#aqi talks
teriyakiaqi · 10 months
I think Harry Du Bois should have a mock burial. We should put him in a vaguely-grave shaped hole and have his colleagues say nice things about him. I don’t know if it would psychologically benefit him per se, but I think the situation has potential for both angst or comedy or fluff, etc
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year
i feel bad for people in new york because of the air quality but it reminded that the air quality index in delhi (capital of india) is casually a 242 and this is not unusual and people just deal w it ??
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allalrightagain · 11 months
Our forecast rn is just reading “smoke” 💀
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HEY Guys,
Sorry you haven't heard from me in sometime.
But I have...
I want to share...
*Nervous excited squealing*...
So today... I'm going on my first date since the summer before the Pandemic.
I've got butterfly's and nerves all week. It's been a while since I "Dated" a guy so nerves are high. We met online so this is the first day and meet. But we've talked tons... via text. We never could schedule with our schedules to talk over call or facetime (something you should generally do) but we couldn't correlate are schedules the last few days to do so.
It's just an exciting time I wanted to share with you.
I had a fun idea the other day to post what I may be wearing, hair ideas, makeup and do a voting thing just to make it something fun. But... with my phone power level it is now, I'll likely have it off for a few hours that such time would have benefited to do so.
I may do this IN THE FUTURE for funsies!
I still have THSC 3Rd anniversary art and other art coming soon. Weather this last month and AQI has been crazy in my area of Washington the last few weeks. Due to heat or air quality related to smoke in the air from Canada fires (as an allergy induced asthmatic) has delayed art as some days I couldn't work on them. And others thanks to the same instances effected my old computer to overheat and go through hours if performing self maintenance.
So A LOT has happened, but I finally am at a spot with the art that I can say it should be coming hopefully in the next week.
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hemometer-goes-india · 9 months
wtf ive seen posts on here like NobOdY wEArs mAsKs oN aIRplAnEs AnyMOre!! and i was like pshhh sensationalist nonsense
but wtf. now i am at the airport and for real, why is nobody wearing a mask? Also the AQI is abysmal right now. Visibly bad. And no one is masking??
Masks are such a good way to keep your lungs safe, and to keep your immune system safe in high risk settings.
If you don’t smoke bc you care about your lungs… why would you start inhaling huge amounts of smoke when the AQI is > 100? The cutoffs for “sensitive groups” are arbitrary. Higher # = more bad.
If you DO smoke, don’t you want to save that good good lung capacity for getting toasted? lol
Idk if my followers know, but I literally founded a mask company during the pandemic. Our device was recommended by top air quality experts and I helped write legislation to help workers pick the best masks during COVID. Our device is ASTM 3502 listed. I know what I’m talking about.
One common misconception about masks is that you need to replace them after every use. This is surprisingly false. As long as it doesnt get wet or dirty the meltblown fabric doesnt degrade significantly.
Here are my mask recs:
Best balance of comfort and performance: Air Pop
This was designed for pollution and illness protection in East Asia. These guys are legit.
Most cost effective + high performance: Fix The Mask
$15 up front cost + $0.30 for each replacement “filter” (you just use a surgical mask). Full disclosure, this is my company, but if you need a discount, email [email protected]. I will personally hook you up.
Most typically recommended: 3M Aura
this is what most serious masking people will recommend. It works well on most faces, but for me the rubber over the head straps mess up my hair too much.
3M Aura Particulate Respirator https://a.co/d/8mbNmml
I am super lazy, what is the minimum I can do? Any surgical mask with 90%+ filteation efficiency
A regular surgical mask will give you ~40% inward protection per studies in JAMA and other places (Clapp et. al) and others. It won’t give you 90% protection bc air gets around the sides, but it’s better than nothing.
How big a difference is 40% filtration? This is the best visual I’ve seen to illustrate the difference:
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Don’t be a dick, and don’t be an idiot. Use a mask ffs.
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softgrungeprophet · 10 months
i'm sorry, this is fucking ridiculous, i'm like one more fucked up jovial remark from asking my mom what the fuck she thinks she's doing
she's like? literally showing me screenshots she was sent by my sister of the AQI across the mountains in the fucking maroon, smoke so bad it's crossing the cascades, talking about the multiple highs of 100 (oh but it's dryyyyyy heat), saying shit like "my friend's house just burned down" (but lol it's fine they're okay! haha! nbd!), and how my sister's workplace was hazy indoors from all the smoke, while continuing to talk about how we're definitely moving over there and how she just told (my brother's dad) we're moving over there next spring and how she just told my little brother too
my mother has a respiratory problem that is exacerbated by particulates in the air.
and i just don't even know what the fuck i am supposed to say to her.
like do you hear yourself?
wtf am i supposed to do here?? be excited? i already don't want to move to a city i hate, but i especially don't want to move to a grassland death trap that has a fifty-fifty chance of burning to the fucking ground every summer because of climate change making the deserts nigh uninhabitable. maybe i just have an irrational fear of house fires but idk! doesn't seem so irrational these days.
wish i could support my damn self cause then at least i could attempt to stay by the coast but? 🤷 oh well.
probably delete this later if I don't forget but jesus christ
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nnmarudkar · 11 months
A Dream I 'Oversea'...
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Social media has laid a red carpet to most of your problems that web around your head. Every time I go on my social media account nowadays, I see one person leaving the country. Well done. Some or the other is settling outside giving me that FOMO. Get out without speaking. SSSHHHSSSHHH! I feel too far from this and jealous people. How does this happen? Hence I scroll down faster to ignore all this intentionally. But then that story or reel pops up. I may be jinxing it entirely for you for the good and for the worse. 😄 Well that does not mean I think bad of you. Jokes apart. Please have a great life and make good out of it. Change is not just constant but it is good and so empowering. Alone is wonderful at some intervals to revisit yourself. And being alone in a different country is splendid and rejuvenating. It is amazing without an elder who has 'seen more rains' or the 'world than you'. It is amazing how you make a shift and upgrade at all levels; personality, professionally, monetarily, psychologically and atmospherically. It is one of the milestones that suggest you have grown.
I miss doing all this. I think the ship sailed, the train left and the bus drove off. But…
Dear Friend,
You must be in good health and status there. I see a lot of beautiful pictures under happy skies on green lawns, cloudy cliffs and saintly serene rivers with exotic looking food across diverse cuisine. I surely want to know the experience. Experience of visiting a new location and meeting new people from various other countries. How does your friend list look? How does it feel to be on your own? Back home people look at you with utmost respect. Everybody is proud of you. Your family, relatives, neighbours, street, city, state, country, the sky, the moon, the sun and the universe. What is your heart's expression? Is it overwhelming or relaxing?
How does it feel to stay away from home? How is it to do everything on your own? I am sure it started hand to mouth but even that had a quality of life. Absolutely not easy, I understand. But isn’t it a ‘look I achieved it’ moment at times?
It has to be a great walk on clean roads, inhaling fresh air, walking past the well mannered population and having people not look at what you are wearing. They do not spit, cough and throw things just like that. It is a beautiful strolling experience. Refreshing or depressing after the first few days? Your people are curious to talk to you ‘What is happening there, what did you make, how do you travel, how easy are you now with the new place etc,. Motivational, right?
They are glowing here with your self made attitude there. They flaunt your city’s gifts here. I know you have had a ride to choose it for them. Did they expect it from you?
Isn't it still a beautiful feeling buying them souvenir? They take pride in telling people you stay in whichever country.
Here people do not expect much from us. We are now what they want us to be and do. We are in the ‘the sad generation with happy pictures’ zone here. We struggle on wet and gross roads, footpaths just not for a walk, AQI falling to new lows as low as the billboards and hoarding about to fall on our heads and the highlight is yet we say ‘I love this city.’. Because the fact is we have nowhere to go. Which is out of no choice. ‘We’ are not all of us. But some of us who just thought one day our futures will take us across the seas and give us a better life. How big fools were we. We were meant to see people spit and walk on that mucus. Because we were not as fabulous and courageous as you. We weren’t as intelligent and sharp as you. But above all we just failed to realise our fates. How typically our fate was written and unsupportive in lifting us up. We failed to understand us.
Tell me, do you feel lonely there? Sure you might be. We are lonesome here in the crowds. You have had your moments, definitely.
Do you love cooking or have transformed into lazy bone ordering or eating junk everyday. I am so certain that you have learnt cooking and enjoy it like therapy at times.
And do not give me that nonsensical debate of ‘it's not easy’, ‘we have had to go through a lot’, ‘worked hard to reach here’ etc. We know how it must have been for you. However, the grass is always green on the other side. And amongst all the happiness there is an urge to pretend discomfort. And yeah, this city definitely does not call your heart back, which is why you are enjoying it there. So do not tell us you have hard times. The country will run for you if you are in trouble and may give you a rose and special treatment when you come back. We will not see that ever. So today living our life here is not like it was when you left the country. We trade our respect in return for sanity and money. After all, we still have to deal with dirt and indiscipline.
Does the mind feel free and decluttered? Does it have a lot of other burdens or exploring a life at once?
I suppose be thankful enough that all those toxic energies are kept away from you by fate and your will. It is a roller coaster when your critic stands right beside you. They surprisingly become your well wishers when you are away. Stay away and stay enlightened.
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baronetcoins · 2 years
10/7: Smoke
The sky over Portland was the same dull yellow-grey of bile, and smelled about as bad. Theo wrinkled his nose with distaste and pushed the rags even deeper into the cracks around the windowsill. 
“Looks like a bad one, Mom. I wouldn’t go out today.” He yelled over his shoulder. 
“It always looks like a bad one in August.” She poked her head out from the bedroom door. “I won’t be missing book club again this week.” 
“Oh, for the love of—” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just take the respirator?” 
“You have work today, don’t you?” She tottered into the kitchen. 
“I’ll grab a bandana.” Theo grabbed his backpack. “You need it more than I do.”
“I’m just walking down the street—” “Mom, the respirator.” He pulled the cloth square off the table, knotting it around the back of his head. “Promise me.” 
“The AQI—” Theo gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to be late. See you tonight.” 
“Fine, but it’s your lungs on the line.” “I know, mom.” He swung open the door. “I love you!” “Love you too.” She sighed, helping close it behind him and replace the wadding. Theo saluted, and started climbing the stairs to the apartment two by two. 
The street was worse than expected, the haze fading to a kind of orange in the far distance. It might have looked like the winter fog but it stank of smoke and petrol. Theo clasped the bandana closer to his nose. 
It took until about his third crosswalk to realize there weren’t any cars on the street. Another block to realize he hadn’t seen much of anyone at all. Theo pulled out his earbuds and listened. 
No traffic, or construction, or talking, or movement. No sign of tents or pedestrians or cars. Just a flat haze of burnt-orange-yellow, with visibility of a few blocks. He lowered his earbuds all the way. 
What was that smell in the smoke?
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teriyakiaqi · 10 months
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Duality of man. [@markala5 & @redspleen]
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aacme · 5 months
I didn't know I liked taking walks until this year. Every time someone's invited me on a walk before, it was by a sixth generation American mindlessly wandering onto a highway. At a certain point I go "Where are we going?" because only someone with a destination in mind would lure their friend into a free climb across two torn up railroads and a fault line. But no. "We're taking a walk, there's no real destination." Don't even talk to me about how long we've been out here. We're in a different time zone before she's ready to head back. Now I just go to the park and breathe air with a single-digit AQI. It's better.
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acquire-realestate · 5 months
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4 BHK Flats in Surat
Are you looking 4 BHK Flats in Surat ? Acquire Real Estate Advisors can be the best choice. Contact us now!!
Food, shelter, and clothes are the three basic necessities for every person. But this is updated when these fundamental needs and goals are met. The analogy is that if you've eaten at a 3-star restaurant, you'll undoubtedly prefer a 5-star restaurant the next time. Is it not? Similar to when you live in a rental property, you will undoubtedly consider buying a home of your own. If your income is high, you might want to relocate to a luxurious residence.
Everyone aspires to live in a lavish, roomy home. A truly luxury lifestyle has its own price, yet luxury apartments in Surat can be extremely expensive. Before making an investment in Surat real estate, you need be mentally clear. The Surat real estate market has exploded in recent years as demand for both commercial and residential property has increased. 
This blog would be instructive and helpful for you if you are looking to invest in opulent flats in Surat but are still unsure of the crucial things that you need to consider. After reading this, you will undoubtedly make sure that you have all the pleasures of life that will make you feel like you are living an exclusive life once you move into opulent 4 BHK Flats in Surat.
The latest developed, worldwide standard lifestyles, including gyms, pools, clubhouses, spas, and gyms, are available, in addition to essential amenities such spacious living rooms. With all those conveniences, your life will be luxury and you'll be able to have a unique experience. We must not cut corners or choose for the bare minimum while spending a significant amount of money to purchase a home.
Therefore, if you're searching to purchase opulent 4 BHK Flats in Surat, you should take into account the following:
Stunning sight:
Many home builders in the real estate industry prioritise the interior of the house. However, owners always look for amenities and views when purchasing a fancy house so that they can wake up to beautiful and joyful views, since this is therapy in and of itself. True luxury is when a location is in one of the city's poshest regions while also having an exterior view and inside facilities that provide peace and tranquilly. When we talk about it, they are offering a huge home with a view of the golf course of a lifetime that you can also customise to your tastes. 
Make room for self-love.
An individual can get overly stressed and anxious from their job, whereas relaxing conversations with family and short strolls in the park or on the terrace can greatly reduce tension. Therefore, before purchasing a luxurious home in Surat, the owner must consider a number of factors, including therapeutic areas for rest and relaxation, yoga parks, spas, and acupuncture gardens. We provide opulent 4 BHK apartments with all the luxuries and amenities, as well as extras like white glove services, golf views, the Belvedere Club, outstanding AQI, and many others. A large eating space is also available for you to enjoy some quality time with your loved ones. 
Upscale amenities
With innovative and one-of-a-kind features like an infinity pool, private terrace, sports courts, high-tech gyms, clubhouse, movie theatre, work from station, and many more, luxury properties stand out from the competition. Before buying a luxury house, be sure you have access to all the aforementioned amenities. In order to breathe some fresh air, be sure the AQI rating is good where you plan to buy a house. However, once you move in, you'll understand how important high-quality craftsmanship and opulent amenities are to your daily routine. Here, unrivalled craftsmanship is also offered. We established the project's expansive and opulent basis. 
You must consider us if you're searching to purchase four luxury flats in one of the fanciest parts of Surat. With lavish features and amenities including a beautiful green landscape, an integrated lifestyle, double-height ceilings, and many more, we provide ultra-luxurious and roomy residences. Contact us right away to learn more about our floor layouts.
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newstime-2 · 6 months
GRAP-3 Restrictions Removed In Delhi After Light Rain Improve AQI
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Delhi has been facing the worst air pollution for a month. There are various factors behind the rise of pollution in Delhi city. However, the air quality has improved after the rainfall on Wednesday. According to the report, Delhi's air quality has improved to 258 on Wednesday. The result was far better than the result that was measured on Tuesday, it was 365 on Tuesday at 8 am. The weather office has reported a cloudy sky with the possibility of rainfall during the day. As a result, the central government lifts restrictions on the use of BS III petrol and BS IV diesel four-wheelers in Delhi, as well as in NCR areas that include Gurugram, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, and Gautam Budh Nagar. All restriction has been lifted under the Stage-III of GRAP. Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region & Adjoining Areas applied the Stage-III emergency to reduce air pollution in Delhi and NCR region. Stage-III restriction has been applied by the central government with the Commision of Air Quality, under Stage-III restriction; Various activities have to be stopped, including non-essential construction like work, mining, and stone-crushing. Delhi Environment Minister summoned a meeting on Wednesday, to review the situation of air pollution, and measure the quality of air under GRAP-3. A review team has been appointed to ensure the complete implementation of GRAP-1, GRAP-2 and GRAP-3. However, the Central Government has decided to remove the GRAP-3 implication in Delhi, and Delhi NCR has lifted the ban on various activities. Rai talked about the situation before rainfall in Delhi and stated that a few days ago, Delhi and the NCR region were facing severe category air pollution. On Monday, light rainfall happened which directly reduced the impact of air pollution in Delhi. Therefore, it's time to stay alert to the alarming air pollution conditions. The various factors have been defined behind the poor quality of air in Delhi. Gopal Rai further added that one of the major factors that increase air pollution in Delhi. He directly pointed to stubble-burning smoke that comes from Punjab & Haryana every year. However, you can't point only to stable burning because smoke from vehicles, and dust from construction work also play a significant role in increasing air pollution to severe. Therefore, the government applied the GRAP-III implementation to control this pollution. The government may keep it in the future to control the air quality in Delhi and the NCR region. What is Delhi's AQI for today? On Thursday, November 30, 2023, Delhi's air quality index was measured at 357 at 2 pm. Read the full article
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recentlyheardcom · 8 months
The rising pollution level has proven to be fatal for the Delhi government. And now the National Green Tribunal has slapped a fine of Rs.25 crore on the Arvind Kejrival’s government for failing to control the increasing pollution conditions. The tribunal had ordered the government to shut down 51,000 industries in non-conforming areas of Delhi, but it wasn’t followed by Kejrival’s government. The green tribunal has directed the Delhi government to recover the amount of fine from polluters, and also by cutting the salaries of officials who are responsible for checking the pollution. And if Kejrival’s government fails to pay this fine, then it will have to pay a fine of Rs.10 crore every month. Read More: Calgary Olympic Bid: Federal Government to Bid up to $1.75B After the chief secretary filed an affidavit in the court whose contents were found to be vague by the panel, the directions for imposing fine were given by the tribunal’s chairperson Adarsh Kumar Goel. In its order, the principal bench of the court told that the compliance report submitted is just an eyewash. And that the Delhi government has not prosecuted even a single illegal industry nor has it named any industries running in non-conforming areas. Read More: FreshMenu in funding talks to raise $75 million from new Investors A hefty number of petitions were combined by the court on the air pollution asking for shutting down of illegal industries as well as burning of plastics and rubber in Bawana and Narela industrial areas. As per the reports, these two areas generate around 1,500 metric tonnes of waste each month. The city has been under the killing wrap of smog and pollution for a long time now. Not only this year but each year it’s become a pattern. And industrial waste only adds up to it in an extremely fatal way. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) recorded an overall air quality index of (AQI) of 314, which means an extremely worse case of polluted air. Generally, the AQI of 0 to 50 is seen as ‘good’, 51 to 100 as ‘satisfactory’, 101 to 200 as ‘moderate’, 201 to 300 as ‘poor’, 301 to 400 as ‘very poor’, and 401 to 500 as ‘severe’. Read More: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Socialist Announces Plan to Overthrow the Supreme Court
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frogsandfries · 10 months
My asthma
Has been triggered for days.
It's partially my allergies, since the two are linked. At first, I thought it was vaping THC for the first time in a long time--I used to keep my pen in a cup of actual pens and assorted art tools, but when I moved, it didn't get unpacked for, well, obviously a couple months.
I've been working on this disgusting candy bar my ex bought when they first legalized marijuana in NM. I think they only bought it because it had a higher dosage, but it's gross. First, it's dank. Obviously. Then, some freak put flecks of dried cherry in it, so it's just freaking weird.
I've been using THC to feel neurotypical, which is to say, hungry, thirsty and tired. Being alone has really fucked with my ability to sleep "normally" for work. I kind of miss being fully exhausted, tired enough to sleep by eleven, which is an appropriate time to sleep for the time that I'm waking up for work. Although, I'm thinking my ex was exhausting to me because they always had me on alert. When it's just me, I don't need to be alert for spontaneous combustion because I'm not really the yell-y or rage-y type.
I'm more of the groaning and flailing type.
I have no idea what is triggering my asthma/allergies. The AQI is shit, for me. If it's anything less than near perfect, like it is right now, it's bad for me.
I didn't vape last night and I still woke up with my asthma--ooh, this morning hurt.
Anyway, I have to cut my Canva document back down to a multiple of sixteen, since I can't just add four pages on to the end. Which kinda sucks, since I already formatted those pages, but ehhhhhh, it can't be helped until/unless I find a better document maker?
Surely, there has to be a program that compiles the extensive ability to format, like canva, with all the frills and bells and whistles, with the simplicity of something like Word, where you just dump the text in and set the parameters et voilá! ..........riiiigggghhhhtttt?
I want cake. I should probably go get some actual people food. I don't necessarily have cake and I really don't have money to buy a boxed mix or a made slice from...... somebody, a grocery store or a restaurant.
Nobody asked, but speaking of my French, I've been proofing a lot of the French the writer tried to put into the story, like they don't seem to have grasped masculine vs feminine, so I'm correcting for that, which I'm happy to do.
Also in this second half, they're making very ESL mistakes, which, no judgement on the language part, I just don't understand what happened to the quality of their use of language. It's fine. That's why I'm giving it a light proof before I print it. I'm just over-eager to get some of this story printed. It'll be cool to get a little payoff for all this hard work.
I really--I got distracted by the other neighbors' dogs losing their minds over something.
My WIP pile: BM/BS, the Auction, v1 and v2, Manacled, v1, v2, v3, and a couple (accidental duplicates) of Apple Pies. (So I only have, actually, nine books to punch and sew and/or glue and cover. It's going to be eleven or twelve with this typesetting project.)
I haven't printed: Bring Him to His Knees, or Blood Magic.
I'm not sure about printing: Presque Toujours Pur, and Remain Nameless.
Those are the typesets that I've found and been interested in.
They're gonna find my stupid hand-bound library, and be like, she was obsessed.
I've been trying to hunt down some Draco/Ginny, but goddamn, talk about a rare-pair. I'm always looking for fractured fairy tales, because �� that's really my literary niche.
Fuck yeah: I can easily flip my objects onto the opposite side of the page with same positioning.
Fuck no: I have to do it almost three hundred times.
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swathi20 · 11 months
Today's actions are tomorrow's results!
It's 2023,around 4.54 billion years right from the day our Earth was formed,approx one-third the age of the universe. That's what one might get from a Google search I guess.
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Our Earth not only provides us with everything we want, but also with everything we need to survive! Right from the food we need for fuel, water we need for hydration, air and the oxygen we breathe, raw materials, literally everything we need comes from this one planet.
I remember a couple of activities that I participated in when I was in school. A few of them were in fact compulsory to make us realize the importance of saving our "Mother Earth" as kids. These were activities such as writing slogans, drawing posters, coming up with creative write-ups, preparing visual presentations on nature, debates and even brainstorming sessions to come up with the best ideas to conserve our wildlife,natural resources and environment on the whole.
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Coming to the present, nowadays I often get to read these articles in newspapers on the depleting resources of our planet, the urging need to raise awareness among the population of the world to preserve our rich biodiversity and wildlife that are on the very verge of getting extinct, the rising case of global warming and its effects along with the need to adapt practices that keep our environment safe from pollution with an aim to keep it as clean as possible. We get to see an alarming rise in the AQI of various cities. And then climate change has been gathering momentum over the past few months or over years with the governments of various countries holding talks on this issue.
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'Decarbonization is the need of the day', the titles of various articles I come across would say! Sort of a message to the readers..BTW for those of whom who are wondering what climate change really is. Let me go ahead and briefly explain it.It refers to the variations in the average weather conditions leading to events such as heatwaves, severe floods, droughts, intense storms, rising sea levels, warming oceans that can terribly destroy animal habitats and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities in simple words. There are also cases of rise in inflation levels due to weak supplies, a result of harsh weather conditions.
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Most recently there have been shifts in consumer behavior with consumers preferring to buy EVs as they reduce air and noise pollution since these work on electricity. But did you know that EV battery production can adversely impact the environment, such as a loss of biodiversity, air pollution and decreased freshwater supply and EV batteries consist of materials like nickel, lithium, cobalt and others, which are energy-intensive to mine. These minerals are also often mined in regions with a poor environmental record. There have been debates on positive and negative impacts of EVs. Recently India has been emerging as a major player in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. That surely is a yippee factor for us Indians that could lead to our country's further economic growth.Right?!
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Semiconductor chips are key components in many green technologies like EVs, solar panels and even turbines. But research also says that semiconductor chip making is an energy and water-intensive process and also creates hazardous waste. This could worsen climate change. This industry also poses health hazards to workers that include exposure to solvents, acid and caustic solutions, toxic metals, and radiation. However, you know what they say "every coin has two sides".
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As the 5G services have begun to roll out most recently, there surely has been quite a buzz lately with 5G promising peak data speeds of up to 10 Gbps—up to 100 times faster than the 100 Mbps of 4G. 
It is said that it may serve various purposes besides providing high speed data to internet consumers one of them especially being 'benefits to the environment'. That surely is something for the environmentalists to look for.
International standards have called for 5G to require much less energy to run than 4G, which means using less power while transmitting more data. By enabling more people to work or access entertainment remotely and avoid commuting and flying for business, 5G will save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles and airplanes.
However,there prove to be a couple of negative impacts too like the full deployment of 5G could have a disruptive impact on ecosystems.
A study found that sparrows exposed to cell tower radiation for five to 30 minutes produced disfigured eggs. In Spain, the nesting, breeding and roosting of birds were disturbed by microwave radiation from a cell tower. Wireless frequencies have also been found to interfere with the navigational systems and circadian rhythms of birds, affecting migration.
Another study found that bees exposed to low-band spectrum radiation for 10 minutes suffered colony collapse disorder. Radiation is definitely one of its greatest negative impacts.
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We need to raise more awareness among people. Today's resources are surely exhausting and soon we might have nothing to offer the future generations. We have to raise awareness about sustainable development among the people of today. Tata Power's approach to "Sustainability" is surely laudable. And so is Mondelez International's decision to go for Cocoa Life to source their cocoa for all of its chocolate brands. A small label at the bottom of the Dairy Milk bar indicates that the cocoa used to make the product is '100% sustainably sourced'.
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Epson's claim on its attempt to bring about an EcoRevolution in printing by adapting a HeatFree technology, which consumes less power and generates less eWaste is yet another formidable drive towards achieving sustainability.
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This in fact is the whole concept that economics deals with: Meeting the unlimited needs of human population against a reserve of very scarce resources to satisfy human wants. Human wants are never ending, this makes man exploit the natural resources to levels quite extreme so as to satisfy his greedy needs.
In Milton Friedman's words: "If the means are not scarce, there is no problem at all, there is nirvana". But surely this has never been the case.
We surely need to adapt eco-friendly practices and create as much awareness as possible. The Young Rangers initiative by TOI group for example is indeed great and praiseworthy.
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#Let'sliveforacause #saveourplanet
~ Swathi
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codewitch · 1 year
Man I checked the AQI for NYC and had the sobering revelation that there were points in 2020 where it had that exact same AQI and I still walked a few blocks outside without an N95 because 150 AQI didn’t sound so bad when you had been stuck inside for the past two weeks with it consistently over 250.
Like at least if it’s only a few days your brain won’t try to normalize it. Also for the record never think “oh I don’t need to put on my n95 to walk one block when the AQI is 300” that’s the devil talking you will feel that in your lungs immediately.
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