#aph Lisbon
zonky-rock · 9 months
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To show I’m still alive here’s a drawing of my Lisbon oc Angelo :)
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ask-capitalia · 4 years
Lisbon: So, you're paying us to have s-
Madrid: No, no, no, no, no- I don't want sex, I just wanna cuddle.
Venice: What-
Lisbon: You're paying us to cuddle with you..?
Madrid: Yeah.
Venice: Look, I'm afraid we can't do it-
Lisbon: That's just too fucking sad.
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so-mitzycal · 6 years
"France is winning
Time to dig the whole where I'm going to die"
-Lisbon, getting ready to suffer an ass whooping from his husband Paris once he gets home
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Lisbon/Lisboa Oc
Of course, the first one will be the capital. :’v
I hope you liked her!~
Her human name is Amália Vaz de Pessoa. She chooses it because it was cute and femme name. I choose it due to Amália Rodrigues, a Fado singer.
During the Roman times, her name was Octavia and, during Muslim rule, it was Suraya; she didn’t choose it, but her adoptive parents did. 
Her original surnames were Mendes Gama. All districts and Portugal decided to change their surnames to the same and being a “family” when the Republic was implanted.
Her "birthday" is June 13th.
She is a beautiful woman; Amália has brown hair, in a light hue, usually loose and smooth, although she likes to make other hairstyles on special occasions. As Portugal, she has green eyes.
She feels ashamed of her body due to a big burn, which crosses the right side of abdomen up to the thigh, revealing the muscle. She made it during the Great Lisbon earthquake.
Talking about the Great Lisbon earthquake, she felt that it was her fault that God was angry and decided to punish her people.
At first sight, Amália seems to be someone very confident and even a little arrogant, however, she has many insecurities and tries everything to not to show it.
Amália is responsible and hardworking, always willing to improve and achieve her goals. However, sometimes, she feels frustrated when the meetings end up badly and that she isn't proper to be the capital.
She gets irritated easily, especially if it's with João (Porto).
Her rival is João; they fight a lot about everything.
Also, she fights a lot with Maite (Madrid). But they had an affair once; it's a secret, tho.
Anyway, she is very social and communicative.
One of Amália's favourite pastimes is guns. She knows a lot about it.
Also, she loves parties, especially pilgrimages, popular marches...
She idolizes Augusta (Braga) and Isabel (Coimbra) for their good works as capitals but never told them.
In the past, she wasn’t the best person due to prejudices, but now she regrets everything bad she did and is a more open mind person.
She doesn’t know which football club she likes (Benfica? Sporting? Other small time?). But she will support any club that is playing against Porto.
Her favourite type of music is Fado, but you can see her listening and singing foreign music on the car. And bimba.
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feynavaley · 4 years
@fandomghost replied to your post “Please ignore the last question, something did go wrong... Do you have...”
Also, like a portuguese person you got my approval for the Portugal's headcanon, you could even add that he likes just like Netherlands to work with his hands 🤗
Thank you!! 💕And thank you so much for the input, especially! It has been added to my mental characterization of Portugal. 😊
And I should have probably added it myself because... I don’t know if it’s just a Lisbon thing or something widespread in Portugal in general, but... those gorgeous items made with cork? Surely, Portugal would be able to make those himself! So yeah, he’s definitely good with his hands.
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itasuomi · 6 years
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anglaisaph · 6 years
25 Days of Fic:
Day 24 of 25 Days of Fic! The penultimate day! The real joy here is that I won’t have to write another summary for a while. EngPort, because I’m doing all my favourites as I draw to a close. 
Day 24: Chestnuts  Pairing: PortEng Title: Embers Word Count: 659 AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13131576
Summary: Arthur spends an afternoon in exceedingly pleasant company, partaking in someone else’s traditions. 
The challenge itself can be found here!
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maivalkov · 2 years
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I posted 1,158 times in 2021
520 posts created (45%)
638 posts reblogged (55%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.2 posts.
I added 1,492 tags in 2021
#hws portugal - 311 posts
#hws spain - 232 posts
#hws netherlands - 228 posts
#hws england - 178 posts
#nedport - 163 posts
#engspa - 138 posts
#ask - 112 posts
#hetalia - 53 posts
#iberian brothers - 48 posts
#aph spain - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#yes i would 100% love to do a week for them too and whilst i'm not the main blog or co-ordinator i'm willing to step in and sort something
My Top Posts in 2021
Relationships: England/Spain (Hetalia), Netherlands/Portugal (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, merfolk, Sirens, magical creatures ahoy, main ship is engspa, hint of nedport because I am incapable of separating these ships, Violence, Blood, fantasy 17th century setting
If you should visit a tavern at night, and find a wandering bard, pay them a coin and listen well. They will tell you the tale of a man, who can see what others do not.
It is a legend of mermaids, nightmares, and the infamous Brading’s Keep.
It is the story of unfortunate Arthur, who despite his sleepless nights, might not be so unlucky at all.
49 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 10:35:10 GMT
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I want to smack him in the face with my lips
49 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 20:09:11 GMT
Chapter 8~! 🍴📱😋
53 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 23:33:52 GMT
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Day 3: Culture TIL about Lisbon’s Santo António festivities, and I can’t imagine a better event for NedPort than a party of sardines, alcohol and gifting each other a pot of basil to convey their affections. @aphrarepairweek2021​
59 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 15:16:36 GMT
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Zoute Drop sketches part 2
Aka. João and his pretty hair. Number 2 (the ponytail) is his hairstyle from chapter 3, and the final image, besides being cute, gives an idea about that coat he loves so much lol.
60 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 17:07:12 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kaimaciel · 4 years
(APH) What do you think happened after the earthquake in Lisbon relatively to Portugal and his friends and family?
Lisbon was completely destroyed. As the capital is the heart of a country, in my mind, Portugal was either severely traumatized or catatonic in the following years. He couldn't function and he kept thinking that the ocean he loved so much had turned on him and that it was his fault, he had done something wrong that lead God to destroy his capital on All Saints Day while his people were praying in churches. 
Meanwhile, if another country wished to invade, they would have conquered Portugal easily. However, the earthquake was a shock to everyone in Europe, and attacking would have been despicable. 
Spain was the first to arrive at his side, as his king, he was horrified about what had happened to his brother and he offered him food and money to help. He stayed with Port the following months, trying to nurse him back to health. Wars and Empires be damned, he was his family.
England arrived a month later with more supplies and money, he was determined to help rebuilt Lisbon and help his friend. The Netherlands, France, and both Italies also sent supplies. It was the first time humanitarian aid was a thing.
Hell, even Brazil sent money (and gold). It would take a few years until Portugal was well enough to travel again and see him.  
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ask-capitalia · 5 years
Woah Lisboa (Lisbon) is as flawless as usual! You can ask her stuff :)
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so-mitzycal · 6 years
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Random art drop is some of my fav drawings of my son Lisbon- Lisbon belongs to me Ap Hetalia belongs to our holy god hima
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Day 24 - Pool (Red)
Before you ask (they weren’t going to ask, Joana) why I didn’t post yesterday, the reason is really simple: I reached the daily limit of publications on Tumblr. Yeap. This is the story of my life. Also, I don’t know if I’ll have time to write and post today’s excerpt because I need to prepare to go to a birthday dinner and stuff.
Anyway, yesterday’s prompt is the flashback of the excerpt. Roman baths, babe! They’re considered pools, in my defence.
What you need to know:
- Present time: 1600 (Iberian Union), Flashback time: around century III?
- Portugal is Afonso, Lisbon is Amália, Madrid is Maite, Rome is Theodotus;
- “Padre” is “father” in Spanish, “Bésame mucho” is “kiss me a lot” also in Spanish.
The dinner was going as usual; silent and tense. No one talked to each other, although Lisbon and Madrid exchanged glances of pure hatred. Since the first day that the two girls didn't get along, always in intrigues that Afonso didn't understand. They were, at least, futile. Amália was always complaining about the attitude of the Madrilenian, feeling inferior and insulted by Maite. Injustice was what she shouted in her lungs.
Certainly, none of them was willing to make the truces. It seemed that at any moment they would get up from the table and start a fight.
At last, he stopped looking at them and went back to eating. They should solve their problems on their own.
"Padre, I have heard that little Lovino still doesn't speak our language well," Maite began to say, look away from the ungrateful Amália.I have heard that little Lovino still does not speak our language well, "Maite began to say, looking away from Amalia's ungrateful. "It's been a long time since you started teaching him, right?"
"Ah, yes..." he replied, smiling awkwardly. "I was busy and didn’t give him enough attention to make sure he was studying."
"You should have asked a priest to teach him," she declared, turning to look at the Lovino who was eating in front of her. He tried to ignore the fact that they talked about him, after all, even if he did not master the language, he still understood some things. "What's the most complex thing you know, little Lovino?"
"Be..." the Italian murmured softly, half embarrassed to be talking to Maite. His cheeks were red. "Bésame mucho?"
Afonso had to bear the urge to laugh at the situation, while Amália didn't care at all and allowed herself to laugh. Maite's expression was hilarious in her opinion; the girl was in pure shock, incredulous with the style of teaching that he was giving to the little one.
"With all due respect, padre, but what are you teaching?!"
The Castilian found himself fumbling with that question. He tried to explain with all the sense, but the look of Maite penetrated his soul, which terrified him. She was annoyed with him, of course; it showed the incapacities of his father, right in front of that idiot named Lisbon.
On the other hand, Lovino was very ashamed. He didn't imagine that would happen. Afonso watched him, remembering of Rome; if he thought about it, they had similar facial expressions.
Afonso had many memories of Theodotus, some blurred for being so long ago. Although the first impression he had of the Roman wasn't good (after all, the guilt of his father Viriato died was his!), Afonso knew how to forgive and began to enjoy the company of the Roman Empire. It was also at that time that he met Antonio; by then the Spaniard was so cute! He followed Afonso to everywhere like a newborn chick. Obviously, the elder didn't care, that was lovely to him and made him feel like a good big brother, so loved by the younger. Better yet, it was in that way that he witnessed Antonio making such nonsense that he now had so many stories to tell and embarrass him.
One of them was in Évora, in the open-air hot springs. It was a beautiful place, so calm... Well, not so calm. Afonso and Antonio were energetic at the time and liked to run around the edges of the bath, although Theodotus had warned so many, but so many times for them to not to do so.
One day, the inevitable happened. Antonio slipped and, taking hold of the other's arm, led him back; they fell on top of an unknown man who wasn't pleased with the situation, after all, he had been suffering from back pains too long to then two brats to fall on him!
And that was lucky for the pair of Iberian brothers. They fled from the furious man (with a face so red from anger!) who couldn't follow them because of the pain. The downside is that they ran around the town with no clothing on their bodies.
Ai, when Theodotus found out, he didn't even know what to do. At first, he laughed so hysterically and noisily that the Iberians thought he had lost his sanity. Then with a more frightening expression, the one that, luckily, the two of them don't saw it with frequency, ordered in a hard voice that they were punished: a week without being able to go to the hot springs.
They felt wronged, of course. Therefore, they decided to ignore this order with mastery. They would go to the baths during the night when no one was watching.
But it was the first night when they got into a really big trouble. They decided to bathe in the Natatio, a rectangular pool in the open air, surrounded by porticos. On the east side of the pool, the waters of the baths were thrown, but they had forgotten a very important detail: it was necessary to warm the waters. For this, they had to burn wood in the furnace, but they didn't know how to do it. So they decided to bathe in cold water and see who would last long there.
There's no need to say that they caught a cold that put them in bed for the rest of the week, with a fever so high that even Theodotus cared for them. Obviously, he discovered what they had done, but he didn't even need to punish them again: they had already learned their lesson.
"Afonso, are you listen to me?"
"Hm?" Afonso looked at Antonio who was clearly impatient; he hated when he was ignored, a characteristic that he had since childhood.
"I was saying that you're going back to Portugal for a few days."
"I want you to see how the Courts of the Inquisition of Évora is working," he began, and when he saw Afonso's confused expression, he continued. "Your daughter Inácia is doing a great job; the number of autos da fé is to praise while standing up. She is clearly a follower of our great Lord. "
"Right, but why do you want me to go?"
"Roderich will be here for a few days and I doubt it's a good idea to have my two husbands at home."
Afonso looked without patience at the other and sighed.
"Bigamist," he said, joking.
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so-mitzycal · 6 years
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Ow my fingers ache-
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