#anyways happy thursday! wishing everyone hot gay motorcycle business partners
(belated!) FEMSLASH FEBRUARY 2023 #9: In which Cameron and Donna enjoy a Sunday afternoon
[CN: food] . .
After three months of restoring motorcycles, Cameron figured out that if she wanted to make real progress, the best time to head out to the garage was when Donna wasn’t home. If she wanted to so much as make it out the door, the best time was when Donna either wasn’t home, or wasn’t in the living room or kitchen, where she’d see Cameron was in her coveralls and boots. (Cameron had begun to consider that maybe she should leave her coveralls in the garage, and change in there, instead.) Donna’s attention wasn’t unwelcome, but Cameron, naturally, also really wanted to spend time with the bike she was working on.
On a Sunday in early spring, Donna made plans to go out for the afternoon with Risa, who came to pick her up at 12:30. Risa came in for a little while, Cameron poured her a small cup of homemade sweet tea, and they talked while Donna decided on which purse to bring with her, and checked that she had her wallet, keys, mini phone book, quarters, compact, tissues, and lipstick. They left just before 1pm, and Cameron went so far as to check and make sure that their car was gone before changing and rushing out to the garage.
With her radio set to a classic rock station quietly playing songs that made her think of her dad, and Licorice snoozing in the mini-hammock Cameron had attached to one of the garage windows, the afternoon went quickly. After three and a half hours of happily taking apart her newest work in progress, Cameron decided to quit for the day. She stood up and stretched her arms out in front of her, fingers laced together, wrists facing outward. Suddenly alert, Licorice hopped down from her perch and onto the desk, and from there onto the floor. As she walked toward Cameron, she too stretched out her front legs, and then her hind legs, shaking one foot and then the other.
“Big stretch,” Cameron grinned. She bent down, both to scritch Licorice behind her ears, and stretch her own hamstrings. Standing back up, she said, “You ready to go back inside? I’m hungry, and I need something to drink.” She shut off the radio, and then went back through the garage door and into the house, unzipping her coveralls and shrugging off the arms as she went, and Licorice trotted along after her.
In the kitchen, Cameron grabbed carefully labeled containers of almonds and edamame, grateful for Donna’s insistence on having healthy, high-protein snacks in the house. Realizing that she was uncomfortably warm, she paused, and went to the sink, and splashed some cool water on her face, and then she ran her wet hands through her hair, and pushed it back out of her face. Then, she filled a glass with water as the cat walked up to her. She was about to drink when Licorice began to meow at her.
Firmly, Cameron said, “It’s not dinnertime yet. But, I guess you’re overdue for a treat.” The cat followed her, pointedly getting underfoot, as Cameron got the canister of treats from the cabinet, poured some into her hand, and then crouched down to drop them into Licorice’s bowl. Licorice turned all of her attention to it.
Cameron grabbed her glass of water off the counter. She sipped at first, and then, realizing how thirsty she was, went into a full-on chug. She barely heard the front door unlock and open.
Donna and Risa were laughing as they entered the kitchen. “Yes, he told me that one too, the one about the bear!” Risa cackled.
“An instant classic when he debuted it at Mutiny!” Donna agreed. “Hey, Cam. Do you remember —“ She finally looked at Cameron, and then stopped short.
Cameron was standing by the sink still, in her white undershirt that came out of a three-pack, the sleeves of her coveralls still hanging at her sides. Some water had spilled from the corner of her mouth and run down her neck. Finishing her glass of water, Cameron hastily put it down, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Donna and Risa looked at her, Risa’s mouth agape, prompting Cameron to ask, “What?”
Her knees feeling slightly weak, Donna said, “Uh, nothing. Hi. Hi!”
Feeling self-conscious, Cameron turned back toward the sink, and rinsed the glass out.
Risa leaned in toward Donna, and quietly said, “You know, I’ve always though that she’s a little skinny for me, but now? I get it. You’re a lucky woman.”
“I know,” Donna nodded.
Over her shoulder, Cameron said, “Risa, if you make me blush, I will be forced to eject you from the premises.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Risa chuckled. “I’ll see myself out, so that the two of you can enjoy the rest of your Sunday”
“Oh, okay, thanks for hanging out!” Donna called after her.
Risa went out the front door with a wave, and Cameron waved back from the sink.
“So,” Donna said seductively, resting her elbows on the island. “Were you out in the garage?”
Leaning back against the sink, Cameron said, “Yes, I was.”
Licorice meowed, weaving around Donna’s ankles, as if to say that she had been in the garage, too, before scampering off to the living room, where she sprang up onto the couch.
Trying and failing to sound relaxed, Donna said, “Gettin’ ready to get back out there, then?”
Cameron shrugged. “Nah, I was actually just thinking that I should go upstairs and get out of these slightly sweaty clothes….”
Standing up straight, Donna quickly asked, “Do you want me to come with you and maybe help you with that?”
Cameron smiled broadly. “Yeah, no, that would be nice, if you helped.”
They looked at each other for a moment before they both took off toward the bedroom, the two of them nearly colliding, the two of them laughing and shouting until they reached their destination, where they stayed for the rest of the afternoon.
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