mostro-rotto · 11 months
Quelli della mia età hanno già molta esperienza in tutto e io ancora arrossisco con un contatto visivo
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lilithh-14 · 2 years
Che sensibilità per il sole: arrossire la sera prima di tramontare.
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emilioalessioloiacono · 3 months
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haikyou · 9 months
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Aria di sera
La brezza, il sassofono;
Cala la luce.
È l’ora d’oro,
Trieste arrossisce,
Occhi sul mare.
Scintillerà fra poco
Di millemila lucciole.
WakaBaoTzeBao, 7 settembre 2023 - 19.43, Kontowood.
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firkloverr · 7 months
quanto è bello imbarrazzarsi per i motivi giusti. beccare una persona con cui sai che c'è intesa, uno sguardo di troppo, un sorriso, una battuta scema che conferma l'attrazione e l'interesse, un contatto inaspettato, un attimo di silenzio tra un discorso e l'altro in cui pesa la consapevolezza che vi state provocando a vicenda.
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Interviewer: *try to compare Piatek with Sheva*
Paolo: how dare you to speak about my precious husband? you filthy bitch wash your mouth
Sheva: 😊🥰😘💕🤗☺️
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Sconfiggere la Vergogna: Il Percorso di Guarigione con l'Ipnosi Professionale
Senza Vergogna: La Trasformazione Personale attraverso l’Ipnosi Professionale Liberarsi della Vergogna attraverso l’Ipnosi Vera e Professionale La vergogna è un’emozione potente e limitante che può influenzare negativamente la vita di una persona, impedendo il pieno sviluppo personale e relazionale. Tuttavia, l’ipnosi vera e professionale offre una via per liberarsi da questo peso emotivo,…
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belteppismo · 1 year
Momento sfogo perché altrimenti do di matto stasera
Faccio volontariato in oratorio con un gruppo di bambini di 10 anni per i quali aggettivi come maleducati, incivili e menefreghisti sono poco e niente. Della serie che, dopo un'ora passata da sola con loro a gridare e non riuscire a dire due parole in fila (perché urlano, si picchiano a vicenda, si infilano sotto il tavolo, ti cantano sopra, si lanciano oggetti vari, si rubano le cose, fischiano, si insultano...) sono tornata a casa e sono scoppiata a piangere. Ti calpestano e ti fanno sentire impotente in una maniera che nemmeno so spiegare. E nonostante io sia una persona assolutamente pacifica, li prenderei a schiaffi uno ad uno
Mi fanno paura questi bambini che a 10 anni hanno TikTok (sul fatto che abbiano l'iphone ultimo modello con accesso ai social non dico nulla), dicono consapevolmente le parolacce, usano già slur omofobi, parlano di sesso come se ne sapessero qualcosa e, per esempio, davanti al racconto di un disagio psichico come quello di Van Gogh, rispondono "tanto non me ne frega niente dei suoi problemi" perché l'empatia non sanno nemmeno esista. Così come non hanno alcuna consapevolezza di essere dei maleducati colossali
Oggi hanno letteralmente riso in faccia a un adulto che era lì per loro. Non essendo nemmeno la prima volta, questo si è spazientito e ha detto loro di non fare i pirla
Ora i genitori si stanno lamentando perché, va bene che sono "preadolescenti vivaci" (e vai anche a quel paese perché non hai idea della maleducazione e della totale mancanza di rispetto che dimostrano di settimana in settimana nei confronti di persone adulte che sono lì gratuitamente, da anni), ma questi termini sono "inammissibili". Giusto a riprova del fatto che peggio dei figli ci sono solo i genitori
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vvvounds · 2 years
Ti seguo dal 2016 e bho sono letteralmente innamorata di te🥺
amo 🥺 aaaaah
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russos-ventitre · 8 months
alessia russo x reader | 23 weeks 🧸
✘ summary: alessia has become very protective of you ever since you got pregnant
✘ warnings/tags: fluff, pregnant!reader, wag!reader, caretaker!alessia, protective!alessia, future milfs
✘ words: 2917
a/n: inspired by ohgrays post
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It was a cozy morning, well for one of you, it was, yourself on the other hand were feeling like utter shit. Tossing and turning throughout the night, unable to get comfortable, and constantly feeling sick. Soft arms trying their best to comfort you as you managed maybe 30 minutes of sleep.
"Baby..?" The blonde called out, fingers tracing your slightly protruding stomach. "..do you want me to call Jonas and tell him I can't make it today..?" She offered, knowing full well you were exhausted and wanting to take care of you.
"It's fine Less.." You waved her off, feeling her hands gently pulling your body into her front. "..I don't wanna be a burden." You sighed, not sure how much longer you'll be able to hold this conversation for since the exhaustion was hitting you particularly hard, making your eyelids extremely heavy.
"Nonsense baby.." She hushed, pulling you closer, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck.
"Less I don't want you missing training because I barely got any sleep last night."
"But you're tired and need to be taken care of, plus I'm gonna end up missing training at some point." She protested.
"Yeah, but that's like when I'm heavily pregnant babe, not days where I'm mildly exhausted." You quipped, hearing her groan in response.
"Fine. But I'm making you coffee and breakfast and I'm having my mum check on you today at least twice."
"Alessia!" You grumbled.
"Hey! Don't Alessia, me, young lady. I'm trying to take care of you!" She grumbled back.
"Oi! You're only 7 days older than me.. don't soak it up too much grandma." Your comment earned you a light slap to your arm, which was then followed by an apologetic kiss to the area affected.
"The baby's fine, Less.. I assure you that your daughter wasn't harmed by the light tap you just- oh.." You paused in your tracks, feeling faint movements from within your stomach, your eyes going wide.
"I-I think she just kicked.."
"What?!" Alessia shot up from her position, leaning over your body to watch your stomach, a hand coming to delicately hold it. She waited, seconds, minutes, silence. After what felt like the longest few minutes of her life the baby finally responded, kicking lightly at your stomach as the striker held both your hands there. Her eyes welling up slightly at the feeling, looking down at you as her heart melted.
"I can't wait to meet our little girl.." She sighed happily, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
"Me too Less.."
The older girl carefully slid out of bed, extending her arms out to help you get up. You shaking your head but grabbing her hands nonetheless. "Baby I'm 23 weeks pregnant, I can still mostly function as usual."
"I know but I still want to take care of you." She pouted, placing a hand on the small of your back as she guided you to the bathroom.
The blonde was quick to brush her teeth, doing so as you used the toilet just mere inches next to her, the taller girl insistent that you hold her hand as you did so, only letting go to wipe. She took her caretaker duties very seriously ever since the news broke that you were pregnant, never letting you out of her sight unless completely necessary and never too far away so that she could hold you tenderly.
Once you finished it was your turn to brush your teeth, your wife standing behind you and holding up your stomach as you did so, hoping that it would bring you some sort of relief as you continued your task.
"You're cute." You pressed a kiss to her cheek, feeling her continue to hold your stomach up as you washed your face.
"Non farmi arrossire." [Don't make me blush.] She mumbled pressing soft kisses to your back and shoulders.
"I'm gonna put her down now, okay baby?" The blonde stated, placing a final kiss to your shoulder, looking at you in the mirror
You nodded, blush taking over your entire face as she carefully released your bump from her grip.
Alessia guided you to the kitchen, helping you get comfortable in your seat as she made you coffee, followed by breakfast, pretty much being a pro at being able to guess your weird food cravings by now.
"Thank you, my love." You hummed, happily eating your meal as she pressed a kiss to your temple, settling herself down next to you, and pulling your chair so it was situated between her legs so she could stroke your back.
"Anything for you." She hummed back, her manicured nails tracing down your back, hitting all the right spots that would make you melt for a few short minutes.
"Right. You stay here.." The blonde pressed a kiss to your cheek, standing up. "..while I pop upstairs and get ready for training."
She sprinted upstairs, quickly doing her hair and makeup for the day, slipping on her training kit, which always did things to you, especially the vest top, and ran back downstairs. Your eyes went wide and your jaw damn near dropped as she entered the room again, your eyes tracing the curves of her biceps as she smiled at you.
"Everything okay?" Alessia asked innocently, mostly curious if she missed anything happen whilst she was upstairs.
You could've said 'yes', very easily but that was so far from the truth. The thing is, being pregnant meant a lot of things, a lot of things you expected and a lot that you didn't. You knew about the hormonal changes you were going to face but nothing could quite prepare you for the hot and bothered part of those hormonal changes that you had been recently facing. You licked your lips hungrily, eyes flicking between her arms, then to her toned thighs, then back to her beautiful eyes.
"Hmm?" You shook your head, snapping yourself out of your trance of thoughts that you really shouldn't be having in your second trimester.
"You okay? You appear to be burning up." Her strong hand came to feel your forehead, checking if everything was alright.
"Y-Yeah.. just hot flashes s'all." You answered quickly, hoping that she would stop noticing your very obviously flustered self.
Alessia grabbed her packed breakfast that she had made herself, alongside her to-go coffee. She slipped on her trainers, slung her kitbag over her shoulder and grabbed her keys.
"You sure you'll be okay today?" She asked a final time.
"I'll be fine babe, promise." You reassured, pulling her into a hug, feeling her chin rest on your head. She pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead before pulling away.
"I love you." She smiled, giving you a light wave with only three of her available fingers.
"I love you more, Less." You blushed, watching as she climbed into her Mercedes and drove off.
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less 🤍✨ [8:38]: how are things amore? x
less 🤍✨ [8:38]: hows baby? xx
[y/n] 💕🌸 [8:39]: less youve only just left
less 🤍✨ [8:39]: so?
less 🤍✨ [8:39]: that didnt answer my question
[y/n] 💕🌸 [8:39]: babys fine i promise xx
less 🤍✨ [8:39]: good xx
less 🤍✨ [8:42]: oh i forgot
less 🤍✨ [8:42]: mum'll be there around 10:30 xx
[y/n] 💕🌸 [8:42]: alright x
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You were standing in the kitchen when you heard a knock on your door.
You padded your way to the front door, unlocking it to be greeted by Alessia's mother.
"[y/n] sweetheart! How have you been? How's the little one?" The older woman asked as she pulled you into a hug.
"Hi Carol." You hummed, happily accepting her soft hug. "I've been good, not much sleep but otherwise I've been fine."
"That's good, sweetheart."
The two of you continued your conversation into the kitchen, Carol immediately taking over and preparing tea in the kitchen.
"Oh. You don't have to do that Carol." You tried waving her off as you leaned your aching body over the kitchen island.
"Please, I insist." She smiled, making a cup for each of you.
"So.." She started, handing you your cup. "..whens the due date?" The blonde took a sip, awaiting your answer.
"Oh umm.." You paused, looking down at your bump with a smile, wagering a guess.
"..I think we were told end of January, beginning of February?"
"She might share a birthday month or day with you and Less then." She smiled, sipping more of her drink.
"Yeah." You blushed. "Probably one of the best birthday gifts you can get, huh?"
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less 🤍✨ [11:08]: hi my baby xx
less 🤍✨ [11:08]: how are things? xx
[y/n] 💕🌸 [11:08]: everythings been great less xx
[y/n] 💕🌸 [11:08]: your mum has been taking care of me dont worry love xx
less 🤍✨ [11:09]: i miss you [y/n/n] 
[y/n] 💕🌸 [11:09]: i miss you more baby
[y/n] 💕🌸 [11:09]: home soon? x
less 🤍✨ [11:09]: yea not much longer now xx
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Carol continued to keep you company up until tea time, both of you losing track of time as she conversed with you and helped you with some work around the house. It was nice to have the company and it was even nicer bonding with her mother. Seeing where the blonde got all her charm from and her sweetness really made your heart melt.
A little after 12, the both of you were pulled out of your little bubble, heads turning in the direction of rattling keys outside your front door.
"Baby! I'm home!" Your wife shouted, you turning your head in her direction as you walked towards the front door.
"You're home early." You sighed, not at all complaining as you melted into her arms.
"Yeah well.. perks of having a pregnant wife I guess." She teased, pressing a kiss to your head.
"What? You told Jonas?"
"Kidding. Jonas wanted us all to rest before our game tomorrow, he dismissed us early. Although for future reference I might use that.." The blonde smirked, watching as you blushed below her, noting how you'd definitely take her up on that deal.
"Hi, mum!" She called out, waving to the woman behind you.
"Took care of my girls I see?"
You nodded against her chest, feeling her arm rest on your shoulders pulling you in closer.
"Yeah. It was a lovely day actually." Her mother replied with a smile.
"Good." The striker hummed.
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The Following Day...
Alessia drove the two of you to the stadium, it being close by since it was a home game at the Emirates. Her hand firmly resting on your thigh, tracing light shapes into the material of your trousers. Sometimes it occasionally trailed its way up your bump, lightly caressing it, your hand coming to rest on top of hers, blushing at the soft gesture.
“Gonna score for my girls today.” The blonde hummed, leaning over to press a kiss to your bump whilst she was stopped at the red light. 
You giggled softly, pulling her hand up to kiss it. “We’ll be cheering you on, Less.” 
“Tesori miei.” [My loves.] She sighed, her hand resuming its original position on your thigh. 
The striker helped you out of the car, escorting you through the crowds to you seat, not all taking note of the fans that were surprised by her appearance in the stands, normally not one to ignore them but you were pregnant and thats all she was focused on. Only looking at you, taking your hand in her own, cupping your back, and holding you close as she helped you get seated. You were her priority, nothing else mattered at the moment.
“Honey, I’m okay, honestly.” You shushed her, the blonde not ready to let go of your hands yet.
“Go.. you need to be with your team.” Trying to push her in the direction of the locker room. 
Alessia pouted, giving you a squeeze to your hands, leaning in slowly to press a kiss to your cheek then to your lips, witnessing your cheeks blush when she pulled away.
“I love you."
"I love you, my star girl." You lightly brushed your thumb over her cheek, seeing her blush the same way that you'd been, a soft smile tugging at her lips.
The match against Aston Villa had finally ended after 94 minutes, seeing your wife wave to the fans in gratitude after the game ended. The well-known blonde striker immediately making a beeline for you, jumping over the barrier, she was instantly by your side.
"Hi, my love." She beamed, absolutely ecstatic to see you after a difficult game.
"Hi, Lessibear." You smiled back, knowing that pet name made her weak in the knees.
Her hand came to gently hold your stomach, the other resting on your shoulder as she leaned in for a kiss, fingers lightly massaging your bump.
"How have my girls been?" The blonde asked shyly, her hand still protectively stroking your bump.
"Good, yeah. Better now that you're here." You sighed, melting into the older girl's touch. The blonde slowly kneeled down in front of you, pressing a soft kiss to your bump, nuzzling her nose up against it. Your heart swooning at the adorable gesture from your wife.
Alessia stood back up, wrapping an arm protectively around your body. "Home?"
You nodded, feeling her press a kiss to your temple, guiding you carefully through the crowd of people. The blonde kept her arm tightly wrapped around you, helping you walk, even though you were perfectly capable in doing so, making your way to the locker room where the rest of the girls were.
She helped you down on the padded bench that was in front of her cubby, having you relax as she packed her things away. A few of her teammates giving you small waves as you waited for Alessia to gather her things.
"Russo! You didn't mention your bird was here!" A thick Irish accent echoed in the locker room, walking towards you both and taking a seat right next to you. "How are ya darlin'?" She asked with a cheesy grin, hand coming to lightly pat your back.
"Easy McCabe.." The blonde warned, a hand reaching out protectively in your direction, her face cringing as the brunette's hand lightly hit your back
"Honey, it's fine." You muttered, giving her a soft smile, your hand reaching for hers, fidgeting with her fingers.
"What? I'm just greeting your girl." The brunette smiled innocently.
"Sorry.. she's just really protective, especially since we found out I was pregnant." You sighed, revealing your bump from behind your coat.
"Oh shit! You've got a wee 'un in there!" She pointed towards your bump, Alessia's head immediately turning her direction again, eyes narrowing.
"How far? Wait- sorry.. is that rude?" The older woman questioned, not really sure how any of this works.
You shook your head in amusement. "No, it's fine. I'm about 23 weeks now, I'll be in my third trimester at the beginning of November." You smiled, seeing your lover relax her shoulders in your peripherals.
"Wow. Can I?" Katie asked, a lot less hyper than she was before, a hand reaching out hesitantly.
You turned to look up at Alessia who smiled and nodded, turning back to the brunette and giving her the 'okay'. Even though it was your bump and your body, Alessia was very protective over it. Having people ask both of your permissions before being allowed to feel your bump. The baby may not have been born yet but your wife certainly acted like she was and it made you hopeful for the future when your daughter finally comes into this world.
"Woah." She sighed, her hand delicately touching your bump, your hand on top of hers.
"Can I be an aunty?" The defender asked excitedly.
"We'll think about it." Alessia cut you off, her protective front still very much present as her hand reached for yours, carefully pulling you up to your feet. Your body lightly crashing into her side as her arm wrapped around your figure again, your right hand finding purchase on her chest.
"See you next week McCabe." The striker faintly smiled.
"Bye Katie." You lightly waved, letting the older girl guide you out of the building.
The blonde helped you into her car, pressing a kiss to your forehead before closing the door and entering the driver's side. "Less.." You started, lacing your fingers with hers over the console, her fingers lightly fidgeting with the rings on your fingers.
"Hmm?" She responded, not looking in your direction as she pulled out of the parking lot.
"..I'm okay, you know. The baby's not gonna get hurt just from a few harmless pats. I get you're protective and all and it's really sweet, but you don't need to scare people off."
Alessia gave your hand a squeeze in response, letting out a deep breath before speaking.
"Baby.. I'm just worried about our little girl.." She huffed.
"I think you worry more than me sometimes, Less." You laughed, seeing her face become flush.
"Maybe.." The blonde hummed, the blush now settling into her cheeks. She lifted your interlocked hands to her lips and pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand, continuing her journey back to your shared home.
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a/n: part two? 👀
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melissa-io · 8 months
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Di certi pensieri...
mi piace immaginare come potresti arrossire se...
te li sussurrassi all'orecchio...
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smokingago · 11 days
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Tradimento e infedeltà,
un argomento che tocca molte persone, per qualcuno è il male assoluto in una coppia, altri lo considerano soltanto un piccolo errore di percorso, ma mi chiedo spesso, il vero tradimento è quello puramente fisico e sessuale o quello dell'anima, delle emozioni?
Forse la differenza sta tutta nel libero arbitrio, spesso siamo attratti fisicamente da un'altra persona, ci piace, sentiamo un forte desiderio, è capitato a tutti, però siamo noi a decidere o no se tradire, altre volte invece si tratta di un sentimento, di un affetto inspiegabile che si prova per una persona che abbiamo incontrato o che abbiamo vicino in altri ambiti della vita quotidiana, anche senza averla mai sfiorata, quando solamente passargli vicino e incrociare il suo sguardo, scambiarsi un sorriso, ti fa sentire quelle maledette farfalle, e ti fa accelerare i battiti del cuore e arrossire in viso.
Stiamo insieme al nostro partner, al quale vogliamo anche molto bene, ma durante l'intera giornata pensiamo sempre più spesso a quella persona, non riusciamo a toglierla dalla testa e sentiamo dentro qualcosa di molto simile all'amore. Ecco, è proprio questo il punto, abbiamo la libertà di scegliere di non tradire con il corpo, ma se la nostra mente, la nostra anima, il nostro cuore provano un sentimento così forte, più cerchiamo di reprimerlo e più questo si rafforza, forse è proprio questa la forma peggiore di tradimento, perché non possiamo evitarlo, nonostante tutto lo sforzo che ci mettiamo.
Proviamo un insopportabile senso di colpa quando ci innamoriamo di un altro/a, soprattutto se non riusciamo a smettere di amare la persona con cui condividiamo felicemente un sano rapporto di coppia.
Ci si ritrova senza via d'uscita, proviamo quel terribile senso di frustrazione quando ci accorgiamo che non possiamo amare una persona senza fare del male all'altra. Quando poi proprio non vorremmo fare del male, a nessuno, Mai.
#smokingago #pensieri #imieiversi
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mancino · 3 months
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"Mi basta un piccolo gesto per strapparmi un sorriso. Mi basta uno sguardo per farmi arrossire. Mi basta un messaggio per rendermi felice. Mi basta veramente poco.
Perché nella vita, le cose più piccole sono le più preziose."
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canterai · 1 month
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canesenzafissadimora · 2 months
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l'amore è una pazzia temporanea, erutta come un vulcano e poi si placa, e quando accade bisogna prendere una decisione. devi capire se le vostre radici si sono intrecciate al punto da rendere inconcepibile una separazione.
perché questo è l'amore. non è l'ardore, l'eccitazione, le imperiture promesse d'eterna passione,
il desiderio di accoppiarsi in ogni minuto del giorno. non è restare sveglia la notte
a immaginare che lui baci ogni angolo del tuo corpo. no, non arrossire, ti sto dicendo qualche verità.
questo è semplicemente essere "innamorati”. una cosa che sa fare qualunque sciocco.
l'amore è ciò che resta quando l'innamorato si è bruciato; ed è sia un arte sia un caso fortunato.
ci sono radici che si protendono sottoterra l'una verso l'altra e quando i bei fiori cadono si scopre che si è un albero solo, non due. ma a volte i petali cadono senza che le radici si siano intrecciate…
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