pochapal · 10 months
as someone enjoying your umi liveblog i do feel the need to say that watching new people get invested in the characters and suffer when bad things happen is deeply fun. it's like the ppl watching and encouraging the blorbifying are beatrice watching shit go down in the mansion.
understanding new depths to the definition of "witch" tonight
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agoddamn · 2 years
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@archsage-celica it's partly fandom being odd, but Naruto in particular has a somewhat insane moral compass that makes it hard to reconcile with typical fandom purity culture.
If you take Naruto more literally, it's a hellish, jingoistic dystopia running off child soldiers, eugenics, and slavery. In this reading, it's not really possible to have any kinda non-problematic shipping; there is no such thing as wholesome brainwashed child soldier relationships.
If you take Naruto more loosely, more tolerant of the fact that it's a shonen action series for children, you're still stuck with a shonen moral compass where the most prolific murderer can be forgiven and domesticated with the power of a protagonist speech. The sequel series even does this to an unrepentant child murderer/torturer and like...your ship cannot POSSIBLY be more problematic than the actual canon actions there lmao
It doesn't help that Naruto main characters age over the course of the series from 12 to ~32, so it's very hard to even pretend to take any age gap wank seriously.
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randomnameless · 2 years
"We’re in Fire Emblem, you can’t force them to get away with a pretty please." I found this sentence in your takedown of the awful Seteth and Flayn post, and honestly, I feel like it sums up the issue with a lot of 3h discourse. I feel like the game got a lot of series newbies, and I feel like there's a bizarre portion of them that can't accept/are being bizarrely obtuse about the fact that this is a video game, and we need excuses for chapter maps. A game of just "pls go away" would be boring.
People were joking about wanting to play Ace Diplomat with Claude's route, but it's still a Fire Emblem game, and in Fire Emblem, you have bandits, vulneraries, worthless merchant nations and, often, dragons.
It's not exclusively a series about pairing up whoever you want and having tea and pastries, and while having different map objectives sometimes help to tell a different story ("rout" instead of "escape", or "protect the dumb green NPC for 45 turns" instead of "seize the throne") it's still a game about people with swords and axes using said swords and axes.
It's nice and all to bring new fans, but at one point, you have to wonder, the game isn't a light-novel, it's a game meant to be played where you wack people with weapons.
It's just like the smelly discourse about "sending students to fight :( ", guys, this is a military school, what are they expected to do? Play dices when giant beasts + bandits are wrecking havoc outside?
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deetvar-moved · 6 years
For ships, Elincia/Pelleas?
1. My take on their canon relationship: Well it’s crack..but I’ll make it canon with own bare hands.
2. Do I ship them: Yes like..yes..LIKE YES. 
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them; So Elincia is this royal who had no intention of ruling, thrust into ruling. She takes assistance in the form of a band of mercenaries to reclaim her homeland. Pelleas is a royal (secretly not really) who had no knowledge he was a royal (not), thrust into ruling. He takes assistance in the scattered remnants of the army of the previous war, spearheaded by a group of vigilantes to reclaim his homeland. They got a similar arc going about here, the only difference is how each approaches their respective arc. They dam cute together, don’t be lying to me otherwise.As far as other ships for either Pelleas/Micaiah is uneasy but a decent fic that works out it becoming healthy I can see. Ike/Elincia is a no, I mean this for reasons outside of the question of Ike’s sexuality. Ike’s not going to like being royalty at all. Elincia with either Delbray is also a no, because milk siblings is WEIRD.
4. Headcanon, if any: So Taureneo is like a pseudo wing man. He’s convincing to Pelleas not to be so hesistant and anxious around Elincia; she doesn’t actually hate him more so just unease by the marriage and that he’s Ashnard’s son. Jill and Zihark also playing wingmen in getting Elincia at least in getting comfortable with Pelleas. I mean he is (not) Ashnard’s son, the very same Ashnard that set her kingdom to shambles. It’s a bit hard to keep those facts separate when you’re forced to be married the tyrant’s son.
5. How much do I ship (%): 98%? The other two is in the case of Pelleas/Micaiah but it has to be very specific way. 
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legendaryzerak · 7 years
Would it be too late to ask for all three of the hearts?
 its never to late 
💜 for a vague about someone
there is a person i know who is really nice and is an a very adorable and they wont admit it 
 💙 for a confession about someone
there is a person in some discord servers im in that i want to hug 
💛 for my honest opinion of you
read both of the above 
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banished-away · 7 years
clive for the discomfort characters?
comfort unless were talking about our tyrant!clive au ofc
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unassumingvenusaur · 7 years
honestly when i first heard of the easter focus i thought of cute things like elise in a sunday dress calling herself the 'elise-ter' bunny. i want to go back to those thoughts. honestly i'm scared of what they're going to do for camilla.
See? See? That would actually be pure and wonderful and cute. Why can’t we have nice things like that. - Mod GF
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lesbianmarth · 7 years
Wow, that recruitment conversation becomes a lot more powerful after Lilina's taken an axe to the face to protect the village from bandits...
YEAH I WAS JUST THINKING... there’s the bit where she says “if you’re going to kill me, then do as you must” and i’m like... HE REALLY TRIED
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archsage-celica replied to your post “No, seriously. Raise of hands. Who actually LIKES Miciaiah? Hell, even...”
Her designs are excellent, and though her character in part 1 is barebones, I love how they drag her through the nightmare for Daein that is part 3. Honestly Micaiah's one of my favorite lords character-wise.
>Drag her through the nightmare
Oh, you mean Kirby’s Dreamland. Miciaiah doesn’t struggle, and any circumstance in which she could learn or advance as a character is brushed under the rug. Your followers revere you as a goddess? She is literally in a losing war, and not once do they bother to give her hell for not following in her own beliefs. At risk for losing your powers? Go take a nap, they’ll be back in the morning. Your liege has gone and fucked over any chance at reconstruction? Give him your 110% support and always trust his decisions making (what’s that, Taureneo? What’s a moral dilemma? Who’s Camus?). At risk of losing your boyfriend because of your own decisions? Not only he somehow has absolute faith in you no matter what, but the one chance you actually could have lost him was a fucking bluff check (one that was a natural 20, go King of Hawks). Said King has given you a catch-22 and begs for him to kill you? Not only you can abstain from doing the deed yourself and pass on TREASON & REGICIDE onto another, all you have to do get stabbed yourself and give empty platitudes for him to drop the subject. The entire citizenry in danger of dying? Everyone got turned into stone, now they can’t die! Turned into the vessel of a dark goddess everyone was conditioned to believe is one hundred percent evil and turns out to be an immature brat AS WELL? No one cares, everyone believes your words at face value anyway!
ALMOST LITERALLY BURNED YOUR BRIDGES WITH 80% OF THE CAST THANKS TO YOUR POOR DECISIONS BUT ALSO ATTEMPTING TO IMMOLATE A CHILD? All is forgiven and forgotten, don’t even NEED an apology with said child, she loves you anyway.
A struggle is something the protagonist resolves on their own, not handled to them on a silver-haired platter.
EDIT: And this really doesn’t even touch on how boring a character Mickey is. She really has no stand-out lines other than “Commander Ike: Father of Sothe’s children” one.
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pochapal · 4 months
if you're thinking of umi supplemental material, the order i was given to go through it was first four arcs in full, then manga/other stuff of the first half, since adaptation choices are made and some of those can be spoilery in a meta way if viewed too early.
yeah my intended order rn is episode 1 -> stageplay -> episodes 2-4 -> the anime -> episodes 5-8 -> the manga and other than maybe the singular possible hint in the stageplay this order should hopefully dodge most major spoilers
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fireemblemdiscourse · 7 years
Introducing the newest Fire Emblem Character: Fayedora
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*Tips fedora* M’lord Alm
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
@archsage-celica said
This is hilarious, but I don’t think I’ve heard the CF Dimitri Crest baby theory. Where the fuck did that ome from and…why? Genuinely why. What does it add.
It's extrapolated from Dimitri's line about the Blaiddyd line continuing after his death in CF, because it's easy to forget that his uncle Rufus exists and as far we know isn't killed off in that route. It also comes from an older period of discourse where fandom at large was (even) quicker to assume that Dimitri was straight and when bad takes on him were twinged with violent/patriarchal heterosexual masculinity. Freudian Dimigard also came from this period, as did the belief that Dimitri raped women during the timeskip in his "feral" state. These have mostly fallen by the wayside since then, even among his critics, because there's just nothing to back them up.
Also “All the fandom discourse is caused by a bad localization” You ever get the feeling that the fe3h fandom is projecting fates onto 3h sometimes?
There are definitely times, yes - and unlike most of those other takes that's something I've seen from all sides of the discourse. I'm skeptical of any conclusion based on the assumption that the Japanese versions of these games are these pure, perfect things, as if the original writers were not beholden to market pressures and expectations from higher ups in the same way that they localizers were. You can do a lot with analyzing line changes here and there, but big picture stuff (especially when it involves things that rarely get changed in localization, like visuals and the game code) is a much harder sell. It's been easy enough for people to debunk the nonsense said about how Dimitri's character arc differs in the Japanese, but there's no way I can buy that Edelgard wasn't scripted to be a marketable waifu in the original when this Cipher image exists and when her Heroes appearance give her boob armor and make her Hegemon form less monstrous, and when those mood whiplash scenes of her being cutesy in CF still exist in the Japanese along with her S rank.
The back-of-forth of localization wank can be so strange sometimes, when it was practically nonexistent for the games released before Fates (even when it might be warranted - see discussions of the Radiant Dawn Hard mode script), arose in response to Japanese Fates including elements that were perceived to be morally objectionable, and has now circled around to placing the Japanese versions on pedestals of artistic and philosophical integrity that they can't possibly deserve.
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agoddamn · 1 year
whaaaat no enemy phase support points in fe17????
Yeah, @archsage-celica pointed it out to me. I had noticed that I wasn't seeing hearts on EP, but wasn't entirely sure if it was a cosmetic choice or maybe I'd been looking at characters who didn't have a support or some other issue. It makes support growth glacial.
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legault · 7 years
Themed FE Heroes Arena Teams
Nothing But Waifus: Lucina, Bunny!Lucina, Camilla, Bunny!Camilla
Incest Sisters: Lachesis, Clarine, Priscilla, F Corrin
Team Titties: Kagero, Camilla, Lyn, Ursula
Come Over Here and Let Me Hit You: Hector, Effie, Draug, Sheena
Alm’s Harem: Alm, Clair, Faye, Celica
Smiling Sadists: Azama, Peri, Henry, Camilla
Dancing Queens: Olivia, Ninian, Azura, Laslow
Yanderes and Tsunderes and More Yanderes, Oh My!: Faye, Tharja, Camilla, Selena
Fuck You Tiki: Alm, Marth, Lucina, Chrom
Ultimate Bros: Barst, Hector, Ephraim, Ogma
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deetvar-moved · 6 years
...In the theoretical Leaf/Nanna/Janne love triangle, would Janne be...Faye-y? Because if so, dear god Loppy. That would be an extremely potent curse and i'm not sure how to handle that.
You don’t handle it. You write corrective fan fic to redeem an originally decent ship. 
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