddling the nobility while oppressing the commoners, and her reforms attracting nobles from the Kingdom opposed to Dimitri's pro-commoner reforms while Hubert and Monica's makes it out that she's going to free the nobility from their responsibilities to do whatever they please. Hopes is just another flavor of Safflower. In Safflower, she needed to rely on the Agarthans for her war, but had made them dance to her tune according to the Japanese text before ultimately disposing of them. In Blaze, she relies on the nobility for support, but her support ultimately gives her grounds to strip them of their power after the war. It's the same Edelgard, just working with a different group of scumbags.
Idk if the devs bought their own lie or something like this with Supreme Leader, but damn if sometimes her writing - and the reaction to her actions - is completely different whether you think about this "PR" mindset, or not.
I could even compare this to the fandom surrounding her, you have the very devoted fans thinking #griffithdidnothingwrong because Supreme Leader wondered once in an anonymous ask what to do with Rhea if she refuses to surrender, and "turn her in shiny double axes" wasn't an option, just like her asking Rhea'n'all to surrender in the last chapter of Tru Piss...
And yet, she also has her lines where she congratulates herself and Billy for getting the world of those pesky pointy ears, saying as early as chapter 12 to motivate her troops that her path leads to Rhea's death and telling to Billy, before the "plz surrender" speech that she wants to eliminate the evil lizard lady so...
We can see the same about her parents' romance in Garreg Mach - debunked by a nameless who says no imperial heir has attended in recent ages - Aegir being responsible for the experiments when Hubert says it was Thales, or even, "Willy's sekrit history"... Are we supposed to buy Supreme Leader's words - as she is known to lie to her allies "Rhea so BaD she launched nukes in Arianrhod!", or at times are completely wrong/misguided "the church divided Adrestia Fodlan in three entities to control them" when we Know Loog's rebellion was supported by Agartha and Rhea only acted the end of the War because the Emperor of that time lost against the barbarian and Faerghus was independant in all but in name?
Jerry, as much as I like the guy, says it best : Supreme Leader's words are meaningless.
In an usual setting/VG, people would judge her for her various actions... but Flamey is forgotten by the plot because the "slapping my ass" cipher card had to be sold, characters become vapid and moan about "uwu IdEaLs" when no one notices that, uh, any ideal that goes "you are from race B you cannot rule over race A" sucks no matter what...
So what is the "real" Supreme Leader (Watsonian wise, of course, Doylist wise, she's Fodlan's resident waifu)? #griffithdidnothingwrong or, what we've been saying since day 15, someone who, just like Arvis and arguably Ashnard, manipulates people by creating/seizing opportunities to further her own agenda?
I love Gustadolph and I love Arvis, but if their games treated them with the same kiddy gloves they used for Supreme Leader, aka not having anyone call them out on their actions and slobber over the "IdEaLs" regardless of the means and immediately backing off when they could actively discuss about those "IdEaLs", I would like them... less, I guess.
Supreme Leader's PR "line/plans" here reveals her cunning - even if there is the "only one supply line" issue - because she is actively working to "build" an image of a leader whose people/vassals will be loyal to, at the same time, she is fully aware it is nothing but an image because she just has to pretend to care, not care for real, but it also reveales what she thinks of "chivalry" in general and all those notions of mutual help/assistance.
As you pointed out, for someone who's all "might makes right" + "bootstraps", Lonato goofing the plan they devised is just a moron who's going to run to his own death. Let he be a vassal or ally of circumstance, she doesn't really care about his death, aka, about the death of the people who bought her flag and are now on her side.
What bothers her more is the reputation Adrestia will have if it doesn't pretend to "assist" one of their vassals when they need help.
(Compare this to the Kingdom and the Church always helping, when they can, their allies and Rhea's doctrine being to help whoever needs help, regardless of their background, religion or whatnot!)
Imo, it's as cynical as Ashnard trashtalking Bryce in FE9, save that Lonato isn't here, like Bryce, to hear what his "Lord" really thinks of him :
Supreme Leader mocks and loathes "chivalry" and the idea of "people supporting each other" - which we can see more clearly when we slaughter Baron Dominic in Supreme Bullshit - thinking the Dominics felt pressured to protect their lands, people and loved ones when, uh, they just, don't want to see the people they love die? And want to help and save them?
In a way I'm glad I found this line, for my morning salt because it hurts again to even imagine what Fodlan could have been if Supreme Leader wasn't designed as the mascot whales/target audience was supposed to simp for and buy nightgown cipher cards, but also for the confirmation bias (i know i'm petty) that Supreme Leader is indeed closer to Ashnard and Oldvis than fandom!Griffith, and again as another window in Adrestia's decadence and fall.
I mean, how could a country founded by Rhea herself, with close ties to what she is still preaching aka "help everyone!" fall so low to the point where assisting those who need help if frowned upon, and only to be done if it leads to something useful, like, good PR - saving the bozo who's rushing to his death though? I'd say it's much like Monica's rescue in Nopes - kill two birds with one stone, but well, one bird was prioritised while the other just, kind of, died on its own which happens to be a good thing for us, I guess?
-> Which gives us the magical ending of Supreme Bullshit, the two birds killed each other!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“TWO-YEAR TERM GIVEN MAN WHO STABBED WOMAN,” Winnipeg Tribune. December 29, 1932. Page 1. ---- Arthur W. Gray, Who Had Previous Record, Sent To Penitentiary ---- The ending to a dramatic Christmas Eve stabbing affray was heard in city police court today when Arthur
W. Gray, alias Thomas Rooney, was given a two-year penitentiary term for wounding Mrs. Margaret Price. His previous police record showed he had been convicted several ago of assault and battery and of pointing a revolver.
Gray, who was at Price's lodging house on Colony st., came downstairs from his room while a Christmas Eve party was in progress. Among the guests was a young woman who had previously lodged at the house and for whom Gray had formed a strong attachment.
He went around the room shaking hands and exchanging greetings with the guests apparently in the best of humor. But when he came to the young woman he suddenly whipped out a knife to stab her.
Mrs. Price, the landlady, stepped in front to protect her and was stabbed in the left breast. If the knife had struck her one inch higher the wound would probably have been fatal, the court was told.
The young woman was also slightly wounded in the scuffle that followed before Gray was overpowered by the other guests.
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moonlightchess · 1 year
My aunt came across an old box of school records and assignments from sixth grade that had been rescued from my grandmother's house after her death but then shoved into an auntie's closet for years. She brought them by in case I wanted them, and I was curious so I started looking through some of my old school assignments. Most were fairly standard, until I got to the "write an essay about your hero" assignment. I was twelve at the time.
"My hero is very brave," I wrote. "She doesn't let anyone hurt her ever, and if they try she hurts them worse. I think she is so cool and awesome, and I would really like to meet her someday. I watched her whole trial."
Now I'm sure you're thinking the same thing that my teacher was. Trial? What trial? Is my hero some influential lawyer woman I saw on TV? A character on a show? (That was against the rules, but I promise that I didn't break them, because.)
My personal hero, in sixth grade, my inspiration and role model?
Lorena Bobbitt.
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megamidevice · 8 months
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Sasaki Ai • Assault Lily Last Bullet Garage Kit - Doll by Act-Knife
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griim · 1 year
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TW: Foul Language, Blood Mentions, Knives, Assault.
They haul her lifeless body into a dark room, the smell of smoke and alcohol filling the room, a familiar scent. Handling her the same way a proud hunter might drag in their latest kill, their latest TROPHY. They are pleased with their triumph, but the muscle required to take her down would make their master displeased. It took twelve fully trained men to subdue her, and it was sheer luck they got her here. One would be shocked at what rage can make a person do. Seven men limped away to let the boss know they had her. Three of the strike team members were absent due to… 'Serious injuries.' The one who stayed disregarded his injuries, though he knew he would feel it in the morning. He wanted to bask in the glory he captured Gemma Harding, the infamous Grim.
‘Stubborn bitch’ he laments as he dumps her body onto the steel chair, that is bolted to the floor. An extra precaution for Gemma, he began the process, cuffing her hands behind her back and taping her legs to the chair, making sure to leave her mouth uncovered. Oh, he was going to enjoy watching this woman squeal. Then the voice of his boss came over the comm.
‘ Boss. We have her. Gemma is captured and subdued. ’
The man had wanted to kill Gemma. (for personal reasons and selfish delights, more than anything else) but he also understands how DANGEROUS Gemma was. He has seen her work, especially on those who get on her ever so large, bad side, and he knows the RISK keeping her alive poses. But Christian had been clear with his orders. He wanted the woman taken in ALIVE. Christian was confident ‘sister dearest’ could be convinced to cooperate. The man is doubtful, but questioning Christian is not in this goon's best interest. Whatever the boss has up his sleeve, it is time to start putting it into motion. Convincing her will not be easy.
‘Whatever his hand is, it better be good.’ The man muttered.
“And he better make sure I’m convinced or DEAD,” Gemma mutters teasingly, gliding her tongue over the blood pooling from her split lip. Spitting it out at the goon's feet, finally able to see straight, Gemma smirked. So her brother finally had the balls to capture her, well, pay someone to do the work. She knew damn well her brother could not do anything of the sort. He was either too concerned about his looks or too much of a sissy to act on his emotions. Hearing the footsteps and the familiar voice, she knew he was there. Surprisingly, he usually was not home on the weekends, too many parties and women. Brown eyes rolled as she waited to see what he had in store for her.
‘Long time, no see. Sister.’ His voice came out smoothly, nearly cocky, and as if he had won. Christian began to roll up his sleeves, nodding, at the man in the room, giving him the out to leave if he wanted. But of course, he stayed, wanting to enjoy this.
“Brother, if you wanted a family reunion, you could ha-“ punch. Her head followed the punch the pain shot through the lower left jaw up her head. Remaining looking to the right, she took a slow deep breath, the iron taste and smell of blood filling her mouth and nostrils. Ah, yes, she gets to be the punching bag. He must have had a bad day. Looking back at him, she smiled, "I missed you too.” though my aim is getting better, she thought. Several more punches to the jaw, she seemed to take each one well, but the next blow seemed to make her flinch. This time she made a sound that resembled a whimper.
Christian knew what he was doing when he landed this one, right to the right temple. Her vision darkened for a few seconds before she blinked hard, returning to reality, realizing she had fallen to the ground. “You must be mad..” Coughing, she looked up at him. This seemed to please him, knowing he had caused her some pain. Eyes watched as he held out his hand, seeming to be asking for something. Though no words are spoken between the two, Christian grabs a blade. Then an order followed, ‘Sit her up.’ Though clearly, the man was not quick enough, ‘I SAID SIT HER UP.’ Quickly the man sat her up, and she looked at the blade and sighed. Was she going to get another death threat? What made this one so special? Why not just text her like he had the other fifty times?
As Christian walked over to her, he leaned in front of her. A sadistic grin on his face. 'You have been a pain in my ass for far too fucking long. Enough is enough,’ he paused. 'Now are we going to have any other prob-’ Gemma, with a swift movement, headbutted Christian, causing him to stumble back, nose beginning to bleed, the blade clanging to the ground. The second man in the room stepped forward to deal with her, though had been quickly stopped. 'keep her here. I’ll be back.’ He walked out of the room, going to clean himself off. When alone, she watched the man, a smirk appearing on bloody lips, and all that is heard was a small pop. Thumb popping out of place, she slipped a cuff and began to cry, hoping the man could buy it. “please… I’m sorry. tell him I’m sorry..”
Hearing the woman cry, he smirked. She broke quicker than he thought, damn. Walking over, he stood over her 'Not such a tough woman now, are you? this famous grim, but I see nothing to fear.’ Then in nearly a blink of an eye, Gemma was moving, a free hand coming and quickly punching the man in the face. The man fell over, hitting the ground, quickly trying to stand up, though not fast enough that Gemma did not have time to grab the blade that had hit the ground. Straddling the man, hands held the knife up high and quickly brought it to the man’s neck. Hovering for a moment, she pondered what to do, kill him. Nah, that would be taking out the trash for her brother. With a swift movement, Gemma used the handle to strike the man hard in the face. Knocking him out, her brother could deal with him later. Gemma stood quickly, gaining her footing, Gemma looked around, her head beginning to throb. Adrenaline slowly subsided.
Opening the door, she rushed out, head looking from side to side, gripping the knife handle. Running down the hall, she stopped. This place… It was familiar. Stopping dead center in the hallway, she noticed a door cracked. Walking over, she pressed the blade to the door. The door creaked open, and as brown hues saw was inside, she nearly dropped the blade. Memories flooded back, albeit fuzzy ones. The chair sat in the darkness. That seven-year-old girl was screaming 'run’ deep inside her, so that is what she had done. Gemma found her way to the main door, kicking it open, eyes squinted as the sunlight consumed her pupils. Looking around, she ran to a car. Looking around, Gemma smashed the window. The alarm blaring, she hotwired the car and sped off. Though from inside the confines of the car, she began to scream as tears fell down her face. Memories once more flooded back. For now, Gemma needed to lay low.
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