xpc-web-dev · 10 months
Daily Journey : Day 1
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This tumblr started with me just wanting to share my coding journey in November of last year.
No pressure of wanting likes, followers or anything like that. Just share in a safe place.
And I understand that now that has changed. Now I worry about the reach of my posts, I worry about people thinking I'm a failure and that I won't get things and likes.
And all this is useless in my life. I don't have to show anyone anything and I don't need to be liked, etc.
And I don't want that for myself.
So I thought about keeping my diary about this stage in my personal life private, as I already do with my emotions/days normally.
But I also think it might be cool to have that record here.
So, for now I'm here and overcoming my desire to start a tumblr from scratch (I always start something from scratch when I want to feel free). Now this idea is not so cool in my head. But I love seeing my old posts that I was thinking about giving up and now I'm in a better place.
Notes on the first day.
In general, I was very anxious, insecure because I don't know how to socialize with strangers who don't know what they're going to ask me. I need to know what is going to be said or know the subject to feel good. But it was nice and fun, they made it friendly.
We introduce ourselves in a fun way to get to know each other.
We learned more about project delivery and the like.
We had a 30m class where we talked about web introduction. Like mozilla, url, domain etc.
+++ I know that on tumblr the post photo dynamic is different, but I want to keep it standard. So I will follow my rules, because this is my account.
If you are reading this post, I wish you to be well, have discipline and consistency to achieve your goals.
Update notes:
As they leave the classes recorded, I went to watch it now and found a lot of doubts.
1. I paid attention on the recording (I don't pay attention live, maybe this will improve and maybe not)
2. I wrote down the questions
3. I researched each one and left some to ask in class because they want us to do this.
And now I'm feeling productive.
I didn't let it pile up, I did what had to be done and I'm ready for tonight's class.
I think I'll set the default of my posts for after rewatching the classes.
Have a great night, afternoon or morning.
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xpc-web-dev · 10 months
Daily Journey : Day 2
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Hi guys, how are you?
Yesterday we learned about HTML, one of my professors did a mini project during class and then they divided us into groups to do another mini project in 15 minutes.
Lesson considerations: -
Both teachers are funny, so the classes are cool. -
As I've spent a month studying MDN's documentation and projects there, html is not a problem for me. Now Css...... that's another HUEHUEE story. (Including today's class)
Sometimes I feel bad that my brain doesn't process as quickly as others, but that's who I am and it's not something I can change. I always absorb better more calmly.
I was nervous about doing a group project, besides not being good at it (and yes, I know I have to improve) we are 10 women for 20 men, so it's complicated.
Despite my group having 7 men, they didn't lack respect for me and the other woman giving ideas and I hope that continues. And if it doesn't continue, it's imposing my quarrelsome strength HUEHUEEU.
The good thing is that today I'm already prepared for a possible group project again.
Negative points:
The people in the group, after the end of the class, were not committed to finishing the project like me and the other student. (It was not mandatory, but the teacher recommended it)
So for me this was already a possible redflag, because if something basic and fast was like that, imagine a bigger one? But it was random, we didn't choose each other, so I hope that when it comes to group work for the grade I can land with a better group
Yes, you will have gossip here UEHUEHHEHUE.
Now rewatching the class: -
Just watching it again I understood things that yesterday I wasn't getting.
And again, I'm like that, I think I'll even talk to the teacher so that at the end of the class I'll have 10m of questions about the class the day before.
I finished the project from yesterday's class, and I found out that I had one more because the teacher changed the file. But this one didn't have time for him to ask us to do it, I'll probably try later in the day.
That's it people. May today be better than yesterday and I wish you are having a good day and take care of yourselves.
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xpc-web-dev · 10 months
Daily Journey : Day 3 and Day 4
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Hey Everyone.
Yesterday I was without internet and then without time to post here.
DAY 3:
We learned about selectors, font, color and background, position , flexbox, grid , responsibility, pseudoclasses and animations.
And in the end we were talking about strange tastes.
UHEHUEHUE. Was cool.
+++ I didn't have any negative points that day.
DAY 4:
Yesterday we started with the teacher giving examples of grid and flex.
We did a group exercise with a figma layout.
We have received the first task for delivery.
Negative points:
It was a group of 4 to 6 but just me and two more that we talked a lot. One of them being another woman.
And today, reflecting, I understood how wrong I was in not pulling the other woman in the group in the sense of pulling into conversation. (there were 3 of us) Of course she should speak for herself, but I learned and remembered that I have to make the space more welcoming for other women.
I just got an earful from one of the support guys because I was talking about github. It was just a github project organization tip, not a git lesson. But I lowered my head, after all, if they guide me and I'm wrong, I'll deal with it.
That's it folks.
In the most, I wish who is reading this are well and if they are not, be well.
Have a nice day ou nigth.
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