#anyway my dad’s my concert buddy so I’m always glad to have him with me ❤️
crmsndragonwngss · 1 month
It’s probably a good thing that my dad’s going with me to this show on Saturday solely because that’ll keep me from spilling my fucking guts out to Jesse Cash about how I heard Dreamcatcher on my discover weekly playlist in 2014 and between Erra and Ghost Atlas his music saved me when I was at my absolute lowest low if I manage to catch him at the merch table and really nobody wants that lmfao
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duncanxtrent · 3 years
The Punks vs the Parents
(A quick none ABC related Duncan story based on a wondeful prompt by @trash-that-loves-total-drama. Go follow them for more good Duntrent stuff ;) Anyways on with the story)
(Also for context, Trent, Geoff, Katie, Sadie, and DJ all also attend the daycare along with the other kids)
*insert Baps and Beeps by the TDR kiddos intro here*
“UGH!!!!” Duncan screamed
Duncan stormed into the daycare. Visibly angrier than normal.
“What in the world?” DJ glances at him confused.
Duncan just storms to his time out corner and quietly crouches in the corner.
“Are you ok, dude?” Trent asks
“NO IM CLEARLY NOT OK!!!” Duncan shouts.
“What’s going on?” Beth asks
“My parents are coming over…” Duncan mumbles.
“They are?!?!” Beth shouts in excitement.
“EEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Owen squeals wearing a lot of Banana and Cheese merch.
“Oh great… Another cringy concert…” Gwen groans.
“What? No! Those guys aren’t my parents anymore…” Duncan counters.
“WHAT?!?!” Everyone screams.
“What happened?” Owen cries out in sadness.
“Well…” Duncan trails off.
“Letting your child set off several kilograms off explosives?! Leaving your child alone for months at a time?!?! Leaving the child with only 2 weeks of supplies in food per month?!” The social workers screamed.
“What? We needed money for props!” Cheese explains.
“Yeah.. And besides I don’t think it was that bad!” Banana adds.
“Your son is literally in the hospital after collapsing of exhaustion and starvation…” The child care worker sighs.
Banana and Cheese just look down at their feet.
“Oh so that’s why you weren’t here Monday through Thursday!” Beth concludes.
“Yeah, I was in foster care for about 2 weeks before a new pair of parents adopted me. A pair of local cops…” Duncan explains.
“That doesn’t sound so bad!” Trent says
“It’s just… Listen I don’t want them coming…” Duncan sighs.
“Well we can try and stop them. I’d be glad to help!” Trent offers.
“And this is why you’re my best bro!” Duncan says clapping Trent on the back. “Let’s do this!”
The two of them quietly sneak into Chefs office. They pay Owen some cookies to distract Chef while Trent messes around with the computer.
“Alright what should we do?” He asks
“How about you shut down some traffic lights? That should cause some chaos!” Duncan offers.
“Sounds like a plan!” Trent types some things into the keyboard and shuts down some traffic lights in the neighborhood.
Jackson eagerly bounced up and down in the police car as June quietly drove to the daycare.
“I’m so excited! Visiting my son in the Daycare, and getting to present to his class! I can’t wait to see him.” Jackson excitedly cheered
“We’ll be there in a bit. Just be patient.” June explains.
“Do you think we’ll meet this infamous Trent he’s always going on about?” He asks
“Probably… Not many people were absent today…” June explains
“Oh I can’t wait to meet him. He sounds amazing from the way my son described him.” Jackson sighed.
Suddenly the radio in their car went off.
“All units we have a traffic light shut down on the corner of Maizono and Kuwata. Please call in to direct traffic.” The police chief reports.
“What?! Come on!!!” Jackson shouts.
“That’s awfully inconvenient.” June mumbles.
“UGH!!! And just when we were going to see him too!” Jackson cries planting his face into the dashboard.
June looks at the map and sees the daycare is only a couple blocks away.
“Hey Honey do you think you could run today?” She asks
“Yeah why?” He asks sitting up.
“Well what say I go handle the incident with the traffic lights. And you go run to meet our son at the daycare.” June offers.
“Really?! You mean it?!” Jake asks excitedly.
“Just be careful ok?” June smooches Jake on the cheek.
“I will! Thanks!” Jake says hopping out of the car. June drives off to handle the traffic incident while Jake begins running back to the daycare.
Back at the daycare
“Seems like THEYRE on their way to deal with it. They shouldn’t be around for the whole day!” Trent explains.
“Awesome! Thanks dude!” He says quickly hugging Trent before retracting and hopping down.
Duncan begins humming and walking back to the main room when the door bell rings.
“I’ll get it!” Chef calls approaching th door.
“Probably the mail man…” Duncan assumes.
Chef opens the door and wouldn’t you know it? Jake is standing there patiently waiting to get inside!
“Mr. Fuego! A pleasure to see you!” Chef waves.
Duncan stops in his tracks.
“I-I’m sure it’s another-“ Duncan is cut off.
“DUNCAAAAAANNN!!!!!” Jake runs past Chef and immediately picks ups and squeezes his son in a hug. Duncan struggles to get out but eventually reluctantly accepts and hugs him back.
Jake sets him back down and Jackson crouches down. “How ya been little dude?!” He asks excitedly.
“How’d you get here so fast?” Duncan asks in retaliation.
“Your mother and I were supposed to help with a traffic problem but she offered to take care of it while I ran here.” Jake explains.
“How nice…” Duncan mumbles, red in the face.
“You ok little dude? The summer heat getting to you?” He asks
“No no… Everythings cool Dad…” Duncan stutters.
“Ah good! Wouldn’t want anything happening to my little buddy!” He says ruffling Duncan’s hair.
He stands up and turns to Chef. “How’s my son been doing?” He ask
“That’s actually what I invited you to talk about.” Chef explains
Jake looks at him with a questioning face. Chef leads Jake to his office and sets Jake down in the chair in front of his desk.
“What’s going on?” He asks
“Your son is an absolute menace in our school! He’s constantly setting off explosives! Bullying the other kids! And he’s always destroying things!” Chef explains.
“What?!?! That doesn’t sound like him at all!!!” Jake says genuinely shocked.
“You mean he doesn’t experience this behavior at home?” Chef says obviously expecting that he does.
“No! He’ll knock things down on one rare occasion when he’s running around, and he’ll usually apologize for ti even. And whenever other kids are over he’s always incredibly nice playing with them! The parents even confirmed this!” Jake explains.
“See exa- Wait HUH?!” Chef says clearly shocked.
“Did you really come here to lie to me about my son, Mr.Chef? I’ll have you know I can easily arrest you for that.” Jake glares.
“N-no! Your son always exhibits this behavior at school! I don’t know why he doesn’t do it at home!” Chef explains.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes!” Chef insists
Jake sits back down “Well then if you would like I wouldn’t mind observing your classroom for a bit to see this ‘behavior’ you claim he has.”
“Ok sure! I could use the extra hand.” Chef offers.
Jake nods and walks outside the office to observe the kids.
Outside, Duncan was fully prepared to knock over Cody’s tower. But sees his dad mid way and stops and turns around quietly.
Cody turns around looking confused.
Later the kiddos are eating lunch together when Beth accidentally trips Duncan over.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry…” Beth shouts.
Duncan quietly gets up and Beth expected a violent response but instead Duncan simply reached out his hand.
“It’s fine! Everyone makes mistakes!” Duncan says shrugging.
Duncan just quietly walks over and begins eating his lunch, which was thankfully I damaged due to the fact that it was still in his lunchbox. But Beth just looked at him confused.
Another transition
The kids are quietly finger painting, and Courtney ‘accidentally’ spilled some paint on Duncan.
“Oops… Sorry…” Courtney says sneakily.
Duncan growls for a minute but then takes a deep breath and faces Courtney.
“Can you please be more careful next time? I like this shirt.” Duncan asks shockingly polite.
Courtney just looked at him confused.
“Im going to go clean up…” Duncan walks off to clean up in the bathroom.
“What the?” Courtney stares at him confused.
And another transition because TDR moves fast
All the kids are quietly napping away and Trent approaches Duncan, quietly scooting up next to him.
“Dude what’s going on?” He ask
“What do you mean?” Duncan asks
“You’ve been incredibly well behaved the entire time we’ve been here. What’s going on?!” Trent says clearly confused.
“I just wanted to not break the rules! What’s the problem with that?” Duncan shrugs.
“Yes but that’s the attitude you NEVER have!! What’s going on?” Trent asks
Duncan looks around for a moment. Then sighs and gets up quietly.
“Follow me…” Duncan asks.
Trent gets up and the two of them head to the bathroom where Jake can’t see them. Then Duncan turns to Trent.
“Listen… I’m trying to be on my best behavior for my dad. Ok? I don’t want him to know that I’m this thug punk guy that beats people up on the daily.” Duncan explains.
“Why? Just because he’s a cop doesn’t mean he’ll hate you if you’re a thug…” Trent explains.
“No! That’s not it! It’s just…” Duncan sighs “Dad and Mom were way better than Banana and Cheese were. They actually gave me attention! They never abandoned me or had me cook my own food just because they were busy. They helped me! They cared for me. Yes they punished me which is a little unfortunate but the punishments weren’t ever extreme. The worse I ever got was having to clean out the toilets for a couple days. And even then they helped me by showing me how to do it. Dad and Mom, they are the only adults I actually trust. And I don’t want them to think I’m just a bad kid who just puts on a show for them for the sake of getting love and cookies or whatever. I love them… I love them too much to betray them…” Duncan begins noticeably crying.
“Dude… Are you ok?” Trent asks reaching a hand out.
“IM NOT CRYING YOURE CRYING!!!” Duncan sniffles.
“Hey dude it’s ok…” Trent reaches around and hugs Duncan. Duncan quietly hugs him back.
“It’s fine dude… If you wanna start changing your ways. I’ll be by your side no matter what…” Trent says patting Duncan’s back.
Duncan lets go. “Thanks…” He mumbles wiping his eyes.
“Should we head back now?” Trent asks
Duncan nods and the two of them open the bathroom door…
To find Jake standing outside the door, with tears streaming down his face.
“Ah nuts…” Trent mutters.
“Dad… I-“ Duncan gets cut off by Jake picking up Duncan and pulling him into a hug. This time Duncan only has a slight hesitation before pulling his Dad into a hug as well. The two of them sit there quietly hugging as Trent stands by and awkwardly watches.
“You really love me that much?” Jake mumbles.
“Of course I do. I love you so much, Dad. I don’t wanna hurt you…” Duncan responds.
“I love you too…” He says hugging him harder.
Finally Jake sets down Duncan and wipes his eyes. “I get it though. You always loved to play the villain. It’s not necessarily good for you, but if it’s what you want to do that fine with me. Just don’t do anything highly destructive, ok? And nothing majorly emotional damaging obviously. Basically just don’t go too big.” Jake explains.
“Ok Dad…” Duncan hugs Jakes leg before wandering back to the nap room. Trent gets up to do the same but Jake stops him.
“So you’re the Trent I’ve heard so much about!” Jake says smiling.
“Hmm?” Trent looks at him confused.
Jake crouches down. “Duncan talks about you all the time at home. He considers you his best friend, I’d almost say he loves you. He really is a good kid at heart, I want you to know that.”
“I’ve always known that…” Trent chuckles.
“Good. You seem like a good friend for my son. Hope to keep seeing you around.” Jake says ruffling Trents hair and standing up.
“Thanks…” Trent is about to walk back but stops.
“One more thing…” Trent says turning around. “Do you have any embarrassing photos of him?” Trent asks
“Whaddya mean?” Jake asks
“Like photos of him being cute or dorky or stuff that isn’t cool or villainous or whatever.” Trent explains further.
“Ooh! Yes actually I have the perfect photo I’ve wanted to show for a long time.” Jake explains.
Jake pulls out his phone and scrolls through his photo till he finds the photo in question. He crouches down again and shows Trent the photo. In the photo, A starry eyed Duncan is clinging to Jake’s arms in a white shirt with red sleeves smiling giddily as Jake smiles back at him. The photo was presumably taken by June.
“That is so cute. I love it.” Trent laughs.
“He’s so cute isnt he?” Jake smiles.
“He is! Anyways that’s all! Have a good day Mr.Fuego!” Trent says wandering off.
“You too!” Jake says waving.
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skekshroom · 4 years
ooh what about skeksis/mystic of your choice, raising a smol human with their human partner? COuld you imagine the teen years? lol
this prompt made me so SAD bc i started thinking about it when i was on a hike missing my friends but oGHHh since i mentioned one of the gragoh kids was curious about his human parent’s home world its gonna be HimTM. I’m giving them names btw skekAr and urGi (argi is a name that means light or something in euskara iirc). He calls you “adre” as a gender neutral term for padre/madre.
This is VERY LONG, mostly happy, with some sad
[urGi & reader] (urgoh x reader x skekgra later)
“I’m bored.” urGi rested his heavy chin on your shoulder. His thick brown hair obscured your vision, and you blew a quick breath to get it out of your eyes. 
“Why don’t you go play with your sister?” You asked and paused in your sewing. “Or you can help me with this.”
“I’ll help you.” UrGi declared as he lifted up his head, sat across from you, and picked up a ripped tunic. He turned a spool of thread over in his hands. “I don’t want to hang out with SkekAr right now. She’s being a dick.”
“Don’t say that.” You tutted, shaking your head. “Honestly, I don’t know where you keep learning these from, I don’t even swear that much in front of you.”
“You said shit a couple of times.” You tossed him a look.
“But yeah, Dad said it.” UrGi shrugged. “Father said it was like ‘jerk’, but worse. It’s an Earth term, I know that... Why, is it a swear word?” You nodded, making a mental note to remind skekGra to not teach your kids any more curses. You continued sewing peacefully, urGi humming as he patched up a hole on his sister’s shirt.
“Hey, Adre?” urGi piped up you looked up to see your son’s eyes, so similar to yours, looking away. “What did you do for fun when you were my age?”
“Well, when I was around your age, there wasn’t much to do. We worked, wrote stories, drew, got high, stayed in the house, hiked sometimes. Kinda like what Dad and Father do.” urGi looked a little too interested in the part mentioning drugs. “Except you shouldn’t be getting high.” You raised your eyebrows at him, knowing him and his sister sometimes snuck puffs from urGoh’s pipe when they think no one will notice. 
“Right, yeah, with the plague and everything... But what about before that? Did you ever drive places?”
“All the time, yeah.” You sighed wistfully as you tugged the thread through the coarse fabric and began a knot. “My friends and I would pile into the car, the- the carriage things. You know what a car is. We’d go uh... well, we’d go anywhere really.”
UrGi looked enthralled, pausing in his sewing and staring intently at you. “Where?”
“Same places you and your friends go. Periss and the rest of you take Bennu to the beach and woods sometimes, right? And you guys go to market, it was like that.”
“Yeah, but it can’t be exactly the same! It was... what’s that word... Ni’ka and Yothi says Thra is too small to be as industeyes as Earth was.”
“Industrialized?” You chuckled, holding up a mended pair of trousers and moving on to the next. “That’s probably for the best, anyways. Thra’s got enough problems without greedy fracking corporations and poisoned air.”
“Is fracking another swear word?” urGi knotted the thread and looked over his work. “It sounds like one. But anyways... What did you and your friends do? Did you live in a city?” 
“Well, we didn’t live in one... But we’d go to them sometimes. We’d all hop in the car and drive for miles, just to have fun during the way there and walk around afterwards. We’d always go to this one diner in the middle of this seedy corner of the city you have to find by accident. We’d all mess around in the parking lot and drive home down the highway listening to old music.”
“That sounds like the kind of place you get killed at.” urGi said bluntly, shaking his head. You laughed.
“Yeah, it kinda was, buddy. But, hey, never said we were smart, just fun. Let’s see... we did all kinds of stuff. We uh, we used to go up in the hills and hike or explore the abandoned farms... Sometimes we’d drive out go explore sea caves or scrape together money and visit the stores in the real rich neighborhoods.  We’d ditch campus and just go to the cornerstore, or throw a party at one of our houses. Never mine, but we’d cook together and play video games and end up passed out on the couch.”
“Ronnis doesn’t even like us staying inside the house too long.” urGi giggled. You chuckled. His friends’ mother wasn’t one for guests, especially not a gaggle of rowdy childlings. “I wonder why.” He laughed gleefully and set down the needle and thread, resting his chin in his hands. The hand with five fingers tapped his cheek, a little tic similar to the way Gra seemed to always pick at his own face. 
“I wish I could see all that. That sounds like so much fun.” Your son sighed, grinning at your story. “I wanna go to a movie! And to that town with the lanterns... and the city with the festivals and big buildings! Y’know, I wish we could go see Dousan plays more often... Those are so much fun. Dad’s puppet shows are fun, but... Dousan plays have cooler effects.”
“Yeah... You would have really liked it... I wish I could take you and your sister there.” You looked up at your son. He smiled with your eyes and the dark face of an Urru. Even if you ever found a way back to Earth, the enchanting stories you told him would be a quickly shattered fantasy. 
Earth was no place for someone like him. He was so innocent to all the hate in that world. It was a beautiful place that you loved unconditionally, but it was just as unforgiving as it was home to you. You wanted to take him to the malls, hold him on your shoulders at a concert, take him to the hotsprings or the ferry docks where the sea lions loitered... You would never be able to show him the best parts of your childhood.
Adre?” urGi frowned, moving the piles of ripped cloth aside and scooting towards you. “What’s wrong?” You don’t know when you started crying, but you folded the little urru in your arms and held him tightly.
“I just wish I could take you there. I wish you could see all these things, not just have stories about them... I’m sorry, mijo I- I’m so glad you weren’t born there. You would have hated how stressful and dangerous it was but...” You let go, holding him at arms length in front of it. “But you would have loved Earth. I wish I could give you everything good about earth.”
“You are, Adre. You are.” urGi mumbled, hugging you again. You chuckled, wiping your eyes and muttering an apology for crying so suddenly. You never cried in front of urGi or skekAr. You didn’t think it was fair for them to have to comfort you, but you spared yourself this even as you took deep breaths and gave your son a smile to show you were alright.
 You weren’t sure your paltry stories really did any of it justice, but urGi seemed to think so. He was such a sweet boy. You petted his hair, holding him close to you. You didn’t want to admit you missed it as much as you did. Gi, Ar, Gra, and Goh were your world. Thra was your world, and you couldn’t be more thankful for that.
“Thank you honey.” You said and kissed his forehead. Right as you did, skekAr walked in followed by her fathers.
“Aw, what the hell, you made Adre cry? Now you’re the one being a dick!” SkekAr glared accusingly. UrGi quickly denied it and the two began to bicker. You chuckled, shaking your head as skekGra intervened between the two of them. 
“Hey.” You said and kissed urGoh on the cheek as skekGra picked the two of them up under his arms and declared they weren’t to move until they made peace.
“Hello.” He echoed as he watched the mayhem with an amused expression. “What were.... you and urGi... talking about?”
“Ah,” You shrugged. “Just old Earth things.”
“I see...” UrGoh said, taking your hand in one of his. You looked down at it, and up at him, sharing his smile.
Gi and Ar were so much safer here. They never went hungry like you did, hear gunshots in the distance constantly, or crumble under the stress of the academic system. Every day you thanked Thra for this. You were so, so grateful for this, all you wanted was for them to be happy, to have a better life than yours.
But you wanted to show them rock music, cartoons, neon lights and singing along to the car radio.
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Rebel Without A Cause-Ch 15
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A/N: This whole chapter came after we saw Dean go and rock out with his old buddy Leo, Last Call (season 15, episode 7). I got to discussing it with a friend, @pink1031​ and well, here ya go!!!
Dean watches as Leo commands the stage and enlivens the crowd for the acts following his, which included the Winchester Sex Bombs. 
As Leo exits the stage and the stagehands set up for the next act, Dean congratulates Leo.
“Lee, man,” Dean says, slapping his buddy on the shoulder. “You sounded awesome!”
“Oh, hey. You liked that?” Leo says as he stops to autograph a folded sheet of paper a fan thrusts toward him. After signing and posing for a selfie, Leo finally gives his attention to the man beside him.
“Well, if it ain’t Dean fucking Winchester!” he says, a smile on his lips. “Come here, man. Bring it in.” 
Dean leans into the hug that Leo is offering and they pat each other on the back. “Unbelievable. You still rocking?”
“Always. Rockstar, baby,” Dean says holding up his index and pinkie finger while holding the two middle ones down with his thumb.
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“You up next?” Leo asks as a stagehand passes by carrying a guitar case.
“Nah,” Dean replies. “Couple more groups before us.”
“Well, come on! Let’s get a drink. I’m parched!”
Leo throws an arm around Dean's shoulders and laughs as he leads Dean to a table.
“You sounded good out there.”
“Yea? Well, I’ll take that as a compliment from the one and only, Dean Winchester,” Leo says as he holds up his bottle of brew someone just sat in front of him. Dean blushes a bit as he raps his bottle to Leo’s. “Salut.”
Leo and Dean sit and catch up, talking about gigs and what has been going on in their respective lives since they last saw one another.
“Man, so I don't think I've seen you since we were in high school,” Dean says with a laugh.
“I mean, hell, I-I thought you were…”
“Married with a minivan and 2.5 kids?” Leo asks, laughing at the ridiculousness.
“Well, I mean, that's usually how lives in Lawrence end, isn't it?”
“Yeah,” Lee answers melancholy but then he lightens up and continues. “Remember that time we got busted for skipping school and getting high? Man, I thought your dad was going to murder us. How is he anyway?”
“He died,” Dean answers then takes a swig. “Years ago. But, hey, he was doing what he loved the most...kicking ass and taking names.”
“I'm sorry, man. I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.”
“Yeah,” Dean replies, not really into the conversation anymore.
“But that's a conversation for a different time” Leo pipes up, noticing the somber mood of his friend. “'Cause this, this right here, this is all right.”.
“Well, I'm glad you approve,” Dean says, the smile back on his face. “This is something not anyone can have, man.”
“You got that right! Who's gonna rock the house and roll with the ladies?” Leo inquires, waggling his eyebrows at Dean.
“Nobody else. How many lives do you think you’ve rocked, huh? Hundreds? Thousands? You deserve it, bro. Hell, we both do!”
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When Dean takes the stage, he has an idea. During their second set, he calls his buddy up on the stage. “Come on, Lee. Come out ‘ere and let’s give them something to really scream about! G.O.B., boys” He looks to the right, where he knows Leo is standing and watching. ”Let's go,” he says into the microphone. “Come on, boy. You can't just leave me hanging.” 
Leo joins Dean on stage and walks up to the microphone, shaking his head. They do their own rendition of the song and partway through it, Dean gets that familiar glint in his eye. He begins surveying the crowd and giving the subtle messages to Brad, their crewmate. It doesn’t take Leo long to catch on and he begins giving Dean looks when he sees someone he picks.
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After their song, Dean and Leo fist bump and Leo says, “Still got it. Meet you backstage?” 
“Yep,” Dean replies and goes back to singing the next song.
After the Winchester Sex Bombs exit the stage, Sam meets up with his now girlfriend Rayne and says goodbye to the rest of them. Cas and Meg take off to the room. Apparently, they have come up with their own secret language and have egged each other on while on stage and are amped up and ready to get down and dirty. Benny and Dean make their way to the room they both knew Brad had set up for the meet and greet. 
“So, Leo, huh?” Benny asks as they get near the closed door.
“Yea. He’s an old friend,” Dean says,  stopping right outside the room. “Listen, Benny. Leo and I have a lot of catching up to do. Maybe you can find your own pussy tonight.”
The Cajun smiles at his friend. “Sure, Chief. There’s plenty to choose from,” he says as he opens the door to see the room filled with women of all sizes, shapes, and ethnicities.
It doesn't take Dean long to find Leo, he is chatting up two of the girls he had chosen. When Dean approaches them, Leo introduces him.
"Ladies, I'm sure you know my good friend  Dean."
Dean smiles as the women obsess over the concert that Dean and the others had put on and how they were "so surprised and honored to be chosen to come backstage to meet the bands." It made him remember the night that he had singled out and selected the person who turned out to be the woman he now couldn't get out of his head, the little sister of his girlfriend in his teen years. Maggie Fitzgerald had once again made her way into his mind. Dean shakes the thought of Maggie from his mind and swoops in for the proverbial kill.
"You, uh….wanna go back to my room? With us? Have a little more privacy."
The redhead excitedly agrees but the brunette is hesitant. Leo tries his hand at getting her to accompany them. 
"Come on, darling. You gonna leave me hanging?" He takes a glance around the room, everyone is coupled up and is in various states of 'meeting and greeting'. “I’m gonna be all by my lonesome.”
The woman smiles widely at Leo but shakes her head. “I can’t. I only came out with a friend. I have a man and a baby at home and I don’t cheat.”
Leo nods his head. “I understand darling. Go take care of that man and that baby.” He leans in and gives her a kiss on the cheek and watches as she walks away. “Damn! Been a long time since I was turned down,” he chuckles and turns his attention back to Dean and the girl. “Feel like sharing?”
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It is a first for both Leo and Dean; to tag team one girl. Dean watches as Leo sinks into the redhead they found to be named Laurel. He is sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room, his hand wrapped around his own cock, spit-lubed hand working his length. The moans and mewls from Laurel causing him to realize he was going to meet his end quickly.
“Fuck, this pussy is good,” Leo mutters as he slams into her. “Dean, you gotta get a piece of this.”
“Well, Lee,” Dean chuckles. “You’re kinda in the way.” Dean watches as Leo thrusts a few more times and then pulls out and tells the girl to get on her hands and knees. Dean pulls a condom from his bag and rips the foil open. He rolls it down his dick and steps up behind Laurel, kneeling on the bed. He can see how wet she already is, her pussy is practically dripping. “Fuck, man. She is drenched!”
“You’re welcome,” Leo laughs from the head of the bed, where he is now positioned on his back in front of their conquest. “Honey, suck me off while my good buddy wrecks that pussy.”
As Laurel sinks down onto Leo’s cock, Dean sinks into her. ‘Damn, Leo was right,’ Dean thinks as he bottoms out. ‘This pussy is nice.’ As he begins thrusting into her and Laurel begins humming out her whimpers and wails around Leo’s dick, Dean’s mind takes him back to that night he was with Maggie and he subconsciously begins comparing this girl to Maggie. Maggie was tighter than this one, Maggie wasn’t as loud and provocative as Laurel, Maggie let him feel her. He missed the sensation of the skin-on-skin touch that he had with Maggie; hell, he just fucking missed Maggie. In the four hours they were together, from the faux meet and greet in the backroom to the moment she walked out the door she had gotten under his skin and in his head.
A particularly loud moan from the whore between him and Leo brought Dean back to the task at hand. He was determined to give this girl a good time and forget about Maggie. He knows he fucked up and there isn’t anything he can do about it, so he turns his attention to the pussy he’s currently buried in. Raising his hand he slaps his palm against her ass, leaving a red print behind and feeling her juices spill out over his dick and balls. “Fucking bitch likes that doesn’t she?” he says as he smacks her ass again. He pummels into her and watches as her head tries to keep up with him while bobbing on Leo’s cock. “Nice slut for a spitroast, ain���t it Lee?”
Leo lifts his head from where he had it leaned back against the headboard and smiles a lazy smile. “I don’t know what is better, De. Her pussy or her mouth. Both are hot and she knows how to use them. I’m about to fill her throat. You better fucking swallow too. You hear me?” Leo says, turning his attention to the girl full of his dick. “Gonna fill that belly full of Webb jizz.”
Laurel nods her head the best she can and looks up at Leo, a smile in her eyes. 
“That’s it, girl. You know you want me to shoot my load in you. You wanna be able to taste it for days.” Leo smiles at the girl and then his eyes roll. “Fuck! Dean spank her some more. She really likes that.”
Dean slams his palm against her reddened asscheeks over and over while thrusting deep and can feel her pussy squeezing him tight. “God damn, you’re right. This cunt is choking my dick. Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Leo leans back against the pillow and lifts his hips off the mattress, pushing his dick down Laurel’s throat as he empties himself. “Swallow it all, bitch,” he says as his body begins twitching and he closes his eyes to enjoy the pleasure of her slurping around him.
Dean grabs Laurel’s hips and plunges over and over into her until he gets his release, holding still until every last drop fills the condom. He promptly pulls out and stands to go dispose of the used rubber. As he is pulling it off, his mind once again goes back to Maggie and how it had felt to just let go, knowing his seed was filling her and what could possibly come of that. Dean cannot seem to get that girl out of his head. And he doesn’t want to.
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Crowley opens the bedroom door in a huff, balking at the sight before him. Dean is asleep, naked as can be with some random redhead sprawled over his body, just as bare.
Rolling his eyes, Crowley vehemently clears his throat, ultimately waking the two from the slumber. The girl shrieks and grabs the sheet to cover up but Dean just smiles widely at his manager, his own nakedness not a concern. Crowley uses his eyes to direct the girl to get dressed and get out.
When she goes to step off the bed, Crowley hears a male voice. “Off. Watch it there, darling.” An equally nude and unabashed Leo sits up from his resting spot on the floor. “What’s going on?”
After Laurel and Leo get their clothes on and leaves the room, Crowley tosses the soiled sheet over Dean and hands him a rolled-up newspaper. “We got problems.” 
Dean opens the edition of Ft. Garrison News and sees the headline running across the top of the page. 
                                Band Pursues Distasteful Debauchery                                                                       Exclusive by M. Fitzgerald
Dean reads the harsh words that Maggie has written about his band, his friends and his heart shatters. He climbs out of bed and pulls a shirt on. 
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“I’ll take care of it,” he tells the man standing in front of him. Crowley glances down at Dean’s exposed lower half and responds. 
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“Might want to put some pants on first.”
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@pink1031​ @spnbaby-67​ @winecatsandpizza​ @joseyrw​ @kricketc28​ @tftumblin​ @markofdean79​ @sandlee44​ @michellethetvaddict​ @lyarr24​
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This is a long one and sad one folks so buckle up.
So I came across some prompts on Pinterest, and this one caught my eye. It's writing but only using voice messages left on a answering machine, I recommend it it's pretty awesome. The ending might be a bit sad, obviously hasn't happened and I don't know when it'll happen.
Also, 'received' is listen to, repeated or replied, and 'not received' is it hasn't been listened to at all.
The brackets are things Rog does, that you would hear but I can't describe as if he was talking. Hint I would pay attention to the status too 🤫
Time received: 12:17
Date: 12/06/1979
Status: Received
'Hey, hey, hey, Freddie-kin's! What's cracka-lackin? (Laughs) It was probably a BAD mistake givin me your home number but..... that's your problem. Anyways, gotta get back to recordin so you can listen to this and kick me arse tomorrow. Love ya!' End of message.
Time received: 22:34
Date: 13/08/1986
Status: Received
'Man, we ROCKED that stadium tonight. Blew its non-existent roof off! (Cheers) You were incredible, can't wait for the next session and tour! Anywho, it's the Deaks birthday in a few days and I was thinkin 'bout throwin a party for him. What'd ya think? Call me back and we can conspire (laughs evilly - then goes hysterical) Oh, got to go, I hear Rory crying. Till then, love ya, buddy-boy!' End of message.
Time received: 20:01
Date: 23/04/1987
Status: Received
'(Voice breaking) H-hey, Fred. Sorry it's late. Sorry I didn't say anything at the (exhales shakily) at the studio earlier, I-I was just so shocked... It's bloody awful that you have that disease, but I promise we'll get through it, the four of us, and you'll be right as rain before you know it. We'll always be there for you, Freddie. Love ya.' End of message.
Time received: 13:47
Date: 22/11/1991
Status: Received
'Heya Freddie. I was planning on coming down today but Phoebe said that you're not feeling so great today. So, I'll leave ya to get some rest. I'll come down and see you once you feel better. Best wishes from Deaks, Bri, the kids and I love ya and hopefully see ya soon.' End of message.
Time received: 08:03
Date: 23/11/1991
Status: Received
'Hey, Freddie, Phoebe said you're feeling better today. I'm glad. I'll pop around tomorrow and see ya, I'm a bit busy today. You'll feel right as rain soon, I'm sure. Anyways, I best be off, love ya, Fred. End of message.
Time received: 10:53
Date: 24/11/1991
Status: Received
'Hey, Fred, it's Rog. I hope you're feeling alright today. I'll pop down to see you all later on, just got to run a few errands first. Catch ya on the flip side, Fred. Love ya.' End of message.
Time received: 18:12
Date: 24/11/1991
Status: Received
'Hey, Freddie-Kins, (laughs) I'm just leaving now so I'll be at yours probably at like.... I dunno around 20 to 7. See ya then. Love ya..' End of message.
Time received: 18:37
Date: 24/11/1991
Status: Received
'Hey, Bud, it's Roger again. I'm, uh, stuck in a bit of traffic right now. So I'll probably be at yours around 10 to instead. See ya soon and love ya.' End of message.
Time received: 18:53
Date: 24/11/1991
Status: Not Received
'.....H-hey Freddie. I, uh, I just got the p-phone call from Phoebe....I know you're not going to listen to this. I just...can't believe that you're g-gone. (Breaks down) oh god. I-if only I wasn't c-caught in that DAMN TRAFFIC. I might of been on time.... I might of been there for you. I-I'm not even that far away. (Pauses) The others don't know yet... god, I don't how they're gonna deal w-with it. 'Specially Deaks. I'll keep a eye on him though.... Still, I don't know how we are gonna go on without ya. I still wanna spread out music, even though you're not h-here (sobs). I b-better be go-ing now, p-people are givin me s-strange looks (chuckles weakly). I, uh, I love ya Freddie. Bye.' End of message.
Time: 04:12
Date: 25/11/1991
Status: Not Received
'(Silence at start) ....At this point, I'm in denial. T-that you're g-gone that is. After the pho- (starts to sobs softly) after the p-phone c-call, I j-just went ho-ome. B-Bri, De-eaks and I all had a b-big cry, when I to-old them. Figured it'd be best if they, if they h-hear it from m-me. God, I really miss you already. If only I hadn't got caught in that TRAFFIC OR HADN'T DONE THOSE DAMN ERRANDS (Roger's voice fades slightly, before a loud impact of a punch can be heard. There is momentary silence, before Roger's sobs are heard) I-I Don-n't Und-derstand. Why they t-take you, F-Freddie? Why? We need y-you. Dammit, I NEED YOU. (Roger's cries are heard once more, before he moves around) I love ya, Fred. S-so much.' End of message.
Time received: 20:19
Date: 27/11/1991
Status: Not Received
'It was your funeral today....still can't believe your gone. Everyone was there for you, Deaks, Veronica, Bri, Anita and even Elton came. I don't think I've ever seen so many tears shed at once. It was a beautiful send off though, exactly like you wanted. Those damn paparazzi were there though. Can't stop them, unfortunately. You're being sent exactly were you wanted to. (Stops momentarily) I best be off before I cry again. Miss ya, Fred. I hope that you're happy. Wherever you a-are.' End of message.
Time received: 23:41
Date: 25/12/1991
Status: Not Received
'Merry Christmas Fred. (Chokes up) It's not the same without you. (Sobs)' End of message.
Time received: 00:39
Date: 20/4/1992
Status: Not Received
'H-hey Freddie.... it was your t-tribute concert tonight. God, you should of seen it. Hundreds upon thousands of people coming together to celebrate you. I still don't think anyone is over it, Y'know? I'm most certainly not. Brian is having a hard time, he's depressed and I damn well know he's been thinkin about....suicide. (Chokes up) I cant loose him, Freddie, I can't b-bloody handle it. D-Deaks is a mess too. He was in a right s-state before we went o-on. I gotta be strong, but it's so damn hard.... We all miss you, Fred. So damn much.... Rufus is starting to get a bit adventurous. (chuckles softly) He keeps looking at that photo of us, Y'know one where we're wearing those stupid sombreros? Anyways, I might as well try and sleep. I love ya....' End of message.
Time: 12:45
Date: 5/09/1992
Status: Not Received
'Keeping this short cuz I'm emotional. It's the first birthday of yours without you. None of ours we're the same this year. Gotta keep a brave face, y'know? (Happy screams of 'Dad!' in background. Roger chuckles softly) Got to go, duty calls. Love ya.'
Time: 18:49
Status: Not Received
'Happy Birthday, Freddie. Love ya. (Breaks downy) Miss you.' End of message
Time received: 19:00
Date: 24/11/1992
Status: Not Received
'.....Its been a year.... A whole year since....w-we lost you. It's still so hard to grasp. I think this is where it all starts to sink in. You're not here anymore. I can't call you if I feel sad, or wanna drink with a friend. Everyone's really different at the moment. Even the kids. They're all practically silent and are so well-behaved. I think they know somethings up. Even the young ones. They'll be a time in the future where I won't spend every last moment of this day crying, but I think that the pain will always be there. In a way, I'm glad that you passed on. You're not in pain anymore, that's the only upside. (Sniffles) Doesn't make the pain of it easier though. I don't know why I do these, I think it just brings me a unknown comfort. S'pose part of me hope that you'll reply. But you don't. Ya never will. (Sighs softly) Felix is calling me, so I'd better go.... I love ya, Fred.' End of message.
Time received: 19:11
Date: 11/10/1994
Status: Not Received
'Hey, Fred. It's been a while, hasn't it? Debbie gave birth yesterday, another little girl. Tiger Lilly. I best be going back to Deb, she'll be wondering where I am. After 3 years, it still doesn't seem easier. But I can't give up. I've got a family to care for. Love ya, Fred.' End of message.
Time received: 06:59
Date: 17/01/1996
Status: Not Received
'You've got a statue now, Freddie. In Montreux. Loads of people where there, it was beautiful. So many people still love ya. You are still changing so many lives. This ones short, but I'm ill and I really need some sleep. Love ya.' End of message.
Time received: 21:57
Date: 01/01/1998
Status: Not Received
'6 years last year. I don't really know what to say today.... Deaky left the band. Said he can't go on without ya. I don't blame him, Brian and I are struggling too. But the show must go on, right? (Chuckles weakly) I'm trying really hard to move on. Okay, I don't cry at any givin moment, but I guess I'm only just accepting that you're gone. Bri and I are gonna carry on, gotta spread your music to the lives we haven't reached. That's all for today. I love ya.' End of message.
Time received: 00:43
Date: 04/04/2000
Status: Not Received
'Good news for once! Deb gave birth again a coupla days ago, another girl. Lola Daisy May Taylor Leng. Quite the mouthful, isn't it? I noticed I'm feeling happier lately, this had really perked me up. Not a day goes by where I don't miss you though.... Anywho, I think Lola is the last for me, I mean I'm 50 odd now. Don't think Debbie and I will last much longer though, we've been arguing a lot. Anyways, better scoot. Got a little girl to look after. Love ya!' End of message.
Time received: 16:23
Date: 03/12/2004
Status: Not Received
'Heya, Freddie! Y'know, I'm a lot happier lately. Deb and I broke up, though I still see the kids. But, I met this lovely woman a last year. Her name's Sarina, she's from South Africa which is pretty damn cool. Still don't know why she came here, it's warm and don't rain so much over there. (laughs) We started dating a few months ago, and I'm more cheerful that what I've been since Lola came along. The only thing that worries me is the fact that she's like, 22 years younger than me? Apparently she saw something good in me. I've got to go and run some errands now, so see ya for now. Love ya, Fred.' End of message.
Time received: 03:39
Date: 29/10/2010
Status: Not Received
'Gosh it's been six years since I left a message to you, and 19 years since you passed. Nothing much has happened though. Brian and I are still preforming. Ooh, I lied, something did happen recently. I got married to Sarina. She honestly makes me so happy, I think I want to spend my life with her. Apart from that, nothing else has really happened. The kids are okay, Bri's kids are okay. Still don't hear from John. I miss talking to him. Sometimes I wonder, would he be preforming still if you were alive? Don't think I'm blaming this on you, cuz I'm not. You couldn't help it. It's just one of those 'what if' moments. Well, it's late, but not too late (laughs gently) sorry just can't help myself. Where was I? Oh, yes, I'd best be off to bed. ... Night, Freddie. Love ya.' End of message.
Time received: 15:21
Date: 13/03/2014
Status: Not Received
'Hey, Freddie. We've found someone to tour with us. His name's Adam Lambert. Young American boy. Bloody amazing voice, can't replace you, of course. We have a tour in a few months, can't wait to see how fans react to him. All well and good I hope! Love ya!' End of message.
Time: 22:50
Date: 23/06/2017
Status: Not Received
'Truth be told, I'm tired as hell. But I just HAD to share this with you. They're makin a film, well biopic, about us. Well, mainly you. About your life. The actor playing you is a dashing American by the name of Rami Malek. They started off those boys hard though. Live Aid, that's the first thing we shot. On day bloody one, none the less. I've got a rather impressive boy named Ben Hardy playing me, said he can play drums. Newsflash, he can't. Well, not till today obviously. For Bri, I think they cloned him. Gwilym Lee. Tall, some say Welsh some say British. I say British though, unless Birmingham is in Wales now? Anyways, will a curly wig on, I can't tell the difference! (Sniggers) Brian's is grey though so that makes it easier. And lastly, playing our lovely Deaks, is Joesph Francis Mazzello the Third. Bloody mouthful, innit? People were saying he's more like me though, well, he certainly is chaotic I'll give 'em that. Anywho, I'd best be off. Love ya, Fred.' End of message.
Time received: 23:02
Date: 25/12/2019
Status: Not Received
'28 years this year. Don't feel like it though. Should be asleep, shouldn't I? Ah well. Sarina's asleep upstairs, so I'm tryna be quiet so I don't disturb her. You were the most searched up artist this year, bloody hell not even here anymore and still higher than anyone else. Beats (sarcastically) Bieber Justin, or whatever his name is. Queen is still one of the biggest bands out there, y'know? You set us up for it though. God, sometimes I long to go back to those days. Brian had a operation few months back, nothing bad, mind. Freaked everyone out though. It's was for, uh.... oh, what was it for? Ooh, yeah it was to relive tension in his heel. It was bloody killin him last tour. He says he'll be alright for the tour next year. Still got Adam. And Bohemian Rhapsody was a big success. Four out of five awards, was it? Oh, I dunno. Too tired too care. Oh.....fudge, I think I hear Sarina upstairs. I'm going to go. Love ya, Freddie.' End of message.
Time: 18:18
Date: 4/07/2025
Status: Not Received
'This one'll be short, don't know when Sarina'll get home. Bohemian Rhapsody was release 50 years ago, Christmas number one may I add. Where did the time go? Some days, I wish we were young and dumb, still at Rockfield. I've locked myself in a cupboard until my song goes on the B-side. You've practically blown a fuse in anger, Brian has lost the will to live and is probably considering leaving the band, and Deaky lives on cheese a toast and hides in that so called room. (Laughs softly) Other days I'm glad I'm here. I wouldn't have my kids, for starters. Or Sarina. Don't know why she puts up with me. Cuz she loves me, I hope. I damn well know I love her. Nearly 36 years ago we lost you. You'd of been 79 this year. Old coot. (Laughs) Anyways, I believe I heard my lovely wife's car pull up. Love ya, Fred.' End of message.
Time: 23:58
Date: 20/03/2030
Status: Not Received
'Coming up for 40 years this year. God, it seems like a distant memory now. I, uh, got some bad news. (Voice cracks) I'm sick, Freddie. Really sick. Like terminal. Doctors say I've probably got less then a decade. Wife and kids took it hard. Haven't left me alone. I've got Sarina curled up on my left side, and Rory on my right. Lola's asleep on Sarina, Rufus is asleep by my left leg, I got Felix on my right and Tiger Lilly in front of my legs. Not that I mind. Don't know how much time I have left. I'll make the most of it though. I might not send another message, either not enough time or I'm too busy. We'll see. Damn, I've got to tell, Bri, Adam and the fans yet. Do ya think I should tell Deaks? Would he care? I might, I'll decide later. Night. Love ya.' End of message.
Time: 06:17
Date: 05/09/2031
Status: Not Received
'(Voice fainter than normal) Hey, Fred. Happy birthday. This is a short one. I don't have a lot of fight left in me. I think- (voice cracks) I think today is my last day. I'm gonna tell my family, friends and fans that I love them as much as I can before I go. I must confess something. I'm in love with you. Always have been. Just my dumbarse was too blind to see it. By the time I did, it was too late and you were gone. Remember you asking me why I always said, 'love ya', I just said it's cuz I love my friends. That's true. But I love ya in a different way. Don't get me wrong, I love Sarina, but I think you hold a different place in my heart, Fred. I'll see you soon. For the last time, I love you, Freddie. So damn much.' End of message.
Time: 22:45
Date: 12/12/2032
Status: Received
'H-hey, Freddie. It's Jo-Deaky here. Not su-ure as to why I'm sending this. Just felt compelled to. Roger pass- (chokes up) Roger pa-assed aw-way last y-year. It wa-as his trib-bute concert tonight. He's with y-you now though. Brian and I decided to work together, just the two of us. At least until we're gone. Rog's kids and Sarina came, poor things they are all absolute wreaks. Bless them. I wish I could do more to help them, y'know? I'm only human, sadly. They're coming 'round for Christmas though. It'll be the first one without Roger and they don't need that of their mind all day. Sarina is currently staying with Veronica and I. Poor thing can barely go 10 minutes without shedding a tear. Can't blame her, she's lost her husband. Who she was very close to, may I add. His kids have been amazing though, stayed with her, talking to her frequently too. It's nearly Christmas, not long now. I hope that you guys are happy, wherever you are. It's a Merry Christmas from all of us down her, and if you can say hello to my dad. Bye, Freddie...' End of message
Time: 13:39
Date: 23/02/2035
Status: Received
'(Starts with crying) H-hello, Freddie. I, uh, heard Deak- Deaky doing this one ti-ime, thought I'd try it. (Clears throat) Deaky passed away last night. Stopped breathing in his sleep. I'm, uh, in the midst of planning a funer- a funeral for him. After, I'm going to do a concert. Just like you and Rog. I think that'll be the last for me. I'm nearly 87 and I've lost my three closest brothers. I can't do it anymore. Adam's is going to headline, with a few others paying their respects to John. It's amazing how many people, already, have offered. News only got out this morning. I'm, uh, I'm going to head off. Got a lot to do. Bye, Freddie. If you're out there. Roger and Deaky, you troublemakers too.' End of message.
Time: 04:21
Date: 06/05/2045
Status: Received
'Firstly, I'm rather shocked these are still around. We've never spoken, never even met actually. But I've heard a lot about you, Freddie. I'm Sarina, Roger's wife. I guess you could say that. Quite frankly, I don't why I'm doing this. I've heard Rog do this before a few times, he seemed to perk up after, so I thought I'd give it a try. It's been hard. Especially after Roger passed, 14 years ago. I met John, he passed away about 10 years ago. Brian went 6 years ago. Anita was 4 years ago. It's just Veronica, the kids and I at the moment. We'll get through it though. ... I wish I had gotten the chance to meet you. From what I've heard and seen, you were a pretty incredible guy. I've got just a little bit of good news for you though! They've finally found a cure to HIV and AIDS. They found the cure for most cancers recently too. So that's some good in this pretty messed up world. Also, it may of took 20 odd years after the MAJOR awareness, but the O-zone layer has healed, greenhouse gas levels are lowering. The poles are getting some ice back. Deforestation isn't such a big issue anymore either, they found a way. It's just the silver-lining in this dark world. People still adore Queen. Like a lot. Adam, bless him, is still going around. He doesn't have Bri, Rog, or Deaky but he's trying. And absolutely killing it, even at his age. It was around 54 years ago you passed away. Gosh, I wonder where the years have gone.... Another thing before I go, I know how Rog felt about you. Mind, he never said it directly, but I had a feeling. I don't really mind, though. But I am glad that I was able to make him happy for a while. I'm okay with that. Right, I'll be going now before I cry. Goodbye, Freddie. Maybe we'll meet someday. In another life.' End of message.
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resmarted · 7 years
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we are eight years old when we have our first lovers’ quarrel. for being second graders, we are very darla and alfalfa, sitting together in the sandbox during our recess period because it is considered something for little kids and we are supposed to be too old for it now. we aren’t. it’s the only place we can seem to be alone, and that’s where all the trouble starts. my friends are sick of me trading them out for a girl, and i’m never sure if their jealousy is over you or me, mainly because we are all nerds and it’s weird if anyone even talks to us let alone a girl. we talk about all kinds of stuff though. you tell me what you dreamt of the night before and i dig piles of sand for you to sculpt things out of, and then we discuss what we had for lunch earlier. we don’t eat lunch together, that’s just too much. i sit with my friends and you with yours and we both hang out by the monkey bars with all our other friends at first, but slowly migrate to the sandbox and that’s when the ooh’s and ahh’s and kissy noises start. we think nothing of it at first, but the tension builds over time. one day i can be heard from across the blacktop screaming, no you’re mean! i slam a rock down when i say it in a frustrated angst and sand blows up into your eyes. you start to cry but i drop to my knees like no no, i’m so sorry, stop. i didn’t mean to, i’m so sorry! hold still and look at me and try not to blink. you do begrudgingly and suddenly i am blowing softly into them and asking if it’s helping. it’s too late though and the teacher on yard duty has been alerted, and before we know it both of our parents have been called in and i’m being suspended and have to see a therapist about my anger issues. i keep saying i didn’t hit her, it wasn’t even on purpose, but it doesn’t matter because it was an act of aggression and now i’m a problem child. you’re too scared to say anything because your parents are there and we are all in the principal’s office and the room is swelling up with pressure, everyone’s eyes are on you. i can’t even remember what we fought about, but i think it had to do with how my friends wanted to hang out that day and i figured just this once i could throw them a bone. i’ve barely seen them since our love blossomed from being randomly paired as fingerpainting buddies. ever since we’ve been inseparable and i was just trying to be fair, you know? my parents tell me to leave you alone and yours forbid you to talk to me. the teachers all know now to keep an eye on us and everyone’s watching us now, for real. we stop talking or acknowledging each other, but we deal with it in fucked up ways, like when your friends convinced you act like you were grossed out by me or when mine would suggest i still wasn’t over you and i would respond by acting like you were just another science experiment. we both bottle our feelings up until seventh grade when we are caught holding hands and kissing at a birthday party, which causes a whole new ruckus when you’ve barely recovered from the first one years earlier. by high school you have become a really surly goth girl, nothing like you were with the abercrombie crowd you were once so loyal to. in all the unlikely scenarios to happen, i became somewhat of a jock once i learned to take my aggression out with a baseball bat and eventually football. one day during junior year i get into a fight with my cheerleader girlfriend, someone whose name you once wrote next to friends 4eva on your trapperkeeper in white-out, was supposed to be my ride that day. i hadn’t taken the school bus in years and almost decided to just walk home, but then i saw you get on. something came over me and i jumped in as soon as they were about to shut the doors. you were looking out your window in a daze, music blasting into your ears, and i walk directly to the back to slide in beside you. you don’t even notice me until the bus starts moving and the first thing you do is shoot me a very angry browed stare. i start to say something but you pull your earphones off and just go, what? i try to say how’s it going and you say no i mean what are you doing here? i say there were no other seats, but there are plenty of seats. this bus doesn’t even go anywhere near my house and we both know it. you say something really vicious like the angry little chihuahua you’ve become, something like, i didn’t know your nose could detach this far from kelly’s asshole, and i can only laugh and say that’s a good one. i’m not as smart or as witty as you, i’m actually terrified of you on most days. i ask if your parents still hate me and you scoff like, why do you even care? i care. i have always cared. i’m the worst thing that’s ever happened to you as far as they’re concerned, and you laugh like yeah that makes three of us. i follow you out to your stop and you look at me like i’m a crazy person before calmly walking ahead. and maybe i am a crazy person, this is a crazy person thing to do, i live nowhere near you and was banned from your life years ago. but here i am chasing after you like it’s another game of tag, except i’m following you home, uninvited and unperplexed. i just want to know why you hate me, or that’s what i say anyway. i want to know everything about you and to find a sandbox for us to dig in together and just erase all the bad parts of our impalpable history. i want to see what’s under your black nylons and what your tiny hand with the chipped black nails would look like in my beast paw. you turn around and say that you don’t hate me, in this way like i’m supposed to know. you grasp at your forehead in this frustrated way like you’re trying to explain where babies come from to a child, and these little wisps of bangs fly out from under a black beanie in the process. look i know your dad doesn’t like me and i’m not the wholesome image of the strapping young man that he expects to be in your life but, and you stop me. what? since when do you want to be in my life? ever since you let kelly give you a blowie at the spring formal you two have been inseparable. i look at you like i’m surprised you even know anything about me, and i am. look, i know kelly was your friend, and you let out a loud scream-grunt into the air. the fucked up part is that i only started talking to kelly in hopes it would get me closer to you, that maybe she would bring you up in conversation and give me hints about your life and who you are. all she did was complain and soon the friendship crumbled and after losing all hope i settled for a vapid drama queen that was just someone to kill time with. i can see your black lace bra through your white blouse, and you’ve got this black sweater and these black boots and i want to know why you’ve drained yourself of color but can’t stop staring at the way your mouth moves and how hard your stare is when you rant at me. i don’t even know what you’re saying anymore and the whole world stops when i lean in to kiss you and you grab onto my face, clawing like the little black cat that you are, and kissing me back with a force i have never felt before. you pull back and smack the shit out of me, my face beating red when you go there, is that what you wanted? we’re in a quiet suburb and everyone is inside watch tv when i drop to my knees in the middle of the street and say yes, and a million more, it’s worth every slap to me. you sneak me into your backyard and the garden your mother grew protects us from being seen when i taste you until midnight and your fingernails clench into the soil. you wear your same goth clothes the next day to school but with my letterman jacket and everyone oohs and ahhs. someone makes a shitty comment about how i’m trading a barbie like kelly for dracula’s daughter and i nearly go postal, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him against the nearest locker. i ask him to repeat what he said and he gives me that shit eating grin that i hate so i grab him by the throat. it isn’t until i hear your little voice speak up beside me like, please don’t. and so i don’t. i let him go and walk away, grabbing your hand with proudest posture. we eat lunch together alone and everyone around us gossips about it the same way they’ve done time and time again. i don’t give any fucks. you give a few fucks, but your shyness is slowly replaced with a flirtatious kind of vibrancy. we make out on the steps outside the library, my grabby hands and your thighs, god those thighs. you have been my forbidden lover since the beginning of time now and all i want to do is to feel and squeeze and touch and grab and god don’t go yet, i haven’t even felt up your boobs, your blouse still has all the buttons done. you start going to my games and i go to concerts with you for bands with names like fragile monsters and fully loaded impostors, and we manage to keep it from your parents for an entire year. when they find out, they’re too tired to even be mad about it at this point. in a surprising twist they see you as someone who is adult enough to make her own decisions and there must be something drawing us back together again and again like this. i actually end up becoming friends with your dad, the most sensational part of all. he’s glad that i got you to open up more to color again and i don’t tell him that i actually love when you dress like the craft and that is basically a form of lingerie at this point, because i don’t want to give the guy a heart attack. same goes for when he asks about the scratch mark on my face, i play it off as something that happened at practice but really i just don’t want to be like actually i was eating your daughter’s pussy so good that in a euphoric spasm it made her involuntarily claw half my face off and i fucking loved it. i fucking love you.
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