#anna mohawk girls
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Anna is canonically Kanien'kehá꞉ka.
Princess Maya is canonically Indigenous. She is Mesoamerican.
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dear-indies · 4 days
hiiii! can I have you help with a fc, please? i'm looking for a female fc in her early thirties, with a tough/rebellious/rocker girl vibes. i just want a non-white and non-east asian fc, but any other ethnicity is good! thank you a lot!
Aiysha Hart (1988) Saudi Arabian and English - has spoken up for Palestine!
Anna Diop (1988) Sundanese - in Titans.
JuJu Chan (1989) Hongkonger - in Wu Assassins and Fistful of Vengeance.
Chantal Thuy (1990) Vietnamese - in Black Lightning.
Damaris Lewis (1990) Afro-Kittian - in Titans.
Rina Sawayama (1990) Japanese - is bisexual and pansexual.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British - literally her vibes in We Are Lady Parts - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sky Ferreira (1992) Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, Brazilian of Portuguese and possibly other descent, Galician Jewish, Bukovina Jewish, White - singer and actress - has Chronic Lyme Disease.
Jordan Alexander (1993) African-American and White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - is queer.
Mia Khalifa (1993) Lebanese - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Hope this helps you out, anon!
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violentplumbob · 3 months
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The last two days are full of promotions, activity building and Hannah looking after her self and preparing for the upcoming birth.
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Hannah goes into labour and she gives birth to a baby girl. They called her Anna so Anna Bell (I'm really not funny).
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Straight after they try for another baby. Luckily for now they were unsuccessful.
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It's time for Anna's birthday!! She aged up into a mohawk. She's so adorable <3.
That's the end of the Bell round ^^
Next up are The Contrary's. See you then.
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steele-soulmate · 5 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 557, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1153
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“Hello, may I please get two one hundred dollar gift cards?” I asked the man behind the counters, accepting my purchase and handing over my credit card. “Okay, you each have a limit of a hundred dollars each. Understand?”
“Loud and clear, mommy!” Elizabeth chirped happily, dragging Katie off with her to go look at fabrics.
Just then, Tim Gunn himself walked in, leading a group of sixteen people close behind him with four cameramen flanking the group.
“OHMIGAWD, MARY CLAIRE RATAJCZYK!” freaked out a man sporting a bright green mohawk.
“Hihi there!” I greeted the group with a chuckle. “The girls are somewhere looking for fabric for Halloween costumes!”
“Ah fun!” Tim smiled before turning to give the usual budget and time limit.
“And your time starts… NOW!” Everyone scampered off, leaving Tim to come up to me for a quick chit chat.
“Hello there, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” he said to me, accepting my hand for a warm shake.“Oh, same here!” I returned the greeting, turning as Katie appeared up at the top of the stairs that led up to the top floor. “Yes, mo stór?”
“Lizz Lizz and I need help cutting a bolt of fabric,” she announced, leading both Tim Gunn and I over to where three Project Runway participants were helping Elizabeth, two flattening the fabric out and the one carefully measuring two and a half yards for Elizabeth to cut.
“Thank you!” Elizabeth chirped happily, finishing her task before neatly folding up the fabric and setting it into her bag. “Okay- Katie! We have fabric for Baby Tommy’s Snow White and little girl’s Ariel- next, is your Raya, my Rapunzel, Aria’s Anna and Evie’s Elsa!”
“Oh, the twins got back to you?” I asked as the next went to look between a creamy white and a dark parchment colored fabric next for Katie’s Halloween costume.
“Elizabeth was just telling us about making clothes for all the wee ones!” said a man with a thick burly Scottish burr. “They sound so sweet!”
“They are, they really are!” I smiled happily. “My husband is the last person who you would honestly expect to be a father- he’s six feet eight inches of muscles and fangs, but you really shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover!”
“He’s the bestest daddy in the whole wide world!” Katie declared as she decided on the cheaper of the two fabrics, struggling to reach the bolt. A woman passing by with armfuls of fabric noted and set her shopping basket down off to the side to help the Asian American girl, patting her head affectionately before going off on her way.
“He is, he really is!” Elizabeth added in, finding a soft and warm brown wool that was 85% off from twenty dollars a yard. “Seventeen dollars a yard? Does that sound right?”
“That does sound right!” said a young woman dressed in all black with an outrageously pierced left ear, who was passing by with a bolt of black velvet. “Wow, you can math!”
“I can’t math at all!” Katie frowned as she packed the new fabric into her basket. “I have dyscalculia.”
“Ah, that would make things a heapsful more difficult!” a man in a pink dress said, comparing two different shades of orange.
“You have no idea!” she grumbled.
“Yeah, well, that’s why you have me for your sister!” Elizabeth piped in just then, finding a beautiful ice blue satin over in the SALE area for 65% percent off at ten dollars a yard. “Oh, this will work perfectly for Evie!”
“I can embroider snowflakes onto the fabric!” Katie offered happily.
“Do you use an embroidery machine or do you do it all by hand?” asked a man with dark black skin and a heavy accent.
Katie happily showed off her skirt, which had the Chinese words for fun, love, believe and other such words embroidered in gold. This had all the participants of the latest season of Project Runway clustered tightly around her, oohing and aweing over her careful work.
“I work on my embroidery at school when I finish my work early,” she explained, smiling as a Chinese girl was admiring her hard work. “My teachers are very understanding that I have a ton of nervous energy.”“Piàoliang de zuòpǐn,” she hummed softly.
“Xièxiè,” Katie said, sending the two women into a furry of Chinese words.
“You’ve raised them both to be lovely young ladies!” someone else told me.
“Well, I can’t take all the credit!” I laughed. “My husband and the family nanny both also have done an exceptional job at raising the kids!”
Tim Gun soon enough called the end of time for everyone, sending everyone over to the cash registers, Elizabeth and Katie capping the group at the ends.
“Okay Katie, your basket should come up at around eighty six dollars, and my basket is around ninety one dollars,” Elizabeth told her sister as the two girls went up to check out next.
“Your total is $106.57,” the cashier told the both of them.
“Here, I have two dollars lefts over on my card!” the man in the pink dress said, handing the cashier his gift card.
“I have fifty nine cents on mine!” the Chinese girl piped in.
“I have a dollar nineteen cents!”
“I have three dollars forty seven cents!”
“I have ninety eight cents!”
I could only chuckle as the contestants of Project Runway offered the girls their balance on their cards, ending with an exchange of hugs.
Mo stór, my dear, Irish Gaelic
Piàoliang de zuòpǐn, beautiful work, Chinese
Xièxiè, thank you, Chinese
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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niedopalek · 3 years
MYTHOLOGICAL In populations across North Eurasia, from Indo-European groups in the far west to the Chukchi in the far east, as well as in the Americas, two styles of myth can be found with striking consistency; an "Earth Diver" creation myth, and a myth in which a monstrous dog guards the underworld, where getting past it acts a test for deceased souls.
The "Earth Diver" myth generally follows a plot where some animal/being is sent to dive to the bottom of the primordial ocean to collect a small amount of sand or mud, from which a supreme creator deity constructs the first dry land. This story, with minor variations, is found in the mythos of Northeast Asian, Siberian, and Eastern European populations such as the Samoyedic peoples, Turkic peoples, the Buryats, the Ainu, Chukchi, Yukaghir, Slavs, Lithuanians¹²³⁴, etc, as well as Native American groups; Blackfoot, Arapaho, Athabaskans, Cayuga, Nipmuc, Ojibway, Potawatomi, Mohawk⁵, etc.
The Afterlife-Dog-Guardian myth is found throughout Indo-European cultures; you are most likely familiar with Cerberus from Greek mythology. It's also found among the Chukchi and Tungusic peoples. There's remains of dogs that appear to have been ritualistically slaughtered at Mesolithic sites in Siberia, which may be related to this myth. In North America, the mythos of Siouan, Algonquian, and Iroquoian peoples also generally feature a fierce dog guarding the path to the afterlife; however, in their myths, the path is the Milky Way in the sky, rather than the underworld⁶.
Now, if this consistent continuum of distribution wasn't convincing enough, there's now also archaeogenetic evidence that further implies these two myths have a common origin (which would make them among the oldest reconstructable stories we know of.) Genetic analysis infers the existence of a Paleolithic/Mesolithic grouping of people in North Eurasia aptly known as the Ancient North Eurasians. The thread that defines the ANE is close relation to the 24,000 year old Mal'ta Boy remains from the Lake Baikal region⁷. The Ancient North Eurasians were an extremely prolific and important population; to the East, they've contributed ancestry to modern Siberian populations (and to a lesser extent, East Asians), and a large amount to Native Americans; 40-50% of Native American DNA is ANE in origin⁷. To the west, they mixed with various West Eurasian hunter-gatherers to form Mesolithic lineages such as the Caucasus Hunter Gatherers, Eastern European Hunter Gatherers, West Siberian Hunter Gatherers, and Scandinavian Hunter Gatherers. Proto-Indo-Europeans descended from a mixture of Eastern European Hunter Gatherers (70-75% ANE, 30-25% Western European Hunter Gatherer) and Caucasus Hunter Gatherers⁸ (45-62% Dzudzuana/Archaic Caucasus HG, 55-38% ANE⁹). This shared ancestry lends credence to the idea that this pattern of myths could have a common origin in North Asia predating the migration of people to the Americas.
Furthermore, very recent research (a few months ago) suggests that the domestication of the dog occurred in Siberia around 23,000 years ago, where, from there, they spread throughout Eurasia and into the Americas; the people responsible for the domestication are identified in the initial study as "Ancient North Siberians"¹⁰ , though they were described as being associated with the Mal'ta remains and are thus synonymous with Ancient North Eurasians. Not necessarily strong evidence in its own right that the Afterlife Dog myth comes from them, but I definitely think it's worth mentioning. There's also rituals consistently associating dogs with healing and protection through their perceived ability to absorb illness found in ANE-descended populations such as the Hittites, ancient Greeks, ancient Italics, Turkic peoples, Babylonians (Mesopotamia is adjacent to where Neolithic Iranians lived, who also had a large amount of ANE ancestry), and possibly the ancient Botai culture⁶.
(And just as a fun fact, blonde hair among West Eurasians is believed to have originated with the ANE; the earliest person known to have been genetically predisposed to blonde hair was the ~17,000 year old ANE-descended Afontova Gora 3 girl from central Siberia.)
Broadly similar religious practices that can be described as shamanism are mostly distributed among East Asians (especially Siberians) and, quite famously, Native Americans¹². Uralic peoples, who ultimately originate from east Siberia¹³, brought it to Europe. The fact that shamanism is found in many different East Asian populations, including ones with little ANE ancestry in southern China, east India, and Southeast Asia, but is/was essentially absent in West Eurasia (as far as we know), suggests that the practice has an ancient East Asian origin, and that Native Americans picked it up from their East Asian ancestral component (40-50% of their DNA from ANE, 60-50% from Ancient East Asian)
Of course, shamanistic practices are also present in cultures from Sub Saharan Africa, and among Australian Aboriginals, so as a whole the concept obviously emerged multiple times, but the particularly strong concentration of it among the deeply related peoples of East Asia, Siberia, and Native America might indicate that theirs does have some sort of common heritage.
In 2010, linguist Edward Vadja published The Dene–Yeniseian Connection, the culmination of years of his research, wherein he proposes that the Yeniseian language family of Central Siberia, and the Na-Dene language family of North America (which includes such languages as Navajo and Apache), are related¹⁴. This paper was actually well received by a number of respected linguists, the first theory connecting Old World and New World languages to receive this treatment. In a 2012 presentation, Vadja bolstered his theory with further comparative linguistic evidence, as well as non-linguistic evidence; the most compelling example of the latter being the fact that haplogroup Q1, which is very common throughout indigenous populations of the Americas , is found at a rate of nearly 90% among the Yeniseian Ket people (and at a rate of 65% in their neighbors, the Samoyedic-speaking Selkup, who have long intermixed with Yeniseians.) The Navajo have this haplogroup at a rate of 92%. The Ket people also have among the highest amount of ANE-derived ancestry out of any modern day population, similar to Native Americans¹⁵.
A possible scenario explaining the proliferation of the family: when the ancestors of most other Native Americans migrated over into the New World, a subset of them remained behind in Beringia for several millennia. Eventually, as Beringia began to flood ~10,000 years ago, the group split, with some going back into Asia to become the Yeniseians while others finally moved into America to become the Na-Dene. While this is certainly much older than the dating for most other established language families, it is not implausible; Proto-Afro-Asiatic, for example, is routinely dated to well over 10,000 years ago. However, Vadja himself postulated that Na-Dene might have arrived in America through a distinct migration which postdated the initial peopling of the continents.¹⁶
Today, Dene-Yeniseian is still not a universally accepted, firmly established language family, but its not widely rejected either; it remains an open, favorable possibility while further research is done. For the sake of fairness, here is an example of a critical review which doubts the theory as Vadja proposed it: http://www2.hawaii.edu/~lylecamp/Campbell%20Yeniseian%20NaDene%20review%2011-2-10.pdf
Sacred narrative, readings in the theory of myth, Alan Dundes, page 168-70
Earth-Diver Myth (А812) in northern Eurasia and North America: twenty years later, Vladimir Napolskikh
A Dictionary of Asian Mythology, David Adams Leeming, page 55
The Motifs of creating the world in the Lithuanian narrative folklore, Nijolė Laurinkienė
Tracing the Indo-Europeans: New evidence from archaeology and historical linguistics, David W. Anthony & Dorcas R. Brown, page 104-105
Upper Palaeolithic Siberian Genome Reveals Dual Ancestry of Native Americans, Pontus Skoglund & Maanasa Raghavan
Archaeology, Genetics, and Language in the Steppes: A Comment on Bomhard, David Anthony
Paleolithic DNA from the Caucasus reveals  core of West Eurasian ancestry, Josif Lazaridis, Anna Belfer-Cohen, Swapan Mallick, Nick Patterson, Olivia Cheronet,Nadin Rohland Guy Bar-Oz, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Nino Jakeli, Eliso Kvavadze, David Lordkipanidze, Zinovi Matzkevich, Tengiz Meshveliani, Brendan J. Culleton, Douglas J. Kennett, Ron Pinhasi, David Reich
Dog domestication and the dual dispersal of people and dogs into the Americas, Angela R. Perri , Tatiana R. Feuerborn, Laurent A. F. Frantz, Greger Larson , Ripan S. Malhi, David J. Meltzer, Kelsey E. Witt
The genomic history of southeastern Europe, David Reich + many many more names
The Arrival of Siberian Ancestry Connecting the Eastern Baltic to Uralic Speakers Further East, Lehti Saag
Reviewed Work: The Dene–Yeniseian Connection by James Kari and Ben A. Potter
Genomic study of the Ket: a Paleo-Eskimo-related ethnic group with significant ancient North Eurasian ancestry, Pavel Flegontov
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tamorasky · 3 years
Rise to Me Chapter 10 - July/August 1943
Summary: 1947. It had been nearly four years since she had received a letter from her sister. Now with the end of the war and her impending wedding, Anna Rendelle is more determined than ever to find her sister.
1943. All her life Elsa Rendelle had been told to be good, know her place and to marry well. When an opportunity arises to make something of herself, finding herself in Occupied France as a part of a larger network of secret agents.
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Anna/Kristoff, Elsa/Honeymaren, Anna/Hans (Briefly
She couldn’t believe it. After what seemed like weeks of skipping meals, losing hours of sleep she had finally done it. Elsa Helene Rendelle had finally passed codes. There had been an improvement in her coding since her private training with Yelana nearly two weeks ago. Since that night Elsa practiced incessantly, wanting to prove to Yelana and herself that she is capable of this. Within two weeks, Elsa accomplished this.  
As the blonde rushes down the corridor, her hair, pinned back at her temples, bounces with every step she takes. It is slowly nearing lunchtime; Elsa pokes her head into the dining hall to only see four girls sitting at the table.
Honeymaren isn’t in the dining hall, Elsa purses her lips continuing down the hall. She doesn’t make eye contact with any of the men in the corridor, who have a terrible habit of attempting to talk to the women and get them in trouble.
The blonde recognizes Alexandra weaving between men, ignoring their calls as she marches towards the dining hall. Elsa waves the raven-haired woman down, stopping her in the middle of the corridor.
“Alexandra, have you seen Honeymaren?” Elsa asks, trying to remain out of people’s way as she chats with her dorm-mate.
The raven-haired woman furrows her dark brows. “No, I haven’t seen her since the run this morning. I think Beth saw her talking with Yelana earlier today. I guess she was last heading towards the dorms.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll check there, thank you.” Elsa smiles, continuing down the hallway towards the narrow staircase. She runs up the stairs, ascending each one without difficulty. In her first weeks, Elsa could hardly walk up these staring without panting. Now at eight weeks, she has no difficulty.  
As she inches closer to the dorm Elsa’s speed increases, unable to contain her excitement any longer. She grins upon reaching the doors, pushing them open without any hesitation.
“Honeymaren! You’ll never guess what!” Elsa exclaims as she steps through the threshold, holding up the paper which proves her test scores. But the room is empty. The blonde glances around the room, the identical sets of beds made neatly earlier this morning, yet something felt different.
Elsa sighs, figuring she must’ve missed her in the corridor or only missed her by a moment. She spins on her heel, tucking her score paper into her pocket while closing the door behind her. Meandering back down to the dining hall, Elsa wonders where Honeymaren could have gotten to. It isn’t like her to just disappear without a word.
She descends the stairs slowly, a crease forming between her brows while wondering where Honeymaren could be. Assuring herself that her friend would be in the dining hall.
But she isn’t. Upon reaching the dining hall, Honeymaren’s usual seat is empty. Elsa swallows the lump in her throat as she enters the room, making her way to the table. Next to an empty seat.
Glancing around the table, Elsa doesn’t recognize half of these girls. It seemed as if every day someone Elsa knew was being deployed and replaced. Diana went overseas only a week ago and Joy the week prior. She knew it was inevitable, of course, this is what they signed up for. But it seems surreal that most of the girls who were here when Elsa arrived are now gone.
“Elsa,” Alexandra calls across the table. The blonde looks up at the other woman with a raised brow. “Did you find Honeymaren?”
Elsa shakes her head. “Could she have fallen behind during the run?”
“I doubt it,” Beth interjects. “Honeymaren is normally always at the front.”
“She could have been deployed,” Marie states, taking a sip of her tea. “We never heard anything about Joy or Diana when they went.”
“I heard Diana got pregnant.” Alexandra shrugs, tearing off a piece of baguette for herself. The four women stare at her with wide eyes.
“What!” Beth sputters, a blush spreading across her cheeks.
“Yeah, she wasn’t deployed from what I heard,” Alexandra confirms, leaning in close to the table. “Apparently she was shaking up with one of the men here. Yelana kicked her and convinced the Colonel in charge of the men to discharge the guy.”
“He better have some sense to marry her.” Elsa comments as she takes a sip of her tea from the English rose china. It hadn’t been like her to partake in gossip before, but since the night Marie brought gin, Elsa had become more willing to engage in just a little.
The other three girls continue discussing Diana’s possible predicament. Elsa listens to them, but her eyes are glued to the door frame. Waiting for Honeymaren to emerge at any point for lunch. She never emerges.
Throughout their afternoon lessons, Elsa expects Honeymaren to appear by her side, sitting beside her and asking
“What did I miss?” Her brown hair would be unruly, sticking to her sweaty forehead and eyes wide in panic at the prospect of being late. Taking notes quickly as Elsa would fill her in.
Elsa’s chest constricts at the thought. She would resist the urge to brush her bangs out of Honeymaren’s face while staring into those deep chocolate eyes. Only having been apart from her for half of the day, Elsa found herself missing the Mohawk woman by her side.
The young woman manages to sneak out of the building after supper and shortly before lights out. Elsa sits on the stone wall that surrounds the lodge, pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her breast pocket. She inhales as she lights the cigarette, the smoke blowing into the cool night.
She glances down at her crossed ankles as her free hand rests on the stone wall. Elsa sighs, wondering if perhaps Honeymaren had been deployed. Her heart sinks at the thought as she takes another drag of her smoke.
It isn’t the thought of Honeymaren being deployed that disappoints her. It is the idea that Honeymaren left without saying goodbye to Elsa. Tears form in her eyes as guilt begins to claw at her insides.
Is this what Anna felt that day? Waiting for Elsa at Marylebone station, tapping her heel against the ground as she sat at the platform. Her hair would’ve been bound into two plaits as usual in an attempt to keep her unruly hair at bay.
“Do you have a light?” A gruff woman’s voice calls out to the young woman. Elsa glances over her shoulder to see Yelana standing behind her, holding a cigarette in her hand. The blonde nods, reaching into her breast pocket to hand the older woman the lighter.
Yelana approaches her, taking the lighter from Elsa as she settles herself next to the blonde woman. Elsa takes the lighter back with a polite smile. Silence falls between the two women, the only sounds from the rustling of trees in the highland breeze.
“Honeymaren Nattura.” Elsa states without thinking. Yelana turns to her, taking a drag of her own cigarette.
“What about Miss. Nattura?” The grey-haired woman inquires with a raised brow. Despite knowing not to ask questions, Elsa cannot help herself.
“What happened to her? I haven’t seen her since last night.”
Yelana sighs, turning away from Elsa as she exhales the smoke. “Remember what I told you about questions? It’s none of your concern.”
“I know it isn’t.” Elsa sighs, still staring at the older woman. Her cigarette resting between her fingers, ash falling from the butt to the ground. “Please, I just want to know what happened to her.”
Yelana stays silent, taking a puff of her cigarette once again. “She has been transferred to the south of England in order to prepare for deployment.”
“I didn’t get to say goodbye,” Elsa says without thinking.
“It’s what has to be done. You knew what is to happen to you and eventually you would be deployed. That is your job.” Yelana states.
“I know it is,” Elsa responds, taking another drag of her cigarette. “It just seems so surreal that so many girls are being deployed.”
“Is this not something you want to do Miss. Rendelle?” Yelana asks, her question hanging in the air between them. “I always have positions for girls as receivers in London if you’re not up to the task. It’s where Miss. Linnet has gone to.”
“Diana?” Elsa questions. So, her ex-bunkmate had not gotten pregnant as previously speculated but sent to London as an operator. Elsa supposes it could be something as her part of the war effort. “No, this is something I want to do. I would like to be deployed to France if possible.”
“Good.” Yelana nods. The blonde swears that she could make out a smile spreading across the surly woman’s face. The older woman stands from the stone wall as she drops her cigarette to the dirt ground, stomping on it.
Elsa drops her cigarette butt to the ground, looking over her shoulder to watch Yelana’s silhouette disappear into the lodge for the night. Her heart pounding, she stands from the wall while wiping her hands onto her pants. A part of her wishing Honeymaren was at her side.
She rises with the sun nearly two weeks after that night. She had hardly slept throughout the night as she was instructed to meet with Yelana that morning, and her nerves were getting the best of her. Quietly Elsa dresses, careful not to disturb the other girls sleeping in the dorm. Her locket rests between her breasts, seeming to make the morning air even colder.
Elsa stalks through the room and down the corridor towards the Rhubana lodge’s office. A receptionist in identical attire greets her with a smile.
“Hi, may I help you?” The brunette woman asks.
“My name is Elsa Rendelle. I have a meeting with Ms. Magga this morning.” Elsa informs the young woman, her hands folded in front of her.
“Ah yes, Ms. Magga said you would be in this morning. I am to tell you to pack your things.” The receptionist states, glancing down at her notes. “There is a black sedan outside of the lodge waiting for you.”
Elsa’s brows knit together in confusion. “I’m sorry. May I speak with Ms. Magga? I’m just quite confused.”
“Ms. Magga left for the south yesterday. I apologize but I am not allowed to give you any more information.” The young woman offers an apologetic smile to Elsa. “Pack all your belongings, save for any military-issued clothing which was assigned to you at the beginning of your training.”
Elsa nods, leaving the office without another word. Her mind runs wild as she walks back to the dorm. She shakes with every step, unable to process anything as she packs up her personal belongings into a suitcase. The young woman strips from the military issued shirt and khakis, discarding them into the chest for the next girl.
She changes into a light blue collared dress and some French stockings along with a pair of brown mary-jane shoes. The dress exposes the chain of her necklace, though it saddens Elsa she removes the locket, slipping it into the pocket she secretly sewed into the inside of the garment.
With everything packed into a square brown suitcase, Elsa meanders across the room stopping at the door. She glances over her shoulder, smiling at the sight of Alexandra, Beth and Marie still sleeping soundly. Three of the six women she had gotten to know over these past months, the only women she had ever gotten to know as an adult.
She slips through the door quietly, making her way downstairs to the black sedan. The driver glances at her through the rear-view mirror.
“We need to stop into town to get gas.” His Scottish accent thick as he speaks. Elsa nods silently, her mind still running wild at the thought of what is happening. They stop at a small gas station attached to a post office in the village. The driver gets out, beginning to pump gas into the car before heading into the building.
Elsa stares at the post office, recalling Honeymaren leaving unexpectantly. She felt disappointed and hurt that her friend had left. The blonde begins to think about how it must’ve hurt Anna with her own departure. Although there is a difference. Honeymaren didn’t have to opportunity to write to her. But Elsa could.
The young woman glances back to the gas station, noticing the driver is four people in the queue and distracted by the man behind him. In an instant, Elsa exists the car beelining it for the post office.
A bell echoing through the quiet building alerts the workers to her presence. She approaches the counter with an older gentleman standing behind it.
“Hello there, Miss, what can I do for ya?” He inquires, smiling at the young woman, exposing missing teeth.
“I need to write and send a letter to London,” Elsa responds quickly, not wanting to waste any time.
“London eh? Alright, it’ll cost ya 2 shillings. 1 for the paper.” The gentleman responds. Elsa nods in response, reaching into her purse placing the full three shillings onto the counter. The man takes her money and hands her a piece of paper.
“Thank you,” Elsa responds, taking a pen on the counter as she positions it over the paper. She only had so much time. Years of wrongdoings and a damaged relationship to write in a single letter before her deployment.
The postal man calls out to her, asking if everything is all right. She nods as she writes in a panic:
Dear Anna, Please forgive me Love, Elsa.
She folds the paper, handing it back to the man who places it in a stamped envelope. “We’ll have it sent right away Miss.”
“Thank you very much.” Elsa smiles as she withdraws from the desk. She leaves the room without another word. Stepping through the door, the blonde quickly looks into the window of the building beside the post office. The driver is now 2 people in the queue and still distracted.
She rushes back to the car, opening the back door and climbing back into the black sedan. Her heart pounding in her chest as she shuts the door terrified that she might have been caught. The driver gets into the car ten minutes later without another word.
He doesn’t speak to her again during the drive as the Scottish coastline disappears behind them. She wonders if perhaps she is being sent home. Maybe Yelana was having a go at her last night and wasn’t serious about sending her.
Instead, she is brought to an airfield in Tangmere in West Sussex. Upon her arrival at the airfield, Elsa has to sign and fill out several forms. After what seemed like hours, she is given supper and then showed to her room in the barracks.
For the first time in nine weeks, Elsa got to sleep in a bed by herself. She only hopes Anna would get her letter.
Elsa sits in her room of the barracks of the airfield, waiting as she had been instructed the previous night. She readjusts the cuff of her mustard yellow cable knit sweater, her heart pounding in her chest while she waits.
A knock resounds throughout the small room. Elsa stands from the bed, opening the door to reveal Yelana standing on the other side. Before the young woman can greet her, Yelana speaks.
“You need to follow me.” The older woman turns on her heel without another word. Elsa closes the door behind her as she follows Yelana to a private office in a small brick building not too far from the barracks.
The office is slightly larger than Elsa’s room at the barracks, the walls and floor the same shade of brown with a window overlooking the airfield. An oak desk, scattered with papers sits in the middle of the room, this is clearly where Yelana spends most of her time.
Yelana takes a seat at the desk, motioning at the chair across from her for Elsa to sit. The blonde obliges, settling herself in the wooden seat, her hands resting on her knees. Her fingers brush the hem of her linen dress as Yelana produces a bottle of wine wrapped in newspaper.  
Elsa’s brows furrow at the liquor, it isn’t like the SOE to provide alcohol to recruits without some test. Much less did she take Yelana as someone who would indulge in the middle of the day.
Instead, the grey-haired woman unwraps the newspaper which covers the bottle, her eyes scanning over the page as she places the wine on the ground next to her chair. “The ration cards in Lyon are changing…”
“Excuse me?” Elsa inquires, cocking her head slightly at the news. That is when it occurs to her, the news. That is all Yelana wanted from that bottle of wine.
“You must remain aware of current affairs. Even out of date intelligence is better than none at all.” Yelana sighs, brushing a stray hair fallen from her bun behind her ear. “And never neglect open-source information, things like newspapers and even gossip can be useful.”
Elsa nods in response, “I understand.”
“The seemingly most mundane sources can be the most useful. Even things that you observe throughout your routine, like movements of trains and soldiers. If you see German’s cashing in francs they are about to deploy.”
“Yes, Ms.” Elsa states. The older woman glances up from the newspaper to look at the blonde woman in front of her.
“You are Marguerite Mahy, a waitress from Givenchy-en-Gohelle, a town south-west of Lens and north of Arras,” the grey-haired woman begins without any indication.
Elsa's heart surges with excitement and fear as she understands that she is being given her cover. “You’re going to send me?”
“It was always my plan too. I just had to be sure,” Yelana shrugs her shoulders in response as she sits back in her chair.
“Sure I was going to be a right fit?” Elsa inquires, still playing with the hem of her dress. Her heart leaping as Yelana nods in response. The young woman resists the urge to show her excitement, no one ever thought she was right.
“So, you are to say that your family was killed early in the war. And that you’ve come to live in Arras to live in an apartment owned by your late aunt.” The older woman explains, her long finger tapping against the desk.
“Won’t they have records?” Elsa questions, her brows knitting together in confusion. Yelana shakes her head, reaching for the pack of cigarettes and lighter on her desk.
“Most records have been destroyed since the Germans occupied France. Arras has been no exception, especially with the British counterattack in ’40.” Elsa nods, accepting the woman’s answer without speaking. Yelana stares at Elsa pointedly, her lit cigarette dangling between her fingers. “If you are captured by the Germans, you must maintain this identity at all costs. Do you understand? If you can’t, only reveal your name and rank, nothing else. If you hold out for forty-eight hours, it will allow for the others to recover.”
Elsa’s mouth goes dry, her heart pounding in her chest at Yelana’s instruction. “And then?”
“Then…” Yelana trails off, taking a drag of her cigarette. “Then they will break you. Just because you are a woman, does not mean they’ll treat you any differently. The Sicherheitsdienst, or the SD will torture you, and once they get the information, you will most likely be killed. If it comes to that it would be best to kill yourself first.”
It takes everything in Elsa not to empty the contents of her stomach into the wastebasket next to the desk. The blood has drained from her face as her body turns cold. Yelana scrutinizes her emotionless, trying to read the young woman.
“You’ll be landed by Lysander.” Yelana continues. Elsa raises a brow at the older woman questioningly as she scans the record with her name written in front of the grey-haired woman.
“My record states I was to parachute.” Elsa states without thinking. Yelana’s brows knit together, covering Elsa’s file with another paper.
“A slight oversight. We prepared your paperwork earlier than usual, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to train you for parachuting.” The older woman explains, ashing her cigarette in the crystal ashtray in front of her. “You will be deployed as a radio operator with the Farmer network. Farmer has seen quite a few issues since June of this year, and already a number of agents have been arrested.”
Elsa nods in response, indicating that she is still listening. But her stomach turns on itself at all of the information as Yelana continues to speak. “You’ll be working for Sylvestre, he runs the Farmer circuit around the Lille area. He is an excellent fighter, he parachuted into France in ’41 and was arrested by the Vichy government. He’ll expect only the best from you.”
“Reminds me of someone else I know.” Elsa retorts, her eyes glimmering with mischief. Although she knows it could get her into trouble, but she doesn’t care, the nervousness about her deployment overtakes her emotions.
Yelana cracks a smile, raising her brows. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” A knock echoes throughout the room, interrupting the women’s conversation. “Yes?”
Her gaze is focused on the door, watching as it opens with a creak. The man on the other side pokes his head into the room. “The hearse is here Ms.” The man reaches into the room and picks up the case containing her wireless radio, which had been brought from Scotland.  
Elsa cringes at the reference of the vehicle that will take her to the plane. As if it had some looming premonition of her fate. Her hands shake as if her heart is beating hard enough that it physically shakes her body.
At that moment with her body shaking, Elsa can only think of one question if she were to disappear or die:
What would happen to Anna?
Notes: I totally went down a research rabbit hole SO! The Farmer was a network of the SOE that operated in the area around Lille, France (which included Arras) and was led by a man named Michael Trotobas whose code name was Sylvestre.
The Farmer Network in June 1943 started having major issues when the Prosper Network (which covered Paris) was shut down and actually had like a large amount of their agents being arrested and betrayed. Which was something I did NOT know until after choosing Elsa's location during the war. The network had around 800 to 1000 members, 300 were killed, including Michael Trotobas in 1943.I'm full-on history nerding now because this is why I write these sorts of fics, I LOVE the research. Anyway, Happy Holidays!!
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flcrencepughs · 3 years
Could I please ask for some suitable female faceclaims (any skin/hair colour) between early twenties to thirty who can work in a heist setting, please? Thank you!
Absolutely I can do this anon! We love to see women getting what they deserve. (money)
I’ve bolded my faves (I also went a little crazy on these suggestions):
Anna Lambe (aged 20, Inuit, known for Trickster) 
Star Slade (aged 21, Metis, Vietnamese, known for Burden of Truth, Emerald Cove, Castle in the Ground) 
Suzu Hirose (aged 22, Japanese, known for Natsuzora, Our Little Sister, Your Lie in April) 
Park Yoo Na (aged 23, South Korean, known for True Beauty, Hotel del Luna)
Alba Baptista (aged 23, Portuguese, Brazilian, known for Warrior Nun) 
Zendaya (aged 24, African-American, white - Irish, German, English, Scottish, known for Spiderman, The Greatest Showman, Euphoria and Malcolm & Marie)
Moon Ga-Young (aged 24, South Korean, known for True Beauty, Tempted, Find Me in Your Memory)
Ella Balinska (aged 24, African-Jamacian, white - English, Polish, known for Charlies Angels) 
Kennedy McMann (aged 24, white - Scottish, possible others, known for CW’s Nancy Drew) 
Barbie Ferreira (aged 24, Brazilian, known for Euphoria, Unpregnant) 
Sophia Taylor Ali (aged 25, Pakistani, white - German, Danish, Norwegian, known for The Wilds)  
Emma Mackey (aged 25, white - French, English, known for Sex Education, Death on The Nile) 
Geraldine Viswanathan (aged 25, Indian - Tamil, white - Swiss, German known for The Broken Hearts Gallery, Blockers, Miracle Workers) 
Lyrica Okano (aged 26, Japanese, known for Marvel’s Runaway’s) 
Ryan Destiny (aged 26, African-American, 1/4 white - unknown, known for Star, Grown-ish) 
Alia Bhatt (aged 27,  Indian - Kashmiri and Gujarati, white - German, known for Student of The Year, Raazi, Kalank)
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs (aged 27,  Kanienʼkehá꞉ka (Mohawk) descent, known for Rhymes for Young Ghouls, The Order, The Lie, The Sun at Midnight) 
Jessica Henwick (aged 28, Chinese-Singaporean, white - English, known for Love & Monsters, Iron Fist) 
Yvette Monreal (aged 28, Chilean, known for Rambo, Star Girl, Faking It) 
Zión Moreno (aged 26, Mexican, known for Control-Z, K-12) 
Ayça Aşin Turan (aged 28, Turkish, known for Zemheri, The Protector, Meryum) 
Deniz Baysal (aged 29, Turkish, known for Söz, Runaway Brides, Fazilet Hanım ve Kızları)
Naomi Scott (aged 29, Indian - Gujarati, white - English, Scottish, known for Aladdin, Charlies Angels
If anyone has any other suggestions: feel free to send me a message and I can add them. As well, if anyone has any issues regarding my suggestions, I am more than willing to update/remove. Thank you. 
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 years
Smokey brand Select: Deck the Halls
I don’t know if you can tell by my blog, but i f*cking love Christmas. It’s my absolute favorite holiday of the year. I love t more than Thanksgiving, more than Halloween, even more than my f*cking birthday and that’s a lot because I'm kind of a f*cking narcissist. I love the festivities, the decorations, the music, the objective purity of the whole season. Christmas time is the one time of year that people decide collectively to suck less. Recently, with all of the stupid conservative boycotts and soapbox rants, that less is a little less than usually but still, it’s hard not to love the Christmas season. It’s so inspirational and has inspired some fantastic films. Here's a list of some of my favorites. A lot of these, the majority of them, probably aren’t “traditional” Christmas fare but i assure you that they are, indeed, Christmas films. To say otherwise would just be disrespectful.
10. Edward Scissorhands
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Tim Burton is going to be all over this list, man. Edward Scissorhands came out during a time i was incredibly infatuated with the striking visuals of Burton. I’m an Eighties kid and he kind of had his coming out party during that decade. Almost all of those films he released back then are favorites of mine. I remember seeing Scissorhands as a young kid and being absolutely mesmerized by it’s beauty. As an adult, i appreciated the underlying messaging just as much.
9. A Christmas Story
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You’ll shoot your eye out! I used to hate this movie, man. It was a staple in during my elementary school Christmas parties. I never paid attention to it because, as a kid, i hated anything that wasn’t a cartoon. One day i was sick at home and caught it offseason TNT. This thing played, like, every day for some reason. I heard it was a favorite of Ted Turner but that’s just rumor. Anyway, i watched it and completely fell in love with this earnest, absurd, flick. It’s a really good watch and deserves it’s title as a classic.
8. Home Alone
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Home Alone was the very first Christmas flick i remembered actually loving for being a Christmas flick. Like, when the season starts and Mariah Carey hits the airwaves, Home Alone is what i thing about. It’s the very first film that i unequivocally associate with Santa season. It’s funny because it’s not that great a film but i still love it dearly. I think that’s more because of nostalgia, though. There are fr superior films in the honorable mentions which probably deserve this spot more but Home Alone makes me genuinely smile.
7. Die Hard
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I mean, how can i not put this on the list? It’s a classic. One of the best action films ever made. One of the best performances Bruce Willis has ever given. Plus, it introduces the late, great, Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber. Now, my favorite of the lot is With a Vengeance but Die Hard would be nothing without this holly jolly first entry.
6. Scrooged
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One of my favorite Christmas narratives is A Christmas Carol. Dickens was a prolific writer and, among his works, the story of Ebeneezer Scrooge’s crisis of conscious is my favorite. I almost always love it when ever it makes it to screen but, for my money, the best version of this story took the form of the Eighties classic, Scrooged. It’s so Eighties in all of the ways. I love the overall narrative, the changes made t fit it into a then modern setting, and those incredible practical effects. It’s a feast for the senses while hitting all the necessary Dickens notes. Also, this version of the Ghost of Christmas Future is a whole ass nightmare. Like, f*ck, dude!
5. Trading Places
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I love this movie so much, just on it’s own merits as a film. It’s so good. Eddie Murphy is excellent in this film and Dan Akroyd is just as brilliant. Jamie Lee Curtis was incredibly hilarious, too. This was the second thing i had ever seen her in, after Halloween so, you know, going from that to this really caught my attention. Trading Places is a classic and should be seen by everyone.
4. Gremlins
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Gremlins is just generally one of my favorite films. I love this f*cked up movie, man. It’s SO good and this version is the tone down one. The original vision for this movie was just an R rated murder fest. I mean, the one we got wasn’t a joke wither It’s the reason we have the PG-3 rating. SH*t is just that violent Now, juxtapose all of this little green monstrosity anarchy against a dreamy white Christmas and you have all the makings of worming your way into my heart. Honestly, i prefer the gremlin shenanigans from the sequel, Mohawk is my favorite, but Stripe definitely left an impression.
3. The Long Kiss Goodnight
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I had a massive crush on Geena Davis when  was young. Can’t tell you why, but i was absolutely infatuated with the chick after i saw her in The Fly remake. I followed her career afterwards. She dropped several gems along the way, Beetlejuice, Thelma and Louise, Earth Girls are Easy, A League of their Own, but my absolute favorite film of hers is definitely The Long Kiss Goodnight. This thing is peak Nineties action excess. Shane Black in his prime. Die Hard III but John McCLane is a hot ass amazon woman who can beat you to death with her mitts. It even has Sam Jackson as a smart-mouthed side kick! I love it!
2c. A Charlie Brown Christmas
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I adore Charlie Brown. If Spider-Man, Godzilla, and Transformers are the foundations of my childhood, Snoopy is foundation adjacent. My Paternal grandma had all of the Peanuts films and i would watch them on repeat when we were forced to go over there. I say forced because she was kind of terrible and none of us really wanted to visit her ever but, when we did, and she wasn’t trying to exploit our labor or feed us rotten food, we did get to watch dope classic sh*t. She owned every Disney movie from the Renaissance and every Peanuts special on VHS. I hated visiting that woman but i loved those Charlie Brown adventures so kind of bittersweet memories.
2b. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
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This one is associated with my other grandma, the one i actually liked. We used to sit down every year and watch this one together while sipping egg nog. Man, it’s hard for me to type this out. It breaks my heart remembering those times so I'm going to stop. I just really love How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It’s very, very, special to me.
2a. The Nutcracker
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The Nutcracker is in the same situation as How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I have a lot of love for this thing, in ll forms, but the one i remember so vividly is the opera they used to show every season. My grandma really loved opera and orchestral music. I miss her.
1b. Batman Returns
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I told you Burton was going to be all over this thing. Bro, how can this thing not be on the top of this list? Batman Returns left a real impression, man. Michelle Pfiefer’s Catwoman did things to me that would have reverberating effects through the rest of my life! She is, more than any other reason, why i have an unhealthy infatuation for crazy chicks. Also Nancy Downs but The Craft isn’t a Christmas movie. Outside of the way that patent leather catsuit ruined me for normal relationships, Batman Returns is just a force of f*cking nature. It’s Pure Tim Burton and i adore that man’s eye. He is one of my favorite creators and Batman is one of my favorite heroes. How can this thing not make my list? Batman Returns couldn’t take the number two spot, mostly because it jockeys for position with Nightmare pretty actively. I love them both so much, it’s hard to give the number one spot to either of them so, you know, split the difference.
1a. The Nightmare Before Christmas
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This is Halloween! I remember being so hype about this movie. Nine year old Smokey was super into this film and that love carries through to this day. Every time it airs, i catch it or, at least, i used to when i had television. I saw this thing day one in theaters, made my mom buy the VHS, it was one of the very first DVDs i ever purchased with my own money, and was the third Blue ray i got after picking up my PS3. The wild thing is, it’s not just me either. Nightmare has become a pinnacle of the cultural zeitgeist. This thing is all over the place. People get tattoos of Jack. Halloween Town even made it into a few Kingdom Hearts games and it wasn’t even a Disney movie at first! It was banished to the subsidiary of Touchstone when it first released because the Mouse House didn’t believe in it! Talk about a miscalculations.
Honorable Mentions: Tokyo Godfathers, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Bad Santa, Elf, Carol, Anna and the Apocalypse
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you like bacon? I’m not as wild about it as I used to be, but I’m still definitely into the whole put-bacon-on-everything schtick and I have no problem trying out novelty items that put bacon in donuts, or oatmeal, or cake, or whatever it is haha.
Have you ever wished for something to come true and it did? I mean, yes. It’s ranged from something as simple as “I wish it rains today,” to something as big as wishing that the person I like liked me back.
Do you like Rammstein? I’m familiar with the name but I’m not necessarily a fan.
Do you know a friend of a friend? Yes. I used to drink with Angela’s friends from arki. We never ended up being close but they were always great people to have a few drinks with.
Do you smile for no reason? I usually smile for a reason.
if somebody paid you a million dollars to get a green mohawk would you? Sure. I only stay at home anyway and that makes this whole thing not that big of a deal, honestly.
Ever had a BLT? Did you like it? It’s too basic a sandwich for me, but I wouldn’t turn it down if it were the only option available. I’d still remove the tomatoes, though; I never liked those in my burgers or sandwiches.
Are you in College? Not anymore; I graduated a few months ago.
Have you ever been to a State Fair? We don’t have those here, first of all because we don’t have states haha.
Do you like Youtube? I enjoy a number of YouTube channels and I certainly visit the site everyday, but I don’t like the way the corporation itself runs their website. It’s since become very different from what YouTube used to be.
If so whats your favorite channel? At the moment it’s Good Mythical Morning, but I also have a number of other subscriptions like BuzzFeed (for their Worth It series), First We Feast, Try Guys, PewDiePie, Anthony Padilla, Anna Park, a couple of channels dedicated to pro wrestling, some eating ASMR channels, among others.
Do you enjoy compulsively cleaning electronics? Can’t say I do.
What is your favorite small dog breed? Are beagles considered small dogs? I love them.
Do you smell bacon cooking? Nopes but I do have a dark chocolate macadamia cookie from Starbucks beside me that I can faintly smell.
Have you ever bitten anything for any unknown reason? What was it? I like biting on straws, but that’s about it I think.
Do you like the movie "The Master Of Disguise"? I don’t think I’ve heard of it before.
What is the closest thing to you thats red? A paper bag under my desk that holds all the artsy stuff I’ve bought over the years, like my coloring books and paintings.
Have you ever gone into a toystore just to play with the toys? That’s always made me feel like a freeloader haha, so I never go to toy stores just for that purpose. I’d sometimes play with whatever exhibits they have, but I make sure to go through the different toy sections too.
When was the last time you went through a Mcdonalds Playplace? Maybe when I was 5 ot 6 maybe? I went to Burger King’s playground way more often since we dined there more. Also, there were always fewer kids so it was more fun to play there.
Do you have an annoying dog? Cooper’s a beagle, who are notoriously big balls of energy, and so there are days I just can’t keep up with his energy and for those moments I do have shorter patience with him. It’s really not his fault, though.
What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I was never into comic books. I tried for a long time because my two favorite wrestlers are into them, but just couldn’t jump on that train.
Do you like kids pop-up books? Loved them as a kid but I was never obsessed enough to have them for my own. I was content reading pop-up books in the school library.
Does anybody else think bugs are cool and interesting? I’m sure there are tons of people out there, but not me.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Colgate.
Do you own a pair of striped socks? I don’t think so, no.
What is the most random thing in your bedroom? An inflatable pig.
In a normal conversation do you slip out Latin? LOL no. I don’t think I’ve done that before, unless I was singing something in Latin on purpose.
Can you sing? No. I’m not tone-deaf, but I’m not anywhere near decent either.
If so, what is the highest note you can reach? -
Have you ever been to the cream cheese capital of the world? I don’t know which one that is.
Was this survey random? Enough for me to have a good time with it, yes. 
Have you ever been in a parade? I’ve been to several Pride marches if they count.
What is your mothers, mothers maiden name? I don’t actually remember haha, so I wouldn’t be able to share it anyway. It’s a very Chinese-sounding name, though; that much I can share.
Do you have a different hairstyle? No. I just have bangs, which a lot of people already have. 
Am I annoying yet? I don’t feel annoyed, so you’re good.
Do you like soybeans? I haven’t had actual soybeans. < Same, but I’m sure I like food products that have soybeans in them or are made out of soybeans.
Do you press buttons just to see what they do? Hahahahahahahaha yes that’s me, I’m that person with the restless fingers.
Do you still play pokemon? I never got into the video games because I was never any good at strategy-based games, but I did play Pokemon Go for a while especially when I was in freshman year of college. Overall, I was mostly into the anime.
What is your favorite pokemon? Jigglypuff.
Have you ever put blue streaks in your white cats hair? I have a white dog, but I wouldn’t do this to him even if you gave me dog-friendly dye. Just not my preference.
Are you blond? Nope.
Does it bother you when people have a collar turned up? No.
Are your nails painted? If so, what color? If not, do you like nail polish? They’re never painted. No, I personally don’t see the appeal of nail polish for myself but you do you.
Are you awesome? I’ll let other people be the judge of that.
As a kid did you like Barney, Baby Bop, or DJ more? Wasn’t it BJ? Anyway, I liked him the most, then Barney. I found Baby Bop way too whiny.
Have you been to the Bzoink Forums yet? I just go there to look for surveys. I don’t actually try out the other features.
Does any key on your computer and or laptop stick? No.
Does fire excite you? Fuck no lmao, I’m terrified of fire.
Have you ever sung in a choir? Never.
Do you go to church? Until March this year, I had attended mass every Sunday all my life. When Covid hit, we started watching YouTube recordings at home. So yeah, no escape.
Have you ever had a theme (pirate, ninja, civil war) day? Like, in school? Yeah we had a themed day in high school once. I forgot what the actual theme was but I remember going as Lara Croft. In college, we used to go with color-coordinated outfits for Valentine’s Day, e.g. people who had dates can wear red, those who are single can wear black, those in complicated relationships can wear brown, those who had crushes but can’t have them can wear yellow, etc. It wasn’t an official rule, of course, but it was always fun for those who chose to join haha.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Nopes.
Have you ever been to Philadelphia PA? No. It has an amazing reputation for being a passionate wrestling city though; it’d be cool to go there and see a local show or two.
Do you think Orlando Bloom is hot? He’s not unattractive, but I just never had a crush on him.
Do you think Twilight is over-rated? At some point I think it was, but it also got (and continues to get) so much hate that I think that has since been able to balance out the initial overrated-ness of it. 
When was the last time you where sick? what did you have? I had a UTI in May, which I never would’ve known if I didn’t take a urine test because all I got was a high fever that never went away. Peeing was never painful for me during that time and my kidney region never hurt either.
What is your favorite number? 4.
Look at your toes. Sure.
If you are a girl do you hate girl drama? Idk what you mean by that. I never grew out of liking gossip, though.
If you are a guy do you hate girls who prolong the drama? -
ZZZ, im tired....are you? A little, but I have coffee so I might stay up for a bit because it’s Fridayyyyyyy.
Favorite indie music group? alt-J.
Have you ever pet a monkey? I don’t think I have.
Have you ever ridden a camel? Nopes.
Have you ever punched somebody? Never to hurt someone.
Do you like cupcakes? Love them.
Orange or lemon flavoring? Depends on what I’m consuming. I like orange chewy candies, but I like lemonade juice too.
Can you sing opera? Not a chance.
Touchpads or Mouse's? Touchpad.
Have you ever been to a Disney theme park? Nope, I haven’t.
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jackisreallycool · 4 years
Debate your mother
1. Uffie- pop the Glock
2. Nicki Minaj - super bass
3. Jeremih - oui
4. Laurel Halo - years
5. Kelela - rewind
6. Sunny Sweeney - from a table away
7. Miley Cyrus - space boots
8. Black eyed peas - meet me halfway
9. Hyuna- bubble pop
10. Winter Gordon - dirty talk
11. Lady antebellum - need you now
12. Shady - Go in
13. Taylor Swift - the archer
14. Ciara - ride
15. Fifth harmony - work from home
16. Nav- myself
17. Xxyyxx - about you
18. Travis Scott - sicko mode
19. Yung lean - ginseng strip 2002
20. Brianna Perry - Marilyn Monroe
21. Katy b - Katy ona. Mission
22. Maggie Rogers - on + off
23. Saweetie - my type
24. Picture plane - goth star
25. Charli XCX - Gone
26. Lorde - Ribs
27. Juice Wrld - lucid dreams
28. Lady Gaga - Judas
29. Selena Gomez - bad liar
30. Rick Ross - BMF
31. Migos - motorsport
32. Best coast - boyfriend
33. Clairo - bags
34. Anna Meredith - nautilus
35. DVSN - too deep
36. Teen suicide - salvia Plath
37. Skrillex - bangarang
38. IloveFriday - Mia khalifa
39. Young MA - ooouu
40. 21 savage - ocean drive
41. FEMM - fuck boys get money
42. Kreayshawn - Gucci Gucci
43. Jazmine Sullivan - mascara
44. Becky G - shower
45. Troye Sivan - bloom
46. SZA - drew veeeymore
47. Yves rumor - licking an orchid
48. Hyetal- Phoenix
49. DJ Dodger stadium - love songs
50. SIA - Chandelier
51. Nadia Oh - taking over the dance floor
52. Jennifer Lopez - on the floor
53. Rebecca black - Friday
54. Gil Scott heron - New York is killing me
55. Grimes - oblivion
56. Beyonce - formation
57. The knife - full of fire
58. NERO - promises
59. Nicki Minaj - starships
60. M.I.A. - xxxo
61. Kero kero bonito - only acting
62. Xxxtentacion - look at me!
63. Tove Lo - habits stay high
64. oOoOO - hearts
65. Rihanna - love on the brain
66. Jam city - the courts
67. Taylor Swift - we are never ever getting back together
68. Salem - king night
69. Azealia banks - Anna wintour
70. Lana Del Rey - the greatest
71. Maren Morris- 80s Mercedes
72. AG Cook - keri baby
73. The Dream - Yamaha
74. Travis Scott - antidote
75. Bladee - be nice 2 me
76. Icona pop - I love it
77. Ciara - bodyparty
78. Sky Ferreira- everything is embarrassing
79. Charli XCX - vroom vroom
80. Dej Loaf - try me
81. April - oh! My mistake
82. Drake - hotline bling
83. Yemi alade - Johnny
84. Madonna - god control
85. Playboi Carti - lean 4 real
86. Nicki Minaj - black barbies
87. Kane brown - heaven
88. George clanton- slide
89. Elle king - exes and ohs
90. Selena Gomez - good for you
91. Cigarettes after sex - each time you fal in love
92. Moses sumney- don’t bother calling
93. Waka flocka flame - hard in da paint
94. LOONA - girl front
95. Weyes blood - andromeda
96. Purity ring - fineshrine
97. Ariana gende - thank y next
98. Lady Gaga - do what u want
99. Ski mask the slump god - faucet failure
100. Marina - how to be a heartbreaker
101. Ellie Goulding - love me like you do
102. Hatchie- sugar and spice
103. Spooky black - without u
104. Loreen - euphoria
105. Ella Mai - boo’d up
106. Rina sawayama - alterlife
107. Sofi de la torre- vermilion
108. Billie Eilish - bury a friend
109. Rihanna - what’s my name
110. Chelley - took the night
111. Noah Cyrus - make me cry
112. Crim3s - stay ugly
113. Kacey Musgraves - merry go round
114. Rosalia - malamente
115. Nicki Minaj - chun li
116. Drake - crew love
117. Anhoni- drone bomb me
118. Britney Spears - til the world ends
119. Didddy dirty money - ass on the floor
120. Lana Del Rey - video games
121. Daphne and Celeste - BB
122. City Girls - act up
123. SOPHIE - bipp
124. Moses sumney- quarrel
125. Lil uzi Vert - xo your life
126. Wonder girls - I feel you
127. Kyary pamyu pamyu- ponponpon
128. Taylor Swift - look what you made me do
129. Lorde - royals
130. Cupcakke - cpr
131. White ring - IxC999
132. Jai Paul - str8 outta Mumbai
133. Tay K - the race
134. Flo milli - beef flomix
135. Katie got bandz - I need a hitta
136. Jhene aiko- sativa
137. Fever Ray - to the moon and back
138. The internet- girl
139. Susanne sunddor - delirious
140. Future - codeine crazy
141. JLin - erotic heat
143. Mariah Carey A no no
144. Dua lipa - don’t start now
145. Paramore - hard times
146. Azealia banks - heavy metal and reflective
147. Kesha - tik tok
148. One direction - kiss you
149. Kelis - acapella
150. Azealia banks - 212
151. Future - mask off
152. Demi Lovato - cool does the summer
153. 100 gecs - money machine
154. Chief keef - love Sosa
155. Lana Del Rey - high by the beach
156. Post Malone - better now
157. Lim kim - awoo
158. Nicole Dolangangrr - chapel
159. Let’s eat grandma - falling into me
160. Miley Cyrus - we can’t stop
161. Charli XCX - track 10
162. Cardi b - bodakyellow
163. Leikeli47 - attitude
164. K Michelle - VSOP
165. Sevyn streetwr - it won’t stop
166. The band Perry - if i die young
167. Usher - climax
168. Trippie Red - love scars
169. Lady Gaga - bnorm this way
170. Lana Del Rey - Venice. Bitch
171. Kelly Rowland - motivation
172. Yung lean - Kyoto
173. BANKS - Gemini feed
174. Hudson Mohawke - fuse
175. F(x) - 4 walls
176. Rihanna - kiss it better
177. ASAP Ferg - Shaba
178. Sophia Grace - Best friends
179. Kim Petras - heart to break
180. Sleigh bells - tell em
181. Sandy Alex g - Bobby
182. Florrie- I took a little something
183. The 1975 - love it if we made it
184. Nicki Minaj - your love
185. Mitski - your best American girl
186. Carly Rae Jepsen - run away with me
187. Robyn - honey
188. Jade bird - lottery
189. Rosalia - con Altura
190. Kanye west - black skinhead
191. Solange - cranes in the sky
192. Lil Peep - kiss
193. Fka twigs - two weeks
194. Ty dolla sign - paranoid
195. St Vincent - masseduction
196. Bad bunny - caro
197. Drake - in my feelings
198. Kanye west - father stretch my hands
199. Bhad Bhabie- hi bich
200. Caroline polachek - Door
55 notes · View notes
lotusplum · 5 years
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥! | 𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬 & 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬
Teens -
Kendrick Ise (Teen Boi): Hair | Sweater | Pants | Shoes
Ham Cho (Teen Girl): Hair | Bangs | Top | Skirt | Socks | Shoes | Bookbag
Kids - 
Andrew (Black/White Sweater)
Hair (BG)| Sweater | Jeans | Boots
Hanae (Blue Turtleneck)
Hair | Sweater | Skirt | Socks | Shoes | Backpack
Anna-Lidia (Overalls)
Hair | Overalls | Sandals | Backpack
Stephan (Mohawk)
Hair (Island Liv,) | Outfit | Shoes
Bella (Yellow Bow)
Hair | Bow | Top | Pants | Sandals | Backpack
Credit: @clumsyalienn, @onyxsims, @rusty-sims, @qwertysims, @darte77, @inabadromance, @sisselin, @simgguk, @srslysims
Poses by: @atashi77, @mel-bennett, @simmerberlin, @clumsyalienn
119 notes · View notes
Indigenous Character Tournament
Round 1
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The bracket was randomly generated with minor tweaking to balance it out since there are so many characters. Ties are allowed only when there is an exact 50/50 and in that case, the characters will move on as a team. Propaganda is allowed and encouraged! The polls of each bracket will last one week! Below are the match-ups in case it is hard to read the bracket! :)
Voting will start Monday, May 8th at 6:00 P.M. EST! The polls will be released in waves.
Bracket A
Eliza Maza (Gargoyles) vs Willie Jack (Reservation Dogs)
Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Kamakiri (One Piece)
Joseph (Blood Quantum) vs Fuzzy Mac (Grace Beside Me)
John Redcorn (King of the Hill) vs Clinton Skye (FBI: Most Wanted)
Travis Manawa (Fear the Walking Dead) vs Jessica Keynes (Miraculous Ladybug)
Artemy Burakh (Pathologic) vs Nakamura Kotan (Yuusha Dan)
Delsin Rowe (Infamous: Second Son) vs Moana (Moana)
Pike Dexter (Big Eden) vs Naru (Predator)
Victor Joseph (Smoke Signals) vs Volo (Pokemon Legends: Arceus)
Prince Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke) vs Kurapika Kurta (Hunter x Hunter)
Naranpa (Black Sun) vs Kirikou (Kirikou and the Sorceress)
Fredzilla (Big Hero 6) vs Margaret Kohere (Apex Legends)
Wyper (One Piece) vs Jenna Begay (Echo Project)
Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove) vs Rock (Nanbaka)
Ka'kwet (Anne with an E) vs Akita (Ninjago)
Tanis (Letterkenny) vs Caitlin (Mohawk Girls)
Bracket B
Asirpa (Golden Kamuy) vs Asterix (Asterix the Gaul)
Little Strongheart (My Little Pony) vs Atticus O'Sullivan (The Iron Druid)
Makoa Gibraltar (Apex Legends) vs Joss (Blood Quantum)
Kenai (Brother Bear) vs Ratonhnhaké:ton (Assassin’s Creed III)
Miyax/Julie (Julie of the Wolves) vs Massai (Fortnite)
Anna (Mohawk Girls) vs Princess Maya (Maya and the Three)
Izel (Onyx Equinox) vs Mercy Thompson (Mercy Thompson)
Charles Smith (Red Dead Redemption 2) vs Dr. Joshua "Strongbear" Sweet (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Lady Silence/Silna (The Terror) vs Dedue (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Koen West (Cleverman) vs Hau (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
Elora Danan Postoak (Reservation Dogs) vs Iduna (Frozen)
Zia (Mysterious Cities of Gold) vs Knuckles Thrash/Harley (Sleepless Domain)
Carlos Oliveira (Resident Evil series) vs Nainoa Flores (Sharks in the Time of Saviors)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Little Creek (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
Asta Twelvetrees (Resident Alien) vs Hototo (Appare-Ranman!)
Bracket C
Nate Kinski (Neighbours) vs Usui Horokeu/Horohoro (Shaman King)
Reki Kyan (SK8 the Infinity) vs Waruu West (Cleverman)
Mugen (Samurai Champloo) vs Sitka (Brother Bear)
Samantha Black Crow (American Gods) vs Sasappis (Ghosts CBS)
Nina Aroyo (A Snake Falls to Earth) vs Malakai Mitchell (Heartbreak High)
Echo Reverie (Friends at the Table) vs Nuna (Kisima Inŋitchuŋa)
Margu (Klaus) vs Raúl Cocolotl (Wendell & Wild)
Huā Chéng (Heaven Official's Blessing) vs Leilani (Indivisible)
Elatsoe Bride (Elatsoe) vs Tao (Mysterious Cities of Gold)
Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs Jesse Cosay (Infinity Train)
Kalgara (One Piece) vs Molly Mabray (Molly of Denali)
Miko Kalani (Barbie) vs Tom Evans (Captain Canuck)
Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) vs Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Thomas Builds-the-Fire (Smoke Signals) vs Fiza (Daevabad Trilogy)
Tikal the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Greiger (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Maya Lopez/Echo (Marvel comics) vs Bear Smallhill (Reservation Dogs)
Bracket D
Chakotay (Star Trek: Voyager) vs Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus)
Emperor Kuzco (The Emperor's New Groove) vs Denahi (Brother Bear)
Ricky Baker (Hunt for the Wilderpeople) vs Kristoff (Frozen)
Serapio (Black Sun) vs Boy (Boy - 2010 film)
Inkarmat (Golden Kamuy) vs Geronimo Jr. (Cyborg 009)
Tanigaki Genjirō (Golden Kamuy) vs Betty (Infamous: Second Son)
Pacha (The Emperor's New Groove) vs JJ Jacobs (DImension 20)
Kaya'aton'my (American Girl) vs Danielle Moonstar/Mirage (Marvel comics)
Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Sacagawea (Night at the Museum)
Débora (Cidade Invisível) vs Matthew Carver (Kagagi)
Papa-Capim (Turma da Mônica) vs Professor Kukui (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
Tainá (Tainá uma aventura na Amazônia) vs Nuna (Indivisible)
Ken Hotate (Parks and Recreation) vs Nizhoni (Race to the Sun)
Revali (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) vs Daunis Fontaine (Firekeeper's Daughter)
Korra (The Legend of Korra) vs Ch'ah Toh Almehen/Namor the Submariner (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever)
Tye Longshadow (Young Justice) vs Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch)
202 notes · View notes
Sunsets & Whiskey Kisses: Chapter Forty Three.
WARNING!: If you feel personally victimized by the mention of a father in the bath with his 1 yr old toddler, click out of this story now. Do not come at me either, you have been warned!
“Alright sweet pea, throw the bread.” Marlene said as they were feeding the ducklings a treat. Anna giggled when Gary pecked Chicken on the head. 
“Meanie.” Anna lectured when Gary quacked angrily at Maisie.
“That’s right, little lady. You tell him.” Richard said as he walked over to the woman and toddler. Anna held her arms up at her papa and he happily picked her up.
“I suppose we should get the rest of her things together.” Marlene said as she closed the bread bag. 
“Jack did call and said that they were on their way home. He then sent this photo.” Richard said as he showed his wife the photo of Parker in her car seat ready to go home.
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“Well, if we want to meet them at the house, we better get going.” Marlene said. Richard nodded.
“Alrighty sweet pea. Say bye bye to Gary, Maisie, Chicken and Sunshine.” Richard said as he lowered the little girl to the ground so she could pet them one last time.
“Bye bye duckies.” Anna said as she waved at them. “Love you.” She finished as she turned back to Richard and signaled that she wanted to be held again. Richard picked her up and they walked back to the house.
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Marlene was waiting for them by the front door with Anna’s bag and her ducky.
“Are you ready to see mama, dada and baby Parker?” Marlene asked and Anna frowned.
“No, dumb baby.” Anna said through a pout while she crossed her arm over her chest.
“That’s not nice, Anna Grace.” Richard warned and Anna frowned at him. “Big sisters are supposed to be nice.” He continued. Anna shook her head.
“Do you want ducky?” Marlene asked as she held out the toy to the annoyed tot.
“Tata.” Anna said as she held her ducky close.
Richard got Anna settled in her car seat and then he and Marlene were on their way to the lake house to greet the newborn and her parents.
The drive there was silent until Anna started singing to herself. Marlene smiled and looked over at her husband.
“Do you remember the long road trips we’d take and Gabriel would sit in the back seat singing to himself?” Marlene asked as she thought back to when her son was Anna’s age.
“Drove us crazy.” Richard agreed.
Anna’s singing got louder and louder the closer they got to the house. She even made her ducky dance to her song.
When they actually got the house, Grace was waiting for them. Anna waved to the woman outside and smiled excitedly.
“Mi.” Anna said as she kicked her legs, making herself bounce in her car seat. The car came to a stop and Grace got her granddaughter out.
“Hi mi.” Anna said as she wrapped her arms around her grandmother's neck.
“Hi pretty girl. I missed you.” Grace said as she attacked the toddler with kisses. Anna squealed with laughter as she tried to squirm away.
“Shall we go inside?” Marlene asked, just as Jack pulled into the driveway.
Anna instantly went quiet and hid her face in her grandmother’s neck.
“Welcome home you three.” Richard said when Jack got out of the truck.
“Thanks grandpa.” Jack replied as he went around to help Ryleigh out and then get Parker.
“Can I have an Anna cuddle?” Ryleigh asked as she walked up to her mother and her daughter, forgetting the fact that she wasn’t supposed to carry anything heavier than Parker.
Anna grunted in response.
“Come on, don’t be like that, mama just wants a cuddle.” Jack said as he walked over to them whilst holding the car seat containing the newborn.
“Jack, it’s ok.” Ryleigh said but Jack shook his head.
“No, it’s not. She’s gotta learn that she can’t always be a grump.” He replied and Anna looked at him with sadness in her eyes. She wasn’t being grumpy, all she really wanted was to stay in her grandmother’s arms.
“Not grumpy.” Anna said as she looked at her father.
Ignoring her comment, Jack walked into the house with everyone following him.
“You just want Mi don’t you?” Ryleigh asked with a warm smile. Anna nodded and laid her head on Grace’s shoulder.
“You stay with Mi then. Can I have Anna cuddles before naptime though? Just you, me and ducky.” Ryleigh asked and the little gave her mother a smile and nodded.
“Yeah.” Anna replied.
“I look forward to it.” Ryleigh whispered as she kissed her daughter’s temple.
Ryleigh then walked over to her husband.
“You’re the grump by the way. All Anna wants is her grandmother, so snap out of your funk please.” Ryleigh said before kissing his cheek and walking over to the fridge to grab a water bottle.
“I’m not in a funk.” Jack grumbled as he took Parker out of the carseat and placed her in the rocker they had set up in the corner of the living room.
Marlene and Richard only stayed long enough to make sure that everyone was settled in ok. They had told Jack that they would be happy to take Anna if he and Ryleigh needed a break or if they needed help with anything. Their grandson agreed and bid goodbye to the elderly couple.
Grace stuck around and even though Anna wanted to cling to her grandmother after her nap, Grace had insisted on making the family of four some food for the next few weeks so that Ryleigh could rest and recover faster. Ryleigh thanked her mother and Jack hugged his mother-in-law.
“Thank you so much for staying to make up some dinner for us all.”Jack said as he broke the embrace. Grace smiled and patted the man’s cheek.
“Thank you for making me a Mi again.” She replied. Jack chuckled and nodded.
“You’re welcome.” Jack said. Anna of course reached for her father who happily took her.
“Call me if you need anything.” Grace said as she walked toward the front door.
“Love Mi.” Anna said tiredly whilst waving at the woman. Jack kissed the tot’s cheek and she giggled.
“I love you too my sweet girl. You look after mama and dada for me.” Grace said and Anna nodded in response.
Grace took her leave and Jack went into the kitchen to dish up dinner for Anna, Ryleigh and himself.
“Alright sweet pea, how about we bring this to mama and then dada can read to you before bed time.” Jack said after he and Anna ate.
Ryleigh had told him that she was going to lay on the sofa while Parker slept. She had told her husband that he and Anna could at their dinner. Jack reluctantly fed himself and his daughter because he felt bad for eating without his wife.
“Yeah.” Anna said as she followed her father into the living room where Ryleigh was laying down and now watching tv.
“Here you go my love.” Jack said as he handed her a bowl of soup. “Anna wanted to put cheese on top.” He said when he saw the look of confusion on her face.
“Thank you my darlings. It looks and smells so good.” Ryleigh said as she slowly sat up.
“Welcome mama.” Anna said through her cute and shy smile. Ryleigh kissed her cheek.
“Did the both of you enjoy your dinner?” Ryleigh aske, now looking at her husband.
“It was really good, wasn’t it?” Jack questioned as he felt Anna grasp his hand from where she was standing beside him. The little girl nodded.
“I’m glad to hear that you liked it. What are you going to do now?” The mother asked as she took the soup into her mouth carefully.
“Bed.” Anna announced happily. Jack chuckled and looked at Ryleigh.
“Why don’t you grab ducky, then dada can tuck you in, ok?” Jack suggested and Anna ran off to the last place she had her ducky.
“While she’s gone, why don’t you come here and kiss me quickly.” Ryleigh said with a smirk. Jack walked closer to his wife and placed his lips on hers softly, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away.
“I love you baby.” Jack whispered before moving to kiss her forehead. “Eat up and I’ll be back down after putting Anna to bed.” He said just as Anna ran back into the living room.
“Did ducky have fun at the farm?” Ryleigh asked and Anna smiled brightly, with the same smile she inherited from her dada.
“Yeah.” Anna replied as she held her ducky close and attempted to rock him side to side shyly.
“I’m glad my beautiful girl. Come here and give me a kiss.” Ryleigh said and Anna walked over to her mother.
“Love you mama.” Anna said as before kissing her mother’s cheek. Ryleigh hugged the tiny tot.
“Have a good sleep. Mama will see you in the morning, okay?” Ryleigh asked. Anna nodded and walked over to her father who picked her up.
“Night night mama.” Jack said, mimicking Anna while making his daughter’s hand move in a waving motion. Anna giggled and laid her head on her father’s shoulder.
The duo walked up the stairs and into the family bathroom where Jack got Anna ready for her bath. He placed the non slip mat on the bottom of the tub and then undressed his daughter before placing Anna’s bath toys on the bottom of the tub.
Jack filled the bathtub and while he was doing that, Anna watched as her little toy turtles rose with the water.
“Come on you little nakey lady.” Jack said as he lifted the little girl up and kissed her cheek. Anna giggled and pointed to her toys.
“Nakey toy!” Anna said as she continued to giggle. Jack chuckled and placed his daughter in the warm water.
Jack let Anna play with her turtle toys for a few minutes.
“Can dada wash your hair now?” He asked as he picked up the little water jug so that he could wet Anna’s hair.
“Otay dada.” Anna replied as she continued dunking the turtles under water. Jack smiled as Anna started babbling and singing. She was definitely his daughter.
“Close your eyes for me. I don’t want water in your eyes.” Jack said and Anna did as she was told, even though she was holding a toy that was attempting to swim away but couldn’t.
Jack took his time with washing Anna’s hair. He knew that as long as she was happy, he could take an hour to wash her hair if he wanted to.
“What hairstyle would you like today?” Jack asked in mock professionalism.
“Aprise.” Anna said and Jack chuckled.
“Surprise it is.” He replied.
The father played around and eventually settled on a mohawk. Of course he had to laugh when he saw it completed because Anna looked so cute.
“I see?” Anna asked through a fit of giggles as she watched her father laugh and smile brightly at the sight of her.
Jack dipped his hands in the water to rid them of the shampoo before drying his hands and grabbing his phone to snap a picture.
“Smile for dada, nakey lady.” Jack said and Anna gave him her biggest smile yet. Her eyes subsequently disappeared from how bright and wide her smile was.
Jack’s heart swelled with so much love from that one picture alone. His little girl didn’t appear so little anymore. Her toothy smile, her soapy hair, everything about her screamed ‘big girl’ to him and that was something that he truthfully wasn’t prepared for.
“My beautiful little girl.” Jack said as he placed his phone back down again before rinsing the suds from Anna’s hair.
Once Anna had had enough of the bath, Jack pulled her out and wrapped her in her hooded duck towel.
“Let’s get you all cozy and tucked in.” Jack said as they walked to Anna’s room.
“Book?” Anna asked as Jack set her on her feet.
“I will read to you but you have to get dressed first.” Jack replied, pulling out Anna’s zebra print romper pajamas and a pull up. Anna nodded and let her father dry her off.
When the toddler was dressed, Jack brushed her hair and she didn’t like that one bit. She grunted at him in annoyance and screamed when she felt like he was hurting her.
“Quit moving around please.” Jack sighed, almost ready to give up on brushing the girl’s hair.
Anna shook her head and frowned at him.
“No.” Anna shouted.
Jack breathed out and handed her ducky and her soother.
“Now will you stay still?” He asked and she thought for a moment.
“Owie.” She grumbled sassily. Jack rolled his eyes and decided that it was time to give up on brushing Anna’s damp locks that were now curling at the ends.
“Fine, you little sass pot.” Jack said as he stood up and scooped the little girl up before grabbing the first book his eyes landed on, Grumpycorn. He laughed internally at how perfectly it fit the current situation.
The father sat in the rocker and set his toddler on his lap and made sure that she and Ducky were comfortable before he opened the book.
The story was going well but for Anna, she got a little confused when her father’s voice changed slightly. She decided to let it go.
Anna’s little fingers played with the hair on Jack’s arm as he read from the book.
“Do you see he’s here waiting for an idea?” Jack asked softly as he pointed to the picture. Anna nodded and leaned back against his chest.
Jack turned the page and started reading again but as soon as Jack’s voice turned deep and sonorous, Anna looked at him with worry and confusion. She thought he had lost the plot but decided to let it go once more. Jack continued to read.
The second time that Jack deepened his voice, Anna knew that it was time to check her father’s temperature. Her small hand reached up and rested against his forehead.
“Dada sick?” Anna asked with genuine concern. Jack had to fight the laughter bubbling up inside.
“No sweet pea. Dada’s fine, I promise.” Jack replied with a smile. “Dada’s just trying to make the story more interesting.” Jack continued but Anna wasn’t having it. The little girl continued to feel his face to make sure he was really ok.
“Otay.” Anna said when she was satisfied with his normal temperature.
“See him sitting there looking very grand?” Jack asked before he scratched his nose. Anna nodded again and patted his arm gently.
“See, you can see Narwhal there helping make the cookies with mermaid.” Jack said before he turned the page. Anna just sat there and waited for the next part of the story.
Anna giggled when Jack made a chewing sound.
“Meanie.” Anna comments around her soother. Jack smiled slightly and turned the page.
“What’s wrong Mermaid?” Jack asked in a high pitched voice and Anna didn’t like that at all.
It scared her but she tried to be brave.
“Maybe I’m in it.” Jack said again in a high pitched voice. Anna couldn’t take it.
“No, dada.” Anna said as she shrunk back into him. Jack knew that she was scared by the way she gripped his arm.
“You’re ok, sweet pea. The story is almost done.” Jack replied as he kissed the top of her head and held her closer to let her know that he was there.
Anna nodded slowly, not sure if she wanted her father to finish the book.
“Hello unicorn.” Jack started and Anna wriggled in his grasp.
“All done.” She said frantically with fear in her voice. She wasn’t used to all the voices that Jack was using as her parents always read to her in their ‘normal’ voices.
“Ok, my darling. You’re ok.” Jack replied.
He closed the book and placed down so that he could cuddle the sniffling toddler.
“Dada’s sorry.” Jack said with regret as Anna cuddled into him and held onto him tightly.
“No more.” Anna mumbled in reply. Jack kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.
“How about we read another one? I promise that I won't do the voices this time.” He suggested and Anna shook her head.
“What about your puppy book?” Jack asked, referring to the poky puppy book that the little one loved so much.
Anna lifted her head and looked at her father with tears slowly running down her cheeks. Jack wiped her tears and gave her a kiss.
“Puppy.” Anna said eventually when she managed to calm down a little bit.
Jack stood up with Anna still clinging to him and went to retrieve the poky puppy book.
While Jack was upstairs putting Anna to bed, Ryleigh was downstairs feeding Parker. She was enjoying the silence and enjoying the bonding time she and the baby were having.
“Did she go down ok?” Ryleigh asked when she heard her husband sigh.
“Yeah. I read grumpycorn to her but made the mistake of using special voices for the characters and ended up scaring her. I felt bad so I stopped reading and wound up reading the poky puppy.” Jack explained as Ryleigh unlatched the now drowsy infant.
“I see. I’m glad she’s ok now.” The woman replied.
Jack sat down next to Ryleigh and showed her the picture he took of Anna in the bath.
“Aww, she looks so grown up.” Ryleigh said as tears grew in her eyes.
“She started crying when I did the voice for the jellyfish.” He admitted and Ryleigh smirked and blinked her tears away.
“Why exactly?” She asked and Jack shrugged sheepishly.
“I may have gone a little too high pitched.” He replied as he took Parker from her mother so that he could burp her.
“Jacks.” Ryleigh sighed. “If she has nightmares and screams bloody murder tonight, I don’t blame her.” She concluded as she stared at her husband from her spot on his left shoulder.
“How about we put this one to bed and watch a movie?” He attempted. Ryleigh smiled at him and nodded against him.
“I’ll get the snacks?” She asked as she moved away from him so that he could get up.
“Perfect.” Jack replied as he walked over to the baby swing to place Parker down. He made sure that his youngest was settled comfortably. Once he was sure that PJ was happy, he made his way over to their DVD collection and picked out a movie.
Ryleigh walked around the kitchen slowly and gathered everything from chocolate to chips. She couldn’t wait to eat junk food.
“What movie did you choose?” Ryleigh asked as she hurried toward the sofa.
“Guess.” Jack replied with a cheeky grin.
“Something you can use as a way to get me to hide my face in the crook of your neck?” Ryleigh questioned as she sat down and opened the bag of chips.
“Nope. Guess again.” Jack said as he joined his wife on the sofa.
“Something that’s going to make my cry so that you have an excuse to cuddle me?” She thought out loud.
Jack shook his head and took the bag of chips from her.
“Fine, I give. What is it?” Ryleigh said, admitting defeat.
“Press play and you’ll see.” Jack said as he crossed his legs, wrapped an arm around Ryleigh and got comfortable.
Ryleigh grabbed the remote and leaned into her husband’s side, resting her head between his chest and shoulder
As soon as Ryleigh hit play, the theme music for the Emperor's New Groove started playing. Ryleigh chuckled and kissed Jack’s cheek.
“You really are a dork.” Ryleigh commented, making Jack smile widely.
“Yup.” He replied before they started watching the movie and eating their snacks.
The first night home was difficult to say the least. Parker wouldn’t let Ryleigh put her down and every time that Jack changed her diaper, the newborn would scream bloody murder. Both adults were exhausted and by the time they managed to fall asleep, Anna alerted them that the sun was beginning to shine.
“She’s awake.” Jack said as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.
Ryleigh nodded and groaned as Parker started crying. She sat up and looked around for another diaper.
“No more diapers in here, you’ll have to take her to Anna’s room to change her.” Ryleigh said as she slowly stood up.
“Why me?” Jack whined.
“Because our girls need their dada and because I’m kind of hurting and could use a shower to relax.” She replied, grinning cheekily.
“Right but just know that you can’t use the operation card all the time so use it wisely now.” Jack tased as he kissed Ryleigh’s lips quickly before getting up, picking Parkr up and disappearing to the nursery. Ryleigh sighed to herself at how amazing a father her husband was.
While Jack was taking care of the girls, Ryleigh decided that she was going to shower. Her doctor had told her that a shower was ok as she had gotten dissolvable stitches and was glued on the outside.
The woman made her way to the bathroom slowly. Once she was in the room, she removed her clothes and set the shower water to a warm temperature. She then stepped in and let the water relax her aching muscles.
“Dada, I help?” Anna asked as she saw her father undoing her sister’s onesie.
Jack nodded and the toddler reached out for him as he quickly walked over to her and lifted her out of the crib she was in.
“Tata.” Anna said as Jack set her down before quickly going back to the fussy baby.
“Grab your stool.” Jack said as he started removing Parker’s diaper.
Anna pulled her stool beside her father and watched him begin to change her sister. Of course with this being a new thing for her, Anna was enthralled with the umbilical stump that was still attached to the newborn.
“What that?” Anna asked finally before rubbing her eyes and yawning.
“This?” Jack asked as he pointed to where Anna was looking. Anna nodded. “Here, give me your finger.” Jack said and Anna brought her hand closer to him.
Jack folded Anna’s fingers down except for her index finger. Jack let the toddler feel the side of the stump and Anna grimaced.
“Eww, slimy.” Anna commented as her face contorted in disgust but despite that, the little girl couldn’t stop poking it. She was fascinated with it but the texture was still weird in her eyes.
“Pretty cool eh?” Jack replied.
“Why it there?” Anna asked, wanting to know why her sister had it.
“That’s how mama fed Parker while she was in mama’s belly.” Jack explained. Anna looked between him and Parker, trying to process what he had just told her.
“Dada have one?” Anna asked.
“Dada did, it fell out though. Parker’s will fall out as well.” He replied but that wasn’t enough for Anna. The toddler lifted her shirt and looked for hers.
“I have one?” Anna wondered as she examined her belly and Jack nodded.
“You did, but it fell off.” The father replied. Anna gasped.
“Oh no.” She said as she held her small hand over her belly button as if protecting it to make sure it wouldn’t fall off. “Owie?” Anna questioned, wanting to know if it hurt.
“No sweet pea, it doesn’t hurt.” Jack said. Anna nodded but giggled when Parker started peeing on Jack.
“Oh come on, seriously?” Jack groaned as he tried to stop the golden shower. Much like the first time she peed on him, it was over before he could cover her and prevent the shower the newborn felt he needed.
Despite being annoyed, he finished changing the baby’s diaper before dressing her in a new onesie as Parker peed on the one she was wearing.
When the baby was all clean, Jack took her back to his and Ryleigh’s room with Anna trailing behind him as she continued to giggle and hold her belly.
“Jesus Jack, I know I was having a shower but if you were in that much of a hurry, you could have gone first. I wouldn’t have minded.” Ryleigh teased as she stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed. Her eyes landing on her husband’s wet shirt that smelled heavily of urine.
Jack didn’t say anything. He simply gave her the deepest glare he could muster.
“Here, pass her to me and you can go and clean up.” Ryleigh said as she sat down in their bed.
Jack handed the baby over and walked toward the bathroom.
“Enjoy your shower, golden boy.” Ryleigh mumbled as she and Anna smirked at each other.
“I heard that.” Jack said as he shut the door.
“You were supposed to.” Ryleigh called back before she took notice of the fact that Anna was holding her little chubby belly.
“What’s wrong sweet pea? Are you ok?” The mother asked.
Anna nodded happily as she rocked herself side to side cutely.
“Why are you holding your belly then, little one?” Ryleigh asked as she started nursing the baby.
“Button gone. Falled off mama.” Anna replied with shock. Ryleigh laughed to herself because the toddler’s reaction to her umbilical cord missing was just so cute.
Anna stood there looking at her mama with sad eyes. She didn’t understand why her concern was so funny.
Thankfully by this point, PJ was sound asleep again and Ryleigh was able to unlatch her and lay her down in her bassinet beside the bed.
“Come here, kiddo.” Ryleigh said and Anna sauntered over to her mother.
Ryleigh helped Anna on to the bed where she scooped up her eldest and hugged her.
“I’m sorry for laughing.” The mother apologized, rubbing Anna’s back.
For the next couple minutes, Ryleigh explained what the umbilical cord was and how it worked. Of course Anna already knew what it was for because her dada had told her the same thing.
While Ryleigh was explaining things to Anna, in simple terms obviously, Jack emerged from the bathroom wearing the clothes that Ryleigh had left in the bathroom for him.
“Feel better?” Ryleigh asked, genuinely wanting to know.
“I do, thank you. Thanks for the clothes by the way.” Jack said as he sat beside his wife on the bed.
“What do you two want for breakfast?” Jack asked.
The mother and daughter looked at each other in thought.
“Nana.” Anna replied, making Jack smile.
“Anything else, sweet pea?” He asked again.
This time Ryleigh whispered in the toddler’s ear.
“Ridge.” Anna announced proudly. Jack chuckled.
“Porridge and banana it is.” Jack said as he stood up and picked Anna up. “Let’s get you changed first.” He said as he walked out of the room.
“Let’s head downstairs, little one.” Ryleigh said as she stood from her spot to retrieve the youngest girl from her bassinet.
Slowly but surely, Ryleigh made her way downstairs and walked over to the sofa.
Back upstairs, Jack changed Anna’s pull up and got her dressed in a pair of joggers, her favorite shirt, her blue sandals and then of course, Anna insisted on wearing her monkey backpack.
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“You don’t need that. We’re staying home today.” Jack said as he tried to take the bag.
“I need it.” Anna huffed in annoyance.
“What do you need it for?” Jack asked.
“Carry my toys.” Anna replied in an obvious tone. Jack chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Fine, but you have to take it off when we eat or when you want to sit down ok?” Jack said. 
Anna nodded and ran for the stairs.
“Where do you think you’re going. I still have to do your hair.” Jack called as he walked from her room.
“No, pease.” Anna begged as she pointed to the baby gate at the top of the stairs.
“Yes, please. Come on.” Jack said as he held his hand out for her to take.
“Wanna play.” Anna grumbled.
“You can play after I do your hair.” The father said as he took Anna’s hand in his.
“Play now.” Anna said and Jack shook his head.
“No can do sweet pea.” Jack replied as he picked the girl up and placed her on the bathroom counter so that he could do her hair. 
Anna squirmed to get away as Jack worked on tidying her messy curls, essentially making her father annoyed.
“Anna, stop. I’m almost done.” Jack warned as he finished off the little top knots he put in her hair.
“Meanie.” Anna said as she sat there with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.
“I’m not a meanie.” He replied, inspecting his handy work.
When Jack was satisfied with everything, he set Anna down and she ran back to the stairs.
“Come on you little crank pot. Let’s make breakfast.” Jack said as he walked up to his daughter and handed her her ducky.
“Otay.” She replied. Jack opened the baby gate and let Anna walk down first. 
The sight before him was so cute. The toddler held on to the banister with both hands as she walked down the stairs one by one slowly.
Once they reached the bottom, Anna rushed off to play with her toys while Jack made breakfast.
“What do you have in there sweet pea?” Ryleigh asked as she continued to nurse Parker.
Anna opened her backpack to see what Jack had put in there for her while she was dressing her ducky. He had put in a couple toy cars of hers, a book and a hand full of her little finger puppets.
“My treasures.” Anna replied after she pulled out one of her finger puppets and put it on her finger.
“I see.” Ryleigh said as she unlatched the baby and burped her, before latching Parker on to the other breast.
Anna continued examining her finger puppet to make sure it was still ok. Both Ryleigh and Jack were watching the little girl’s movements.
Completely unaware that she was being watched, Anna removed the puppet from her finger and brought it to her mouth.
“Mwah.” Anna said as she kissed the material she had just removed from her finger. The little girl then put it back in her bag.
Jack and Ryleigh looked at each other and smiled warmly. 
“Little cutie, taking such good care of her toys.” Jack said, looking at his wife. Ryleigh nodded and turned her attention back to Parker.
Anna looked up at her father and gave him a big cheesy smile, thinking that he was praising her for being good and respecting her toys. 
Jack walked over to her and kissed the top of her head.
“Breakfast is ready, sweet pea.” Jack said and Anna nodded. She grabbed her bag and her ducky and followed her father to the table.
“Do you want some tea with your porridge, babe.” Jack questioned, looking over at Ryleigh. 
“Tea sounds great, thanks Jacks.” The woman replied.
Jack got Anna settled in her high chair and went to make tea.
“Hi mama.” Anna greeted when Ryleigh sat down next to her. Anna shoved a banana into her mouth.
“Hi baby. Is your breakfast good?” The mother asked in reply. Anna nodded and continued to eat her food.
A few hours later, Jack and Anna were running around outside chasing and throwing mud at each other while Ducky, the monkey backpack and Ryleigh sat on the back deck with Parker on her chest.
“Jackson, please watch her.” Ryleigh called when she saw Anna get too close to her little trampoline.
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“She’s fine Ryl-” He started saying before Anna tripped over the slide that was attached to her trampoline.
Jack rushed over to her and Anna just smiled at him.
“I fine.” Anna said through a fit of giggles as her father helped her up and pat the grass and crap off the front of her.
“I think that’s enough for today.” Jack said as he picked Anna up and walked over to Ryleigh with sheepish grins on their faces.
“Right you muppets. Why don’t you both go and have a bath and get into your pajamas and I’ll order something for dinner. Then when you are ready, we can watch a movie in our room tonight.” Ryleigh said and Jack nodded.
The family walked inside and went upstairs. Ryleigh put Parker in her bassinet before sitting on her bed and scrolling through her phone for what to order for dinner. 
While Ryleigh was surfing the internet for food, Jack and Anna were in the bathroom about to get into the tub.
“My turtles.” Anna said as she and Jack sat in the warm water.
“Do you really need them? You won’t be able to see them in the bubbles, honey.” Jack questioned. Anna nodded.
“Yes, I need them.” She replied as she splashed the water around.
Jack reached over the tub and grabbed the swimming devices, placing them in the water. 
“Tata.” Anna said as she started playing with them.
“You’re welcome sweet pea.” The father replied.
He watched Anna play for a few minutes before taking a washcloth and washing the dried mud from Anna’s small body. 
“Dada look. Him swimmin’.” Anna pointed to the turtle swimming toward her dada.
“Look at him go.” Jack chuckled as he finished off washing Anna.
Before Anna could say anything else, Anna farted. 
“Anna.” Jack whined slightly, making the little girl laugh. The tot thought that the bubbles the fart created were funny and she tried to fart again but she couldn’t. 
“That’s yucky.” Jack said seriously, even though a smile pulled at his lips.
Anna shook her head and farted again. 
“Ok, I think that’s enough.” Jack warned and Anna laughed.
“Dada turn.” Anna said and Jack just looked at her as she sat there waiting for him to copy her. 
“Dada can’t.” Jack replied, hoping that Anna would turn her attention to her beth toys.
“Why?” Anna asked.
“Because I don’t have to fart.” Jack countered. Anna started giggling again.
“What’s all the laughing for?” Ryleigh asked when she went to check on her husband and daughter.
“Anna keeps farting and she thinks it’s funny.” He explained and Ryleigh nodded.
“I see. Why does she want you to fart?” Ryleigh wondered. 
“Bubbles mama.” Anna answered. Jack and Ryleigh chuckled.
“No more bubbles missy. Dinner will be here soon and you and dada need to get dressed.” Ryleigh said.
“Dada turn.” Anna said again but Ryleigh shook her head.
“You leave your dada alone. If he says he doesn’t have to go, then he doesn’t have to go.” Ryleigh said as she held a towel out for Anna.
Jack picked Anna up and placed her in front of her mother who wrapped Anna in her duck towel. 
“Let’s get you changed.” Ryleigh said as she took hold of Anna’s hand and walked toward the little girl’s bedroom, leaving Jack to get out and remove the dirty water from the tub.
Once Anna was dressed, Ryleigh led her to her and Jack’s room. 
“Look dada.” Anna said as she pointed excitedly at her new pajama shirt Ryleigh had dressed her in.
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“You look so cute, princess.” Jack said as Anna toddled over to his side of the bed. 
He helped Anna onto the bed and got her settled beside him.
“The pizza came, I see.” Ryleigh said, grabbing the laptop and pulling up the Netflix page.
“It did and it smells good. My only question is, what’s in the small box?” Jack asked as he got himself and Anna covered over with blankets since he was only in boxers and Anna was only in her pajama shirt and a pull up.
“It’s a kids size pizza for Anna.” Ryleigh said while she skimmed through movies. Anna gasped and folded her hands together in happiness. She couldn’t believe she got a pizza all to herself.
“Tata mama.” Anna said as she cuddled into Jack’s side.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Thank dada though, I used his card.” Ryleigh said with a sheepish smile.
Jack laughed and rolled his eyes. 
“Tata dada.” Anna said as she smiled up at him.
“You’re welcome, princess.” He replied.
Ryleigh continued to skim through the movies but couldn’t find one that she knew they would all agree on.
“Now that we have that out of the way, what movie should we watch?” Ryleigh asked.
“Trows.” Anna suggested. Jack and Ryleigh rolled their eyes.
“No, we’re not watching trolls. We just watched that.” Ryleigh said and Anna frowned. She loved that movie.
“Pet?” Anna asked.
“Not that one either. We just saw that as well.” Jack replied, knowing that Anna was talking about the secret life of pets.
“Tome on.” Anna said in annoyance as she threw up her arms. 
Jack and Ryleigh laughed and earned themselves a glare from the 1 yr old.
“Pick one that we haven’t seen in a long time.” Ryleigh suggested and Anna gave it some thought.
“Aspicable me.” She answered proudly.
“Good choice. What do you think, dada?” Ryleigh asked, looking at her husband who was picking at his pizza.
Jack looked up at her and smiled sheepishly.
“I think that sounds good.” He replied.
“Good.” Ryleigh replied. 
She got the movie all set up and turned off the lamp on her bedside table, making the room dark and peaceful.
“Pass us the pizza.” She said to her husband.
“Just a sec, I’m getting Anna’s all set for her.” He said.
Once Anna was happily eating, Jack passed Ryleigh her pizza and they sat and enjoyed their movie.
Tag List: @sarahegerton96​ @softeggsy​ @dogmom2014​ @jobanan23​ @aberystwythboy​ @stronglyobsessed​ @holdmeclosertinytaron​ @superthiccthighssavelives​ @hauntedflamingo​ @rocknrollmadden​
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dear-indies · 4 years
hi there! can you please give some recommendations for fcs who have goth/alternative resources? i'm open to all ethnicities and any age, really! thank you so much!
Laura Dern (1963) - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017).
Pauley Perrette (1969) - NCIS (2003-2018).
Jada Pinkett Smith (1971) African-American / African-/Creole-Barbadian, African-/Creole-Jamaican - Gotham (2014-2017).
Freema Agyeman (1979) Ghanaian / Iranian - Sense8 (2015-2018). 
Krysten Ritter (1981) - Jessica Jones (2015-2019). 
Beth Ditto (1981) - lesbian. 
Inez Jasper (1981) Sto:lo, Ojibwe, Metis.
Dichen Lachman (1982) Tibetan / German - Supergirl (2016-2017).
Harry Shum Jr. (1982) Chinese - Shadowhunters (2016-2019). 
Mon Laferte (1983) Chilean. 
Manny Montana (1983) Mexican [Aztec, Spanish, Irish] - Good Girls ().
Levy Tran (1983) Vietnamese.
Tessa Thompson (1983) Afro-Panamanian / Mexican, mix of English, German, Scottish, and Irish - bisexual - Sorry to Bother You (2018).
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican. 
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish - nonbinary (they/them). 
Jaimie Alexander (1984) - Blindspot (2015-2019).
Mary Elizabeth Winstead (1984) - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010).
Janelle Monáe (1985) African-American - pansexual.
Maika Harper (1986) Inuit. 
Hale Appleman (1986) - queer - The Magicians (2015-2019).
Juliana Huxtable (1987) African-American - trans.
Tuppence Middleton (1987) - Sense8 (2015-2018). 
Ryan Ashley (1987) 
Lights Poxleitner-Bokan (1987) 
Nico Tortorella (1988) - nonbinary (they/them). 
Yeng Constantino (1988) Filipino. 
Nadia Hilker (1988) Tunisian / German.
Anna Diop (1988) Senegalese - Titans (2018-2019).
FKA twigs (1988) African-Jamaican / English, Spanish.
Robert Sheehan (1988) - The Umbrella Academy (2019-2020).
Zoë Kravitz (1988) African-American, Afro-Bahamian, Ashkenazi Jewish.
Eliza Taylor (1989) - Thumper (2017).
Kat Blaque (1990) African-American - trans.
Olly Alexander (1990) - nonbinary (he/him) - gay. 
Adelaide Kane (1990) - Into the Dark (2019).
Eduardo Casanova (1991) - gay.
Safiya Nygaard (1991) Indian / Danish.
Willy Cartier (1991) Vietnamese, Senegalese / French.
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - unsure of sexuality but not straight.
Foteini Aristakesyan (1991) Armenian. 
Awsten Knight (1992)
Tommy Martinez (1992) Venezuelan - Riverdale (2017-2018).
Sky Ferreira (1992) Portuguese Brazilian / Ashkenazi Jewish, Cheyenne, Ojibwe, Chippewa Cree, Scottish, French, English, Irish.
Emma Sulkowicz (1992) Chinese, Japanese, and Ashkenazi Jewish - non-binary (they.them).
Dorian Electra (1992) - genderfluid (they/them).
Ryan Cassata (1993) - trans.
Kiersey Clemons (1993) African-American / European - DJ Snake and Bipolar Sunshine’s music video (2016). 
Taylor Cranston (1993) 
Kawennahere Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - The Sun at Midnight (2016).
Linnea Berthelsen (1993) Indian - Strange Things (2017).
Julia Michaels (1993) Mexican [Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous] / Dutch, English, French, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Scottish.
Sofia Carson (1993) Colombian – including Arab [Syrian-Lebanese, Palestinian], Spanish, possibly English, possibly other - Descendants (2015-2019).
Nyané Lebajoa (1994) Basotho.
Lynn Gunn (1994) - lesbian.
Lina Ahn (1994) Korean. 
Emma Dumont (1994) - The Gifted (2017-2019).
Khadijha Red Thunder (1994) Cree, African-American, Spanish.
Lyrica Okano (1994) Japanese - Runaways (2017-2019).
Asami Zdrenka (1995) Japanese / English, Danish, Irish.
Stef Sanjati (1995) - Sweet/Vicious (2016-2017).
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and Welsh, as well as distant Cornish, Irish, Choctaw.
Ryan Potter (1995) Japanese / Ashkenazi Jewish, Swedish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - Titans (2018-2019).
Adeline Rudolph (1995) Korean / German - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018-2020).
Nikki Gould (1995) Mi'kmaq, Unspecified White -  Degrassi (2013-2017).
Ziibiwan (1995) Ojibwe - Two Spirit (they/them).
Miles McKenna (1995) - trans. 
Tati Gabrielle (1996) Korean / African-American - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018-2020).
Elliot Fletcher (1996) - trans. 
Mina Mahmood (1996) Pakistani. 
Luka Sabbat (1997) Haitian, Irish, English, German.
Esfir Khan (1997) Naskapi, Ojibwe, Oglala Lakota Sioux, Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, Sihasapa Lakota Sioux, Yankton Dakota Sioux, Nakoda Sioux, Jicarilla Apache, Iranian, Armenian, and Russian - autistic, bisexual, and a practising Muslim
Shannon Taylor (1997) 
Ziruza Tasmagambetova (1997) Kazakh. 
Taylor Reilly (1997) - has a unique form of chondrodysplasia punctata which caused scoliosis, trouble breathing, and unilateral deafnes.
Ariela Barer (1998) Ashkenazi Jewish, some Mexican - bisexual - Runaways (2017-2019).
Hunter Schafer (1999) - trans - Euphoria (2019).
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Chiricahua Apache / Afro-Puerto Rican & Creole - gender questioning (she/her and they/them) - pansexual. 
Minni Jo (?) Puerto Rican - NCIS (2012).
Jeff Chen (?) Chinese. 
Sandra Mae Frank (?) - deaf - Daybreak (2019).
VIZIN (?) Two Spirit - she/her and he/him - gay. 
Caligo Bastet (?) Israeli - agender. 
Roseanne Supernault (?) Cree Metis. 
Some aren’t goth / alternative but could work for said characters! -C
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batdadrph · 5 years
Hello! Can you give me suggestions for blonde/brunette actresses who can play Meg Giry from Phantom of the Opera please?
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Pardon the delay, darling gray face! I only ever to strive for excellence when it comes to answering questions and my head’s been caught up in a whirlwind of homework, so it only felt right that I take a few days to mentally stabilize myself before answering this to give you the best results you can get~
But let’s not dilly-dally; I’ve got plenty of lovely choices I can picture as my favorite girl, Meg. When I imagine her, she’s reminiscent to a delicate little bird, and these are who I feel could line up with the petite figure often seen for the role:
Lulu Antariksa - brunette (Indonesian and German, 1995)
Alisha Boe - light brunette (Norwegian and Somali, 1997)
Emily Browning - been blonde and brunette (English, 1988)
Logan Browning - brunette (unspecified black and unspecified white, 1989)
Brenna D’Amico - brunette (unspecified white, 2000)
Lily-Rose Depp - blonde (Belgian, Dutch, English, Flemish, French, Irish, Italian, Scottish, Welsh, and Vaguely African, 1999)
Natalia Dyer - brunette (English, 1995)
Winnie Harlow (African-Jamaican, 1994)
Maya Hawke - dirty blonde/light brunette (Danish, English, German, Irish, Scottish, and Swedish, 1998)
Olivia Holt - blonde (English and Scandinavian, 1997)
Devery Jacobs - brunette (Native Canadian [Mohawk], 1993)
Sarah Jeffery - light brunette (African-American, English, Native Canadian [Unspecified], 1996)
Park Bo-young - light brunette (South Korean, 1990)
Josefine Pettersen - blonde (Norwegian, 1996)
Anna Popplewell - brunette (English, 1988)
Medalion Rahimi - brunette (Iranian and Mizrahi Jewish, 1992)
AnnaSophia Robb - blonde (Danish, English, Irish, German, Scottish, and Swedish, 1993)
Tashi Rodriguez - light brunette (Afro-Puerto Rican and Spanish, 1994)
Saoirse Ronan - blonde (English, Irish, and Scottish, 1994)
Anna Speckhart - brunette (unspecified white, 1991)
Emma Watson - light brunette (English, German, Scottish, and Welsh, 1990)
Let’s hope that your perfect Mademoiselle Giry is hidden somewhere here!
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folaevanakingbola · 5 years
✧ * Maika Harper Gif Pack * ✧
[ DOWNLOAD ] In this gif pack, you will find #252 gifs of Maika Harper (b. May 6, 1986) in her role as Anna in Mohawk Girls Season 5. With this update, it brings the total amount of gifs of her on my blog to #559. She is Inuit, so remember this when using her as a faceclaim. These gifs fit with @tasksweekly‘s tasks #011, #015, and #065.
Do not turn my gifs into any dimensions that are smaller than 100x100 (yes, this includes sizes such as 120x90). You must credit me if you edit and repost these for public use, and you must tag me in the post. Read all of my rules here.
Don’t want to download my gifs but want to use them? Like/reblog this post and send me a message off anon and I’ll upload all the gifs to a page for you.
Triggers: Alcohol, flashing lights
Please like/reblog if you use these or found them to be helpful.
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