jovishark · 6 years
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stancon 2018 featuring amab stan skyrim stan portal stan and hockey stan
(mainly i just wanted to see the differences between my stans and there are none. they are CLONES)
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askamabtucker-blog · 6 years
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WENDY: So, you were pretty quiet on the ride here. You're allowed to stay the night. WENDY: Do you want to tell me what the Middle East was like? CRAIG: Later, maybe. I think there's something else I have to tell you first. WENDY: Good, I thought you forgot. CRAIG: I'm glad you didn’t.
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CRAIG: Wendy. CRAIG: ...Wendy. CRAIG: I'm going to preface this with the fact that I feel stupid, and that what I'm going to say is probably also stupid. WENDY: Okay? CRAIG: I came back because I missed you. I missed you too much. CRAIG: I missed you because I like you. God, I can't get New Years out of my head. You're amazing, and smart and funny- that all sounds dumb, I know, but whatever. CRAIG: You've always been supportive of me and doing my weird job, and I want to do the same for you.
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WENDY: Do I have a weird job? CRAIG: You know what I mean. WENDY: I know. I think it was really sweet of you to come back because of me. And I don't think missing me is stupid. WENDY: But throwing your career in the garbage for a girl is stupid, Craig. CRAIG: I'm not, I'm still employed. They're just letting me do domestic stuff for a while. WENDY: Good. So you're staying for a long time? CRAIG: As long as I can. WENDY: I missed you, too. WENDY: I really like you. CRAIG: I like you more. WENDY: Prove it.
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[stay tuned for the finale and the epilogue!]
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dio-roga · 6 years
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Author/Artist:              jovishark Additional Credit:        puppetamateur Status:                         Complete Links:                           Tumblr Rec No:                        #2 (Part Two)
Fan Art and Spoiler-Talk
God just end me now. Every time I look at this art, I cringe with the intensity of a thousand imploding suns. But alas, here we are, and I don’t have the power to turn time back and redraw this from scratch so yeah− we’ll fight on and try to ignore the fact there’s like, a thousand things done wrong with this god damn picture. I’ll just scream into a cushion, it’ll be fine.
Right then, so.
I drew this one as a take on some of the stuff happening behind the scenes during Craig’s disappearance, after the confrontation with Clyde and getting shot down by Stan at Kyle’s birthday. When I first read this part, I guess it kinda resonated with me in a way. I’ve never had friends go missing like Craig does, but I certainly have had them up and shoot out of my life in the space of a few days, with like, very little on the explanation front. It’s jarring, to say the least, and it makes it easy to sympathize with Clyde who seems pretty gutted over the whole thing. (Bless) It really does leave you confused and wondering if, maybe, some part of it was your fault, second guessing that if you’d have done something differently, maybe they would still be around.
I took a bit of liberty in assuming it was Clyde that hung up a lot of the missing person posters (and making himself sad all over again in the process), but I don’t think it would have been much of a stretch considering. The whole ‘Craig’s Missing’ story-line was something I remembered quite vividly− perhaps due to the fact it happens straight after the big Stan/Kyle kiss moment the story had been leading up to? It was like a sudden crash back down to earth and it wound up catching me very much off guard.
It’s also one of the bittersweet moments in their relationship throughout the story that struck me as the most genuine. When it came down to brass tax, Clyde freaked out and became single-mindedly fixated on trying to get Craig back− driving through Denver as a one-man search party and being regarded by everyone who brings it up as taking Craig’s disappearance as hard as his family members were. Despite everything that’d happened, the boy has a good heart.
Which brings me to the Craig/Clyde relationship in general− which winds up being a bust. Clyde ends the story back in his comfort zone, back together with Bebe, and Craig ends the story getting… well, kinda shafted. However, I’m still going to defend this as one of their stronger outings together for a number of reasons:
They are involved romantically, and for a good year and a half no less− and initially, at the start of the run, they come across as quite a cute couple. Sharing dorky snap chats and fucking around at parties. I completely adore the panel where Clyde’s grinning and doing his finger-guns at all the compliments he’s getting from the asks, but straight up says that he’s ‘flattered but taken’− with Craig putting a hand protectively onto his shoulder.
Clyde’s insensitivity kinda works with me, bizarrely. Again, I remember being his age, and I remember how I felt back then− along with a lot of other boys my age. And as much as it feels like I was being stupid now, I can’t deny that being a guy back then sort of came part and parcel with being a bit of a dick, trying to act macho and all that shit. So I can believe how that would have strained his relationships since it’s something that my peers and I all went through as well.
Yet even despite the last point, I love how honestly concerned Clyde gets over Craig, and how fucking loyal he stays for so long. Despite Craig having a rough time of it, Clyde isn’t wrong to call him on lashing out at the people around him. It’s fairly admirable of Clyde to have tried so hard to make things work the way he did, and still care about Craig even when things start to go sour.
My number one reason for including this in my list of essential Cryde viewing though, despite it essentially being a Style askblog where Craig and Clyde don’t even end up together, is that they’re still so utterly intertwined throughout, even if neither of them want to admit it. Even though Craig takes the center stage between the two, Clyde’s always the one pushing him forward (and so often positively, not just negatively like Craig likes to fixate on.) Maybe they weren’t right for each other at that time in their lives, but there’s never a bridge burnt between them. Even though the feelings get complicated and messy, it lets you draw a lot of your own conclusions about the pair in an open-ended sort of way.
Honestly, I could write a fucking essay on the subject of Craig and Clyde in this askblog and all the ways they mesh together better than even they seem to realize, but I’ll leave it for now (For now…) Sufficed to say, I think I could easily see more in the future for the two of them.
I’ve also got to give props for the blog pretty much winning me over to Style as a ship, what can I say− the part with Stan’s diary was a genius move (as well as proof that even without the amazing art, the story could easily stand on its own) and the song Stan writes for Kyle with the fairy-lights and the stuffed whales and everything else? God. I could literally not stop smiling, people must have wondered what the hell was wrong with me that day.
I’m so, so incredibly glad that the blog managed to get its ending, much deserved. I can only imagine how tiring it got doing that for two years, but god damn− what an incredible ride, like, what a fucking testament to perseverance, passion and hard work, tying in the production of the story to the theme of the story so perfectly, I think it gives the whole thing such massive authenticity that just shines through the entire run. Every time I get to Wendy’s speech at the graduation, it’s always such a moment− it feels earned, y’know? Like it really is the end of some big journey, and what an awesome feeling to have accomplished.
I just realized how long I’ve been going on, so I’ll call it here, and try and contain myself from spilling out another thousand words of praise− and instead I’ll thank the amazing jovishark for making something truly wonderful (and to the no doubt equally amazing puppetamateur for all her work in the first half of the story and for helping make this blog a reality)
Hope everyone’s reading the pseudo-sequel staring Craig at college, and I hope you all enjoyed this long ramble of a recommendation. Can’t cay this’ll be the last time I talk about this one, I just love it too damn much.
Catch you for the next one!
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hachichimitsu2 · 2 years
1, 7, 17, 18, and 22!
Putting this under read more because I talk a lot and you’ve indulged me with 5 questions that I have a hard time ever shutting up about X)
1. Which character design do you love the most and why?
Honestly? This girl right here. I legit aspire to look just like her. Her eyeshadow is just so beautifully rendered, and her dyed hair and clothes are just *chef’s kiss* I would like to thank whoever conceptualized her design.
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7. Do you have a favorite piece of fan content? If so, what is it? (Please link if you're able to)
Hoooo boy, there’s a lot! I don’t know if I can say a single *piece* because there’s a lot of works that I love for completely different reasons that it’s hard to just pinpoint to ONE piece of fan content that I’m obsessed with. Fanfic-wise, you know it. I know it. We all know it at this point, but any of HollyHark’s fics (x) legit have my heart and soul to the point that she’s my favorite fanfic writer of all time. I feel like she’s written almost every single premise, genre and trope out there, while also appealing and adhering to canon with shocking detail. She has such a great grasp on the characters, and even if a fic of hers has a premise that I’m initially not really into, I trust her enough to enjoy whatever she comes out with! I’d say my favorite of hers is and always will be The Scenic Route since I read it during a time when I just graduated high school myself and said my final goodbyes to my friends, so it has a major soft spot in my heart.
This one is practically inactive (and I’m sure you know this one too), but the ask blog @/askthemountaintown was my favorite South Park ask blog of all time, and it’s just….so humorous and juvenile in like the best way I can possibly imagine. I like this ask blog specifically since it really plays into the “kids being kids” aspect so well, and I like how devoid it is from like shipping culture and just dishes out responses that closely resembles the characters. I’m also a huge fan of @/askmarshandbroflovski, and I remember reading each update as it was ongoing. Like the entire storyline gripped me hard at that time, and I’m even thinking of revisiting it again. I think it was one of the few ask blogs I’ve ever read with actual plot narrative and arcs, and so it was so revolutionary to me because I’m like, “wait…..you can DO that??”
South Park Instagram AUs in general are also so fascinating since I don’t think the concept of an *interactive* Instagram comic existed before 2018? Like these AUs have completely overruled Tumblr ask blogs, and are like the biggest thing nowadays. I’ve seen a lot of AUs that really utilize the Instagram interface to their advantage to tell a story that can only *work* in that platform. And like the South Park fandom seems to be totally into this format compared to any other fandom I’ve encountered so far. Usually the AUs themselves are either a hit or a miss for me, but the format and concept in itself is cool. I’d say @/yardaleacademy is like my personal favorite, and I also really like @/southminx.
I also find the general Evangelion AUs/crossovers to be funny?? Because there’s this (x) and like I’m obsessed with @/potatosp’s meme drawings and screencap redraws, and it’s just AKDKSOKC so hilarious that I can’t choose. They’re all gold.
I’m also obsessed with these South Park fan-made MUGEN fighting games, such as this (x)
And even though the game isn’t even OUT yet, I really can’t wait for @/Noogats’s South Park fangame just by the sheer look and feel of it. I’d love to play it if it ever comes out <3 (x)
In general though? Most likely if I follow you, then I already enjoy any piece of fan content you put out, so mwah! I can’t choose ONE thing, it’s physically impossible for me.
17. What character would you consider to be your character? (A character you highly associate with your involvement in the fandom, in a way)
Probably Stan? I’ve drawn him a bajillion times over the years compared to any other character and will talk hours and hours of meta regarding him (though I’ve posted none of them 🧎‍♀️).
18. Take a moment to talk about your favorite ship.
Stankyle brainrot incoming. Uhhhh, god, there’s a lot to say about these two that hasn’t been already said. They’ve consumed my entire being ever since I was, like, 12, so this officially marks like my 9th year of being obsessed with these two?! 😭😭 And the lore, the canon bits and the absolutely great fan content out there has seriously impacted the way I view love, friendship and human connection. It was the ship that made me realize I was sapphic, and I genuinely feel like the ship in itself is a huge love letter to the general best friends to lovers trope in the best possible way. It’s so sweet and saccharine while also being really, really complicated and imperfect. There’s angst, there’s miscommunication, there’s trust, there’s endless pining. God, this ship has it all in my opinion. I feel like they represent the best parts of humanity sjdjdjcjd like I’m sorry if that’s really dramatic but you and I both know it’s true <3
22. Is there a character you relate with the most/see yourself in?
I think personality wise I can relate to both Kyle and Wendy in a way, but I have a huger connection to Stan in the long run. I watched YGO / Assburgers during a time that I desperately needed to, and I still get really melancholic trying to remember that part of my life. Almost like I feel bad for my younger self. Stan’s familial situation weirdly resembles my own, mainly his relationship with his parents, and it made me feel less alone in a sense knowing that there are people that have similar backgrounds such as mine. Just like how Stan moved to Tegridy Farms and lived one hour away from his school and friends, I moved to the Philippines during the duration of my highschool years, miles away from the place I initially grew up in and from the people I could truly call my loved ones. I just really disliked change back then, just like he did and both home and school situations didn’t really do anything to placate that fear. But his ending speech in Assburgers really hit home with me at the time, and it’s a saying that still helps me throughout new changes in my life. I think it was that moment where I just stopped feeling sorry for myself AHDHSKDSO and like I finally took action to really work and improve on my life.
On a totally less emotional note, I think I relate to his taste in music LOL. I’m a huge sucker for metal music like this is legit me projecting, but I just love the idea of Stan being into various metal bands. Like it’s practically canon at this point that he’s into death metal, but I also love the idea of him being into bluesier, traditional doom metal like Black Sabbath, progressive metal like Meshuggah, power metal like Helloween, alternative metal like Maximum the Hormone and System of the Down, legendary bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Megadeth. For pop rock standards, maybe Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age? Of course, he’d be into Nirvana and the like. I can go on.
I’m also into gothic fashion too (even though I don’t have any gothic clothes myself because *sighs* money). Though unlike Stan’s goth phase fading away, I’m still really into it 🧎‍♀️Also, pssst, Stan is like really gay so I relate to him on that level 🏃‍♀️(You can ask me about comphet Stan, I won’t bite)
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cheylouwho · 6 years
i can't believe you can talk about the south park fandom in 2014 without mentioning all the ask blogs! askthemainfour, askmarshandbroflovski... the fandom growth depended on them!
oh absolutely, ask blogs thrived in 2014 and 2015 !
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sawyer-is-unisex · 7 years
[Birthday Meme, Imma cheat and send mine and Max's birthday :P] My bday: 29 December, Max bday: 10 March
send me your birthday!
29 - what is one food that you despise?
black pudding (put a picture there)
December - what do you want for christmas?
I’m not sure?
I mostly wish for money, because i want some more Tattoos!
Maybe a Nintendo 2Ds, because my ds died.
10 - favorite blog on tumblr?
meeean. The other one was easier.
i have no clue…. 
maybe @askrubytucker or @askmarshandbroflovski ??
{It was hard not to list my friends but I enjoy ask blogs a lot and AskRubyTucker was my first real interaction with the South Park Fandom}
March - favorite color?
violet or 
brown or 
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spooky-somewhere · 6 years
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I'm really proud of this I just a a a h I read through an entire ask blog the other day ( its @askmarshandbroflovski but it isn't active anymore and I don't know the person who ran it so uh ) and I was super inspired by the way they did the faces and everything, so I decided to try something out like that and I think it's slowly seeping into my style ... jk lmao it's totally taking my art over and I'm doing nothing to stop it
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biteyisheretohear · 7 years
I know I don't have many followers but if you like South Park and OCs you should really follow @askamabtucker. It's an ongoing story about Craig Tucker extended from @askmarshandbroflovski by @jovishark. It's a good story seriously and it's getting quite to the climax(from which I could tell and what Jovi recently said on her own blog).
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jovishark · 7 years
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some marshes and broflovskis (and clyde)
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askamabtucker-blog · 6 years
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WENDY: Craig? I got your voicemail, are you okay? WENDY: I haven't heard from you in months. CRAIG: I'm fine. I'm good. CRAIG: Look, can you do me a favor? It’s kind of important. WENDY: Okay? CRAIG: I need you to pick me up at SFO in, like, six hours. WENDY: What? But- That's the middle of the night! CRAIG: I know when it is.
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WENDY: ... WENDY: Okay, um, where are you flying in from? CRAIG: New York. WENDY: Why were you in New York? CRAIG: I wasn't. I was in Pakistan. CRAIG: I was going to tell you this thing months ago, but I had to leave Egypt earlier than I thought. CRAIG: My phone got kind of fucked up, then I got E. Coli... I just have to tell you something. WENDY: Why can't you tell me now? CRAIG: Because I'll look like an asshole. WENDY: I hate to break it to you, but... CRAIG: I know. Plane boards in twenty. If you can't come, I'll just take a cab- WENDY: No, no, of course I'll be there. WENDY: Of course.
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dio-roga · 6 years
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Author/Artist:              jovishark Additional Credit:        puppetamateur Status:                         Complete Links:                           Tumblr Rec No:                        #2 (Part One)
The Gist of It (aka. TLDR)
‘Stan and Kyle go through a whole lot of shit during their last couple years of high school; with side-characters and sub-plots galore. Honestly dudes, it’s hard to summarize this one since it’s just so jam packed with all kinds of everything. This askblog, maybe more than anything else I’ve read, really does encapsulate that whole ‘something for everyone’ feeling. Just trust me my dudes, ships galore, on-point writing, and gorgeous art. Go go.”
Also putting this before the page break: I know, it’s technically not a Cryde work, but I guarantee, there’s more content between those two in there than in most exclusively cryde-centric things. For a bit of trivia, it was this blog that got me into Cryde as a ship to begin with. So c’mon below, and I’ll try and reassure you…
Also also: Fair warning, this rec’ll be long af. I’m a little obsessed. So, get yourself a drink or something?
So like I said in the gist, the premise is fairly simple from the outset; Stan and Kyle start up an askblog, and your usual mix of hilarity, drama and ‘will-they, wont-they’ romance ensues. Now I had read askblogs before this one, and generally found them a lot of fun, but holy shit− from the get-go dudes, from the absolute start, this one had its hooks in me like nothing else has ever quite managed before or since. I’d originally just come across it after seeing some of the Craig/Clyde panels on some google search one weekend; then before I knew it, it was Monday morning and I’d read the whole blog front to back, and was experiencing like, genuine feelings for the first time in a long while.
A lot of what snagged me was the writing, which I walked in totally not expecting to take my soul hostage the way it did. The dialogue I’ll talk about with the characters, but as far as the actual story elements were presented? It reads like a god damn mini-series, with actual self-contained story arcs, side-scenarios that mesh in with the A-plot and oh my sweet jesus, the world building in this thing… Seriously dudes, I normally try and stay more grounded in tropes and clever literary devices and what have you, but with this blog I have a lot of trouble not getting like, emotionally invested.
I think that really is what makes this one so special; the atmosphere. There’s this underlying theme of determination and overcoming adversity (mirroring the writing of the blog itself, if you read the authors notes throughout− something I’d defiantly recommend) It’s the sort of writing that genuinely inspires people, deals with difficult subject matter and just generally gives off a positive vibe about soldering on and making good on big life changes, and that includes everyone, of every age and background.
And therein lies another giant strength, the variety. I would think it a very difficult task for someone to not find something they enjoy in this story; it’s a god damn carnival ride− not to spoil too much, but there’s a wash of different genres, different dynamics, different methods of storytelling and different perspectives on those stories. There’s music, there’s action, audience-participation, and enough backstory and little details that I’m still picking up new things even after having read through multiple times.
And lastly, oh boy− pitchforks and torches at the ready –there’s the content between Craig and Clyde. Now I’m not going to sugarcoat it, or really bother trying to hide the fact that these two don’t wind up in a happy relationship here. But please, and I really do mean this, don’t let that dissuade you. They have a very complicated relationship that keeps changing throughout, but their bond never goes away− so just because it isn’t all kisses and romance, I’d say it’s still one of the most endearing relationships I’ve seen written about the two (hence why I’m sticking to my guns on calling this a cryde-recommendation). Honestly, and I can say this from experience here, it gels with how boys like that can end up acting at that age. Despite everything, they still wind up being the biggest player in each other’s lives.
There is just characters bursting at the seams here, if you’re a fan of someone in the show, you can bet they’ll probably make an appearance somewhere along the line; or at least get a mention. Even Scott Malkinson gets namedropped, and that’s the first time I’ve seen him show up in something I’ve read in this fandom in like, forever.
Stan and Kyle are great picks for the leads, it feels easy experiencing the events unfold from their perspectives− honestly, it’s like watching a more grown up version of the TV-show for the most part, with Cartman and Kenny filling in with their usual contributions of being an asshole and a sweetheart respectively. (I really do love the way Cartman’s handled; he plays a tremendous bastard to be sure, but in a way you could imagine his childhood-self becoming- he makes a delightfully hammy and worryingly formidable antagonist) Also features pretty much my favorite version of Wendy I’ve come across; she’s the real MVP.
Craig’s low-key stealing scenes at first, before kicking things into high-gear and trying to take over the show throughout the run, to the point where he’s pretty much the focal point of all the drama several times. He’s a bit of a mess, but understandably so. Truthfully, all the characters have a unique take on them (all in keeping with how you’d imagine their canon counterparts at that age) and it’s a delight to learn what makes them all tick. I think with Craig especially, his views often radically differ from what you’re presented with by the other characters (including Stan and Kyle) and it’s never written in a way that forces you to side with any particular party as being ‘in the right’. Something I always find refreshing when it’s done as well as it’s done here. Everyone is presented with both strengths and faults, with actual long-running consequences for past actions, good and bad, and it’s up to you as the reader to make what you will out of it.
But then you’ve got the dialogue, and my god, it really takes the cake. There’s not much I can say apart from I legitimately thought some scenes and mannerisms must have been penned by Trey himself− the humor especially. Truly guys, you’re in for a treat. I would have loved to have asked the boys a question back in the day.
Since I’ve gone long on the writing, I have to pretty much devote this section to the artwork because it’s fucking magic. Picture paints a thousand words and all that, and my god, does it ever do that here− the way things are scripted and tied in with the respective art? It makes for all sorts of amazing comedic timing, adds tenfold to any of the emotional scenes and just makes the story flow like a dream; I always have trouble putting it down once I get started.
Jovi’s just an incredibly talented artist, there is simply no escaping this fact. Each and every character has a unique design that fits their character and− I realize this one’s super subjective –to me, they all have such charm and personality in the way they’re drawn. It’s this masterfully presented cartoon-style with an emphasis on expressions, movement and color that I honestly just adore. Even at the very start of the blog, where the art is almost entirely different than it winds up looking at the finishing point two years later, I just love it− again with a South Park comparison, it reminds me of the watching the early cardboard-cutout style of the show compared to its newer 3D designs, both holding a special place in my heart in their own ways.
It floors me to think this was the author’s first major project. As mentioned above, I’d greatly recommend reading through the blog in its entirety, including all the commentaries by the mods, the funny tags, the side-art. One of the most inspiring things about this work is getting a sense of the love and dedication that was put into it over the years it was running; like watching the behind-the-scenes on some giant motion epic and coming to terms with how much effort went into producing what you’re seeing. It’s practically another story itself, and no less heartening than with the boys and their trials and tribulations. Seriously dude, so much kudos.
Favorite Things
The content variety. There’s just so much to love here, things being kept fresh and exciting throughout the super long run-time of the blog without feeling disjointed, on top of managing a satisfying conclusion. There’s a lot of fun to be had, no half-measures.
The character dynamics are a treat. With such a big cast, there’s all sorts of different personalities playing off each other, with dynamic relationships that all manage to evolve and grow. Definite love given to proper character arcs.
Inspiring themes and feel-good moments really do make this a gem to read when you’re looking for a pick me up. The messages about dealing with depression and addiction, managing your health and fitness and even studying and making smart choices− all of them really hit home.
Relationships of all different types; one’s that work out, one’s that don’t, some being easy, some being hard, long ones, short ones, mistakes and awkward surprises. Romance is well and truly covered, and I like that it doesn’t shy away with the stuff that just doesn’t end well.
Some of the best artwork you’ll come across (and so utterly fitting of the material), drawn to such a quality standard and on such a short time-frame that it kinda makes my head spin. I’m now at the point that when I think about the characters, these versions are the ones that appear in my head.
It’s honestly a little embarrassing for me to talk about AMAB, and god knows it’s pretty presumptuous, y’know? New guy recommends beloved artwork that already attracted thousands of followers back in its day. I’m going to guess this’ll end up being the rec that I’ll have needed to have written the least− since like, all of you have probably already devoured the blog long before you learned about it here.
But you know? If anything, I hope this ends up reconfirming what an excellent choice it was for you to have read it. And as always with these review things, if the author should read this, I hope you know just how much what you’ve made affected me and countless others; how good you deserve to feel, and how proud the people in your life must be of you for doing something so important and worthwhile.
As usual, next post’ll be spoilers and artwork− and I’m just going to bury my head in the sand so hard because my artwork is garbage compared, but we’ll have to muddle through. Join me there for second hand embarrassment, okay?
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askbutters-stotch · 8 years
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Butters: That’s .. that’s kind of a weird question, fellas, but I suppose you can say that I do. Just don’t tell my parents.
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doraola · 8 years
@askmarshandbroflovski is officially inactive and I don't know what to do with my free time XD Thank you, @strawberrysharkcake for this awesome story!
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doodlethebarisax · 8 years
Thank You To @Askmarshandbroflovski
Welp. My favorite ask me blog just ended... I have to say that was an emotional rollercoaster for me. It was amazing, but it definitely got me thinking, especially on one of these last posts. I just want to say that @askmarshandbroflovski is an amazing ask blog that has finally come to an end. Please, go read this! It's good, especially if you like South Park, KylexStan, and drama in general. My favorite part outta the whole thing however had to be Craig finally finding love with Wendy (at least I presume that).
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KYLE: Hey! So, there are some things we should say. STAN: First of all, we just graduated! Class of 2016! KYLE: Also, we're for sure not using this blog anymore. KYLE: I'm going to college and Stan's gonna take a year off to... what was it? STAN: Find myself. STAN: Which is what I told my parents, when really, I'm just gonna visit Kyle and get a job. KYLE: Right. KYLE: So, that's it! KYLE: Two years running, that's pretty impressive, dude. KYLE: We've both definitely grown a lot since then. STAN: Yeah. STAN: And we wanted to say a big, big last thank you to all of you guys! STAN: All... six thousand of you, wow. But you've really gotten us through some hard times, and given us crazy good advice when we really needed it. STAN: I would be in a different place without you, and I know Kyle would, too. KYLE: Yeah. Thank you all so much for your support. And know that we love you, too! STAN: Good luck with the rest of your lives, guys!
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jovishark · 3 years
ive been getting ready for a finale and i logged into askmarshandbroflovski for the first time in like three years? it has more followers now than it did when it ended
bless that fandom for putting up with my art wowie
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