#anyways exuse my little rant im just not looking forward to the rest of the week
winged-bat · 2 years
Helloooo, you wouldn’t happen to have any angst-y batfam headcanons would you? (Or Birdflash ones, writing that fic isn’t going as easy as I hoped it would so I could use the inspiration lmao)
This is gunna take me a lot of brain power bc its been off since i got home today but lets see
• The manor is barely changed beside some more photographs being hung bc Bruce is scared of forgetting his parents, and if he keeps the manor how they left it, it makes him feel closer to them
• Since Tims parents left a lot in his childhood, when he was still too short to reach any of the cabinets he got used to feeling hungry as a kid
• You just know Dick’s parents death was filmed (probably really grainy and blurry) and put on youtube or something. Well Dick saw it once when he was about 15/16 when he went looking for Haley’s Circus videos to see who they were doing
• Jason has a whole panic when something from before was mentioned but he didn’t remember it (it was a rare good moment that was said to try and lighten the mood) so he goes down a spiral in what other chunks of him memory are missing and what other good moments has death probably robbed him of ever remembering again
• Bruce always wants to spend time talking and stuff with his kids but he wants them to reach out first so he’s not breaking their personal time and/or boundaries they might have but they want him to reach out to them so they know they’re not bothers (it leads to strained relationships and pain all around)
• (Also bc im just now remembering that you also mentioned them) When Dick & Wally fight its really messy and ugly, they’re to caught up in their emotions that they don’t take into account what they’re saying, so they get really harsh with eachother
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