#anyway I hope they have stairs like that in the other marcos households or something Idk
gierosajie · 6 months
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.0k
warnings: swearing, zeke
listen to the music masterlist
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Just as you were about to say something else to Mikasa, the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. She let go of your hair and stood at her full height.
"Are you expecting anyone?" She asked.
"No, we're not." With confusion evident on your face, you got off the stool and lightly kicked it under the counter.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you made your way to the front door.
On the other side of the glass, you saw a blond bearded man struggling to hold around five suitcases. He noticed you reaching for the door handle and grinned widely.
"Surprise!" He shouted and dropped his luggage on the marble floor when the door was fully opened. He raised his arms and tried to hug you. Scowling, you evaded his embrace.
"Zeke, what the hell are you doing here?" Your grip on the door tightened with every word.
Zeke frowned. "Do I need a reason to visit my sister?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not your sister. And typically, yes, you would."
"Okay, well, you're like my sister." He paused to adjust his glasses. "Have you forgotten? Eren's twenty-second is coming up. There's so much to do!" His excited facade was transparent to you.
"You didn't care about his twenty-first. Or his twentieth, for that matter. What's the sudden interest in your brother's life?" You raised an eyebrow as he visibly grew nervous.
"Well, you see, uh-" He twiddled his thumbs and your eyes narrowed. "Here's the thing-"
"Spit it out, Zeke." Mikasa cut him off when she rounded the corner. She crossed her arms as she leaned against the staircase railing.
"Mikasa! I didn't know you were back!" Zeke made rapid hand gestures toward her, eager to change the subject.
"I didn't know you were back, either. At least I gave a warning," she uttered, earning an incredulous look from the blond.
"Zeke, why are you here?" you continued.
His eyes briefly shifted to a houseplant before training back on you. "What if I told you I'm not allowed in the state of Nebraska?" He gave you a meek smile and your jaw dropped.
Mikasa snorted. "What the hell did you do in Nebraska?"
"Nothing!" he assured. "It's just that I may or may not be several million dollars in debt and on the run from the police." He looked down at his muddy boots in shame.
"You're WHAT?" You gaped at him. You'd known Zeke long enough to have it figured out that he brought trouble wherever he went but he was usually careful enough not to get banned from a state.
"It's not as bad as you think! I just got into a little quarrel with some guys. Everything is fine. Just let me stay here for a while," he said sheepishly.
"I am not letting a fugitive stay in my home!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not a fugitive! There's no need to use terms like that!"
"You're banned from Nebraska! I'll call you whatever I want!"
"What's all the commotion about?" Eren was walking down the stairs when he saw his older brother at the door. His mouth dropped open and he gripped the railing beside him. "Zeke?!"
"Why didn't you tell me your brother was in town?" You glared up at him.
"Because I didn't know!" He started to flail his arms around while simultaneously trying to make sense of the situation.
"Hey, little brother. Can I sleep in your room?"
"Zeke's not allowed in Nebraska," Mikasa informed.
"What?!" Eren clutched the railing with one hand and his head with the other whilst continuing his descent down the stairs. "What even is Nebraska?" he mumbled with wide eyes.
"Doesn't matter. I wanna know how he managed to be banned from it." You glowered at the man in front of you.
"Y/n, will you please let me inside? It's cold even in March, you know." Zeke pleaded and pretended to shiver.
You glanced back at Eren for a sign of his approval. The house was yours, but Zeke was his brother. It wasn't like this was the first time he needed to stay over, anyway. Unlike mere seconds before, he now held a serious expression. He nodded at you and beckoned for Zeke to follow him.
He heaved a relieved sigh and nearly tackled you with a hug. "Thank you so much, Y/n! You won't regret this, I promise."
It felt like your bones were being crushed by his weight as your face was pushed up against his jacket. He reeked of an old car. "Okay, get off me, old man!" Your voice was muffled as you tried to push him away. He backed up and brushed your shoulders off before grabbing his luggage and disappeared into the basement with his younger brother.
You sighed heavily and plopped down on the stairs. "He got mud all over my floors. I just cleaned them too." Your head fell into your hands as you stressed over Zeke's sudden arrival. As if there wasn't enough on your plate already.
Mikasa laughed quietly as she draped an arm around your shoulders and sat down beside you. The sudden contact made your ears burn red. "Any particular reason for cleaning?" she hinted teasingly.
You lifted your head as you apprehensively stammered out a poor explanation.
She laughed at you again and you couldn't help but wonder if it's always been that easy to make her laugh. You thought about it for a moment and concluded to yourself that it didn't matter what made her laugh, as long as you got to hear it.
A dreamy smile spread across your face as you watched how her newly short hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed like that.
It seemed she noticed your thoughtful gaze because she tucked the hair behind her ear and peered down at you. "What are you looking at?" she whispered.
The sound of footsteps resounded from the stairs behind you. "Woah, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jean smirked when he saw how close you and Mikasa were. He parted the two of you by removing Mikasa's arm so he could walk in between.
Your face grew red when you realized what you had said to her and it grew even redder when you noticed Mikasa had a similar amount of color dusting her cheeks.
"Heads up, I'm going to Marco's right now so if anyone asks that's where I'll be." He corrected the slight wrinkles in his new shirt and grabbed his keys from the key-hook.
Mikasa was quick to add to his words. "It's nice to see you and Marco are still going strong. I'm happy for you, Jean, really." She smiled up at him honestly.
Jean's tinted cheeks gave away his embarrassment. "Oh, thanks. Uh, I'm also really happy for, um, whatever you guys have going on." He grinned but quickly covered his mouth when he saw a look of distress flash across your face. "Uh, sorry, I have to go now. See you guys later." He mumbled another apology and turned sharply on his heel to make a mad dash at the front door.
Mikasa chuckled and shook her head. "He can be such a dork sometimes," she said when the door closed behind him.
"That's true," you admitted softly. You were a little displeased that she kept her arm in her lap instead of wrapping it around you again now that Jean had vanished.
"I take it Zeke's kept up with his habits since I've been gone?" she assumed.
An exasperated sigh left your lips. "He shows up at least once or twice a year wanting to stay. He always owes somebody money but, as far as I know, this is the first time he's been permanently banned from a state. I don't love letting criminals in my household but you know how Eren gets."
"I see. I do remember how angry he'd get with us when we wanted Zeke to leave," she recalled dejectedly.
"I just wish he wouldn't get his hopes up every time he asks to stay." You frowned and tapped your fingers against the wooden stair you sat on.
"I hope he can stay long enough for Eren's twenty-second. It'd be nice if he could spend his birthday with him."
"That can be arranged." You ran a shaky hand through your hair. "Will you be okay at a party for him?" you inquired timidly. Considering what happened the last time she was at a party, you felt the need to know if she'd be alright with going since Eren's birthday was rapidly approaching.
Mikasa was surprised by the question. "Of course I will be. Y/n, you know I'm over what happened. You don't have to worry about what I think. It's cute you care, though." She squeezed your shoulder gently and gave you a reassuring smile.
Before you could respond, she stood from her position next to you and started up the stairs. "I'm gonna get changed. I'll see you later."
When she was out of your sight, you gave a final weighted sigh. You had to figure out what you were going to do with Zeke. The feelings that came with Mikasa being home already clouded your mind, not to mention the stress of Hitch on your ass as well.
For Eren's sake, Zeke should stay for a little bit. Mikasa suggested he should leave once Eren's birthday passes and that made sense. However, that would mean he'd be living in your house for two weeks.
You groaned and leaned back. There was only one person who would know how to help. You spun around and scrambled up the creaky stairs.
Facing the office door, you opened it and watched Armin move hastily to turn off their monitor.
"What are you doing?" You raised an eyebrow and leaned on the doorframe.
"Important research." He swiveled the chair to face you and rested his arms in his lap.
"Yeah, right," you snickered. "Did you know Zeke is here?"
Armin nodded. "I overheard everything. It's not like you people are quiet."
"Okay, so what should I do about it?" Moving to sit on the couch, you placed your hands on the cushions under you.
They shrugged. "I don't know. What should you do about it?"
"Come on, Armin. I came in here because I need your help with this." You sent him a worried glance.
"Y/n, at the end of the day, this is your house. You decide who stays and who doesn't. If you want him here, let him stay. If you don't, kick him out."
He couldn't just ignore the obvious issue present. "But what about Eren?"
"What about him? Eren respects you more than he respects anyone else. He wouldn't want to do something if you weren't comfortable with it. The guy trusts you with his life." He spoke like the answer was so clear.
You pursed your lips and thought over what they said. "I don't want to hurt him, though."
He wore a compassionate smile. "None of us do, but the difference between us is that he would listen to you.  So, with that said, how long will you let Zeke stay?"
You looked down at your hands and thought back to your conversation with Mikasa and about the conversation you just had with the man across from you. "He can stay until Eren's birthday party. When that's passed, he'll have to leave."
When you looked up, you noticed Armin was still smiling at you. "I knew you'd make a good decision."
"I always do, don't I?" You joked.
He snorted and adjusted his chair to face his computer again. "You wouldn't be able to without me."
You feigned offense and stood up. "You're too cruel."
"Sure I am. Now leave my office, peasant. I'm busy." He waved you away with a dramatic flair of his hand.
You scoffed. "I bet you don't have actual work to do and you're just being a freak on the internet, like usual."
He flipped you off. "If you don't leave I'll have to use brute force."
"Whatever, whatever, Armeen, don't be harsh." You sauntered out of the office before he could scold you about the nickname.
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posted: 8/31/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no edits, reposts, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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In Your Dreams
"What?" Star asked innocently with her arms behind her back. She tilted her head adorably as she stood in front of the Diaz household… or what's left of it.
A few pieces of rubble here and there, embers scattered on the lawn, a couple of walls still standing, and water spraying from where the bathrooms should be. "It's… not as bad as it looks?"
Marco wasn't sure if he should be mad, shocked, or laugh. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating or having a heatstroke from the summer sun. Thinking back, he probably should've expected something like this to happen. After all, he did ask Star to watch the house for an entire week while he went to karate camp. An entire week... "How did this happen?"
"I was baking a cake."
"A cake…" Marco looked back at the house. "...Star, I understand that ovens can blow up, but it doesn't destroy an entire house!"
"I kind of forgot how to use it."
"But you bake brownies all the time."
"I was also a bit sick…"
"Sick? Well, are you feeling better-"
"Your parents should really hide that special soda someplace else."
Star turned away, embarrassed at her actions. "Heheh… Yeah, you did…"
He glared at Star before letting out a sigh. "...Well at least you're okay… but the house!"
She looked back at the mess behind her. "Ummmm… I can fix this."
He hesitated, unsure if he should trust Star's spellcasting- wait, what is he talking about? The house was already destroyed. What could she possibly do that would cause more damage? "Just… don't make too many changes."
"Okay!" The princess turned and pointed her wand at the house. Without uttering a single word, a transparent pink beam enveloped the area, pulling back chunks of debris and infrastructure together to recreate the house. After several seconds, Star lowered her wand and smiled back at her friend. "All done!"
Marco stared in disbelief. "Wow… You actually did it. You're magic is getting better."
"I try my best."
"Good job, Star," he said as he dragged himself inside, carrying his luggage with him. The princess watched him walk in a zombie-like manner, exhausted from his intense week of training. The two entered through the door and saw that everything was perfectly back to normal. No chips, no cracks, no discoloration. She managed to replicate the house perfectly. Impressive… Marco yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap. I'll see you in a few hours." He headed upstairs, letting his duffle bag scrape against the brand new stairs.
Star frowned and leaned against the railing as she watched her friend slowly ascend with each step. "A nap? But… you promised we would go see that new movie about the thing and the person and the place!"
As vague as she sounded, Marco knew exactly the movie she was talking about. "I'm sorry, Star. It's just that I'm really tired and my entire body is aching. Do you think we could see it tomorrow?"
"But what about school?"
"Star, the last day of school was a week ago. Why do you think we haven't been there?"
She thought about it for a moment before finally understanding the concept of a summer vacation. "...Oooohhhhh… So that's how Earth school works…"
"Anyway, I promise we'll go tomorrow. Is that okay?"
Star frowned, but nodded. "Okay…"
"Aaannd I'll also make some of my super awesome nachos later."
She gasped, her eyes lighting up with joy. "Really!?"
"For the princess? Of course."
"Awwww thanks, Marco!" She smiled and twirled herself around, performing a curtsy to the boy. "I await your return!"
"Uuuuuuugggghhh…" Star moaned in boredom. Painful, torturous, agonizing boredom. She slumped on the couch, flicking through the channels, trying to find something to watch as she changed positions periodically. Eventually she found herself lying upside down with her head hanging off the edge and her legs over the couch. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Soooooo….. Booooorrrreeeed…" She looked at the time.
Five thirty-seven. Exactly seven minutes since Marco came back.
"Who knew seven minutes could get so boring…" She looked back at the TV, hoping something would catch her attention. Criminal shows, zombie shows, sports shows, kids shows… Sometimes she wished she never had dimensional scissors. She visited so many other exotic and exhilarating places, that these TV shows seem rather lackluster. That is unless Marco's there to watch with her, in which case, things were much more fun. She wasn't sure why though. Maybe it was because of Marco's enthusiasm for these shows. Or maybe she just simply enjoyed being around him. Regardless of the reason, he wasn't here which means the show is boring.
"Guess that's the end of this distraction," she muttered as she turned off the TV. "Marcoooo, sleep faster. I want to have fuuuunnnnn…" Maybe she could visit Father Time and skip forward a bit. Although, messing with time is never a good idea. Besides, she'd never hear the end of it from her parents… or Marco… Maybe she should also take a nap. Sleep the day away. Her dreams had to be more exciting than waiting around for Marco… wait, dreams…?
Star quickly sat up with a new, fun idea. "That's it! I'll just jump into his dream!"
She grabbed her wand and ran upstairs to Marco's room. Star quietly opened to door and peeked in, seeing Marco sleeping soundly on his bed. She tiptoed her way to the boy and pulled up a chair next to the bed. His chest slowly rose and fell as he rhythmically breathed in his sleep. He seemed so peaceful with his relaxed expression on his face. Like nothing could ever break his tranquility. Star giggled at the sight of how relaxed and calm he looked. "So cute." She pulled out her wand and tapped it to Marco's forehead. "I'm sorry for invading your privacy again, Marco," she whispered before chanting a spell, creating a glowing link between his head and the wand. She then tapped the wand against her own head and felt her eyes become heavier. Her head fell forward, landing next to Marco's side. She tried to keep her eyes open, but the sudden wave of fatigue was too much, forcing her into a deep sleep.
Star opened her eyes to find herself in the middle of a hallway. Blurred faces of people walking around with books in their hands, some looking as if they were conversing with each other, but all she heard was the generic babble of multiple people talking at once. It was impossible to ascertain what they were saying. It seemed like it was just background noise to fill in the gaps left in the dream. She explored a bit, recognizing the layout of the building she was in.
"C'mon Marco, school? You couldn't have dreamt of something more fun?" she muttered. "Marcooooo! Where are youuuuu?" She squeezed through the crowd of imaginary people blocking standing around. "Marcooooo!"
"...and that's why I didn't think we needed one."
"That's pretty crazy, if you ask me."
Star's ears perked at the sound of fully formed sentences. That must mean Marco is nearby! She quickly ran towards the voices, pushing through the crowd. As she made her way into a clearing, she saw Marco talking with… Tom?
"Yeah, totally. But I gotta hand it to you, Tom, those portals are pretty useful though."
The demon smiled. "That's why i'm the best."
Marco rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna go meet up with Star. I'll catch you later!"
"Alright, don't have too much fun. Otherwise I'll burn you to a crisp."
"Still jealous, huh?"
Tom shrugged. "I'm just saying, you two seem to get along reeeaaaal well together. Not a fan of that."
Marco simply shook his head. "Will you get outta here?"
"Hmph. Fine. See ya, Marco." With that, the two went in separate directions, but the demon instantly vanished as soon as Marco turned around.
Star scratched her head with the wand, letting out a small grunt. "Tom's at our school, huh? Dreams are weird… Wait, Marco's going to meet me? Oohhh! I wanna see what the other me looks like!"
"What are you talking about, Star?'
"GAH!" Star jumped, spinning around and pointing her wand at the person behind her. "What- Marco?"
The boy smiled. "You sure are jumpy today."
"But- but- how did you- I just- you were…."
"You okay, Star? You're not going through another heat stroke, are you? I told you, it gets hot around here."
Star took a moment to collect herself. She let out a sigh and muttered, "Right, right, this is a dream… weird stuff happens in dreams…"
Marco tilted his head. "What did you say?"
"Oh, nothing…" Now what? She didn't actually expect Marco to come talk to her. She just wanted to watch what happens in his dreams, but now she's apart of it. Wait, does that mean she took the place of dream Star? Is dream Star still out there somewhere? Could she affect the dream just by thinking about things? "I wonder…"
"You're acting kind of strange…"
Well, since she has his attention, she might as well play along. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Hey, let's go on an adventure!"
"We can't just ditch school, Star."
"Psh, why not? Janna does it all the time."
"Janna is a bad influence on you."
"Says the 'misunderstood bad boy'," she teased, nudging his arm.
He sighed. "Yeah, yeah. Look, let's just go to class, alright?"
Star raised her finger, about to argue back, but the environment changed before she could say a word. She looked around at the familiar classroom that she dreaded so much. "Great. Now I'm bored in a dream."
"Star Butterfly?"
She looked at the front of the classroom to see Ms. Skullnick with a clipboard in her hands. "Uh… here?"
"Yes, I know you're here. Why aren't you at your seat?"
"Uhhhh…" Star looked around to see everyone staring at her. Rather than going to her usual spot, the princess smiled and shrugged. Time to make things a little more interesting. "That's a great question, Skullsy."
"Well, I'd appreciate it if you'd sit down, Star."
"But, how can I sit down… if there's a giant monster over there!" she exclaimed, pointing at the corner of the room. While nothing was there at the moment, Marco quickly turned around, and his subconscious filled the gaps, producing a large insect-like creature in the classroom. The kids began to scream and run out the door while Star pulled out her wand. "So that's how dreams work… Alright, Marco! Let's do this!"
"I-I don't know, Star! This one is kind of big for just me to handle!" he protested as the monster approached them.
"Psh, please, Marco. Your wand is just as powerful as mine."
"Wha- My wand?"
"Yeah, you know, the wand you always keep in your- uh... back pocket!"
Once again, the boy's subconscious filled the rest of the details in, creating a new wand in his pocket. He reached behind him and to his surprise felt the magical object in his hand. "What?" He held it in front of him. It wasn't all too different from Star's wand. The only thing that set it apart was the color scheme of red with white trimmings and a blue star in the middle. "Since when did I-"
"Narwhal blast!" The monster flew back against the wall. "You gonna stand there, Diaz, or are you gonna use that wand of yours?"
Marco seemed utterly confused, but went along with the situation. "Um… Narwhal blast?" The wand shot out a spell, the recoil making Marco fall back onto the ground. The spell hit the monster again, this time making the creature disappear from existence. "Woah!"
Star put her hands on her hips, smirking at her friend. "Not bad for a beginner."
"Thanks. I… learned it from you?" he questioned himself more than to Star. "Man, this is all so weird…"
"I know, right? Dreams make no sense."
"Oh, don't worry about it." She took a look around the room. "Hm… looks like that monster scared everyone off… c'mon, let's see what else we can do around here now that you have your wand."
"Uh… alright…?" The two exited the classroom and walked down the hall through the crowd of people. "So, where are we going?"
"I don't know. That's up to you. I just want to see what we can do in this place!"
"But we've been going to school for an entire year, now. I'm pretty sure you know what goes on around here."
Star giggled at his cluelessness and pat his head. "Oh, Marco. I'm only beginning to learn what we can do. Liiiike…." she looked at the empty space behind Marco and gasped. "Wow! Look at that magical lightning bug behind you!"
The boy turned around and the once empty space now had a small, flickering bug with glitter flaking off of it as it floated by. "Aw, hey little guy."
"Heh. Yeah, I've seen these things on Mewni before. They're pretty rare. They, uh… they… give you the most delicious food ever!"
"Really?" Marco held out his hand and just as Star expected, the bug produced a hamburger from thin air. He took a bite of the sandwich, making his eyes widen. "This… is… amazing!"
"I know, right?" Now that she was getting a grasp on how to manipulate Marco's dream, she wanted to see what else she could mess around with. "So where's your Glossaryck?"
Marco tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"You've got a wand. That must mean you also have a spellbook. And that means you have your own Glossaryck, right?"
"Uhhh... I... don't know. I have my own Glossaryck?"
"Sure! You uh… showed me, remember? She was pretty cool." Star hoped that the information would be enough for Marco to imagine another being.
"Um- yeah! I think I do remember! I'm sure she's nearby somewhere…"
Star pointed at nothing behind the boy again. "Look! There she is!"
He turned around and discovered a magical being floating behind him. She was just as small as Glossaryck, but her skin was pale white with black tattoos over her green eyes. She had a scheme of black and white robes. Instead of a gem on her forehead, she carried a black and white staff with a green crystal on top. She approached the two and huffed. "You know, I look away for one second, expecting everything to be all calm and orderly, but nooooo. I come back and see everyone in a panic. Great job, Marco. The hero of the day award goes to you."
"Hey, at least we stopped that monster- ow!" The little fairy creature thing hit his head with her staff. He rubbed his head and glared at the small being. "What was that for?"
"For being irresponsible, that's what. You let a monster sneak up behind you and you didn't even use the spell I taught you. What's the point of me teaching you how to use your wand if you never use it? I mean, really Marco. You- Oh, hi Star!" Her expression changed immediately from annoyed to joyful at the sight of the princess.
"Oh, heyyyy... you…" Star said in hopes not to offend the magical being.
"You don't remember my name, do you?"
"No no no no, I remember your name! Your name is… um… yeah, I don't know. I'm sorry."
The small woman pouted. "Hmph. No one ever remembers me. Just because Glossaryck gets the spotlight all the time doesn't mean I'm any less important."
Marco approached her, attempting to cheer her up. "Don't worry. I remember your name, Indexia."
"Indexia?" Star repeated to herself.
The fairy crossed her arms and turned away. "Yeah, but you're supposed to remember my name, num-nuts. I'd be even more disappointed if you forgot."
Marco rolled his eyes. "Gee, sorry for being nice."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you're lucky to have Star around. She saved your butt."
"I could've taken care of myself!"
"Suuuure you could. That's why you need me to teach you magic, right?"
"Yeah, definitely. And you're a great teacher, by the way," he said with just as much sarcasm as he flicked the fairy away.
Indexia growled at the boy's action. She flew up to Marco shoulder and zapped him using her staff. "Why thank you, my grateful student." The two were face to face as they glared at each other.
Star smiled at the their interaction. Indexia was certainly no Glossaryck, but she was just as interesting as the little man. "You two sure are great friends, aren't you?"
"Yeah, the best," Marco muttered. "You can tell by her sarcasm."
Indexia flew up and sat on Marco's head. "Well you know what they say, boy. Sarcasm is the best form of friendship, and friendship is magical. So that means sarcasm is magical."
"Then you must be the most powerful magical being in the universe."
The fairy poked his head with the bottom of her staff. "As a matter of fact, I am. I rival Glossaryck, after all."
"You definitely beat him in terms of annoyance."
"What did you say?"
"I said you're just a joy to have around."
Star couldn't help but giggle at their banter. Marco definitely has an interesting mind with his creative imagination. This place is proving to be a lot of fun for the princess with the dream manipulation and everything. Maybe even comparable to the Bounce Lounge… alright, maybe just a little less fun than the Bounce Lounge. Nothing beats the Bounce Lounge.
Star stretched her body, feeling a new wave of fatigue wash over her. "Alright, well, I think I've seen enough for one night. Pretty cool stuff you got here, Marco. Maybe next time, don't start us off at school."
"Star, you're not making much sense today. The sun's still out. And what do you mean by 'don't start us off at-'"
"Oh, silly Marco. Don't worry. You'll probably forget everything that happened here. Buuuut at least I got to meet little Indexia here, heehee~" she patted Indexia, making the fairy giggle.
"I don't know where you're going, princess, but be back soon. I can only take so much of this boy's simple thinking."
Marco picked the fairy off his head and gave her an annoyed look. "I'm sorry, who are you? I can't remember. Oh, that's right, no one does."
"Well played, human."
Star pulled out her wand and waved. "Bye guys! I'll see you tomorrow night!" Before they could say their goodbyes, Star tapped her head with the wand and watched as the environment faded to darkness. She felt herself be pulled back into her own mind and the sounds of Marco and Indexia bickering became muffled until all was silent and dark.
Marco entered the kitchen, letting out a yawn followed by a stretch. He saw Star in her pajamas happily eating a bowl of cereal. "Morning, Star."
"Good morning, Marco~" she sang as she took another bite.
The boy grabbed a bowl and took a seat next to Star, pouring his breakfast out. "Man, I had a weird dream last night. You were there, a monster showed up, I think Glossaryck was a girl or something…"
Star laughed. "I don't know, Marco. That sounds like something that happens, like, every other day."
"Maybe… Oh, and I think I borrowed your wand? And Glossaryck was pretty annoying in that dream… well, he's kind of annoying all the time... actually you're right. It does sound like every other day."
'Aw. Poor Indexia. I guess no one really does remember her.' Star shrugged. "Sounds to me like someone's jealous of me~"
Marco raised an eyebrow. "Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"
"Monsters showed up? Glossaryck was there? You had my wand? I may not know about psychology like you do, but that sounds like a case of jealousy. And that's just adorable~"
"Trust me, you bring enough excitement in my life. I don't need a magic wand to make things more crazy."
"Awww someone's in denial~"
Marco scoffed. "In your dreams."
Star smiled. "Well… more like in your dreams."
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