#assassin's creed syndicate rp
warmaiidens · 1 year
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#WARMAIIDENS ˣ ― an independent , highly - selective , mutual portrayal of Aloy despite the nora from ⌜ HORIZON ZERO DAWN / FORBIDDEN WEST ⌟, Evie Frye from ⌜ ASSASSIN'S CREED SYNDICATE ⌟, & Eivor Ravensdottir from ⌜ ASSASSIN’S CREED VALHALLA ⌟ .
ˣ ― MULTI-SHIP & MULTI-MUSE friendly . established in 2018 ; re-established in 2021 ; roleplaying since 2004 . Written and loved by Wolf , 34 , pronouns she . her
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warpaiint · 1 year
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#WARPAIINT ˣ ― an independent , highly - selective , mutual portrayal of Aloy despite the Nora from ⌜ HORIZON ZERO DAWN / FORBIDDEN WEST ⌟ , Caitlyn Kiramman from ⌜ ARCANE ⌟ , Evie Frye from ⌜ ASSASSIN'S CREED SYNDICATE ⌟ , & Eivor Ravensdottir from ⌜ ASSASSIN’S CREED VALHALLA ⌟ .
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Current Primary Muses with High Activity: ―― Aloy despite the Nora ―― Caitlyn Kiramman
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ˣ  . ― CARRD :: Rules, biographies, and verses ˣ  . ― TRACKER :: All current threads saved and followed ˣ  . ― INTEREST TRACKER :: How best to interact and engage ˣ  . ― USEFUL LINKS :: memes . important messages . master list .
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torntruth · 2 years
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but  with  the  greatest  respect,   our  philosophy  forbids  us  from  assisting  with  the  expansion  of  the  empire.     perhaps,   ma'am,   you  could  consider  putting  an  end  to  your  imperialist  desires?
an  independent  evie  frye  written  on  a  multi-muse.
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findroleplay · 4 months
Hello!! I recently gotten into a few of my hyperfixations games, and looking for active roleplayers! You don't need to be active like 24/7, but I would prefer people to give time and reply.
I rp on discord (sorry :<) leaf_la_sun
What I mainly looking for right now is DBH: Detroit Become Human *Gavin x RK900 *Gavin x Connor *Connor x Hank (ship not father-son)
(I am also interested in doing AU's as well)
ASC: Assassins Creed Syndicate I AM unsure..who I ship in this game? I like..Jacob that's about it, but would love to attempt an rp with an assassins creed game for the first time!
I do not do OC x Canon (sorry :<) I mainly do Canon Characters x Canon Characters
I am 18+, so I would prefer to rp with 18+ only!
More can be talked or explained over discord!!
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onewhoturns · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @silurisanguine so let's see...
1) How many works do you have on AO3
65 (across multiple accounts)
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
819,102 (across multiple accounts) (also some of those are collab fics so I can't take full credit)
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Lately not much, but previously - in reverse chronological order; Arcane, Oxenfree, Dead By Daylight, We Know the Devil, Assassin's Creed (Syndicate), Dishonored, Life With Derek, HP
4) Top five fics by kudos?
A Helping Hand, Scandal, Denial, Brute, Night Blooming Flowers
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
In the past I'd say "i reply to every comment" but that's somewhat dependent on my mental state and there's a bunch I haven't replied to lately, but I do try to (eventually) reply to every single comment. I love comments more than anything tbh, which is probably why my top stats tend to be comments, cause i LOVE LOVE LOVE having conversations with readers and getting to fangirl with them ahaha
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean I don't have that many finished multichap fics. If we're talking pre-ao3 I had a super duper angsty hp fic i wrote in like elementary or middle school lmao
7) What’s the fic you write with the happiest ending?
Again, I don't have that many finished multichap fics, and most of my fics have a happy or bittersweet ending. Maybe So It Goes?
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I'll be honest, I feel like I probably have but I do not remember it. I mean, I know I get blocked by people who hate some of my ships (jonalex, emsider, reader ships etc), but if I've ever received hate (which I am like 90% sure I have) I do not remember what it was for. Seriously, hate just goes in one ear out the other I do not recall what it was for because I literally do not care enough to remember lol
9) Do you write smut?
For sure.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Not really? Not lately at least, though I've done some aus inspired by other works.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, but I don't really check anywhere
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me if they could translate something and said go for it, but I don't know where that is.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several. I do a lot of rp fics.
14) What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I cannot choose. Lots of ships with my OCs, but i guess for canon-only, maybe jonalex? But i'm indecisive, I don't want to pick one lmao
15) What’s the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof. Too many. I'm so bad at finishing things. Unwilling Survivor and Holy Spirits and A Helping Hand are all big projects that I want to finish but I have no idea how that will happen.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I'm so bad at analyzing my own writings tbh. Maybe visceral emotion? Not sure, but I do love yearning and anxiety and metaphor.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, finishing things. 100%.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I prefer to write around using a translator ('they said in [x language]' or 'it sounded something along the lines of [meaning of translated words] but their [language] wasn't great' etc) so I don't have to worry about sounding garbled, or I ask for help
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter in 3rd grade lmao
20) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I cannot possibly choose. I love anything with Sam in it (so all of the au stuff I've done with her, as well as Unwilling Survivor), I love my jonalex stuff (including Lucky in Love, which I think is such a niche au of an au that I tagged it as original fiction as well lmao), and of course A Helping Hand has to be in there, and might as well include the fae au for emsider and the xreader for acs, and any jonalex i wrote with hammie, and and and-- basically everything lmao, I can't pick favorites.
tagging: @h4mm132l1c3 @artabria @reddgiant @cognacandlilac @artemis-crimson and anyone else that wants to do it, I feel like a lot of people have done it already and i tried to pick people from a variety of fandoms
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
I'm looking for more active rpers! And I am not saying like 24/7 replies, but at least it makes time to reply in the day.
I am 22, so I am looking for that is 18+, but I prefer anyone 20 and above so its more around my age! (I do only rp on discord :< ; leaf_la_sun)
I am mostly interested in game fandom! And got back into some fixations, my most are
DBH: Detroit Become Human *Gavin x RK900 *Gavin x Connor *Connor x Hank (not father-son) (I am also into AU's! Which can go more into details if interested in this) ASC: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Now..idk who I ship from this, but I just love Jacob :>, and would like to attempt an AS rp! Never have RDR: Red Dead Redemption (1 and 2 of course) I also..don't know who I ship, I just want cowboy rp :) I don't do OC x Canon, OC x OC, I only prefer Canon Characters x Canon Characters.
I love doing angst more than anything! Give me something to cry and stay up about thinking, but I also do love casual fluff, and also NSFW (not needed, but can slip in)
More details can be shared on discord!
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waltzonrooftops · 2 years
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  ➤  biography.   writings.   london. 
There was always a rush of adrenaline before and after a kill that Jacob always had a hard time deciding whether or not he enjoyed. He’d been told many times before that to take pleasure in his work was frowned upon for the Assassins; they did it for the good of the world after all. Because sometimes - people had to die. Jacob wasn’t quite sure if he believed that, but spilling the blood of people he knew wouldn’t hesitate to kill more of his gang or innocents didn’t really make him miss any sleep.
(independent, selective rp blog based on the game "assassin's creed: syndicate" with inspiration taken from "the godfather" by mario puzo and "the gentlemen" by guy ritchie. low-activity. english & german novelist.)
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lazaruspitreborn · 6 months
My first introduction to Jason Todd was the Arkham Knight game. From there I became a huge fan of him.
What was your first introduction to him?
So, here's the thing, I came into the Batman fandom completely blind (for the sake of the joke, you can say "blind as a bat") like five or six years ago when the Assassin's Creed fandom kinda went numb, stale and filled with small wars and people going all the way to some very heavy language that I prefer to don't get in details.
It was around that time that an old RP partner came back to their activity and they asked me if I was open to RP with their version of Dick Grayson, whose whole story at the time was based around the lore of Owlman, he was called Nightraven instead of Nightwing. It was, according to my friend, a version of DIck that they created way before the comics came out with the whole Crime Syndicate deeper lore, and I simply rolled with it.
We had interesting threads, but they went dark again after like three or four months and I didn't know what to do, because I things were just really bad in both fandoms with people not being all too open to give chances to original characters, or cross-overs, so I vagued around for a while until I landed having RP interactions with a Tim ( @strategiic ) and they started to guide me on how to find myself along the multiverse created by the comics; they'd talk to me about the comics and what happened on them, what was considered canon and what they liked and disliked and I began to absorb it all while going after more information on my own (blessed be every single person who makes compilations of what to read for what character and place it all in a neat and easy to understand guide).
A while later I also began to have RP interactions with a Jason Todd muse ( @rxsurrxcted ) whose mun was a sweetheart and taught me as much as she could about Jason so I wasn't all lost when we wrote our threads, she let me come to her to ask even the silliest questions at two in the morning. To this very day, my main-blog and muse has a verse where he has a relationship with that Jason and they're living happily in a polyamorous relationship with the cutest, softest and most generous paramedic ever ( @goodheartedfool ) while Tim ( @nerdybirdboy ) and my other OC in my main-blog date.
It's been a wild ride for me, because there are many versions of Jason, all fundamentally the same, but each with its own flavor and twist to it, but most of all he's just a character I can understand, his anger, his suffering, his need to prove himself, the feeling of always being judged by others regardless of how much he changes and grows as a person. He's, perhaps, one of the most relatable characters I've ever seen, hopeful, but down-to-earth at the same time, doesn't take shit unless it's really necessary, he sees the hypocrisy and points it out while still being self-aware enough that he, himself, has his own amount of it, he's been through a whole lot, and yet he's there, day and night fighting to get better and make the world around him better. Jason is a man of love and passion, which can backfire as rage and anger when things get heated, since the lines are thin and blurry when it comes to him, but even at his worst, he was still doing his best with what he had and thought to be good (yes, I'm looking at the pill-head version of Red Hood who tried to help Duella Dent as much as he could and tried to give her a better path than the one she was taking for herself).
In short, I love him, because I see him for who he is. Jason isn't a symbol of Justice or Hope like Bruce and Dick made themselves be. He isn't a genious kid who has potential to surpass Batman like Tim. He has none of the baggage and early training that Damian had. He also doesn't have a high profile set parent like Steph to use as a counterpoint to his morals and beliefs. All Jason Todd ever had was a desire for love, family and a will that's a force of nature in itself, powerful enough to get him through everything life throws his way; Jason was dragged into the war Batman wages against criminals out of love for him and passion for change, he wanted to make a difference, to make things better and fairer, and these wishes remained despite everything that happened to him and all the methods he implemented to get the results he wanted.
I love him because he's, simply putting, HUMAN BEYOND THE PAGES HE'S WRITTEN IN.
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shdwtouch · 2 months
1. When did you first start writing?
for the sake of simplicity I'm just gonna talk about roleplay. but, oh man. I was roleplaying on forums and in multiplayer games (WolfQuest man) pre-2012. circa 2012 I met my first crush (shoutout to K, wherever you are !) who introduced me to tumblr. the rest is, as they say, history. I have, honestly, only really used tumblr as an rp platform. XD I ran a personal blog for awhile, but then I switched to rp.
my first rp blog was for an au version of Clint Barton. in the time since I've written 20+ canon muses and 50+ original characters from a variety of fandoms, as well as fandomless. Kaey is my oldest character, who I started writing in 2015.
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otherwise some notable muses include... every Assassin's Creed protagonist up to Syndicate (no joke), including multiple side characters (Clay Kaczmarek, my love). also every Avenger from the first MCU movie, p much every recruitable companion / side character in DA:I (again, no joke), and characters from at least 2 fandoms you probably would not have on your "puffin roleplayed in this fandom" bingo card. XD
just for funsies, I have added clues in the tags to help you get a bingo (not including fandoms I've already mentioned above) on this hypothetical bingo card XD
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leadrook · 3 years
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INDIE.  SELECTIVE.  PRIVATE.  SIR  JACOB  FRYE  FROM  UBISOFT’S  ASSASSIN’S  CREED:  SYNDICATE.  est.  2018  under  syndicatemaster,  revamped  2021.  written  &.  adored  by  ewan  /  lucas.  please  read  rules  &.  verses  before  interacting.
*  personals,  do  not  reblog.   © 
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leadrook-archive · 4 years
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INDIE.  SELECTIVE.  MUTUALS  ONLY  SIR  JACOB  FRYE  FROM  UBISOFT’S  ASSASSIN’S  CREED  SYNDICATE.  est.  2018,  revamped  2020.  written  &  adored  by  ewan.    please  read  rules  &  verses  before  interacting.  
*  personals,  do  not  reblog.  
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warmaiidens · 1 year
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ˣ ― an independent , highly - selective , mutual multimuse loved by Wolf
ˣ  . ― CARRD :: Rules, biographies, and verses ˣ  . ― INTEREST TRACKER :: How best to interact and engage ˣ  . ― USEFUL LINKS :: memes . important messages . master list .
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torntruth · 2 years
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Oh,   right.    My mistake.    Ladies and gentlemen,   the unstoppable Frye twins!    /    independent assassin’s creed roleplay blogs. 
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rooksxandxpints · 4 years
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          “What are we waiting for?” 
          “London is waiting to be liberated!”
Indie Syndicate Multi-muse 
Written by Elliott
Features Jacob Frye, Evie Frye, Emmett Frye, Ethan Frye, Henry Green, and a not-so simple book store owner
Semi-selective | Multi-verse | Crossover Friendly | OC Friendly |
About | Rules
Follows back from reposhillo
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multimana · 5 years
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       “ You cannot be serious. ”
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