Hey guys guess what we just got reminded of♫
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bestjeanistmonster · 2 years
4kota ships i see
Lance x Donny (personal fav fsr)
Isolde x Tristan
Anngalhad x Diamond Knight status and a place in King Mels court.
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(Sorry I have a rlly short attention span-)
Lance x Donny
Solid ship but I only just started reading the manga from where Lancelot was revealed so I haven’t seen much of their interactions
Isolde x Tristan
Canon: 1/10
Fanon: 10/10
Isolde defining her self worth by her relationship with Tristan ain’t my cup of tea
Anngalhad x Diamond Knight Status and place in Meliodas’s court
Anne is badass and Meliodas would definitely like this kid’s spunk
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You know what'd be fucked but really smart on Nakaba's part?
For Arthur to realize that his chances of winning against the Sins are fluctuating down or even, at best, and it really doesn't make sense to try to deal with the knights of prophecy when they're backed by the greatest group of warriors in Britannia.
And he can't kill them because A: They're his old comrades and he has no malice for them, he's just doing what needs to be done and B: Good fucking luck against Ban I-Survived-Purgatory-And-You-Took-My-Son-And-Sister-So-Now-It's-Personal-Bitch The Fox Sin of Greed you one armed Twink-Hitler.
So instead of attempting to kill his former friends, He curses them.
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He can do it, he has the powers of Chaos and Merlin to guide him, and Merlin would absolutely rather curse her friends then kill them, can you imagine Mel and Eli becoming Re-Cursed, this time by friends? They'd be crushed, cursed to remain in Lionas and immortal life?? The fear they might outlive their son?
Now with all of the sins essentially trapped in their kingdoms the Four Knights are on their own until they beat Arthur. No parents to help them, no backup from the other sins, just the Four and their ragtag group of friends, all teenagers who absolutely didn't deserve this and are not prepared in the slightest.
It's a smart move and would make sense story wise. I just hope he bullshits his way out of this some other way so Mel and I don't have a breakdown.
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Girl met Mel and immediately chose violence, and ya' know what? I don't blame her.
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But while Anne being 237% done with Meliodas being a pervert is hilarious, it was not funny enough to prevent my brain from coming up with a heart shattering observation.
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Mel kept it together but if that were me, and a bunch of Teenagers, kids, were crying about having to leave their friends, and I go to rectify that, maybe prank them a little, and they all start freaking out and apologizing because they think I'm going to beat them?
Like actually Stab them? Cut them?
Kids that are my own child's age???
I would be heartbroken, even if they all bounce back afterwards, for a couple of seconds this child, this young girl, really thought she was about to get assaulted and the only thing she thought to do was get down on her knees and apologize.
I'd be awake for nights afterwards wondering what I did to have them think that...
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Percival Platoon is alright I guess...
But I'm still going with Sinny-Doo Gang.
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Donny Doesn't Love.
If you were to actually ask Donny about his relationship with Percival and the gang, or about his relationship with his old circus crew, hell, ask him about his uncle and Edlin and he would describe them all the same, the best people he ever met.
For different reasons of course. But out of all the people he’s met in his admittedly short time on earth, these were the best.
His uncle was strict, and had this tendency to want to push him past any normal human limit when it came to training, but he also taught Donny how to read, and held his hand during walks so he wouldn’t get lost in the crowds. He cared enough about Donny to be sad when he left, and was sure enough of him to be disappointed when he found him in that tavern.
Edlin was once Donny’s best friend, well his only friend, but still. He stood by Donny’s side through all the harsh training and got treats with him afterwards. They compared moves and gushed about all the cool adventures they would go on when they became Holy Knights. And even though Edlin lost his way for a moment, Donny had already abandoned his way, so he’s not going to be the one to judge a friend who followed his bad lead. 
The circus wasn’t his original plan when he left Lionas, but running into it and being asked to join was nice, he was a bit of a pessimist and was concerned they would grow tired of him. However, Elva was in fact excited to not be the youngest brat in the circus, she would flaunt her maturedness introducing the “youngest” member of their gang, despite only being four months older than Donny.
And Kats took all of Donny’s moods in stride, even on those days when Donny himself was sick of his own attitude, Katz would just grab them a snack and sit out with Donny until he would either talk about what was bothering him or the feeling had passed them by. Donny had a grandfather in Lionas, but rarely saw the man. Nowadays when he thinks of grandfathers, all he can envision is Kazt.
Now meeting Percy was either a curse or a blessing, he leans towards blessing most days but sometimes he’ll wish to just be back in his boring old circus where nothing happened, nobody expected anything special from him, and most importantly, nobody would be trying to kill him. But then he’ll think of Edlin, and what could have happened to his friend. And he’ll think of himself, and how scared and angry he was, and how he was stuck in his ways. 
Then he’ll think of being carried on those bright green magic wings, how amazing this person was, how they fought side by side to protect their friends and each other. At those moments he’ll go to Percival and thank him. Percy never knows why, whenever he asks Donny just smiles and keeps walking.
Naseins scared him. Full stop. He won’t even try to lie to him, fuck it, that kid shakes him down to his bones. From when they first met to now. It did change though. 
At first he was simply scared of this boogeyman that scared the fairies, that had Percival, his young, naive friend, in his clutches. He was terrified of this madman that they spoke of, the blood that dripped from their mouth like a vampire. Yeah, no, thank you. Despite Doloras’ cries of dismissal, he was scared. 
Now though, after getting to know this shy, red faced, curious little weirdo?
Now he’s just scared they’re gonna hurt themselves, all the poisons they consume? All the times they threw themselves next to Percy, even though they had no such “Prophecy Magic” to protect themselves? The times they would push their body to the limit? Naseins was far braver than Donny and it scared Donny that he would lose them, but he’s learned to trust his crazy little friend, after all, they were powerful in their own way. And if he does double checks after dark on them? Or keep a slightly more watchful eye on them more than others in battle? Well, that’s Donny’s business. 
Anghalhad was a damn good swordswomen, and he grew up watching the likes of Lord Gilthunder and Lady Guila, so he knew what he was talking about. Ann was good at what she did, and what she did was kick ass and see through all the lies of the world. Her lie detector thing was odd, but no more odd than Nasiens’ lip biting or Percy’s lack of knowledge about… Well, everything. 
Donny could handle odd, and he trusted Ann enough to lead them (Though most of the lead was taken by Sin), so he could trust her to keep a secret if he needed, and would try to never lie to the girl. 
It was honestly a breath of fresh air after the gullible Percival, and though Nasiens knew more, they were just as easy to fool. So to have a comrade who took absolutely none of his shit, was nice. She reminded him of all the best parts of Edlin and Elva, a fellow budding Holy knight, and a begrudgingly nice ‘Elder Sister’. She was annoying, but he respected her.
Sin-No, Lance apparently, was an asshole and a big ol’ bag of lies and deceit. But despite that, Donny found himself trusting the Fox-Boy. 
Not even Donny could tell you when that happened. 
Maybe it was how the fox would just let Donny and Percy grab him whenever they felt overwhelmed, maybe it was how Lance had saved Elva and Kazt by moving the two kids away from the Dark Knight, maybe it was how Lance had watched them, being a constant source of protection and security even if they didn’t know it, maybe it was how he stood up to Uncle Howser, how Lance defended him despite Donny not seeing anything worth defending about himself. 
Maybe it was how even though he could have thrown Donny and Percival into Lionas right away, he took them on the journey which led them to finding Nasiens, Anghalhad, Edlin, Howser, and their own magic, they took the long way round, but it was the right way.
Actually, now that he thought about it, Donny could tell you how it happened.
Donny cares about his friends and his family, he won’t run away again, he has something to protect now, he has goals to run towards. He has a purpose in life and he’s not gonna leave that.
Donny would die for his friends, he would fight for his friends, he would fight by their side, whether they’re fighting a Patricidal maniac, a weird grotesque grandpa, or King Arthur himself, Donny will stay by his friend's side.
Donny cares for his friends, but he doesn’t love them. 
He knows that that sounds rather cruel, but he doesn’t mean it in a bad way. He can’t give his love to his friends for the same reason he can’t give them rides with his magic, he can’t yet control it.
He doesn’t tell them he doesn’t love them, that’s rude. And he will eventually, so it’s okay. 
But right now it would be too dangerous, right now his love could hurt, and he would rather die than hurt his friends. 
He remembers how much his mother and father loved each other, hardly ever away from each other, always so close, always spending more time together then with even their families, then with him.. 
He saw how much his father would love his mother, to the point of hurting her. 
How he would be so afraid to lose her he would lock her inside the house, how he would throw things and scream when he found another man talking to her, how he would hit her to make her realize how she hurt him.
He remembered his father loving him too. How he would never let Donny bring home friends because they could be telling him lies, how he would let Donny use his mothers powder so he didn’t trouble Uncle Howser with taking care of his bruises, how when Donny did wrong he would always use the whip to make sure his son would never sin again. 
Donny didn’t understand when he was a child, but his mother explained it to him one day, when the stinging of cuts on his legs kept him in bed, she layed in bed with him and told him how much his father loved them, how afraid he was to lose them, how if he did hurt them, it was only because he loved them too much.
Donny never blamed his father, he wasn’t a Holy Knight, he was only a fisherman, so he probably never needed that much self-control, but Donny was a coward, he was afraid to hurt other people, and his mother asked him to never be hurt again, so Donny decided to never love anyone that much, never to point he would lose himself in that love, to the point he would hurt, or be hurt.
But lately, he thinks he wouldn’t mind being so loved by his friends that they hurt him, his mother would forgive him, he was sure.
After all, she knew what it was like to be loved to death.
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The forth knight Tristan brought back coming in to see Percival having a mental breakdown as he hugs his friends who he thought fucking died, Tristan and Lancelot beating the shit out of each other because Lance is mad that Percy and the Gang got hurt, and the Tristan platoon in the background cheering Tristan on.
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Sinny-Doo gang once again showing
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Oh my poor baby really thought he lost them all didn't he? Oh no Percy...
Sinny-doo gang >> The Tristan Platoon
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The wheel going casual today yall, so ima just grab a bunch of names and sketching em out
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Oh fuck me i hat drawing this fucker. I wouldn't mind, but his wings are fucking difficult to draw. Fuck it, i'ma bullshit the hell outa the wings.
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It seems the wheel has been kind to me today, Gowther is soooo much easier to draw.
Okay so i did roll the wheel again but i forgot to grab a screen shot of it, but it was Puora so he's gonna be in there too which is great because i love him.
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WOO HOO! I was waiting for the wheel to hit any 4KOTA characters!!
Anyway, TO THE RESULT!!!!
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Gloxina is chaotic and when Drole isn't there someone has to stop him from fighting everything.
I think Ann would see a lot of herself in Jericho, I think they would get along.
Personally, when it comes down to it, I will sacrifice seeing the reunion between Jericho and Ban, or Guila, or Zeal, or Elaine, or Lance, as long as I see the reunion between Puora and Jericho, because those two were best buds.
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Yeah yeah all the shock of the Sinny-Doo Gang finding out about Lance (welcome to the"Sin Is Lancelot club", most Seven Deadly Sins fans have been here a while) but then I saw Donny.
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He looks shocked, sure, but not in the way the others are and that's when it dawned on me.
Donny is from Liones. Or at least Howzer, Donny's uncle is.
And that means Donny would be the only one who heard anything about Lancelot. Specifically his dissapearance.
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Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Angsty thought, but what if later on down the series, we get to this like big climax of an arc and Anngalahad is just laying there dying?
Like she got shot and in the middle of the chest Elaine's Death #1 Style?
And she's just absolutely going to die.
And so Percy runs over, or Nasiens or Donnie or somebody right?
And they start saying "It's going to be okay! You're going to be okay!! Everything's going to be fine!!" Just absolutely hysterical babbling
And Ann looks up at them.
And she smiles.
and says, "You're lying."
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Anngalhad I love you so much girl.
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She trust this man about as far as she could throw 'em.
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Trying to warn everyone about all this sus going on.
And while I'm loving the casual Chion Slander, I can't help but think a wools being pulled over our eyes.
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So right here it's obvious that Chion being front and center, along with what we've seen him lie about, puts him as the most likely to be the traitor.
But all this seems... To obvious to be entirely true? I can't quite explain it but I feel as though we're being slightly fooled, Chion as the traitor is TOO obvious, like if we were asked to give our suspicion on who it would be of course it would be him! But what if his sus behavior is hiding the real traitor like a Dank Mist?
Idk for now but when Barta says "Hope will be snatched away once more." Makes me hope he just means that Percy's getting a little kidnapped and not that Percy's Friends are about to die.
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Hang in there Nasiens, he can't be oblivious forever.
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Okay, okay now settle down y'all. I know we're all excited that Nakaba-Sensei finally decided to let us know for sure that Sin was Lancelot. But lets not forget the other mind shattering revolution we already knew about that popped up this chapter.
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Each other!!
Look at their faces!!! They were so worried about him!!! And the shock and relief when he was okay!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!
Friendly reminder, Sinny-Doo gang 4Life.
Also Friendly reminder!
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Can't believe we were worried about Meiodas' health.
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He just Fucking killed Percival...
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