#aos phil coulson
favficbirthdays · 11 months
Happy Birthday
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Phil Coulson (8th July 1964)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
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AoS + text posts pt. 2/?
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fans4wga · 11 months
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[image ID: tweet from DiscussingFilm @/DiscussingFilm that says, "
Clark Gregg says “at some point [studios are] going to be able to replicate you, that needs to be with your permission & involvement” “We’re not just information to be fed into a computer… I feel like we're kind of fighting to keep the soul in the art form” (Source: @/TheWrap". Attached to the tweet are two images: a headshot of actor Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson from Marvel) and a graphic with a black background that says SAG-AFTRA STRONG with the SAG-AFTRA logo of a person with their arm up. end ID]
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wisegirl-seaweedbrain · 3 months
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aos text posts! ft coulson
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avengerdaisy · 10 months
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fictionaltrvlr · 25 days
so I edited agents of shield like a disney channel show…
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aingeal98 · 4 months
Agents of shield is fundementally the story of two morally ambiguous jaded spies in their 50s unofficially adopting a 20 something year old girl doomed to tragedy who's never had unconditional love her entire life. And they swear to stand by her no matter what and the universe says Wanna Bet? and throws unspeakable horrors at them for seven long seasons. They can't protect the girl, can't stop her from getting hurt the way they did when they were her age. But at the end of it all they can stand by her. She can destroy the world she can push them all away one of them can literally die the way everyone she loves does sooner or later and they'll still be there. Seven seasons and multiple deaths later they're not going to stop loving and supporting her. That's their kid and she's a superhero and the best thing to ever happen to their shady spy organisation. And they're so damn proud.
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alannacouture · 10 months
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If the SHIELD agents didn’t live together, where the hell would they go?!
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Serious question. Is the AoS fandom dead or are ya'll still kicking?
Im looking to renew my membership
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 10 months
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Agents of Shield text posts part 6!
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midnottart · 6 months
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AoS Season 01 sketch dump
I love the first season especially, it has this feeling of 'crime resolving' episodic show, and feel good before shit hits the fan in the later seasons. (Or well, from S01E17 on)
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Phil Coulson (8th July)
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AoS + text posts pt. 1/?
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trapezequeen · 7 months
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Happy Agents of Shield Halloween
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 1 edition)
- while filming the scene where skye gets sh*t by ian quinn in 1x13 [T.R.A.C.K.S], they took hours to film not only because the scene was so intense, but because there was a christmas parade happening nearby that was so loud it kept interrupting the shot.
- another shot interruption occurred in 1x16 when filming scenes at the race track. they couldn’t shut down the track entirely during filming so halfway through a scene a horse would charge past in the background and they would have to reshoot the scene.
- chloe had such a bad driving reputation back in season one that she was banned from driving all golf carts on the lot. she also accidentally stalled a car while rehearsing a scene and everyone panicked.
- they only had 15 days to film 1x01. FIFTEEN DAYS TO FILM EVERYTHING.
- in the end of episode 1x12 [Seeds], there’s a moment where coulson is voicing over and says “the world is full of evil and lies.” during this moment, the camera is on ward. this is one of the first main references of ward secretly being hydra.
- there were three-ish main sets for backgrounds during season one. set 16 was their “labyrinth set” with random sets like the abandoned race track, parts of Providence, john Garrett’s “layer” and a small set for the Freezer.
- clark gregg was so adamant about the casting for the cellist that he actually called audrey nathan personally and told her she was perfect for the role.
- on the day the cast was to meet to discuss filming the last two episodes of the season, a 4.4 earthquake hit los angles which the cast though was foreshadowing the darker episodes to come.
- to represent coulson coming back after what happened to him during the avengers, the wardrobe department tailored his suits differently to give coulson a “new feel”. they really said “let’s mix this shit up and give him a slicker [yes, that’s the word they used] suit.”
- also, coulson never wears black suits after his death due to loki. he only wears shades of grey, never plain black as it reminds him of death.
- the only direction the wardrobe department was given on ward’s outfits was that he needed to look sexy. that’s it.
- as the season progresses, skye wears darker clothes to represent her loss of innocence as the situations get darker.
should i do one for season 2? this was fun and i was bored :)
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zephyrmonkey · 9 months
10th Anniversary of the Agents of SHIELD Premiere
10 years ago today we…
Saw Coulson again for the first time since his death in Avengers over a year ago!
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Met Ward with his impressive assessment by Hill! Though were all not sure about him yet.
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Met Skye and wondered who she was!
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Met FitzSimmons for the first time and… wait they’re two people? Okay...
Met Fitz and Simmons for the first time and instantly decided that they are to be protected at all costs!
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Met May and, just like Ward, wondered why she's just the pilot!
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Decided, just like Skye, to join the SHIELD team and, even though were didn't know it yet, go on one crazy journey for the next 7 years!
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I think I’m gonna do this for every episode, what do you think?
If you want to be tagged, send me an ask or comment on this post!
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