#ao3 narry
mikeysgerard · 2 months
And once again we meet here. And by us I mean the sad souls who were about to spend some nice time on ao3 right now🥲😭
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hellolovers13 · 2 years
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Slow Hands by hellolovers13
Harry/Niall Harry/Louis | E 3k |
tags: Dom Louis, Dom Niall, Sub Harry, Daddy Kink, Crying During Sex, Rough Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Nipple Play, Face Slapping, Genderfluid Harry, Aftercare, PWP
“Wait. So when you say you’re genderfluid, that means sometimes you’re a girl, right?” “Uh, yeah.” “So when I asked what you’d do if you were a girl and you said ‘Niall’. Does that apply now?”
read on AO3!
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littlemissmeggie · 3 months
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zanniscaramouche · 2 years
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It's Not Unusual
It's not unusual to find out I'm in love with you your dick - They’ve been in the same aeroplanes, tour buses, and chauffeured cars as each other for years. Cramped green rooms and even more cramped sofas. They must have touched a thousand times before this, and yet until this moment he’d practically forgotten who the hot body behind him was. The hands on him, the man inside him, this is his Harry. The one he knows too well to be doing something as stupid as this with, and yet- and yet Niall’s mind is still caught on how the last words out of Harry’s mouth sounded like 'mine'.
Narry - WWA Tour - "I'd Do Niall" - 7k - Complete AO3
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voidsnarrator · 3 months
OOOOH MY GOSH, I finally put two and two together and realized YOU'RE the one who wrote "Our Differences"! Holy peasnaps, I had read that a few days before I reblogged your blind narrator picture and just. AAAA! I wanted to shake Stanley by the shoulders SO HARD. Also, your stories are the first time I've seen a piece of fiction even mention things printed in braille EVER! I almost squealed when I saw that! I just finished reading "ERROR EMPLOYEE NOT FOUND" and I can't wait to see what else is in store!
Ooohh yes! Blind Narrator's series is quite long by now haha Yea Stanley has had real problems in the past, good thing they've both repressed those memories :')
Oh really? Well, I'm glad it brings you joy! There's the occasional mention of the braille script, though I've never put much emphasis on them úwù
But yes I'm VoidsNarrator here and on AO3 ! I hope you'll enjoy at least some of the other stories, whichever you end up reading! :3
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niall-ate-mynamee · 5 months
Hello lovers <3
I am so sorry I haven't been online much recently, life's been busy and I've lost track of time...again. Lol. Anyways, I hope 2024 is treating you all well, and you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year!
Just a little message to say that I've finally posted chapter twelve of Stained Glass Eyes (and colorful tears) on AO3! There's a note at the end of the chapter that I wanna ask you to read, and let me know your thoughts!
I'll be back with posting prompts and updates very soon! <3
Stained Glass Eyes (and colorful tears) - Chapter 12 - niall_ate_mynamee - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
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disgruntledkittenface · 6 months
7, 17, and 27 please :)
thank you, louuuuuuuuu! <3
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist's songs did you pull from the most?
I have an even split this year! I wrote fics based on Written All Over Your Face (Louis), Cinema (Harry) and Must Be Love (Niall).
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
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27. What do you listen to while writing?
I usually don't listen to anything when I write, but I did create a playlist with my favorite Christmas songs when I was working on it's a holidate and it really helped get me in the festive mood!
ao3 wrapped (writers edition)
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spring-heeledjack · 2 years
Enraging that there are so many narry x readers all over the place but absolutely ZERO stanley x readers. Criminal. Absolutely criminal.
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The Final Parable - Fanfic
Me and my friend Animsay28 are writing a new TSP fanfic inspired by SAD-ist's new animation: Blank Decay!
The brainrot hits hard alright?
Stanley was so tired of this endless time loop. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, not even the chance for freedom. And so he let himself slip over the edge, hoping to be met with his final death.
The narrator was so tired of Stanley, who wasn't listening to his begging. His memories of past runs were so foggy, it seemed like it all didn't matter in the end. Yet, he wanted freedom from the system that kept him trapped.
But every wish comes with a consequence. Sometimes even the destruction of what you loved most.
Welcome to the fanfiction, in which everything decided to decay and mutate into something horrible. And because that isn't enough, it holds a few special horror surprises and characters in itself!
Your personal fun to traumatize your entire family! What are you still waiting for? :D
-> Click here for the link to the fic! <-
Also, make sure to have an Ao3 account! We're currently trying to keep bots away from our fanfics! We hope you understand! ^^
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narrie · 2 years
You know i used to ship l*rry back in 2015-16. Sometimes i still wonder what the fuck was wrong with me back then. Though i do still read HL fanfics in addition to narry ones if the have interesting story 😂
fan fics, edits etc are really keeping that fandom alive bc ppl create SO much content, it's insane
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mikeysgerard · 1 year
The feminine urge to go to bed and write fanfictions about your otp in your head until you fall asleep
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clockworksir · 1 year
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Alright this is a big post... but I was so stupidly much into this, I just vomited all these pages over the last two weeks. After I did that mini-comic based off the Museum Ending, I realized... i like doing this? Drawing dumb comics. I grabbed the Confusion Ending by the sleeves and ran with it. AU - Narry concentrated his consciousness into a body so he can keep Stanley company. I wanted to make a two-page thing but I ended up with a whole ass mini-script :’) I have ideas about this , uh, fanfic (?) and I know what I want to do with this. Question is, will I manage to stick to it? :o I had genuine fun drawing these pages and I kinda wanna keep going. Might start posting on my old AO3 account too. Can you even post comics on AO3? Boy I have no idea. (I also need a title for this thing, hmm.) Last page is here: 
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  because Tumblr can only take up to 10 images per post (weak) I’m aiming for making 2 pages a week now... I, just like Stan-man, work a soul rending 9-5 and sometimes I just don't feel like drawing at all after work hours an after I’m done with chores. Quality of art will vary greatly. What is consistency and how can I obtain some Last note: Stan is not gone (obviously) I have big plans for him. Big plans. :)
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twopoppies · 6 months
Hi Gina, this is probably a weird question to ask; when I followed you 3 years ago, I had obsession with your mp fics and would open a lot of them and read your pov about the fics. In one of them you said something like "you cried a bucket full of tears when reading it" , and I can't even remember which category it was in , Do you remember which one it is or which fics made you cry?
Oh, I’ve been meaning to make one of these fic rec lists. Be forewarned, I cry very, very easily so it’s going to be a very long list (and some people might roll their eyes at what’s made me cry) 😂 Even as long as this is, I’m sure I’ve forgotten some.
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Gold-skinned, eager baby by StarryDay13 / @daydreaming-sunflower (E, 17K) This was soft and tender and sexy and beautifully done. There were wonderful moments of gentleness and vulnerability as Harry awkwardly expresses his thoughts about his gender and his feelings for Louis, and as Louis reasons and holds space for who Harry is. I really just loved this one. And I cried. So that’s a bonus. 😆
Deux Fantômes by ohpleaselarry (E, 16K) So, let me start by saying I cried through ¾ of this. I promise it’s a happy ending, but it’s heavy and very moving. Please read the tags as there are some triggering things, but it’s also so sweet and gentle and really well written.
of the divine by @thedevilinmybrain (Mixed ratings, 2-part series, 104K) Oh my god. This series. I cried buckets. It’s so beautifully written. The sex scenes are so tender and sexy, but in such a pure way. Their relationship is so good… you can totally feel how much they love each other, the climactic scene OH MY GOD so intense. It’s also got great zouis friendship and a very sweet narry friendship. Tender punk Louis and guardian angel Harry. Read it.
The bed and the carpet by orphan_account (E, 8K) So, this was written a while ago, and because of that there are some things which... irk me (like the use of “orbs”). But it’s really gentle and sweet and sexy. Thanks to the anon who told me they cried reading it. I did, too.
Lovely, made from love by userkant (T, 1K) This was so lovely and so moving (yes, I cried). This author wrote so much emotion into this short fic, please give it a read. I loved it.
may we all have a vision now and then by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (M, 4K) This author is one of my favorite writers in this fandom and everything they do is infused with so much delicacy and tenderness. I literally cried through this fic because of how wounded Harry’s character feels. Read it and then treat yourself to their whole AO3 catalogue.
every universe but ours by @28finelines (E, 50K) This fic is so touching and funny and sexy and I read it all in one go––thankfully just before I published this post! Please go read it because it’s like reading multiple Larry fics in one, each one with that “I would find you in any lifetime” vibe.
Fading by tothemoonmydear (M, 202K) Let me start by asking you to please tread carefully with this one. It’s a very well-written fic, but it deals very graphically with Louis’ character’s eating disorder. At the time it was written, some people felt it did not portray ED recovery accurately, so if the subject is at all triggering for you, please don’t read this one. If that’s not an issue for you, make sure you have tissues ready because I ugly cried through almost all of this. I read it years ago and loved it at the time, but it’s not one I could handle reading twice.
wake the morn and greet the dawn (with hearts entwined and free) by mixedfandomfics (T, 21K)I cried the first third of the way through this because this author painted such a beautiful picture of Harry’s emotions, his found family, and the setting. I love how they slowly unraveled Louis’ story and the tender, sweet way they ended up together. And Niall!! The best friend/brother you could ask for.
Love you in the dark by Perzikje (E, 10K) This is such a tender and moving portrait of these characters. This author does a great job at capturing Harry’s struggle with the shame he feels (yes, I cried), and then beautifully portrays the balm of the way Louis loves him.
for as long as I can remember (it’s always been december) by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 128K) This author always delivers on the angst, so yes…I cried. I loved the sense of the inevitable with these two characters — as in real life, they’re just meant to be. But first they’ll go through hell.
an entire desert in our hourglass by tofiveohfive (E, 20K) I told the author yesterday that I really appreciated the pain they wove into this story because they did such a good job making the emotions relatable –– even with a pre-apocalyptic setting –– so the feeling cut even deeper. Such a good read. And even though the tags said there was a happy ending (which there is), I still cried buckets.
haunted by the ghost of you by missandrogyny (E, 49K) Sweet and funny, filled with great banter and OT5 friendship. And yes…I cried. A lot.
deleted your number (so i can’t call you) by tofiveohfive / @sunflowrsix I think this author does such a great job with writing realistically about breakups and the emotions that are involved. Things aren’t just suddenly solved -- there’s still anger and hurt and a realization that better communication is needed. It’s just very refreshing to read. And of course, I cried.
the best part of me (was always you) by @moonshinelouis-archive (E, 6K) Gorgeous writing. The descriptions of heartbreak and missing someone and still loving them were really well done. And I cried. Of course.
everything suspended by louisandthealien (M, 9K) Set in the late 1990s/early 2000s, this fic is SO so good. And it’s so angsty and so incredibly well written. I felt every bit of tension and emotion and was so wrung out by the end. But it’s also such a gorgeously crafted fic. I just love it.
hope you guessed my name by juliusschmidt (E, 9K) Harry is a devil, Louis is human. I don’t know what it is about this fic, but I just adore it. It’s so moving and so beautifully written and yes, I cried over Harry being a lonely cryptid.
Through Eerie Chaos by mediawhore / @mediawhorefics (GA, 102K) This one is set both in present day and the 1920s and I absolutely adore this fic. This is such a unique and compelling story, the writing is beautiful, the characters are wonderfully realized, and I ugly cried for realz. Such a good fic.
Save your loving arms for a rainy day by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite (E, 19K) Oh, I really loved this. Beautiful writing. Lovely characterizations. I love how harry makes Louis realize who he is/what he wants, but doesn’t “save” him. And yes, I cried…not from the angst this time, but from the declarations and descriptions of feelings. This author just gets it right.
the impossible now by stylinsoncity (M, 65K) I screamed about this fic for weeks when it was first posted because it’s just so moving and so beautifully written. It’s got a twist to it that makes it both wonderful romantic and heartbreaking at the same time. Happy ending, I promise, but I cried. A lot. Shocker, I know.
Little Technicolor Things by scary_crow (M, 72K) This is truly one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read and it is an absolutely travesty that it’s not being talked about every day. This fic is gorgeous and poetic and romantic and heartbreaking and an explosion of metaphoric images and everything I never knew I needed but now that I have it I want to read it over and over and over.
Finding Lou by stylinsoncity (M, 60K) This author’s writing is always such a pleasure to read -- they really know how to craft a moving story. Slow burn romance with some super sexy smut and lots of emotions. Yes, I cried.
Your Name Is Tattooed On My Heart by mcpofife (E, 87K) I reread this one recently and it's truly delightful. The characterizations are so well done. Harry is so endearing (I cried over his heartbreak). And the smut is both hot and really emotional. Love this one.
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (E, 135K) Everything about this fic is glorious. I’m always struck by how well the characters are fleshed out, how their behavior lines up with their backstory, how ridiculously hot the chemistry is, and how agonizing the angst is. So yes, no shocker, I cried buckets. Thank god for a happy ending.
Empty Skies by green_feelings / @greenfeelings (E, 13K) I just started re-reading this the other day and it holds up so well. This author is always a pleasure to read. Their fics just are well plotted and the characters are nicely fleshed out. I loved Perrie as Harry’s bestie, the bitterness and angst is PAINFUL, and the ending feels well earned.
my heart is breathing for this moment in time by usedtothebeach (E, 160K) Probably my absolute favorite time travel fic. I’ve read it more times than I’d like to admit, and every time I love it more. One of the things I like most is how organically the author weaves in canon events…every little moment is an easter egg without it being so obvious that it pulls you out of the fic. Anyway, this one is so moving and so absorbing, I hope you like it if you give it a try! There’s an 18K companion piece to it as well, but you’ll see the link at the appropriate time when you’re reading the main fic (and when you read the scene that breaks your heart –– in the best possible way –– come and scream at me. You’ll know which one I mean).
no one does it better by nodibs (E, 50K) Oh lord. Get your tissues and hang on tight. Such well-written heartbreak. Happy ending, but you have to suffer first.
like a bastard on the burning sea by vashtaneradas (NR, 21K) Heartbreaking, perfect writing. So well-written that the fandom hated real-life Harry for a while after this was posted.
Also, you might want to check out my recs for:
Sad/Open Endings
Major Character Death
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lamuliz · 1 year
the emotional roller coaster you’ve taken me on MY GOODNESS. and my favorite ao3 fic updated today too,,,, this is a wonderful time. we go directly from you absolutely SHATTERING my heart with narry’s weak, half-sobbed “i thought you liked my company!” only to duct tape it back together when stanley tenderly wiped the blood and tears off his face…,.,,,,,,,,,,,, i was tempted to vote don’t forgive because i . do not trust stanley not to stab him, but… let’s be real forgiveness was always gonna win, and besides that i believe it’s what the narrator would truly do.
In the last part, Narrators forgiveness isn't for the things Stanley has done to him. It's for what he is about to do.
Narrator knows whats going to happen, and because the viewer voted "truth" he literally watched Stanley beg him for permission.
From Stanley's perspective, he is freeing himself from someone that abused him for so long, but still finds it in himself to comfort this cruel human before he kills him.
From the Narrator's perspective, he has unknowingly hurt Stanley and witnessed his desperation to get out first hand. He can't not forgive Stanley, because its the least he could do after realising how much Stanley is sacrificing -in his head- for Narry. He understands the mental anguish he's going through and comforts Stanley in his decision to kill him.
Stanley is simply saying "You've hurt me for so long. Please let me have this. Please don't make this any harder for me than it is." And Narrator is simply giving him permission, saying "Do not feel guilty. I forgive you."
From an outsider perspective, Stanley is being incredibly selfish and Narrator is being unreasonably selfless. But the amount of empathy Narrator has for Stanley allows him to be comfortable in his decision to give in to him. He "understands" what Stanley is feeling.
Plus, he could use some rest anyway.
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desceros · 29 days
Alright I've put some thoughts and brain cells together after spending a few days recovering from Infinite Singularity, so here goes. First of all, *incoherent sobbing and babbling*. Second of all, as someone who has spent the last almost 20 years having to write myself what I can never find to read, holy good god this checks my boxes. This checks so many boxes. This checks boxes I didn't even know I wanted checked. Because as someone who is soft and kind and a little bit of a crybaby with narry a bratty bone in her body I FEEL FUCKING SEEN. I feel seen and heard and represented and from one writer to another, I thought that was worth passing along. Thank you so much for sharing your glorious talent, I will now be scouring the rest of your ao3 works so I imagine this isn't the last you'll hear from me~ 💕
ohhhh i'm so happy to hear that!!! it's so frustrating when you're looking for That One Fic and finally you have to be like hhhhh FINE i'll WRITE IT MYSELF so im like. totally coconuts happy to hear that i scratched that itch for you!!! :DDD
chin hands a lot. i hope you find the others also to your liking!! and do feel free hahahha i love talking to people and hearing what they think c:
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
Hi Anitra,
I hope this isn't too weird, but I wanted to announce that I just posted the final chapter of my multi-chapter Narry fic on Ao3. Now, I know you mostly post Larry on here, but every now and then a Narry fic sneaks in (I found some of my favourites on here btw!!!), so I just thought I'd let you know. Thanks for your hard work with the fic-recs, we appreciate it sooo much! This fandom is so wonderful ♡
Here's the link to Fly Away (breakaway) xx
Hi!! Not weird at all! I am a lover of rare pairs, so I'm absolutely thrilled to promote rare pairs here, too! I reblogged the cover art link I found in the fic, too, and I'll share it to my rare pair gc!
Fly Away (breakaway) by mikeysgerard / @mikeysgerard
[M, 50k, Niall/Harry]
...And there, in Doolin, County Clare in Ireland, was where his new life should begin.
Or: The one where Harry runs away from his tragic past, and Niall saves him, in any way a person can be saved.
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