#aseop rock
mallowmaenad · 1 month
seeing people whining on here makes me feel less insecure about my ostensibly white as fuck taste in rap
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Modena, alla Tenda un murales per "Chicco"
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Modena, alla Tenda un murales per "Chicco" “Consentire ai giovani di esprimere la creatività è un grande valore e una grande ricchezza per tutta la comunità e il murales, oltre a ricordare Francesco Morandi, ci permetterà di sottolineare questo concetto ogni volta che passeremo da viale Monte Kosica”. Queste parole sono state pronunciate dal sindaco di Modena Gian Carlo Muzzarelli intervenendo nel pomeriggio di venerdì 22 settembre, durante l’inaugurazione dell’opera realizzata negli spazi esterni della Tenda di viale Molza, “una struttura che conferma la sua vocazione come luogo di ritrovo per i ragazzi”. Un inno ai giovani e alla loro creatività Il murales ha il duplice obiettivo di ricordare “Chicco” Morandi, studente del liceo Corni scomparso nell’agosto 2019 a seguito di una rara patologia oncologica (“ci ha lasciato, purtroppo, troppo presto”, ha affermato il sindaco) e di rappresentare un inno ai giovani e alla loro creatività. L’opera, patrocinato dal Comune, porta la firma dall’artista modenese Drew Nori, nome d’arte di Andrea Baraldi, “che ringrazio per il suo lavoro”, ha aggiunto Muzzarelli. Perché un murales? A promuoverne la realizzazione sono stati la famiglia di Francesco e le associazioni Aseop e Avanzi di balera modenesi, presenti alla cerimonia, a cui ha preso parte quasi un centinaio di persone, assieme agli assessori ai Lavori pubblici Andrea Bosi e alla Cultura Andrea Bortolamasi. Il “linguaggio” scelto per realizzare il murales, arricchito dall’hashtag #maiungiornosenzamusicaperte alla memoria di Chicco, è quello del writing: lo scopo è “parlare” soprattutto ai giovani per favorirne l’identificazione nel messaggio che trasmette. Il ricordo di "Chicco" L’opera, completata nei giorni scorsi dopo alcuni mesi di lavoro, è nata su uno spunto personale di Francesca Rebecchi, madre di Francesco. “Durante la sua lunga lotta contro la malattia – spiegano i promotori dell’iniziativa – Chicco si era dedicato, con una forza che sempre i nostri ragazzi ci insegnano, alla musica e alla creatività in genere, studiando e approfondendo da autodidatta". "Attraverso l’arte aveva reagito all’isolamento forzato e all’allontanamento dalla sua vita precedente - concludono -, dai suoi amici e da tutto ciò che non dovrebbe mai essere brutalmente strappato a un adolescente che sboccia al futuro”. Trovare le forze per superare le difficoltà Nelle intenzioni della famiglia di Morandi e delle associazioni Aseop e Avanzi di balera modenesi, quindi, la rappresentazione “non solo costituisce un modo per ricordare Francesco, ma rappresenta anche una maniera per Modena e per i modenesi di esprimere attenzione e vicinanza a tanti giovani che, con l’aiuto della comunità e per mezzo di uno strumento potente come l’arte, possono e devono trovare le forze per superare le difficoltà e avere un futuro”. Il murales L’opera è composta, infatti, da tre elementi che si fondono tra loro; il filo conduttore è rappresentato dalla presenza delle mani, mentre i colori spaziano orizzontalmente dalle tinte calde a quelle fredde. “Innanzitutto – sottolineano i promotori – il gesto di intrecciare un nastro che prende la forma di “casa” è un richiamo all’inclusione e alla protezione di bambini e giovani adulti che lottano contro patologie oncologiche. Poi compaiono due allodole, invocando il simbolismo dell’immortalità dell’anima, per affermare che i ragazzi che ci hanno lasciato non saranno mai dimenticati". "Infine, - continuano - nella parte finale c’è un riferimento preciso a Francesco: si tratta dell’atto di suonare, a certificare che, con l’aiuto delle proprie passioni, in questo caso la musica, la lotta alla malattia diventa allo stesso tempo più forte ma anche più lieve. Così i ragazzi non saranno identificati con la malattia ma manterranno la loro identità fatta anche di passioni”. "School of rock" L’inaugurazione del murales è stata conclusa, sempre nel segno della musica, da un’esibizione alla Tenda dei giovani della “School of rock”, in collaborazione con Avanzi di balera modenesi (che mettono a disposizione gli strumenti). Sul palco della sala di viale Monte Kosica, gestita dall’assessorato alle Politiche giovanili, sono salite in particolare due formazioni rock composte da musicisti modenesi in erba, entrambe provenienti dalla frazione di San Damaso: i gruppi 16.42 (Alice Rebuttini, Beatrice Vezzelli, Mattia Lomazzo e Federico Laviola) e Blackout (Ludovica e Federico Laviola, Fabio Ghinelli e Lorenzo Bonetti). Read the full article
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righteousguitarsolo · 4 years
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soaptunes · 3 years
my top 75 quarantine records: #65-56
check out #75-66 here!
bandcamp links under the cut as always!
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#66. kendrick lamar - untitled unmastered. (2016) this album of demos, leftovers, and outtakes from kendrick's masterpiece to pimp a butterfly is simultaneously in the shadow of that record and yet stands on its own. kendrick wasn't afraid to flirt with jazz and r&b on tpab, but this one dives hard into free jazz, off-kilter funk, and traditional, d'angelo-ish r&b, leading to some of the most colorful backings kendrick has ever rapped on. it's absolutely worth it, but you may not have the full context to really get onto its wavelength if you haven't heard tpab. so do that first!!
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#64. walter etc - dark comedy performance piece of my life (2020) honest to god i don't think there's a ton to say about this one, it's just a really nice scrappy post-punk songwriter record from the artist formerly known as walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra. the song topics are cute and original, his lyrical perspective is very relatable and grounded, and his instrumentals are really easy to get swept up in like little whirlwinds. it's partially a breakup album, partially an "oh god, i'm almost 30" album, partially just a jangly narrative tour of his life.
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#63. iceage - beyondless (2018) iceage often still get the "punk" or "post-punk" label slapped on them since they orbit in the circles of bands like idles and parquet courts, but there really is no other band that sounds like them. they've evolved past their early, more derivative sound, and grown to embrace slower songwriting, grinding dissonance, and the full emotional range of elias rønnenfelt's voice. the guy sounds like he's melting on most of these songs, and when his body's not liquefying he sounds somewhere between a circus ringmaster and an olt-time oil baron, the sheer sleaze of it is impressive. love this creaky thing to bits, can't wait for shelter.
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#62. okay kaya - watch this liquid pour itself (2020) known to the world as a king krule collaborator, okay kaya's own material might actually be the equivalent of pop music on whatever bizarro planet she and archy are from. this album is like kaya peeling herself, the eerie hooks and contorted melodies somehow winding their ways into your brain. despite the creepy bent, there's influence here from jazz and r&b, and the lyrical style is personal and frank to an uncomfortable level. this is a rare album where the title and cover art convey what you're about to get perfectly.
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#61. honey harper - starmaker (2020) harper describes his queer, glam-dusted, r&b-inflected country style as "cosmic country," and while that label might be a bit pretentious, these meticulously produced and arranged songs definitely have a bit of a space vibe to them. flute passages, gentle trip-hop grooves, slide guitar, and and unexpected interpolation of the christmas song O Night Divine are all things you will find on this. it's relaxing, enjoyable, and harper's voice is like syrup.
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#60. hail mary mallon - bestiary (2014) aesop rock is my favorite rapper, i have rarely heard a song of his i didn't like. this will not be his last appearance on this list either! for his hail mary mallon side project, he teamed up with fellow rhymesayers mc rob sonic, who has similarly diverse vocab, but adds an edge factor that aes doesn't usually have on his own. that's okay, since aes doesn't usually go for edge, but this is one of the only projects hes been on that i can describe as sounding a little menacing, while still employing his head-spinning, intellectual style and creative song topics. i can take or leave the fundraiser concert concept, but it does have a fun ending.
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#59. car seat headrest - nervous young man (2013) personally, i think this is csh's best pre-signing album. while it's of similar length and almost as ludicrous density as how to leave town, somehow i find this one way easier to get into and the songs just as cathartic and even stickier. the understated cover art gives way to walls of guitars, hollered choruses, and confessions of emotion wrapped up in weird metaphors and cute instrumental passages. will's kinda going through it on this one, he repeatedly tears himself and his friends and partners down, all while assuring himself that it's all fine.
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#58. the war on drugs - a deeper understanding (2017) this was actually my first taste of the war on drugs! i got into kurt vile years ago, but somehow just missed his band entirely. i think i always thought they were too stuffy for me, but when i was younger, a lot of the time i tended to confuse "quiet" or "meditative" for "stuffy." this album is a lot of things, and while "meditative" is sometimes one of them, "quiet" is often not. right when you least expect it, these songs ignite in warm, searing guitar, bringing the sheer passion written into them into full view. the song i've linked here is really unmissable imo!!
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#57. alex g - house of sugar (2019) second artist in a row that i didn't like for the longest time, but alex g is one that actually had to grow on me, rather than just never listening to him. house of sugar is one of his most immediately accessible albums imo, and while there's a lot of woozy detail to unpack in it, a lot of what's engaging and entertaining about it is right there on the surface too. captivating hooks, smoky, illusionist textures, unusual song strutures, and a dreamy, fuzzed-out aesthetic shift and osmose over each other here; when he throws in something even weirder and unexpected it sometimes barely even registers that way.
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#56. the shins - wincing the night away (2007) three in a row that i thought i didn't like for years! i think i'm the latest person in the world to the shins, but in case i'm not: this album's mix of winding song strucutres, inscrutably wordy lyrics, glossy production, and pure sugary britpop won them huge acclaim in the mid-2000s, and for good reason. james mercer is a really distinctive songwriter and voice, and this is a record that has more and more intricacies to it on repeated listens, even though it may grab you with its easygoing hooks on the first listen.
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huntsman-ash · 5 years
RWBY Season 7 Episode 2
Same deal as last time on this one, no tags so it doesn’t spoil anyone but I’ll keep it for my own stuff. Might start tagging these “livewatch” but I dont think THAT should show up on any particular tag-list. So here we go.
Where last we left our intrepid band of weirdos, lesbians, small boys being inhabited by old men, and Qrow, they’d just gotten their asses pinched by the most flamboyantly over-the-top “special operatives” in existence after probably saving Mantle from getting its ass chewed on by Grimm. Lets see how they fare...
Well seems like its pretty in character. Nora is attempting to EAT her way out of handcuffs. And I think Oscar just fell asleep. 
“Took us out like its nothing”, says Jaune. Its almost like they’re Specialists and you didn’t even graduate from Vale.  Mind you, BOTH groups are nothing compared to what I really honestly hope is true and not just my military headcanons Atlas has on hand. 
Hmm. Random gritty looking civvie. Interesting.  Least his giving exposition. “The elite of elite military Huntsmen.” WELP. Atlas is well and truly fucked if THAT is the best the can bring to the table. 
...Oh fuck, its Ash. Its Ash as a green-eyed angry teenager. Mixed with Tabloid from Ace Combat 7. 
Actually no, he’s a LOT more childish than Ash. Ash has history, this guy just has a boner for Robyn. Robin? IDK. 
Sigh. “Happy Huntress’s.” GREAATTTTT. Fuckin’ Robin Hood bullshit. I get this is Remnant but come on. And apperently Mantle cant even have people stand up for itself, no, they have to come from ATLAS. Mehh. Fuck it. 
New airship design! Its basically a flying box, but hey. Least we get a new one.  Henceforth I shall call it the Cattlecar.
Okay not going to lie but Atlas looks like High Charity kinda. Glowing spires, tight city blocks...its pretty cool, actually.  And it looks like they literally build the city into the moutain and then...ripped the mountain out of Mantle. Wonder when that happened. Was that the result of a mistake during a Dust RnD test? Also, calling it now, but this is how Fortress Academy looks. Except inside the mountain. 
Nora is still trying to eat her way out of her bolo handcuffs. 
And now, Atlas Academy; literally a giant fucking tower surrounded by OTHER towers. Top of the fucking rock. I gotta admit that fits the feeling of it, really. Dear Biased RWBY Gods LET IT HAVE TRIPLE-A
Atlas trooper armor hasn’t changed a bit. 
And I see that Atlas takes rules from the Forerunners of Halo; NO FUCKING RAILINGS ANYWHERE. I wonder how often people fall off the sides by accident...
Oh good Penny’s here! And HOLY SHIT ITS WINTER! SHES NOT DEAD! Also Atlas’s room doors all look like they have protculus’s on them.
REALLY Winter? Fucking with the grunts? Come on, their lifes bad enough as it is, don’t go the military route...
Soft daddy Ironwood. Cute. Also, nice fucking office. 
Penny looks adorable when she stands at attention. I mean everything she does is cute but... Also is Ironwoods voice different? Must not have heard it in a while but it sounds different...
Yes. Shut up and accept the hug Winter. ACCEPT. THE. HUG.
Good. Penny and Winter are in on this. THAT means others are...and so’s the Helljumpers. 
Yang, you dont know how the fuck this works, do you? Come on.  Also, RT, your Autin-fueled liberal side is showing...
Fucking super dramatic window closing and rising floor. This is what happens when your up in the cold north with nothing to do, HA. 
A new approach...oh my god. Open warfare? PLEASE TELL ME ITS OPEN WARFARE. NUKE SALEM!
Also oh hey there’s the Colloseum. Does that mean its officially Atlas’s to keep? Huh. 
Holy shit, someone figured out to rebuild the CCTS! It only took them...a year and a half, give or take? New ones mobile too... WEAPONIZE IT. Gun emplacements, military defenses, barracades, Triple-A! Make that fucking flying sports arena into a BATTLESHIP. 
That being said though this...seems kind of intense.  Also the whole “revealing Salem will cause panic” is...odd to me. I would think Remnant would be MAD. Vengeful. Yes that could bring Grimm, but when you have reason to fight, your morale is high. You fight harder than you have before. Thats the first rule of any military. Give the people an enemy, and they will rally. The Queen of Grimm, the cause of all your sorrows and frustrations...people will be grabbing rifles by the MILLIONS.
Oscars like “oh, well...shit.”
(Headdesks) NOTHING pisses me off more than seeing the General of FUCKING ATLAS bowing to a fucking SHOTA.  DO NOT KNEEL BEFORE THE FUCKING SMALL FARM BOY. YOU ARE A FUCKING GENERAL. I DO NOT CARE IF HE IS OZPIN REINCARNATE SHOW YOUR FUCKING RANK SOME RESPECT. Yes I know its becuse Oscar is like 4 feet shorter than him BUT STILL
Penny probably knows Ruby’s lying about the lamp. If she can’t read biometric data, I’ll be incredibly shocked. 
On that, something tells me Ruby’s making sure Ironwood cant figure out whats going on himself. Shes taking some control back. Good. 
We’ll make a soldier out of you yet farmboi.
Weird magic shape-changing lamp. Woooo
Yang’s response is my own. Mind you it’ll still be...Hunter tech. But hey, good shit.
Oh hey look its Olivia’s long-lost sister. Also when humor requires it, Ruby fully becomes a cartoon character
Wolf faunus. Hm. These really are Ace Ops. Aseops. Cute.  Hope they dont ALL die.
Penny can cha-cha-slide
Ironwood; Qrow (Decends the stairs to “Here comes the general” from Hamilton)
Fucking hell this place is gigantic. I thought Beacon had a big campus, this is fucking bonkers.  Everythings white too though which might not be the best choice...also the wall lights are literally torches just like on Atlas’s kingdom emblem so.
Noras down. Quick, no one glance up her skirt
Rain in Mantle. Hmm. Must be melted snow from above.
Watts walks like a fucking gentleman. Like, damn dude, slouch a little. 
Ear-coms. COMBEAD? Perhaps...good they’re canon, thats enough for me. 
Im pretty sure I can hear tyrian killing a dude in the background of his call.
None of the code was updated in Mantle. Well, fucking great, Watts has control of the entire area. He’s literally fuckin Adrien from Watch_Dogs. Even down to the “I helped write it” Also some of those cars look seriously armored. I like it. 
Yep he just killed a dude. Actually I think this is the first time we’ve seen proper blood in the show. Someones gonna notice that Tyrian you know that right
And with that...Episode 2 down. 
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i just like rappers that have a lot to say in a lot of different ways in their songs. LIKE aseop rock is soooogood and creative with his music its well written and his voice is unique and i love it💓
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gypsy30 · 6 years
New Aseop
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mwothers · 9 years
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gracesills-blog · 10 years
Aseop Rock- Food, Clothes & Medicine.
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liquidswordz · 10 years
all I ever i wanted was to pick apart the day, and put the pieces back together my way.
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haephop-blog · 10 years
Aseop Rock - Labor Days (Full Album) (2001)
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satanburger · 10 years
Kimya Dawson is actually the best person, y'all should really give her a listen sometime, she honestly just makes me feel okay with being alive sometimes, and that is the biggest gift anyone has ever given me. 
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mcstapleton · 11 years
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knuckledragging-blog · 11 years
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jcbrewer · 11 years
The Uncluded - Delicate Cycle (by TheRealRhymesayers)
Such a dope album/song/video/duo
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vansart · 11 years
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Check out Artwork by Travis Millard for the 3rd single, "Delicate Cycle" by The Uncluded from "Hokey Fright" out today on iTunes.
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