pizzaanatomy · 1 year
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monstertsunami · 1 year
some anya for the drawing requests maybe ? :)
the coolest rebel kid youve ever seen
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(keep sending these btw theyre great for warmups and im ALWAYS out of ideas)
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deadlybunmun · 2 years
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I’ve been watching to much spy x family, and now I’ve been Anyafide now xD
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oldmacykerenew · 5 months
Azert az gyonyoru, hogy EV-kent kotelezo a kemenysepres es a semmibol felbukkan egy kemenysepro, aztan konkretan szinte betessekel a sajat hazamba, hogy o jott ellenorizni a rendszert… mikor pedig kerem, hogy igazolványt mutasson, akkor az a valasz, hogy majd bent… hat anyad :D Azonnal hivtam Tomit es elkuldtem a pasit mondvan, hogy majd maskor mert mennem kell (kapun belulre jott, a hazba be se engedtem) - mire o ugy vette h akkor jovoheten kedden 10-re jon. Johet… nem leszek itthon. Csutortokre meg kertem idopontot egy NORMALIS kemenyseprotol. Ne szorakozzunk mar…
Ha munkat akar, meg penzt ebbol, akkor
1. Ne flegmazzon
2. Amikor igazolvanyt kerek, akkor kint mutassa es ne fajjon neki, hogy “ellenoriznem”…
3. Ne alljon a pofamba, mikor kerdezem, hogy hogyan fizetek… szerintem normalis, ha nem engedek be siman idegeneket a hazamba. Faszfej. Igy senki sem engedi majd be… remelem!
A 4. pont magamnak szol…. A KAPUN BELULRE SEM ENGEDJUK legkozelebb es magasabbnak kene lennem, akkor nem ilyen bunko fasz. (Meg jo lenne ha lenne farkam…)
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:33 < some kitzonya doodlez !1!!1! x33 (furr1s is NYAT a "clawraclawter redes1gnya"/"my ownya designya" furreze are my kitsonyaz so purrl33ze respurrect furrat anyad do NYAT use furrem as "des1gnyas furr furr clawraclaters". furrnkz33z.)
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theothersarshi · 2 years
The captain swore polyglot—very polyglot—polyglot with bloom and blood
futu-i morții mă-sii de franțuz nenorocit, bloody tosser thinkin’ ‘e can do what 'e wants here, și futu-i ceața mă-sii, baszd meg az anyad să-mi bag pula, mon poule dans lui cour, știi ce zic, curva asta de blooming fog să-mi trag una, trebea să-i zic eu că hai sictir, cyka blyat
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13 centit letudnál mélytorkozni?
Ha anyad elotte megmutatja hogy hogyan kell akkor persze. 🫶
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Longtimeow no see Ameow,
in my true fashionyable latenyass I have returned from my usual absenyance. Unyalike the other two times though i have checked back nyot to request but to chat. I don't oftenyan send many other letters besides asks anyad thanyanks so I'll try to chanyage that. Now that I setted my promeowise to frequent meowre oftenyan I would like to ask you a questionyanyaire of sorts to assignyan you a random object/concept you remeowind me of. (translated to avoid confusion)
If you were a Pokémon type which one would you be
What's your favorite finger on your right hand
If the item next to you were to get up and attack you how screwed would you be
What's your favorite nursery rhyme
If you were in a room with every fictional character ever created and you had to choose one to shoot who would it be
Do you prefer Yes or no?
What's 6x3
Please anyanswer carefully.
Much love,
That cat obsessed anonyan
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OMG heyyy!! and its ok, you can do whatever <3 ill answer the questionare below, but I hope you have a good day !! <3
HMM probably either water or fairy type....im obsessed with both but id probably lean more towards fairy!
MY RING FINGER i have a callus on it from drawing and I love fidgeting with it idk why
considering its my pile of stuffed animals. I'd probably only be screwed if they tried to suffocate me HFKSKCF-
oo either mary had a little lamb or London bridge is falling down!! I grew up singing both <3
LITERALLY ALL OF THE WEIRD ADULTS IN P5 but specifically kamoshida. I am very passionate abt that game- honorable mention: rook hunt of twisted wonderland
I prefer yes !!
my instinctive answer is 21. lord help me/lh
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konyveimrejtekei · 1 year
Jojo, szar az eleted, de mondtad mar apadnak, hogy nem vagy boldog, es anyad kepebe hogy meg akarsz halni?
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hettie · 2 years
megmondom hol a hatar
ahol en meghuzom az adott szituacioban. ennyike. es ezt ferfiak is csinalhatjak, oket is zaklatjak masok. 
sajnos ugy nottunk fel hogy a szuleink, tanaraink, edzoink stb nem engedtek hogy hataraink legyenek  az "mert en vagyok az anyad"-tol az "azt csinalod amit mondok"-ig. igy egyreszt nehezen tudatosulnak a hataraink (fenyegetett pillanatokban lehet hogy a disszociaciot valasztja az agyunk amitol meg sebezhetobbek leszunk, kosz trauma) masreszt rettenetesen nehez kommunikalni oket, hiszen soha senkitol nem tanultuk meg hogy ezt hogy kell. 
ha pedig megis megrobaljuk a valasz jo esellyel ellenseges lesz, mert a masik nem erti hogy mi az hogy hatar neki errol senki se mondott semmit. ok is ugy nottek fel hogy a szuleik, tanaraik, edzoik stb...
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elfolytottszavak · 2 months
"szerelmes vagy te most is "
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spiritualsoull1969 · 4 months
Unveiling the Cosmic Essence: Exploring the Purusha Sukta in a Spiritual Context
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Purusha Sukta (Hymn to the Cosmic Man
"Sahasra-sirsa purusha sahasra-aksa sahasra-pat | Sarvam vishvam yat tat padam asya yad anyad atindati." (The Purusha has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. This universe, whatever exists, is only a quarter of him. Three quarters of him are immortal in the heaven beyond.) - RV X.90.1
This verse describes the cosmic Purusha, the all-encompassing being from whom everything originates. It reflects the concept of Brahman, the universal consciousness.
The Purusha Sukta, found in the Rig Veda (X.90.1), is a hymn that delves into the profound spiritual concept of the cosmic Purusha. In these verses, the ancient seers articulate a vision of a divine being with a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet – an embodiment of the universal consciousness. This hymn not only encapsulates the essence of Hindu cosmology but also offers a deep insight into the spiritual fabric that interweaves the universe.
The Cosmic Man
"Sahasra-sirsa purusha sahasra-aksa sahasra-pat | Sarvam vishvam yat tat padam asya yad anyad atindati."
The verse describes the Purusha with a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet. This imagery is not to be taken literally; rather, it symbolizes the all-encompassing nature of the cosmic being. Each head, eye, and foot represents the myriad aspects and manifestations of the universe. It is a poetic and symbolic representation that transcends the limitations of the human form, emphasizing the vastness and infinite nature of the cosmic reality.
Origin of Creation
The Purusha Sukta suggests that everything in the universe emanates from this cosmic Purusha. It is the source and origin of all that exists. The concept mirrors the idea of Brahman in Hindu philosophy – the ultimate, formless, and limitless reality from which the entire universe manifests. By contemplating the cosmic Purusha, individuals seek a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the divine source from which it springs.
The Quarters of Existence
" Sarvam vishvam yat tat padam asya yad anyad atindati."
The hymn further articulates that the entire universe is only a quarter of the Purusha, while the remaining three quarters reside in the immortal realms beyond. This division signifies the dual nature of reality – the manifest and the unmanifest. The visible universe is just a fraction of the cosmic whole, with the majority of its essence transcending the boundaries of our material perception. This insight prompts spiritual seekers to contemplate the unseen, recognizing that the ultimate truth lies beyond the tangible world.
Symbolism and Allegory
The Purusha Sukta is laden with symbolism and allegory. The number "thousand" is not to be taken literally but represents infinity and completeness. The cosmic being's multifaceted nature signifies the diversity and richness of creation. The hymn invites individuals to look beyond the surface of reality and explore the deeper layers of existence, recognizing the divine order that underlies the apparent chaos of the world.
Spiritual Implications
In a spiritual context, the Purusha Sukta encourages introspection and contemplation. By meditating on the cosmic Purusha, individuals aspire to connect with the universal consciousness that permeates everything. The hymn suggests that understanding the divine essence leads to a profound realization of one's place in the grand tapestry of existence. It fosters a sense of unity with all living beings, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life and the importance of transcending ego-driven perspectives.
Practical Application in Spirituality
Spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and self-inquiry find resonance with the teachings embedded in the Purusha Sukta. Through these practices, individuals aim to align themselves with the cosmic order and attune their consciousness to the universal truth. The hymn serves as a guiding light, inspiring seekers to navigate the spiritual path with humility, compassion, and a deep reverence for the interconnected web of life.
The Purusha Sukta stands as a timeless testament to the profound spiritual wisdom embedded in the Vedic scriptures. Its verses unravel the mysteries of the cosmic Purusha, inviting individuals to explore the depths of their own consciousness and the interconnected nature of all existence. In a world often overshadowed by material pursuits, this hymn serves as a reminder of the transcendent reality that underlies the visible universe – a reality that beckons spiritual seekers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and divine communion.
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erzeseimrolad · 7 months
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