#antithomashamilton for ts
laufire · 1 month
For Black Sails
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I've seen at least one bad take but the cumulative worst... I'm thinking either silver, who gets some really funny hate that completely misses the emotional core of the show, or thomas. probably thomas, yeah. a lot of people genuinely seem to believe that guy was soooo revolutionary or smart or impressive... when so many characters in the show are so far beyond of anything he could dream. including flint, even if I wonder whether he might've had trouble accepting that (if we take the plantation reunion as canon, he might expect or hope thomas has changed as much as he did and... I have my doubts).
(this is making me want to prod at my old idea of "what if max had been succesful in sending silver to the plantation and he meets thomas there and is like... really? this guy?" xDD)
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laufire · 4 years
☕️ + Thomas Hamilton
This one-month-old ask is not going to win me any friends, but alas xD
All in all, once I finished the show and took stock (and after multiple rewatches for editing and writing purposes, of course): I am, in one word, underwhelmed.
I’m willing to admit part of that is on my own biases and shallowness lmao. I worried about it before we actually met him because aesthetically speaking, the actor does nothing for me (I don't just mean in terms of attraction, I'm not attracted to the guys in this show but that hasn't stopped me from adoring some of them. He just looks plain to me), but I thought maybe he’d have the energy or acting choices to compensate it and... he didn’t. Perhaps it’s only because he didn’t get a lot of time to shine, but it is what it is. I didn’t dislike him, but I don’t love him either, and I have little to no urge to speculate or develop him further than canon ever did, which, tbh, wasn’t that much.
And that’s my main issue. My dash practically sold his love story with Flint as the central, most important pair of the story and it really, really isn’t? It’s not just a matter of screentime, because there are shows where for whatever reason an important and key dynamic is constrained, like for example due to actor’s schedules, and yet in those cases it doesn’t really matter. The substance is there.
But Thomas never exists in the story for himself, and neither do his relationships: he and they always fit into a grander scheme, up until their very last moments; they always prop somebody and something else. That’s not what I expected, after how everyone talked about it. It doesn’t bother me in itself, as he and his relationships are fairly low on my lists of priorities, but after hearing how it was this Big Queer Rep Thing... they’re alright, but again: I remain underwhelmed.
As an aside, I also find the tendency to idealize him annoying lol. I don’t think Nassau and the characters we know and love there, let alone the Maroons, would’ve been better off with him in Rogers’ position.
send me ☕️ + [topic] and i’ll tell you my opinion on it!  
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