#why is her hair suprisingly difficult to draw
monstertsunami · 1 year
some anya for the drawing requests maybe ? :)
the coolest rebel kid youve ever seen
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(keep sending these btw theyre great for warmups and im ALWAYS out of ideas)
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #349
“Slender Summoning, Office Detour”
[Doc] Goes out to the hall to hyperventilate for a moment before charging back to the tv room. They touch the server only long enough to blip in and then out of the chat again and leave a message for Deerheart and Yaunfen so they don't worry. There's another crackle as they emerge on the beach and go running up into the jungle- Dawn!
[Dawn] Looks at Lie- I think someone already came looking for you.
[Mort] Doc seems a bit excited.
[Lie] - Oh, uh...
[Doc] Nearly falls over Blake and there's a panicked whimpering and then growl as the wolf snarls at hir- AAA!
[Dawn] Oh for...
[Doc] WOLF! - comes running up-
[Mort] We know.
[Doc] Lie?
[Lie] - Hey...
[Doc] Just... visiting Lie?
[Dawn] She had a little shock and needed to get away for a bit.
[Lie] - By the way, Dawn's going to visit to help me with something
[Doc] Okay? It's not like I'd have a problem with it or anything. But I kinda need her help too.
[Dawn] Narrowed eyes- what are you doing now?
[Lie] - That's the usual question we have to ask when Doc has that expression
[Mort] Laughs-
[Doc] It's just my face when I'm thinking okay????
[Lie] - It's very obvious
[Doc] Huffs-
[Dawn] Sighs- What is it?
[Doc] I need to talk to an.. Outsider? All I have is a name.
[Lie] - What did you do?
[Mort] Why????
[Doc] I didn't do anything!
[Dawn] I'm finding that increasingly hard to believe. What kind of Outsider?
[Doc] Well she's uh... um... - teeny voice- a slenderbeing....
[Lie] - Doc no
[Doc] But she's apparently really nice.
[Dawn] What the actual fuck.
[Lie] - Wait...  She?
[Doc] She's kinda... Slenderman's mom...
[Lie] Facepalms-
[Mort] Is just staring
[Dawn] Why????
[Doc] Because his dad wants to kill one of our friends.
[Lie] - It's why Offender is on our server
[Dawn] So.. doing this might help get Offender off the server quicker?
[Doc] Maybe?
[Lie] - That would be good
[Dawn] .... I guess...
[Doc] Apparently she's not nearly as powerful as her sons either and would probably be grateful to know they're safe.
[Lie] - If she's still alive...
[Doc] I'm not even going to entertain that thought. It doesn't hurt to try right?
[Dawn] They're Outsiders. They're usually pretty difficult to kill.
[Lie] - Yeah but considering how scared the sons are of the father...
[Doc] Slender said that their mom was basically just a brood mare in his fathers eyes. There's a chance neither have even spoken in forever.
[Lie] - Okay...
[Dawn] You know there's no formal framework for this right? Any lore that exisits will be not only new but likely directed at summoning Slender himself.
[Doc] Well uh.... her name is Mirabella.
[Mort] Can't we just do a basic rite? Like raising the dead?
[Dawn] Yes, But it's not going to be a focused point. A name isn't much. Just shouting into the ethers. A loud shout, but shouting nonethless.
[Lie] - One of her sons must have something that was her's...
[Doc] I'm skeptical of that. I think Slender may be the only one who really remembers her.
[Lie] - Well I don't know!
[Dawn] Don't get excited. I can do this. They're just ancient demons. Most of them are ravenous for any attention.
[Mort] But I thought those guys... ate people?
[Doc] Yes.. unfortunately. Mostly emotions but yeah... I don't know what would attract her specifically.
[Dawn] Well.... Is there any kind of common factor in what kind of emotions they like?
[Doc] Not that I know of...
[Lie] - Excuse me, I need to go vomit again
[Mort] Could we use something else?
[Doc] I could spawn a cow? That would make a decent mess.
[Dawn] Maybe...
[Mort] Do we have to make a mess???
[Dawn] Part of ritual is the pagentry, they usually appreciate it. And demons are suprisingly formal.
[Doc] Cow it is. - they fuss around in the creative menu and spawn a very suprised cow-
-There's a sudden rustling in the underbrush as the wolf barrels out and latches onto the cow's neck, savaging it roughly and snarling-
[Dawn and Mort] Skitter backwards in panic-
[Lie] Looks back and starts digging through her inventory for a bone-
[Blake] Is hanging onto the panicking cow and biting it repeatedly-
[Cow] freaking the fuck out.
[Dawn] Runs for her staff -
[Lie] - Hey, here boy!-  Shows him the bone
[Blake] Meaty ripping noises-
[Doc] Holy crap!
[Dawn] Runs quickly around the clearing dragging the staff to make a circle in the sandy ground-
[Lie] Whistles at Blake- Here boy, look what I've got
[Mort] Quickly gets inside the circle, it's big enough to encompass them all as well as the fire-
[Cow] More feeble now, it's getting blood everywhere-
[Lie] Grabs a lasso and tosses it at Blake-
[Blake] Is lassoed and pulled back, but with a rather important chunk of neck still in his mouth-
[Dawn] Is calling corners and patron dieties as quickly as she can, with an extra long invocation to Azrael, footnoted with the comment that he doesn't have to show up personally right at the moment unless he's just not busy.
[Lie] Coaxes Blake towards her- Come here boy, it's okay...
[Bake] Chewing the meat slightly sullenly-
[Cow] Staggers and collapses, it's mortally wounded and barely concious-
[Dawn] Is focused now, the firelight flickering dangerously in her eyes-
[Lie] - Good boy, just stay here next to me...
[Blake] Sits too close and gets cow blood all over her skirt-
[Lie] - ...  Thanks
[Dawn] Is whispering the name with a fevered tone, there's a sense of the jungle drawing closer, lifting up around the circle in the sand- Hear our cries, we invite you into our circle, Mirabella, Mirabella, Mirabella, Slender creature, Outsider, I part the ways to let you enter our world. Come forth that we may greet you! - The fire roars upward as the cow breathes it's last the spark of life hovering, even that morself of energy is unable to leave the witches circle.
-There's a shimmer, almost like a mirror and a foggy view onto the other side.  There is a feel of resistance, like what is being called does not wish to come-
[Dawn] We bekon you in peace, we only wish to commuicate. Please come forth.
[Mort] Whoah...
[Doc] Is watching in wonder-
-The way begins to part and a very tall being falls through.  They wear a long black dress, lined with lace and adorned with silver pieces of jewelry.  The head is wrapped in a silken scarf in a deep purple color the knot and trailing end of the scarf reminiscent of hair.  The groan which comes from the being is absolutely feminine-
[Dawn] Quickly closes the portal behind her-
[Doc] Rushes to help her- Miss? Do you need medical attention?
[Mirabella] - Where...  Where am I?
[Mort] Generally? Earth. Specifically, a really tiny island in the middle of nowhere
[Dawn] Close enough.
[Mirabella] Looks up at those around her- Earth? but...  I am not allowed to be here...  If he...
[Doc] It's okay, you're concealed for now.
[Dawn] The circle is tight. Azrael is specifically watching, but he's not agaitated or anything.
[Mirabella] - Who?
[Dawn] My father. The Angel of Death.
[Mort] Kinda looks like me? But with huge wings and a cloak.
[Mirabella] - I do not know them...  Why am I here?
[Doc] There are a couple of reasons. But I was intending to reunite you with your sons.
[Mirabella] - You will need to be more specific...  I have thirteen...
[Doc] Oh! For the moment Offenderman and.... Splenderman.
[Mirabella] - The ones I sent away?  They are still alive?
[Doc] Yes! Alive and safe, for now at least. Slender knows the Wickerman is looking for Splender, so I'm helping to hide him.
[Mirabella] - My eldest children, they're all safe...  Thank goodness...
[Doc] I guess it's safe to say you won't rat us out?
[Mirabella] - If my husband does not find me
[Doc] That's fair. I'm not going to look down on anyone for being honest that they wouldn't hold up under torture. Or the mind rape of a powerful psychic.
[Mirabella] - But what do you plan on doing with me now?
[Doc] Well first I want to know if you're okay.
[Mort] And it would be a good idea to know what kind of emotions you eat....?
[Mirabella] - Loneliness, I consume loneliness.  And I should be fine, he was rarely ever physically cruel...
[Dawn] Scowls- Rarely doesn't mean he doesn't hit you ever. That's not right.
[Mirabella] - He is just simply too powerful, and the sons with him are just as blood thirsty
[Doc] Then we should depart soon so we don't attract unwanted attention... Oh... The emp! Dawn? Can you make another bag?
[Dawn] We've got incoming.... I have to take it down..!
[Mort] Doc!
[Doc] Anybody have a phone?!?! I don't want to leave mine!
[Mort] Digs out an old Nokia- Will this do?
[Doc] Throw it down, It'll have to do!
[Lie] Just makes sure she has a hold on Blake-
[Doc] Suddenly transforms and uses hir tail to obliterate the dug in circle and fire and push everyone down through a rather messy portal -
[Lie] Yelps as she hits the ground-
[Mirabella] Shudders at the shift between the worlds-
[Jeb] Screams as Doc slams into him and everyone else tumbles out of his ipad and onto the floor of the office atrium-
[Blake] Pees on the floor in a dead panic-
[Lie] - Er, Doc?  Why here?
[Doc] He was awake!
[Jeb] Punches Doc in the eye-
[Dawn] Um... Mirabella, lets go in a different room....
[Dofta] Runs in and shrieks in alarm-
[Doc] What the fuck was that for?!?!?
[Mirabella] Hesitantly follows Dawn, having to duck to get out of the doorway-
[Dawn] Just goes down the hall with a shake of her head-
[Mort] I'm so underdressed for this...!
[Lie] - Dofta it's okay!  They're friendly!
[Blake] Whimper-
[Dofta] Zeros in on him- Is that a wolf???
[Lie] - ...  Yes?
[Blake] Pant pant pant-
[Dofta] Okay then...
[Doc] Jeb... just cool it. We're only passing through. It was an emergency.
[Lie] - Sorry for suddenly dropping in...
[Jeb] I'm getting used to it....
[Dawn] Finds the confrence room with the mossy cobble in it and sits down in a chair- I just need a moment....
[Doc] Where did they go?!??!
[Mirabella] - What will you be doing?
[Lie] - Away from the majority of the servers?
[Dawn] Just to calm my energies. I didn't dismiss anything, Doc just kinda... snipped the phone line I was talking on?
[Doc] Yes!
[Dofta] This way! - pulls on Lie a little-
[Mirabella] - I do not understand your metaphor...
[Lie] Yelps a little as she is dragged along-
[Dawn] I got broken out of my concentration a bit too abruptly?
[Dofta] In here!
[Doc] There you are. Good to get away from the computers.
[Mort] You need one of those emp things we made Splender...
[Dawn] I was thinking the same but I'm short some of the stuff I'd need at the house anyway.
[Dofta] Is it something I can get for you?
[Dawn] Maybe?- She pulls Dofta aside and starts talking to her quietly-
[Lie] Sits in a chair-
[Doc] Mirabella? I'm sorry, I've been a bit rude. I'm Doc. This is Lie, Dofta, Dawn and Mort.
[Mort] The wolf's name is Blake- added in a helpful tone.
[Mirabella] - How do you know my name?
[Doc] I asked Slender.
[Mirabella] - My eldest?  He is still safe?
[Doc] Safe and the head of a decent sized household. He's taken in quite a few other entities and made them into a family of sorts.
[Mirabella] - How wonderful.
[Dofta] Finishes confering with Dawn - I can get what you guys need, there's a rock shop not that far away and I have fabric. You just stay put! - She heads out of the room-
[Mort] Pulls the blinds on the confrence rooms windows closed-
[Lie] - Shoot, I don't think I have my sunglasses...
[Mort] Indicates his shorts and lack of usual hoodie- I know the feel!
[Lie] - Hopefully Dofta gets back before too many other employees show up
[Doc] Peeks out into the hallway and then closes the door before locking it. - I think we're okay for the moment. It's early here at least.
[Lie] Just starts petting Blake-
[Blake] Happy wolf noises, but his fur is still bloody-
[Lie] - Guess you need a bath...
[Dawn] I think you made a friend Lie.
[Lie] - Looks like it...
[Doc] At Mirabella - So basically... where we're going you need to keep the emp to a minimum... it can disrupt the whole world.
[Dawn] Yeah, So I'm going to make you a charm to help you keep it at a low level and not do it accidently.
[Mirabella] - I could harm the world?
[Doc] It's a different plane of existence, sort of? It's composed of electricity.
[Mirabella] - I'm not sure how it is possible
[Dawn] Yeah, it is kinda weird.... - she casts a glance at the mossy cobblestone block in the corner of the room- Everything is like this? Kinda simple.
[Lie] - Splender has adjusted very well to it
[Doc] He's not the only one.... your houseguests have taken to it with gusto. Have you SEEN the house Ever is building? It's pretty big.
[Dawn] Excuse me, but WHAT?!??!
[Lie] - Er..  Weeeeeeeell...
[Doc] They got attacked and their house burned down...
[Dawn] But the tree..?!?
[Doc] It's on the server too.
[Lie] - It's kinda...  Sentient?
[Mort] Well it's not on earth anymore, that's good right?
[Dawn] Well I knew that! But it's still a tree.
[Lie] - I mean, they've been good houseguests too...
[Dawn] Grumbles-
[Mort] I hope she comes back soon.. I feel really nervous....
[Doc] -stomach rumble- Sorry
[Lie] - Yeah, I can't exactly blend in like this...  At least that cop should be having difficulty since CP damaged her car...
[Dawn] Oh geeze, is that woman still bothering Markus?
[Lie] - Yeah, but last time we were here CP messed with her electrical systems
[Doc] Jumps as hir phone rings- Uh huh... Oh... Dawn?
[Dawn] Yeah? - comes over- Why are you trying to hand me a carrot?
[Doc] It's a phone and it's for you- annoyed
[Dawn] Oh hey Dofta... Yeah? I guess a potted one will do... What about something else made of the same metal? Huh, okay, that might work. I'm sorry to put you out... -Wanders over to the other end of the room-
[Lie] - Shoot, I should have sent her with CP's card...
[Mort] I hope she doesn't spend too much... I feel bad now.
[Lie] - I'll find a way to make it up to her, maybe see if Endrea's up for a flight out here?
[Doc] That would be really cool... but we'd really have to go out in the boonies so no one would see her.
[Blake] Flops against Lie's leg-
[Lie] Gives Blake a bit of a vigorous rub-
[Mirabella] Rubs her arms a bit nervously-
[Dawn] Well what about a phone charging plug? Yeah.... and a bandana? Okay...
[Mort] It's okay Miss. There's very little energy here. I don't think we'll be found by anything before we can depart again.
[Mirabella] - He will be furious...
[Doc] From what I've heard, he's on a mission to kill at least one of your kids. He was already furious, and apparently unreasonable.
[Mort] Yeah, fuck that guy.
[Mirabella] - It will be so much worse, especially since my eldest destroyed the path to this world
[Doc] Yes. But he did it to save his brother, it's not like it was malicious.
[Mirabella] - He will want revenge on all five of them
[Doc] Because they protected one of their own? I'm with Mort, fuck him.
[Mirabella] - But that is not how it is done in our realm.  He blames me, says they are weak because I helped raise them...  The other eight, I have rarely ever seen them and have never spoken to them so that he could mold them into a proper image of our kind
[Mort] That's pretty icky.
[Doc] frowns sadly-  You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat the weakest and most helpless creatures they encounter.
[Mirabella] - The only reason he did not kill the happy child immediately is because all of our kind are born with a semblance of a face, it smoothens out after a few weeks into nothing, he was waiting for that to happen, but it never did, instead the features became more pronounced, a disgrace to any of our kind
[Doc] Poor Splender... He just wants everyone around him to be happy. All our friends love him. And most of us know all too well what it is to be shunned or punished for being ourselves.
[Mirabella] - But he wouldn't have survived even if he were to be allowed to live...  There is no happiness there, at least, none from the feeders
[Doc] There's an abundance around my home. Happy villages and children, young dragons and lots of loving couples.
[Mirabella] - That is, good
[Doc] And Slenders house isn't excatly happy, but he does have a small daughter who is playful and there's a sense of camraderie.
[Mort] Sally's a good kid.
[Mirabella] - I was...  Not aware that there were any females of our kind out here...
[Doc] Oh, she's adopted. A little creepypasta he protects. She's perpetually about six years old.
[Mirabella] - A creepypasta?
[Doc] You know about Insanity right? Slender hinted that all the Slender beings were at least aware of her influence.
[Mirabella] - Yes, but she found me too weak to be of any use to her...
[Doc] Then you're lucky. Her and I have almost a rivalry going. But she partners with monsters and humans who like to kill and extends their lifespans in return for partly controlling them. Sally is a ghost that Insanity was holding together.
[Mirabella] - Oh she is still there, she just never speaks to me anymore
[Doc] I can fix that easily... Just remind me later.
[Blake] Gives Lie's hand the cold wet nose treatment-
[Lie] Little yelp at the coldness- Calm down
-There's an urgent knock at the door-
[Dawn] Head whips around-
[Dofta] Let me in please? My hands are full!
[Mort] Opens the door and she nearly flops on the confrence table, spilling one of her bags. She's got two potted plants awkwardly under one arm-
[Lie] - Um...  Dawn?  If you needed plants......
[Dofta] Don't even! They were on sale and I'm keeping whatever she doesn't use! - One is an african violet and the other a lavender-
[Dawn] Is already digging and gathering things into a bandana - It's not going to be as tidy as the last one but it'll work just the same.
[Lie] - I wonder how Deer will feel with three slenders on the server...
[Doc] I just hope she's not mad at me...
[Dofta] Pokes Doc- You owe me lunch at least. I'm sure Jeb will find a way to waste at least part of mine complaining that you're obnoxious and that the wolf peed on the floor.
[Lie] - She'll understand, she always does
[Doc] Okay! Okay!
[Dawn] Is muttering over the finished bag - Mirabella? Can I borrow your necklace for a sec?
[Mirabella] - Certainly- She reaches back and unclasps it, handing the heavy silver piece to Dawn
[Dawn] Ties the little bag onto the back of the pendant and stands on the table to help her put it back around her neck- This will tamp down your emp field. Just don't take it off for any reason, okay?
[Miranella] - I understand- Her tone is very subdued, as she's used to taking orders
[Dawn] Hey, it's just so you don't hurt anyone accidently, okay? There's no need to be so mousy.
[Mirabella] - I...  Apologize
[Doc] Smiles at her- Are you ready to go?
[Dawn] Is trying to read the woman's lack of expression-
[Mirabella] - I...  I suppose...
[Dofta] Do you want to use my phone?
[Doc] The projector screen would probably be easier. - They get up and square up in front of it, before throwing themselves violently forward and opening a way that leads out onto the spawn. On the other side it's a lovely day with only a few clouds.-
[Blake] Boof?
[Lie] Stands up, still having a hold on Blake- Come on boy
[Mirabella] Gains a very nervous aura-
[Dawn] Just strides in with Mort following and notes the announcement of their presence in the chat-
[Yaunfen] In chat- Mama! Visitors!
[Deer] - I see that
[Lie] Goes through next with Blake- You coming Dofta?
[Dofta] No, it doesn't have to be right now. I'm gonna dispose of the evidence of my shopping trip first. I'll call Doc later.
[Doc] Good enough.
[Blake] Interested sniffing!
[Mirabella] Nervously steps through the portal-
[Doc] Makes sure everyone is through and closes it. Xe gives a happy strech and is immediatly pounced on and knocked down by Yaunfen in their dragon form-
[Yaunfen] You toooookkkk fooorrreeever!!!!
[Offender] Immediately senses another slender being and lets out a deep growl, shifting to his taller, more enraged form-
[Splender] - Brother?
[Deer] - Welcome back love
[Doc] Ooof..... - Xe hugs them as much as they can reach - I didn't do it on purpose...
[Yaunfen] Rolls over to let them up. - You brought a big lady? And a doggy! Hi Dawn! Hi Mort!
[Mort] You got so big!
[Dawn] You look great kiddo.
[Mirabella] Is very unsure and remains quiet-
[Offender] - Stay.  Here.- He lunges over the water, racing for the source of the threat
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aurasweirdcorner · 6 years
The TNAR AU (not really)
Rachel -The leader. -Protective as hell over her friends. You touch them, You Die. -Has (accurately) tagged down The Thing as a "dangerous indivual" by this point so now she gives him the Thousand Yard Glare(tm) whenever he passes by ("Hey, what the hell are you up to?" "Nothing! I don't know why you'd assume-" "...What did you do this time?" "..." "...I may or may not have murdered the guard..." "Goddamit not again") -She instantly becomes the adoptive mom of any and all children who walk in. I don't make the rules. -Surprisingly friendly for someone who's perfectly capable of murdering a man with nothing but a broom. -Tries very hard to keep things from spiralling out of control. She's Failing. -Legitimately nice bc look, there's too much Rachel negativity on the humanizing community and i'm gonna change that- Doug -The good boy (Also Rachel's right hand). -Energetic. (Please, for the sake of Rachel's sanity, don't give him any energy drinks or foods) -Didn't Think This Through. At All. -Kind of in charge of making sure that neither Rachel or Ray pick any fights that WILL get them killed. It's a suprisingly hard task. -Probably listens a lot more when he's told not to do a certain thing nowadays. I mean, hopefully, bc the last time he didn't ended up Badly. -(note: the "screech" is the jumpscare noise. I don't know how it's called in-universe and i'm too lazy to look it up). Has been known to have accidentally startled himself with his own screech once. He's never gonna live it down now. -You'll often find him near either Rachel or Ray. Which means that hurting him is basically a suicide mission. Don't try it, please. Ray -The wanna-be bandit. -Just as protective as Rachel is ("You try to hurt these mofos, buddy. I fking dare you") -Didn't Think This Through At All, part 2. -Either really serious or really smug, there's no middle point. -Sees straight through your bs. -Steals random things and hoards them in his hut. Sometimes he gives them back after some time. Other times whatever he took vanishes forever into the void and you're never gonna get it back. -Once was really, really tired and told The Thing to "grow a spine, everyone here's died at least once" after the latter had been rambling about how he'd been murdered. Ray may have ended up on repairs for a full week, but he still regrets nothing. Pete -The batterist and also the designated cook. -You'd think Bane would be the one who is scary when he's angry, but no. Don't make Pete mad unless you Wanna Die. (Luckily enough, it's hard to make him mad. But fools always manage.) -Has good aim when throwing knives. Don't ask how we know that. -Tells bad jokes and even worse puns. -Makes waaay more food than anyone's gonna be eating. Then he eats it himself. -Has a bad habit of quietly sneaking up on people, accidentally startling them. Has it gotten him punched in the face before? Yes. Multiple times, in fact. -Once made with Bane a fort of boxes backstage and it's still there nowadays. Bane -I don't remember what he does rn. -Has a veeery short temper. But, then again, what you'd expect? -Loves small animals, particularly kittens. The janitor doesn't love having to brush cat fur off his clothes. -Actually doesn't really mind the color red. It's the fools who thought it would work that make him get mad anyway. -He's definitely gotten his horns stuck in the wall at least once. -Swears a lot when he's with the other animatronics or with adults, but never around children. -Would probably lose a fight against a butterfly. Racquel (Shadow Rachel) -The Nice Girl(tm). -Really done with The Thing's shit, honestly. -Trying her best so that no one dies. It's more difficult than it sounds. -Just sort of started talking to Rachel one day and she didn't even question it. Seriously, Rachel just kind of accepted it. "Yep, this is my day now". -She's currently the group's ghostly older sister, because everyone needs a ghostly older sister. -She doesn't fully get how the whole "phasing through walls" thing works. She's tried to test it out. Keeps getting stuck halfway through. -Has suggested sewing the curtains closed before, if it helps put her thoughts on The Thing in perspective. Rachel actually went and did it. The boss was pretty mad when he came in to find the curtains in shreds. The Thing -The Jerk. -MURDER. -Can somewhat get along with the animatronics when he's in a good mood. Somewhat. Still below average. -Absolutely HATES being in the coffin and will jump at any possible excuse to avoid it. -The weird uncle who wants to burn the house down. -"Boss, why is there a coffin in the back?" "Uhh... Decorations" "HE'S LYING!" "YOU SHUT UP-" -Wasn't out originally, but when he did get out, there was absolutely no way to put him back. -Once got found out by a couple kids who apparently didn't read the "STAFF ONLY" sign. He ended up with his hair braided and a bunch of drawings that he has nowhere to put. -Bad Choices(tm).
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