#another was the guy who lived in the house merlin and lance stayed at
nextstopparis · 3 years
what if the dorocha were both evil and good spirits. what if one of them was just like. a dead dude who saw his alive bro and started flying at him screaming from excitement and then suddenly. bam. killed his bro by accident.
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supercalvin · 4 years
breaking the rules but 5WR for the prompt thing? i was just thinking they went well together and you’d be able to do something crazy awesome with it :)
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5. High School AU + W. Pretend Relationship + R. In Vino Veritas
There are no rules here, friend. You can do whatever you want, and I certainly love this combination of tropes+AU. Have I ever mentioned that High School AUs are a guilty pleasure of mine? Which is probably why this turned out so long. Omg why can’t I write 500 word ficlets anymore???
Prompts  (or any prompt)  + Ficlets
Lance had invited Merlin to this party, which was the only reason he was here.  It wasn’t that hed didn’t normally go to parties. He did. It’s just he usually hung around a different crowd. Will’s parties were smaller, usually no more than ten kids sitting around his living room, staying up too late, playing video games, and maybe baking some of Freya’s weed into badly made brownies.
Lance, on the other hand, was the type of person to get along with a lot of different people. So not only was he close friends with Merlin, but he also happened to be friends with people in the drama club, the student council, and the football team. To be fair, it was hard not to like Lance.
So Merlin didn’t usually go to crazy house parties filled with football and rugby players. He was beginning to wish he had made Will come with him, even though he knew Will would just complain the whole time. Merlin was chatting with Elyan, a bloke he knew from maths class, trying his best to not seem out of place. He sipped on his beer, and prayed Lance would come save him at some point.
“Hey, it’s Merlin!”
To say that Merlin was surprised when Arthur Pendragon flung an arm around his shoulder and smiled at him would be an understatement. To say that Merlin was surprised Arthur Pendragon knew his name and apparently was happy to see him, was an astronomical understatement.
“Hey,” Merlin smiled, trying his best to seem nonchalant. Arthur smelled strongly of cologne, and Merlin had to mentally remind his tipsy-brain that saying ‘you smell good’ would be supremely awkward.
“Lance said he invited you,” Arthur said, still smiling at him. “I’m glad you made it.”
Merlin shrugged, “Why not, I guess?”
“Arthur!” Someone from across the kitchen yelled, “Where are the towels?”
Arthur groaned, “Bunch of children. I’ll be back,” Arthur tussled Merlin’s hair, playfully.
“That was weird,” Merlin said.
“Was it?” Elyan asked, “Arthur’s just like that when he gets more than one beer in him.”
“Really? I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with him. I didn’t know he knew who I was.”
Elyan tilted his head to the side. “Didn’t you have history with us last year? You know, with Mr. Garrah?”
Merlin thought back. Maybe he had. But he hadn’t spent much time with Arthur. To say the least, Arthur Pendragon was the Golden Boy oftheir school. He was certainly one of the most popular kids. He was a star footballer. Alright enough in his classes, from what Merlin could tell. Definitely was fit. God forbid if Merlin forgot how fit Arthur was. Merlin was bisexual and was very aware of the fact that in a few hours it would hit him that ArthurPendragon had just been pressed up against him.
But, Merlin reminded himself, he was the only out-and-proud kid at school. And no matter how much Merlin drooled over him; Arthur Pendragon was in a serious relationship with Gwen Smith. Merlin had known Gwen since his first year in Camelot. They had kissed during a Truth-or-Dare game at Will’s back in Year 9. He hadn’t spent much time with her lately, since their schedules didn’t line up, but he assumed if Gwen liked Arthur, then he must bealright.
The party continued for another hour or so, everyone loosening up as more beer was drunk. Merlin mingled with people he had never talked to before and if he was being honest he was having a great time. Merlin wasn’t drunk, per se, but he certainly wasn’t sober by the time Arthur crossed hispath again.
Merlin was sitting on a couch, and Arthur plopped himself down right next to Merlin.
“Hey, you like Triple Goddess, right?”
“Yeah, how’d you know that?” Merlin asked, not sure how Arthur would know his favorite band.
“You wear their concert shirts a lot.”
Merlin wasn’t sure how often he wore Triple Goddess shirts, but he wondered if it was too much if Arthur noticed them.
“I looked them up after I saw your shirt. They’re really nice to listen to while I study. They’re really low-key,” Arthur said.
“Yeah, I listen to them while I code,” Merlin said, wondering too late if it was too nerdy to mention that he liked to write his own computer programs. He tried to cover it quickly, “I haven’t listened to their new album yet. Haven’t the time.”
“I have it upstairs, if you want. Come on,” Arthur stood up and offered his hand. Merlin took it without much thought.
Upstairs was less crowded. Most of the doors were closed andwhen Arthur pulled out a key to open his bedroom door, Merlin figured that was how Arthur managed to keep things from getting out of hand. It didn’t click that Merlin would be alone with Arthur until the door closed behind him.
Arthur pulled out his laptop and popped open the album. The noise from the party was much more subdued in Arthur’s room, and the low sounds of piano and violin came through clearly. Merlin looked around the room as themusic played, unsurprised to see a football banner along with an action movie poster. The desk was scattered with books and the bed was a rumpled unmade mess. Arthur obviously hadn’t expected anyone here tonight. Merlin wondered if Gwen was at this party. He hadn’t seen her. Probably not, if Arthur was here with Merlin of all people.
“Isn’t the lead singer of Triple Goddess gay?”
Merlin chewed on his nail nervously wondering if this was a trick question. He tried to remember that Gwen was a cool person, and she wouldn’t date a homophobe. Hopefully.
“Yeah, she is…” Merlin said, “And the drummer is trans, actually.”
Arthur hummed. He was leaning against his desk, flipping around one of his books. He looked nervous, which was strange to Merlin.
The song changed and the beat was mellower.
“Is that, uh, why you got into the band?”
Merlin rubbed the back of his neck, “Actually, yeah, that’s how I found out about them. They have a music video with two guys, uh, you know, together.” Merlin shrugged. He hadn’t talked much about his sexuality with anyone besides Will or his mum. He wasn’t sure why Arthur was asking. Maybe he was just trying to make conversation with what little he knew about Merlin.
“Yeah, I saw that one.”
Merlin rocked back on his heels.
“So…” Merlin struggled to think of anything he knew about Arthur. But before Merlin could ask about football, and absolutely stick his foot in his mouth, Arthur beat him to it.
“I’m glad you came. To the party. I told Lance to inviteyou.”
“What? Why?”
“I, uh,” Arthur looked up, like there was going to be an answer on the ceiling. “Shit, Gwen said this was going to be easy.” He set down his book and stepped up close to Merlin. He cleared his throat.  “I think you’re fit. And smart. And I know we don’t really know each other, but I’ve never had a good reason to talk to you before.”
Merlin blinked at him.
He took several seconds to process all that.
“Sorry, what was the first one?”
Arthur smiled, “I think you’re fit.”
“B-but what about Gwen!” Merlin stuttered.
“Oh, right.” Arthur said, as if he had forgotten about his girlfriend. “I’m her beard. Or we are each other’s beards? Doesn’t matter. She’s dating my step-sister Morgana. We told our Dad that she’s dating me, so that when she stays over, she sleeps in Morgana’s room. It’s a nice set up.”
Merlin blinked a couple times.
“Uh. Merlin?”
“I think I’m going to need a moment,” Merlin held up a hand. “You’re gay?”
“Yeah,” Arthur shrugged and gestured to himself, as if that cleared that up.
“Holy shit, thank you Jesus,” Merlin said, before slapping a hand over his mouth.
Arthur laughed hard and Merlin smacked his shoulder when he wouldn’t stop.
“Fuck off, you know you’re fit! Don’t torture me.”
“You think I’m fit?” Arthur asked, seeming to be truly interested in the answer.
“Uh, yeah,” Merlin said, trying to suppress a nervous giggle.
Arthur smiled, and Merlin noticed that his teeth weren’t completely straight. There was something charming about him that had butterflies flutteringin Merlin’s stomach.
“So, uh, I’m not out to my Dad. But uh, would you like to, Idon’t know…We could see a film. Or you could come over and we could play some video games? Or something.”
Merlin smiled, “Yeah, I could do that.” Merlin stepped up closer to Arthur, suddenly feeling very brave. “How do you feel about snogging for a bit before going back down to the party?”
Arthur’s eyes widened, “Really?”
Merlin raised a brow.
“That wasn’t a ‘no.’” Arthur said quickly, “I’m just, uh… I’ve never kissed a boy.”
Merlin smiled, “Want to?”
Arthur nodded, “Yeah,” His eyes trailed down to Merlin’s lips. It didn’t take much movement to tilt his head to the side and pull Arthur into a kiss.
When they made it back down to the party, no one seemed to notice that their lips were red and chapped. Merlin had a bit of a bruise on his neck, but he would just cover it up with a scarf tomorrow.
Prompts (or any prompt)  + Ficlets
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jessefandomunited · 4 years
Things that would have made “ The Kid Who Would be King” one of my favorite movies!
So i know a small amount of you have actually seen this movie, I know one @raythecomputerart and other friends who i roped into watching this but i’m still makeing this because i watched it again today and i just need to get my ideas out there and don’t worry i’ll make it a keep reading so the people who don’t care can easily scroll past*spoiler warning*  (it’s really just a few little things this movie is really not bad)
I’m gonna try and make my list go in sequence with the movie itself to give it a bit of a rhythm and please comment if you guys think of anything good! here we go 
 a) the problem:First off characters didn’t seem to have much depth. Alex did and that’s only because he was the main character, and even that wasn’t much. The main 4 characters were just kind of cookie cutter stereo types. Bedders was the loyal friend, nervous about getting into trouble. Lance was the bad bully that just wants to come out on top and betrays people, Kay was the lacky that just went along with what bully says. And they do try to give them hidden depths, Kay really doing a 180 when it came to the fighting and showed appreciation and actively tried to protect to Alex and Bedders. But without any context it’s hard to really get a grip on their character and because of that you just have three static characters thats’ morals seem loosy goosey .
b) My solution:  To counteract this i think it’s pretty easy honestly, pepper in scenes of each of their home lives. Instead of just focusing on Alex waking up late, spread it out. You can have that scene then cut to what goes on in each of their familys. Bedders mom is sick and because of that his dad is overprotective which makes Bedders on edge. Lauce who is brought up in a rich family, he gets whatever he wants and because of that he just aches for someone to try and test him so he can fight back. Maybe he has an older brother who picks on him, or a younger brother who idolizes him and that causes him to act out. With Kay maybe she had to grow up pretty quick, and while shes helping everyone in her house out all the time and constantly seeing how evil people are and how close friendships and family are the only people who you can trust, which is why she is Loyal to Lance but lapses back into protecting people when she sees the younger boys in real danger. Also having set up all this backstory ahead of time, it would have given them more specific insults and rebuttals to hurl at eachother when they have the big fight at the bog when Excalibur breaks. These are just small bits that could have been slipped in anywhere in the first part of the movie and would have made the characters more three dimensional.
a) the problem:  My second issue is the tests that the villain is constantly throwing at the group. Each time that night falls the villain has an opportunity to strike. And it’s kind of the same thing ever time . Skeleton guys rise up and yell insults and the children, the children scream and run around a bit, then they get saved. It’s fine, but it doesn’t really do anything to put any depth into the plot aside from saying “ hey guys, it’s getting worse”. HEY WE KNOW IT’S GETTING WORSE !!! Obviously with every nightfall it gets closer to the eclipse, which is when everything goes to shit. That’s been established so can we make these attacks more character building exercises? And they did make an attempt they knew each childs weakness and instead of actually trying to use that against them they just kind of yelled their weakness at them and hoped that it would make them die or something. Plot twist, it didn’t.
b) The Solution:  This one i feel is even easier than the first one All you gotta do, is focus on one kid at a time. The first attack after Alex knights them doesn't count. That one was fine with the kids just kind of running around and trying to figure out how this all works. But after that i think there were three separate attacks, if you’re counting the trees and the fake final battle with Morgana. Honestly the best example of how this all could have played out is taken from one of my favorite tv shows “ My little pony friendship is magic”. The second episode they go into the woods to defeat Nightmare Moon and along the way each of the characters get an opportunity to show which trait or element of harmony they displayed. I know this doesn’t make sense if you havn’t seen the show so let me put it in terms of the movie. The first battle is the tree battle. This one I believe can stay the same Lance is the main person getting tested and is seduced to take the sword almost causing their deaths but in the end after a fight with Alex he finds the error of his ways and they all reconnect. The second attack could have even covered both Bedders and Kay. On one hand Kay could find herself in a situation that she realizes that shes not as smart or as experienced as she thinks she is (since her pitfall is being callow) and ends up needing the help of the others. At the same time Bedders could see that shes in trouble and have to stand up and take action (since his pitfall is being meek). Boom that’s two more characters tested and all you needed to do was change a little of the action scenes. Now for the fake final battle with Morgana i feel like we can go back to Lance. The movie really wants a lot of emphasis on the power dynamic between Alex and Lance and i feel like that could have been another way to test Lances allegiance. When Lance tells Alex to go while he fights off the tendrils or roots, Morgana could have come to him and been like, “ get me the sword Lance and i’ll give you all the power in the world.” Kind of a White Witch type of thing. And at one point Alex drops the sword and Lance picks it up and Alex is like “ throw it back.” ANd he just stands there and Morgana laughs “ yes my prince bring Excalibur to me” And at the last moment he gives it to Alex and he stabs her. This would solidify that there is no more bad blood between them while also building some tension. Now i know what you’re saying “ Oh what about Alex? Where is his moment to be tested?” It’s already in the movie. Because Morgana doesn’t actually die Alex is forced to confront his mother because he broke one of the Knights rules. Boom! Character development all over this place.
a)The Problem: Alex's father. That’s it, onto the solution. Okay not quite i’m gonna talk more on it. The whole movie kind of bates at this build up about Alex meeting his father and him being like this cool wizard  guy or something, that turns out not to be the case and i love that, the execution was awful though. Having Alex meeting his fathers sister and not him was just stupid. With all the emotion that was suppose to be there , it kind of fell flat because his fathers sister was kind of blocking the direct confrontation. 
b) The Solution: This movie wanted to take on some darker themes , so show them in all it’s glory you coward! Have Alex roaming the street asking people about his father and people just laughing and saying the name of a pub. He finds it and is about to go in when his father is thrown out stumbling and rough looking. Alex is so happy to find him and anxiously tries to explain the situation but realizes he’s not who he thought he was. After he talks a bit his father stops him and is like “ did your mom send you to get me to pay child support? Because we agreed that i just go! I don’t bother her and she sends me you , thinking that soften me up, well it dosent . GET OUT OF HERE KID! I left for a reason, do you think i could ever do any good in your life?”  Just think of the emotion, the hurt look on Alex’s face when he realizes his father is a no good drunk and never wanted to see him at all. GEEZ ! The drama. But lets say they still wanted the sister to see him so she could call his mom. Then make the father dead. Have her drive Alex to the cemetery to see his headstone. Have Alex fall to his knees and cry over the father he never knew and the fact that he had been taught a lie. More character development, more emotion.
4) And the final point to be made, PUT IN MORE MERLIN!!! This movie spent all its good ideas and energy into Merlin i swear. Merlin is an incredibly strong characters with a major energy crisis issue which makes him a flawed yet interesting character, he is incredibly powerful, but only in small doses. If he was just powerful all the time he still would be an interesting character just because of the way the actor portrays him, but he would seem too over powered. 10 out of 10 for him but he wasn’t in it enough. Like i would have loved it if Merlin didn’t just vanish when he wasn’t low on energy, but stuck with the group and they had to protect him while he attempted to recharge. I just need a whole movie on merlin honestly! His character was great!
All in all i give this movie a 4 out of 10 stars. It is nice as just a happy little movie with not much depth and all the stars go to Merlin. Just kidding honestly all the actors in this movie were great it was just the whole plot line was a bit lack luster. I’d love to hear your opinions on it if you have seen it and what you think of the changes i’d make. Just let me know this was a ton of fun to write! And if you made it all the way through this, just know i love you for it!
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