#anarcho socialism
hella-val · 7 months
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dylanancom39 · 10 months
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klett161 · 11 months
Tankies aren't Comrades
For context: I recently migrated to Tumblr and Im used to the State of Reddit where of course there where Tankie subs but it wasnt to hard too acually avoid them.
But Holy Fucking Fuck! The State of leftists Tags on this site is so fucking bad. Like you cant browse the Anticapitalist, communist or socialist Tags without seeing people praising the Soviets or China or just blatantly denying Genocides. Of course I am of the opinion that the left would be stronger If it wouldnt constantly start Infights over nothing. BUT defending Authoritarian regimes, denying Genocide, defending Imperialism(as long as it isnt USA), Warcrimes and the Overall supression of the working Class are under no circumstances part of leftist Values and we dont need these people to stand strong against the System.
If you still consider fighting side by side with these people I recommand you take a look at what happend to teh CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Or the Anrchist/libertarian socialists that fought in the Russian Revolution. These people will stab you in the back or put you in to a Camp first chance they get.
If you are part of the LGBTQ community or Religious minority I recommand looking what is currently happenig to the Uyghurs in China or Russias war on the LGBTQ community.
Luckily most of these people are Keyboard warriors and dont engage with the real world.
But under any circumstances, TANKIES ARE NOT YOUR COMRADES!
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cobblestonevoid · 7 months
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At least three 35 year old American centrist (conservative) women have hung this quote up on their wall in blissful ignorance, calling it rn
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magnusthepuppet · 4 months
if you engage in infighting, you are useless as a leftist.
if you tell people to k*ll themselves, you are useless as a leftist.
if you do not believe in somebody’s ability to change, you are useless as a leftist.
if you do not practice nuanced thinking, you are useless as a leftist.
if you are unable to have compassion for your fellow human, you are useless as a leftist.
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moishe-pipick · 10 months
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marius-was-unhinged · 6 months
People think that because ASPD is in big part focusing on power/control matters, sociopaths look only for jobs connected with power and wealth and I can't have ASPD because I am ready to work in retail or in a bar. Bruh, all these "powerful" men are slaves of capitalism and waste their lives in rat race. I do what I must to survive and I am as free as I can be, spending free time on what I like and with people whose company I enjoy. I am not gonna spend my time and energy to gain approval of society , I would rather spend them destroying this goddamn system that takes away people's freedom.
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bloggedanon · 9 months
Anyone wanna fuck off into the woods with me and start a little self-sustaining anarcho-socialist community where we just live off the land and chill out as a community of cryptids and scare the piss outta people /j
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victusinveritas · 4 months
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FAI-CNT militiawomen proving that they can in fact dance during their Revolution, Spain, 1936-1939.
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conservatives will see the most lukewarm leftist opinion and call it "radical". If you saw the radical leftists I'm friends with, you would puke
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dylanancom39 · 11 months
Stop being afraid of being labelled a communist or a marxist or etc
Communism is a good thing that will liberate everyone.
And capitalism will achieve nothing
So don't worry about being labelled a communist.
Wear that label with pride.
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cookthepenguin · 8 days
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In a capitalistic society nobody wants to work enough
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*hits the wall* okay why don't the neurodivergent people and the LGBTQ+ community band together and overthrow the motherfucking government? C'mon guys it can't be THAT hard
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hella-val · 27 days
I'm convinced there's a massive fed psyop to make all non-authoritarian leftist ideologies look bad by placing awful people who hold those opinions at the top of the public mind when it comes to those ideologies in particular
Like how Chompsky took money from Epstien and overall was just a massive hypocrite/champagne socialist
And more recently how Vaush, one of the most popular figureheads on online libertarian socialism, was revealed to be a pedophile and a bestiophile or whatever the fuck those people are called.
Maybe I'm just crazy
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moishe-pipick · 6 months
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That strange, surreal moment when you search for articles about Peter Kropotkin's theories on Mutual Aid and see this -
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marius-was-unhinged · 5 months
"young people don't want to work anymore"
where? i sent around 100 CV during last moths. a few people answered but they had the shittiest offers, maximum work for minimum wage, far from my city or in hours i couldn't even choose.
my bf doesn't understand why i consider working for a dr00g dealer but man, i need money and there is no other work where they want me
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