#aoyagi's existence
robinoullea · 4 months
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wtf es bisexual 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
de river por el novio
el papá es bostero obviamente q más
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saludos desde vzla 🇻🇪
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gocatboygoo · 10 months
see idk why my friends get mad at me when i'm awake too late and i start spamming them with the most nuclear takes they have ever seen because i think i'm both absolutely hilarious and also objectively correct
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rasazys-ramblings · 5 months
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I was recording VBS doing WxS MVs for the stupid silly little swap AU thing I'm doing so I could get references cause I can't pause shit in time in the game and Touya doing this is so fucking funny to me for some reason
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mewmewchann · 1 year
Someone: What’re you talking about? Akito and Toya aren’t gay. They’re just really good friends. You’re reading too much into it.
Akito and Toya in canon:
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ritsukaaoyagi · 6 months
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pharaohbean · 6 months
let it be known that despite my copious amounts of Aoyagi Toya Posting i have not opened this game in like a week or two LOL
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atvbs · 1 year
god bdd has made me even more mentally sick in the head!!!!!!!!!!
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meadowmines · 2 years
WIP: Safety Man
[I may or may not finish this, it’s self-indulgent OC bullshit I’ve been noodling on when I’m bored, but this scene made me chuckle so you can have it]
The first couple of weeks aren’t so bad. The boss made good on his promise to bring in some contractors who know what they’re doing and can show the crew which end of a nail gun they shouldn’t point at themselves or each other. Some of the guys actually pay attention. Some of them learn how to operate all the heavy machinery and stuff without casualties. Some of them, by the end of the first week, are legit forklift certified and take that shit seriously enough to drive the things right and not try jousting with the forks or whatever. There’s one of those signs posted up at the entrance to the job site. You know the ones, the ones with “x Days Without Incident” on them.
X breaks double digits for the first and last time while the contractors are showing the ex-Family men how to construction. Aoyagi knows this is the calm before the storm and he savors every moment of it.
The trouble starts, just as Aoyagi feared it would, the very damn day after the contractors bugger off and leave Majima Construction to its own devices.
Basically: there’s a defunct water main that needs dug up and hauled away, and there’s its replacement that is very much in use and will leave pretty much the entire upper east side of Kamurocho without running water if it busts. Or, you know, if the dude on the ground telling the dude driving the excavator which of those to dig up happens to be holding the fucking diagram upside-down!
None of the injuries Aoyagi has to write up reports on are a direct result of that. Fuck knows how, but nobody actually got hurt from the sudden emergence of an unplanned water feature, and nobody got trapped in the excavator when it flipped over, and nobody got electrocuted when the excavator took a couple of low-hanging power lines down with it. 
No, the injuries he has to write reports about all happened in the ensuing battle royale over whose fault this all was. The excavator driver blamed the guy with the diagram for telling him to dig up the wrong shit. The guy with the diagram blamed the guy who gave him the diagram for not telling him which side was up. The guy who gave him the diagram asked if he noticed all the fucking writing on it was upside-down. The guy with the diagram couldn’t come up with a good excuse for that and instead decided to let his hands do the talking, at which point a whole lot of frustrated ex-yakuza who are no longer allowed to roam the streets in search of asses to kick suddenly discovered an abundance of new targets... each other.
And now Aoyagi has a line of idiots, whose asses have been varying degrees of kicked by a) each other, b) Nishida, and/or c) the boss himself, stretching halfway across the fucking job site to the door of the fucking safety trailer, all bitching and snapping at the guys in front of and behind them as they wait to give their fucking statements so Aoyagi can write up this fucking incident report and figure out how not to get this fucking company shut down before it even builds a single fucking thing. 
And then he has to explain to the water guys why the entire upper east side of Kamurocho can’t flush their toilets. Nobody involved is happy about it.
At some point in the wee hours of the morning, after the last idiot has made his statement and been shooed out of the trailer, after the incident reports are written and the relevant forms filled out in triplicate, after he’s somehow convinced the water authority not to fine them into oblivion, after he’s eaten what he thinks must be half his weight in antacids, Aoyagi locks up the safety trailer and heads home for the night. 
He pauses at that sign posted at the entrance and just sort of stares at it for a while, burning those precious double digits into his memory forever. 
Then he tears that double-digit number off and leaves.
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project-sekai-facts · 5 months
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Only one date is ever mentioned in-game, that being 2021. Considering that the Virtual Singer Fan Festa seems to be a stand-in for Magical Mirai 2021, we can assume that the Scramble Fan FESTA! event takes place in September 2021 (the real-life MM2021 was delayed to November due to covid-19, but the pandemic doesn't exist in-universe and MM Tokyo usually takes place at the beginning of September). There are Leo/need Daily Life social media posts that show them attending Magical Mirai, and do state the year of the event, but these can be considered promotional material for the event itself rather than canon material, especially since the characters address in-game that only one year has passed since the start of the story (despite the fact they have celebrated new year's day 4 times now. Timeloop things).
Based on this date, we can actually place exactly when every main character was born. The cutoff date for Japanese schools is April 1st, making Ena the oldest main character, being a 3rd year with a birthday of April 30th, followed by Tsukasa on May 17th, so on so forth all the way down to Kohane, a 2nd year with a birthday of March 2nd.
Considering when Scramble Fan FESTA is set, Ena, who was a 2nd year at the time, would be 17 years old. That would place her date of birth as April 30th, 2004. Additionally, while Kohane, a first year at the time, should be 15 during the event, the game considers her to be 16 due to using a set age for every grade bracket. Regardless, the event setting places her date of birth as March 2nd, 2006.
Based on this, we can conclude that:
Ena, Tsukasa, Rui, and Shizuku were born in 2004
Mafuyu, Kanade, Airi, Minori, Saki, Toya, Nene, An, Ichika, Mizuki, Emu, Haruka, Honami, and Akito were born in 2005
Shiho and Kohane were born in 2006
This also means that Ena, Tsukasa and Rui are all older than the MEIKO software (released November 5th 2004), and everyone except Kohane is older than the KAITO software (released February 17th 2006). Every main character is older than Miku, the Kagamines, and Luka based on this information.
Using the information around set ages*, we can also work out rough estimates for when the side characters were born. For example, Arata, who was 19 during the first 3 years of the game, is 3 years older than the members of VBS who were all considered to be 16. Since the members of VBS were born in the April 2005 - April 2006 school year range, Arata was likely born in the 2002-2003 school year range.
* based on how characters like Youta and Miu, who are said to be the same age as Leo/need, were both confirmed to be 16 years old before the 3rd anniversary age-up. Also Haruka's age is confirmed as 16 at a point in time when she shouldn't be 16. Timeloop things.
Based on this, the oldest living side character, Kounosuke, who was 55 pre-3rd anniversary and 39 years older than Emu, was probably born between April 1966 and April 1st 1967. On the younger side of things, Hanano, who was 14 pre-3rd anni, was likely born between April of 2007 and 2008. I've put the rest of the estimated side character DOBs under the cut.
assumed age as of 3rd anniversary in brackets (literally just pre-age-up age + 1)
Rakunosuke Otori - April 2nd 1922 ~ April 1st 1923 (98 (at time of death. would be 100 if still alive))
Kounosuke Otori - April 2nd 1966 ~ April 1st 1967 (56)
Jean Riley - 1967~1968 (55)
Harumichi Aoyagi - 1968~1969 (54)
Shin'ei Shinonome - 1973~1974 (49)
Mr Yoisaki - 1975~1976 (47)
Ken Shiraishi - 1978~1979 (44)
Taiga Kotaki - 1978~1979 (44)
Yuuka Kazamatsuri - 1990~1991 (32)
Keisuke Otori - 1991~1992 (31)
Shousuke Otori - 1994~1995 (28)
Tatsuya Okazaki - 1999~2000 (23)
Ayaka Saito - 2001~2002 (21)
Hinata Otori - 2001~2002 (21)
Iori - 2002~2003 (20)
Mio - 2002~2003 (20)
Arata Tono - 2002~2003 (20)
Souma Miyata - 2002~2003 (20)
Kotaro Mita - 2004~2005 (18)
Sakurako Seiryuin - 2004~2005 (18)
Nanami "Nanamin" Hayakawa - 2004~2005 (18)
Futaba Natsuno - 2004~2005 (18)
Ayumi Tabata - 2004~2005 (18)
Hibiki Miyake - 2004~2005 (18)
Shuuta Hayashi - 2004~2005 (18)
Ibuki Taniyama - 2004~2005 (18)
Yuina Uchiyama - 2005~2006 (17)
Shouta Hayashi - 2005~2006 (17)
Miu Takagi - 2005~2006 (17)
Youta Yoshizaki - 2005~2006 (17)
Riho Hasegawa - 2005~2006 (17)
Saku Kousaka - 2005~2006 (17)
Mai - 2006~2007 (16)
Hanano Yoshizaki - 2007~2008 (15)
These ages were given in the 3rd fanbook, but there is not really any way to tell if these are the characters' ages at introduction or ages after the 3rd anniversary age-up. Here are both possible DOB ranges.
Mrs Asahina - 1980/81 or 1981/82 (41)
Yoshiki Shindou - 1982/83 or 1983/84 (39)
Yuuki Akiyama - 1999/2000 or 2000/01 (22)
Asahi Genbu - 2003/4 or 2004/5 (18)
Arisa Higure - 2004/5 or 2005/6 (17)
Additional notes (mod is rambling atp):
Rakunosuke died when he was 98 years old. In the WxS main story, Emu says that he died a year ago. Assuming Emu was 15 at the time, they have an age gap of around 83 years. The year of birth listed here was based on that assumption.
We know that Kanade's mother died aged 30, but we do not know when she died. She is still alive in flashbacks set roughly 10 years prior to the events of game.
We do not have confirmed ages for Nagi, Reki, Sakaki, MMJ's landlady or Mafuyu's father yet.
Rui suggests that Reki is the same age as him in A Story Where You Are The Star. However since it's more vague than Asahi, I left it out. However, Asahi was since confirmed as 18 when he was compared to Reki as being similar age, it is likely that Reki is also around 18 years old.
Nagi's age is left blank in the fanbook due to it not being revealed that she was dead at the time of publication. She is younger than Taiga, but we don't know by how much, but nonetheless she was likely born in the early 1980s.
No NPCs are given exact birthdays
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xtealx · 1 year
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[IMAGE 1 ID: Digital drawing of Akito Shinonome looking out from the shelter of some bushes. He wears a troubled look on his face. Mizuki Akiyama and Tsukasa Tenma are behind him, chatting and laughing amongst themselves. They’re all wearing their white day knight outfits. Akito mutters, “Weirdo after weirdo…” END IMAGE 1 ID]
[IMAGE 2 ID: Digital drawing of the scene that Akito was staring at in the previous image. Rui Kamishiro, Toya Aoyagi and Saki Tenma are standing in the middle of a clearing. They’re all wearing their white day villain outfits. Toya is holding a tiny lizard he found on the ground in his palms and Rui is happily projecting his powers at it with one hand. Saki claps excitedly. Toya’s and Saki’s faces are obscured. Toya’s face is hidden by the energy from Rui’s magic, while Saki’s face is simply hidden by her hood. They don’t look threatening at all. The text next to them reads, “They are the bad guys. Do not be fooled!!”. END IMAGE 2 ID]
[IMAGE 3 ID: Digital drawing of Tsukasa and Akito sitting on a log. They left the scene from the previous two images a while ago. Tsukasa rambles about how He’s pretty sure that his purpose is to be the best knight that’s ever existed and if you asked for his humble opinion, he’d say that he’s almost already there. Akito, silently suffering, has his face in his hands. He wonders when Mizuki will return. He would take them over Tsukasa any day. END IMAGE 3 ID]
[IMAGE 4 ID: Mizuki has returned! Their eyes are wide yet they hide any emotion that Mizuki may feel. They smile stiffly as they say, “Hello my splingo bloingos. I am back. Do not ask me where I was.” They get a “Okay, whatever.” and a “MY PINK FRIEND!!! WELCOME BACK!!!” in response. Mizuki thinks of what they just witnessed. They’re back in the bushes from IMAGE 1 and they’re staring at the scene from IMAGE 2. Akito and Tsukasa are nowhere to be seen. Rui is happily talking to Toya, and Toya is awestruck by the sight in front of him. What was once a tiny lizard is now a huge mighty dragon. Saki can be seen sliding down its back. “Weeeee” She says. Mizuki, hidden in the bushes, thinks the following, “Did they just turn that lizard into a dragon. What the Fuck.” END IMAGE 4 ID]
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wabatle · 2 months
☆~Pjsk boys getting jealous when someone flirted with you
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(wa)batle nonsense:
i just combined these two to make it easier on me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
warnings: very small mention of pepper spray, fem reader (i don't think theres anything else i am very bad at adding warnings)
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☆~Akito Shinonome
Akito would get very mad
He’d become very possessive, but then apologize for it later
He would put his hand around your waist and pull you closer to him to get his point across without even speaking
Akito would then tell the person about your relationship in a oddly threatening way
“I know what you’re trying to do. Back off. This is my girlfriend.”
If the person does not stop, you’ll just leave
He’ll tug your hand to walk away
If the person follows, remember how he punched Toya that one time?
Yeah, that’s what’s gonna happen.
violence is never the answer unless you’re akito
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☆~Rui Kamishiro
Does not waste any time whatsoever
He puts his arm around you and pulls your head onto his chest
Rui would then smile in his Rui way and tell the person about your relationship
“Excuse me, this is my girlfriend you’re trying to seduce, and I’d prefer it if you left her alone.”
If the person doesn’t stop, he’s grabbing your hand and you’re running away
bye rude person
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☆~Tsukasa Tenma
He gets mad in his Tsukasa way
Would 100% call you his co-star or the star of his life just to make the person know how much he loves you
“Hey! This is my co-star and she’s very tired from performing, so go away and let my star relax!!”
He’s still saying that even if you don’t perform with him
If the person doesn’t stop, he’s gonna yell
and off you go
on a separate note tsukasa is someone i cannot describe with words his reactions are so silly i love him sm
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☆~Toya Aoyagi
The most respectful one out of everyone there
He’s staying polite no matter what happens
“Please leave my girlfriend alone. Excuse us.”
If the person doesn’t stop he’s probably about to threaten to call the cops or once again be polite and ask them to leave
why is he so polite omg
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you can pick what kaito it is but it’s probably not niigo
edit: idek what im writing anymore is it even from pjsk or is it just kaito; the one that exists somewhere out there
Just laughs and wraps his arm around you
He’ll be polite but threatening too, a bit like Rui
But then he’ll actually threaten them if it gets that bad
“Excuse me, but in what place do you have a right to flirt with my girlfriend? Back off or else, haha!☆”
If they don’t stop he’s about to pull out a fake can of pepper spray to scare them off LMAO
help what kaito is this supposed to be is this even kaito help (ohedo julia night???)
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lilis-doodle-dome · 7 months
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Mafukasa swap au, with in game screen cap edits
Things that swapped:
- Parents level of overbearing (Tenma’s are incredibly suffocating, while mafumom is well intentioned but left mfy alone far too much)
- roles in the group (Emu is WxS’ leader, while Mafuyu is Niigo’s)
- appearance of Sekai (Tsukasa has a more monochrome/depressing vibe, while Mfy’s is fanciful and colorful)
- outward persona (Tsukasa is the golden boy, perfect at everything, well mannered, etc. while Mafuyu is outgoing, confident, helpful (even when it’s not asked for), etc.)
Things that did not swap:
- Gender, and therefore school’s they go to
- which group they’re in
- familial situation outside of parents (Tsukasa is still Saki’s older brother and the Tenma’s are still close with the Aoyagi’s, Mfy is still a single child)
- Tsukasa is still the one with memory issues, so Mafuyu is influenced by bad memories from her past from the get go instead of slowly remembering them (she is still completely unwilling to actually engage with said memories even if she remembers them though)
- Which VS’s they start with (Mafuyu is just miku, Tsukasa is Miku and Kaito)
Other important things: (if interested)
- Saki and Tsukasa’s relationship is a lot more strained, Saki has incredibly conflicting feelings about her brother and Tsukasa always has his front up, even around her, so they can’t have a proper conversation
- Toya also has a stilted relationship with Kasa, both the Tenma’s and his father tended to compare the two boys. So while he still looks up to Tsukasa, he has some reservations about weather his admiration is genuine or just feelings implanted in him from the adults. Toya’s much closer with Saki, as he visited her a lot in the hospital (initially at Tsukasa’s request)
- Mafmom is a single mom, and a doctor. Needless to say she is busy *a lot*, bcs of that she’s always needed Mafuyu to be self sufficient and responsible, far before the age one could reasonably except for a child. She still loves Mafuyu very much and always tries her best to give her daughter a free and happy life
- Rather than an actor, Mafuyu found her passion in writing poetry. She wants to become the best poet of all time, which is what leads her to writing lyrics for K’s songs. Only the best composer could possibly support the best lyricist after all!
- Mafuyu’s love of writing comes from remembering all the times in the past her mom would come home late at night, looking exhausted both physically and emotionally, mfy would stay up to see her and then the two would cuddle under the blankets and read together. In those moments it would really feel like none of the rest of the day existed and all those pains and anxieties would slip away from her mother as they were transported to another world in their stories
- some time into this ritual, mafuyu started writing her own stories for her mother, and while Mafumom said she loved all of Mafu’s writing there was something special about her poetry that completely dispelled all of mafumom’s bad feelings and just let her live in the lines of text
- after that poetry became mafuyu’s life, and her Sekai is built off her desire to help people feel better with her work.
- Tsukasa’s Sekai also doesn’t match canon mafuyu’s it’s not built off his desire to disappear, instead it’s his desire to be his own person and figuring out who he even is in the first place (the other three can enter his sekai due to their shared desire of wanting to be themselves without getting hurt for it)
- Tsukasa hopes that by acting, he might resonate with a role and it’ll help him learn more about himself
- since they’re in the images, fun fact, Ruikasa kizuna rank title is ‘charity case’ (in place of 1-2 weirdo wombo combo) due to people assuming perfect, golden boy Tsukasa only started spending time with Rui because Teachers were hoping he would keep Rui out of trouble and get other students to look at Rui more favorably (thus Rui is Tsukasa’s ‘charity case’)
- while kanamafu’s kizuna rank is ‘please take a break’ due to both of them trying to constantly get the other to take better care of themselves. Mafuyu always saying Kanade needs to eat and sleep rather than composing all the time, while Kanade is desperately trying to make Mafuyu realize that working all day and putting ‘110%’ into everything she does, is infact unhealthy and not ‘the work ethic every good writer should strive for’ (it is not working on either end, Kanade is too guilty and mafuyu is too deep in denial)
I have a lot for this au, but making certain things is,,, difficult. To say the least
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enamation · 5 months
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character(s) ♡ tsukasa tenma , rui kamishiro , toya aoyagi , akito shinonome
type ♡ mini imagines ( ? )
warning(s) ♡ none !
a/n ♡ thank you for requesting ✰ this post is quite long because of the individual sections , i hope thats okay ! i did also add a little bit of the thoughts you had on each character ^^ , your childhood friend is referred to as 'X'
requester ♡ @6-zao-xing-9
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tenma tsukasa . . . 天馬司
X and you used to be very close when you were younger , but growing distant when you grew older . While you and Tsukasa had gotten closer recently , X had pulled you aside and demanded you stay away from him . But when he invited you to a sleepover , you just couldnt refuse him .
After a sunday full of laughter and playful banter , sweets and play - fighting , you had to go to school the next day , and you had forgotten some of your belongings at the Tenma household .
Finding you in the hallways at lunch , Tsukasa smiled at you , holding out your bag to you .
" Hey, you forgot your stuff at my place. I was thinking of dropping it off at your house, but a world future star just cannot miss practice. "
He smiled again as you giggled , taking your bag from his hands . As you walk back in the lunchroom , X's table was staring at you , with X glaring daggers into you as you simply waved and walked off to your own table .
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kamishiro rui . . . 神代類
Rui knew about X's existence , since he had noticed how they would glare at you when you're with him .
The morning after you had stayed at his house , you had forgotten the shirt you had worn to sleep .
So at school , but before morning classes , you were eating a small snack and on your phone before Rui had walked in , making eye contact with X to make sure they were watching before turning his attention back to you .
" Hm? Why am I here? You forgot your shirt at my house, and I'm simply here to return it. "
He watched as your flushed a slight red due to classmates glancing at you two with curious eyes , and X fuming with anger .
Before leaving , Rui bent down to whisper in your ear .
" This.. friend of yours. Needs to stop being so negative about us. "
He gave you and X one last sly smile before leaving .
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shinonome akito . . . 東雲彰人
You had originally visited at the Shinonome household because you were partners with Akito , building a 3D project for [ your choice ] .
But because the project had taken so much longer than you both had hoped for , Akito suggested you just stay over . Once your parents had agreed , your ' project time ' turned into a sleepover .
In a rush because you had a lot to do that school morning , you had forgotten one of your bags at Akito's house .
After school , Akito had to go see a teacher and couldnt walk home with you , so he gave you your bag at the school exit once the bell had rang .
" Over here! Here, you left this in my room last night. "
You flushed lightly at the gesture , taking the bag and thanking him before you turned around to a lot of stares thrown your way , specifically X's stare .
You decided to wave him goodbye and rush out of the school before anyone could question you .
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aoyagi toya . . . 青柳冬弥
You and Toya were close friends , visiting WEEKEND GARAGE every friday , and hanging out over the weekend .
You and the rest of Vivid Bad Squad decided to have a sleepover at Toya's house , playing Uno and watching An and Akito fight .
Amidst all the fun , you had forgotten an item or two at his house . And as the good friend he is , made sure to return it to you as soon as he could .
During passing period inbetween classes , Toya had come up to you at your locker and tapped your shoulder, stretching out the hand holding your bag .
" You forgot this at my house yesterday. Hm? What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? "
He noticed your reddened and embarrassed cheeks , but wasnt able to pinpoint why before he realized people were looking over at the both of you before letting out a whispered " oh . "
X was furious , not only because they had told you to stay away from Toya , but to be at his house had just left them stunned .
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this might just be me , but i think X finally got the memo .
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cnidarianrui · 8 months
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VIVID BAD SQUAD agere headcanons!
Kohane Azusawa
-age range of 5-8
- definitely a playmate, she loves playing with her friends while theyre little ❤️
- talks to Count Pearl a lot while small, and loves taking pictures of her to decorate!!
- she gets a big sweet tooth, and likes snacking on gummies
- quite shy, tending to stick with An when small.
- wears so many onesies, so comfy!!!
- definitely has received more than a few piggyback rides, mainly from An or Akito!!
-very eepy, more than content to snuggle up with one of her carers and take a nap, usually Touya
-friendliest in the world, she is so small and so happy!!
An Shiraishi
-age range of 7-10.
-totally thinks of herself as a big sister to her friends when they're small.
-has SO much fun in the SEKAI when regressed, and the virtual singers may spoil her a bit more than they should.. but who could resist?
-so many "fights" (petty arguments that are forgotten about within half an hour) with Akito.
-very competitive little, simple games become life or death competitions.
-the biggest hater of nap time.
-despite how outgoing, excited, and enthusiastic she is when regressed, she is quite soft, and carries around a teddy bear (ken gave it to her 🥹) when shes on the smaller side..
-ankle biter. /j
-very sweet, always trying to help out, but getting shy when her carers help her..
Akito Shinonome
-age range of 3-7.
-quite protective of Touya, regardless of whether Touya is regressed or not.
-quite a sporty little, definitely enjoying soccer competitions with An, or occasionally the Kagamines.
-surprisingly eepy, gets tired pretty easily, but protests the whole time before he falls asleep...
-cuddly too,,, loves uppies so much... but only MEIKO and Touya seem to be able to pick him up.
-craves pancakes so much when small, even more than normal.
-however, his excitement for pancakes causes him to be a bit of a messy eater, yet only Touya can coax him to wear a bib, or at least slow down.
-doodles a lot, mostly pictures of his carers.. 🥹
-shyer than you would expect, and very grateful for those who help him.
Touya Aoyagi
-age range of 0-2.
-tiniest, sleepiest baby in existence.. so cozy and cuddly...
-communicates mainly through babbles, but his friends can all understand him.
-has the most carers, including the Tenmas, VBS, Meiko, and Kaito.
-emotional little, but can easily be soothed with uppies and cuddles~
-has petnames for his cares that he uses while small, which are all family related names.. (sissy, bubba, etc.)
-it is rare to find him without either a paci or a bottle, these both being quite soothing for him.
-typically wears pajamas, or Akito's jackets...
-such a sweet baby, always wanting to be with those he loves when small, hating being alone.
⭑・・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
As always, thank you for reading, and have a great day/night!!!
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toyaslove · 11 months
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That's so disgusting... that makes me feel like unfollowing the toya aoyagi x reader tag...
I'm REALLY feeling like throwing up, I swear, this... this is so disgusting... I... I'm without words... why do people do things like this?
I'm almost crying from disgusting, rage, and sadness for something like this ever exist
Please, if you support that kind of thing, unfollow me.
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kyuziipon · 1 year
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I’m early for my time zone but happy birthday to the prettiest most ethereal guy to ever exist
ID: [a digital drawing of toya aoyagi from project sekai. He is sitting on the floor, looking over his shoulder at the viewer. Behind him is a stained glass window with a cross in the middle. The lighting is dramatic and he is backlit in the colors of the window.
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