#aos best of 2020
drunkonimagination · 1 year
sometimes i ask myself what it would be like to love so selflessly and intensely to the point that you can't help finding peace and solace at the simple thought of the happiness of the one you love even when that happiness doesn't include you and represents the most intimate reason of your own unhappiness and then i remember this panel from blue flag:
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ruthlesslistener · 10 months
So, you get asked about PK and WL a lot, in part because you're realistic about them being nuanced. I've rarely ever seen folks ask you about the Radiance, though, even you've mentioned you give her the same treatment. So, you got any headcanons, heartcanons, and gutcanons for her? Feel free to do as many as you want!
Okay so I long forgot the headcanon, heartcanon, gutcanon ask template because I've been chewing on this since [checks date] September 5th 2020, so instead you get a long ramble on the Radiance vs individual hcs for her since I don't really talk about her as much as I do the pale fam
Radiance...hm. She's a very complex character who frightens me on some personal levels, but I really am quite fond of her reguardless, because part of what scares me about her is how closely her anger mirrors my own (and that of my immidiate family). She reminds me very much of the aspects of myself and a few choice individuals in my blood relations that I do my best to avoid, rather than have a delight of a time pointing and laughing at, like I do with the flaws of myself I see in the Pale King. Except Radiance doesn't just have those flaws, she's also got the added Christian crusader imagery that decrees the death of anyone who opposes her that also reminds me quite a bit about certain things in my life I'd very much rather go without (I was raised Muslim. I'm sure you can connect the dots). So there is a level of discomfort there that keeps me from engaging with her character on the same level that I do with Hollow and the Pale King, which is something that I am sure many Radiance fans feel in turn about PK himself. No judgement there.
But that's personal, so I'm not going to get into it. Just putting a note of it here because it does very much influence how I write her.
The Radiance is someone who is, at her core, very very lonely, and is also fundamentally afraid of being lonely. She is Grimm's twin in my headcanon (or, as much as one can be a twin when you were both divinely spawned from the same event), but Grimm is also her opposite, and so he never really did much other than highlight how deeply different she was from the only ever person that she knew. They were spawned in a place outside of Hallownest, in the creation of the Dream Realm where there was nothing around them but other hungry Higher Beings grasping for power, and that in turn did little other than prove to her that the whole world was against her and that the only way that she could persist was to eliminate all threats to herself before they had a chance to attack her first (Grimm, on the other hand, was fascinated by death and the play of power among power-hungry gods, and was much more inclined to observe until they clearly became a threat to him, ao that he could learn from them first. This difference is something that lead to the schism between the realms).
She is an extremely emotional person, acting on raw passion before all else- but that's because being rawly emotional never let her down in the past. How could it, when her fury burned with the force of a thousand stars, and incinerated all that dared threaten her? And how could she be anything but furious, when she had nothing but proof that the whole world conspired against her, and it was her burning rage that beat back the darkness of the cold, unfeeling Void, the one thing that could destroy her and her sibling? She was not always angry- more often than not, she was lonely, wanting nothing more than something to care for and protect- but anger served her well and so it became her first line of defense against anything that threatened her, and she was always right because nothing bad had ever come of her in the past.
(This is because she killed most things that she feared before they had a chance to move against her. The utter destruction of the Void Civilization was one such occurrence, happening after she had settled in Hallownest, created the moths, and deemed those who worshiped the dark below as a threat to both her and her newborn children.) I also believe that the Moths were created just before or right after the schism between her and Grimm, her barely-younger brother; because if he would not listen to her and allow her to care for him and be her family, then she would simply make one of her own, a family that she could dote on and adore and had no choice but to love her. And while she very much drove that schism, it was still a betrayal that stung her to the very core. He was her brother! He was supposed to agree with her, to love her and listen to her! She only ever tried to protect him, so what does it mean for him to defy her? That he doesn't actually love her after all, and that if she truly desires a family of her own, she must make it herself. One that will actually love her. One that will not defy her.
So, to recap: the Radiance is a fundamentally lonely person. But she is also fundamentally a very, very fearful person, to the point of overwhelming paranoia. And she grew up in an environment where this paranoia was not only unchecked, but encouraged.
This is what lead to her overcontrolling nature- because when she was able to control everything, she was able to see all of the problems before they became too hard to control, and thus eliminate them from the very start. I headcanon that the bugs of Hallownest had no free will under her control, but it wasn't the same as the malicious infection that we see in-game; it was genuinely because she cared, to the point where she had to look through a thousand eyes and ten thousand minds in order to nurture her kingdom the way she thought was best. She didn't kill all of the Void Civilization- the beetles persisted, as we saw- but she had to control them anyways, to wipe their minds of what she did and to prevent dissent. The Moths had a level of freedom that the others did not, but this was only because she created them and placed them first before all other bugs, and so thought that they would never have a reason to dissent against her. Why care for freedom when you can have security, after all? She never once in a million years thought that they would betray her for the Pale King, because she never once in a million years ever thought that anyone could ever want something like freedom in exchange for an uncertain, self-made future. It's too risky, too dangerous. Too lonely.
(This is also why I headcanon that the moth civilization collapsed after they abandoned Radi- they had been coddled for so long that they had no notion of independence, and thus could not survive on their own in a civilization that made itself with free will. This absolutely does not excuse PK of potentially being involved in their downfall, because I do think he played a huge part in it, but it does account for their diminishing numbers without any indication of physical genocide. I've seen some think that they were hit the first and the hardest by the Infection but I don't believe that Radi, even with her vengeful qualities, would have done that-or if she did, then Seer made no mention of it, likely because of her tribe's guilt about bringing back the Radiance even if it isn't their fault.)
(Part of this headcanon also ties into another hc I have about Radi, which was that she was very involved in her rule and would answer to almost every prayer- including ones that involved illness or injury. If you prayed for the sickness to go away, then she would answer the call and abolish it. The Moths got first treatment, because they as her children knew exactly how to call her, but this also meant that when they switched to PK's rule where he advocated for independence and self-sufficiency based on problem solving, they suffered far more than the others who had to reply on learning their own medical care when Radi was too busy to hear their prayers)
That's not to say that Radiance was a bad ruler by any means, but we do know that she and PK are opposites, and we have records of how distant he was from his civilization, which indicates that Radiance was deeply involved by contrast- likely suffocatingly so. That's part of why I love to play with her and Grimm being siblings, to be honest, because he acts as a sort of neutral zone between the Pale King's style of ruling (by almost zero personal involvement) compared to the Radiance's obsessive control- he holds power over those under his command, but he also relinquishes that power when they fight back, and makes the break from the trope relatively stressless by wiping their memories and leaving them with a defensive charm (if Carefree Melody is any indicator). Likely this is because Grimm is a scavenger-god who has seen how many a kingdom has fallen to ruin, but I can also imagine how an exposure to the Radiance would have encouraged him to give his people more freedom of will while also continuing to engage with them at all, which the Pale King didn't do. But that's a Grimm tangent right there- the point is that I do believe the Radiance did everything out of a love for her people.
The problem is just that emotions are her fatal flaw, and when they don't suffocate, they burn. We know that she isn't just pure emotion made manifest- she's an insidious manipulator, and quite skilled at it, too. She didn't win over the Traitor Lord or break the minds of the bugs of Hallownest through sheer force alone (though I'm sure she had to in some cases...like the Hollow Knight). But everytime she makes a bad decision, it's because her emotions got the best of her. She is the inverse to the Pale King, whose fatal flaw was that his logic blinded him to the emotions he felt towards his children, and to realizing the Vessel Plan was doomed until it is far too late. She got herself to where she was by blazing forth in a fit of fury, and turning the hurricane of her betrayal into a punishment that the entirety of Hallownest got caught up in, whether they were innocent or not. She wormed her way into the minds of those who listened to her and brutally slaughtered the rest. She might have had some justification at first, when she was clawing desperately out of the dark of near-death, but that justification was snuffed out quick. Her anger is brutal, grotesque, vengeful, and all-encompassing. She hates you, the player character, Little Ghost, for what you represent and who you are, and she hunts you relentlessly, using the corpses of the friends and siblings she's killed to try to murder you. But it's not just self-defense: it's hatred. When Ghost challenges her in the Dream Realm, she didn't have to answer, but she did. Because she is fury incarnate, and she will not suffer the mockery of the void-tainted scion of her enemy.
She might have been a benevolent goddess once, but no longer. She's beautiful and majestic. She's also a genocidal monster. Her actions have justification, for they were self-defense and retribution for her betrayal- until she began to destroy the lives of innocents in her hunger for power. She's a complex character, a sympathetic one even, and is even more terrible for it.
So yeah, she scares me, even though I love her. But can you really blame me?
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ranatsume · 3 months
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Cym. Pandora Glade 'Woodside Pink' AM/AOS
So last weekend I participated in the gold coast cymbidium society auction and I won 3 orchids! This division was entered by Pierre Pujol, whose mother plant was Awarded Best Cymbidium at the 2020 Pacific Orchid Exposition Show. It’s in spike, so I hope that it blooms in March or April. Posted below is a picture shot by Pierre himself, for reference:
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Hi darling! For the ask game 2, 8, 9, 15, 24 💜💜
Hi Toni, thanks for the numbers! 💙
2. which player would you think you'd be best friends with upon first meeting?
I think Domi. I'm an introvert, so it takes me a while to warm up to people, but he seems easy to talk to. He's smart and loves nature and I'm a biologist, so we could gush about random animal facts. I bet he would be an amazing hiking buddy as well! I was also a fan of boybands at one point, so he can blast his playlist during car rides and I would actually sing along. Plus I could learn some Austrian slang from him, which would be fun
8. which tournament has the prettiest trophy?
I prefer simple, clean designs, so my favorites are Shanghai, Paris and Miami
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But I’m also in love with the pretty colors of the Los Cabos trophy
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And it always cracks me up to think about it in Meddy's trophy jail lol
9. who's your favourite retired player?
I mean, I MEAN… don't know if you've heard about this Swiss man(? He had a quite prolific career; won a few Masters, got 20 Grand Slams, and went on to play his last match alongside his biggest rival. He appears smooth and suave, but he's a goofball at heart and turns into a giggling mess whenever Rafa is around(? Yeah, he'll always be my all time favorite
15. a new player you would want to succeed in the future?
I guess Ben Shelton seems nice(? Tbh I haven't followed him much but he gives off puppy energy (Fisher called him a border collie and I think that's accurate).
I haven't really gotten attached to new players other than Andrey, but he's not exactly 'new’ anymore lol
24. favourite match outfit?
Depends on the player, of course, but I will always love Rafa's sleeveless shirts. Particularly the bright pink one form AO 2020 <3
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!!! But also: all-black looks 🔥
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almaadst · 1 year
for the artist ask: 2, 4, 5, 8, 14, and 17~ :3c
@andeborg Billy my sweetheart! <3 Thank you for your questions and patience 🙏(But like they say "save best for the last" <3) Although most of the questions I already answered here: 2, 5, 8, 17) but here are the other two:
4. Favourite things to draw?
That's a tough question actually! I think it will be female faces and female bodies overall and long hair 'cos I love making them nice shapes '3'
14. How has your art changed over the years?
That will be fun to answer! I have to open the folder with my old art and I will show you! '3'
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<2010 I started my drawing journay with drawing animals like lions/wolfs I tried imitating "Lion King" style but I do not have any artwork from this time ;; But I have artworks from 2012 which I think I was quite good already (* ̄∀ ̄) Here it is, my lioness OCs: Xena and Hexa! (daughter and mother)
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2011 (left) - I started drawing humans (manga style) after watching Pandora Hearts anime. Anatomy was really wanky - I clearly didn't know how to properly draw the shoulder/chest area, the clothes design was "edgy" 'cos I was 14yo lol, and of course, I was hiding hands 'cos I couldn't draw them all! And I didn't have a graphic tablet back then so all was traditionally made with crayons. I mostly drew character designs and my OCs, here is Alex.
2012 (right) - I already got a tablet and I was making digital drawings. I had the courage to try drawing hands, but the whole silhouette was really long and thin, and I was afraid to put more decent shadows but I started doing a little background.
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2013 (left) -I was making more complex pieces but I didn't know shit about perspective and composition lol
2014 (right) - It was definitely a "gap year" in my art life I didn't draw much back then but definitely, I started using photo references to improve my artwork
2015 - 100% art block year ;; I stopped drawing, using DeviantArt, and just quit for a while
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2016 - I was drawing again thanks to Metal Gear Solid games - It was the first time I was so involved to draw fan art (before I was worried that "my ugly art style will ruin my beloved characters" lol) and I made Tumblr account for it!
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2017 (left) - Was completely dedicated to Ao no Exorcist manga, it help me make art again and enjoy M&A again but I stopped drawing my OCs thou I practiced more while doing study characters, sketching more, teaching myself from YouTube, etc
2018 (right) - Here I was switching to My Hero Academia fandom but also I was making fan arts/ crossovers for different shows and I was improving my coloring/shading style etc and started making commissions
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2019 (left) - Burnout year again;; I was drawing VERY little and mostly it was sketches for series I watched
2020 (right) - I decided to come back to drawing and open commission - I was doing mostly My Hero academia commissions and thanks to that I seriously started working on my background in artwork and my skill overall and I think it was a time when I realized that drawing come very easy that I had a certain level/skill which made less frustration about how and what I drew
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2021 > I mostly focused on commission and improving my artwork!
That was a long post but so fun to make and reflect a little bit! Thank you to all people who sent me asks! I was really supries how many itwas (that's why I took me so long! ;;) I will do it againg in the future for sure! but maybe with questions made by me? who knows! (* ̄∀ ̄)
Love you all, Alex 🌷
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fanishjuli · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you babe for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 62 works posted on ao3 (although some are anonymous and some are not fics but original stuff).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
131,372 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Many, lol. The fandom I have the most fics posted is Sherlock (BBC). The second is Good Omens (and also the fandom I have the most WIPs for). I have also posted fics for the MCU, Star Trek (TOS, AOS, TNG, DSC), the TAZ podcast, DC/Batman, OFMD and, most recently, X-Men.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 in all statistics, by a wide margin of difference, is Gotham Online, my DC/Batman social media AU fic, with 3,033 kudos. Second, with 479 kudos is Epiphanies at dawn, my OFMD Izzy/Stede Steddyhands fic; I'm relaly proud of this one actually. Then there's Surprising and unexpected (Star Trek), then There's No Truth Like Home (Sherlock) and fifth is Seeking Knowledge (Good Omens).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I like replying to comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um, none? I don't write much angst, and when I do it always has a happy ending. Probably the angstiest fic I wrote is In your precense I trust, my last Good Omens fic where Crowley has a shit day and seeks out Aziraphale for some comfort. But it doesn't have an angsty ending at all.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Literally all of them? Most of them have very soft endings because that's what I love.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. I think I got some weird comments a couple of times? But no. And if I did I deleted them and forgot about them lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't posted any smut, yet. I have two (...three? Can't recall) smut WIPs, one OFMD that's almost finished and needs editing (although I haven't touched it in months lol) and one Good Omens one as well that is significantly more incomplete.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't? I have had a few ideas for crossovers, and I even started writing a couple, but none I've worked on in a while. The craziest one is a Good Omens/Los Simuladores (Argentina) crossover; I had the idead with @two-hands-toward-the-sun and they actually wrote a fic about it, every morning the same big and little words all spelling out desire. It's very good and you should read it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. Not to my knowledge at least, I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! I translated a few of my own fics (from english to spanish and spanish to english) and I had several of my Sherlock fics translated to russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup, Obsession is a Sherlock fic I co-wrote with @0therainbowmind0 during late 2019/early 2020.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Something you need to know about me: I am terribly indecisive. I don't have favourite anythings because I can never choose and my asnwers change constantly. So, at the moment and for the past couple years my favourite ship, or at elast the one I keep returning to, has been Good Omens' Aziraphale/Crowley. Although, at this very moment, as in, the day I'm writing this and for the past week or so, I have also been very much into X-Men's Charles/Erik.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hard question! I don't like posting WIPs, so I almost always wait until I have completed a story before posting it. The only exception is Gotham Online. I would like to finish that fic sometime, although there's not much plotline, I would simply like to continue it because I have many ideas. One other fic I would like to finish but I am not certain I will is my "Heaven's Prayers Department" Good Omens WIP, where some angels in heaven hear Crowley's prayers through the millenia.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think probably writing dialogue is what I'm best at. I'm good at it, even though sometimes I may struggle to properly get a character's voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, I really struggle with them in general. I'm bad at describing places, clothes, everything. Ambientation is not my thing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's fine? I don't know; I don't do it. The only time I did was in my Good Omens' spanish pet names fic, which to be fair, I wrote originally in spanish (Los nombres del amor) and later translated to english (The names of love). In the translation I kept the pet names untranslated, as they were the entire point of the fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember if I ever actually wrote or just daydreamed and maybe, at most, wrote down a handful of ideas as a bulletpoint list, but if we count that then it was, embarrassingly enough, for the Spanish gamer youtubers fandom circa ~2016. But the first fandom I actually wrote for was Sherlock. Or maybe MCU? I don't remember which one I wrote for first but the first fic I ever posted was a Sherlock one.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh fuck. This is literally so hard to choose. I think my favourite Good Omens fic is the previously named In your precense I trust or Lavender Suits You, which I wrote for the Ineffable Butch Wives Week last year. Other favourites I really loved writing and also enjoy rereading are: Crush, a TAZ fic written for the Blupjeans Week 2021; Joanna McCoy's Week In Space, written for the Spones Reverse Big Bang 2020-21; my previously mentioned OFMD fic, Epiphanies at dawn; and my most recent fic, age with all its ailing brings blessings, I believe, which is an X-Men fic and the first part of the old men cherik series. The second part of the series is finish and already half edited, and I started writing the third (and probably final) part.
Honestly if anyone wants to do this, consider yourself tagged. It was very fun XD
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thunderbone · 4 months
Hi guys, today I decided to share with you a series of fanarts that I've made over the years. In 1969, David Bowie released Space Oddity, one of the best songs of his musical career. The song is about an astronaut named Major Tom who went to space but never returned to Earth. After the song's resounding success, Bowie decided to continue using his character in other songs, such as Ashes to Ashes, Hallo Spaceboy and Blackstar.
In 1982, Peter Schilling released Major Tom (Coming Home), a song that made him world famous, becoming an even bigger success than Space Oddity. The song is a reinterpretation of Space Oddity, where astronaut Major Tom manages to return to Earth, providing a happy ending for Bowie's character.
Yes, both singers used the same character in their songs and after Schilling's song was released, several other singers also ended up using Bowie's character in their songs, either reinterpreting one of his songs, or telling a new story for the character and so on.
Schilling's music really marked my childhood and remains one of my favorite rock songs, but Bowie's music is certainly an absolute classic, being a bubblegum song that keeps playing in my mind because it's so catchy, It's also one of my favorite rock songs.
Anyway, in 2019, I made the first fanart of these two singers, in which they are representing Major Tom wearing astronaut clothes.
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Furthermore, this was also one of the first drawings I outlined before painting and as you can see, the outline is very crooked, horrible hahaha Not to mention the poorly done painting right lol
In 2020, I made the second fanart of David Bowie and Peter Schilling. It was supposed to be a realistic drawing, but everything went wrong LMFAO
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Think about an ugly drawing, it's definitely one of the worst drawings I've ever done in my entire life… Like, look at David Bowie, I was supposed to aim at him but I ended up getting right on Kevin Bacon XD
In 2021, I made the third fanart. It was the second time I tried to make a realistic drawing of David Bowie and Peter Schilling, but this time it was a thousand times better than the previous fanart, which was already shit.
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I'm not very good at making realistic drawings, but this drawing here is good for a beginner.
And this was the last fanart I made of these two singers, and it was also the last drawing I made so far.
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I had the idea of doing a redraw/remake of the first fanart, but instead of doing an anime drawing, I decided to use my "semi-realistic" style, a style that reminds me of comic books.
In addition to drawing Bowie and Schilling, I also had the idea of drawing two furry characters to represent them, so I decided to draw two characters from Lackadaisy: Zib and Joey. After I made this fanart, I really wanted to paint, but my painting is very simple (it's as if a child had painted all my drawings) and I wanted a really cool painting, a well-done painting, because as it's the last drawing, I wanted to close with a flourish, you know.
Even a friend of mine who does amazing digital arts was going to paint my drawing, but unfortunately she couldn't do it because she was very busy. As I couldn't find someone else who was available to paint my drawing, I gave up on painting the fanart 😢 Well, I hope you liked these fanarts I made over the years 😊
Português (Brasil)
Oi pessoal, hoje resolvi compartilhar com vocês uma série de fanarts que eu fiz ao longo dos anos. Em 1969, David Bowie lançou Space Oddity, uma das melhores músicas de sua carreira musical. A música é sobre um astronauta chamado Major Tom que foi viajar pro espaço mas nunca mais voltou pra Terra. Após o sucesso estrondoso da música, Bowie resolveu continuar a usar seu personagem em outras músicas, como Ashes to Ashes, Hallo Spaceboy e Blackstar.
Em 1982, Peter Schilling lançou Major Tom (Coming Home), uma música que o tornou mundialmente famoso, fazendo um sucesso ainda maior que Space Oddity. A música é uma releitura de Space Oddity, onde o astronauta Major Tom consegue voltar pra Terra, sendo um final feliz pro personagem de Bowie.
Sim, ambos os cantores usaram o mesmo personagem em suas músicas e depois que a música de Schilling lançou, vários outros cantores também acabaram usando o personagem de Bowie em suas músicas, seja fazendo uma releitura de uma de suas músicas, ou contando uma nova história pro personagem e etc.
A música de Schilling marcou muito a minha infância e continua sendo uma das minhas músicas de rock favoritas, mas a música de Bowie com certeza é um clássico absoluto, sendo uma música chiclete que não para de tocar em minha mente de tão cativante que é, sendo também uma das minhas músicas de rock favoritas.
Enfim, em 2019, fiz a primeira fanart desses dois cantores, no qual estão representando o Major Tom usando roupas de astronauta.
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Além disso, esse também foi um dos primeiros desenhos que contornei antes de pintar e como deram pra notar, o contorno tá muito torto, horrível kkkkkkkkkkk Sem contar a pintura mal feita XD Essa primeira fanart era pra ser anime, mas acho que não deu muito certo rsrs
Em 2020, fiz a segunda fanart do David Bowie e Peter Schilling. Era pra ser um desenho realista, mas deu tudo errado vskwkskwksksks
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Pensa num desenho feio, com certeza é um dos piores desenhos que já fiz em toda a minha vida… Tipo, olha pro David Bowie, era pra mirar nele mas acabei acertando no Kevin Bacon XD
Em 2021, fiz a terceira fanart. Foi a segunda vez que tentei fazer um desenho realista do David Bowie e do Peter Schilling, só que desta vez ficou mil vezes melhor do que a fanart anterior, que já era uma merda.
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Eu não sou muito bom em fazer desenhos realistas, mas esse desenho aqui até que ficou bom pra um iniciante.
E essa foi a última fanart que fiz desses dois cantores, sendo também o último desenho que fiz até agora.
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Tive a ideia de fazer um redesenho/remake da primeira fanart, só que ao invés de fazer um desenho em anime, resolvi usar o meu estilo "semi realista", um estilo que lembra de HQs.
Além de eu ter desenhado Bowie e Schilling, também tive a ideia de desenhar dois personagens furry pra representá-los, então resolvi desenhar dois personagens de Lackadaisy: Zib e Joey. Depois que fiz essa fanart, eu queria muito pintar, mas a minha pintura é muito simples (é como se uma criança tivesse pintado todos os meus desenhos) e eu queria uma pintura muito foda, uma pintura bem feita, pois como é o último desenho, queria fechar com chave de ouro, sabe.
Inclusive uma amiga minha que faz incríveis artes digitais ia pintar o meu desenho, mas infelizmente ela não pôde fazer isso por estar bastante ocupada. Como não consegui achar outra pessoa que estivesse disponível pra pintar o meu desenho, desisti de pintar a fanart 😢 Bom, espero que tenham gostado dessas fanarts que fiz ao longo dos anos 😊
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schumi-nadal · 6 months
heyyy 20, 22 and 24 for the tennis ask :)
Hello there 💞
20. Best smile?
I already answered to this one but I will never get tired of saying Rafa 🥰
22. What was the happiest you felt when watching a match?
Already answered to this one too but there are so many moment moments I felt happy: AO final in 2022 is my favorite recent match, RG final 2022 too with papa Rafa and baby Casper, the US Open final in 2020 was so powerful (oh Domi, I miss you 😪), etc.
24. Favorite match outfit?
THIS ONE 100% 💖💖💖
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valkaryah · 7 months
For the movie ask thing. 2, 12, 15, and 21!
movie asks
2. A movie you think is underrated
Baz Luhrmann's feature film debut Strictly Ballroom (1992). One of the best film debuts ever, right up there with Terrence Malick's Badlands (1973) for me.
12. A performance you think is underrated
Cristin Milioti in Palm Springs (2020). I love this movie a lot and I think she is great in it — she's the beating heart of the movie. I think Cristin Milioti is, generally speaking, very underrated, but she always catches my attention in whatever movie/tv show she's in. She needs to do more movies!
15. A movie ruined by the ending
Stay (2005) starring Ryan Gosling. To be honest, I already disliked the movie before the ending, but that ending succeeded in making me hate the movie. So in-your-face and melodramatic, ugh... I get it! It's all in his mind, wow.
21. A director you think is underrated
Sion Sono. I never see anyone talk about him. I understand why though. His work is as weird and as off-putting as it gets, but that's why some of his films are so good tbh (at least to me).
E OBRIGADA SIL. Ao menos posso contar contigo e nunca me ignoras <3 god bless e obrigada pelas perguntas.
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ebriisims · 1 year
O desafio not so berry originalmente foi criado pela @lilsimsie, popularizando na comunidade outras versões foram surgindo e a mais recente é a da @simqueen8 criado em 2020, incluindo as expansões e novos pacotes do The sims 4, traduzida por @maluandtheplumbobs.
Pensando nisso resolvi recriar com algumas pequenas alterações, como profissões e aspirações. Aconselhada para quem tem todas as expansões lançadas até dezembro de 2022.
Os links das versões originais, quais me inspirei estará no final do post.
Lembra-se que essa versão tem base na tradução da @maluandtheplumbobs de Not so Berry 2.0.
Regras básicas:
Cada herdeiro (primeiro filho) representa a cor da geração, com cabelo, roupas, maquiagens e o que mais achar necessário.
Apenas o cheat "freerealestate" é permitido ao iniciar o desafio para a compra da primeira casa.
Todas as gerações devem completar os objetivos da aspiração e carreira, a não ser que seja dito especificamente o contrário.
Geração 01: Verde Menta
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Você é uma pescadora e cientista apaixonada pela cor verde menta. Sua carreira está decolando, mas ainda gosta de passar seu tempo livre pescando. Acontece que você também ama o luxo, e isso é diretamente refletido no seu estilo e na sua casa.
Traços: Adora o ar livre, ciumenta e Materialista.
Aspiração: As de pesca.
Profissão: Cientista.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de cientista.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de pesca.
Construir um foguete e visitar sixan.
Comprar uma casa no valor de 75.000$.
Ter um(a) filho(a) com traço irritável.
Se tornar amiga de um alienígena.
Geração 02: Rosa Vermelha
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Você teve tudo o que desejava desde criança, mas sempre quis mais, focada em sua profissão não teve tempo para aprofundar suas relações. Como adulta, sua maior prioridade é encontrar sua alma gêmea. Sem nenhum instinto maternal, ama sua/seu filha(o) com todo o coração.
Traços: Segura de si, esnobe e perfeccionista.
Aspiração: Alma gêmea.
Profissão: Advogado.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de advogada.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de pesquisas e debates.
Ter apenas um(a) filho(a).
Fazer oba oba em 10 lugares diferente.
Casar e se divorciar antes de por fim casar com sua alma gêmea.
Geração 03: Mar Amarelo
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Crescendo, você nunca teve uma relação muito próxima com sua mãe, e passou a maior parte do seu tempo sozinha no seu quarto, obcecada pelo oceano. Você realmente ama o oceano e fará qualquer coisa para morar em Sulani, custe o que custar.
Traços: Filha do oceano, solitária e ambiciosa.
Aspiração: Vida na praia.
Profissão: Conservacionista.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de conservacionista.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de ginástica e lógica.
Casar com um(a) morador(a) de Sulani.
Comprar a casa do sonho em Sulani.
Ter uma boa relação com a sua avó da geração 1 (verde menta), até que ela morra.
Geração 04: Roxo Ameixa
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Você sempre sentiu que era diferente. Enquanto o resto de sua família passava a maior parte do tempo no oceano, você só queria organizar festas. Para compensar o relação péssima que teve com seus pais, você quer estar o máximo de tempo possível com seus filhos.
Traços: Extrovertida, Ativa e Relaxada.
Aspiração: Grande festeira.
Profissão: Atleta.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de Atleta.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de qualquer esporte.
Fazer algo especial com sua família aos domingo.
Ser bom amigo de todos os seus filhos
Ter três relações que falharam (ex-namorados) antes de achar o cônjuge, que deve ter o traço de asseado.
Geração 05: Cinza Prata
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Você sempre foi bom em tudo o que tentou. É difícil escolher uma carreira, na verdade, a única coisa realmente consistente na sua vida é seu amor e fascinação pela escrita. Entre rascunhos e gatos você é uma grande indecisa.
Traços: Amante da arte, criativo e gênio.
Aspiração: Autora best seller.
Profissão: Negócios.
Atingir o nível 5 da profissão de negócios.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de escrita.
Casar com um(a) veterinário(a).
Ter filhos gêmeos antes de morrer.
Ter dois gatos.
Se divorciar e depois voltar a casar com o mesmo sim.
Geração 06: Laranja Lima
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Você é a ovelha negra da família e foi criada em um ambiente muito ético. Você sempre quis provocar o caos, mas não dá pra dizer que você é realmente maligna. Se mudou para San Myshuno a trabalho, ama comer e gasta a maior parte do seu tempo comendo doces.
Traços: Segura de si, maldosa e glutona.
Aspiração: Nativa da cidade.
Profissão: Professora.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de Professora.
Completar a habilidade de confeitaria e travessura.
Ter um(a) filho(a) vampiro(a) fora do casamento em uma noite.
Morar em um apartamento na vida jovem adulta.
Conhecer sua alma gêmea no ensino médio e casa-se com ele(a).
Geração 07: Preto Sangue
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Você nasceu de um acidente. Para muitos, isso era algo abalador, mas não pra você. Apesar de sua mãe só fingir que te ama, você ainda se sente incrível, porque há algo de diferente dentro de si e nada melhor do que ser uma criminosa para provocar o destino.
Traços: Cabeça quente, ativa e Cleptomaniaca.
Profissão: Criminosa.
Aspiração: Mestre vampira.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de Criminosa.
Ter no mínimo 5 inimigos durante a vida.
Se tornar uma vampira muito poderosa.
Ter uma filho(a) vampiro(a).
Não manter uma relação com os pais após sair de casa.
Se beneficiar das vantagens providas pelo vampirismo.
Geração 08: Azul Marinho
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Você se sente um mostro por ser o que é. Apesar de sua mãe tentar te mostrar como é incrível ser uma vampira, você detesta e quer se tornar humana a qualquer custo. Sua paixão pelos animais e pelas plantas são as únicas coisas que te mantém sã na busca pela cura.
Traços: Bondosa, asseado e criativa.
Aspiração: Botânica autônoma.
Profissão: Médica Veterinária.
Atingir o nível máximo da profissão de Veterinária.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de jardinagem.
Encontrar a cura e ter um(a) filho(a) humano(a).
Ter uma clínica veterinária.
Completar a coleção de jardinagem.
Não se beneficiar das vantagens do vampirismo.
Geração 09: Rosa Fosco
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Sua mãe sempre lhe falou sobre seguir seus sonhos e você sempre sonhou em ser fazendeira e fazer a diferença na agronomia. Ser vegetariana e morar em uma fazenda parece ser uma tortura, mas você está disposta a encarar esse desafio em nome do amor.:
Traços: fã dos animais, vegetariana e alegre.
Aspiração: Cuidador do campo.
Profissão: Fazendeira.
Obs: Aqui não terá profissão, deve vender tudo que for coletado na fazenda e feito pelo próprio sim.
Realizar o máximo possível de desejos do sim.
Alcançar o nível máximo da habilidade de ponto-cruz.
Casar-se com alguém que já tem filhos
Guardar 75.000$. para seu herdeiro(a).
Viver só de coisas da fazenda, menos carne.
Ter um cachorro e um gato; fora os animais da fazenda.
Geração 10: Gelo Branco
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Você é uma amante da arte apaixonada pelo cor branca. Diferente de sua mãe escolheu se formar na universidade e levar uma vida longe do campo e bichos. apegada aos seus antepassados e melancólica a morte nunca será o fim para você e para sua alma.
Traços: Amante da arte, comunicativa e Criativa.
Aspiração: Pintor extraordinário.
Profissão: Artista.
Obs: Aqui o foco é na universidade, portanto viverá apenas do dinheiro das vendas de quadros.
Conseguir a bolsa e se formar em Belas-artes.
Alcançar o nível 10 em pintura.
Ter no mínimo 5 melhores amigos.
Conhecer sua alma gêmea na universidade.
Adotar uma criança.
Criar uma sala com foto de todas as gerações.
Morrer após concluir as tarefas a cima.
..... Sim, o fim do desafio é a morte!
Deixo aqui os créditos às criadoras @lilsimsie e @simqueen8. Também a tradutora @maluandtheplumbobs.
Para versão inglês do desafio acesse aqui.
Pretendo trazer as minhas modificações dos demais desafios, então me siga para se divertir com the sims 4. Bjs!
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void-botanist · 2 years
About me
For easy reference, here's my tag navigation.
It's about time for a new writeblr intro to go with my new WIP intro!
name // NavarenWizard (you can call me NW)
pronouns // he/they
age // mid 20s
occupation // grad student, gay husband
background // neurodivergent american genderqueer trans guy
interests // writing, drawing (traditional and digital), anime, webcomics, video games, web design
main blog // @an-elegant-void -- I follow from this blog!
writeblr // @navarenwizard
format of my intro // shamelessly borrowed from @pens-swords-stuff (whose writeblr you should also go check out)
About my writeblr
name // NavarenWizard (@navarenwizard)
age // ~1 year
focus // diversity and worldbuilding -- I reblog from various blogs that discuss representation in media and how writers/artists can do better. You'll also find some writing memes and art/art tutorials here too.
audience // this blog is open to anyone, but be aware that some of what I reblog is going to be about queerphobia, racism, ableism, fatphobia, etc., with the goal of helping myself and other creators do better.
asks // I can personally talk about:
NaNoWriMo events
queer representation (although of course I can't speak for every queer person)
design of writeblrs/writers' websites
Please also reach out to me if you have any accessibility issues with my blog!
About my writing
genres // queer, fantasy, sci-fi, slice-of-life, romance, erotic romance (my writing is generally solarpunk-adjacent)
themes // sustainable living, recovering from emotional trauma, happy queer lives and families, healthy relationships and communication
formats // original novels, occasionally poetry or short stories
experience // seventeenish years of writing, a couple years of being serious about writing well (i.e. with structure, planning, representation, and awareness of harmful tropes)
goals // self publishing my novels eventually, when they're complete and edited
Active WIPs
The Fourth Android
genre // queer, fantasy, sci-fi, slice-of-life
tag // #tfa
super quick synopsis // A human-built android integrates into an island community to gain his citizenship and visit the world's other three androids, unexpectedly becoming an astronaut along the way.
status // about to write a third (and greatly improved) version for NaNoWriMo 2022
Inactive/Simmering WIPs
Tales of Tobar Si
genre // queer, fantasy, romance
tag // #ts (there's nothing there though; apparently I never posted an intro)
super quick synopsis // An aos si man escapes from his abusive family on Earth and returns to his Faeryland home, where he begins to heal and tries to find a way to confess his love to his best friend.
status // partially drafted for NaNoWriMo 2020, simmering
genre // queer, fantasy, erotic romance
tag // #triad
super quick synopsis // An ex-princess and her husband accidentally fall in love with a trans guy farmer and have to figure out their own happily ever after.
status // partially drafted for Camp NaNo July 2021 and NaNoWriMo 2021, simmering
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perkvpsvcho · 1 year
ask the mun meme! ( começa com " all time favorite fc " )
all time favorite fc?
não tenho uma all time fave, mas no momento tá sendo a katheryn winnick e a victoria pedretti
o resto tá debaixo do read more. also, pulei as que eu não tinha uma resposta pra dar lol
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all time least favorite fc?
se eu não gosto, eu não uso. essa pergunta não faz sentido
a fc you wish had more resources?
tantas??? no momento, lauren ambrose (but i'm going to change that)
favorite connection type? (i.e enemies, exes, fwbs, childhood best friends, etc.)
descobri recentemente que gosto muito de rivals to lovers, e amo exes
least favorite connection type? (i.e enemies, exes, fwbs, childhood best friends, etc.)
enemies to lovers lol
indie or groups?
acho que indie / 1x1, pela liberdade
twitter, tumblr, discord, or other?
tumblr apenas porque eu sou cadelinha das minhas faceclaims e amo usar gifs
favorite plot you’ve ever rp’d out?
acho que foi o cityland (real life / condomínio)... era bom porque eu amava todo mundo que jogava ali, e foi a última vez que todos jogamos juntos em grupo. bittersweet
best experience you’ve had in a rp?
com certeza as pessoas que eu conheci e amiguei ao longo dos anos, todos foram muito especiais na minha vida
worst experience you’ve had in a rp?
meus anos de ditadora da tag
do you prefer to plot before you start writing or do you prefer seeing the chemistry?
eu prefiro plotar, apesar que sei que nem sempre isso promete química entre os chars - o que pode ser bem triste e frustrante
biggest rp pet peeve?
gente que não sabe responder colocar as ações do turno pra frente
favorite rp genre?
real life. i'm basic
least favorite rp genre?
aqueles que tudo é ao redor de smut
do you prefer writing canons or ocs?
amo escrever canons, mas minhas ocs são meus bebês demais
how do you find inspo for your ocs?
encontro inspiração em literalmente tudo, é difícil pinpoint algo específico
do you make new characters for every rp or keep the same characters when joining rps? 
já tentei várias vezes manter personagens antigas (*coff*sofia*coff*), mas nunca deu muito certo
favorite ship you’ve ever written?
favorite ship you’re currently writing?
riley x wyatt
least favorite ship you’ve ever written?
não consigo pensar em nenhum que não tenha gostado
do you make your rp buddies your friends, or is it strictly writing?
a maioria não virou amigo, mas os que viraram estão no meu coração pra sempre
tell us about your current fav character to write.
o nome dela é sage, ela tem uma irmã mais nova e é mentora numa academia para futuros caçadores de fantasmas
do you dislike any of the characters you’ve written in the past now?
tenho certeza que deve ter algum, mas eu não lembro nomes agora
what songs do you listen to while writing, if any?
não gosto de escutar música enquanto escrevo porque me distraio cantando
do you make playlists for your characters?
já tentei, mas não sou boa nisso
do you make pinterest boards for your characters?
tell us about the character you’ve had for the longest.
the beautiful annabel lee! canadense, filha de góticos, cresceu sem a presença dos pais mas eles compensavam quando estavam em casa. leonina, boatos que o cabelo dela tem insurance de 3 bilhões de dólares. se acha o último biscoito do pacote e é muito generosa, quer ver o mundo inteiro sendo tão bonito quanto ela
tell us about the most recent character you’ve picked up.
eva gutierrez, ela é uma eterna criança que se maravilha com tudo que vê na frente
do you prefer 2012 tumblr rp or 2020 tumblr rp?
2012, com certeza. eu era tão feliz nessa época lol
do you prefer gif icons, small/medium gifs, large gifs, or static icons?
small/medium all the way
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I've had a rocky relationship with my dad for years, but it wasn't until today that I realized I would have preferred growing up without him. I wish I had never known him. I wish I had been raised by a single mom or a stepdad. He is cruel, bigoted, abusive, misanthropic, agoraphobic, neglectful, wrathful, nihilistic, paranoid... It sounds childish to say it, but he's just plain mean! He is a mean man. He is mean to me, to my siblings, to my mom, to our pets, to every stranger he sees on the street. I realized in 2020 that I wouldn't be sad if he died, but it wasn't until today that I realized I wish he would.
I could vent for thousands of words, list every grievance, air 25 years of dirty laundry, but all it would do it put me in a worse mood than I already am. There's ao much personal baggage I'd need to unpack, and it's best not to oversharey trauma. Suffice it to say that there is no room for improvement. I've tried. He hasn't. He never will, and that's not pessimistic hyperbole, I mean it; he will never change for the better. His mental state has been on a steady decline since 2009, 2010ish, and it's gotten exponentially worse since 2020. There's no going back.
I no longer remember what he was like before. All of my positive memories of him are gone, repressed, as if they never happened. I know they existed, I know it wasn't all bad, I know it used to be better, but I can't remember how. I'm 25, and he has been like this for a majority of my life now. I can't wait until I don't have to think about him anymore. I want to forget everything, and then in 30 years I'll look back at how I think about him now and I'll say "well, surely it wasn't that bad! I must have been in a bad place and exaggerated it. I sure do miss my dear old dad." I would rather know nothing and assume the best than know everything that's the worst.
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heidiberncrdi · 1 year
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(milly alcock, mulher cis, ela/dela) PREPARE TO GET STARSTRUCK! Acabamos de ver HEIDI BERNARDI passando pelo tapete vermelho! Com seus 22 anos, ela é uma ATRIZ conhecida pelos seus fãs por ser muito SINCERA E POSITIVA, embora há quem diga que nos bastidores ela possa ser bastante DESLEIXADA E BAGUNCEIRA. Você ouviu o que os tablóides andam dizendo sobre ele? Não? Ah, eu te conto! Estão dizendo que ELA É AMANTE DE UM ATOR MAIS VELHO E FAMOSO! Será que isso é verdade? Hm… esperamos que não comprometa os seus futuros projetos porque realmente gostamos de vê-lo no topo!
Best of Luck, Charlie (2003-2007, paródia de Good Luck, Charlie): HEIDI BERNARDI interpretou Charlie Dustin.
Indícios (2006, paródia de Sinais): HEIDI BERNARDI interpretou Bo Hill.
Menina viaja o Universo (2014-2017, paródia de Menina Conhece o mundo): HEIDI BERNARDI interpretou Ruby Mitchell.
Epiphany (desde 2020): HEIDI BERNARDI interpreta Alexa Howard.
Hawkeye (desde 2023): HEIDI BERNARDI interpreta Kate Bishop.
RESUMO: Heidi sempre esteve nas telinhas, apesar de, no início, ter focado em séries infantis, com Indícios como única exceção. Foi por um acaso que foi escalada para fazer Charlie Dustin, seus pais tinham os contatos certos e ela, bem, havia nascido no momento certo. Entretanto, Heidi nunca se deu bem com as telinhas, desleixada demais, bagunceira demais, desorganizada. Não uma má menina, não, mas aventureira de fato. Isso não a faz extrovertida, nem de longe, é fechada e quieta, porém positiva com aqueles que conhece e cria grande apreço. Indícios foi uma temática explorada quando criança e, bem, hoje, se for para ser sincera, prefere filmes de terror ou aqueles com um drama mais aprofundado, do que, de fato, histórias leves e animadas. Sua busca atual é em sair das séries e mergulhar de vez nos filmes, principalmente após a morte da mãe, que sonhava em vê-la estrela de filmes grandiosos, mas parece estar fadada aos episódios. De qualquer forma, tem ciência que é de sua vida aventureira, moleca e divertida, mas não menos discreta, que surgem os boatos de que é amante de um ator mais velho.
data de nascimento: 17 de novembro.
signo: escorpião.
altura: 1,68 m
HEIDI, apesar da natureza despojada, é uma eterna romântica. MUSE A, por sua vez, é seu primeiro e, aparentemente, eterno crush. está difícil manter-se forte. (m/f/nb)
com MUSE B foi amizade ao primeiro olhar. se deram bem logo de primeira e HEIDI sabe que arranjou para si um parceiro para toda vida, principalmente em suas aventuras. (m/f/nb)
mais que amigas, friends. foi em um set de filmagem que MUSE C e HEIDI se conheceram e, desde então, não se largaram mais. algumas manchetes até mesmo suspeitam de tamanha proximidade. (f)
talvez seja por ser desleixada, ou bagunceira, até mesmo fechada demais. quem sabe seja o olhar de peixe morto de HEIDI ou uma paixão não compreendida? ninguém sabe o motivo pelo qual vivem se desentendo, mas HEIDI e MUSE D não podem estar no mesmo ambiente. (m/f/nb)
MUSE E carrega o posto de ter sido a primeira vez de HEIDI. pode ter sido vergonhoso, pode ter sido romântico, ninguém sabe. mas HEIDI não sabe onde se enfiar quando se encontram em eventos. (m/f/nb)
a perda da mãe fez com que HEIDI abrisse portas para que MUSE F se tornasse seu responsável não responsável. a diferença de idade é interessante, mas é para você que HEIDI corre nos momentos mais desesperadores. (m/f/nb)
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kakairu-rocks · 1 year
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We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight... Banshee!
This is an activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about Angela & her creations as much as we did. Please give her some love ❤️  
Pronouns: She/Her
Type of Creator: Writer
Where to find her:
Read the exciting interview below the cut, or on the forum!
If you would like a chance to be in the spotlight too, the only thing you have to do is be a member of the kakairu rocks forum, and be a creator; and we will contact you, ourselves!
Please note that the following responses have been translated from Portuguese to English by mod @kakairu-shrine​, with the help of online translation services. We don't believe that language barriers should stop creators from being in the spotlight, so we're trying our best to make sure that people who aren't as familiar with English can be included, too!
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
Since 2020, when I published my first story, “Meio Homem” (“Half a Man”) on Wattpad.
2. What are you working on right now?
I never focus on one thing, which is bad. But at the moment, I’m finishing “Ainda Existe Nós?” (“Is There Still Us?”) and looking for inspiration to continue “1732 - O Ano do Vampiro” ("1732 - the Year Of The Vampire”), featuring our beloved vampire Kakashi. And I have approximately 20 prompts to finish, including 5 long fics. I have a lot of work to do. Hopefully I can get it all done this year.
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
I love working with dramas, making readers move, cry along, and suffer with them. If it has a happy ending, that’s fine, and if it ends sad, that’s okay, too. But I also like to write lighter things, the process of getting to know each other, falling in love, understanding how the other works, and accepting their qualities and flaws.
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
I believe it’s “Reminiscence”. It talks about things we wouldn’t even dream of losing, where forgetfulness is something that has great consequences for both Kakashi and Iruka, especially for Iruka. This is a story where he suffers the most. It’s my biggest, with 39 chapters; and I loved writing each one of them.
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
I have one about how Kakashi got his eight dogs and a boyfriend. It’s an alternate universe, more for our time and reality. There’s a lot of confusion, and of course, a dose of drama. I hope to finish it soon, “Eu, você e… oito cachorros” (“Me, you and… eight dogs”).
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
Well, I have Sun, which was created to honor my WhatsApp group called “Sunflowers”. She appears in “Reminiscence” and has even been Kakashi and Iruka’s daughter in other stories. She is an amazing girl, always willing to help those in need, and does everything for friends.
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This is Sun, made by Lana. I don’t have any socials of hers, because we ended up losing contact.
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
“A missão fracassada do Time 7” (“Team 7’s failed mission”), which is about 30 fanfics made for KakaIru Month May 2021. I had difficulties with the themes and plots I was developing - nothing seemed good enough, and this is one of my least favorite stories. Maybe because I think the plot was forced and it didn’t turn out the way I’d like. Everything seemed to run so fast.
8. Do you have any favourite scenes from something you’ve created?
I’ve never stopped to think about it before, but now, at the moment, I believe it is a scene from “Amor ao primeiro gesto” (“Love at first gesture”), where Iruka meets Kakashi; and by training, he soon understands that Kakashi only speaks through sign language, and they begin to talk.
I did a lot of research to understand how LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language) works and tried my best to describe the gestures correctly. I believe it turned out well. It was fun to write about, especially the end of the story, with Obito being Iruka’s jealous brother (yes, I’m on this trip of Iruka and Obito being Hashirama and Madara’s children 😆 😆 😆)
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
Books, series, songs, sometimes even phrases that I read. I am a book lover, always looking to read new and different things. But inspiration often comes when I am distracted, and my thoughts flying, and a “What if…” comes to mind.
"What if Iruka was kidnapped?” "What if Kakashi was a hit man?” “What if they split up?”
Maybe this will be part of something for the future, who knows…
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
It’s difficult to choose just one, but I choose “Meio Homem” (“Half a Man”). It was the first fic I wrote about Kakashi and Iruka, where my love for this incredible ship began. They have a wonderful dynamic and are companions in this piece.
“Meio Homem” talks about the challenges of a person who is in a wheelchair, feeling incomplete; and in the middle of all this, two children appear in need of affection and attention. Iruka is Kakashi’s companion and shows Kakashi that he is more than he believes.
I have such a passion for this story that it is deserving of a re-read; and who knows, soon there might be an original version, which I am also working on, studying and learning more about to enter the original book market.
5 notes · View notes
jali-writes · 2 years
A working list of anime I have watched (in whole or in part)
Since covid lockdowns started in 2020, I decided, for lack of anything else to do, to start cataloguing all the anime titles I’d seen. And spoiler, it’s been a lot! The list will be updated now and then as I dredge up titles I’ve forgotten about, and new stuff I start watching.
Descriptions and recommendations are based on my opinion and taste. If you don’t like that I’ve watched a certain title, or what I had to say about it, kindly eat my ass :)
Adult content is mixed up with child-friendly titles. If you’re a minor looking up any of these titles, that’s on you and your own discretion. I’m not your babysitter.
I’m posting this to my “stuff I made” blog, and I’m not super active here. If you wanna follow my main blog where I braindump and post anything and everything, hit up @titimylove
12 Kingdoms -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Underrated & so good. Fantasy isekai sorta thing based around chinese mythology. Has unicorns!
5cm per second -- boring -- Gorgeous animation flex, but not much happens.
7 Seeds -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- If you survived the apocalypse, what would your role be? Post-apocalyptic world to be repopulated by carefully selected teams of people. Incredible social experiment but without the garbage of the fallout series.
91 Days -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Prohibition-era mafia and bootleggers, dope shit.
A Silent Voice -- Recommended -- Might make you cry. Deaf girl learns to forgive her childhood bully and learn to live again through depression.
A Whisker Away -- Recommended -- Adorable and imaginative. Who hasn't wanted to become a cat?
Aachi and Ssipak -- Dumb but good -- Literal toilet humor. Shit jokes everywhere (literally that's the movie).
Aggressive Retsuko -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- The best thing sanrio ever did.
Ah My Goddess anime -- Just Ok
Ah my Goddess movie -- Just Ok
AICO -- Recommended -- Cool sci-fi thing, Matrix-y vibes.
Akanesasu Shoujo -- Recommended -- Really cool, underrated. An alternative take on magical girls!
Akatsuki no Yona -- Recommended -- Another ancient-China-ish series involving dragons and male harem. Princess Yona narrowly escapes a coup that kills her king father and has to scrounge up the forces and skills to retake her kingdom.
Akira -- Overrated
All-purpose cultural catgirl Nuku Nuku
Amaama to Inazuma -- Recommended -- Bring kleenex. Dad with child slice of life, so sweet, so emotional.
Amazing Nuts! -- Artsy -- Do you like experimental animated shorts with cool music?
Angel Beats -- Overrated
Angel Sanctuary -- Trash -- I can't believe they fucked over this beautiful manga this way. The ova is shit, please read the manga.
Angel's Egg -- Artsy
Anohana -- trash
Ao no Exorcist -- Dumb but good
Aoi Honoo -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- This one is mainly liveaction but it's so damn funny.
Arashi no Yoru ni -- Just Ok
Arjuna -- Preachy -- Imo it was preachy.
Arrietty -- Just Ok -- Based loosely on the book the borrowers.
Avatar, The Last Airbender -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Incredible magic and worldbuilding. Super fun urban fantasy where fairie realm meets grizzled cops!
Ayashi no Ceres -- Depressing -- It's a little distressing how these twins feel about each other. Pretty good but I found the ending wholly unsatisfying.
Baccano! -- Recommended -- Brilliant concept. Another prohibition era piece. The music is bomb and I have no idea how to describe the story lol it's a wild ride.
Back Street Girls -- Recommended -- So hilarious but so inappropriate.
Bakuten -- Recommended -- Fun and energetic. College dudes doing floor routines (tumbling).
Bamboo Blade -- Just Ok
Belladonna of Sadness -- Depressing -- Vintage anime, graphic sexual abuse. Very artsy but deals heavily with rape, kinda victim blamey.
Bihada Ichizoku -- Trash -- Dumb as balls series of shorts intended to sell makeup.
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love! -- Recommended
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE! -- Trash
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu Happy Kiss! -- Trash
Blackfox -- Just Ok -- I wish all superhero movies were more like this.
Blade of the immortal reboot
Blend S -- Just Ok -- So pervy and weird. No one in this show behaves like a real person.
Bloom into You -- Just Ok
BNA -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Stupendous incredible groundbreaking sexy impressive. In a world where some people have an animal alt form, they're oppressed & hated by normal humans, so they make a city of their own. But god forbid people let people live, amirite?
Boku no Piko -- AVOID -- DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. Contains rape, gangbang, girlboys, gays, and everyone's like 7 years old. So fucked up.
Boogiebop wa Wawaranai -- Overrated
Book Seller Honda-san -- Recommended -- Funny. Cute & funny skeleton man works at a book shop.
Bride of Deimos -- Trash
Bubblegum Crash -- Just Ok -- 80's hair & music, robots, mechas, good times! If you like bladerunner, you'll like the Bubblegum series.
Bubblegum Crisis -- Just Ok
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 -- Recommended
Captain Harlock the movie -- Recommended -- Just visually stunning even if the plot tanks at the end.
Card Captor Sakura -- Recommended
Card Captor Sakura, Clear Card -- Just Ok
Card Captor Sakura the movie -- Just Ok
Card Captor Sakura the movie 2 -- Just Ok
Carole and Tuesday -- Recommended -- Brought to you by the dude who made samurai champloo & cowboy bebop. Couple of teenage girls living on mars (hello bebop-verse!) wanna make music.
Castlevania -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Gorgeous art and animation, story is a bit slow at first. Based on the viddy game. Vampires, demons, and witches, oh my!
Cells at Work -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Brilliant concept. It's like magic schoolbus meets bill nye? It's a brilliant look at human biology.
Cells at Work, Code Black -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Cells At Work in a different body.
Cheer Danshi -- Recommended -- Fun and energetic. College dudes doing cheerleading, that's it, that's the plot.
Chii's Sweet Home -- Cute slice of life about a kitten -- Pure, wholesome, sweet, adorable, cinnamonroll anime.
Children Who Chase Lost Voices -- Recommended
Chironup no Kitsune -- Depressing -- This little fox kit has just the worst life, it's sad.
Chobits -- Depressing -- Cute and fun but the ending sucks.
Citrus -- AVOID -- Abusive lesbians for the male gaze.
Clamp in Wonderland -- Artsy
Clamp in Wonderland 2 -- Artsy
Claymore -- Not bad, but not for me
Clover -- Cool concept
Cop Craft -- Recommended -- Incredible magic and worldbuilding. Super fun urban fantasy where fairie realm meets grizzled cops!
Cosplay Complex -- AVOID -- Contains sexualization of little kids early on, stopped watching at that point.
Cowboy Bebop -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Perpetually broke bounty hunters in spaaaaaccceeee
Cowboy Bebop the movie -- Recommended
Cutie Honey F -- Recommended -- The slightly more PG shoujo variant of Cutie Honey.
Cutie Honey Universe -- Trash -- Seriously how did you butcher this franchise so bad. Insulting to Go Nagai.
Daily Lives of Highschool Boys -- Recommended -- Really funny. Crack about teenage boys being boys being lads being bros.
Dance in the Vampire Bund -- Overrated -- Contains sexualization of little kids, I gave up. Some people rave about it being good, but I can't get past the literal 8 year old girl in scanty lingerie acting like someone much older.
Dance with Devils -- Overrated
Dances With Dragons -- Trash -- Honestly? Bullshit
Darker than Black -- Overrated -- Also bullshit.
Death Note -- Recommended -- Let's be real, anyone over the age of 20 is smarter than light tho. Guy finds a notebook that kills anyone whose name gets written in it. Everything goes batshit crazy.
Death Parade -- Recommended -- Brilliant concept. Somewhere after death, people are sorted into good or bad afterlives by playing various games at a supernatural bar.
Devil Hunter Youko -- Overrated
Devilman Crybaby -- Dumb but good -- Great series but wtf is this ending.
Digimon Season 1 -- Not bad, but not for me
Digimon Season 2 -- Not bad, but not for me
Dirty Pair
DNAngel -- Overrated
Dororo (2019) -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Seriously underrated! A daimyou sacrifices his newborn son to the temple of demons, but the goddess kanon spares the boy's life. He goes on to spend the rest of his life trying to regain his missing body parts and organs by killing any and all demons.)
DOTA, Dragon's Blood -- Recommended -- Cool world building, based on the video game.
Dr. Ramune -- Recommended -- Random shit always happening.
Dragon Half -- Excellent trash -- Crack!
Dramatical Murder -- Pointless -- I came here for BL and was disappointed lol. Someone get this guy supplements, he passes out way too much.
Drifting Dragons -- Pointless -- There's literally no storyline here, no character development, no plot, nothing.
Durarara -- Overrated -- I had a hard time following the story or giving a shit about anything going on.
Elfen Lied -- Depressing
Erased -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Oh man, it's an intense murder mystery with time travel, it's shockingly good.
Eromanga-sensei -- Overrated -- 12 year old girl who has no cencept of social norms draws porn for her step-brother's shitty novels (also they're in love or something?). Cannot overstate how cringe this is.
Escaflowne -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Complete story, very satisfying, incredible worldbuilding. Girl with psychic powers gets beamed up to a second earth full of dragons and animal people and knights and princesses etc. And has to somehow stop an evil fascist regime from destroying the world. Also, there's mechas!
Escaflowne the movie -- Trash -- They butchered the character designs and story completely.
Excel Saga -- WTF -- Honestly what the fuck.
Fairy Gone -- Not bad, but not for me
Fairy Ranmaru -- Recommended -- So inappropriate lol. Do you like buff dudes in scanty outfits that are actually fairie princes or whatever?! Do you love crotch shots?! Then watch this. Musical number every episode.
Fancy Lala -- Dumb but good -- Cinnamon roll magical girl series.
Final Fantasy Advent Children -- Overrated
Final Fantasy The Spirits Within -- Overrated
Flame of Rekka -- Overrated
Flip Flappers -- Recommended -- Brilliant concept, weird ending. So cracky but so cool. References tons of fun popculture, has magical girls, has multiple universes, alleged lesbians, and shiny rocks.
Flying Witch -- Recommended -- Adorable, wholesome, precious, easygoing. Wholesome slice of life about a witch living in a small rural town.
Fox Spirit Matchmaker -- Just dumb
Free! Eternal Summer
Free! Take Your Marks
Free! Timeless Medley
Free!! -- Recommended -- I watched it for the "Plot". The whole Free IP is just great man fodder imo.
From up on Poppy Hill -- Just Ok
Fruits Basket reboot -- Overrated -- Slow as balls, most characters are dumb af. Apparently, you're supposed to "experience the feels" but istg it's painfully dull.
Full Metal Panic -- Not bad, but not for me
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -- Overrated -- Even this condensed version of the story is a sloggy grind.
Fushigi Yuugi -- Recommended -- Complete story, pretty satisfying. Girl reads a mysterious book with her bestie, gets sucked into a world like ancient China, has to gather up 7 warriors and summon a literal god to dwell in her body to work miracles & save the country.
Fushigi Yuugi Eikoden -- Just Ok
Fushigi Yuugi OVA 1 -- Just Ok
Fushigi Yuugi OVA 2 -- Just Ok
Galaxy Angel
Galaxy Express 999
Genius Party -- Artsy -- Funky experimental anime with cool music!
Genius Party Beyond -- Artsy
Get Backers
Ghost in the Shell stand alone complex -- Not bad, but not for me
Gingitsune, Messenger Fox of the Gods
Girlish Number
Given -- Recommended -- Gay boy with trauma joins a band with 2 closet gays and a baby gay that falls for him. I've personally been to every location featured in the show so that's uhhh my claim to fame or idk?
Given the movie -- Just Ok -- Was the gay rape really necessary? Major noncon scene between 2 main characters, I hated it. What was the point of this?
Gokushufudou -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Hilarious. Retired yakuza bamf becomes a house husband. Shenanigans of daily life ensue.
Golden Time  -- Just dumb
Gon, the little fox
Gotoubun no Hanayome -- Dumb but good -- Today in "that never happened". Brokeass guy tutors identical quintuplets that are rich af but also somehow orphans with an absentee stepdad. Who will he marry?! (Spoiler: he chooses the worst one of them all. God knows why.)
Grave of the Fireflies -- Recommended -- Bring kleenex. Following the end of the war in japan, 2 young kids try to survive the harsh realities of being homeless orphans in a country moving too fast.
Gravitation -- Trash -- It's like watching two cardboard cutouts with "Genki twink" and "Emotionally constipated rapist" labels stapled on fuck around. Why is gay media like this?
Gundam Seed Destiny
Gundam Wing -- Recommended -- War! Mechas! Teenage soldiers! An idiotic princess!
Gundam Wing the movie -- Endless Waltz -- Recommended
Haibane Renmei -- Overrated -- Boring.
Haikara-san ga Tooru Movie 1: Benio, Hana no 17-sai -- Recommended -- Great history lesson. In the 20s in japan, a well-bred girl is expected to marry a halfbreed bastard from a rich family. But when he goes to war and is rumored to have died, where does that leave her?
Haikara-san ga Tooru Movie 2: Tokyo Dai Roman -- Recommended -- The second half of the story.
Hajimete no Gyaru -- Recommended -- Kicking stereotypes in the nuts!!
Hakumei to Mikochi -- Not bad, but not for me
Hakuouki -- Overrated
Hanasakeru Seishonen -- Trash
Harmony -- Not bad, but not for me
He is My Master -- Excellent trash -- Just don't think too hard. So inappropriate but also cracky af.
Heaven Official's Blessing -- Overrated -- Plot moves at a glacial pace, way too much talking without going anywhere.
Hellsing Ultimate -- Overrated -- Hitler? Seriously???
Hetalia  -- Trash -- Imperialist, racist, infantilizing.
Hetalia The Beautiful World -- Trash -- Imperialist, racist, infantilizing.
Hetalia the Movie -- Trash -- Imperialist, racist, infantilizing.
Hige wo Soru
High Rise Invasion -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Brilliant concept. Riveting, high energy drama & violence! Can't wait for another season.
High Speed! Free! Starting Days -- More Free
Hinamatsuri -- Overrated
Hotarubi no mori e -- Just Ok
Houseki no Kuni -- Recommended -- Neat concept. Nifty concept about sentient gemstones living on Earth who are coveted by the moon kingdom's people.
Howl's Moving Castle -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Dude dodges the draft and finds a cursed witchling that can save him from his own curse.
Hunter x Hunter -- Not bad, but not for me -- Can anyone explain to me wtf is going on in this series, because I can't find a plot.
Hyper Police -- Recommended -- Seriously underrated! Animal-people, a fox lady with a bad attitude who wants a full 9 tail set, and crazy criminals.
I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying -- Recommended -- Crack
Idhun Chronicles -- trash -- This show was cobbled together by rejected YA fodder. Based on a video game. Isekai flaming trash.
In this corner of the world -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex. A girl is married off to her husband's family right as bombing on Japan begins.
Inari, Konkon, Koi. Iroha -- Just Ok
Interviews with Monster Girls -- Trash -- Genuinely what the fuck.
Inu x Boku SS secret service -- AVOID -- Everyone in this show is problematic trash.
Inu Yasha -- Overrated
Japan Sinks 2020 -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex x10000. A wild adventure over the deformed and quickly sinking landscape of japan following an apocalyptic earthquake.
Jigoku Shoujo (all seasons) -- Just Ok -- There's very little character or world development. You can make a pact with the hell girl or her friends to seek vengeance but you're going to hell for it.
Joran the Princess of Snow and Blood
Junkers, Come Here
K-On season 1 -- Recommended -- Charming and funny, super catchy music. High school girls make a rock band to save the music club and have a great time!
K-On season 2 -- Recommended
K-On the movie -- Recommended
Kakegurui -- Overrated -- HS girl gets mad horny over gambling addiction, everyone at the school is a freak.
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi -- Recommended -- Needs more youkai and plot, less food lol. The granddaughter of a man who caused a load of trouble for the youkai population is whisked away by the master of an inn who has decided to forgive her grandfather's immense debt in exchange for her marriage to him. It's way less cringy than it sounds, and there's tons of recipe/food porn
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne -- Recommended -- Complete story, pretty satisfying. A magical girl must stop demons from destroying art and other nice things. Something something alien invasion.
Kamisama Hajimemashita -- Recommended -- A homeless girl from a lineage of beautiful, strong, but crap-lucked women is offered a home at a shrine in exchange for becoming its goddess. But the caretaker of the shrine ain't havin it! (omg Tomoe step on meeee)
Kamisama Hajimemashita kako-hen -- Recommended
Kamisama Hajimemashita kekkon zenya -- Recommended -- The ending of this story is so much bullshit.
Kannazuki no Miko -- Trash
Kantai Collection -- Trash -- Literally what the fucking fuck lol.
Karin season 1 -- Trash
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e -- Trash
Kaze no you ni, sora no you ni -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- History lesson + ghibli aesthetic. Based on a historical story of a young girl who saved the crown prince's kingdom by becoming his first wife.
Keijo!!!!!! -- Dumb but good -- Don't think too hard, this is honestly so stupid but kinda fun.
Kiki's Delivery Service -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- All witches have to set out on their own at 13 for a year of independent training. This little girl has to figure it all out and learn to grow up & grow into herself.
Kill La Kill -- Overrated -- Fanservice with the barest asshole plot to hold it together. Complete trash, and god bless you if you cosplay anyone from here.
Kimi no Na wa -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- It'll make you question your whole life. Body switching and time travel before and after a cataclysmic accident, where a boy and a girl somehow manage to save a sleepy rural town.
King of Thorn -- Not bad, but not for me
Kishugakkou no Juliet
Kiss him, not me -- Trash -- Brainrot.
Kiyo in Kyoto -- Recommended -- I sincerely hope this sparks more interest in becoming maiko and geiko <3 A really interesting glimpse into the world of maiko, and traditional Japanese foods!
Kobato -- Dumb but good
Koi wa Ameagari no you ni -- Just ok
Kokkoku -- Not bad, but not for me -- Miyavi does the op lol that's the only reason I started watching. Gave it up.
Konohana Kitan
Kuro Gyaru ni Natta -- Dumb but good -- I have no idea how they could possibly continue past ep1. It's all dubcon gender-switching porn.
Kuroshitsuji 2 (idk the one with Alois) -- Trash
Kuroshitsuji season 1 Book of Murder -- Recommended -- The child earl is the only survivor of his family after an accident and makes a pact with a demon to take revenge on whoever was responsible. So now the demon is his butler.
Kuroshitsuji season 2 Book of Circus -- Trash
Kuroshitsuji season 3
Kuroshitsuji the movie Book of the Atlantic -- Recommended
Lemon Angel Project -- Just ok
Little Witch Academia -- Recommended -- Complete story, pretty satisfying. A girl who believes in magic with her whole heart joins a witch school and learns some wild secreta about herself and her mentors.
Little Witch Academia, The Enchanted Parade -- Just ok
Louis Vuitton, Superflat First Love -- Recommended
Louis Vuitton, Superflat Monogram -- Recommended
Love Stage! -- Trash
Loveless -- Dumb but good -- Who killed 11 year old Ritsuka's brother, and why is this college dude pledging himself to him? Why do people have cat ears and tails? What's with the weird sexual innuendos? Behold, the great queer manga gone partly animated, about social expectations, various abuses, and trauma. Someday I hope the manga ending comes back from the skeleton war.
Lu Over the Wall -- Overrated
Lucky Star -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Stupidly funny, meme generator. Crack personified. Daily lives of high school girls.
Madam is a Magical Girl -- Dumb but good
Made in Abyss season 1 -- Recommended -- There's one wtf scene of the kid in kinbaku suspension but otherwise ok. Super interesting world building.
Magi, Kingdom of Magic -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Stupendous incredible groundbreaking sexy impressive. I aggressively recommend this to everyone. It's got wild worldbuilding based around history's greatest empires, Arabian, Indian, and Chinese mythologies,  and so much male eyecandy.
Magi, Labyrinth of Magic -- SUPER RECOMMENDED
Magic Knight Rayearth -- Overrated
Magical Girl Ore -- Recommended -- Brainrot but so funny. Teenage girl inherits her mom's magical power but transforming turns her into a huge male bodybuilder in pink frills. There's a whack-ass love triangle involving her bestie and the bestie's brother.
Magical Girl Pretty Sammi -- Trash -- Brainrot
Magical Girl Raising Project -- Recommended -- Magical girl battle royale.
Magical Girl Site -- Recommended -- Beware the torture porn. Gore porn, torture porn. At least the brother gets what he deserves and thensome.... Eck.
Magical Spec Ops Asuka -- Trash -- Magical girls are like, a passing theory here at best.
Mahou Shoujo Nante mou ii desu ka -- AVOID
Mahoutsukai no Yome season 1 -- Recommended -- A lovely take on celtic mythology set in rural england where a special girl is rescued and taught how to manage her powers.
Mahoutsukai no Yome season 2 -- Recommended
Maquia -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex x10000. The end had me uglycrying for my mom. A girl from a longlived race separated from the rest of the world is thrust into it and decides to care for a baby she finds. He grows up but she never ages a day. War breaks out and things get bad.
Maria the Virgin Witch -- Great until the last 2 eps -- God I hate the ending so much.
Mars Red -- Not bad, but not for me
Martian Successor Nadeshiko -- Overrated
Mary and the Witch's Flower -- Recommended
Michiko to Hatchin -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Michiko step on me pls be my wife. An orphan girl is kidnapped by a beautiful woman who says they both are tied yo one man, and she's desperate to find him. Brought to you by the guy who made samurai champloo & cowboy bebop. It's about the journey, not the destination~
Millennium Old Journal, the Tale of Genji -- Trash -- An anime summary of the og novel but it really drives home what a prick Genji is. Fuck Genji, all my homies hate motherfucking Genji.
Millionaire Detective Unlimited -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- The concept is hilarious and the twist ending will surprise you! Rich dude joins a police task force to unravel the mystery of who killed his parents. The mad flexes this man pulls are astonishing.
Miracle train Oedo Line -- Just dumb
Mirai -- Just ok
Monster Farmer / Monster Rancher -- Recommended -- Complete story, very satisfying. Just a great fun adventure in a videogame world!
Monster Musume -- Trash -- Brainrot
My Roommate is a Cat -- Just ok
Nana -- Recommended -- A couple of 20 year old girls with the same name meet on the train heading to Tokyo. One is a fan of the other's (who is in a band) rival band and things get hella complicated from there. Nana Komatsu is a fucking idiot but I love the rest lol The music is awesome!
Natsume Yuujincho -- Pretty ok -- Natsume has been passed around various relatives all his life due to having inherited his grandmother's power to see youkai. As it turns out, she stole hundreds of youkai's names, binding them to her, and they want 'em back!
Natsume Yuujincho 2 -- Pretty ok
Natsume Yuujincho 3 -- Pretty ok
Natsume Yuujincho 4 -- Pretty ok
Natsume Yuujincho 5 -- Pretty ok
Natsume Yuujincho 6 -- Pretty ok
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind -- Pretty ok -- Gorgeous stunning fantasy world
Neo Ranga -- Overrated
Neon Genesis Evangelion -- Overrated -- Don't be fooled by the hype. It's hard to follow because it's barely cobbled together plot to make Hideki Anno's mecha fetish work lmao. The latest movies are better and tell a more cohesive plot.
Net-juu no susume -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Original and modern. A woman burns out, quits her job and becomes a hikkikomori playing an mmorpg 24/7. She meets a guy through the game and I guess they fall in love or something? The anime kind of leaves off where they properly meet irl, but the progression is really good.
New Cutie Honey -- Recommended
New Game! -- Recommended -- Girls making viddy games!
New Game! Season 2 -- Recommended
Okko's Inn -- Pretty ok
Onara Gou -- Trash -- Genuinely what the fuck. It's garbage like this that makes me side-eye the industry when they say "anime is dying" when like…. YALL MADE THIS.
Only Yesterday -- Recommended
Orange -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex x10000. Every episode left me a sobbing wreck, so bring tissues. A group of friends look back on their highschool days and lament one of their friends isn't there anymore. One woman starts writing letters to her past, which actually find that guy in the past and change his destiny.
Ore Monogatari -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Stupendous incredible groundbreaking sexy impressive. Huge scary dude who is actually a sweet smoosh falls in love with a tiny little cinnamon roll who isn't nearly as weak as she looks. So good, so pure.
Origin, spirits of the past -- Recommended -- Plants grown on the moon attack earth and destroy it! Sounds crazy but it's really cool fantasy.
Oshiete Galko-chan -- Recommended -- Curvy plus-size gyaru girl has an answer to everything from sexual health to food to first aid, hairdos, cooking, etc
Otome Youkai Zakuro -- Trash
Our Home's Fox Deity -- Not bad, but not for me
Ouran High School Hostclub -- Recommended -- Silly and fun but the ending is meh. Brokeass girl gets gum in her hair and hacks it off before joining a school for the richest elite on scholarship. She dresses like a dude and gets mistaken for a dude, and after breaking something insanely expensive, is conscripted into the host club to pay it off. Everyone in the hostclub is disgustingly rich and out of touch with reality in the most outlandish ways.
Outlaw Star -- Overrated
Owari no Seraph ova, Kyuuketsuki Shahar -- Recommended
Owari no Seraph s1, vampire reign -- Recommended -- Had me riveted from ep1 minute 1. Super intense opening episode, couldn't look away. After a disease wipes out the human population ages 13 and up, vampires take over and turn the children into their private blood bank. Everything goes tits up when they attempt to escape, but one kid makes it out and joins the human resistance to destroy all vampires.
Owari no Seraph s2 Nagoya Kessen-hen -- Recommended
Pacific Rim The Black -- Recommended -- A story taking place in the pacific rim universe, in Australia
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Super inappropriate porny crack. So funny but so inappropriate lol. Angels kicked out of heaven have to buy their way back by collecting coins from eliminating bad spirits on earth.
Paprika -- Pretty ok
Paradise Kiss -- Recommended -- God I love fashion but George can eat shit and die. Isabella's too good for you, homie.
Pet Shop of Horrors -- Overrated -- Not actually horrific lol
Planetarian -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex. Actually really sad. Guy wandering post-apocalyptic earth finds an AI in a museum who can't understand where all the people have gone.
Please Save my Earth -- Trash
Pokemon, Detective Pikachu -- Recommended -- Fun and energetic
Pokemon, Twilight Wings
Pokemon Generations -- Recommended
Pokemon movie 10
Pokemon movie 11
Pokemon movie 12
Pokemon movie 13
Pokemon movie 2
Pokemon movie 3
Pokemon movie 4
Pokemon movie 5
Pokemon movie 6
Pokemon movie 7
Pokemon movie 8
Pokemon movie 9
Pokemon Origins -- Recommended
Pokemon season 1
Pokemon season 2
Pokemon season 3
Pokemon season 4
Pokemon the movie
Pokemon the movie, I choose you
Polarbear Café -- Not bad, but not for me
Pom Poko -- Just ok -- I still wanna know howtf female tanuki do magic.
Ponyo -- Overrated
Porco Rosso -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Italian pilot fugitive combats an American hotshot for the cost of getting his plane rebuilt.
Princess Jellyfish -- Recommended -- Crossdressing rich boy makes friends with a nerdy unattractive girl that loves jellyfish.
Princess Mononoke -- Recommended -- The shunned boy of an indigenous village must find a way to cope with his curse and the curse of human greed tormenting his land and the spirits that live on it.
Princess Tutu -- Recommended -- It's magical girl ballet style with beautiful nutcracker music. A duck who falls in love with a human becomes a human herself and a magical girl to save them all. Features tons of classical music and ballet.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica -- Not bad, but not for me -- I cannot stand the animation. If saving the world meant corrupting yourself and becoming the very thing you were fighting for, what would you do?
Purple Eyes in the Dark -- Just dumb
Re: Cutie Honey -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Hilarious. Utterly hilarious 3 part ova telling the Cutie Honey story in a nutshell.
Record of Lodoss War
Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan -- trash
Rokka, Braves of the Six flowers -- Good until the last ep. Someone explain what happened to the ending? They threw out the baby with the bathwater.
Romeo x Juliet -- Trash
Sailor Moon, Ami's First Love -- Recommended
Sailor Moon, An Elegant Metamorphosis? Crybaby Usagi's Growth Diary
Sailor Moon, Chibiusa's Adventure! The Dreaded Vampire Castle -- Recommended
Sailor Moon, Haruka and Michiru, Again! The Ghostly Puppet Show -- Recommended
Sailor Moon, Make Up! Sailor Soldier
Sailor Moon Crystal
Sailor Moon Crystal season 3 -- Recommended
Sailor Moon R -- Recommended
Sailor Moon R the movie Promise of the Rose -- Recommended
Sailor Moon S -- Recommended
Sailor Moon S the movie Hearts on Ice -- Recommended
Sailor Moon Stars -- Recommended
Sailor Moon SuperS -- Recommended
Sailor Moon SuperS the movie Black Dream Hole -- Recommended
Saint Young Men -- Recommended -- So Buddha and Jesus walk into an onsen.... That's it, that's the story lmao.
Sakura Taisen -- Just ok
Samurai Champloo -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Amazing soundtrack and fight scenes. A girl searching for her father, a ronin searching for a purpose, and a ryukyuu native searching for his place in the world go on an adventure.
Samurai Pizza Cats -- Excellent trash
Sanrio Boys -- trash
Serial Experiments Lain -- Recommended -- Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
Shaman King (2021 reboot) -- Overrated
Shaman King (90's version) -- Overrated
She and Her Cat -- Recommended -- Bring kleenex
She and her Cat, Everything Flows -- Recommended -- Bring kleenex
Shelter -- Recommended
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- Recommended -- Bring kleenex
Shiki -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Legit scary traditional style vampire story. This anime does traditional vampire horror right!
Shin Sakura Taisen -- Recommended
Shingeki no Kyojin  -- Overrated
Shingeki no Kyojin season 2 -- Overrated
Shirobako -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- An anime about making anime in the anime industry, really cool!
Shoujo Kakumei Utena -- Overrated
Shugo Chara season 1 -- Trash -- The person who conceptualized this must have had a stroke beforehand.
Shuumatsu no Izetta -- Recommended
Skate Infinite / Skate the Infinity -- Recommended -- Great soundtrack and upbeat story, sick action animation. Okinawa skater boys meet Canadian snowboarder and like, save the world of skateboarding from a corupt politician psychopath. Gay gay homosexual gay~
Skip beat -- Trash
Sky Girls -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Brilliant concept. Based on a videogame. Teenage girls in mechas try to save the world from scaryass monsters.
Smile on the Runway -- Recommended -- I don't know why tf this focuses on a dude making clothes instead of an actual model on the runway but ok.
Somali and the Forest Spirit -- Just ok
Sousei no Aquarion -- Trash
Spice and Wolf -- Not bad, but not for me -- I thought this was fantasy but it's more like an economics lesson???
Spirited Away -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Girl wanders into the spirit realm wiht her parents, and when they steal and eat the food there, they become pigs that she must rescue before they're slaughtered.
Super Gals -- Just ok
Super Lovers -- Trash
Supernatural the animation -- Just ok
Tales from Earthsea -- Overrated -- You can tell this movie was originally designed to be serialized.
Tales of Saiunkoku -- Trash
Tenchi Muyo -- Not bad, but not for me
Tenjo Tenge -- Overrated
The Cat Returns -- Just ok
The Dragon Prince season 1 -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Brilliant concept
The Dragon Prince season 2 -- SUPER RECOMMENDED
The Dragon Prince season 3 -- SUPER RECOMMENDED
The Garden of Words -- Overrated -- Gorgeous animation flex, but not much happens.
The Great Pretender -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- This show will bake your noodle!!
The Last Unicorn -- Recommended -- A unicorn, the last, goes off in search of her kind. She helps a bumbling idiot become a true magician, an older woman find a spark of life again, and unexpectedly learns what love is when she's "saved" from her terrifying nemesis, the red bull.
The Legend of Black Heaven -- Recommended -- Underrated, hilarious, charming, sick music. This is so underrated but so awesome. Guy who was in a hot 80's band is retired and working a boring normal life, married to his groupie sweetheart. Until aliens demand his help saving them because he's the only one who can play the right music to fire their weapon.
The Legend of Korra season 1 -- Overrated -- Never should have been made, this show was a mistake.
The Legend of Korra season 2 -- Overrated
The Legend of Korra season 3 -- Overrated
The Legend of Korra season 4 -- Overrated -- Forced lesbianism? In this show? It's more common than you think. What a crock. Keep telling yoruself they're gay.
The life of Budori Gusuko -- Just dumb
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi -- Overrated -- It's a fun ride but the episodes are intentionally out of order and it gets tedious. Recommend finding a watch order list.
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
The Promised Neverland -- Recommended -- Dramatic as hell. In a world full of demons and people, children are considered a delicacy and are raised in orphanages to become food for demons.
The Tale of Princess Kaguya -- Recommended -- Beautiful. Based on the japanese fairy tale. A bamboo cutter discovers a miracle baby whom he brings home to his childless wife. They raise her, and in trying hard to give her the best life, end up driving her away in disappointment.
The Wind Rises -- Recommended -- Set in the 20's thru 40's. An airplane engineer who loves flight is forced to design planes as weapons of war.
Thundercats (2011) -- Overrated -- It got cancelled halfway through :(
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex x10000. A hell of an earthquake fucks up japan and a pair of siblings try their damndest to survive.
Tokyo Mew Mew -- Overrated -- There's 1 braincell in this entire series and nobody has it.
Toradora -- Overrated
Totoro -- Recommended
Trinity Blood -- Recommended -- Visually incredible but the gags don't age well. The world is in chaos and the vampire-eating vampire priest must bring the long-lost heir to the throne of england back to her people. The costumes in this are ICONIC.
Tsubasa Chronicle -- Overrated -- The story intentionally has no ending so it's annoying on purpose.
Usagi Drop -- Recommended -- Bring kleenex. Yet another dad with child story, so sweet, so emotional.
Usavitch -- WTF -- Lmfao Russian crack
Uta no Prince-sama -- Just dumb
Vampire Knight -- Overrated -- The mangaka can't draw for shit and has at best, a 6th grade level of fantasy creativity.
Vampire Knight Guilty -- Overrated
Vampire Princess Miyuu -- Overrated -- If you came here for vampirism or action, you're going to be disappointed.
Violet Evergarden -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Beautiful, brilliant concept, lovely music. A girl who had only ever been used for war as a soldier has to learn a new life when she's no longer able to fight. How can someone with zero emotions used as a tool for death become someone empathic and used as a tool for love?
Wata no Kuni Hoshi -- Recommended -- Sweet little story about a cat finding her paradise.
Weathering with you
Wedding Peach -- Overrated -- Another anime based on a dumbass premise.
Welcome to the NHK
When Marnie was There -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- A mixed girl finds it hard to live being moved around to various relatives following the death of her parents. Gradually she learns about her history and her grandmother.
Whisper of the Heart -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- A violin maker and a bookworm cum writer fall in love!
Witch Hunter Robin -- Recommended -- The animation is super dated but the story is great.
Witchblade -- Recommended -- So much exposed flesh, so much titty jiggle, but a complete and satisfying story with a sad end. Based on the american comic series. Witchblade is a weapon that seeks out a female host and wants nothing more than to fight whatever opposes it.
Wolf Children -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Bring kleenex x10000. Calling all monsterfuckers! College girl shags a wolf man and has his babies, and then he dies and she has to raise two wolf babies all on her own in countryside.
Wolf's Rain -- Recommended -- Complete story, pretty satisfying, pretty sad tho. Wolves know where the end of the world will be and how to find paradise beyond. A girl born of a flower is their guide, but obviously the rest of humanity wants a piece of it as well.
X 1999 the movie -- Overrated
XXXHolic -- Overrated
Yamato Nadeshiko -- Recommended -- Funny and somewhat educational if trite. 1 gremlin girl shacks up with 4 stunning gq type guys as they try to make a person out of her lmao.
Yami no Matsuei -- Overrated
Yashahime -- Literal child brides. Bad. Sesshoumaru and Rin did not deserve this shit.
Yobi the Five-tailed Fox -- Recommended -- Charming but sad story about an orphaned fox. Orphan foxling falls in love with a human boy and must make a difficult decision regarding becoming human or saving his life.
Yuri on Ice -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Stupendous incredible groundbreaking sexy impressive gay gay homosexual gay fags galore they here they queer!!! Aka hella good skater from japan who has the self esteem of a damp sock unexpectedly seduces world's top skater, they end up falling in love, and everyone couldn't be happier.
Yuri on Ice, Welcome to the Madness -- SUPER RECOMMENDED -- Stupendous incredible groundbreaking sexy impressive. About 3 minutes of top shelf animation flex of Yuri and Otabek flirting hard on the ice.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho -- Not bad, but not for me
Zekkou Gakkyuu Tensei
  ---- last updated 2022, may 19 ----
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