mceproductions · 6 years
Best of 2017 Movies #11: Justice League
In light of Supermans sacrifice, Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince assemble a group of like minded individuals with a singular goal, protecting the world in his absence.
But when said enemy is beyond them, the newly formed Justice League may have to call on something beyond them to combat it.
The DCEU arrives at this point with 3 Sub par films and one amazing one. While having its moments of greatness, highlights being The Flash and Aquaman, this does feel like this could have come a little later, not just trying to play catch up with the MCU.
Still though this is a fun ride seeing Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman on screen battling the horde of paredemons. 
Sum 22: The Greatest Heroes of The DCEU Unite while setting the stage for either expansion or Flashpoint reboot. 
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red-hood-vigilante · 4 years
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I don't have time to think about myself. Everything I do is a reaction to what happens around me. Maybe it's time I started taking control.
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tamaraneanlives · 7 years
I want Aquamamoa to pull me into the depths of the ocean.
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drougnor · 5 years
Tag, yer it!
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Nickname: Do I have one? A SINGULAR one? I mean, I’m called by a shortened version of my given name, I’ve answered to my last name, I’ve been referred to as ‘Biker Gandalf’ and Hooded Figure (One for how I look, the other for a role I played in High School drama). So . . . Yes. The answer is: Yes.
zodiac: War. No, really, that’s where the sign got the name. Look it up.
height: Roughly 6 feet.
last movie i saw: AQUAMAMOA! With @deadcatwithaflamethrower​
last thing i googled: Something about Final Fantasy VII
fave musician: Just like if you have kids, it’s usually accepted that you don’t REALLY have a favorite. I just have FAR too many that I listen to on the regular. 16-24 year old me would have been jumping up and down and screaming ‘Iron Maiden!’, however.
song stuck in my head: One of the atmospheric background pieces from Final Fantasy VII
other blogs: Dude, I barely keep this one going on the regular.
followers: Not so many as others, but a lot more than I ever expected!
following: A goodly amount. More will happen, I’m sure.
amount of sleep: All of it? Ok, the CORRECT amount, which tends to be 8-9 hrs.
lucky number: Not my groove, baby.
dream job: Not sure what to call it. But it’ll be fun!
what i’m wearing: Black black black black black (Another quality answer stolen from @deadcatwithaflamethrower
favorite food: Not Fish!
can i play an instrument: I have played the Trumpet in the past for nearly 8 years, and was frequently told I was pretty good at it. I’ve messed around with guitar enough to still be fairly chord competent and I’m in process of properly fully learning a 6 string bass.
language: Fluent in English, Sarcasm and can translate Asshole.
fave songs: I’m sure I have some, but if I were to try to write down the list, it’d end up being fucking encyclopedic.
random fact: These lists can often be used to harvest details for social engineering attacks, which is why there’s a LOT of sarcasm spread through certain answers. No, really, if I were to start a campaign against a business or individual in the hopes of finding out how to get into their accounts, I’d start with lists like this. They’re fun, but you gotta watch yourself.
describe urself in aesthetic things: I get the Aesthetic thing, but I’m unsure how to apply it to myself . . . I’ll go with 80′s Thrash Metal. That counts, right? (If I don’t call it Thrash, someone’s going to assume I mean that bullshit hairspray metal aesthetic, which, while FUN, was NOT my gig. Gimme my long, NON POOFED UP, hair, WITHOUT BANGS, thank you, black t-shirts and jeans. Comfy shoes or shit-kickers to round it out.
Tagging: If you want to play along, by all means, steal this, fill in my name as the tagger and let us see your answers!
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queermystic · 7 years
i reached S3 Ep4 -“Sateda” in my Stargate Atlantis rewatch the other day and tbqh the entire time i was watching the ep i felt like i was having an epiphany about what exactly James Wan means when we says that he wants Aquamamoa to be the Wolverine of the DCEU....
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notaquawoman · 7 years
i can’t wait to see smol a//mber h//eard mera size up to big ol’ aquamamoa and basically drag him by the ear down to atlantis
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moonisneveralone · 7 years
So here's the thing I love Aquamamoas design. I love the grey eyes. But in no way for I prefer them over his natural eye colour. Arthur having eyes like the ocean works well with his character, but y'all love associating light eyes with whiteness and so y'all fetishize poc with light eyes (every Desaster picture in a majorly brown country features a girl with light eyes looking into a camera that is never compensated). Jason Mamoa is a beautiful man with brown hair and brown eyes. Loving father, stunning actor with a funny and heartwarming attitude respect that.
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thesailorsenshi · 7 years
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burnt-biscuit · 8 years
When they gon start drawing aquaman lookin like Jason mamoa tho? I need this so I can care about reading Aquaman. Meera and Aqualad are not enough. Gotta have the Aquamamoa! I mean I read the first one but still.
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tamaraneanlives · 7 years
May I remind everyone that the discrimination in Aquaman is based on geography, not skin colour? We don’t need to make the Atlanteans white supremacists in order to get the message that prejudice is bad. We’re not thick. That’s not intelligent storytelling. That’s patronising laziness.
Why is this unsolicited nonsense in my inbox? I hope you realize that they don’t only discriminate based on geography, they do it based on blood purity as well and that also I really don’t need to justify why I want Atlantis to be racially diverse. Aquaman is a Pacific Islander in a multimillion dollar movie franchise, and I wouldn’t want it any other way so don’t send me any more of this trash, ‘kay?
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