#anti oj simpson
grayluforever · 2 months
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summerreign4077 · 2 months
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At least OJ can rest peacefully now that his ex wife’s and her friend’s killer is now dead.
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anthroxlove · 2 months
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schooltrashers · 29 days
Under my "Woke-Man" account on X/Twitter, I've been exploiting the weakness of Leftists hatred of OJ Simpson by calling them a racist white supremacist Nazi. They hate it when their own side calls them out. The biggest fish was triggering Xanderhal into blocking me!
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truegeorge · 9 months
Get Trump on Trumpeted Up Charges
Well, True_George came across an interesting interview on Vlad T.V. The host, D.J Vlad was interviewing the fame Lawyer Alan Dershowitz. The interview touched on a few subjects, after all he was on the inside representing infamous controversial figures, such as Mike Tyson, handling Tyson’s rape conviction appeal. Dershowitz was also a member of the O.J Simpson’s infamous dream team of Lawyers,…
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iamafanofcartoons · 8 months
No , RWBY is neither misogynistic nor homophobic...it is every bit the opposite
Rwby not written for the male gaze. Redesigns made by critics focus on sexualizing women.  RWBY has women show much less skin than the typical fairy tail woman. Also their clothes have pockets and pouches. Rwby is not written for the patriarchy.
So Personally I've always felt like misogyny was always made by the critics. A common thread in a lot of that group's criticisms seems to come down to not liking that some of the show's villains embody male power fantasies, and that the positive male characters it has aren't the main characters, with the female characters being a harem for them.
It's a female-centered story whose true focus is its main characters' growing and supporting each other through their weaknesses and struggles, and a lot of men can't stand it.
Rewrites and AUs focus on men, on straightwashing women, on validating edgelords, on telling women that they suck. And more importantly,  rewrites are obsessed with not letting women be right about anything or important unless they're tied to a male protagonist story.
But Rwby is about giving women roles typically held by men. Women not requiring men for authority, or guidance, but instead being men's equals. Or in the case of the female antagonists? Having mental superiority over deconstructed edgelords like Adam taurus or the "ends justify the means" deconstruction of ironwood.
They have girlfails like Cinder, who you can hate, but also admire that she keeps coming back and refusing to give up.
They have badass grannies like Maria Calavera.
They have autism-coded women.
And unlike Naruto? Women can actually WIN a 1 on 1 fight against a male opponent.
Edgelord is what incels see themselves as. Incels also see themselves as victims of women. They also see themselves as tragic,  misunderstood,  or entitled to an ego.
Adam is the example of the incel: "I was hurt by society, so I am going to make it everyone's problem! I am a hero of justice, for I am giving the world the justice it deserves! I am an underdog!"
That's how incels, conservatives, otakus see themselves.
They saw Adam as a Vergil Sparda. A dude who murders countless innocent lives for the sake of power.....who believes that power is the only thing matters. He ain't morally grey, he's evil. But he's cool, and to a lot of very emotionally immature people, coolness means morally grey or anti-villain/anti-hero. Adam was introduced trying to rob a train and blow up innocent people....people accused blake of being a murderer and trying to blow up the train, then running from adam. Adam was shown in volume 2, as a cult leader neglecting the deaths of his people. As with "Burning the candle" Yang and Blake scene, RWDE and RWBY Critics disregarded that because it ruined their headcanons of what they wanted Adam to be.
How many Adam fanfics have you seen where Blake is written as the one abusing adam?
Male abusers see themselves as victims of women.
Coffeehouse Crime, Danielle Kirsty, Eleanor Neale. Look them up on Youtube. They cover multiple cases of murderers and abusers. And the details that go into emotional and mental abuse/gaslighting? They cover them all. Including how society turns a blind eye to abuse if its not physical. Which is what Adam fans do.
Btw, if you want an example of a murderer who was an IRL abuser? Just look up OJ Simpson, who got away with both thanks to his fans.
RWBY covers emotional abuse, shows the damage it can do, and shows through Blake the recovery.
Arryn has been a victim of IRL cyberbullying from blacksun fans, BobxEliza fans, and Adam fans.
To where she's had to deactivate her social media.
Art imitates life....RWBY Critics harassing voice actresses. Though thefloofartist actually sent CRWBY gore fanart of Bumbleby and tauradonna ntr fanart, that was horrific.
Roman Torchwick is an example of charismatic sociopaths being the criminal: Society was mean to me, so I'm going to be racist, steal from the elderly, and hurt kids. Sure he has charisma as a character....does that excuse racism, calling Emerald a Street Rat, trying to rob old men, and shooting teenage girls
Jacques emotional abuse and gaslighting, something many people refuse to acknowledge unless its clearly spelled out from A to Z. One Adam taurus fan on twitter made death threats to a woman trying to explain that emotional abuse is real.
Raven is a bandit. A bandit is a killer and a thief. You don't romanticize killers and thieves. One piece paints an unrealistic view of pirates. 
Ironwood and Atlas represent the American Macho mindset and the nationalism issue Americans have. Illegally occupying foreign nations with military force as a means of "peacekeeping"? Removing leaders from power who don't respect your authority or your ideas? My way or the highway? Unwilling to compromise? Willing to work with capitalist Corporations so long as your war machine is funded? The ends justify the means? Only villains say that! Merging the police with the military to have unlimited power? Putting the good ethical cop "Marrow" under pressure and mockery? Treating the poor people as acceptable losses to cut and cutting all aid and support to the 99%? Arresting or threatening good samaritans who try to help the impoverished and underprivileged because they're not recognized by your licenses? Refusing to accept checks and balances because you see yourself as above the law and being the only one with the big picture? Seeing it as your duty to police others?
People were willing to consider Ironwood a sussy baka so long as they could consider Atlas to be like Germany. But the moment CRWBY pointed out how Atlas was too much like America? The "patriots" got furious...because it was too much like looking into a mirror, and the Ironwood fangirls did not like what they saw.
Less character bloat compared to shounen anime. Shounen has thousands of character. RWBY barely has 200. But they focus more on women's characters than men, and that upsets the Cardin fans and fanfic writers. If I had a nickel for every youtube channel that decided to make the racist incompetent bully into some "gigachad", I'd have two nickels, which isn't much, but still weird that it happened twice. Meanwhile, let a man have 3-5 minutes of screentime, the critics will say that Team RWBY don't act like the main characters. Protagonist centered morality only in shounen. Team rwby do face consequences and are forced to evaluate their decisions. The women are the protagonists, and they can spend more than 10 minutes without breaking the Bechdel test. Something that, once again, adam and cardin and jaune fanfics fail within a paragraph.
"A man and a woman can spend several seasons together and be just friends at the end"
Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach, One Piece Live Action, Naruto and Sakura from that Gay Ninja Series.
Or in RWBY's case, I'm referring Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong
Neither showed romantic attraction towards either gender for the majority of the show. Blake and Sun's arcs in V4 and V5 were about Blake learning to accept help, and Sun learning to recognize and respect people's boundaries. Neither Blake nor Sun actually made serious advances, and simply stayed good friends. Also if lesbians cannot exist without being fan service to you, that just means you're a pervert and need to touch grass.
Anyway, whomever said that RWBY Writers have no idea how to write women need to take a look at how their critics make video after video bashing women and LGBT.
Oh, and twitter calls RWBY post v3 "pandering to tumblerinas".
Given how Tumblr has no pedophiles/lolicons, less conservatives and terfs, and is very feminist? I'll take that as a compliment.
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dhaaruni · 2 months
oj was an abuser who should have been found guilty and understanding that people's perspective on the case was absolutely effected by the climate of anti-black violence at that particular time in LA can co-exist in this story because they both happened
Yeah I’ve seen the documentaries.
And I’m not engaging with this topic anymore beyond saying that Rodney King being a victim of police brutality isn’t relevant when discussing a wealthy man murdering his wife and I’m really not interested in pretending that there was logic behind anybody celebrating Simpson being acquitted beyond eye for an eye mentality and tribalism. Like this is bullshit.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 8/9/2023
Fifth Place: Ann Coulter
Did you know that The New York Times is plotting against Ron DeSantis? If not, then you didn't read Ann Coulter's new column, where she writes:
Right now, nothing would help the Democratic Party more than somehow blocking Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida from becoming the Republican presidential nominee.
The Democratic Party doesn't have to block DeSantis, the Republican base has already done that for them. As established, DeSantis has been polling a distant second to Trump the entire race--and even that's starting to get rather difficult for DeSantis to maintain. The New York Times doesn't need to plot against him anymore than they needed to plot against Bill Weld in 2020.
Fourth Place: J. Michael Luttig
The retired right-wing judge was on CNN today, where he said the following:
Frankly, I don’t care about the Republican Party at all, except to the extent that the two political parties in America are the political guardians of democracy in our country. American democracy simply cannot function without two equally healthy and equally strong political parties. So, today, in my view, there is no Republican Party to counter the Democratic Party in the country. And for that reason, American democracy is in grave peril.
This notion that we somehow have to bail out the Republican Party because having two parties is needed for democracy is utter nonsense. It would be no different than somebody making the same comment about the Whig Party, the Federalist Party, or the Democratic Republicans. The Anti-Masonic Party dissolving did not turn us into a one party state, nor did the end of the Know Nothing Party.
In truth, we already have multiple political parties outside of the main two--the Libertarians could take a chance in Congress, as could the Green Party, and the Reform Party, and the Right to Life Party, and the Socialist Party, and tons of others. The end of the Republican Party will not mean perpetual Democratic rule, it will mean a new party will finally have the chance to rise from the ashes.
Third Place: Mike Pence
Did you know Joe Biden launched a war on gas? That's what Mike Pence declares in a new video where he badly attempts to look like he's filling a pickup truck. Of course, the rise in gas prices since 2020 has to do primarily with the fact that people are--you know--actually driving now and weren't back then, the COVID-19 pandemic caused people to travel much less. (One person told me the roads were so clear a previously hour and a half long car trip took them fifteen minutes.) It's this thing called supply and demand, when demand increases and supply doesn't prices go up because the amount people are willing to pay goes up.
Oh, and if Biden is declaring some kind of war on energy, somebody should really consider telling the President given he has approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public land than Trump--wrongfully in my opinion.
Second Place: Nick Akerman
If you're like me, you think the Donald Trump trial should be televised--that is not the opinion of Nick Akerman, who wrote an article from The New York Times with headline of "Why Televising the Trump Trial Is a Bad Idea." You see, although the media has felt the need to televise every trial it thinks it can sensationalize that it comes across, it seems like the one which would actually change the lives of the American people needs to be behind closed doors. Public transparency is only for OJ Simpson, not for the former President.
Actually, the article mentions the OJ trial, and Akerman says:
A major lesson from the O.J. Simpson murder trial, which gripped the nation when it was broadcast starting in 1995, is how the impact of television can undermine a trial when the judge, the lawyers, the defendant and the witnesses play to the viewing audience, as they did then. This turned a grave murder trial, with Mr. Simpson’s guilt or innocence hanging in the balance, into daily entertainment.
Given how OJ Simpson is now one of the most hated men in America as he had been since the start of the trial, it seems rather surprising that Akerman is saying televising this trial would somehow help Donald Trump.
Winner: Matt Walsh
White people are not going extinct, despite what Matt Walsh will tell you. A recent article in The Hill did find that white people might not be a majority in this country come from twenty years from now, but that does not mean we will be losing white people. In spite of that, Matt did a long rant on his show today about how white people could be going extinct in the near future.
I will not be reprinting that rant, because it is nothing short of the rantings of a deranged racist--but I will say it is based on a total misunderstanding of data, one I do not believe was unintentional.
Matt Walsh, you've said the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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grayluforever · 2 months
Nicole Brown was abused, threatened, stalked, and harassed for years by OJ Simpson before he brutally murdered her. He had a history of violence. The jury still found him not guilty. If Nicole was alive you wouldn't have believed her.
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Without the remote but distinct possibility of sudden death, I've got some time on my hands which explains my reluctance to get to the beginning. The beginning is infinitely closer to the end then before the beginning so let's return for a spell of the familiar; love, pain and memory.
Just as in physics, which is an important part of the beginning, when our emotional velocity converges with the force of chemistry, readiness and receptivity, we experience the profound and unexpected realization of affection and attachment towards another person.
What we call love.
On the other hand, when emotional or physical forces collide with our capacity to endure or process pain intersects with a sharp, immediate sensation of discomfort, distress or anguish interact leads to a sudden and intense feeling of suffering.
Love and pain go together as moments that become ingrained deeply within our memory due to their emotional and physical intensity.
The essential example being the process of giving birth which is in itself both a beginning and an end.
Let's hear it for the mothers out there and remember the love and pain of our own mothers and wives.
For this reason, we need a birthing day card to honor each of them on the birthday of their children.
Mother's day is not enough, let's face it.
I can tell you with relative certainty relative that if men gave birth, we'd mos' def have birthing day cards as a tribute to those intense days, months and hours and finally moments that we would hold hold at the pinnacle of our memories and accomplishments.
So, y'all, as we wrap up this little rivulet at Riversend, let's carry with us the echoes of love, the echoes of pain, and the echoes of those unforgettable moments that shape us to our core. Let's honor the mothers, the birthers of life's beginnings, not just on Mother's Day, but on every birthing day, for their unwavering strength and resilience. And let's keep embracing the beauty and complexity of our shared humanity, finding solace and wisdom in the ebb and flow of love and pain, knowing that each moment, whether joyous or challenging, adds another layer to the miracle of our lives. Stay blessed, y'all, and until next time, keep the love flowing and the memories alive.
N'ome sayn?
The River flows.
Let's attempt another mixture of figurative, no such thing as an error, metaphor with literal, somebody somewhere can prove it science that will be equally easy and correct to understand or misunderstand.
Let's get metaphysictional, sictional....let me see my thinking talk, thinking talk
Here's my misunderstanding of science first.
When matter and anti-matter collide, they immediately annihulate one another. Fortunately for the creation of the universe, in every collision one bit of matter survives.
In the whizbang of emotion, creation and destruction, love and hate often find themselves entwined in a similar paradox. Just as matter and antimatter annihilate each other upon collision, love and hate seem destined for mutual destruction. Yet, like the lone survivor amidst the chaos of a matter-antimatter collision, there is always a fragment of love that endures.
Take OJ Simpson for example as he has passed on to his final reward/punishment based on what he did/didn't do.
Many of us at Riversend are long suffering fans of the Buffalo Bills. We remember electrifying moments on the gridiron when Juice ignited the Electric Company. This memory matters
We also remember the other story. The anti matter......the infamous story of O.J. Simpson, with its tangled web of love, hate, and everything in between, serves as a perfect example of this complex interplay. Simpson's violent relationship with his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, epitomized the extremes of love and hate. From the passionate highs of their courtship to the depths of domestic violence, their tumultuous bond seemed to defy all rational explanation.
When the stories collided they annihulated one another while the whole country sat transfixed in front of our tubes. In the end, only a smidgeon of love remained amidst varying, contradictory memories.
The good new is that in the end, matter in the form of love remains. after the destruction of antimatter is complete.We may justifiably hate OJ but still......every once in a while....ah you know.
Love and hate
Dead and alive
And with this rivulet we are coming closer and closer to the inevitable beginning.
But first there's the cat in the box and God.
What's God, y'all.
Let's creep up on the beginning.
In the realm of particle physics, the enigma of matter and antimatter confronts scientists with a fundamental paradox.
Riversend loves paradox..
Why does our universe consist predominantly of matter, when the laws of physics suggest that matter and antimatter should have annihilated each other in equal measure during the Big Bang? The elusive answer lies buried within the intricacies of particle interactions and cosmic symmetries, much like the mysteries of human emotion that underpin love and hate.
Despite their seemingly diametric opposition, love and hate share a common origin in the depths of human experience. Both emotions emerge from the raw, primal impulses that drive our actions and shape our relationships. Just as matter and antimatter emerge from the primordial soup of the universe, love and hate arise from the chaotic crucible of human existence.
Yet, for all their destructive potential, love and hate possess a curious resilience that defies rational explanation. In the aftermath of tragedy, acts of compassion and forgiveness often emerge from the ashes of bitterness and resentment. Just as the lone survivor of a matter-antimatter collision defies the odds, so too does love endure amidst the wreckage of hate.
In the final analysis, the paradox of love and hate mirrors the enigma of matter and antimatter. Both phenomena defy easy explanation, challenging us to probe the depths of human experience and cosmic reality alike. In their intricate interplay, we find the essence of our existence – a delicate balance between creation and destruction, love and hate, light and darkness.
Remember Luke, there are two sides to the force.
In our observable universe, matter vastly outweighs antimatter. This asymmetry between matter and antimatter is one of the most profound mysteries of modern physics. According to the standard model of particle physics, matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts during the early moments of the universe, specifically during the Big Bang.
However, if matter and antimatter had truly been equal, they would have annihilated each other upon contact, leaving behind only pure energy. Yet, we observe a universe filled with matter, from stars and galaxies to planets and people. This suggests that there must be some mechanism or process that favored the production of matter over antimatter in the early universe. For many, myself included, the intricate balance and complexity of the cosmos hint at a divine hand guiding its evolution. the imbalance between matter and antimatter could be interpreted as evidence of a deliberate choice by a creator deity. Some might see this as a manifestation of divine will, reflecting a purposeful design for the universe that transcends the limitations of scientific explanation.
Let's call it God
The River flows.
Like if you like.
From this perspective, the matter-antimatter asymmetry could be viewed as part of a broader narrative of creation, where divine intervention shapes the course of cosmic events. This interpretation invites contemplation on the nature of existence, the role of consciousness in the universe, and humanity's place within the cosmic order.
Despite decades of research, the exact cause of the matter-antimatter asymmetry remains an open question in physics. Understanding this imbalance is not only crucial for unraveling the mysteries of the early universe but also for advancing our knowledge of fundamental particles and their interactions.
User Some may conclude that God is the reason for the imbalance ChatGPT Indeed, the question of the matter-antimatter asymmetry has led some to ponder the role of a higher power in the universe's creation and design. For many, the intricate balance and complexity of the cosmos hint at a divine hand guiding its evolution.
Within religious and philosophical frameworks, the imbalance between matter and antimatter could be interpreted as evidence of a deliberate choice by a creator deity. Some might see this as a manifestation of divine will, reflecting a purposeful design for the universe that transcends the limitations of scientific explanation.
From this perspective, the matter-antimatter asymmetry could be viewed as part of a broader narrative of creation, where divine intervention shapes the course of cosmic events. This interpretation invites contemplation on the nature of existence, the role of consciousness in the universe, and humanity's place within the cosmic order.
However, it's important to note that attributing the matter-antimatter asymmetry to a divine origin is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. While some may find solace in the idea of a guiding hand behind the universe's mysteries, others may prefer to explore scientific explanations rooted in empirical evidence and natural laws.
Ultimately, the question of whether God is the reason for the imbalance between matter and antimatter remains a subject of philosophical and theological inquiry, inviting contemplation and debate across diverse perspectives.
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schooltrashers · 27 days
Xanderhal and Rollo Tomassi Blocked Me
Woke-Man goes on a rant, talks about HOW he got blocked by Xanderhal and Rollo Tomassi on X (Twitter).
#Xanderhal #RolloTomassi #RationalMale #BreadTube #Leftist #Commie #Manosphere #MGTOW #Blocked #Ninja
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umwmun-blog · 2 months
Operation Party Crasher
An unknown insurgent has spiked the jungle juice at the rager, the party goers are left incredibly hung over. Sober Greek forces descend onto the party creating a giant mosh pit. slaughtering the party goers.
Another detachment of Greeks led by Achilles break into the unprotected gates of Troy with the aid of Trojan communists. The two forces sack the city and march into the royal palace where they discover little resistance.
The Trojan Sneak Attack
Using tunnels built under the wall of Troy, Hector and Aneas leads their sober anti-communists behind Greek lines which have been completely abandoned due to the party and sacking of Troy. Hectors Trojans climb into the horse in wait for the Greeks.
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The Big One
A giant set of Tsunamis takes out the port of Troy as well as the entire city of Carthage.
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Divine Intervention
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Zeus is appalled by the Greeks slaughter of his Fraternity. Smiting the party crashers with the return of OJ Simpson. OJ would allegedly kill multiple party crashers. The fraternity of Zeus is saved as a result of this intervention by OJ. OJ would allegedly kill Greek soldiers Nicloae Kidmus and Rondonous Goldamium before fleeing on a white stallion named Bronco.
He would not be charged
The Ambush
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Exhausted Greeks returning from Troy and the Party would make it back to camp. All of the troops would immediately fall asleep exhausted from the slaughter. The Trojans would then spring their trap climbing out of the horse to surround the Greek forces. To avoid further bloodshed a series of one v ones is declared to determine the results of the war.
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bigwhirly · 2 months
OJ Simpson actually a great example for prison reform (or abolition, whatever) anti-punitive-justice stuff. Guy almost certainly did it, didn't go to prison and despite this did not meaningfully re-offend.
Now that he's dead I think it can be safely said that nothing would have been improved by him spending life in prison or getting the death penalty or whatever. Wonder how many other less-fortunates are like him.
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xrskunkrx · 4 months
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Israeli telephony to americano fraudulent response to xenophobia, agoraphobia blacks, not white homophobia a Jew shill that presents no Native Human Race to be Found! WARNING! War Crime, Jew Die or Return Native Israeli with record to me instantly or funding raid until Jew killed, looted & tethered to American standards removes Vatican litter, U.S. U.K. or at all affiliated will suffer for crimes against humanity until said otherwise! No Second chance nor neo, no fags neither! Electronic counterfeit. Vatican 2 counts genocide +1 more = complete genocido maniac Vatican extinction is a global warning KOS return propaganda to me, Jonb, provide ALL properties to Native Israeli persons; issues must call me, Jonb to propagate entry by raid or riot sponsored until Corporate cheers. Psycho Pharmy Native Land is an Act of War! Jury on Jewraid eating foreskin acting like OJ Simpson! Holds Hostage via U.S. Gov Tyranny unto 1964 U.K. Gov. Policy breaking the Law with out of Order facilitation trespassing above & below grounds or execution! Retrieving stolen property until 0% health hazard notice shows complete violation removed! Safety after kidnapping reaches above the law standard, equating criminal charges impossible is affiliated action, guilty persons must be found & shot, looted until cipher found is a require by law maneuver unto personal property looting a crime against humanity unless hand over me, whom is Jonb an entity of corporation Jonathan Edward Bower. I am an indigenous Tribal Supporter via Cryptography Society a Profound skunk, second Director on Rx.Inn:PM, third Developer for Xenograph. Professional Profit on Oracle Table, a Gambit to defile holy grounds unfit weak hands can’t snatch after neo, anti can-can trademark is above U.K. U.S. U.K. payroll violating copyright laws! 9/11 Embry-Riddle conspire Nasdaq International Lawsuit by Jonb, that’s me.
Obvious is Obvious so what Substance Over Form not Required! Law is to be made clear after Action! Kill not Murder by me, you get no Rights, sound off completely or die! Will not facilitate your Government crimes on my soil! I am this Nation, my kids this Nation! Do not make me exercise the devil from your hide, I will sue, kill & sue you again like I normally have! Please & Thank You! Obey the Law, especially Government or I kill you!
Have a great rest of your day!
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-Director, Entity of JONATHAN EDWARD BOWER 01/17/1986
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TV Guidance Counselor Episode 583: Natalie Gold
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July 30 - August 5, 1994
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This week Ken welcomes actor (Succession, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Rubicon) and all around fascinating human Natalie Gold to the show for her first ever podcast.
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Ken and Natalie discuss YouTuber Natalie Gold, having the same name as somebody else, social media, how Miami isn't Florida, growing up in Florida, Emerson College, Burn Notice, being a local child actor, Sheena Easton, rave theater, running lines with Jeff Goldblum, Ernest Saves Christmas, showing your children media, Christmas Vacation, shared interest friends, getting obsessed with Soaps, how OJ Simpson ruined so many things, Days of our Lives, turning into a panther, demonic possession, manning the complaint line, moving to NYC, sharing an apartment with more than five boys, getting mail, Short Circuit II, The Fame Movie, scary NYC, smoking, tobacco cigarettes, pregnancy cravings, Tom and Roseanne, the greatness of Denny Dillon, Friends,  being so wealthy you can get a University to open a west coast location JUST for you, Kevin Bright, Kristen Linklater, voice teachers, oversharing in acting classes, Shakespeare in the Park, covering your face, the magic of Dennis Farina, Rubicon, watching things you're in, Law & Order, buying anti-reels, Tommy Lee Jones comedy, The Fugitive, Chicago, apocalypses movies, avoiding The Road, making a book's ending darker, Mad Max, The Walking Dead, Love Boat, Hotel Malibu, J-Lo's TV career, Teen Witch, Branson, your kid having zero interest in your job, avoiding quality TV, Mad Men, Ken's contrarian nature, binging, having no patience, watching Eraserhead in Physics class, Ken getting good grades despite failing, Cookie Puss and topping that.
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zooterchet · 1 year
KRIM: Michael Fargnoli, Charles Winston, Jack Winston, Jessica Long, Luke Charon, Ivan Tomasic, Richard Coughlin, John Willie. CATCH-22: OJ Simpson, Hunter S. Thompson, Stan Lee, Whitey Bulger, Elizabeth II, Marrisa Tomasic, George Jung, Harvey Weinstein, George Soros, Jair Bolsornos, Barack Obama, Duane Chapman, Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu, Carlin Sarkesian, Phil Enfield, Keith Valesquez, Bob Becker, Don Bolin. RUN TIME: John Wilkes Booth, overcommand sergeant: John "Dwyer" Dipetro. ROGUE: Cyperpunk 2077 (TARGET: Police Teachers Association). COUNTER-TERROR: Joshua Moen, Matthew Lennox, Bernice Lamb, Benjamin "B-Rock" Carnegie, David Carlson.
David Charlebois (Japanese Yakuza):
George W. Bush, figured out I was the bookie cheat that broke the NFL and put Bellicheck in the Patriots, to defraud the League, so he put me in a double cheat, then planted me in German Intel, Comcast, during the War on Terror.
My job was to plant under, linking up with an operative hiding in MI-6 Canada (Alex Gaetano, Elle), as an assassin, pretending to be a Special Executive.
My job, was to eliminate each INTERPOL Lutheran working out of Scientology, ECT, AA, NA, and lobotomy clinics.
Her job, was to print me, while dispatching RCMP, physically and violently, to frame our unit command, a Jesuit named Matthew Lennox (Bill).
We’ve known each other since kindergarten, all three of us (Bill, Budd, Elle).
Alice Claire O’Neill (US Navy): 
Alice’s most notorious relative: Friedrich Nietzsche, distant cousin, deployed during German Reformation as Irish Mother Superior (British Espionage Agency, Shylock and Homes of Garters).
Father, prison warden, desirable gene; fatality, alcoholism, high level Buddhism mixed with court room politic of reform under missionary codes of police ineligibility (“busted”), fitting Red Owen O’Neill (the maternal ancestor out of Ireland).
Older brother, deceased as child, younger sister, surviving.  Castillian Spanish (Moorish Caucasian, "dexters”, right handed).
Superb performance in primary school, dropped out of college for Christian theology (despite devout morals) during first year, for military service; Franco-Prussian War, serving under Prussian forces, prior to integration by Otto von Bismarck of states of Holy Roman Empire, as Germany, under Prussian Hohenzollerns (Leipzigers, pediatrics specialists; allergies and media, of spy children, for infantry, lightfoots).
Contracted dementia from brothel time, cared for by Gast family; little sister, an anti-Semite, married the Gast, Peter, a Jew posing as an anti-Semite, to care for children’s lines and family in marriage, of those families affected by war (Jewish alms of military statehood).
Over his life, he had three sets of works; Grecian notes of how kung fu worked as Jewish Buddhists, his primary novels as a line of rule imprints to teach arcanums, "the dark arts”, of Egypt, and “The Will to Power”, collected notes intended to destabilize Canada, as payment for the "pastoral bund” movement, Ignatians (Nazis), to stop the flow east, with a westward purge, enacted a century later.  
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