#aoc endorses bernie
odinsblog · 2 years
"When you ride with Donald Trump on damn near everything for four years, I don't think you can be considered a hero."
Remember, Ana Navarro is the RepubliKKKan strategist who, in 2020, said she would vote for a potted plant before she voted for Elizabeth Warren —so does Vote Blue No Matter Who™ only count when it’s a GOP-lite, conservative “Democrat”?
It’s funny how centrists and neoliberals are sO hyped to cape for Liz Cheney, but wouldn’t piss on Bernie Sanders or AOC if they were on fire. Liz Cheney repeats the Republican lie that abortion is “murdering babies after they are born;” Cheney voted against the John Lewis Voting Rights Act; Cheney publicly sold out her own sister and used her wedding to boost her first campaign, against marriage equality; Cheney voted with Trump most of the time; and Cheney cheerfully endorsed the torture of Muslim prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
Jesus Christ. Liz Cheney is NOT a good person.
Not even a little bit.
YES, we can all be happy that Cheney is grinding an axe on Donald Trump. And YES, we can be glad it might finally cause Trump to be held accountable. But that’s where tf it stops. Please stop gassing her up and calling her brave. She isn’t. There is literally a civil war going on inside the Republican Party. Trumpublicans vs the DeSantis wing of the party. Liz simply picked a side. And when November rolls around, she is going to vote for whoever the anti-choice, forced birthers run in the 2022 midterms, and then she will vote Republican in 2024. Because she is still a RepubliKKKan.
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
While we're on the topic of not blaming Democrats for things that Republicans did, I think there needs to be understanding that "Democrat" is like. An umbrella term at best. A politician being a Democrat does not mean that they endorse everything the Democratic party has ever done (or that the party endorses everything they've ever done), it does not mean that they define themself as a Democrat, it does not mean that they wish they were a Democrat. It means that for the purposes of publicity, gathering votes, and quickly aligning themselves politically, they called themself a Democrat.
Obama is a Democrat. Joe Biden is a Democrat. Hilary and Bill Clinton are Democrats. But Bernie Sanders, AOC, and Cori Bush — all minorities and socialists pushing for tangible change in the world — are also Democrats. You can't say "Democrats are bad" without grouping all registered Democrats in.
Does this system suck? Yes. Is this system why we're here in the first place? Yes. But don't let the only feasible non-Republican option be defined by the people who you think of as the worst of the worst within the party. There are a lot of genuinely great Democrat politicians who deserve their votes, yes, because we're voting anything but Republican, but also because they're good people who have good politics.
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myastrouniverse · 17 days
April/2024🌝♏️I have ZERO TOLERANCE for your vibrational yoga whore logic, you got out of a stupid fucking Oprah book.
♃︎ < 🦺I don’t get opportunities. I get treated like a whore, when I’ve been celibate for OVER A DECADE. I get told I am a SATANIST for being Thelema. I get told I am fat, when I am bloated with water from all the toxic poison my body is constantly processing. I KNOW WHO I AM. Who the fuck are YOU to spread lies about me? What does anyone have to gain by ACTING LIKE A PETTY NARCISSISTIC ANIMAL?
🌝 < ♆︎ I need to spend more time meditating. Obviously my lower chakras need more work, since everyone thinks it’s okay to fuck up my life, over the egos of scum cunt whores. This is what capitalism does. It turns people into animals with no self awareness. They are so stupid, they think ‘high vibrational’ is when your clit tingles. These people make me want to PUKE. Why don’t some of you try working with YOUR lower chakras?
🌝 Λ ☊ Vanessa didn’t call me. I don’t believe the REAL Vanessa inhabits her own body anymore. She has been tortured and brainwashed by her zionist neolib handlers. Every time Vanessa wants to speak to me, her handlers record my voice to use as a fucking decoy, for whatever IDENTITY FRAUD is being done to me. I know Bernie people are involved. I hope you are embarrassed Bernie. Everyone thinks you are an asshole for walking around with idiots like AOC and Biden. How you can stand around and endorse obvious fascist, two-faced traitors, is beyond my comprehension. If I personally met AOC or Biden, I would push them down on the ground and stomp their fucking brains out until they are dead.
🌝 Λ ☿︎ I don’t care who I offend because NO ONE CARES.
🌝🔺 ♄︎ I had to check-in at the jail today. I want to mention that if I had not bailed myself out I would have died. If I did not have money in my account I would have been DEAD. That is what I KNOW you were hoping to do to me. I am being treated like a criminal for STEALING MY OWN CAR BACK. I spent over 50 DAYS in jail, for STEALING MY OWN CAR BACK. They will keep finding ways to hold me trapped in their system until I am dead. Isn’t that right, you fucking animals?
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
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wack-ashimself · 9 months
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I stopped voting after Obama fucked up his first term and was a sell-out slut like everybody else. Then I watched Bernie endorse clinton. Then I watched AOC say everything Bernie did, but then still sign the same War bills Bernie did. They're all in it for the rich. They literally have all blood on their hands. All of them. Every single one is a fucking murderer. Because either they sign the bill, or they didn't regularly speak out against it. Both make them compliant.
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feckcops · 10 months
AOC shouldn’t have endorsed Joe Biden
“Socialist politicians should be articulating a clear alternative to the business-as-usual centrism of Biden and other leading Democrats ... And a premature show of unity with the President who intervened to break a rail strike just seven months ago does exactly the opposite ...
“Left-wing politicians who display their unity with a president most Democratic voters aren’t enthusiastic about, months before the primaries and over a year before the general election, may tell themselves that they’re securing whatever influence they can exert as junior partners in a Biden-led coalition. And if their only goal was to very slowly bring about a few modest reforms, that calculation would be understandable.
“But if you think the level of economic inequality in contemporary American society is grotesque and unacceptable and you think that grave danger is posed to the entire planet by the twin threats of climate catastrophe and superpower tensions, it’s hard to justify this perspective.
“If we’re going to build a real political alternative to both the neoliberal center and the resurgent right, we can’t count on a long-term strategy of nudging the center for incremental improvements. We need to draw clear lines between the center and the Left, and make a forthright case for the future we need. That means acting like we and Joe Biden don’t comfortably fit together in the same big tent.”
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ocasio2018 · 10 months
AOC interview on pod save America
AOC went on pod save america and endorsed biden's second term campaign, drawing a ton of criticism from online progressives.
what do you think, did she endorse too soon?
I am posting this without watching the interview first, but my strong sense is that AOC doesn't think marianne williamson has a chance of event getting a couple of states. since bernie isn't running, she's hedging her bets that if she aligns with him she will be able to strategize on issues like student loan debt relief.
spoiler, I don't think she's a "fraud" (ajamu baraka of the green party tweeted that)
AOC has behaved consistently since she was elected. she:
- smashes congressional hearings
-posts twitter clapbacks,
-hosts monthly hearings,
-supports worker organizing
-attends community events
-vocally endorses legislation that elevates those who have the most to lose and facilitates a sustainable future and planet
-answers questions on IG and goes live every so often
she was at a UPS worker's strike three days ago!
i've concluded that the most disparaging criticism points to her psychology- she's power hungry, fame hungry, in bed with the powerful. unless she votes against every bill, she's a phony. if she ever does an interview with a big publication or a cover, she wants to be a celebrity. when she doesn't specifically tweet about X issue with the exact right opinion, she's afraid of the establishment or aligned with it. every action she takes is measured against a litmus test that represents a fictitious "progressive". the truth is that there is no single right opinion on every issue.
focus on consistency of action, its outcomes, and less on a grand, theoretical vision of what the Perfect Progressive would say or do. notice that since trump left office, there's almost no focus on the "squad", but the spotlight still shines squarely on AOC. this is because it's easier to target and design a singlular villain, especially if she's a young woman of color.
july 10, 2023
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catladyofficial · 1 year
ooo i hope brandon gets a bernie or AOC endorsement.
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briankeene · 1 year
2024 Is 1992
Author Stephen Kozeniewski likes to tell people that I correctly predicted that Donald Trump would not only win the Republican nomination during his first primary, but that he would go on to win the Presidential election, as well. And I did. And this was at a point in our history when nobody was yet taking Trump seriously. His primary campaign was greeted by the media with the same bemusement they’d give to a Presidential run from Kanye West, the kid who bags your groceries, or Flo from the Progressive commercials.
Last night, as expected, Donald Trump announced his bid for another run at the ticket. This morning, before the rest of the media chimes in with their takes, and the three cable news outlets fill up with talking heads and pundits yammering over top of each other, I’m going to offer my prediction.
I’m doing this pre-caffeination.
There are a lot of Americans who still support Donald Trump, despite everything he has shown us about himself. This includes friends and non-immediate family members of mine. I don’t pretend to understand it. I thought for sure January 6th would lift the veil for them. When we serve in the military, we swear an oath to protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic. January 6th was a failed attempt orchestrated by that latter group, plain and simple. That there are people in my life who support those efforts and then go on to wish me a “Happy Veteran’s Day” brings me sadness. But I’m not going to change minds or win back hearts. Donald Trump has shown us who he is, over and over and over again. And those who still blindly and enthusiastically support him are showing us who they are.
And there are still a lot of them.
I don’t, however, think there are enough of them for him to win the Republican Presidential primary.
I know a lot of Republican and Conservative friends and extended family members who have what might be considered Buyer’s Remorse when it comes to Trump. They voted for him the first time around. They voted for him the second time, but with less enthusiasm — more a repudiation of Biden than an endorsement of Trump. But they will not vote for him a third time. Instead, many of them are looking toward DeSantis, and a handful — the more moderate — are looking beyond him at the rest of the field.
I predict that — should Donald Trump not go to jail — the forthcoming Republican primary is going to be one of the ugliest, most vicious spectacles in modern American political history, of a kind not seen since the 1800s. I predict that eventually, a candidate other than Trump will get the nomination, at which point his ego will not allow him to drop out, and he will instead run as an Independent Third Party candidate.
At that point, it’s the Democrats’ election to lose. I don’t think they can win it with Biden. They definitely can’t win it with Harris. They’re not going to win it with the extremists in their own party. A Bernie or AOC candidacy will result in Independents and moderates staying home on election day. But if they run one of their own moderates — Pete Buttigieg or Amy Klobuchar, for example — then the Republican votes get split between the party faithful voting for DeSantis (or whoever wins the primary) and the MAGA people voting for Trump, and the Independents and moderates join with the Democrat party faithful in voting for that candidate.
As I said, with things standing as they are right now, it really is their race to lose, even this early out from it. Of course, a lot could happen between now and then that makes this prediction invalid. Trump could go to jail or have a heart attack or something (I don’t think he would ever voluntarily drop out). We could be in the second year of World War Three by then, eating stockpiles of Marshmallow Peeps and other emergency survival foods, and be unable to get to the polls before they close.
But, barring any of that, let’s see how I do this time, Kozeniewski.
Again, my prediction is a three-way race, like we had back in the Nineties, with Donald Trump playing the roll of Ross Perot to whomever the Republicans and the Democrats ultimately put up against him.
Okay, I’m off to have some coffee. Everybody have a good day.
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thisisabernieblog · 2 years
Bernie won't run again right? Do you think AOC can "replace" him in the US political system? Or Elizabeth Warren? I'm not from the US so my knowledge is quite limited.
I'll be honest, I'm not from the US either, but I guess I take a reasonable interest in it, mostly due to Bernie when he started his run in 2015-16 and ultimately got fucked over, and I thought he would have fought harder in 2020 instead of capitulating to Biden and the establishment.
I think it's still possible Bernie will make a run in 2024, but if he hasn't learnt from 2016 and 2020, the same thing will happen. At least he's not 3 parts into senility like Biden.
AOC has, in my opinion, become to close to the establishment, and has at times, praised Pelosi. You're not going to win the favour of progressives if you're praising one of the most neoliberal, warmongering, capitalistic members of the DNC elite. She can still changed her tact and become the next 'Bernie Sanders' though, and it will be interesting if she ever decides to run for the presidency.
Elizabeth Warren sold out in 2016 when she failed to endorse Bernie, and even worse when she sat on the fence in 2020, which was worse because of the known cognitive decline of Biden, a fact that is emphasised every time he speaks. There's no way he should be endorsed in 2024, but he will be even if they have to prop him up like a scarecrow. On Warren again, she also had the gall to call Bernie a misogynist so I have very little time for Warren. She could have had a lasting legacy had she endorsed Bernie at either point, but she's shown herself to be a faux progressive. I don't think she should ever run again.
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realdielcosplay · 4 years
I can't tell you how good it feels to know that the future voice of progressives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showed us
1. How uninformed people are that she's just doing her job as a delegate and think that she's going rogue by endorsing Bernie instead of Biden
2. Not selling out on her beliefs or bowing down to the establishment like they wanted in the absolutely insane idea of "unity" where they give us nothing and shame us and hate us for saying it's unfair or begging for scraps
3. Using the insulting amount of time they gave her to give a voice to progressive ideals
She is the future and I'm so happy to support her
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politicaldummy · 4 years
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the perfect man doesn’t exi-
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buckyandsteeb · 4 years
Aoc nominated Bernie Sanders for President
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baddiebernie · 4 years
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flxny-nnc · 4 years
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Get out and Riot on November 3rd!
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wack-ashimself · 9 months
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I stopped voting after Obama fucked up his first term and was a sell-out slut like everybody else. Then I watched Bernie endorse clinton. Then I watched AOC say everything Bernie did, but then still sign the same War bills Bernie did. They're all in it for the rich. They literally have all blood on their hands. All of them. Every single one is a fucking murderer. Because either they sign the bill, or they didn't regularly speak out against it. Both make them compliant.
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saltatempox · 4 years
After all that's happened in the past week, please remember to vote that orange piece of s*it OUT and stop saying that basic human rights are socialism
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