#and he guarded gwen while she was unconscious
They meet!! (^.^) (finally)
@hobiesgender @royallydivinelesbian
Hobie slipped off the roof into the second floor of the building, nearly stepping on Ham and Peni curled up together on the floor but missing them at the last second.
He laughed quietly, stepping around them as quietly as he could with his boots still on to make sure they stayed asleep; was a little past 7-ish, probably, and there hadn’t been any guard sightings before he’d come back through the building, which meant they were fine to sleep in. Most likely they needed to, because running around town all the time wasn’t exactly the easiest gig, and on top of that, they were usually fairly light sleepers: the fact that Hobie had gotten all the way to the door, boots and all, and they hadn’t even so much as stirred —
Yeah, Hobie wasn’t gonna be the one to wake them up.
He slid down the rails of the stairs to the ground floor just cause he could, making Gwen roll her eyes at him from where she was standing in the center of the room. He stuck his tongue out at her as he jumped off the rail, landing loudly by the staircase.
He could already tell from the lack of noise that it didn’t even make Peni or Ham stir. Those little brats were out.
“I’m gonna be heading out,” he told Gwen, who nodded and bent over to stretch out. He added part of his own weight onto her back as he passed her, pushing her down further, making her yelp and almost lose balance, and he cackled when she took a swing at him for it in retaliation; he twisted just slightly and she missed, making her scowl at him. “Meet ya at May’s then?”
“Yeah, yeah, just go.” Gwen resumed her stretching when Hobie was far away enough, calling out as he opened the door, “I’ll get everyone else there when they’re up!”
“Hey, I’m up!” Margo called from her corner. She was still curled into it, though, and her head dropped back onto the jacket she had been using as a pillow. Her eyes were already drifting shut again, and Hobie snickered at the exasperated look Gwen gave her.
“You’re a gem!” Hobie called back to Gwen, closing the door and stepping out into the sun. The air was cool and brisk, and he took a deep breath before turning to the left and taking several steps.
Whatever Hobie had been expecting for that morning (and he’d been expecting a good one, it was starting out so promising), it was absolutely not running into a scrawny-looking boy huddled into the wall by the building they’d been using for the night’s home base. He was pressed into the wall, head against the concrete building and eyes drifting shut slowly before blinking rapidly. He looked just about ready to pass out, and while Hobie knew he’d never seen this boy before in his life, he couldn’t help but think the kid was beautiful as he tried so hard to stay awake. Hobie wondered, briefly, if he’d come in with one of the visiting royals; they’d been parading in and out of town square, those royalist fuckers, though nobody seemed to be able to guess just why they were suddenly here.
“‘Ey.” He said, crouching down in front of him, and the boy startled bad as he did so. He stared up at him with wide eyes, ones that cleared up the longer he looked at Hobie, and slowly got this odd look in them. He tilted his head to the side, watching the boy copy his movement unconsciously. “You good, mate?”
“Yes.” He said, almost automatically, and Hobie lifted an eyebrow at the clear lie. Kid didn’t even have the wherewithal to try to cover his tracks, just licked his lips and stared at Hobie back. Hobie messed with the inside of his lip piercing, deciding to try a different approach.
“What’s your name, kid?” He asked.
“Miiii…” he trailed off, looking embarrassed, and finished with an uncertain sounding “…chael?” It was also so clearly untrue, but Hobie found that he couldn’t blame the kid for that; they still weren’t entirely sure what Ham’s real name was, and the other girls gave what he was entirely sure were variations of their names but nothing else, and if Hobie was right, then he’d need to keep a low profile until all those rich assholes cleared out. He rubbed at his face, nodding to himself, and then slapped his legs as he stood up. The kid jumped, staring up at him with wide eyes, sleep apparently forgotten for the moment.
“A’ight, ‘Michael’,” he said, stressing the name, and Michael scrambled to his feet as well, “I’m Hobie.” Michael repeated that to himself, mouthing the name over and over as if trying not to forget it, “and here’s the deal. I’ll let you hang with us today, ‘least for a couple-a hours before seeing where we can put you. Sound good?”
“Uh…yes?” Michael said, and Hobie grinned at him brightly.
“Fantastic.” He turned, gesturing with his head to follow, and heard Michael step beside him. “First stop is the food bank, help organize and hand stuff out. I was heading over early, so I’ll introduce you to the gang when they show up a bit later.”
“Okay, sure.” Michael said easily, rubbing at his eyes. Hobie snorted, kid was obviously exhausted, and made a mental note to stop and get coffee from somewhere. May’s generally had some, good coffee too, especially in the mornings for breakfast, but Hobie was partially sure he’d be able to find some on the way if he looked. “What’s a food bank?” Michael asked, after they’d walked in silence for a few moments, and Hobie nearly stopped walking to stare at him.
“What, you don’t got any food banks where you come from?” Hobie asked incredulously. There were always rumors, of course there were, the grass-is-greener type rumors, rumors of better living in other kingdoms, but he never actually believed that things were so much better off in other kingdoms that they didn’t even have something as simple as a food kitchen. Michael seemed to realize he’d messed up the tiniest bit, because his eyes widened dramatically.
“N-No, no, we do!” Michael spluttered out defensively. Hobie snorted, watching as Michael hunched over a bit in embarrassment, muttering something to himself under his breath. He glanced up at Hobie after a moment, putting on a shy smile as he did so. “Remind me what that is, though?”
“Little shite.” Hobie snorted, grinning at the kid so he didn’t take it too personally, and nudged the top of Michael’s head, shoving it just slightly and pointing him forward. “I’ll show you, c’mon.”
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eihwaz-y-d · 1 year
Dragons in Human clothing
Beginning Previous Part
Taking them towards a guest chamber and getting them a bath isn't difficult, getting Aithusa clean and in clothing again is way more harder. Gwen helped with finding fitting clothings for his 'brother' and 'child', she is truly a Saint. 
Now they are on the way to the Throne room. 
"you know, you couldn't have reached out for me there was no need for this spectacle." 
" You would have ignored me and it wasn't like I planned to attack." 
" oh really? What about the two unconsciously guards?" 
" they attacked Aithusa." 
Merlin hummed and said nothing more about that. Aithusa once again in Merlin's arm was playing with his neckerchief. 
" Why are you two looking like humans? "
" I believe because of the same reason why you look more like us than ever before. Tell me, young warlock, what do you hide under this bandage? Or under your clothing? Your eyes and teeth aren't the only thing that changes, right? "
Taking a deep breath he looks around. " Yes and stop calling me that. What are we telling Arthur and the round table? I never told him who my father was and I believe he remembers Balinor, the last dragon lord quite well, thanks to you. And I believe it will go quite catastrophic if he knows now. I trust him, I don't trust everyone else on the council. "
" Oh brother mine. Don't worry, just let me do the talking. " And with that Merlin's 'funny' feeling is back but before he can say anything else, they are at the throne room. 
Arthur was pacing, his knights of the round table are the only ones with him in the throne room. 
Leon was silent and observing. Lancelot was looking worried from Arthur to the door and back. And Gawain was talking, like ever but at least he was not drinking. 
"Who would have known, Merlin has a child." 
" And a scary brother, don't forget the brother. I'm certain he is bigger than Percival." 
" Does some big wild man scare you Elyan?" 
" Shut up! It's his eyes, I don't like them."
"Elyan is right, his eyes… there is something dangerous about him." says Leon. 
 " Can we please go back to the child. Merlin's child? I think that is more important. Why don't we know about it? Why aren't they living with their father? And what about the mother??? Why do we not know about it?"
And Gawain is right, he wants to know too. Why don't they know? Arthur thought they were friends, weren't they supposed to know something like that about each other? 
" Hey Lance! Did you know about the child? "
The knight in question startled out of his thoughts. " hm? Oh ehm no, I did not know about any child." 
Arthur paced some more and then the door swings open and the subjects of the discussion walks in. Arthur stops his pacing beside the round table and observes the three. 
Merlin, casting a dark glances now and then towards his brother, is carrying the child in his arms. The child is now clean and Arthur is surprised how dirty they were before. Gone is brownish, gray haired dirty child, in their place is now a child with fair skin like Merlin's but unlike Merlin's unruly raven black locks, their wild hair is white like untouched snow. 
Ice blue are looking curious around while their hands are clinging to Merlin's neckerchief. It wears pale fitting clothes, still, Arthur can't with certain say if they are a little girl or a little boy. 
The brother is tall, at least taller than Merlin although Arthur wouldn't say taller than Percival, with broad shoulders. He now wears more fitting clothes and carries himself like a man of power, like a warrior, like a king himself and he knows it. His copper eyes are telling, he looks Arthur head on in the eyes. Arthur shudders involuntarily, his eyes are truly unsettling. The man's long wild hair is dark, not black like merlins, but a dark brown that without light one would think them alike. From under his tunic, over his neck to the left bottom half of his face adorns an old burn scar his skin. The scar tissue should pull on the skin in his face but his face shows no difficulty to smirk arrogant towards the young king. If he didn't knew it better he would say his scar look like some scales. 
Arthur doesn't like Merlin's brother. 
" State your name and cause…." 
Kilgharrah increases his head lightly in a barely show of respect before he looks the king straight back into the eyes.  " I'm Kilgharrah Ambrosius and we are here because Merlin just happened to get himself and his kinship cursed. Our inhuman way of looking is a result of the curse." 
Merlin's head snapped towards his brother after he stated his name and his whole body had gone tense. Somehow the name Ambrosius sounded familiar to Arthur but he could not quite place it but the matter of the curse was more important so it was a question for later. 
" what curse? You said your inhumane looks is a result of this curse but you all look quite normal if not a bit wild" 
"Oh so you say you didn't notice? Well merlin is quite good at hiding, isn't he? Look closely Sire." 
And with that Kilgharrah goes a few steps forward out of Merlin's reach. He grabs for the hem of his tunic and pulls it over his head. Not carrying for anything, he presents his torsos and hands. 
Arthur was right, the scar reaches till under his chest but that is not where everyone is looking, from his shoulders over his chest towards his sides there are bronze coloured scales and as he begins to move around himself he reveals more of these scales on his back. His smirk shows everyone his long and dangerous fangs, his fingertips are long deadly, bronze coloured claws and as he moves to part his hair he reveals horns. Yeah Arthur and everyone else now can see the inhuman look he was talking about, how did they miss it before? 
 This man screams predator and every knight has a hand on their swords ready to defend. 
A low deadly growl sounds through the chamber and everyone is frozen where they stand. Cold sweat runs down Arthurs temple and he is sure they will die. Every moment now this beast man will strike and they are powerless to stop him, it will be a carnage. But then Arthur's fear-addled mind notices how this beast man is just as frozen as anyone else, his smug grin and predator-like posture gone, replaced with something like submission. Arthur's eyes dart towards the real origin of the growl and finds Merlin. 
Merlin, whose whole focus lies on his brother. Merlin, whose pupils are like vertical slits. 
Merlin, who bares his fang like teeths. 
Merlin, who, at this moment, looks just as dangerous if not more so than his brother. 
" Back down Kilgharrah, or by the gods, you will not like What will happen next." 
And to Arthur's surprise, the man grabs  his tunic and moves slowly back towards his brother. His every movement so slow and sure like every hurried movement would be enough for Merlin to attack, to defend and Kilgharrah would be the one who would lose. 
Just as Kilgharrah is back at Merlin's side, the raven haired man relax and everyone can breathe again. 
"Merlin? What….?" Arthur is glad his voice does not tremble but still, he is not sure what he is asking about exactly. What was that? What happened? Why didn't you say anything? 
Merlin's shoulders drop and he is looking towards Arthurs feet, he is trying really hard to look as harmless as possible, it nearly works and Arthur realizes, this is how Merlin carried himself the whole last fortnight. 
" I'm sorry Arthur." 
" you are cursed." not a question but Merlin nobs nevertheless. 
" show me." demands the king and merlin just resign himself and tries to pull the bandage from one hand while he still holds the little child. After a few minutes of pointless tucking he growls frustrated and just rips the bandage off with his teeths, showing again his impressive pair of fangs. 
Free from any cover he holds his hand up showing his claws to anyone in this room. Unlike his brothers, Merlin's claws are short and pitch black but the colour reached between his knuckles and his first joints. Then he moves his clawed hand through his hair to show of his lack of horns. Huh, Arthur was prepared to see horns but maybe it should has crossed the kings mind that with Merlin's short hair the horns should have been oblivious. 
" Why-" before Arthur could say more Lancelot begins to speak. 
" how about we all take a seat and then ask our questions?" 
"That's an excellent idea sir Lancelot." and Kilgharrah takes a seat. There is an awkward silence till everyone is sitting again. Kilgharrah on one end, the knights and Arthur on the other and merlin, still with Aithusa on his arm, between the two sides. And before Arthur can ask again why Merlin didn't tell them, sir Leon beats him towards the first question. 
"You said Ambrosius, Are you truly an Ambrosius, how did you survived the purge?"
"We truly are. Balinor Ambrosius was our Father." 
Merlin is glaring at his brother again with anger and surprise in equal measure. 
"A Dragonlord." 
Merlin jerks away like Was slapped and Arthur's heart breaks for his manservant. What he said as merlin was grieving his father, they need to talk about this. 
"Ah yes, he was a dragonlord and his first born son inherited his power after his death. And I would say I'm some years older than your precious friend, after all I can say without lying your mother was a kind and beloved queen. 
But you see, there is no reason to light a pyre for my kin for he has not inherited any power you fear so much. "
Noone was saying anything, merlin was rigged with tension and his eyes were glazed with unspilled tears. And Arthur himself was fighting with his emotions, there was so much said and he struggled with it all. Kilgharrah thought Merlin would be burned on the pyre just for the blood he got from his father? Merlin's father was the last dragonlord but then he truly wasn't the last? Why did no one knew about Balinors son? And Balinors son, Merlin's brother, he knew his mother, but didn't that mean he knew also the court? And didn't knew the court about him? But This man knew his mother, there is the possibility that he would answer some of Arthurs questions.
Arthur's gaze moves from Kilgharrah towards Merlin, who is looking back at him. His gaze so open and afraid, he is begging with his eyes, for what? Arthur isn't sure but at this moment knew, he just knew he doesn't want to see this look on his best friends face ever again. Later in the privacy of his chamber they will talk and most likely Arthur will get mad but now is not the time for this. 
"I wouldn't…. I couldn't…." clearing his throat he tries again. " Merlin doesn't need to fear the pyre just because of the criticum of his birth, he is safe. But please tell you truly knew my mother?" 
" Yes, I knew her, if not well but let me tell you, you've got her eyes." 
Arthur didn't know if he could say more, his throat feels tight with emotion so he let his gaze room again toward Merlin, who had his face hiding in the wild locks of his child's hair. He was silent but his shoulder shook and the child had their little arms around Merlin's neck while making little noises. 
" We… we should return to the more pressing matters. The curse. Are your looks the only results of the curse or is there more? What do you know about this curse, why aren't you three equally changed and What about hunnith? "
" the boys mother is safe, she does not share the Ambrosius blood, I believe this is the necessary for the curse, the dragon blood. And maybe the amount of dragon blood we share is how much the curse affect us but that is only a theory for I don't know how my brother mine got us in this mess. "
" it was in the cave. I was trying to find my way out but only got further into the cave. I noticed a softly blue glow and followed it. I found a really big space, a really big blue glowing stones and the bones of a dragon. I felt like I was in a dream, something asked me to help. I…. I touched the stone, and that is the last thing I remember before everything goes dark. The next thing I know is that everything hurts and I'm near the exit. What happens next you all know. Our current looks aren't the only results of the curse. I for my part are seeing and hearing better, fire doesn't hurt me that much but if I got to cold, I can barely move. I've also got stronger and I… "
Merlin's pale cheeks turns red and he starring at the table, not meeting anyone's eyes. Interesting, Merlin looks embarrassed. 
" and you what mate? Come, you can tell us we are your friends. "
Merlin's answer is nothing more than a murmur and apartly Kilgharrah was the only one who heard if his smirk is anything to go by. 
"Merlin, speak up, we didn't hear you." 
" I started to behave more like a dragon. I started to hoard and I've got more possessive other things and I got overall more growly." 
And Kilgharrah starts to laugh. Merlin's head wipes around, the young man starts to growl low and treating. " What is so funny?!" 
" Oh brother mine, maybe you are more of a dragon than you think. Do tell me what are you hoarding? You were never really interested in riches." Kilgharrahs grin is just teeth and no friendliness and Merlins just growls louder, if Arthur thought Merlin was embarrassed before, it was nothing compared to now. 
Kilgharrah's knowing eyes travel from one knight to another before returning towards his brother's. " I see, but a word of caution Merlin. If you are not careful a hoard can easily turn into an obsession and no one needs an obsession dragon." 
" Oh shut up will you?" 
Clearing his throat Arthur speaks again. "I believe you aren't here just for a family reunion. Why are you here and where did you even get from? Are you here to claim what is yours from the Ambrosius name? If so why did you wait till you all got cursed?"
" The Ambrosius legacy (inheritance)? No. I'm not interested in this or anything else to claim. It's all merlins to claim. We are here so we can figure a way out to break the curse. That is the only reason for us to be here otherwise I would have never set a foot back in these blasted walls. 
This body is more than unpleasant. Merlin was the one who got us all cursed so he can get the curse broken I believe. So once the curse is over we will be gone again and hopefully never be seen again. "
" you talked a lot but you haven't said where you were from. "
" Why should I trust you, sir knight of Camelot, with where we lived? It was knights with the same red cloaks who slaughtered my kin! Dragon and Dragonlords alike with every magic user along! Your cloak are red from the blood of my kin! You-"
" KILGHARRAH! Stop talking! " merlins voice echoes through the room and eerie silence follows his outburst. His growl is inhuman and treating. 
" Do not say a word. You will not seek vengeance. The man who did it is gone and so is the only one who deserves your rage. "
" ah yeah. A happy day it was as the Bastard died." 
" I said not. A. Word. Kilgharrah." 
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lysspidercat · 7 months
15:23, Spider-Society.
Gwen, Hobie and Miles were at the HQ of the Spider-Society, when they hear a portal open. Without worry, they first thought it was Miguel, or Peter coming back from another dimension; but when they didn't hear a noice, the group started to wonder what it really was.
"Miguel?" Gwen asks, not really surprised to have no answer.
The three stood up and walked slowly, on their guard towards the room where they heard the portal sooner. Hobie opens the door, and looks at what, or rather who, is on the floor.
At first, they both stayed here, without moving, looking at the unconscious girl on the floor, and Gwen decided to tie her up with her webs, just in case.
"She's like us." Miles says as he walked closer to her.
"Do you think Miguel knows she ended up here?" Hobie asks in a loud british accent, as he crouch down to the girl's level, to look at her closer. "That girl has been fighting a lot, she has bruises everywhere. And she si covered in dirt like she was being dragged in mud." He keep talking while running a hand through her blonde matted hair.
"Lyla? Identify her, please." Gwen asks gently but firmly.
Lyla scans the unknown woman's body. She looks at the results and starts:
"Well, she is coming from Earth-8104. In that dimension we're still in 1941, and the Nazis still hold the power. Her name is Mia Parker, and as you guessed, she is a spidersona, just like you all."
Lyla paused a moment before keep going.
"Two months ago, she had been caught by a Nazi, and he tortured her in...horrible ways. At least, until today."
0 notes
bookwormscififan · 1 year
Albion Lives, Chapter Three
Buy me a coffee?
Read on AO3!
A/N: Arthur and Merlin make it to Camelot, Arthur meets Artie, and a plan to stop the imposter king is formed.
Prologue, Chapter 1, 2
Artie had been asleep when the bell tolled.
Gwen woke him up roughly, voice laced with desperation.
“Mother? What’s wrong?” The young heir rubbed his eyes with grimy hands and looked into the equally grimy eyes of his mother.
“Something’s happening. The warning bell rang a while ago, and the guards have left the cells,” she responded. Artie sat up, then stood and peered outside. Gwen was right: the halls of the dungeons were empty.
“Do you think it’s an attack?”
“No, Artie. But there may be one soon.”
Sure enough, there were faint sounds of footsteps close by, and Artie could almost hear a couple of voices near the entrance to the dungeons.
The queen and the prince stood in the cell, listening to the sounds outside with bated breath.
Alrich stood in the throne room, face pale as he watched the knights put up barricades on the windows.
“We must be ready! He may arrive at any moment!” He shouted, fear pitching his voice.
He had figured out what the phrase had meant. Flooded with terror, he had called for defences and ordered the hands of the palace to prepare for an attack.
“Sir, if I may ask—”
“You may not! Prepare for the attack!” The king barked, startling the serving boy standing at the entrance to the throne room.
The setting sun washed the walls of Camelot in an orange glow as Arthur and Merlin approached it. The warlock stood and shielded his eyes as he looked up at the stone, and Arthur heaved a sigh as he took in the grandeur.
“This is it,” he stated, turning to look at Merlin as the gates began to open.
“They’re coming,” Merlin replied, watching guards march out to meet them.
“By the order of the king, state your names and intentions.” Arthur stepped forward, shrugging off Merlin’s cautious hand on his elbow as he cleared his throat.
“I am King Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. This is Merlin, my servant,” Merlin frowned as Arthur stated that, “and we are here to reclaim my throne.”
The guards stopped, faces paling as they listened to Arthur’s words. The taller guard stepped forward, replacing his look of fear with a determined, yet sceptical, frown.
“King Arthur died twenty years ago, and Merlin disappeared at the same time. The only king we know is the one sitting in the throne room now, King Alrich,” he stated, hand on the sword at his hip. Arthur sighed, shaking his head as he pulled Excalibur from his belt.
“I wish you hadn’t said that” he said, and with a flash, both guards lay unconscious by Arthur’s feet. He turned to look at Merlin with a sly smile on his face.
“Let’s go inside and regain peace in Albion.”
Gwen jumped as the voices outside the dungeons raised into cries of fear, pulling Artie close to her.
“Mother, we are going to be alright,” Artie comforted her, placing his hands on her forearms as the sounds of fighting echoed through the halls.
The duo froze as the door to the dungeons opened, and Gwen’s grip on Artie tightened as footsteps approached their cell.
“Guinevere?” Gwen let go of Artie, turning her head in the direction of the voice. She moved to the door of the cell, trying to look out of the small window in search of the king.
“Arthur?” The footsteps quickened, and suddenly the door opened, revealing Arthur with Merlin standing close behind.
“Hello, Gwen,” Merlin said with a small smile.
“Guinevere, you’re alive,” Arthur breathed, gently placing his hand on her cheek as she touched his shoulder.
“You came back,” Gwen whispered, eyes welling with tears as Arthur wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. Merlin watched the two, a sad smile on his face, before his eyes moved to the figure further in the cell.
“Mother?” The couple stopped as Artie spoke up behind them, and Arthur looked at the prince in confusion.
“Who is this?” He asked, stepping forward to look at Artie. Gwen followed, moving to stand beside her son.
“This is Artie. My son,” she reached for Arthur’s hand, “Your son.”
“Sire, two intruders have infiltrated the dungeons! They are releasing the queen and the prince!” A guard called to the king, causing him to glare at the doorway to the throne room.
            “Send guards to apprehend them! Stop them from reaching the throne room!” He ordered, watching the guard run off to deliver his orders. The king looked aside to the entrance to the meeting room, seeing the charred remains of the Round Table in the middle of the room.
            Burning the table had been the first thing he did upon conquering Camelot.
Arthur frowned, looking at Artie with a curious eye.
            “My son? But how…?” Confusion clouded his voice, causing Gwen to smile. She took Artie’s hand and placed it into Arthur’s own, looking at her men with loving eyes.
“When you left us, I already knew. Artie came into the world six months after you went. I named him after you, in your honour, and told him stories of you, but I never once thought you two would meet each other,” she explained. Artie grasped his father’s hand, looking at him.
“Father, the kingdom has been conquered by another king, and I have heard talk your casket has been broken and defaced,” he stated, looking at Merlin for help. Merlin stepped forward and placed his hand on Arthur’s shoulder.
“This is why you came back, Sire. Camelot needs you. Gwen needs you. We need you to help us.” Arthur frowned, then sighed and released Artie’s hand. He squared his shoulders and nodded to himself. “We are going to stop this king.”
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nextstopparis · 3 years
what if the dorocha were both evil and good spirits. what if one of them was just like. a dead dude who saw his alive bro and started flying at him screaming from excitement and then suddenly. bam. killed his bro by accident.
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
I got in speed to do this by a Discord server I'm in, and I'm behind 4 days.
So, confession time: I enjoy whump. Idk, why, but I do. My problem is, though, is I’ve never been able to grow a backbone enough to actually come up with my own contribution.
YES, I am four days behind, but I’m putting them all here. You will get whump every day for February as my gift to you, because I have been slacking on these.
I am not limiting myself to one fandom, either and if you are sensitive to whump, DO NOT READ THESE POSTS!
I’m also following the prompt list by @febuwhump
And I've never really written whump before, so bear with me.
With that out of the way: LET THE FUN BEGIN and PICTURE IF YOU WILL:😈
Day 1: Head Wound (from the Red Queen Swap AU; the one where Cal is the villain, not Maven)
- During SOME part in this AU, Maven goes toe to toe with his brother to buy Mare and the Scarlet Guard some time.
-While he does fine at a distance, Cal soon gains the upper hand and, in full soldier mode, aims his hits more toward Maven’s head than body.
-Maven is very quickly disoriented, as he begins to see stars, his vision goes silver (because that’s the color of his blood and a vessel broke), and he is unable to stand properly, which becomes impossible when he kicks a roundhouse kick to the temple that sends him to the ground, ears ringing, head throbbing from the onslaught of pain, blood covering his face and unable to do much because his brain is now is ‘shutdown’ mode. And because Cal, caught up in the emotions of being everyone’s least favorite and knowing he screwed up in the worst way possible, kicks him while he’s down, even kicking him in the face, even stomping on him because he’s that caught up. 
-Maven is saved by Shade, but he’s left unconscious for about two days and is missing a few teeth that a rescued Healer puts back.
Day 2: Failed Rescue Attempt (From the Clipped Wings fanfic for Good Omens; Chapter 7 is almost done, btw!!)
-Crowely races through the ‘dungeon’ section of Hell, trying to ignore the shouting from Hastur and even other, lesser demons that saw him. 
-He has a purpose here, and its name is Aziraphale, whose cell he finds and opens, shouting that they need to leave before they’re sent to do paperwork for eternity. 
-He does find Aziraphale, but he’s unconscious and in the, oh, so loving arms of Lucifer, who greets Crowley with mirth and welcomes him home right as Hastur comes up behind him and slams a club or baton against his head, sending Crowley to his knees and leading him to be dragged away.
-Lucifer has the other demons throw Crowley in a different cell, as he wants to spend more time with Aziraphale, and Crowley kicks and screams as he’s dragged away, crying Aziraphale’s name, though the former angel only catches a glimpse of him as the devil closes and locks the door to his cell. 
-Tedros, after encountering a fight with Rafal, is severely injured and unable to do much other than breathe and try to focus as Agatha freaks out and begs him to stay awake. 
-She does try to help him stand up and get him to her house in Gavaldon, where Callis can patch him up, but he’s exhausted from all the blood he’s lost and barely able to keep his eyes open as Callis gets to work of cleaning and patching his wounds. 
His body is extremely heavy, everything is cold, he can’t really feel the wound anymore, and he’s seeing his father from where he’s laing on the table, Arthur shocked and horrified to see him so soon and shedding tears as he sees how much Tedros has grown.
-In his semi-dying haze, Tedros asks his father why he left Tedros alone for so long, why he just gave up after Guenevere left him for Lancelot, why he chose to drown himself in alcohol until it killed him rather than let himself feel the loss of Gwen with his only son. 
-Gwen leaving hurt Tedros as well, and, sure, he’s not good at dealing with it, but he’s more upset about the fact that he was left to deal with those emotions on his own with next to no one to help him through any of it. 
-While in his head Tedros shouts at Arthur in a field in Camelot, in reality, his face is contorted from all the ugly crying he’s doing and he’s covered in tears, snot, and blood, the latter he’s coughing up because of his wound. 
-Agatha leaps to his side and holds his hand, begging him to calm down and promising that she won’t leave him alone, not after everything that’s happened.
-He calms down and goes unconscious, but Callis confirms he’s alive, and that he has some MAJOR daddy issues (don’t we all?)
Day 4: Nightmares (From Red Queen, like the actual series. No AUs this time)
-In magical, fantasy dreamland, Coriane Jacos is giving a speech to all of Norta with a grown Cal standing at her left and Tine standing at her right. 
-As she addresses the country, everyone in the crowd begins to glare at her, though when she turns to Tibe so he can talk, he only gestures for her to continue, as he believes she can do this. 
-He is SO wrong when the crowd begins to mutter amongst themselves as some even openly wonder why and how Coriane is still the queen of Norta. Two of these people are Julian and Sara, who are silent, but say over a thousand things in the way they gaze disapprovingly at Coriane. 
-There are more comments and one of them asks why she has the spine to silence her son, but not be a better queen. At this, Coriane turns to Cal, who’s been facing the crowd blank faced.
-She puts a hand on his shoulder and he turns, revealing that he has no mouth, like from his nose down the skin is smooth and unbroken, so he kind of looks like a mannequin.
-While Coriane is terrified, Tibe is unbothered, urging her to continue with the same warm smile that she’s memorized by heart.
-Well, he’s actually smiling because it’s entertaining to see the crowd turn on her and hiding behind him is Elara, who puppets Tibe and the crowd and saying, “Long live the Queen, Lady Jacos,” before she makes Coriane pick up a handgun and point it at Cal, who stays resolute.
-Just before she’s forced to pull the trigger, she wakes up in a cold sweat and races to find a barely year-old Cal, who’s fast asleep in his crib, safe and sound. 
-Overcome with relief at seeing him alive and torn apart by her nightmare, Coriane falls to her knees and cries, only stopping when she accidentally wakes up Cal and holds him in her arms to calm herself. 
Day 5: “Let me See” (From my Dad!Charles X Toppat!Henry AU (Another part 7 I’m in the process of making) inspired by @bambishy)
-After a meeting, and after screwing with Charles a little bit, Henry goes to visit Cameron in their cell, though he finds that they’ve destroyed the placed and are lying on the floor with their hands close to their chest. 
-Henry first chides them on making a mess before kneeling down and asking them to look at him. 
-Cameron snaps at him to “[Eff] off,” and Henry catches a glimpse of their hands, which are blood stained and a little mangled.
-Henry turns Cameron on their back, growing increasingly alarmed and annoyed.
- “What did you do to your hands? Let me see. Show me what you did!”
-Despite some opposition from Cameron, Henry eventually finds out what they did:
-Both of their hands are broken, mainly at their knuckles, which became bloodied and raw from punching the door and are now broken, their wrists swollen and both arms shaking from the pain. 
-Henry pulls Cameron onto their knees and asks them why they did all of this, why they’re acting like such a child and being a little nuisance. 
-When Cameron is silent, Henry SOMEWHAT goes off on them, asking if he needs begin tying their hands behind their back, if he needs to fully restrain them in a real cell that has no bed and has none of the comforts that they’re literally taking for granted, if he has to actually BE the bad guy and hold a gun to their head in order to do the simplest things, even snapping at them to say something when they’re quiet. 
-Cameron, naturally (because they got yelled at), stays quiet and even begins crying. Henry isn’t really amused or concerned and sighs as he sits up, pulling Cameron up by their upper arm and telling them to follow him the infirmary so their hands can be fixed; Charles will throw an even bigger fit, if he sees his kid injured. 
-Subdued and out of options, Cameron agrees, something that actually gets a smile and a side hug from Henry. 
- “I know all of this isn’t easy to adjust to, but you’ll get there. I think you and I will get along just fine.”
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Moments that highlight Mordred and Morgana's dynamic:
1x08: Morgana meets an injured Mordred who is on the run from the guards for being a druid. Morgana makes eye contact with Mordred and there is instantly a connection there. Morgana provides sanctuary to Mordred and Merlin, who is helping him
1x08: During the execution of the druid man that was with Mordred, Morgana sits with Mordred, holding him.
1x08: Morgana tends to a sick and feverish Mordred and it is implied by what Gwen says that Morgana has been tending to him nonstop while taking little care of herself. Mordred speaks to Morgana through telepathy, surprising her.
1x08: Before leaving to try to smuggle Mordred out of Camelot, Morgana promises him she won't let anything bad happen to him. Mordred smiles at her.
1x08: Morgana and Mordred sneak through the castle hand in hand
1x08: Morgana holds Mordred close as they hide from the search party led by Arthur.
2x03: Morgana and Mordred reunite at the druid camp. Mordred sensed her duress and they were able to find and help her. Morgana seems a little on edge. Mordred tells Morgana "Now I can take care of you, like you did me" and they smile at each other (I'm sorry but this moment is so cute)
2x11: Morgana smiles and laughs when she wakes up to see Mordred, who smiles back at her. They hug and are very happy to see each other. Morgana keeps in physical contact with Mordred throughout the conversation with Alvarr, keeping her hands on his shoulders.
2x11: Morgana appears hesitant to fully commit to committing treason until Mordred begs her and she agrees. Mordred smiles at her
2x11: Mordred shouts Morgana’s name happily when she arrives at the camp and he runs to hug her. They embrace and they are both smiling. Morgana laughs happily
5x02: Morgana sees Mordred and recognizes him enough to investigate further. They both look astonished when they see and recognize each other. She says his name and reaches a hand out towards his face which she ends up landing on his neck/ shoulder. He smiles at her and she positively beams
5x02: Morgana and Mordred have dinner together. They converse and Mordred seems to be completely on board with her until she says "There'll be nothing to fear once Arthur and his kind are cleansed from the earth."
5x02: Mordred reveals to Morgana that they had Arthur and he ended up escaping. Morgana is very agitated by this. Mordred tells her to calm down.
5x02: Mordred stabs Morgana before she can complete a spell that would have presumably killed Arthur. Morgana looks up at him in pain confusion and betrayal and says Mordred's name before collapsing.
5x09: Morgana strokes Mordreds face while he is unconscious. He asks her why she doesn't kill him and she says that her argument isn't with him. She says they are the same and Mordred gets to his feet and tells her "Never" Morgana calls him naive for believing Arthur would ever tolerate magic
5x09: Mordred lies to Morgana about Emrys, saying he'd only heard of the name. Morgana decides she has no more use for mordred and raises her hand to cast a spell, though she doesn't look happy. Mordred stops her by asking "you would strike one of your own? I am not strong enough to defeat you Morgana, but know this: such hatred as yours can never triumph. I hope one day you will find the love and compassion which used to fill your heart." Morgana is visibly affected by his words, but she seems to make up her mind to go through with killing him and that is when Mordred uses his magic to knock her out.
5x11: Mordred seeks out Morgana. He is shoved to his knees before her and she looks down at him calling him old friend. She notes that last time they met he tried to kill her. Mordred says he wishes to make amends for questioning her wisdom. He tells her who Emrys is.
5x12: Mordred disapproves of Morgana riding Ari of his magic, as he was a powerful ally.
5x12: Mordred and Morgana combine their magic to create the fireballs
5x12 deleted scene: Mordred is hesitant to commit to war as the only answer to accomplish what they are fighting for. Morgana says there is no other way, no reasoning with Arthur. Mordred says he still might change and he believes he is a good man. Morgana brings up Kara and asks Mordred if he is with her. He is.
5x12: Morgana gives Mordred the sword forged in Aithusa’s breath, so he can kill Arthur with it. Morgana calls Mordred her proudest warrior and Mordred smiles and takes it.
5x12: Morgana tells Mordred to be careful or Eira wouldn't be able to talk. They talk about Merlin and the crystal cave.
5x13: Morgana takes out a bunch of Camelot knights that had surrounded Mordred.
5x13: Morgana stands over Mordred's grave and drives his sword, a chunk of it missing, into the ground. She is crying and promises that the battle wasn't over and they would see their revenge.
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alovesongshewrote · 4 years
Almost A Thousand Years - Witch Hunt | Hisirdoux Casperan
Plot:  You’ve known Hisirdoux Casperan for almost a thousand years.  You’ve hated him for almost a thousand years.  And for almost a thousand years, you’ve been cursed to feel each others pain.  But somewhere in that time, things changed.  [Hisirdoux Casperan x Mostly Gender Neutral but Probably Female Presenting Based on How Historical Men Treat Them!Reader]
Word Count:  4,463
Warnings: i swear some more and uh... i can’t really give a warning, it’s spoilers.  you’ll probably like it tho, i promise
A/N:  today’s a/n shout out goes to @furblrwurblr​ for drawing femboy hooters douxie and fucking cursing me
Taglist:  @furblrwurblr​ @rainningdoom​ @fluffydmonkey @blondie0458​ @sitherin-mxschief​ @jinxedleo​ @lawlesshedgehog @einahpetsyarcip​ @dolphincommander​
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“I told you the boy was bad news Master,” past you said with way too much pride in their voice for your liking.
“Oh, would you shut up?”
“So you’re me from the future, then?  Tell me, how do you end up travelling time with the likes of that git?”
“Oi, shut your mouth you little-” Douxie put his hand over your mouth, effectively shutting you up for the time being.
“Calm down (Y/N), please,”
Both you and your past self said “No,” in unison.  It would have been funny in literally any other situation, but alas, this was what fate handed to you.
“All of you, silence!  Have you any idea what you’ve done?  I knew my apprentice was an ignoramus, but travelling through time?  Time!”
You felt a very strong urge to scream, but fortunately, Douxie was doing the talking.
“I think we handled ourselves just fine, all things considered.  And technically, it was your idea,”
“Damn right,”
“Well, then, you must have botched it up!  My planning is flawless!”
“For the record, Master, I had nothing to do with this.  He did, which is me, and… ugh!  Time travel, so confusing!”  past Douxie was awake, and you decided right then if anyone said anything else you were going to knock him, your past self, and Merlin unconscious just for some peace and quiet.
“Aah!  The timelines are in complete disarray!”
Oop, that counted as saying something, “They’re about to be in more disarray,” 
“Seriously, (Y/N), calm down,”
“Don’t you talk to me… us?  Like that!”  past you was a little confused, but they still had the spirit.  It was the wrong kind of spirit, but spirit nonetheless.  You sighed, knowing that Douxie was right.
“No, (Y/N)?  Me?  Whatever.  He’s right, I just need a second,”
Past you froze in absolute shock while Douxie's past self decided to relish in the fact that you were wrong.
Present Douxie didn’t have a lot of patience for this, “Look, both of you, quiet down for a second.  Master, I can fix this, I swear!”
“Ah-ah, your meddling has already wreaked enough havoc on history!”
“Then surely we can use the time map to change things back, and then it’ll all be as it was,”  Archie said as you, your Douxie and the familiar surrounded Merlin, your focus on the time map in your former master's hands.
“It doesn’t work that way.  The map only offers glimpses of possible futures!  There are no detailed instructions,”
“Oh come on, it’s not that bad,”  Douxie said, reaching towards the device before Merlin slapped his apprentice’s hand away causing both of your hands to sting.
“Ow.  Look, life doesn't come with instructions, and we live through it every day without causing too much damage.  We can manage this!  It’ll be fine,”
“Not that bad, eh?  It’ll be fine, eh!?”  Merlin said before revealing just what the time map had to show you.  
King Arthur was on the ground, dead.  Needless to say, that was not good.
“Oh, fuzzbuckets,”  Both Douxies and your past self said.
“Oopsie,” you grimaced at the consequences of your actions. 
“Your little dungeon break must have changed fate!  Now, unless I stop it, the king will die!”
Merlin stormed out of the room, off, probably, to fix your mistakes.  Beside you, your Douxie groaned, bracing himself against the table.  You put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
“Seriously, how can you stand to touch him?”
It was your turn to groan.  You didn’t even look at your past self as you responded, “Because he is my friend and I care about him,”
It may have been a risky statement, one that could doom both you and your wizard, but the smile on Douxie’s face was worth it.
“I don’t understand, how can you-”  
Douxie cut off his past self, “You’ll understand when you’re older.  Now, you two stay here, we have to go,”  he grabbed your hand, and you left to find Claire or anything else that would help save the future.  Whichever came first.
It was Claire.  Claire came first.  You could hear the knights cheering from your place in the shadows.  The noise was a decent cover-up for your conversation.
“They’re hunting Jim!  If they catch him, he’ll be killed!”
“I know, and he’s not the only one.  Because of us, Arthur’s now fated to eat the big one, too!”
“Eat the what?  Oh, no, was I supposed to bring food?”
“He’ll be eating a death sandwich, Steve,”
“Ugh, who would eat that?  Gross,”
Douxie groaned, but you couldn’t help but laugh a little.  Times were tough, but that didn’t stop you from admitting that Steve absolutely had a point.
“Look, if Arthur dies, we lose the Battle of Killahead and the war,”
“Which will probably mess up time so much, you’ll never be able to return home,”  Archie said, pawing his way around your hiding space.
“At least, not our home,”  you glared at the ground, as if the dirt was the reason the world was at stake.
“Oh no!  Toby!”
You looked up at the time map just in time to see the War Hammer disappear into a blue mist.  That could not be a good sign.
“What’s happening to him?”
“The future- our future, is vanishing!”
“There’s gotta be a way to fix this,” you said, using the time map, searching through time to find something that would save your home.  Among the red, there was a moment of blue.  You paused as an image of Arthur and Morgana getting along flashed into the sphere.
“What’s that?”  Claire asked before you had the chance to ask the same thing.
“Well, that wasn’t there before.  It’s a new timeline, one where Arthur and Jim live,”
“And Morgana’s the hero?  I thought she was destined to become Mistress Doom,”
“No, you’re thinking Mistress of all Dark Magic.  Mistress of Doom is… something else,”
“What?”  Douxie paused, looking at you with vast amounts of suspicion.  
“You’d be surprised by some of the house calls I’ve made.  Now, keep talking,”
Douxie shook his head, but he was smiling.  Good.  You loved that smile.
“It looks like there’s a possibility if we get Arthur and Morgana to reconcile, then somehow, nobody dies,”
“I don’t think I have to say that that’s the outcome we want!”
You took a moment just to look at Douxie’s face.  In this small moment of victory, which was over too soon, he looked happier than you’d seen him in a while.  Of course, you never saw his face when he looked at you.
“Squire Steve!  We are all thirsty!”  and bam, moment over.  Thanks, Gallahad.
“I’ll keep an eye on Morgana.  Douxie, you work on Arthur.  (Y/N), Steve, make sure they don’t kill my boyfriend,”
“We’re on it.  Don’t die out there, guys,”
“We won’t,” Douxie said, taking one last look at you before he ran off.  You and Steve did the same.
About a minute in, you could feel things going wrong.  Your chest hurt as if you’d crashed to the floor.  It wasn’t awful, so you ignored it and kept moving forward, following Steve and the knights and making a mental note to make sure Douxie was ok when you had time.  A smirk made its way onto your face when said wizard knocked his past self out.  You couldn’t imagine that it was good for him, but if he could still perform magic, he was ok.  
And after that, things were okay.
At least for you.
Douxie was having a difficult time getting Arthur to listen to him.  Magic, as always, turned out to be a useful tool.  The king and his sister began their reconciliation, but something was troubling him.  He saw the way they looked at the illusion of Gweneviere.  They had both loved her.  Arthur even called Gwen “the heart of him,” and they had lost her.  He could see the grief on their faces, how it killed the king and weighed down the sorceress was clear to anyone who looked at them the right way.
This was not the first time Douxie contemplated his fear of losing you.  He’d been afraid of that for a long time, and one could say that he was used to the familiar sense of anxiety that made itself at home within him whenever you were in danger.  But now?  Now he looked at the faces of the royal family and realized that losing you would completely destroy him.  
Douxie was already a selfless person, one who would sacrifice everything he was to save the world, but right then, he decided that he would sacrifice the world to save you.  You were the world to him.  
But he couldn’t focus on that right now.  He had a job to do.
So did you.  And Steve was not making it any easier.
“Kill the beast!”
“Wait, kill?  I thought this was catch and release!”
“Oh, my g- ok, come on, Steve,”
You grabbed the boy by his armour and dragged him along as you followed the group, stopping dead when you reached the troll that the guards spoke of.
Arthur’s men had slung chains around the creature, restricting its movement to next to nothing.  You were not okay with this.
“Squire Steve, will you do the honours?”  Lancelot asked, tossing his sword to the boy.  
The boy whimpered, very obviously uncomfortable with this.  He turned to you, eyes desperately searching for instructions on what to do in this situation.  You shook your head, trying to get across that needless murder should probably be avoided.
Whether or not Steve got the message, you would never know.  The troll jumped at the teen.  You jumped in front of him, creating a shield with your magic, and Arthur jumped in front of you, swinging a sword at the troll and putting himself in some pretty needless danger.  You couldn’t talk on that subject though.  When it came to needless danger, you were freaking royalty.
“Careful, young squire, witch,” he spat out your title like it was a curse, “Show these beasts no sympathy,”
He kicked the troll into the sunlight, turning it to stone instantly.  You looked on with disappointment as the guards cheered.
Behind you, Steve whimpered again.  You turned, hoping to provide some comfort, or calm the kid down at least, when you froze, your blood running cold.  Behind Steve stood Bular, aka the Troll who kept trying to kill you.
The Gumm-Gumm prince knocked Steve aside, advancing and attacking the guards.  He hadn't noticed you yet, and you intended to keep it that way, staying out of the troll's field of view, and going after Steve instead.  You helped the boy up and off the ground.  He wasn't injured, but you realized that the king was about to be.  
Before you could do anything, Douxie and Merlin had things under control, saving Arthur and taking out the troll prince.  You breathed a sigh of relief.  If things went well, Bular wouldn’t see you.  Very few things ever went well, but you had your fingers crossed.
And it worked!  For once, things went your way.  Arthur knocked the Gumm-Gumm out with a kick to the face.  Sure, he said some very menacing and antagonistic things right after, but you had no thoughts in your head other than, “Well, that was convenient,”
You watched the guards take Bular away, taking note of Morgana questioning who the real monster was.  If Bular hadn’t tried to kill you and your friends and hadn’t successfully gotten you tortured a couple decades ago, you might have agreed with that.  Unfortunately, he had.
You hadn’t realized that you’d lost yourself in memories until Douxie said your name.
“-(Y/N), are you alright, love?”
“I-” you watched them take the troll out of sight, “I will be,”
Your wizard took one of your hands, squeezing it, “I’m right here if you need me,”
“I know,”
It was silent for a moment.  Then you heard the knights calling Steve.
“I should go,”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,”
“But I should.  Someone needs to make sure that kid doesn’t run into any more high ranking Gumm-Gumms,”
Douxie seemed hesitant, but he respected your choice, “Stay safe,”
“You too,”
From the corner of her eye, Morgana watched you and Douxie.  She wasn’t focused on it, per-say, but she did find it odd.  Were Merlin’s apprentices not constantly at each other’s throats?  She ignored it for now and moved on.
Things went decently for you after that.  The forest was peaceful, the knights were quiet.  Everything was chill until Steve decided to walk through a trap.  You weren’t sure why he didn’t just stop.  Kids these days, honestly.  
You winced as the arrows hit his armour and his skin.  Beside you, Gallahad and Lancelot were absolutely losing their shit.  You had to admit, it was kind of funny, but you were also concerned for your friend.  You put up a shield around him, sheltering the teen from any further arrow-related damage.  Needless to say, the knights were very disappointed.
“Oh, come on, now!  Don’t spoil all the fun,”
“It was fun for the first minute.  Now I’m concerned for his health,”
“Really?  Merlin’s witch apprentice showing concern?  Well then, we’ve found something rarer than the holy grail!”
You took a moment, keeping up your shields as the king and his guards moved through the trap, Lancelot and Gallahad now supporting Steve.
It was weird to see how much you’d changed.  Talking to your past self had been surreal, and a decent reminder of what a little shit you had been, but you hadn’t considered the specifics.  Past you was a scared kid doing what their king told them to.  Under Gunmar, you didn’t have any interests or hobbies outside of getting stronger and staying alive.  Even after you left, you really didn’t start to become who you were now for a few centuries.  You'd been scared that the Gumm-Gumms would come for you at any moment, and that fear wouldn't leave you until at least the fifteen hundreds.  You suddenly felt enormous amounts of guilt weighing on your shoulders.  Guilt about what you’d forced your past self to go through, that you never got a childhood worth having, that you hadn’t been a person for so long that it took centuries to take a real interest in something.  And you felt guilty about how you’d treated other living things.  You knew now that everyone who could be saved deserved saving, but the child you were in the twelfth century didn’t know that.  
But you couldn’t fix the past, even though you were now reliving it.  The only thing you could do was forgive yourself.
And so you did.
Then you ran after the knights to see if Steve was okay.
He was.  Teenagers are surprisingly resilient, that’s how they can do dumb things and not die.  You counted Steve coming out of that trap mostly unscathed as a win.  What wasn’t a win was Lancelot spotting Jim and Callista, looking at what appeared to be Jim’s phone.
You had no idea if that would affect the space-time continuum, but what would affect you personally was your friends getting shot.  And Lancelot was aiming a crossbow at them.  Great.
Beside you, you could hear Steve’s internal panic.  This time he didn’t turn to you, instead, he chose to act, smacking the crossbow out of the knight’s hands.  The arrow still fired, but there was still time.  You put a spell on the arrow, knocking it off course a little more and lessening the impact.  However, there was still an impact.  You could hear as much from the trolls below you.
Lancelot lined up another shot, but Steve knocked the weapon aside again, and you used your magic to push the crossbow out of reach.  It didn’t do much, but it bought your friends some much needed time.  The knight thrust the crossbow at Steve, clearly frustrated.
“What if we just let this one go?”  Steve’s efforts were admirable, you’d give him that much
“You never let them go,”
Lancelot turned away from you to face the king, who was rallying his soldiers.
You put a hand on Steve’s shoulder, “Hey, you did a good thing, kid,”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Steve’s voice shook slightly, and you felt awful.  If you had time, you probably would have hugged him, told him everything was going to be okay, and maybe adopted him, but right now, you had to find some way to protect Jim.
The knights ran off, leaving you and Steve watching them go.  
Douxie and Merlin came out of the bushes, clearly in pursuit of the king.  They called out to him before running off again.
“C’mon Steve, we have to follow them,”
The boy, who was still shaken, nodded, following behind you as you ran after everyone else.  
Things were not going well.  Morgana and Arthur were fighting, knights were surrounding the area, and Lancelot was firing arrows at children.
Claire was skilled enough to fend for herself, scaring Lancelot, but before the knight could say anything that everyone would regret, Steve knocked him out with a large rock.  You were a bit surprised, but also very pleased.
“Whoa, man, that troll- that came out of nowhere!  Right guys?”
Lancelot woke, only for Steve to hit him again.  You were very proud.
“Nice one, Steve!”
“Thanks!  Uh, can you do your doctor thing?  Make sure I didn’t kill him?”
You kind of doubted that Lancelot had been killed by the rock, but head trauma exists in every century, so you nodded and began your assessment.  You managed to focus up and do your work, ignoring the clanging metallic noise of the battle before you.  Then the pain hit you.  It was like you’d been thrown back into a tree, but that hadn’t happened, so what was- Douxie!
You rushed your assessment, focused on the ache in your spine, “He isn’t dead, Steve, you’re in the clear,”
The teenager punched the air, saying something that you weren’t paying attention to.
“Sorry, kid, I’ll be right back,”
That was kind of a lie.  You weren’t sure when you’d be back.
You made your way to Douxie’s side, helping him up as Morgana sent a beam of gold magic into the sky, before bringing it down on the earth like a whip.  Your wizard pulled you close to him, trying to shield you from the magic.  Had she been paying attention, Morgana would have declared this officially strange, but at the moment she was fighting her brother and former mentor.
You, Claire and Douxie thought it would be a good idea to try and reason with the angry sorceress.
“Stop!  We found another way!”
“It doesn’t have to be like this!”
“We can do this peacefully!”
“The time for peace ended long ago,”
“Morgana,” Claire called out, “He’s not the enemy,”
Morgana continued to rant, but you were a little distracted by the fact that she was now flying.  It wasn’t the best choice either of you had made, but you and Douxie got closer, just in time for the sorceress to cast a spell, creating shadow-like clones of herself.
“Oh, buckets,”  Douxie said as shadow-clones appeared before all of you.
“Yeah, that,”  you drew your sword.  There wasn’t much left to do but fight.
Unfortunately, you were in the minority when it came to having a weapon.  You watched as your friends struggled and dodged, eventually backing away, but wherever they went the shadows followed (as shadows are wont to do.)
Your small group found their way to a cliff, overlooking the ocean.  You recognized this place, but you weren’t sure how.
You could hear Merlin call for someone to protect the king, but you were a little busy fighting for your life at that moment.  
Somehow, you found an opening and sliced through the clone.  You only enjoyed your victory for a moment before Douxie was thrown to the ground, causing you both to wince from the pain.  You were about to make your way over to him when Arthur pointed his sword towards the sky, drawing a spell into the blade and releasing it into the ground, knocking everyone back and banishing the shadow-clones.
Douxie helped you up before you both ran to get the time map.  The sphere flickered from red to blue.  You looked out into the sunset and suddenly realized where you recognized this place from.
Morgana’s name left your lips and Douxie’s at the same time.  The time map’s sphere showed the sorceress’s body.
You and your wizard ran towards the duelling siblings in a last attempt to stop them, but you were once again blown back.  
You screamed as Morgana fell off the cliff for the second time in your life.
You couldn’t remember walking back to the castle. 
You knew you must’ve done it because you would remember being carried back, but you didn’t know how you got from the cliff to Camelot.
And now Claire was talking, “She’s gone.  We failed,”  as if you needed reminding.
“No,” Douxie’s voice came from beside you, “I failed.  Master, I-I’m so sorry,”
“This is why you don’t meddle with time,”
You didn’t even sass Merlin about how this was his idea.  You were out of sass at the moment.  Your head was full of static as you tried to process things.
“But I tried, I tried to fix it,” Douxie fell to his knees, his eyes on the still flickering time map.
Correction, your brain was full of static and heartbreak.  You knelt beside your wizard, putting your hands on his shoulders as he focused on the time map.
“Don’t you see, boy?  There is no ‘fixing’ anything,  Every change has consequence.  Knowing the future is a responsibility to bear with caution, lest you cause the worst things to happen,”
You couldn’t look Merlin in the eye.  Even as he walked away, you didn’t watch him go.
“Morgana’s dead, Excalibur's broken.  This never happened,”
“We are in uncharted territory,” Archie said, coming closer to you and Douxie, allowing the wizard to pat him.
The pain in your chest was his.  The utter anguish he felt over failing to fix things stabbed through you.  And it wasn’t just that.  He had failed Claire, and Steve, and Jim.  He had failed Merlin, and Toby and Camelot.  But the worst thing was he had failed you.  He had destroyed your future, and now you were stuck here.  The very thought of it ripped through him, and you felt all of it.
You bit your lip, just then realizing what that day was.
As if he realized what was to come, Archie took a few steps back, wandering away from the two of you.
“Hey, Doux,” he turned to look at you, the sorrow in his eyes eating you alive, “This was the night.  In our timeline, anyway,”
“Where was that fight again?  Merlin’s study?  The staircase?  The throne room?”
“If we wait outside, do you think we’ll see it happen?”
The pieces fell into place for him, too.
“I don’t even know if it will,”
You waited a moment.
“Who knows.  We hated each other enough, we might still get cursed,”  The joking tone in your voice made you both smile, even though it didn’t reach your eyes.
“Seriously, though, Douxie.  I think whatever bond Merlin gave us, I-” you took a deep breath, knowing that what you said next would definitely damn you both.  But that didn’t matter.  He needed to hear this.
“I think it was the best thing that ever happened to me.  You are the best thing that ever happened to me,”
Douxie looked surprised, only for a second, before his eyes cast their gaze to the ground, to the time map that sat closed on the floor.  “Are you sure?”
His voice was so quiet you barely heard him, and it was so sad, so scared, that you could feel your heart shatter into a million pieces right then and there, “Yeah,” your voice felt like it would break at any minute, “Yeah, I’m sure,”
Your predictions were correct.  Your voice broke and tears came to your eyes, much to your embarrassment.
“(Y/N),” Douxie turned his body towards yours, taking your face in his hands, “You-” he took a second, also feeling that his voice would fail him at any minute, “You mean everything to me, and I-I ruined your future.  We don’t have a home to go back to, and it’s my fault, I-”
“Douxie,” you cut him off, “As long as I’m with you, I’m home.  If we have to, we’ll just build a new future, together,” you ran a hand through his hair.  This was it.  This is what was going to kill you, “I love you, Hisirdoux Casperan,”
There was silence.
And then his lips were on yours.
Do you remember the kiss in the 80s?  Yeah, that was child’s play compared to this.
Your lips fit together perfectly,  his hands glided over your back, pulling you closer to him.  Your hands held his face, swiping away at the tears that threatened to fall.  You found your bottom lip captured between his.  A gasp escaped you when he bit down.  It wasn’t enough to draw blood, but it was enough for your heart to race a little faster, if that was even possible, and tighten your grip just a little.  You could almost feel his pulse racing, and you were absolutely certain he could feel yours.  Your last kiss had been everything in your past, but this kiss was your future.  It was a promise that no matter what came next, you would face it together.
And then you remembered exactly what it was that your future held.
T'was a mood killer.
You broke the kiss, almost unwillingly and definitely wanting more, but Douxie had been right.  He should know what, “I don’t want to kill you anymore,” meant.
Also, there was a loud crash and bright lights from one of the towers, and that was pretty distracting.
“Those damn kids.  Did we really fight so much?”
That almost got a laugh from you, but you had something else to focus on right now.  You rested your forehead against his for a moment, just breathing for a second before your spoke, your voice low, “Douxie, I have to explain some stuff,”
“What is it, darling?”
“You were right, there’s some stuff you should know.  Doux, I think now is later,”
You bit your lip before standing and motioning for him to follow you into the castle, “Let’s go,”
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gremlinbehaviour · 3 years
For @febuwhump day 24: memory loss
Fandom: Merlin
Wordcount: 1679
Elyan and Guinevere have been kidnapped and taken to Hengist's old castle with the cage fights, but when the others arrive to rescue them, Gwen is unconscious and her brother doesn't seem to recognize any of his friends.
Read on ao3
As distressed as Arthur had been when Guinevere was kidnapped and brought to Hengist’s castle the first time, and as scared as he had been to see Lancelot and her tied up in the center of the cage and unable to defend themselves, this time was worse. She was his wife now, not just a serving girl he fancied, and she had been kidnapped along with her brother. Her brother that now stood guard over her unconscious body, or, no, don’t even consider it. If only Elyan would lower his sword and let him past to see her. When Merlin had tried to get past him to check on the queen, the knight had practically growled at him and stepped to the side to come between the two of them. His clothes were soaked in blood that Arthur could only pray wasn’t his own, and there was not a trace of recognition in his eyes as he looked at his friends.
“Elyan, mate, it’s us. Your friends,” Gwaine said, hands raised placatingly. The man in question didn’t respond, or even react, to his words. There was a snarl affixed to his face, worsening whenever someone took even a half step forward. "We're not going to hurt you, or Gwen." When this still didn't prompt a reaction, he turned to look at Arthur and Merlin. "What's wrong with him? Is he enchanted?"
"I don't think so," the servant replied.
"It's more likely that his body and mind are just taxed beyond the point of reason," Arthur added. "I've seen it before, in other soldiers. They just get too tired and used to fighting to recognize when the danger has passed." It could happen during the length of even a short fight, but it was more common with longer battles or extended survival situations. A week, which was how long it had been since Elyan and Guinevere had been captured while on a picnic outside of Camelot, was evidently long enough for it to set in badly. The king wondered if Gwen would even be affected when she woke. If she woke. He needed to get Elyan out of the way so they could check on her.
"What do we do?" Percival asked. He was starting to look nervous himself, agitated by his friend clearly being in distress. Fighting their way through all the slavers hadn't bothered him in the least; in fact, it had been cathartic, but seeing one person he cared about scared and in pain was almost enough to bring the big knight to his knees.
"We can try to talk to him, try to disarm him, or simply wait for him to collapse," Leon laid out the options. Now that he pointed it out, they could all see that Elyan was shaking. His legs were planted wide apart for stability, his sword held up but in both hands, as if he barely had the strength to raise it. It probably wouldn't be long until he no longer posed a threat and they could get safely around him to Gwen, but then again, with his stubbornness and desperation, it could be longer than they could safely wait. Guinevere needed attention now . Arthur's hand clenched in frustration around his sword, and instantly Elyan’s eyes were on him. He might've been oblivious to their words and identities, but he was clearly hyper-aware of their movements and the threat that they could pose.
"Percival, Gwaine, you take his right side, Lancelot and I will take the left. Don't hurt him, at all costs, but get his sword away from him. Leon and Merlin, see if you can get past us to Gwen. If he reacts to that though, stop and get to the side of the cage out of the way." This direction was clearly meant for Merlin, but Leon nodded as well. Carefully, the king and the other knights approached their friend, swords out but not raised. They only brought them to defend themselves if Elyan lashed out, not to land any blows themself.
"Elyan, listen to me," Arthur said firmly when the knight started to get more agitated, raising his sword and baring his teeth viciously. Was this how cage fights always were? The king had a hard time reconciling this snarling, bloody image of his friend with the dignified front he usually put up. "It's us. Your friends. We aren't going to hurt you, or Gwen. We're here to help."
Whether his words would have worked was unclear, as Gwaine stepped into sword range and Elyan struck out at him. Normally, as sparring partners, the smaller knight knew enough not to let his blade into the position where the rogue could twist it away, but as he didn't recognize them this time, he didn't know how to avoid it. Lancelot caught the blade when it went flying, and now that the man was disarmed, Arthur darted forward to grab his arms.
He wasn’t prepared for Elyan to fight dirty and ram his knee up into his crotch, or to slam his head forward into his chin. Letting go instinctively, he stumbled back, but thankfully Percival had jumped in to grab the smaller knight from behind. He wrapped him in a bear hug and pulled him close to his chest, tucking his head underneath his chin and squeezing his arms tight to his sides. Elyan practically screamed in apparent frustration as he struggled and squirmed to try to get free, and the sound was horrifying in its bare desperation. Eventually, finally, he started to go still. Leon worried it was a ruse, to try to get them to let down their guard, before he let his eyes close and his body go limp.
“Percy?” Elyan whispered, so hopeful he almost sounded reverent.
"Yeah, it's me, you're okay."
"Oh, so he doesn't recognize us at all by sight, but he knows Percival from two seconds of having his arms around him?" Gwaine teased gently.
"Like you wouldn't be the same way," the big knight retorted playfully. He released his bear hug on Elyan in favor of picking him up bridal-style to carry out of the cage. 
Realizing that the danger with the disoriented fighter was over, Arthur quickly turned to where Merlin and Leon were tending to his wife. "Gwen," he said softly, kneeling down beside her. She had a bump on her forehead, but other than that she didn’t appear injured.
“I think she’ll be okay,” Merlin assured him. “Her breathing and pulse are steady.”
“Thank Heavens,” Arthur breathed. He picked her up carefully, with Merlin helping to support her head until he could lean it against the king’s shoulder. Carrying her out of the cage, he noticed Elyan had been carefully sat down on a bench, with Gwaine sitting on one side of him and Lancelot on the other. He held tight to each of their hands, but let go and quickly stood up when he saw Gwen. His legs buckled under him and Lancelot was just barely fast enough to pull him against his hip with a hand around his waist and keep him from collapsing. Gwaine jumped up to brace his other side, and Percival looked on nervously.
“Is she okay?” Elyan asked, reaching out towards his sister.
“She’ll be fine,” Merlin reassured him. “I’ll tend to both of you when we get outside.” The group of knights had killed the leader of the kidnapping ring and his right and left hand men, and scared off most of the other mercenaries and such they had hired, but it would be best to be safely away with the incapacitated queen and the king’s brother-in-law before they had the chance to come back. Gwaine and Lancelot pulled Elyan’s arms around their shoulders to help him walk as they followed Arthur towards the castle’s exit. Leon, Merlin, and Percival stayed on the lookout for potential enemies, but thankfully they encountered none and reached the horses safely. Gwen had even begun to wake up, though her brother was gradually becoming less coherent.
“Lancelot, can you check him for any head injuries?” Merlin instructed as they set up camp. Elyan was conscious, but by this point extremely disoriented, and he kept asking them what had happened, where they were, and, most disturbingly, when they were going to make him fight again. The picture was slowly becoming clear to Lancelot and Gwaine especially; the kidnappers had been throwing him in the cage for a number of fights, not just the one right before they’d rescued them.
“Don’t hurt Gwen,” Elyan mumbled as Lancelot carefully ran his fingers over his thick hair, searching for any bumps or cuts. He winced when he found blood over his left temple. “Please, I’ll do what you want, just don’t hurt Gwen.”
“No one’s going to hurt your sister, it’s alright,” Gwaine tried to soothe him. As the two knights  had both been cage fighters themselves, they were the best able to understand what Elyan was feeling and calm him down. Later, when the knight was more aware, they’d talk to him more about the fighting and try to offer their support as he worked through the trauma of it, but for now he needed their help remembering that he was safe more than anything. Gwaine was patient, as he so rarely was, and kept gently reminding him who they were and that Gwen was safe, while Lancelot gently cleaned the cut on the side of his head. It wasn’t deep, thank goodness, but there was a bad goose-egg under it. Whatever blow had caused it was enough to explain his confusion, especially coupled with the situation.
“I wanna see her,” Elyan demanded, fighting free of Gwaine’s grasp on his arms. Fortunately, Gwen herself was awake now, though just as disoriented. Percival helped her brother over to her, and instantly the two siblings threw their arms around each other and refused to let go. They would be alright with some sleep, Merlin assured everyone, and let them lie down and snuggle close together as they drifted off.
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loki-lover84 · 4 years
Season 01 Episode 02: “Valiant”
Things in Camelot had become rather hectic recently, everyone was making preparations for the upcoming tournament. All the castle’s staff were in overworking mode to make sure all the rooms were appropriate for the challengers stay and that the halls were decorated in a tasteful fashion. I always looked forward to tournaments it was just something new that was going on in Camelot that brought the kingdom together, plus it took Uther’s mind of executing people for a while he became a whole other person whenever an event like this came around, it makes me wish they took place every week.
Brenna had been teasing me at every given opportunity constantly mentioning Merlin to me whenever she could, to be fair though at this point it was just becoming annoying though sometimes she’d just randomly say his name to see if I was paying attention to her. I’m still not completely sure how or why I’d become infatuated with a guy I hardly knew but I guess that’s life sometimes though. I’d seen him around the castle, never talking to him, just seeing him run around trying to do Arthur’s demands for the day. As for Guinevere I’d hardly spoken to her because if she wasn’t with Morgana she’d be with Merlin, she didn’t talk to Brenna or I since Merlin became Arthur’s manservant. I could hardly be surprised though, the pair of them did have an instant connection.
Brenna and I watched on from a distance as Arthur attempted to train with Merlin, I say attempted to he would’ve found a tree to be more challenging than Merlin. We couldn’t hide our amusement as Arthur essentially played with Merlin occasionally hitting his sword against Merlin’s helmet disorientating the poor lad before we became bored and decided to help the others with the preparations.
Today’s the first day of the tournament, Brenna of course did all she could to make me look as stunning as she was capable of, especially because I’d be on full display seated next to Uther much like my sister. Morgana was of course on Uther’s right accompanied by Guinevere and I was on his left accompanied by Brenna. Because of all the effort Brenna does to make me look the part I could hardly pass up the opportunity to do the same for her, particularly for such an event in front of many bachelors.
We watched as the knight’s came forward into the arena for Uther’s speech.
“Knight’s of the realm, it’s a great honour to welcome you to the tournament in Camelot. Over the next three days, you will come to put your bravery to the test, you skills as warriors and, of course, challenge the reigning champion, my son, Prince Arthur. Only one can have the honour of being crowned champion, and he will receive a prize of 1,000 gold pieces.” The crowd gasps and begins to murmur whilst a knight in yellow eyes up the chest. “It is in combat that we learn a knight’s true nature, whether he is indeed a warrior or a coward. The tournament begins!” Uther declares as he raises his fist and the crowd cheers.
I was as the yellow knight flashes my twin a charming look which she immediately responds to flashing him a smile whilst locking her gorgeous green eyes onto his I think blue ones, I honestly can’t tell from where I’m sitting. The knight’s disband leaving Arthur, Uther and one other knight in the arena Uther clasps on to Arthur and whispers something to him but from Arthur’s reaction he clearly hadn’t wished him luck. Two guards approached and took their capes and handed them their shields as they prepared themselves for the duel. A flash of concern appeared on Uther’s face once they started, he clearly didn’t have enough faith in Arthur, but he’d trained with me and Morgana whilst we grew up, Uther had nothing to fear Arthur was Camelot’s best knight. A few moments later after elbowing the other knight in the face knocking him to the ground the crowd began to cheer as Arthur removed his helmet to bathe in his victory. He’d advanced to the next round. After Arthur’s fight the knight in yellow took on his opponent succeeding greatly without breaking a sweat, he too removed his helmet a cocky grin on his face as he oozed arrogance. The next knight fought against another with two swords and no shield which was intriguing, he was clearly more confident with his blades on offence than having a shield for defence. As the day went on the fights lasted longer, the participants were sloppier in some of their moves I couldn’t blame them they’ve been in armour all day and the weather was rather warm, there was only a couple of rounds left before the first day of the tournament would come to an end.
Now that the fighting was over Uther, Morgana and I needed to prepare to individually congratulate each knight that had advanced to day two of the tournament. We lined up side by side Uther first, my sister in the middle with Gwen behind her and finally myself and Brenna unfortunately Brenna had to actually stand behind me for this part but I honestly don’t think she minded. The knight in yellow was first and Morgana couldn’t fight the flustered grin on her face which caused Gwen, Brenna and I to laugh slightly.
“Knight Valiant of the Western Isles, my Lord.” He introduced to Uther.
Valiant seriously, that’s his actually name? I highly doubt it.
“I saw you fighting today. You have a very aggressive style.”
“As my Lord said, “To lose is to be disgraced.”” Valiant quoted to Uther.
“I couldn’t agree more.” Uther replied causing me to roll my eyes. “Knight Valiant, may I present the Lady Morgana and her sister the Lady Y/n, my wards.”
Valiant’s eyes never left my sister’s as her bowed and kissed her hand which was a little creepy to watch but it happened.
“My Lady.”
“I saw you competing today.” Morgana said adding a more ladylike softness to her voice.
“I saw you watching.” Valiant replied causing a light blush to creep upon my sister’s cheeks.
“I understand the champion escorts my Lady to the feast.” He says glancing at Arthur.
“That’s correct.”
“And I will give everything to win that tournament.” Valiant boldly charmed which again caused me to roll my eyes before he turned to me. “My Lady.” He bowed kissing the back of my hand.
I never liked that tradition I know it’s a display of politeness and respect but, the last thing I actually want is a built up amount of saliva on the back of my hand from various men kissing it. Thankfully Valiant didn’t say anything further to me but he strutted away with a smug smile on his face as my twin eyed him up. Before the next knight approached us it was the same thing over and over again until it was Arthur’s turn.
“Arthur.” Uther said.
“Father.” Arthur replied as he bowed before moving over to my sister and myself.
“They all seem rather impressed by the knight Valiant.” Morgana said a playful smile on her face.
“They’re not the only ones.” Arthur stated clearly irritated.
“Not jealous, are you?” I teased which resulted in me getting a glare from Arthur.
“I don’t see there’s anything to be jealous of.” Arthur replied haughtily to Morgana making her glare at him as he walked away.
“Could Arthur be any more annoying?” Morgana complained to us.
“Oh my dear sister I’m pretty sure we both know from firsthand experience he could.” I replied causing Brenna a Gwen to laugh.
“True.” Morgana replied before saying, “I so hope knight Valiant wins the tournament.”
“You don’t really mean that.” Gwen chimed as Morgana turned her full attention to her.
“Yes.  I do.” She responded.
After dealing with a couple of knights we went our separate ways to retire for the evening.
The second day of the tournament had begun, each battle lasting longer that yesterdays as they were all further driven now that they had advanced and were closer to winning. Valiant was up against a knight in purple, he’d introduced himself to me at the reception but there was so many names to try to remember, their fight was exciting and I was rooting for the purple knight when Valiant tripped him up and got on top of him shield pressing down against his before he punched the knight and won the match. The purple knight lay on the ground almost as if he were lifeless, that was when I saw Gaius staggering into the arena with his satchel of medical supplies. The tournament continued until more challengers were eliminated.
Brenna and I decided that we’d pay a visit to Valiant’s opponent and see if we could help Gaius in any way. We walked through the maze like halls of the castle before reaching the Physician’s Quarters were I once again bumped into a rather determined Merlin.
“Sorry about that my Lady, I had something on my mind and wasn’t watching where I was going.” Merlin said his eyes hard.
“No it’s alright, no harm done.” I replied before Merlin walked away.
“You two are useless.” Brenna laughed before we entered Gaius’s room.
“Is he going to be okay?” I asked looking at the unconscious sweating knight.
“I’m afraid I’m not sure, it seems he was bitten by a snake Lady Y/n.”
Gaius, please just call me Y/n I’ve known you my entire life it feels wrong.” I answered. “A snake but there wasn’t any snakes around were there?” I asked getting back to the matter at hand.
“No, Y/n as far as I’m aware.” Gaius responded.
“But he was fine whilst he was fighting Valiant so there must’ve been one.” Brenna chimed.
Valiant, his shield has three snakes on. He couldn’t have used magic could he? I honestly expected more from a sorcerer.
“Sorry Gaius I have to check something.” I dismissed myself as I hurried Valiant’s chambers running straight into a horrified Merlin.
Merlin wasted no time in grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him as we ran and hid Merlin’s hand was on my mouth before I could ask him any questions, moments later an angry Valiant strode in his blade ready as Merlin hid us behind a wall. Eventually Valiant left  and Merlin removed his hand.
“What is going on?” I demanded glaring at Merlin for abducting me for a second time.
“I think Valiant’s using magic to win the tournament, his shield seems to be enchanted.” Merlin spoke urgently.
“The snakes on his shield are real, he fed one a live mouse.” Okay that’s a bit gross.
“I knew there was something off about that guy!” I hissed as Merlin began dragging me off again. “Where are we going?”
“We need to tell Gaius.”  With that we made our way back to the Physician.
“I’ve just seen one of the snakes in Valiant’s shield come alive. He’s using magic.” Merlin announced my hand still in his.
“Are you sure?” Gaius asked looking up at us.
“The snake ate a mouse one swallow, straight down.” Merlin insisted. “Ewan was fighting Valiant when he collapsed. It must’ve been one of the snakes from the shield.
“I have to tell Arthur.” I spoke as I turned to leave as Merlin’s hand released mine.
“Is there any chance you might be mistaken? Y/n what did you see?” Gaius asked.
“I didn’t actually see anything but, I suspected it and from Valiant’s response he’s definitely hiding something he doesn’t want anyone to know about.” I deduced.
“Yes Gaius, I know magic when I see it.” Merlin responded.
What does he mean by that?
“Have you any proof?” Brenna finally spoke.
“Don’t you believe me?” Merlin asked.
“I dare say we all believe you.”
“I fear you’ll land yourself in trouble. How would you explain that you were in Valiant’s chambers?” Gaius asked.
“What does that matter?” Merlin snapped. “He’s using magic to cheat in the tournament!”
“You can’t accuse a knight of using magic without proof, the King wouldn’t accept the word of a servant over that of a knight.” Brenna spoke honestly.
“So what I say doesn’t count for anything?”
“It counts for very little as far as the King’s concerned that’s how it is.” I sigh.
An agitated Merlin leaves for his room as Brenna and I too leave Gaius alone for the night.
The next day Arthur’s first opponent is a bear of a man just seeing him instils fear in my sister and I.
“You’re not worried, are you?” I overhear Gwen ask my clearly anxious sister.
“No.” Comes her short reply as she fidgets with her hands.
The crowd let’s out numerous cheers as Arthur dodges all of his challengers attacks before catching him off guard and knocking him to the ground as everyone releases a final cheer for Arthur. Next up was the cheating Valiant that fights dirty and aggressively to get himself a brutal win. The final fight will be between Arthur and Valiant, what if he uses his snakes against him a kills him?
“We have to do something.” I whisper urgently to Brenna, “He can’t fight Arthur tomorrow, he needs to be exposed for using magic.” I hated to say it but this time the magic was being manipulated for evil. Brenna nodded her head agreeing with me, we just weren’t sure of what we could do.
That evening all the knights were set to have drinks with Uther so I knew Valiant’s shield was unattended, maybe if I could get it to Gaius we could figure something out. As I approached his chambers Merlin once again ran into me only this time he had something in one of his hands and yet again his other grabbed mine and we fled from Valiant’s chambers.
“Merlin we’ve got to stop meeting like this.” I laugh slightly out of breath as we run to Gaius.
“At least you can’t say we have dull moments.” He replied as we entered Gaius’s chambers.
Merlin handed the thing to Gaius, it was the head of a green and yellow snake. Not really what I was expecting but it was better than nothing. Gaius extracted some of the snakes venom.
“I’ll get started preparing the antidote.”
“I’m going to tell Arthur.” Merlin declared.
“You’ll need this.” Gaius throws the snake head to Merlin. “And, Merlin, what you did was very brave.”
With a proud smile he left to find Arthur bringing me with him. Together we walked side by side through the castle to get to Arthur’s chambers.
“You know he’ll try to belittle you don’t you? About the snake head.”
“Yeah, something I’ll get used to though I suppose.” Merlin replied there was a comfortable silence before he continued. “When you first introduced yourself to me, why did you lie?”
“I didn’t, my name is Y/n and I do sometimes help around the castle. I like helping with the cooking the washing and the odd jobs, not so much the cleaning though. I like to help out around here I don’t want to be known as Lady Y/n one of King Uther’s wards who floats around and makes the servants and the maids do everything.”
“Seems fair, why did-“ Merlin began.
“Oh look we’re here. Hey Arthur open up!” I called knocking on his chamber doors which he begrudgingly opened.
Merlin explained everything to Arthur.
“You? You chopped its head off?” Arthur asked thinking Merlin was lying as he ate his food.
“Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant. Talk to Gaius, you can see the puncture wounds from where it bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat.” Merlin spoke.
“Valiant wouldn’t dare use magic in Camelot.” Arthur answered.
“Ewan was pinned under Valiant’s shield, no one could see it bite him.”
“I don’t like the guy but, that doesn’t mean he’s cheating.” Arthur said as he stood up.
“Gaius is preparing an antidote to the snake venom. When Ewan’s conscious, he’ll tell you what happened.” I said trying to win Arthur over.
“If you fight Valiant in the final, he’ll use the shield it’s the only way he can beat you. Look at it!” Merlin says picking up the snakes head, “Have you seen any snakes like this in Camelot?”
Arthur takes the head from Merlin and begins to examine it.
“I know I’m just a servant and my word doesn’t count for anything. I wouldn’t lie to you.” Merlin’s sincerity pulls at my heart strings.
“I want you to swear to me, both of you that what you’re telling me is true.” Arthur say seriously as he looks at us.
“I swear it’s true.” Merlin and I say.
“Then I believe you.” Arthur decides, making Merlin smile.
“Thank you Arthur.” I say hugging him which he half-heartedly returns.
I leave Arthur’s chambers and make my way to my own leaving Merlin with him.
The next day Valiant is marched to the throne room accompanied by some guards, my eyes meet Merlin’s and Arthur’s as I wait anxiously for the truth to come out.
“Y/n relax, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.” Brenna whispered reassuringly to me a comforting smile on her face.
“Why have you summoned the court?” Uther asks unimpressed as he marches past Arthur.
“I believe knight Valiant is using a magic shield to cheat in the tournament.” Arthur sates.
Morgana and Guinevere exchange a worried glance before glancing at me.
“Valiant what do you have to say to this?”
“My Lord this is ridiculous. I would never use magic. Does your son have any evidence to support this outrageous accusation?” Valiant dismisses.
“Do you have evidence?”
“I do.” Arthur turns to Merlin signalling for him to bring forth the snake’s head to Uther.
Uther spends some time examining it.
“Let me see the shield.”
“Don’t let him get too close.” Merlin says to Arthur as the shield is brought forward.
“Be careful my Lord.” Arthur says drawing his sword and aiming it at the shield.
“Merlin.” Gaius whispers capturing Merlin and Arthur’s attention as well as my own.
“We need Ewan. Find out what’s happening.” Arthur says to Merlin.
“As you can see my Lord it’s just an ordinary shield.” Valiant says with fake innocence.
My heart begins to pound, Uther isn’t going to believe us, it’s all going wrong.
“Y/n deep breaths, calm down.” Brenna whispers her striking blue eyes resting on my fearful e/c ones.
“He’s not going to let everyone see the snakes come alive.” Arthur says.
“Then how am I to know that what you say is true?” Uther argues.
“Don’t you trust your own son?” I snap glaring at Uther.
“Silence!” Uther hisses his bone chilling glare landing on me.
“I have a witness.” Arthur says. “Knight Ewan was bitten by one of the snakes from the shield. Its venom made him grievously ill. However, he’s received an antidote. He will confirm that Knight Valiant is using magic.” He continues as Merlin and Gaius exchange worried whispers.
“Where is this witness?” Uther asks clearly unconvinced.
“He…should be here.” Arthur says turning to Merlin causing everyone to look at him, “Where’s Ewan?”
“He’s dead.” Merlin replies.
Oh no, not good this very not good.
“I’m waiting!” Uther yells startling some members of the court, the silence deafening as Arthur solemnly turns back to Uther.
“I’m afraid the witness id dead.” Arthur eventually speaks.
“So you have no proof to support these allegations? Have you seen Valiant using magic?”
“No.” Uther turns away from Arthur in his disappointment. “But my servant fought-“
“Your servant? You make these outrageous accusations against a knight on the word of your servant?” Uther seethes as Valiant shakes his head, a head I wouldn’t mind having the honour of chopping off.
“I believe he’s telling the truth.” Arthur defends.
“As do I!” I say earning a glare from Uther.
“Have you seen Knight Valiant using magic then Y/n?” Uther asks his tone hostile.
“Not exactly but-“I began.
“Then your view does not matter.”
“My Lord, am I really to be judged on hearsay from a boy?” Valiant says moving to stand next to Uther.
“I’ve seen those snakes come alive.” Merlin eagerly states coming forward.
“How dare you interrupt?! Guards.” My heart pounds as the guards come forward to arrest Merlin They force him halfway down the throne room when.
“My Lord…” Valiant speaks.
“Wait.” Uther orders.
“I’m sure he was merely mistaken. I wouldn’t want him punished on my account.” The deceitful two faced snake says.
“You see? This is how a true knight behaves, with gallantry and honour.”
“My Lord, if your son made these accusations because he’s afraid to fight me, then I will graciously accept his withdrawal.” Arthur’s face hardens at Valiant’s insinuation.
“Is this true? Do you wish to withdraw from the tournament?” Uther asks an underlying threat to his voice.
“What am I to make of these allegations?” We all stand in silence, I glance around the room my eyes eventually landing on a restrained anxious Merlin, an uncertain Morgana, an agitated Uther before landing upon a broken Arthur.
“Obviously there has been a misunderstanding. I withdraw the allegation against Knight Valiant. Please accept my apology.” Arthur bows his head.
“Accepted.” Valiant replies as Uther frowns at Arthur.
Arthur storms out not wishing to remain any longer as Merlin shrugs the guards off to follow him, he glares at Valiant before his eyes meet Gaius to exchange a look and finally they lock with mine he expresses sympathy in response to my worried look. I wanted to go after them and check on Arthur, I knew his pride would be destroyed as well as his trust and faith in Merlin however one look at Uther and I knew if I were to follow he’d probably lock me up again for the night. I could never quite work out why he hated me so much but doted on my twin I know I defy him when I believe what he’s doing to be wrong but Morgana does too.
After apologizing to Valiant for Arthur’s behaviour the rest of the court left but, I knew I’d be too late Arthur would’ve already fired Merlin and there would be very little I could do to persuade him to reinstate him. Brenna remained by my side through everything she held a weak smile and kept repeating that justice would be served, that Valiant’s secret would be revealed before any harm could come to Arthur, I can’t really believe what she’s saying however there’s so much confidence behind her words it’s very hard to not have faith that the truth will come out. As we stalked the corridors near the courtyard sat with his head down on the steps was Merlin, he looked frustrated, anxious and dejected. Brenna and I made our way across the courtyard but Guinevere got there first she was already sat beside him allowing him to confide in her before he smiled stood up and picked up a decorative statue of a hound before saying something else to Gwen, she nodded and hurried off to get something after a few moments, she came back with a wheel barrow and Merlin placed the statue in it wheeling it off to presumably his room leaving Gwen alone.
“Gwen, are you okay?” I asked approaching her, she looked at me a bewildered like expression on her face.
“Oh yes, I’m perfectly fine but I can’t say the same for Merlin, he’s acting rather weird.”
“He’s always; acting weird he just is weird. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Brenna said a smile on her face.
“Do you need some assistance with some of your chores? We’re free to help, I know that since the tournament some people have fallen behind and I was just wondering-“ I began to offer.
“If it’s not too much hassle, I did fall slightly behind with all the distractions and happenings going on as of recent.”
“We’re more than happy to help out a friend.” I smiled sweetly at her as I all three of us spent the remainder of the day laughing, talking and doing chores together.
Today was the day we’d all been dreading, the day Arthur took on Pompous Prat. I’d met up with my sister who claimed to have had a vicious nightmare showing Valiant triumphing over Arthur and presumably killing him. I knew that such an occurrence must’ve ruined her whereas my feelings for Arthur were purely familial hers were deeper, more passionate. We made our way to Arthur’s chambers the sight of someone else helping Arthur into his armour wasn’t pleasant, it was wrong, it should be Merlin but I knew it wouldn’t be. At a wave of Morgana’s hand the servant dismissed himself and Morgana took his place.
“Let me.” She spoke softly to Arthur as she began to adjust his straps, Arthur gazed at her slightly confused, “We used to help our father with his armour.” She said before he needed to ask.
I grabbed his helmet for him as Morgana made him comfortable and secure before handing it over to him.
“Thanks.” Arthur said as he looked between us and began to leave.
“Arthur.” Morgana called causing him to halt, “Be careful.” There was a couple of seconds of silence as they gazed at one another.
“See you at the feast.” Arthur eventually said before he left.
“He’ll be fine, it’s Arthur after all he’s too stubborn to allow himself to be beaten.” I said as I gave my sister a reassure hug.
Arm in arm we walked out the stands to take our respective seats for the finally battle in the tournament, meeting Brenna and Guinevere on the way. I saw how worried Morgana was and gave her a final hug telling her again how no one could beat Arthur other than us, earning a small smile from her and an encouraging nod before the fight commenced. The duel had begun and thankfully so far each move had be clean as the pair put on a show for all in Camelot to witness. Arthur eventually knocked Valiant’s helmet off and the crowd became uncertain or at least until Arthur removed his own in order to even out their chances causing the crowd to cheer enthusiastically. The excitement soon went once Valiant knocked Arthur to the ground and stepped on his shield to prevent his defence, I wanted nothing more than to get into the arena and help Arthur but Arthur wouldn’t want me to even if I could. Thankfully, Arthur was able to roll out from under Valiant’s strike having to abandon his shield in the process, if he was to fight with honour than Valiant too should’ve discarded his shield but he didn’t and used it to his advantage. He pressed Arthur against one of the walls where my eyes ended up landing on Merlin who was nearby behind the wall near it, next thing I knew Arthur had been able to get them back into the arena but, I watched with curiosity and intrigue as Merlin held out his hand and his mouth moved as if to chant something prior to the crowds shocked gasps as two snakes slithered out of Valiant’s shield.
“He is using magic.” Uther said as he stood up.
“Now they see you for what you really are.” Arthur panted as Valiant let out a breathless chuckle.
“Kill him!” Valiant commanded as the snakes climbed out of the shield hissing and snapping their jaws at Arthur.
“Arthur!” Morgan called grabbing Uther’s sword and chucking it to him so he was no longer defenceless.
Instantly both of the snakes were beheaded as they fell limp and lifeless but Valiant still remained, he charged at Arthur but Arthur quickly got the upper-hand disarming Valiant before stabbing him.
“Looks like I’ll be going to the feast after all.” Arthur whispered as Valiant let out an agonized grunt and falling to the ground.
I saw Morgan, Gwen and Uther all visibly relax Uther actually let out a sigh of relief as Arthur bathed once again in his victory before confidently leaving the arena and pushing on Merlin’s shoulder in a friendly way.
“I told you everything would work out, that justice will be served.” Brenna said a wide smile on her face as we continued our applause.
“Aye, that you did. I glad you never lost faith.” I smile back at my friend, she’d probably never know how much I deeply appreciated her and our friendship but I’ll continue to try to every day.
We all left together Uther overjoyed at Arthur’s success especially against a magic user he was the happiest and proudest I’d seen him in quite some time, it was reassuring seeing him like this it proved he isn’t always completely heartless despite him being like that most of the time he wasn’t fully a monster. Morgana, Gwen, Uther, Brenna and myself walked our separate ways each doing so to prepare for the feast tonight of which Arthur would have the honour of accompanying my twin who’d of course somehow end up looking more stunning than she did daily, in that spirit I too was done up for the occasion so as to look like I belonged and could play my part in this kingdom.
“My honourable guests, I give you Prince Arthur, your champion.” Uther announced as the great hall erupted with an applause upon Arthur’s entrance.
Arthur held his arm out to Morgana as the pair made their way across the room to the head table. Stopping just to the side as they walked up the make shift aisle the pair began to talk before Morgana stormed over to Gwen. Merlin had for once approached me in a formal situation but before he could say anything Arthur came over to us.
“Can you believe Morgana? She says she saved me. Like I needed any help.” He began to rant.
“Yeah well if she hadn’t have passed you that sword I was going to climb into that arena and kill Valiant myself for what he tried to do.” I said honestly to him, in response he playfully glared at me prior to focusing on Merlin.
“I wanted to say I made a mistake. It was unfair to sack you.” Arthur apologized causing Merlin to smile.
“No, don’t worry about it. Buy me a drink and call it even.” Merlin replied making me smile.
“Um…I can’t really be seen to be buying drinks for my servant.” Arthur said making me eye roll and Merlin feel a little embarrassed.
“Your servant?” Merlin chimed, “You sacked me.”
“Now I’m rehiring you. My chambers are a complete mess, my clothes need washing, my armour needs repairing, my boots need cleaning, my dogs need exercising, my fireplace needs sweeping, my bed needs changing and someone needs to muck out my stables.” Arthur finally finishes as Merlin gives him a weak look as Arthur walks away to enjoy the rest of the evening that is in his honour.
“I don’t know why you look so defeated.” I whispered earning confused look from Merlin, “I mean you could always use your magic to speed up the process.”
“Yeah I-wait what!?” Merlin said his eyes widening with shock as he pulled me to a secluded section of the room.
“I saw you, today. See Arthur thinks he was fine by himself, Morgana believes she saved him but, I think you and I both know that you prevented his inevitable fate.” Merlin was silent I think he was trying to come up with a lie but, I know what I saw. “I’d like to thank you, Arthur’s like a brother to me if something happened to him I don’t know what I’d do, I’m glad you’re looking out for him.” I leant up and kissed his cheek before leaving him behind, I had to my cheeks were bright red and my heart was pounding out of my chest I don’t think I could’ve been with him much longer.
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mimiswitchywrites · 3 years
Not A Burden: Chapter 5
TW: SH references, attempted s****de and references, child/s***al a**se references (not graphic but enough that could be triggering). Vague r**e scene at the end.
Master list or read on AO3
2.2k words
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Lancelot sat on the cot with Miriam (at an appropriate distance, of course) as she ate her soup. She had been in Camelot for a week, most of that time spent sleeping. She would eat and drink some water whenever she woke, and then Gaius would give her a sleeping draught and she would fall into another restless slumber. She was bored of it and Lancelot could tell. If the way she took her time between mouthfuls and asked questions about anything she could think of wasn’t a clear enough sign, the way she exclaimed “I can’t fucking do this anymore” certainly was.
Over the days she had been in the physician’s chambers, the two had talked a lot. She enjoyed his stories of adventures past, and he enjoyed the sarcastic comments she would butt in with. She rarely talked about herself still, and that frustrated him though he did his best to hide this fact. He could understand not wanting to talk about events that brought pain and, if what little he did know of her was anything to go by, most of her life brought her pain.
And so, he decided to help her create new memories that didn’t affect her in such a manner. How he would go about that was still yet to be discovered, but he was determined.
“I have a proposition, if you care to hear it, My Lady?”
The way he referred to her like that still brought a smile to her face. She turned to him, trying to figure out the proposition from the look in his eyes. “We are going to raid the royal vaults?”
He laughed, shaking his head. “You wish to cut replace all of the king’s clothes with common fabric, so he is itching for days?” He laughed harder at this, wondering how long she had been thinking of that one.
“What a cruel woman you are, must I arrest you for scheming against the crown?” She giggled at this – a sweet, melodic sound – and leant against Lancelot’s shoulder, putting her bowl down on the bed. His cheeks warmed and he looked to the wall opposite him, hoping she wouldn’t notice. She didn’t, too caught up in listening to his breathing.
“What was your idea?” She looked up at him and he turned back to her. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
As night fell and the castle grew quiet, Miriam sat up. She had rejected Gaius’ offer of another sleeping draught, declaring that she felt she could sleep on her own for now. It was a lie, but a necessary one. Gwen had lent her two of her older nightgowns on the day she arrived – her dress being soaked in blood, sweat and a little bit of vomit. She pulled the light blue gown off, checking Gaius still slept first, and shimmied her way into the moss green one. It was slightly thicker and had a small amount of floral embroidery on it that Gwen had done when she was bored one week. Miri smiled at the thought. She took one of the blankets from the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders as she tied her boots.
Her heart was beating fast at the prospect of sneaking out. She didn’t know her way around the castle as she was unconscious on her way through it the first time, but Lancelot had explained the path to her. She took a deep breath, smoothing her dress and fluffing her hair slightly, and made her way through the door. It creaked lightly behind her and Gaius’ snoring hitched momentarily but resumed soon after. Safely out of the chambers, all that was left was to navigate a large, heavily guarded castle that she wasn’t supposed to be exploring. How hard could it be?
Very, it seemed.
After what felt like an hour (but was likely only ten minutes) Miri found herself looking out into the courtyard with no idea how to get down there. The moon lit it softly, along with torches glowing through the lower windows. She could see a figure that she could only assume was Lancelot, waiting for her. She considered calling for him but quickly disregarded the thought: it wasn’t worth waking those in the rooms near her, just so she could have a midnight picnic with a friend.
Deep in contemplation, Miriam didn’t notice a new figure sneak up on her. It had been watching her from the end of the corridor for some time now and, deciding that she wasn’t going to move, it approached.
Mimicking her stance (arms resting on the railing, weight on the one leg as the other rocked on its toes), Arthur looked out. He could see The Rising Sun from here, and a few of its drunken patrons stumbling home to the lower town. They stood in silence, Miriam glancing over at him briefly before looking back down at the courtyard below.
Taking a calming breath and saying ‘fuck it’ to himself in as much of a kingly manner as one can, Arthur did something odd. Arthur apologised.
Kind of.
“I am glad to see you are well enough to leave your room.” She made no sign that she heard him and so he looked over to her and started again. “I have been thinking about our last encounter and talked it through with Sir Leon. He is one of my most trusted knights and friends and he suggested – that is to say, I thought it best that – I talk to you. I regret the way things went.”
She turned to him, glaring but with little passion behind it. “How heartfelt of you sire, I truly feel your remorse.” Her words were laced with sarcasm. It didn’t sit well with Arthur, was that not heartfelt?Being Uther’s son meant apologising was not something he had much practice of, he thought he had done a pretty decent job. Time for a second attempt.
“I am unsure what stories Lancelot and Merlin have told you but there is a growing trend of incidents in those woods. All too often we find people hurt and we take them here, to safety, and they exploit that. I have trusted people, and, in turn, they have hurt those I care for.” Her eyes softened as she listened to him. He stared ahead, refusing to make eye contact as he made himself more vulnerable than he had in some time. He didn’t appreciate the way a lump grew in his throat.
“My father was put under an enchantment by a troll trying to take his throne, a woman that I thought I was in love with tried to drown me, Merlin—” his voice cracked, Miriam pretended she hadn’t heard it “has been poisoned, ambushed, burnt and shot at. The knights too, but at least they signed up for that.” He took a deep breath, watching the way she processed the information. “I couldn’t let you do the same thing. I couldn’t stand by and watch you hurt them as others have. When I followed you, you were completely gone and I worried that maybe, maybe you had magic. While my views on that are not what they once were, it made me…” He faded out, not able to finish the sentence.
She stood straighter and gently placed her hand on top of his, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I understand. My reaction was not as it should have been either.”
“You don’t need to justify yourself, Miriam. While my experiences of your situation are few and far between, I can’t imagine you were thrilled to find people attempting to heal you. Your reaction to my wielding a sword at you was appropriate, it is okay.” She took her hand back, wiping away a rogue tear as subtly as she could.
“Now, I believe you have a lucky gentleman down there expecting you. Is there a reason you have left him waiting so long?” She let out a sudden laugh, wet with held-back tears and explained her situation. He bit back a laugh of his own and graciously offered her an arm. Hesitantly taking it, they made their way through corridors and spiral staircases until they were down at the large stone entrance steps as she had been days before. Letting go of Arthurs arm, she gave him a slight curtsy, and skipped down the last of the steps.
He watched her go, a smile forming on his face as he shook his head at her retreating figure. He was glad to be on the path to resolution with her. She seemed like a good person and he was glad that she was making Lancelot happy: the man had been down since discovering his affections for Guinevere were one sided, but Miriam was pulling him back if the smile on his face in training the previous day was anything to go by.
Lancelot was getting worried. After he and Miriam had talked through their plan earlier that morning, he had set off to put it into action. He made sure he wasn’t needed on patrol that evening and then went about gathering what was needed for a perfect picnic. First, he went to Guinevere’s to borrow one of her baskets (this was a short and awkward visit) and then he visited Juliana – a laundrette that Gwaine had been in a somewhat relationship with from Samhain to the Solstice – and asked for a sheet for them to sit on. After hearing what he needed it for, she also gave him some napkins and candles that she had spare. He made a note to show his thanks with some flowers and maybe some bread from the market when he returned everything the next day.
His final stop was to the kitchens. He had put this off for as long as he could, not wanting to see Cook unless he truly had to, but the time had finally come. He waited until she ducked out for her break and then made his way in. He started with the bread, taking a sad looking loaf from the back of the tray, knowing Cook was likely to throw that one to the dogs anyway. Next, he took a few slices of meat (it was Thursday which meant pork), and a small bunch of grapes that looked like they were on a plate waiting to go to Arthur. He won’t miss them. His final stop, a rushed one as he was sure he could hear approaching footsteps, was at the desserts. He took two sticky rolls and a small raison loaf that was falling apart.
Feast ready, he returned to his chambers to get dressed into something nicer and wait until the twelfth bell.
As he waited in the courtyard, he played over the instructions he gave her. He was sure he had made it clear how to get from the physician’s rooms, through the west wing and down the main steps. Maybe she had changed her mind, or worse, fallen ill again. Watching her growing so pale and hot, drenched in her own sweat, made Lancelot’s heart ache. He had got attached to the girl impossibly fast and seeing her in such a state brought him more pain than he could imagine.
He began to pace. Should I go and search for her? Maybe she’s gotten lost or stumbled and hurt herself? This led to another anxious spiral, not only at the idea of her being hurt but also for how he would explain such a thing to Gaius. His head would be on a spike in seconds, he was sure of it.
Heart racing faster than the King’s steed, lip thoroughly chewed, he settled on a plan. He would wait five minutes and then go in search of her. Just as he finished the third round, he heard the gentle patter of boots on the cobbles. He looked up and saw Miriam and, curiously, another figure that looked a lot like Arthur, who stood at the top of the stairs.
She made her way closer, and he took in her appearance. She wore a familiar green gown which looked scandalously similar to sleep clothes (he blushed at the thought). Her pale skin was tinged red from the cold which led to the chivalrous knight pulling off his leather coat to give to her when she reached him.
Miriam, looking over her shoulder to give Arthur a small wave, tripped over a raised stone. With arms tangled in blanket, she could do nothing to slow her quick and likely painful decent. But no crash came. Instead, she found herself wrapped in Lancelot’s arms as he pulled her close, steadying her.
“It’s nice to finally see your face as you lean against my chest, my lady.” Her face flooded with embarrassment and she did her best to stutter out her thanks. Her hands had landed flat against his chest, his grasping her waist. She looked up at him, their eyes locking. She blushed again and began to take a few steps back, wrapping her arms around herself. He let her go, smile plastered on his face and twinkle in his eye.
He lifted the basket which had been placed on the ground next to him as he waited, “Shall we?”. She nodded, took his arm, and walked in pace with him as they made their way through the castle grounds.
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randomnumbers751650 · 3 years
Long, unedited text in which I rant about comparative mythology, Joseph Campbell and his monomyth,
Back in 2012 I wanted to improve my fiction writing (and writing in general, because in spite of nuances, themes and audience, writing a fiction and a nonfiction piece shouldn’t be that different) and thus I picked a few writing manuals. Many of them cited the Hero’s Journey, and how important it became for writers – after all Star Wars used and it worked. I believe most of the people reading this like Star Wars, or at least has neutral feelings about it, but one thing that cannot be denied is that became a juggernaut of popular culture.
So I bought a copy of the Portuguese translation of The Hero of a Thousand Faces and I fell in love with the style. Campbell had a great way with words and the translation was top notch. For those unaware, The Hero of a Thousand Faces proposes that there is a universal pattern in humanity’s mythologies that involves a person (usually a man) that went out into a journey far away from his home, faced many obstacles, both external and internal, and returned triumphant with a prize, the Grail or the Elixir of Life, back to his home. Campbell’s strength is that he managed to systematize so many different sources into a single cohesive narrative.
At the time I was impressed and decided to study more and write in an interdisciplinary research with economics – by writing an article on how the entrepreneur replaces the mythical hero in today’s capitalism. I had to stop the project in order to focus on more urgent matters (my thesis), but now that I finished I can finally return to this pet project of mine.
If you might have seen previous posts, I ended up having a dismal view of economics. It’s a morally and spiritually failed “science” (I have in my drafts a post on arts and I’m going to rant another day about it). Reading all these books on comparative mythology is so fun because it allows me for a moment to forget I have a degree in economics.
Until I started to realize there was something wrong.
My research had indicated that Campbell and others (such as Mircea Eliade and Carl Gust Jung, who had been on of Campbell’s main influences) weren’t very well respected in academia. At first I thought “fine”, because I’m used to interact with economists who can be considered “heterodox” and I have academic literature that I could use to make my point, besides the fact my colleagues were interested in what I was doing.
The problem is that this massive narrative of the Hero’s Journey/monomyth is an attempt to generalize pretty wide categories, like mythology, into one single model of explanation, it worked because it became a prescription, giving the writer a tool to create a story in a factory-like pace. It has checkboxes that can be filled, professional writers have made it widely available.
But I started to realize his entire understanding of mythology is problematic. First the basics: Campbell ignores when myths don’t fit his scheme. This is fruit of his Jungian influences, who claim that humanity has a collective unconsciousness, that manifest through masks and archetypes. This is the essence of the Persona games (and to a smaller extent of the Fate games) – “I am the Shadow the true self”. So any deviation from the monomyth can be justified by being a faulty translation of the collective unconsciousness.
This is the kind of thing that Karl Popper warned about, when he proposed the “falseability” hypothesis, to demarcate scientific knowledge. The collective unconsciousness isn’t a scientific proposition because it can be falsified. It cannot be observed and it cannot be refuted, because someone who subscribe to this doctrine will always have an explanation to explain why it wasn’t observed. In spite of falseability isn’t favored by philosophers of science anymore, it remains an important piece of the history of philosophy and he aimed his attack on psychoanalysis of Freud and Jung – and, while they helped psychology in the beginning, they’re like what Pythagoras is to math. They were both surpassed by modern science and they are studied more as pieces of history than serious theorists.
But this isn’t the worst. All the three main authors on myths were quite conservatives in the sense of almost being fascists – sometimes dropping the ‘almost’. Some members of the alt-right even look up to them as some sort of “academic’ justification. Not to mention anti-Semitic. Jung had disagreement with Freud and Freud noticed his anti-Semitism. Eliade was a proud supporter of the Iron Guard, a Romanian fascist organization that organized pogroms and wanted to topple the Romanian government. Later Eliade became an ambassador at Salazar’s Fascist Portugal, writing it was a government guided by the love of God. Campbell, with his hero worship, was dangerously close to the ur-fascism described by Umberto Eco (please read here, you won’t regret https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf).
“If you browse in the shelves that, in American bookstores, are labeled as New Age, you can find there even Saint Augustine who, as far as I know, was not a fascist. But combining Saint Augustine and Stonehenge – that is a symptom of Ur-Fascism.”
Campbell did that a lot. He considered the Bible gospels and Gnostic gospels to be on the same level. Any serious student, that is not operating under New Age beliefs and other frivolous theories like the one that says Jesus went to India, will know there’s a difference between them (even Eliade was sure to stress the difference).
But Campbell cared nothing for it. He disliked the “semitic” religions for corrupting the mythic imagination (which is the source of his anti-Semitism), especially Judaism. When I showed him describing the Japanese tea ceremony to a friend who’s minoring in Japanese studies, she wrote “I’m impressed, he’s somehow managed to out-purple prose the original Japanese”. So, it’s also full of orientalism, treating the East as the mystical Other, something for “daring” Westerners to discover and distillate.
What disturbed…no, “disturbed” isn’t the word that I need in the moment, but what made me feel uncomfortable is that, in spite of all his talk of spirituality, the impression I had of Power of Myth is that I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone more materialist than him. Not even Karl Marx, founder of the Historical Materialism, was as materialist as Campbell.
At one point in the book, he was asked if he believed in anything and he gave a dismissive reply and said “I want to get experiences.” A man who studied all the myths of the world available, apparently didn’t believe in anything. Is that what spiritual maturity is? A continuous flux of experiences? Being taken by some sort of shamanistic wind like a floating plastic bag?
In nowhere in the interview he talked about virtues. In rebellion with his Catholic childhood, he said that we should go to the confessionary and say “God, I’ve been such a good boy”. Any cursory reading of the Gospel would say otherwise. Wasn’t this exactly Pharisee’s prayer in Luke 18:9-14? While the wasn’t the publican, who went with humility and asked for forgiveness, the one who walked out with an experience? And not only in Christianity, since in Tibetan Buddhism, a tulpa is something you have to kill, not foster like an imaginary friend like in some internet circles, contamined with this obsession with experiences.
The way I came to see Joseph Campbell as a man who was so stuck in his own world that nothing could move him out of it. All he wanted to do was this big experience, but in the end it’s as wide as the ocean, but shallow as a puddle. Even when Campbell speaks about having a “cosmic consciousness”, all that New Age jargon, claiming it’s about people discovering they’re not the center of the universe, it’s still so…self-servicing. It addresses a crowd so obsessed with experiences, but wants nothing to do with anything that requires compromise. He quotes the Hindu concept of maya, that life is an illusion, but I wonder how right he is about it.
I want to share this critique, by a researcher in comic studies: “We do not remember The Night Gwen Stacy Died because Gwen’s death reminds us of our own mortality, ‘the destiny of Everyman’, but because the story exposes the fragility of Spider-Man reader’s fantasies. Even icons can die.”
The exposition of the fragility of myths, especially the Hero’s Journey, never happens in Campbell’s work. It never talks about the potential of myths hindering entire societies, causing strife and causing people who can’t fit to become outcasts. Not even the cruel ones, like the Aztec death cult is treated as sublime, ignoring the fact that the Aztec neighbors helped to Spanish because they had enough of the Aztec myth.
I have changed my article. While I will still write on the hero entrepreneur, I’ll take a more critical view. The focus of the entrepreneur as an individual has many issues, because it ignores the role of public investment (necessary for high risk enterprises, like going to the moon or creating touch screens) and it treats with contempt the worked wage. Cambpell also treated with contempt the “masses”, who cannot be “heroes”. The theory on the entrepreneur is the same, treating the entrepreneur as a hero and the waged workers as lowlifes who have nothing to do, but to work, obey and be paid – to the point it feels like some economists treat strikes as crimes worse than murder. Not only that, but they can exploit the worker (see a book named “Do what you love and other lies about success and happiness”, it could be replaced with “Follow your bliss…”).
Campbell wrote in a time that there was no Wikipedia. So his book was the introduction of myths to a lot of people. It helped it was well-written. He considering his approach apolitical, but it’s clear that’s it’s not exactly like that (though this is a reason why Jordan Peterson failed to become the next Campbell, since he’s also a Jungian scholar, but he tried to become a conservative guru and this was his downfall). And, nowadays, Campbell is still inevitable in the circles that his themes matter, unlike Freud and Jung. Read it, but be aware of its problems, because it has already influenced what you consume.
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degrassi-fanatic · 3 years
Any Other Option
For the umpteenth time that year it would seem, Camelot was hosting yet another nobleman, who was representing yet another powerful kingdom in some far away region. This time, the reason for the visit was to try and convince Lady Morgana to accept his hand in marriage, even though both Morgana and King Uther had rejected it twice before.
The King had refused it on the ground that when Morgana did inevitably marry, she would do so to form a strategic alliance to help strengthen Camelot, not because some slimy Lord Lionel wanted her plentiful dowry. 
Lady Morgana, on the other hand, had refused his proposal because of how horrid he was as a person; abusing servants left and right, treating women like property, disrespecting those who were of lower ranking. During his visit, Gwen had even seen Lord Lionel twist Merlin’s arm behind his back after he had accidentally knocked into him in the corridor. She had been a step away from intervening when Prince Arthur had hauled Merlin away himself. 
The rest of the serving staff seemed to be keeping a distance from the man because, unlike some, they did not have the luxury of having the Prince’s protection. Gwen herself had taken to walking two paces behind the man, whenever they did happen to cross paths. 
Fortunately for not only the serving staff but everyone residing in the castle, tonight would be the last evening Lord Lionel would be spending in Camelot, as tomorrow he was to ride back out to his homeland. 
Unfortunately for Gwen and Merlin, who were personal servants to Lady Morgana and Prince Arthur respectively, they were both stuck serving the man one last dinner before he was off in the morning.
From over the back of Arthur’s chair, she and Merlin share a look of exasperation as Lord Lionel tries one last time to convince Uther to allow him to marry Morgana. 
As the king effortlessly shoots the man down with less than a sentence and no more than a glance in his direction, both Merlin and Gwen stifle their laughter, biting down on their lips. 
“Fine.” Lord Lionel says with an irate look on his face, as he shoves his dinner plate forward.
With his declaration, he stands up from his seat suddenly, his chair legs scraping against the floor. His heavy boots hit the floor with an audible thump as he begins to approach Morgana, who is now up and out of her seat. Unconsciously, Gwen shifts to keep Morgana safe behind her. In her peripheral, she can see both Arthur and Uther stand from their own seats, hands on their belts to grasp at hilts of swords that are not there. Even Merlin sets the jug of wine down on the table, as he eyes Lord Lionel up and down. 
As he takes another step closer, Gwen can spot the glinting blade of a dagger being pulled out of the confines of his clothing. Without much forethought, she moves in front of Morgana as Lord Lionel plunges down the blade he intended for Morgana. 
The next few moments pass in such a quick progression that all Gwen can recall is King Uther calling for Lord Lionel’s arrest and her own head knocking against the cold floor. 
A searing sensation erupts near her lower abdomen. Curiously, she presses her hand down against it, only to find blood pouring out of her body, her fingers slipping every few seconds or so. As she lifts her head up, she attempts to examine the wound with bleary eyes only to be able to discern the alarming amount of red spreading rapidly on the fabric of her purple dress, and nothing more. 
Dammit, Gwen thinks as she keeps staring at her soiled clothes, she really liked this frock too. It had been a birthday present from Morgana, who had commissioned the castle seamstress to make—
Oh God. Was Morgana alright? Surely, Lord Lionel wouldn’t have been able to stab both of them. 
“Morgana?” Gwen croaks out as she blindly reaches out for her.
Soon, the lady in question is kneeling beside Gwen’s form on the cobblestone floor. One of her hands comes up to grasp Gwen’s own in a tight, comforting hold, while the other comes down to apply firm pressure to the gaping wound encompassing Gwen’s torso now. 
The moment she presses her cool palm to the burning pain, Gwen lets out a strangled groan from her throat. It feels as though with every passing moment, the pain is being spread to every part of her body. Unbidden, her eyes scrunch up shut as she feels tears streaming down her face. Her hands scramble to Morgana’s own on her stomach. Gwen wraps her fingers tight around her wrist in a half-hearted attempt to circumvent the pain. 
Gwen doesn’t know how Merlin and Arthur can do this every other week, bringing themselves to the brink of death that is. 
“I’m here, Gwen.” Morgana murmurs gently, as she smooths her palm down Gwen’s hair, “You’re going to be fine. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Obviously.” she quips through a wince, “Shouldn’t I be heading to Gauis’s quarters right now?”
“Merlin said it was best not to move you.” Morgana informs.
At her words, Gwen realizes that the room is empty of all the other occupants; King Uther and the guards having gone down to the dungeons to deal with Lord Lionel, and Merlin and Arthur gone to Gauis’s chambers to bring him down here. 
“I bet Merlin’s jealous that I got stabbed before him.” Gwen jokes, trying to make her situation seem less serious than it is, for Morgana’s sake.
Watery laughter erupts out of Morgana’s lungs and Gwen knows she has succeeded in her own little personal mission. It’s a beautiful sound, her laughter, one she hasn’t heard in a long time. Gwen can feel the beginnings of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. 
“Thank you.” Morgana says sincerely, after a moment, “For taking the dagger, I mean.”
As if there was ever any other option. 
“You’re welcome.” 
The warm look Morgana sends her way is a much more pleasant feeling than the flaring pain in her abdomen. If Gwen wasn’t already struggling to breathe, that look alone would surely have her clawing for air by now. 
“Gwen,” she mumbles, “I hope you know that I—”
Whatever words were on Morgana’s tongue die down as she’s cut off by Gauis rushing into the room, with Merlin and Arthur in tow, all three of them holding a variety of supplies.
“I love you too.” Gwen whispers before anyone can sweep Morgana away.
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aftercamlann · 4 years
After Camlann Big Bang 2019 Masterlist
Thank you to all our wonderful writers, artists, beta readers and hype readers who participated in this years After Camlann Big Bang! We hope you will consider participating again this year! Below is the final masterlist for After Camlann 2019:
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Title: Arthur in Avalon Author: harlequin aka slashweaver Artist: altocello Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Guinevere (background), Elyan/Niamh, Arthur/Lancelot, Arthur/Merlin (endgame); Arthur, Niamh and Orlaith (original characters, both Sidhe), Lancelot, Freya, Elyan, Gaius, Merlin Rating: Explicit Word count: 29,000 Summary: Arthur died in Merlin’s arms, and he’d thought that was the end of his story – but then he wakes up in agony in Avalon, as the Sidhe remove Mordred’s sword-point from his flesh. Soon Arthur is convalescing, and befriending Niamh, daughter of the Sidhe Queen Orlaith. He meets up with other old friends in Avalon, too, who find contentment in this place, but Arthur can never quite settle. He wants to return to the mortal world and continue his work. Orlaith tells him that’s possible – but first the Sidhe want something in return for healing him.
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Title: Mock the Time Author: seaweed-is-cool Artist: valika56 Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Guinevere (canon), Arthur/Merlin, Merlin, Arthur, Guinevere, Gwaine, Leon, Percival, Elyan, Mordred, Morgana, Aithusa, Nusar (OC), Daegal, Gaius Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 49,905 Summary: Magic has returned to Camelot in all its glory in the hope that one day Merlin may return. Three years after his banishment (that only lasted three days truth be told), Merlin does so but appears to be a changed man. Yet appearances can be deceiving. Although Merlin may be familiar to the prospect of treason whilst under the thumb of the usurper of Essetir, the question remains whether he'll be able to betray his destiny. Whether he'll be able to betray the man that he loves. Post S4 AU
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Title: A single man in possession of a good fortune Author: slantedknitting Artist: @merlocked18 Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Mithian, Arthur/Elena, Arthur/Gwaine, Arthur/Others, Arthur, Merlin, Mithian, Elena, Gwaine, Percy, Mordred, Sophia, Vivian, Gwen, Leon, Kilgharrah, Uther, Morgana, Hunith Rating: Explicit Word count: 44,000 Summary: Arthur is the first openly bisexual Leading Man on the popular dating show, Most Eligible, where he’s meant to find his one true love—and get engaged. He comes to the show with the goal of finding a wife, but he still has to date all of the male contestants. And one of them, a certain Merlin, keeps making it harder and harder to stick to his original plans. Arthur knows what he wants though, and he’s pretty such it’s Mithian. Or is it Elena? Could it be Gwaine? Maybe it’s actually Merlin after all? What a pickle.
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Title: Counterfeit Princess Author: JessicaMDawn / Artist: delicious-irony Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot; Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine, Gaius, Lancelot, Will, Agravaine, etc. Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 33,570 Summary: Morgana le Fay is Duchess of Ealdor, a moderately sized city in the kingdom of Albion. Her two best friends are Gwen, her handmaid, and Merlin, the physician’s assistant. One day news arrives that Prince Arthur is coming to town to meet her, but why? When Morgana goes missing the day before Prince Arthur arrives, Gwen approaches Merlin with an idea: Merlin can pretend to be Morgana until the Lady is found. The idea is ludicrous - not least of all because Merlin is a man - but with a little bit of magic it might actually work. The plan starts out well, with Morgana’s guard out searching for her while Merlin distracts the prince…except that Merlin finds himself falling in love with Arthur, who is visiting with the intention of making Morgana his queen. A gender bending fairy tale fic.
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Title: The Prat Whisperer Author: bunnysworld Artist: lfb72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwaine/Percy, Morgana, Leon, Aggravaine, some minor OCs and a horse Rating: Explicit Word count: 44,260 Summary: Arthur buys a beautiful stallion that turns out to be un-ride-able. Morgana convinces him to seek help from a horse whisperer. Arthur doesn't believe in such stuff, but he's at his wit's end, so he allows Morgana to make the call. Merlin and his crew come to Camelot Estates to help a horse in need. Will he be able to whisper to the horse? And probably its owner, too?
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Title: Of Lions, Foxes and Bears Author: Szpurka Artist: Chikynosora Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Will, Hunith, Gwaine, Jarl Rating: Explicit Word count: 43,472 Summary: Five years ago in The Great War Against Sorcery Prince Arthur went missing in the middle of a battlefield. WIth King Uther’s untimely death a few months later, the war ended. Then Agravaine (late Ygraine’s younger brother) has settled on the throne of Camelot, seemingly a friend of all things magic. Now, a wounded unconscious man emerges from the lake near Ealdor, where Merlin does his laundry. Merlin’s fascination with the man pushes him right into the heart of an intrigue he never dreamed of, filled with revenge, politics and adventures. He also learns more about himself, his powers and his destiny, all the while trying to help keep his heart from being corrupted by blood and war.
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Title: Travel far enough, you’ll meet yourself Author: slantedknitting Artist: @schweet_heart Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Mithian, Arthur, Merlin, Mithian, Elena, Gwaine, Gwen, Lancelot, Kilgharrah, Gaius, Hunith Rating: Explicit Word count: 31,000 Summary: Merlin has his father’s journals and spell books, but he wants a deeper connection to the history of magic in his family, so he studies abroad in Estonia where his father used to live. There, he meets Arthur, who seems to be coming under attack from mysterious people in Tallinn. Merlin’s never been very good at wielding his own magic, but it starts working with him more and more as he uses it to protect himself—and to protect Arthur. Too bad Arthur is a standoffish prat who probably doesn’t deserve the help, but Merlin’s magic doesn’t seem to mind.
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Title: draíocht Author: amuk Artist: Nivelle Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin, Lancelot, Gwaine, Tristan, Morgana, Mordred, Percival, Leon, Elyan Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 27,000 Summary: Arthur will return, at a time of great need. Well, the king had returned, along with all of his knights, but Merlin wasn't quite clear about the 'great need' part. Maybe it was the fact that Morgana and Morded had returned too, proving it wasn't just the good who got reincarnated. Or maybe it was just Arthur's great need, since Gwen might have returned but she didn't seem to care for him much. Or maybe the great need was the headache forming in Merlin's forehead and all he really needed as an aspirin.
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Title: A Dream Doesn’t Become Reality Through Magic Author: violeteyedhair Artist: siennavie Pairings/Characters: Gwaine/Merlin, Arthur/Gwen, Percival, Gaius, Nimueh Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 26,000 Summary: When Gwaine finds Merlin unconscious, he can’t help but follow the man he loves into a strange, enchanted dream world where the Purge never happened and Merlin’s magic is celebrated. He has to convince Merlin that returning to a world where he hides his magic is somehow best. They then uncover the source of the enchantment, and that Arthur, too, has been trapped in a dream, along with everyone else. And to make matters worse, all of this is getting in the way of his courtship with Merlin, which is horribly troublesome and not exactly going as planned…
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Title: War of Attrition Author: DLanaDHZ Artist: Lefayeart Pairings/Characters: endgame Merlin/Arthur, early Merlin/Gwaine, Lancelot/Gwen, Gaius, Hunith, Uther, brief appearances by Will and Elyan. Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 36,818 Summary: Moving to a new university to live closer to his mother, who has had a recent health scare, really shouldn't be this difficult. However, Merlin's new roommate, Arthur Pendragon, is determined to force Merlin to move out before he's even moved in! A prank war ensures, personal items go missing, and parties are minefields. Merlin's dorm life royally sucks, but not everything is terrible at school. He's got some new friends, including the sweet Gwen, and there's a sexy footballer named Gwaine who's too suave for his own good. Anything can happen in college, even going from enemies to friends to... more? Man, feelings are complicated.
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Title: Sea Change Author: fictionista654 Artist: mistbornhero Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Freya/Nimueh, Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Freya, Nimueh Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 50,816 Summary: Ever since his mother died in a boat crash two years ago, Arthur Pendragon has been wracked with guilt and grief. His one touchstone is an online novel called The Ladies of the Lake. When Arthur sends the author Dragoon the Great a complimentary email, it sparks an online friendship. In his emails to Dragoon, Arthur can pretend that his life isn’t a total disaster. In reality, his therapist is forcing him to spend the summer in the beach town where his mother died. There he meets and falls in love with the completely weird, utterly lovable Merlin. But Merlin has his own baggage, which threatens to destroy their burgeoning relationship.
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Title: A Window in Time Author: Ivalee Artist: aarins_rou / brolinskeep Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gwaine Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 29,676 Summary: Geophysicist, Arthur Pendragon, receives a grant from his sister's company for a research venture in a newly discovered cave. His first day on the project, Arthur follows a mysterious voice into a small cavern. He finds himself talking with Merlin, who claims to be a sorcerer from the 14th century. Arthur becomes so enamored with his new friend that he won't leave the cave, which naturally concerns his sister, and not just because she needs his research to increase profits. When Merlin is captured for using magic, Arthur is desperate to rescue him, but how can he help someone 700 years in the past?
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Title: Vârcolac Author: rotrude Artist: lfb72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur; minor Gwen/Daegal Rating: Explicit Word count: 44,000 Summary: 1740, Young Queen Maria Theresa of Austria sends Hauptmann Arthur Pendrachen and Leutnant Oberarzt Merlin Emriß to Transylvania, currently belonging to the Austrian Crown, with the task of dissuading the locals from believing in legends and myths that are archaic, provincial and frankly absurd. This is the Century of Philosphers, the Age of Enlightment and the state must spread rationality and scientific thinking all around! In short Pendrachen and Emriß are to drive some sense into those credulous peasants who still believe in the undead, also known as vârcolaci, moroi -- vampires. It all starts to plan, but their journey journey ends up being fraught with less Enlightment and more peril than they'd wagered for.
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Title: Lay Your Head Down on the Shoulder of a Good Friend Author: skitz_phenom Artist: siennavie Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Uther, Ygraine, Balinor, Hunith, Leon, Elyan, Lancelot, Percival, Gwaine, Guinevere, Gaius, Kilgharrah, Nimueh, addt’l Rating: Explicit Word count: 97,000 Summary: With Camelot readying for the upcoming gathering of rulers of the Southern Kingdoms to discuss peace, Uther has tasked Arthur with an additional duty: befriend the Prince of Essetir and learn anything he can of King Balinor, and of magic, and of dragons, that might be of interest should the treaty not succeed. That's easier said than done, as he and Prince Merlin don't exactly hit it off immediately. But, befriending Merlin and learning of magic and life in Essetir leads Arthur down the paths of discovering long held secrets surrounding his own birth, and his mother's ill health, and his father's hatred of all things magic. Adding even more complications to the mix are rowdy knights, frustrating princesses, a possible traitor in their midst, and an overly-verbose dragon; not to mention the burgeoning and peculiar feelings for his fellow prince that Arthur struggles to put a name to.
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Title: Gladiator Author: @clea2011 Artist: lfb72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 115,000 Summary: When Cenred and his army of sorcerers conquer Camelot, Arthur loses everything. His home, his kingdom, his father, his sister… all are taken from him and he's forced to fight for his life for public entertainment. Thrown in with strangers, Arthur makes new friends and dangerous enemies. He knows he’s probably living on borrowed time but one man and a baby dragon just might make a difference - if he can survive his next fight.
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Title: Take Us Back Author: sdewan6 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Morgana, Leon/Percival Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 28,000 Summary: All of Arthur's and Merlin's friends are dead (Gwen, Elyan, Gwaine) or dying (Gaius). They fight themselves to move past it as other kingdoms circle greedily to take advantage of their weakened state after the war with Morgana. And while Leon and Percival grow closer, Merlin and Arthur drift apart for the king struggles to accept Merlin's magic. And, to make everything worse, Merlin gets kidnapped just as all his magic runs out. Great. Just great.
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coinofstone · 4 years
1x13 Le Morte d'Arthur
My phone REALLY wants that to say D'Angelo. Almost had to leave it.... Untitled
Shut up that's hilarious.
Can you imagine Arthur telling Merlin they're going out hunting. After the whole unicorn debacle. That would've been a great comedic scene.
I'm 90% sure Buffy killed this monster in S7.
I just spent the better part of an hour trying to make a gif of Uther saying"I've conquered the old religion" all tough like 5 seconds before he tosses his like... cape? thing? over his shoulder and walks away, looking decidedly less tough. I got the video loaded into VSDC and I think I remember how to crop it but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to add the subtitles. Managed to extract them! Just couldn't figure it how to get them in a layer in VSDC. Annoying. I learned how to do this a while back but I've had a fresh install since then and I had to go reinstall everything and apparently I've just forgotten how to do it so that's fun. It would've been a funny gif tho. For all six people reading this.
Poor Morgana. She comes running out to try to warn them and they're all just like 'go to bed you hysterical woman'
I'm assuming there's a commentary track because this is a season finale, and I look forward to the jokes about a) Bradley's stunning performance while unconscious for most of the episode, and b) the jokes about how Uther didn't fall in pain so much as Tony couldn't carry Bradley any further cuz he's too heavy
Arthur being a little shit with Gwen is there most adorable interaction between them.
I do love that these guards just let Hunith walk right past them into the castle, like no wonder it's so easy to sneak in to Camelot.
Merlin saying goodbye to Arthur 🥺 fucking wedding vows, till death do us part and all.
I like that Gaius thinks it's a good idea to sacrifice himself as if Merlin doesn't need him to identify every single creature and object he comes into contact with
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I get that Gaius is like, happy he's not dead and all but I feel like "mastered the power of life and death itself" is a bit of a stretch.
I don't fully understand the last two little shots in this episode. Why is Khilgarrah whining? Did he feel Nimueh's death? Is he upset about it? Were they homies? Did she sneak down there to feed him? Was Morgana awakened by a vision of him screaming? Cuz he was screaming Merlin's name you'd think that'd be a big fucking hint.
There's no commentary for this ep, which is surprising. I *should* be going to bed about now but I might do a separate post for the S1 special features. We'll see if I have anything worth saying about it.
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industrial-tox · 4 years
Tox’s backstory.
There was a lonely mudokon queen named Gwen, who lived alone and always wanted to have kids of her own, but she was unfortunately cursed with infertility.
One day, Gwen was found by an industrialist company of reject scientists that was trying to rival Vykkers Labs. They offered to help her; it was the perfect opportunity for them to test their fertility drug, and out of her desperation, the mudokon queen obliged, blindly seeing them as a ray of hope. So they took her in.
After getting multiple injections and pills, they introduced Gwen to a kind drone of the same age named Marty. And, lo and behold, the treatment worked- the two managed to produce a lowly 6 eggs, but it was better than none.
While still being held in the lab, Gwen and Marty looked after the eggs, and for the first time in ages the mudokon queen was finally happy. But one of the eggs started to hatch prematurely, and the parents were extremely worried. From this egg hatched a mudling that was a lot smaller than he should be, and had a minor birth defect; a cleft lip. Nevertheless, the parents still loved him, despite naming him Hubert.
About a month later, the rest of the eggs hatched on time, and Gwen and Marty assumed they could leave with them now; but they were betrayed. They received news from the vykkers that they couldn’t keep their babies, but instead they’d be used for testing. Understandably, Gwen and Marty were distressed and furious, but they were also powerless. There was nothing they could do. They were knocked unconscious and dragged out of the lab by slig guards, waking up in the middle of nowhere.
As he grew, the oldest mudling (Hubert) always ignored his siblings, and instead tried to learn and communicate with the vykkers, who ignored him. But the slig guards humoured him, and were surprised, so they reported to the vykkers that he was actually a lot smarter than the others. The vykkers investigated and indeed discovered that he proved to be intelligent for his age, and ordered their smartest slig to tutor him. Of course this slig hated his job, but he’d be punished if he didn’t do it; so he reluctantly taught this small mudling everything he knew. They decided not to test on Hubert and isolated him further from his siblings, and eventually, as he got older (roughly 12 in human years) he escaped the lab, since he felt it was holding him back. The vykkers ordered the sligs to look for him, but they found nothing, and decided to stop looking; he looked like he wouldn’t live long anyway, and would probably die out there.
So while his siblings were getting harmful products tested on them, Hubert changed his name to Tox and luckily found work in a minor technology company. He was ordered to clean; but he kept refusing, and corrected the slig staff when they made mistakes. He eventually got some level of respect (after being beaten senseless a couple times) and was allowed a slightly better job as one of the cashiers. He soon left after customers called him unsightly, and constructed a mask so no one could see him anymore and to conceal his identity, and continued to gain experience and climb his way up until he managed to be more or less completely independent. Tox had been ridiculed and belittled throughout his entire career, but he didn’t let that get to him; he didn’t care what glukkons said anyway. And a lot of glukkons reluctantly looked to him when they wanted a job done, whether it be help with how to use a computer, or shadily searching through the extensive web for information that could be used against a rival business.
But who knows what happened to his 5 siblings? Tox certainly didn’t care, he never really knew any of them or bonded with them. And he especially didn’t care about his parents; he was misinformed by vykkers that they had abandoned him back at the lab along with his siblings. If only he knew.
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